Good morning intimate from boyfriend. Erotic messages with good morning to your beloved. Erotic poems for your beloved - sexy, intimate

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"I want to lie on you all night"

I want to lie on you all night, warm you and gently hug you. So that you feel comfortable and hot with me, my blanket!

"You have eyes like a cat"

You have eyes like a cat; figure like a cat; you are gentle like a cat and your name is even like a cat - Masha!

"I've been given something..."

They put something in me... It hurts... AAA... It's my first time... Come on... Finally they pulled it out... I'm covered in blood... God, it hurts!. .To pull out a tooth!

"Vazel in"

Night. Street. Flashlight. Pharmacy. I buy vaseline. There are two other people with me. One is Armenian, the other is Georgian.

"We're so tired..."

We were so tired... we were so panting... we were both drenched in sweat, our bodies were sticky... when they took the old couch to the basement.

"We sat talking..."

We sat talking... And I already imagined how he would start kissing me, undressing me... But he only drank tea and didn't leave until he ate the whole cake!

"I just adore you!"

[Female name]!
I just adore you, love, adore your tomatoes!

"Hold your wallets, men"

Chest number three, big hips
Legs with ears on a par,
You can't see the eyes behind the black mascara,
A miracle is coming my way...

Hold your wallets men
They empty before your eyes
Rubbing in the crotch cause
Just a python, neither give nor take!

“You won’t understand, Ensky limiters”

You will not understand, Ensky limiters,
Much body you are friends,
But a little suddenly we will meet the villagers,
I dare not offer my hand!

"In bed for the first time..."

In bed for the first time with a girl
What to do with it, I do not understand!
I'm trembling like a leaf, here I am from fear,
I'll probably take it and run!

"... well, come on, cutie"

So he asked - well, give me, my dear,
And she's all hahanki
My shirt is already sweaty
Dancing in the eyes of a butterfly!

I'm probably angry
I'll tear it all to rags,
This is what awaits, cholera!
Certainly not a sweetheart!

“I always want to... chat with you!!!”

I'll tell you, I won't say anything
I always want it.
I want even in the field, even on the road,
I want at least in the tundra, even in a den.
I want it anywhere and everywhere.
Let the sun shine, let the rain fall.
I want when I go to bed
And in the morning before you get up.
On the bedside table and on the sofa
Squatting and upside down
On land, in the air, in water.
I want to go to Moscow and Vologda.
And in the cold and in the summer heat.
I want to always... chat with you!!!

"Every day you take in your mouth"

Every day you take in your mouth
Move gently back and forth
And the mouth burns in orgasm,
White liquid flows.
True, great find.
That toothbrush of yours? :))

"If you become cancer - call"

Become a bird - fly!
Become a fish - swim!
Become a cat - come running!
Become a cancer - call!!!

"I will come to you at night"

I will come to you at night, I will crawl under the covers. I will find your sweet spot and suck it for a long time. Your bad mosquito.

"My tongue is mischievous"

My mischievous tongue wants to play with you. He wants to enter your mouth and start a little.

If you want what I want, call me.

"I want you!"

I want you! I want to turn your head, drag you into bed and make you hot and moan for a whole week! your flu.

"I feel bad without you"

I feel bad without you, I'm all burning and I'm on fire, I only dream of you. I want you, I want to drink and quench the thirst of the body. Come to me, because I'm on the edge. You are my favorite juice in a glass.

"Take off my dress"

Take off my dress, take off my bra, take off my panties... And never wear my things again!

"You undress, lie down and wait"

I want to visit you
Well, right after lunch,
You undress, lie down and wait,
So let's start the conversation!

"Peak hour"

Do you want to hug your body? Feel hot breath? Sweating from exhaustion? Enter, exit, move back and forth? What's the matter, get on the bus at rush hour!

"You're like a delicious peach"

You're like a delicious peach. I always stick out from you and, leaving the ground, I want you like a popsicle... I want you like Coca-Cola, I always have fun with you!!!

"Everyone Has Children"

Everyone has children: butterflies have children, fish, birds and even dogs. Only the pencil has no children, because it has an elastic band on the end!

"He will give me an orgasm..."

Gotta make it progressive
In private life, turn,
New - in bed with a sweetheart,
He doesn't expect this!

I will entangle with straps
I’ll teach a little with a whip,
He will give me an orgasm
Will do what I want!

