Hair Color Shathen (47 photos) - All you wanted to know about the palette of shades. Bright shades - dark and bright shades (photo)

According to the popular belief, the holders of chestnut hair controls the planet Pluto. It gives them such qualities as masculinity and courage. How to distinguish a brown brunette? How to apply makeup? What clothes should prefer? It is worth talking about it in more detail.

Brownie - Hair Color Description

The color of the hair "Shaten" is the widest color gamut. That is why, many people are quite difficult to recognize it. There are several facts by studying which, you can noticeably simplify the task.

  1. This type can include all women, the tone of the hair of which is located in the border from the light-chestnut to the dark-born. Moreover, overflows can be the most unusual: the entire palette of chocolate, golden, milk, red and brown. The base is nuts or caramel notes.
  2. Most Russian women belong to the category "Bright Chestnut". They are owners of light-light and medium-brown hair.
  3. This is the most "capricious" type. If you forget about timely care for curls, then very quickly they will become dull and unattractive.

It is worth noting that the "chestnut" is easy enough to repaint both blonde and brunette. This tint is an intermediate link between "White" and "Black".

Brown and brunette - what's the difference

Brown and brunette. What is the difference between two hair shades? In total, several main differences can be distinguished.

By semantic meaning

The word "brunette" and "Shaten" came to us from France. The first option in translation denotes brown, dark and dark. The second concept is literally indicates - chestnut. In Russia, such color shades became known in the middle of the 19th century.

The nature

Most brunettes are hot-tempered. They are cunning, power, impulsive and incredibly sexy. If you go through the road with a burning black-haired girl, then she will definitely take revenge, and it will be very elegant to do it.

Bunkers are more calm, balanced and proud people. They are faithful and affectionate. You can always rely on them and entrust the most intimate secrets.

By shade

The most important difference is a shade. Brunettes are owners of black or dark-chestnut hair. Brown-haired can be found in light-russes and medium-russes of curls.

dark subton

Who is this hair color?

Shathen is a very capricious shade. It is not suitable for people. Before repainting, it is worth paying attention to the ratio of the shade with the main features of the face.

Color of the skin

For pale girlfriends, the Lamo-gray, light-light or medium-colored palette with low-handed yellow-colored girls are ideal for pale-gray girls.

Girls with dark or tanned skin is recommended to repaint in brunette. In this case, its image will be bright and extravagant. Hair from varieties like "Shaten" will also look harmoniously. The perfect option is a chocolate, chestnut or brown shade with a red tint.

chocolate Chaten

Eye color

It is best to paint the owners of bright green, brown, blue or gray-green eyes.

The nature

In the color of the chapelurs, you can say about the girl much: for example, what her own temperament, all the pros and cons of its character. In "Shaten" it is recommended to paint calm, subtle mental images with creative abilities. Such women never go to an open conflict, they will always try to smooth the quarrel or resolve it in a peaceful way.

dark ash-scattered

How to repaint

The staining procedure is a very thin and reverent process. It is important that the result is good color, but at the same time, it follows that the hair is not damaged.

Hair paint shade dark timen.

Brunette repainting process

Dark curls for one procedure will not be represented. Reincarnation will occur in several stages:

  1. It is required to make clarification on two - three tones.
  2. A few days later, you can proceed to staining on a special technology: first the paint is applied only on the roots, after 20-30 minutes you can evenly distribute it along the entire length of the curls.
  3. If, as a result of this procedure, it was not possible to get the desired shade, it can be repeated again, but not earlier than in a week.
  4. The last stage is toning, allowing to make tone more even and beautiful.

Blonde repainting process

If you need to change a little, then it is enough to make one staining. For a cardinal reincarnation, a slightly different approach is required.

  1. Color to the lap on 1-2 tons of darker.
  2. Wait 2-3 weeks and repeat the procedure again. At the second stage of reincarnation, paint should be applied according to a special technology: first the roots, after 20 minutes it is required to distribute the paint throughout the length.
  3. Make the final toning to create a beautiful and smooth tone.

How to maintain the tone after staining - a stenched balm, shampoo for brown, masks.

After staining, the hair becomes porous. And this suggests that they willingly "give" paint particles with moisture during each rinsing. In order for the color to remain for a long time, it is important to competently care for them and after this procedure. To achieve this result will allow modern funds.

