Far Eastern Shipbuilding College. Future shipbuilders in big stone are now learning on the most modern equipment Shipbuilding College big stone

The new equipment has recently arrived at the Far East Shipbuilding College in Bolshoy Kamen.

Almost all of its graduates will go to work at the Zvezda shipbuilding complex - the first stage of this large-scale project will be put into operation this year.

Correspondents of VL.ru visited the DVSSK and assessed the progress of the construction of the Zvezda.

During its 63-year history, the Far Eastern Shipbuilding College has been both a factory school, a vocational school, and a professional lyceum. During this time, more than 10,000 personnel for the ship repair industry have graduated from the educational institution - most of them have worked or are working at the Zvezda ship repair plant, and now they will work in the complex under construction.

For two years now, the college has been preparing personnel for shipbuilding. 340 students from Bolshoy Kamen, Fokino, Shkotovo, Kamen-Rybolova, Nakhodka today master technical and working specialties here - they all study for free.

Soon certified shipbuilding technicians, welding production technicians, shipbuilders, ship repairers of metal ships, welders, pastry chefs (the only specialists in the service sector who are now trained here) will come out.

“The largest shipyard in Russia is being built in Bolshoi Kamen, and therefore, on the basis of the college, it was decided to create a multifunctional center for applied qualifications in the field of shipbuilding and ship repair,” said Gennady Levchenko, director of the college. - We have already been allocated 11 million 100 thousand rubles this year. for the purchase of equipment and strengthening the material and technical base of the college. We purchased and equipped classrooms for chemistry, physics, technical mechanics, electrical engineering, and design.”

A lot of money was poured into the college. Scholarships for good students and excellent students are increased, teachers' salaries too. The heating system has already been repaired (1 million 970 thousand rubles were spent on this, the director says). The local students live really well - during the work experience, those who are already 18 years old are officially employed - and for some teams in 2012 the salary was up to 40 thousand rubles.

Now, says Gennady Levchenko, 3.5 million rubles will also come to the college through the “federal line”. This money will be used to purchase modern equipment for welding production. The same as at a shipyard - so that students study and practice in the same conditions in which they will work.

We go to the methodical office. There are computers on the tables (each teacher now has laptops). An interactive whiteboard hangs on the wall - it is already being used in the process of teaching students. There is also a 3D printer here. Students can design any detail on a computer, doing technical work, and already make it on a printer - real, voluminous, made of durable plastic.

In the laboratory of technical equipment, new devices (by the way, Russian-made) have not even been unpacked yet. Here the children master the intricacies of materials science and technical mechanics. “There are machines for testing metals and alloys, for determining the deflection during oblique bending, for testing for impact strength, for hardness (they used to be huge presses, they took up a lot of space). There is a metallographic electron microscope with which we can see the structure of materials. And much more. Now we will study the passports, unpack the equipment… We have carried out all these tests before, but then the machines were bulky, they have become obsolete,” comments the college teacher Marina Ryabota.
Combination press shears for metalworking and metalworking in metalworking went down to the floor of the college a few hours ago. Previously, metal had to be sawn by hand, with power cutters. Equipment price - 630 thousand rubles. Nearby is a pipe bender for 217 thousand rubles. But it's worth it. Previously, the guys studied on the equipment of the 1960-1970s - now modernity has come to the college.

Master of industrial training Nadezhda Akhanova shows a welding simulator - the arc does not light up on it, there is no need to wear a mask. “But it is possible to analyze with the help of a computer how correctly a person completed a particular task. In the process of welding, a signal is sent to his headphones: is the angle of inclination, current, correctly selected? There are 80 exercises on the simulator in total,” the master says.

Lesha Zhulin is 18 years old. He is a second year student in welding technology. Excellent student. He says he followed in his grandfather's footsteps. “Grandfather said - a profitable business. Of course, it is interesting to study, - Alexey shares. “And when I finish, I’ll go to work for Zvezda.”

People like Lesha are waiting for Zvezda. Already in 2013, according to official data, the commissioning of the first stage of the SC will require 2,000 qualified personnel. In total, the construction is going on in three stages - and by 2020, 10,000 personnel will be needed here.

Recall that since 2011, a project for the construction of a shipbuilding complex has been implemented in Bolshoi Kamen. Tankers, gas carriers, ice-class vessels, elements of offshore platforms and much more will be built here. The cost of the project is 111.7 billion rubles. The first stage is now in full swing, it will be completed by 2015. An open horizontal slipway will be built here (in December, the conclusion of an environmental impact assessment will be ready for it), a block of hull processing industries, two cranes with a lifting capacity of 1200 and 320 tons will be installed ...