"Take it in your hands"

Take it in your hands
Touch your lips
He's hard as a rock
Taste and press your bare cheek,
My favorite glass of Coca-Cola!

And she's still laughing...

Doesn't walk, doesn't drink
What, in kind, for business?
And she's still laughing
Glad - I didn’t give it at night!

"My favorite bed."

Today I will come to you, strip naked
And I will spend the night with you in bliss until morning. It's so good to be with you
My favorite bed.

"Where are you tonight?"

Where are you tonight? Where are you when I need you the most? Where are you, I want to feel you, your gentle touch on my naked body? Where are you, my damn pajamas?!

Erotic short poems for your girlfriend

TO What SMS messages do you use to please your girlfriend? Wishes of good morning, good night, declarations of love, that you miss her even in a short separation, remember and cherish. In this section, we offer you several other SMS confessions - erotic. Tell your beloved frankly about your masculine feelings, about how sexy and attractive she is, how you dream of intimacy with her, what a wonderful bed partner she is. The main thing is that your confession should breathe with real passionate desire, attraction, craving for her attractive body. And when you meet, you will definitely appreciate how it affected the girl.

Bewitched by your figure
When you are completely naked
You are like an unearthly fairy
And I'm timid and excited.

You are like a princess from the fairy tales of the East
Big eyes and sensitive mouth
Firm breasts and a smooth tummy
You are an angel of heaven and a demon of vice

All-consuming passion
To you, drove me crazy
Ready for your feet to fall
Pray that you are mine

Enjoying the love game
And the warmth of gentle, affectionate phrases
Will cover us - bliss wave
We will come to mutual ecstasy

You spread your legs calling me
To a stormy night and caresses full of fire
Arched and sighing often
You whispered: - "My dear, come into me."

I will not keep silent about one
I have the courage to do so
Yes, I WANT you, I WANT you
But you know, less than I would like.

I'm always out of my mind
When I'm not in you.
I'm just insane
When I'm not screwed!

Thirst for sex is not a vice,
It only takes one call.
If you are interested,
SMS came instantly.

Your eyes have killed me
Your smile is captivating
your wonderful ass
It drove me completely crazy!

Because there's something between us
I want to tell you without pressure ...
The wise man said: "Love is a disease,
Which requires bed rest.

When I think about us
I see how next to me
You walk holding your hand
On a rainbow under starfall.
And all dreams come true
Hopes come true
When you're next to me!
Of course, better without clothes!

You are my dear, there is no dearer to me!
But now another says "hello" to me!
But the other does not give in the ear!
Which one of you is closer? Fuck you will understand!

Tonight to catch up
university debt,
My "leg" will crumple for a long time
Your hypotenuse!

Throw flowers at you
Tire you with verses
Not hinting at anything
Invite for a cup of tea
Serve vanilla cake
And then do...

What a juicy (Name),
You caught me in a trap
Tied tightly to the bed
And threw off her sundress.
Body pattern - like a guitar,
And the nerve is a stretched string,
You burn in crazy ecstasy
I'm smoldering next to you!

You are on the waves of aquaperine,
You lie like a mermaid,
I am a powerful tide on you
You're trembling in the arms of passion!
Wonderful cue volokim
I'll put the winning ball in the pocket,
I won't be cruel to you
And I will repeat the encore!

Well, at least a little fear of God!
Fourth hour: "A little more!"
And stop cursing
I'm a human, not a vibrator!


For many, waking up in the morning is a real torture, a bad mood and a terrible sound of an alarm clock. Very often, it is hard to force yourself to get out of bed and go to work or school. A guy can be cheered up with a pleasant poetic morning message. The first reaction, of course, will be surprise, and then a guaranteed smile and a great mood for the whole day. Waking up, the first thoughts of a person, as a rule, rush to beloved and dear people, and therefore such a morning verse will confirm that the girl is thinking about him, and this will definitely please, help maintain a romantic mood until the next meeting or even speed it up. There are no trifles in love, such a verse can be the beginning of something really beautiful and magical.

Do you remember how we tumbled with you!
Indefatigably gentle caresses indulged ...
How you playfully pretended to want to sleep
And five minutes later he began his game with passion again,
And I seemed to resist you ...
But with each time all the more desirable was given!
You, studying, kissed me every centimeter of the body,
And I, exhausted, under your torture, burned with fire ...
And the night was not enough for us with you ...
It's already dawn... Well, let's start over!

