FAQ: How to get the right impression of a man on a first date. First impression of a girl

Today it is possible and even necessary to make acquaintances via the Internet! In today's world, there are many opportunities to communicate without borders. Place your ad on a dating site and wait. It is advisable to attach several high-quality photographs to it. This will allow the girls to take a closer look at you. When the lady has answered, try to write to her as early as possible. Depending on whether you like it or not, you choose.In the first message, you need to either reject it or give it a chance. While you are in control, try not to let her know. Answer gently: “Sorry, but I think I have already found my one. Cheer up, you'll be lucky another time! "

Dating a girl on the Internet: an example

“Hi, let's get to know each other a little better. Tell about yourself. What do you like the most? What's annoying? What do you think about online dating? " - after that, try to read at least two sentences from what she writes, and act based on the information that is. Try to be sympathetic and condescending.

First meeting

Many young men are interested in the answer to the question of what to write to a girl in the first message. But few people think about the fact that first you need to get acquainted. Even the most sophisticated words may not affect a beauty if she does not know you. Therefore, first of all, you need to somehow get into her social circle. If you are dating through social networks, send her a request to add you as a "friend".

Social networks

Modern Internet resources allow people to communicate at a distance and meet young people they like. The emergence of the network solved the problem of where to meet girls. However, it should be noted that not all Internet users want communication and even more acquaintances.


If you are still interested in what to write to the girl in the first message, we offer step-by-step instructions.

1. Make yourself a good photo session. Girls, like men, "love with their eyes." Based on this, before writing a message, make sure that you have beautiful photos on the network. If you manage to get the attention of your sweetheart, then the first thing she wants to do is look at you. Beautiful appearance and favorable angles are half the battle!

2. Determine what you need a girl for. Do you want a serious relationship from her or just sex without obligation? Some young men do not know how to behave, only because they cannot even simulate a goal. Everyone decides for himself what to write to the girl. In the first message, you can simply introduce yourself and say a couple of compliments.

3. Be different from others. Guys very often try to gloss over the truth. This approach is fundamentally wrong, because in the case of closer communication, you will either be revealed and called a liar, or you will be under stress, fearing that the truth will be revealed. Therefore, we recommend that you speak honestly at once. In order not to seem completely boring, try to joke.

4. Never start a conversation with a vulgar joke or sentence. This not only repels the person, but also spoils the mood. Try to be interesting and not boring.

5. Give detailed answers to questions. Monosyllabic phrases make the person feel like you don't want communication. When writing messages over the network, do not use a large number of emoticons.

6. It is advisable to make templates for messages. This will allow you to send them to the girls you like as spam. Someone will reject, and someone will want to get to know each other better.

Dating and Pickup

How to impress a girl

When you meet a girl, or when you spend time with her, you need to gain confidence in her and increase your chances for a place in her heart, and therefore a place in bed. And you can develop trust if you impress her and win her over.

Both of these tasks are accomplished with a compliment or positive comparison tool. You show the girl that you positively assess any quality of her soul, or the parameters of her appearance. However, this must be done extremely carefully and delicately in order to charm the girl. It is possible.

Girl's impression and attitude towards others

If you pay attention to the amounts that girls spend on their appearance, then it will become quite obvious to you that they are worried about the opinions of others about their person. It is important for them that the people around them evaluate positively both their actions and their appearance. This is accessible and understandable described in his work Mark Twain "What is a man." And since such a classic of literature even noticed this, then there is no need to doubt it anymore. Take it as a fact: “The opinion of others about themselves is important for girls. And they are willing to do a lot of stupid things to get approval. "

And since girls are looking for the approval of others, and you are also part of the environment, then your opinion on their behavior and appearance is important for girls. Therefore, you must use this power for your own selfish purposes.

However, let us note with you such a thing that the opinion of "unworthy" people, in the opinion of a girl, for example, homeless vagabonds, does not interest her as much as the opinion of people who have weight in society. Therefore, we will try (respect in the eyes of other people).