  • Tint balm. This cosmetic has many functions: it is flushes pollution, feeds the hairs and changes their color structure. It is recommended to use it twice a week. Shining glitter will be happy to delight the girl. A good option is the "Capus", "Rocolor" or "Irida" balsam.
  • It is recommended to use shampoo with a mark "for painted hair". He will protect them for a long time, makes it remain bright and saturated.
  • If the browns want to create an additional nutritious effect, then it is required to create a mask at home. This requires:
    • Mix two yolks.
    • Add a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of olive oil to them.
    • Apply a mixture on the roots of the hair and leave at least 20 minutes.

Natural mask will restore damaged curls, support color and give them a healthy shine.

light tone

dark tone

Ombre for brown - what tone to choose

Ombre is an unusual coloring method. He makes her hair brighter, and a woman is attractive. This cosmetic procedure is selected individually, depending on the main tone. For example, several options are ideal for brown.

  • Three-color ombre. Chocolate tone (main) serves as a transition from a dark shade to light.
  • Creative brunettes can use extreme color for ombre: pastel, green, blue, lilac, silver or pink. The main secret is clearly horizontal stripes, then the strands should be yellow or red.

Svetloley girls will be to the face of red and copper shades. Tammalicians are better to give their essay preference in chocolate or chestnut execution.

Color lipstick for brown

Browns can afford pastel, strict makeup. From bright shades it is better to refrain, they will create an artificial and causing image. An important point is to create the right tone on the lips.

Lipstick looks like lipstick or gloss light pink, transparent, carrot and any other, barely noticeable shade.

It is worth refraining from too bright and aggressive colors: bright red, dark, purple and others.

Color gamut in brown clothes

When choosing clothes, the girl should adhere to not only the rules dictated by society. Its image must be perfectly combined with hair and skin type.

Successful combinations for late-skinned brown

  1. Purple combined with ash or warm-yellow color.
  2. White + milk chocolate.
  3. White + red.

Successful combinations for dark-skinned brown

  1. Lilac combined with white.
  2. Sleeper pink, beige or blue.
  3. Sand or light yellow.

The tone of clothing must emphasize the depth of the soul, readiness and tenderness of nature. It is worth avoided black, dark blue, dark brown and white shades in clothing.

Shadhenka is not just a girl with rusia hair. This is a gentle and charming image, which is compiled from the right choice of clothing, makeup and manners of behavior.

Natural shades of hair - trend of the current season. Make an external look more expressive, you can be bright without screaming, catchy and unnatural colors. Today it will be about browning. Many do not even suspect that the color palette is not limited to only brown and dark brown hair - it includes nut, coffee, blond, caramel, chocolate with golden and attractions. Shadhenka is what hair color to whom it goes and what brave, bright ideas dictates modern fashion, consider further.

Color features

Shathen is a hair color that is characterized by wealth and manifold palette.It looks bright and naturally, unique and interesting, gives the image of depth and elegant charm. Often, the bright shabby is counted for brunettes, but it is not. Translated from the French "Chaten" (Châtain) is chestnut, but the color gamma is not limited to the brown and dark chestnut hint.

The raisin and the main advantage of the color is in mysterious restraint. Bunkers have a negligence appearance, but it makes them attractive and elegant. Among other advantages, the shade is worth noting:

  • universality - enjoys great popularity in men and women;
  • a rich selection of shades from a light shoten with ash and golden notes to a saturated chocolate tone;
  • it looks worthily, elegant and fashionable, softens the gross features;
  • personals with any colorlessness without work will be able to choose the perfect version of the shade;
  • does not add age, looks calm and natural;
  • not demanding in care;
  • to produce dark tones there is no need for additional injury to discoloration;
  • a new image does not require radical changes in the wardrobe;
  • it is possible to turn into a timber not only with the help of chemical dyes, but also due to natural means.

Chestnut is deprived of minuses.If you competently approached the choice of color gamut, taking into account the peculiarities of appearance, color, and also performed staining without errors, problems with the new way will not arise. The only thing that the new-hatched brush can face is the need to periodically update the color.

Interesting fact!According to statistics, it is Men-Shaten who are recognized as the most careless, gentle and gallant representatives of the strong half of humanity. They trust them more.