You got up already and your boy too,
The lower abdomen is a little disturbed,
I'll help with my mouth, of course,
And now I'll take the pressure off him.
And this morning will be remembered for a long time,
From pleasure you will howl like a wolf,
Come on, stop talking
Ready to quench your thirst.

Good morning my love,
Get him quickly
And enter me playfully
I want only one.
Stunned and in a passionate rhythm,
Cum together like always
Feeling the thrill of life
I'm already wet downstairs.

Don't wake me up at dawn
Don't wake me up at sunset...
Don't wake me up in the toilet
Don't wake me up in bed...
Don't wake me under the fence
And you don't wake me up.
Do without words and reproaches,
Lie down and sleep too.

Slugger, get up!
Don't get angry, don't get angry
Leave your bed
No need, my little baby sleep!
Good morning, how are you?
Put on your panties
And a sausage sandwich
Send it to your mouth
Drink coffee, smile
The sun shines up!
The new morning is coming
Brings us a lot of sex!
Raise your friend soon
Together will be more fun!

Wake up my master
I hasten to tell you -
What do you need today
Don't oversleep for work!
The sun shines outside the window
Blooms all around.
Wake up my master -
I am your phone.

I will hug you sleeping, kiss you,
I'll lay on your shoulder.
I admire you naked
And it gets hot inside!
I'll wake you up, caressing your dignity,
From my hands it is harder!
Kiss you below the belt -
And I will hide everything in my cave!

Waking up in the morning with you in bed...
Throwing your shirt over your shoulders,
Tiptoe into the kitchen without slamming the door.
Make you coffee, whisper to you: "I love ..."
Caressing your body... a little rough...
Surrendering to you, burning in the fire
Unbridled passion, bite your lips,
Moaning from orgasm, clinging to You ...
And then ... buried in the shoulder, burst into tears ...
Happy to have you by my side right now.
And fall asleep again, and smile in a dream.
And to know that You, the Sun, are only Mine ...

Waking up is much more pleasant in the morning, when a loved one whispers some pleasant words in your ear, from which the mood rises, you want to fly, create and move mountains. In our article, we will present different options for how to beautifully and romantically wake up your girlfriend in the early morning.

The girl you love should definitely receive messages from you every morning wishing you a good day. It is best to do this in a poetic form. If you yourself do not know how to compose poetry, then use the options we have proposed:

Beautiful good morning wishes for your girlfriend

  1. Good morning my dear! Rather, open your beautiful eyes to please the world with yourself! Fabulous emotions to you, a sea of ​​​​happiness and let all the obstacles in your way disappear away! Smile more, my love!
  2. Wake up soon, beauty! The sun is out for you! It is ready to warm and bathe you in its bright rays! I wish you a wonderful day! Let nothing cloud your bright eyes!
  3. Wake up, my golden! I really want that today everything that you only wish is immediately fulfilled! May the day be filled with miracles and bright emotions!
  4. Wake up, my dear! The world woke up with you, it is already ready to meet you with its warmth! Let this day be remembered by you as the happiest! I love you!
  5. Good morning my flower! Wake up soon, because the world can no longer live without your beauty! May all your plans for today come true! Be happy, dear! Have a good day!

Short good morning wishes for your girlfriend

  1. Good morning, the most charming girl in the world! Your day today will be warm and pleasant, because my love will warm and delight you!
  2. Honey, wake up! I wish you a great breakfast to recharge your good mood for the whole day!
  3. This morning is so beautiful that only you can compare it! Wake up soon, my unearthly happiness - good morning!
  4. Even though I'm not around right now, my heart is always with you! Good morning my love!
  5. I didn't sleep well today because you weren't around! I hope that we won't have another night like this where you won't wake up in my arms! Love you!

Funny good morning wishes for your girlfriend

Note that such a message plan can be sent only if you know for sure that your beloved is doing well with a sense of humor. Otherwise, your message may be misunderstood:

Tender good morning wishes for your girlfriend

  1. Wake up my beauty! The world has been waiting for you, my love! Let today's coffee be the most delicious, because you deserve only the best, my treasure!
  2. Honey, good morning! I send you my hot kiss so that it warms you just like the sun warms the earth! I love you and I'm already looking forward to meeting you!
  3. Darling, happy new day! May every minute of this day pass magically for you! Cheer up! Your charming eyes should sparkle only with happiness!
  4. My tender girl! Happy awakening! Happy new day! There is no more wonderful you in this world! The thought of this inspires me! May God do something extraordinary with you today so that you remember this day forever!
  5. My unearthly girl! Good and cheerful morning to you, my love! May the day be as sweet as this night! Love you! A delicious and fragrant breakfast is already waiting for you on the table!