Sergey Merkulov, the head of the DTSSS project, is giving us a tour of the future plant: “You see how the docking chamber is being destroyed - it has worked its way out. For 50 years, through herself, she escorted ships to boathouses for repairs. But now its length is not enough ... The cranes and the unfinished ship will be removed. And the slipway will go into the sea for 25 meters. See the white boathouse? Its height is 45 meters. There will be a Goliath crane here - one leg is where the ship is, the other is where the boathouse is, it's about 240 meters; and height - 90 meters.

The new bodywork shop smells of paint. There were no paint shops of this level, they say here, in Russia.

“In the first span, metal will be rolled, in the second, sheet metal will go, it is shredded there, marked out. And it is transmitted to the transverse span, and then to the other three. From the fifth, flat sections come out, elements of ships - sides and bottoms.

Anything less than 23 meters, curved sections and micropanels. In the largest span, volumetric sections are made and assembled: bow, semicircular, aft. These parts are then sent to the spray booths. And then they stay here to saturate with various elements, ”says Sergey Merkulov. Networks are being installed here. At the exit, in containers, there is German equipment ready for installation - the most modern in the world. Now the shop is laying the top coat. It is five times stronger than concrete. If something falls from above, then the floor will definitely withstand it.

All three floors of the administrative building are already 90% ready - about 3,000 sq. m, where engineers will change clothes, confer, make drawings ... And some two years ago there was a hill at this place.

“The Bay of Five Hunters is deep and conditionally non-freezing - with thin ice, which ships of the non-ice class can easily pass.

With the completion of the project in 2018, the only non-freezing dock will appear in Russia, Sergey Merkulov says proudly. - This project gives impetus to the development of the entire territory.

After all, it is not enough just to build a factory. It is necessary to resettle people, create infrastructure for them - and they do not come alone, but with their families ... Already, about 1,000 people are working on the construction of the Zvezda sports complex. They live in dormitories, hotels, rent apartments… And soon another 1,800 people will be needed at the construction site!”

The educational institution was established in 1964 as the main base for training specialists for shipbuilding and ship repair enterprises located on the shores of Bolshoy Kamen Bay. The first enrollment in the Bolshekamensk evening shipbuilding technical school was mainly made from among the working youth of the shipyard. Later, a full-time department was opened and the educational institution in 1996 was renamed the Bolshekamensk Shipbuilding College.

The Bolshekamensk Evening Shipbuilding College was renamed the Bolshekamensk Shipbuilding College (BST) on the basis of the order of the Chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Defense Industries No. 182 of 04/02/1996.

Bolshekamensky Shipbuilding College was reorganized into a branch - Bolshekamensky Technical College of the Far Eastern State Technical University on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated August 15, 1997 No. 1764.

In 1997, a new era began - the technical school was transferred to the FESTU and reorganized into the Bolshekamensky Technical College of the FESTU, and in 2002 the college was reorganized into the FESTU Branch in Bolshoi Kamen.

Branch - Bolshekamensky Technical College of the Far Eastern State Technical University was renamed into a branch of the Far Eastern State Technical University (FEPI named after V.V. Kuibyshev) in the city of Bolshoi Kamen on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated November 13, 2002 No. 3954.

In 2004, the educational institution received the status of the Bolshekamensk Institute of Economics and Technology (a branch of the Far Eastern State Technical University). In connection with the organization of the Far Eastern Federal University in 2011, BIET (a branch of FESTU) became part of FEFU as a structural unit - a branch of FEFU in the city of Bolshoi Kamen.

The branch of the Far Eastern State Technical University (FEPI named after V.V. Kuibyshev) in Bolshoi Kamen was renamed into the Bolshekamensk Institute of Economics and Technology (branch) of the state educational institution of higher professional education "Far Eastern State Technical University (FEPI named after V.V. Kuibyshev)" in accordance with the order of the Federal Agency for Education No. 252 of November 18, 2004

In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 27, 2011 No. 113, the state educational institution of higher professional education "Far Eastern State Technical University (FEPI named after V.V. Kuibyshev)" from 06/01/2011 was reorganized by joining the federal state autonomous educational institution higher professional education "Far Eastern Federal University".

In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2016 No. 522, the federal state autonomous educational institution of higher professional education "Far Eastern Federal University" (FEFU) was renamed the federal state autonomous educational institution of higher education "Far Eastern Federal University".