Who fits

Chestnut shades go absolutely to everyone, they make an image softer, more attractive. To select the ideal option, skin color, eye should be taken into account. We recommend using simple expert advice:

  • flooking the beauties are better to take advantage of light shades of brown, chocolate tones;
  • if you are the owner of blond or dark hair, pay attention to the brown colors;

  • with dark, tanned skin harmonize colors with golden or caramel notes;
  • girls with olive skin perfectly fit the chapels of golden and nuts;

  • for those who have gray eyes, green, blue, experts recommend light gamut, cold chestnut;
  • beauty with brown or black eyes, it is better to give preference to warm chestnut gamme;

  • chocolate-chestnut shade visually will give a hairstyle volume, therefore it is recommended to those who are deprived of the nature of the dense lame;
  • stress the beauty and ideality of porcelain leather will help medium-chestnut shades. BUT for more bright personalities, you can use chocolate tones with red, copper tump;

  • pale, gentle skin and light shades of the eyes are perfectly combined with red hair brown. But this choice will not suit the owners of deep wrinkles, furrows on the face. The selected color will only emphasize their presence;
  • large brown eyes, dark skin and dark natural hair - an ideal base for dyeing in dark chocolate tones;

  • bright personalities with green and blue eyes, colorists recommend paying attention to the "frosty chestnut" color. It has a light reddish tump, which will give the image of playfulness, brightness;
  • caramel-chestnut color - excellent choice for girls with brown eyes and freckles on her face.

Actual shades

Modern fashion prefers natural, natural chestnut tones. They are low, but advocate the natural beauty of the face, they make it expressive, soften the rough features. On the pedestal of fashionable shades of the present season, the following variations of chestnuts are presented.

Light Chaten

The most universal tone of the chapels. The owner of this color hair looks feminine and gently. Sophisticated chocolate tone ideally looks on beauties with brown eyes and light skin.


The trendy version of this season. It can take advantage of them beauties with gray, blue, green or gray eyes, light or olive skin. Be sure disappointment will not follow. Many paint manufacturers represent this shade as "amethyst", frosty chestnut, "diamond chatene."

Cold chocolate

This is one of the popular ash brown options with a deep silver tint. Choose a similar tone is recommended for girls with light skin and eyes of the sky. Cold chocolate is perfectly combined with light rusia, wheat and dairy strands, so stylists recommend using such compositions for coloring and timing.

Golden Chaten

Golden Shathen is a bright, playful and radiant image. Personality with such hair emitting heat and vital energy, so no attention left. Ideally combined golden chatennis with karium, blue eyes, as well as snow-white leather.

Natural Shatten

Natural Shathen is an opportunity to add a warmth, lightness and natural elegance. This tint emphasize the beauty of olive skin and give the blue, green eyes depth.

Dark chestnut

Dark Shathen, unlike classic black, not so categorical and strict. This is an excellent option for confident personalities with a noticeable clarity in appearance. Dark chestnut will soften the rough features of the face, give a special charm and femininity.

Experts recommend to use dark brown shades. Experts recommend the owners of dark from the nature of curls with dark-skinned skin and big eyes.

Dark blond chaten

This is another variation for fans of dark tones. Give the image of playfulness, lightness will help ash, caramel notes in the main color. Dark blond Shane at the peak of popularity in the present season. It looks natural, restrained, but at the same time emphasizes natural beauty, perfect features of the face. Suitable beauties of winter and summer color.

Caramel chestnut

A combination of hot caramel and restrained dark chestnut - winning option for girls with red, copper from nature curls and light skin. It looks caramel scattered bright and mysteriously, uniquely, elegant and feminine.

How to get at home

To transformed into a brow, go to the beauty salon is optional.Chestnut shades close to a natural tone of curls, easily and evenly fall. The main thing is to choose the right shade and high-quality composition for staining. In the choice of dye, the manufacturers of paints and sceners are ready to offer a huge range of products.

Hair Dye

Resistant paints are a confident step towards a new image. The result is saved to 1-2 months,but be prepared for updating the image with a sample agent every 3 weeks. To paint the hair at home is easy, if you carefully read the instructions to the medium before staining. Generally The process of transformation implies the following steps:

  1. Paint preparation: The dye is mixed with an oxidizing agent to a homogeneous consistency.
  2. Applying painting makeup on dry hair. It is not worth saving on the paint, otherwise the tone will be uneven, and the image itself is slurry.
  3. After the time recommended by the manufacturer, the residues of the paint are removed.
  4. Fixing the achieved effect and mitigating the aggressive impact of chemical composition with the help of balm.