Erotic good morning wishes for your girlfriend

If you have been in a relationship with your girlfriend for a long time, then it would be appropriate to occasionally send her intimate messages. We offer you a few not vulgar, but erotic wishes in our article:

Romantic good morning wishes for girlfriend

  1. My dear, this morning the warm sun has already lit up, which means that it's time for you to shine! Wake up my beauty! The clouds in the sky and the dawn are already waiting for your exit to give rise to a new day!
  2. Darling, I hope you woke up in a great mood! May luck smile at you today, may every person you meet today inspire you, please and surprise you with something! Love you and looking forward to the evening to see!
  3. Good morning my sweetheart! Let nothing overshadow your soul today, let your mood be fervent, let your eyes glow with happiness! I can't even put into words how much I love you! I send you my gentle kiss!
  4. Hello dear! I hope your awakening was gentle and kind, because you dreamed of fabulous Paris! I send you my hugs and gentle kisses! Until the evening, my beloved!
  5. Good morning my love! Today I woke up with only one thought, that your awakening should be magical! I hope that you have already bathed in the rays of sunlight and were inspired by the singing of birds! I love you, have a nice day!

Funny good morning wishes for your girlfriend

In order to send a funny message to your beloved, you need to choose the right moment, because in some cases, wishes of a humorous nature can be perceived as an insult. A girl may think that you are not serious about her:

good morning wishes for girlfriend

Instead of a thousand words, you can express your feelings by sending your beloved a beautiful postcard. We present several options in our article:

Good morning sms for girlfriend

  1. Hi dear! I am sending you a message just so that you wake up and remember me! I love!
  2. Good morning to the most beautiful and tender girl in the world! It is a pity that it is impossible to send a bouquet of flowers via SMS, but I just want you to be pleased!
  3. Wake up sunshine! It's time to get out of bed and drink aromatic coffee with a French bun. Breakfast is waiting for you in the kitchen!
  4. Beauty, good morning! I hope that you will soon cope with all your affairs and give me a call! I'm looking forward to it!
  5. Honey, good morning! How happy I am that I have you! From the mere thought that you are near, I feel very good! Love you!

Pay attention to your loved ones! Let them start each morning with a reminder of how much you love them!

Video: "Good morning, darling"

What SMS messages do you use to please your girlfriend? Wishes of good morning, good night, declarations of love, that you miss her even in a short separation, remember and cherish. In this section, we offer you several other SMS confessions - erotic. Tell your beloved frankly about your masculine feelings, about how sexy and attractive she is, how you dream of intimacy with her, what a wonderful bed partner she is. The main thing is that your confession should breathe with real passionate desire, attraction, craving for her attractive body. And when you meet, you will definitely appreciate how it affected the girl.

Bewitched by your figure
When you are completely naked
You are like an unearthly fairy
And I'm timid and excited.

You are like a princess from the fairy tales of the East
Big eyes and sensitive mouth
Firm breasts and a smooth tummy
You are an angel of heaven and a demon of vice

All-consuming passion
To you, drove me crazy
Ready for your feet to fall
Pray that you are mine

Enjoying the love game
And the warmth of gentle, affectionate phrases
Will cover us - bliss wave
We will come to mutual ecstasy

You spread your legs calling me
To a stormy night and caresses full of fire
Arched and sighing often
You whispered: - "My dear, come into me."

I will not keep silent about one
I have the courage to do so
Yes, I WANT you, I WANT you
But you know, less than I would like.

I'm always out of my mind
When I'm not in you.
I'm just insane
When I'm not screwed!

Thirst for sex is not a vice,
It only takes one call.
If you are interested,
SMS came instantly.

Your eyes have killed me
Your smile is captivating
your wonderful ass
It drove me completely crazy!

Because there's something between us
I want to tell you without pressure ...
The wise man said: "Love is a disease,
Which requires bed rest.

When I think about us
I see how next to me
You walk holding your hand
On a rainbow under starfall.
And all dreams come true
Hopes come true
When you're next to me!
Of course, better without clothes!