What kind of person has "weight" for a girl, who can impress her and win her approval. Firstly, this is a guy who has a pleasant appearance, which is achieved by good clothing and personal hygiene. The eye may not stop on him, but he definitely should not repulse. Secondly, it is personal confidence and the ability to make decisions (do not be afraid of responsibility). A person without an opinion cannot defend his position, which means that his words and actions are worthless. And, thirdly, it is a positive attitude and the ability to achieve a word in the company of people (when you speak, and everyone stops talking and listens to you). Those. quite a sociable guy who can say a word, joke, and draw attention to himself. It is not necessary to be an opinion leader; it is enough to be positive and self-confident.

Therefore, as soon as you acquire these necessary qualities, you will receive a powerful tool in communicating with a girl: your opinion. You can wag the girl and show her your approval.

What girls want to hear about themselves

The girl has spent a lot of time and money on her appearance, so she wants to hear from you that she looks attractive and elegant. It works like a red scarf on her. Therefore, you need to be simple and say one of the following comments:

  • Wow, you look good, ”they say with a touch of enthusiasm.
  • You look great today, ”says the announcer's voice.
  • I saw you, and the mood was right up, you look good ”- in a solemn voice.

These are basic compliments that will suit almost any situation, and the girl will be pleased, she will start playing with you a little. But that's not all. It is also extremely important for every girl to know that they look sexy and desirable. By and large, a girl's only goal is to look sexy and desirable. And you have to show the girl this.

If you don't know the girl that much, then compliments like:

  • You have a great figure.
  • You have slender legs.
  • You look desirable and appetizing.

However, you need to remember that this must actually be the case. If the girl-puffy came today unpainted and sleepy, then she will not believe you. Therefore, say only what you think is true. Just pay attention to the girl and find strengths her appearance. This will give your words confidence and strength.

When your relationship with a girl is already free, then compliments should become more intimate and passionate. For example, compliments about breasts, legs, priests, and more. For instance:

  • What kind of neckline you have today attracts with its beauty.
  • Delicious legs, I would like to get to them.
  • How do you look today, I will say in one phrase - I want you.

But remember that you must not go beyond words and your hints. After all, you do not seduce a girl, but you show her your approval. You make the girl see you as a worthy guy who supports her, who can be trusted.

By my personal example, I will tell you that a literate girl can overnight change her opinion of you in a positive way. After all, now there are few guys left who can say pleasant and objective words to a girl without self-interest. It will impress her and win over you.

What you don't need to do to impress a girl

For some reason, a lot of guys think that their cool actions will impress the girl. Therefore, they do a lot of stupid things, ranging from heroism (jumping into the water, drinking a bottle of vodka in one) to arousing the girl's pity with their "unfortunate" actions. This is all nonsense and you don't need to do it.

This will help:

HOW TO MEET A GIRL: dating without problems

A type: Guide

Price: Paid version

You will learn how to properly meet girls. You will stop wasting your money and time on ridiculous dates and trying to somehow please the girl. You will learn how to bring meetings to sex. The girls themselves will want to have sex with you. You will become that guy who has many girls! And it's very simple!

Short description

Having a girlfriend is cool! It's nice to know that you have a girlfriend with whom you can correspond, communicate, spend time together and have sex. However, many guys are afraid of girls and sit at home alone. After receiving a couple of rejections, they lost faith in themselves forever.

And we will put an end to this delirium! Every guy deserves to have a good girl, every guy deserves to have sex with a girl. And we will teach you how you can easily meet girls and bring the matter to sex.

You know all these opinions:

  • the guy has to pursue the girl
  • the guy has to pay for the girl
  • the girl's whims need to be endured
  • sex is possible only after a couple of months
  • an ordinary guy can't get a cool girl
  • etc

So, this is all nonsense, which has nothing to do with how you really need to get to know girls and have sex with them. If you know the methods that we tell in our book, you will be able to get acquainted with a girl with a 100% guarantee, and you will be able to have sex with her.

There are people who say: "It is enough for me to see a person once, and then everything that I see and feel is justified." There are others who say that their first impression of meeting a man is very different from what they later learn about a new acquaintance.