Among the variety of paints for home dyeing experts recommend:

  • Paint-care without ammonia Casting Cream Gloss L'Oreal.This is a popular and rich palette of chestnut shades from the famous brand. Maximum natural and seductive shine, saturated color promises a manufacturer after dyeing at home. Cream-paint costs about 350 rubles, easily and evenly applied, does not irritate the skin. According to user reviews, the brightness of the color will be saved month, after which you need to paint the roots and update the shade.

  • Cream paint L'Oreal Reference. Another worthy option of fashionable and resistant shades from Loreal. Minimum harm and difficulties in staining, as well as persistent and rich color - feature of the proposed paint. Deep or light chestnut, golden or light amber and other fashionable shades offers a manufacturer in this line of funds. Painting cost - from 300 rubles per pack.

  • Resistant cream paint palette. The product guarantees a saturated color, spokes up well and guarantees the third level of resistance (the most resistant). In the Formula, the Formula includes a complex of liquid keratines, capable of preserving the beauty and strength of curls after staining. The manufacturer's palette is characterized by the wealth of brown options. "Cocoa", "Honey Chestnut", "Golden Grill", "Dark Chocolate" and many others will make your image unique for only 210-250 rubles.

  • Professional cream paint Essex Essex.The famous Russian manufacturer offers an impressive palette of brown shades and pleases saturated colors. The disadvantages of the means are to pick up the percentage of the oxidant and it must be purchased independently, not sold in the usual store of cosmetics (only among company representatives). In addition, users do not express laudatory reviews about the resistance of the product. The cost of paint is about 200 rubles per dye + the cost of buying an oxygen.

Olllin Professional Performance, Indola Profession, Estel De Luxe, Wella, Kapous, Garnier Color Naturals and L'Oreal Excellence Creme recognized in question in painting.

Tint means

Less durable and harmful hair is considered to be withdrawal. The structure of the composition does not allow tonic to penetrate the hair deep, remaining solely on the surface of the hair rod. It will not be possible to achieve a noticeable transformation - the correction occurs only 1-2 tones.

Shampoo shampoos, balms are an excellent opportunity to decide with the tint, experiment with the palette. Artificial pigment is quickly washed off. Apply tonic easily: the composition must be evenly applied to clean hair and washed through the time specified in the instruction.

Rocolor "Tonic" offers a huge selection of chestnut gamma.Their cost does not exceed 170 rubles. We recommend paying attention to such options: "Charming chocolate", "passionate mocha", "milk chocolate", "chocolate", "bitter chocolate".

Natural dyes

Natural remedies are also suitable for changing hair color.Of course, the result of such staining has its own characteristics: quickly washed off, and the desired tone is achieved through several procedures. However, natural dyes do not harm curls like chemical compositions, and in many cases they even turn out to be useful, strengthen and nourish the chapel.

The transformation options with folk recipes set. When choosing a suitable option, it is worth considering natural hair color (database).

Holders of dark from nature curls can be tried "Lemon" clarification.For this, the juice of lemon is evenly distributed on clean hair and exposed to sunlight. Sunny ultraviolet warns the appearance of unpleasant rim in color.

Another way to lighten dark curls to chestnut - the use of chamomile beam with hydrogen peroxide.For clarification, 1.5 tbsp. Chamomile colors pour 2 tbsp. boiling water. When the decoction is imagining, strain it and add ¼ Art. hydrogen peroxide 3%. Cooked tonic apply to clean and dry curls. After 30 minutes, remove the remnants of the means using the shampoo.

Blondes and Rusolay Girls Suitable toning with black tea. For cooking, tonic will need strong tea. Fill 3 tbsp. l. Large black tea with 200 ml of boiling water and put on a quiet fire. After 25-30 minutes, remove from the stove and give tea to cool. Proceed and rinse dry, pre-washed curls. Consider, with the following wash, the resulting shade will wash.

Long chestnut will provide the combination of bass and henna in the same proportions.Dissolve the powders with water to the state of the cassel and apply on dry and clean curls. Additionally, we bite the hair with a polyethylene and a warm towel. After 40-60 minutes (depending on the intensity of the desired tone), wash the residues of the mixture with warm water and shampoo.

Variating the proportions of henna and bass, you can get different shades.For example, to obtain bronze hair hair, it is recommended to use the hnu and bass in proportion 2: 1, and for dark wool - 1: 1.

To obtain a light golden low tide on light hair use broth onion husk, rhubarb with wine, henu with chamomile and other compositions.

Important moment! It is impossible to use natural dyes for previously colored hair, the result is unpredictable.