You are my dear, there is no dearer to me!
But now another says "hello" to me!
But the other does not give in the ear!
Which one of you is closer? Fuck you will understand!

Tonight to catch up
university debt,
My "leg" will crumple for a long time
Your hypotenuse!

Throw flowers at you
Tire you with verses
Not hinting at anything
Invite for a cup of tea
Serve vanilla cake
And then do...

What a juicy (Name),
You caught me in a trap
Tied tightly to the bed
And threw off her sundress.
Body pattern - like a guitar,
And the nerve is a stretched string,
You burn in crazy ecstasy
I'm smoldering next to you!

You are on the waves of aquaperine,
You lie like a mermaid,
I am a powerful tide on you
You're trembling in the arms of passion!
Wonderful cue volokim
I'll put the winning ball in the pocket,
I won't be cruel to you
And I will repeat the encore!

Well, at least a little fear of God!
Fourth hour: "A little more!"
And stop cursing
I'm a human, not a vibrator!

If you have deep feelings for a girl and don’t know how to express your sympathy or love to her, send her a beautiful good morning poem that will give her a wonderful mood and emphasize that you have the most tender feelings for her and think about her when you wake up. Choose a beautiful poem that you associate with a girl and that you like so much that you want her to read it and send it to her! If you are in a relationship with a girl and don’t know how to please her in the morning, then in your case the sent poem is the best solution that will return your relationship to a possibly lost romance!

I wake up and don't believe
God, what a beauty!
You lie in my bed
Immaculate and pure.
Sleep and smile on your face
Opening your mouth a little.
Sleep is not strong, very unsteady
Your body is waiting for affection.

A ray of sunshine darts through the window.
I am not sleeping. I woke up. With you.
The blanket dangles down.
You curled up with me.
You purr in your sleep.
I admire. Your lips, eyelashes, eyes...
Your ass sticks out, arousing...
And your nose sniffs as always.
You are a beautiful sweet Miracle!
I'll fix your bangs a little.
Kiss you gently
And I hold my breath.
Sleep my Angel. I admire you.
Don't rush us this morning.
Bunny plays with your ass...
Hey! Don't touch!!! This is my butt!!!
Here is Butthole!!! Doesn't want to get up.
She turned and continued to sniff.
And moves effortlessly ass.
And I'm already on fire!
Enough! That's it!... I've had enough...!
I'll land! I can't lie down like this!
I'll crawl to us .. under the covers ...
And I'll start... There... kissing you!
You snort... you wiggle your ass...
From goosebumps in secluded places!
To me, what ... In this matter, I deftly ...
Slippery fear is not a hindrance to me!
I caress you to shiver...!
Good morning! Stop lying down!
We will hug with Zhuzha lying ..
And in passion... let's knock over the bed!
Well, figs with her! .. Not really necessary! ...
We would have a fulcrum!
The closet is shaking and pouring lipstick...
On our hungry bodies!
We are laughing. We capture the moment...
Give each other kisses...
Love has no time...
So wake me up tomorrow Love!!!...

Oh morning! storm of flavors!
The intoxicating air, the glare of the sun!
Fragments of dreams are flying somewhere ...
Your breath... and the first cry of the birds!
And you, O slumbering maiden!
Scattering gold hair ...
Here! torn!! torn!!!
The abysses of the subconscious opened up,
Screams, sighs, groans, beats
My wish:
Fall into your arms
and - enjoy to your heart's content!

Darling, let this night drive
All sad thoughts and all sorrows away!
Let my confessions awaken in you
Desire for pleasure and desire.
And if suddenly a series of fantasies
To you will come, then obey them, yes!
Let languid bliss - a premonition of love -
Will cover you. I'll come, call!

A ray of sun falls through the window
Bunny caressing your eyelids.
But to wake up completely is not given,
You are still in captivity of beautiful bliss.
Hair scattered everywhere
On the pillow, and on the thin neck.
You lie naked in a dream
And this one is even nicer to me.
How magnificent in nakedness,
All your captivating forms.
I admire you, I'm sorry
Disturb the dream of a beautiful maiden.
But it's time to get up, I'll wake you up
You with a long, tender kiss,
Wake up the sun, I'll say quietly
Honey, I love you alone.

Sun! Hello!
Do you love me or not?
My friend misses you
Disappointed by idleness.
Always gets up in the morning
Says hello to you.