Trendy coloring techniques

Update the appearance, look fashionable and elegant and at the same time to keep hair healthy will help partial staining. Popular technicians of this transformation are recognized: ombrid, coloring, timing, screening or zonal staining.

  1. Coloring using golden, chestnut and honey shades looks winning on hair of any length. Alone to fulfill such staining is difficult, the professional assistance will be required.
  2. Tips of brighter shades will help dark-haired brown shades.
  3. Blondes a special charm and mysteriousness will give rise to dark shades of chestnut.
  4. Several wheat or caramel strands in the face give the image of playfulness, ease.
  5. Ballozh, using various chestnut shades on dark hair, it will look bright and luxurious, like Hollywood actresses.

Which variant of staining to choose depends on the main tone of the chapels and client preferences. Alone to perform complex staining is not recommended - incorrectly arranged accents, the strokes will make the image of sloppy. Therefore, the help of a professional in this case is the best option.

Cost in the cabin and houses

Staining of light hair into brown shades is a fairly simple procedure, so it will cost within 1 thousand rubles. As for the brunette reincarnation in brighter tones, it may not do without discoloration. Such a process is more complicated and long, therefore the cost of changing the image will increase to 3 thousand rubles.

If we talk about partial staining, here the price largely depends on a number of factors:

  • the complexity of the selected technology;
  • the number of shades;
  • length and loss of hair;
  • professionalism (grades) of the wizard;
  • the location of the beauty salon and its rating.

When performing complex techniques of staining, calculate the amount of from 3 thousand rubles.

Home staining will cost several times cheaper, especially partial.The price in this case depends on the choice of paint and its quantity. But do not forget about the increased risk of failure.

Chestnut hair is distinguished by ease and ease of care after staining, however, some rules to preserve the saturation of the color, it is still worth sticking to:

  1. Less contact with chlorinated water and the scorching sun. These factors are very injured straight, make the color of faded, dim.
  2. After each washing, rinse the hair champs mace.
  3. Hair painted in any shades is recommended to wash with special shampoos that are not containing aggressive sulfates.
  4. Balsams, oils, nutritious masks - unchanged helpers in restoring the stream and health of strands after staining.
  5. After one-photo staining, it is important to periodically use tinting tools to update the color.
  6. Try to take care of the hair, having reduced the frequency of hot styling, drying with a hairdryer and a twist on the thermal vessels, curling, iron.

Shadhenka is a universal hair color, cardinal change in the wardrobe and makeup will not need. Beautiful brown shades will make appearance more expressive, give femininity and elegance at any age.

Useful videos

A decent example of reincarnation from brunette on a brown.

How to paint your hair in a bitter chocolate with Estel de luxe 5/77 and 4/75 paints? How to update the dark hair color and paint the resulting roots? Teacher expert company M-cosmetics Katerina Ray says.

Brownie sounds as proud like blonde and brunette. The true meaning of the word refers to all shades of the rules. In French, the translation sounds like brown. Their palette is very multifaceted and is considered a sample of natural beauty and naturalness. Despite the difficulty in determining the browse - this is what hair color, experts distinguish 3 main categories related to this term. If there is a staining procedure so that there is no misunderstanding when communicating with a stylist, you need to find out in advance what kind of paints offers a specialist in this area.

Varieties of shades

For the presence of brown in the color of Kudrey, Melanin is responsible. Depending on the number of this substance, you can see the gradient of the kolator from the very pale to very dark. In accordance with it, stylists distinguish three varieties.

Dark. Intense, alive flavor, close to the image of brunettes. The main difference is that it is not possible to achieve the usual repainting. If black is considered cold and strict, then the bitter chocolate is warmer and alive. It distinguishes such famous personalities as:

  • actress Eva Longoria;

  • singer Beyonce;

  • model Kim Kardashian;

  • actress Elizabeth Boyarskaya.

Pale chaten makes it easy to take possession of the attention and confidence of the interlocutor, even the most negligent copper is interesting.

Dark blond. Once a banal, ordinary color in the past few years, conquers increasingly popularity. Melting and coloring went into the past. Many women try to return their natural color. It is distinguished by unusual reflections of red, gold, ash and other combinations, which, as in the case of a dark view, are not amenable to recreating with the rest of cosmetic paints. The groves under consideration have:

  • ambassador of the UN Good Will, Director Angelina Jolie;

  • duchess Kate Middleton;

  • designer and singer Victoria Beckham.

Tip! Interesting brilliance will acquire dark curls if you wash them with care products for blond beauties.

Light coloured . Gentle and soft - a distinctive feature of people having pure Slavic roots. He impresses people around the world and highlights from the crowd. Such hairstyles are very much of green-ventilation and carboylase women. Soft colors choose celebrities:

  • model Natalya Vodyanova;

  • actress Jenifer Aniston;

  • olivia Palermo style icon;

  • actress Jessica Alba.

Note! Chocolate painting of the shock - the fashion trend of the new season.

Pros and cons

Naturalness and naturalness is already long enough at the peak of popularity in the fashion industry. Some are trying to achieve chocolate haircuts using staining, others enjoy the gift luxury. The big popularity of the Šten is due to elegance and saturation. Main advantages:

  • visually rejuvenates;
  • preserves the correct proportions of the facial oval;
  • contains many unique overflows, making each mane unique;
  • combined with all formats of clothing;
  • adds a thin structure;
  • pleasant for others and positively affects the perception of man;
  • it looks great in any format hairstyles.

Shaten do not have flaws in outside. Modest, but bright color creates interest and inspires confidence in the interlocutor. In addition, people endowed with the nature of rusia haircuts have good stress resistance, excerpts in different life situations, friendliness, compassion and volitional character.

As a rule, blond representatives of a beautiful sex, since childhood they used to achieve goals only with the help of the mind and their forces, not counting on a bright appearance and beauty. Thanks to good adaptation skills to any situation, the rules have many friends and fans in the process of growing up. All character qualities are caused by hormones, which also affect the eye of the chapels.

It is interesting! After the hairstyle changes after repainting, many brunettes and blondes acquire the quality of the brown, due to the fact that those surrounding begin to see a completely different person.

Successful combinations for image

Creating its own style allocated among others, it is necessary to pay attention to the characteristics of its appearance: the eyes, the skin, the structure of the face. A cold gamma is suitable for dark dermis, and beyankam is warm colors.

The elegance of the Wops can be emphasized by successful combinations of the wardrobe. Combining elements of clothing, playing with flowers, you can achieve interesting sets from a gentle romantic mood to a strict business lady's business image. There are several generally accepted rules for combining a palette for a wardrobe such beauty:

  • intense, juicy wardrobe - the best choice;
  • you can not use the only black without additional intonation in one form;
  • coral intonations are desirable to exclude from the closet of the outfits, like a leopard pattern;
  • pastel color definitely should be emphasized by a living emphasis.

For late-skinned women with brown strands, you can combine purple with yellow and gray gamut, white with ivory or bright red color.

Tip! So that clothes perfectly approached the outside, try to take into account not only the color spectrum, but also varieties of haircuts and the format of things.

In addition to the competent selection of things, it is not advisable to forget about makeup. Improving the face is one way to make appearance perfect. The features of makeup for the rules of fair sex are:

  • for mysterious green eyes, you can emphasize their depth using coffee, gray and green shadows;
  • brown can be made by dark asphalt and chocolate palettes;
  • blue highlights of the beige gamut cocoa;
  • if we talk about lips, then all nude, pink and "gentle-carrot" palettes and transparent compositions are suitable for them. You can apply them both using glitter and classic lipstick.

Rusimomas are approaching strict, business makeup, and from juicy, saturated tones is better to abandon not to create vulgar, unnatural appearance.

Unusual transformation

Each girl can become owner of coffee lockers. To do this, you will have to choose the appropriate parameters of the coloring agent, which will turn the natural blonde or dark-haired beauties to the desired intonation of the coffee.

Tip! Delive to changing your mane with responsibility and spend money on a good, dear pigment, preferably having a quality certificate in a professional store.

From the natural pigment and the thickness of hairs dependes the parameters of the paint, and the wealth of the finished result. All this will have to be taken into account in order to decide in advance with the number of purchased packages. From the natural colors of the champions will depend on the action of the wizard when it is transformed.

Note! A big mistake will not take into account the multifaceted brown coloring. This feature should be taken into account and adjust the coating of the coloring layer depending on the gradient on the surface.

Depending on the color of the beauty, you can pick up a suitable haircut for it:

  • spring. Tender white leather with inner light, often having freckles, greenish or blue eyes, distinguish such a category of appearance. They are suitable for gentle honey curls with pale tonalities, giving the skin visual smoothness, and the look of mischievous shine. You can consider species with a flavor of a mahogany;
  • summer. Cold glow, light intonation with olive inner light, green, blue or cloudy sky. Eyes belong to summer girls. They correspond to soft and dark strands with beautiful ash impression. Summer types should be avoided only reddish and take into account the feature in the form of gray tones, which will help make the expression of the view more bright, rich and speaking;
  • fall. Small or white dermis with freckles, green, horses or gray look characteristic of beauties with red or brown curls. Such girls are better to avoid gloomy and cold notes, it is necessary to bet on bright with gold, shades of evening dawns;
  • winter. Winter girls can be called dolls, thanks to the snow-white or perfect dark skin. Their eyes are distinguished by almost black or saturated greenery colors. Their mane is very durable, almost black or completely pale, with ash notes. Luxurious bitter chocolate with a bluish glow is an ideal solution for this type. Winter beauties should avoid warm, honey colors in the hairstyle.

Big mistake! Starting to the operation staining, many forget about the eyebrows. They have to be brought in accordance with the final type of chapelurs, otherwise the appearance will look strange.

For brunette

Cut the natural radiant tone will not be easy. For the successful result of dark wonderful sex representatives, it is best to perform a procedure in several stages. At the initial stage, lightening, and then the distribution of the necessary pigment.

The discoloration is necessarily performed by those who plan to get soft blonde. But it may also be needed for dark shade, subject to a large amount. Lightening occurs according to the method:

  1. prepared a mixture for discoloration;
  2. the mass is evenly distributed in curls;
  3. during the time specified on the package, the mixture remains on the surface of the head;
  4. locks are washed with warm running water.

After performing the operation, the natural color is destroyed, due to which the new one lies easily and evenly. You can apply a new button only after 7 days, during which we need to carry out restorative masks, balms and other processes for nutrition of a damaged structure.

Tip! For the European appearance, 1 packaging of the coloring substance will be enough, and for the Asian may need additional, depending on the length of the strand.

After the preparatory period, you can start performing staining. It is made according to the following scheme:

  1. prepare a substance, gloves, brush for applying, towel, hat or film and other necessary elements;
  2. well wash the champper shampoo;
  3. prepared mass on the roots and leave for a period of 15-20 minutes;
  4. distribute the remaining mixture on the free surface of the Wops;
  5. place a repainted sap under the prepared cap or food film;
  6. wrap the head with a towel;
  7. to withstand the time specified on the package;
  8. wash the substance of water temperature.

If before implementing the procedure, staining or toning was previously not fulfilled, you can start the process, bypassing the point of applying the root.

For blonde

Locks of such beauties also have their own characteristics and require preliminary preparation before changing the color. For example, ashless strands may interfere with the uniform distribution of the flavor. The result of such an operation will differ from the outlined result: the pigment will quickly wash, and the impetus will be noticeable to everyone. Technology for performing the change of style is identical to the one that is described for dark-haired beauties.

Blondes can count on a small amount of chances to achieve uniform coloring at home. So that it fell evenly should not be neglected by the help of professionals and trust the master in the beauty salon. Experience, tools and special techniques of procedures will help avoid an unpleasant result.

Fashion on natural shade of hair made Color Shathen with a real hit of the current season. He is chosen for himself as Hollywood stars and business ladies and even young girls, and not in vain - it is difficult to imagine a woman who would not adorganize such a tone. In order for you to choose such a shade and for yourself, let's consider the features of the color chaten, its popular variations, as well as the features of staining and care for such a tone of your curls.

The main characteristics of the color

It is customary to be brought to the browseers of brown hair of various shade: from a saturated chocolate and to light-light. This color was considered inexpressive and ordinary for a long time, but in recent years, with the return of fashion on natural hair shades, it has become very relevant.

Different tones are suitable for girls with dark or vice versa - very light skin, brown or blue eyes, a cold or warm skin. In all plans, the color of chaten can be considered universal. Today, it is such a color that recommend women of various ages and a different social status.

To whom this color is suitable

Which suits absolutely all women. To look with him irresistible, you just need to choose the right tint to you correctly. Make it easy:

  1. If you feel about the cold "summer" colorYou need to pay attention to, but the shades with the redhead should be avoided.
  2. Representatives of cold contrasting color "Winter" should choose the darkest shades of the shade, preferably with a cold tide. Shades with copper, as well as fairly bright tones, representatives of this type will not fit.
  3. The ladies are attributable to the "Autumn" color. It is worth stopping your choice on chestnut warm shades. They are also suitable for color chatented with chocolate, reddish, honey tump.
  4. Girls like "Spring" will be to face: red, brown tonesIt is advisable to choose shades with a beautiful golden chip.

If you want to make your staining more interesting, you can choose the shade recommended for your colorage as the main one, and in addition to it, pick up the paint for several tones lighter or fantasy shades like purple or red. With the use of those, you can make a fashionable version of the combined staining, for example, in Ombre technique, or simply allocate several strands with bright color.

Main shades

Speaking about whether 3 most natural options can be distinguished:

  • dark scattered. This type of shawn in color is closest to the brunette (in view of which two of these shades are confused). In fact, such a shade is a dark chocolate warmer or coolest shade. Most often there can be a girl's color "Autumn". This is one of the most noble colors, to get which at home, and with salon staining is extremely difficult;

Dark Shaten

  • dark blond chaten. The most common classic version of this color. It is found in various variations: chestnut shade, ash, caramel. Currently, it is this shade that is considered the most fashionable. It is suitable for representatives of the color of the "winter" or "contrast summer";
  • . Under this, the tint is usually implied by light-blonde or blond hair color, traditionally found from Slavs. For a long time, just such a shade of hair was considered the most boring and inconspicuous, but today it is in fashion. Various variants of combined staining can diversify it.

Light Chaten

Also, all these shades can be divided into cold, warm and neutral.

Select each of the described colors must be based on the features of its appearance. If you do it right, such a tone will look at you perfectly.

Staining technology

Nowadays, to achieve perfect brown or blond, using various coloring options is easy. The easiest way is in the store.

Store Hair Paints

Household paints are extremely simple. So, the first thing you need will need to only make a sample on allergies before using the composition, and if it is suitable for you, prepare a mixture for staining, according to the instructions to apply it on your hair and washed away at the specified time. After that, the curls will need to be treated with a balsam. So you can make staining in one tone at home.

If you want to make staining in two colors, it is better to immediately contact a specialist who can choose the right tone and make a beautiful shades in your hair. Independently make such staining, especially since not having experience in this matter is extremely difficult. Most likely, you just spoil your hair.

Also to give hair chestnut sings with the help of folk remedies. It will give firmly boiled coffee (though, such staining will be clenched after the first washing of the head), as well as some Henna varieties.

If you set yourself, the question, the palette of chaten, then you absolutely do not necessarily resort to aggressive chemical clarification. To get a beautiful shade of Shathen, it is necessary to simply apply lemon juice to curls, evenly distributing it all over the entire length before going out. Hair will brighten up under the influence of sunlight, not giving rims.

For girls who want to just try such a shade, but they are not sure that they will continue to wear it, there will be shade balsam or mousses. They can be used instead of any ordinary balm, causing hair after washing. Such a means radically will not change your natural tone, but will make a tint of the curls slightly darker. Using mousses, you can achieve more radical staining, however, it will stay on the hair to 5-6 washing.

Before buying such products for hair dye, carefully examine the reviews on them from other consumers. It is possible that the tone you choose is not very smoothly, or does not give at all the shade on the hair, which was announced by the manufacturer initially. Relying on feedback, it will be easier for you to determine what means for temporary staining will suit in your case.

Hair care after procedure

Shathen is quite capricious color, requiring careful care after staining. In order to support it, you should: to restore the color. It should be remembered that mixing various types of dye can give a completely unexpected result in terms of hair shade;

  • cover your curls from the Sun, especially in the first days after staining. Remember that this color is quite easily burning, and if you do not follow this recommendation, you can turn from brown in red in just a couple of weeks;
  • use professional hair styling devices, working exclusively in gentle temperature modes. Do not use for one laying and hairdryer, and curl;
  • refuse severe stamping tools that spoil hair.
  • If you yourself can not choose the necessary means for laying and care for hair, you can always contact this issue to your stylist. He will pick up shampoos, masks, varnishes and much more corresponding to the ideal type and state of your curls.


    More details regarding staining in Color Shathen Look at the video below


    As you can see, it can really be considered universal for women of any age and the type of appearance. This beautiful shade looks well in various variants of staining, it can be obtained both with the help of synthetic dyes and with the help of folk remedies, but provides for quite complex hair care to maintain it. To paint this tone for you successfully, choose a good wizard, carefully select your shade and, of course, follow all the recommendations for maintaining it. In this case, the spectacular natural hair color is guaranteed.