In fact, both beliefs are false, because when a person is sure that his first impression is correct, he will constantly try to find in the other what he saw at the first impression.

On the other hand, the one who believes that his first impressions constantly deceive him and because of this he may even part with a girl or a man, since he may not pay attention to some features of appearance and behavior that are important for communication, persuade yourself constantly that everything is in order. At first glance, an acquaintance can attract, and after long-term communication, turn out to be the most terrible monster.

As always, the truth is in the middle. At the moment of perception of the other, each person has certain associations, conclusions that are based on past experience and are associated with such a psychological parameter as sensitivity.

Sensitivity social psychologists call the accuracy of interpersonal perception, that is, the ability of a person to quite accurately understand who is in front of him and what to expect from this.

Sensitivity develops throughout life, it is best developed in people who work a lot with other people and receive regular confirmation or refutation of their opinions about these people, for example, doctors, psychologists, investigators have a fairly high level of sensitivity.

But any more or less decent psychologist will tell you that you should not draw far-reaching conclusions based on first impressions, just as you should not completely ignore the signals of anxiety, for example, that you feel when meeting someone. The question is how to discern the correct signals and separate them from our own projections.

The fact is that a person is not a machine, it is often difficult for him to impartially and objectively evaluate another person, because in the assessment process he is guided, firstly, by his sometimes false attitudes, and secondly, by his past experience, which can be negative and impose imprint on perception.

Third, emotions and the mood of the perceiver have a strong influence on the assessment of another person. For example, it is known that in a good mood we tend to see other people as nice, kind, and if it seems to us that they are not too kind, then we explain this by the circumstances of their life, and not by their personal characteristics.

At the same time, being in a bad mood, we see people in a rather negative light and sometimes even their positive actions can be assessed negatively.

At the same time, we project onto other people not only our past experience, but also our own traits and characteristics that they may not possess at all.

All of the above applies to the perception of men by women. Moreover, when it comes to men and romantic relationships, it is especially difficult for women to remain impartial and realistic when assessing the man they like.

On the one hand, liking is a certain insurance, because if you like a person, most likely, he is right for you.

On the other hand, sympathy can arise, quickly begin to disappear, but the woman will continue to convince herself that she really likes the person in order to preserve for herself and mainly for those around her that her personal life is going well.

Thus, it is important, when meeting, to forget that your first impression is always correct or false, and to pay attention first of all to what signals your body, mind and heart are giving you in aggregate.

Let us examine in order both of these twin beliefs "the first impression is correct" and then "the first impression is false."

A woman who believes that her first impression never deceives her risks, oddly enough, to be constantly deceived. Moreover, she was deceived twice.

The first deception occurs when her first impression is not supported by the reality of communication with a man afterwards. For example, he seemed greedy to her. She begins to communicate with him, and suddenly he shows generosity.

But the woman is already sure that her first impression is honest and correct. So she says what? She says the sacramental phrase: “Of course! Exceptions only prove the rules. After all, it immediately seemed to me that he was greedy. And I am always accurate. So he just hides his greed. I'll check it now. "

And he begins to somehow check him, making inadequate demands, to which the man reacts adequately, not always doing what she wants, giving instantly a reason to once again make sure of his “greed”.

Then the woman deceives herself a second time, because she begins to look for any opportunity to confirm her first impression and can act in accordance with the self-fulfilling prophecy that we have already considered - provoke stinginess in male behavior in various ways.

Developing the theme of the first impression of male greed, it should be said that there are very few truly highly greedy men.

A man can change depending on which woman he is in contact with. So, he may become more greedy when dealing with a woman who flirts in the role of mom and parent.

And he can become unusually generous with the one who will look at him with loving eyes, adore and trust him, without criticizing or making comments.

Thus, the belief "the first impression is always correct" is fraught with the danger of not seeing the real person behind their own projections and interpretations.

The belief that the first impression is always false is also not very helpful, although it has more truth than the first attitude. The truth is, it really cannot be 100 percent accurate, even if you are a genius psychologist or doctor.

And when you are calm about your first impression, you have a better chance of meeting the person as he is, and not communicating all the way with your image of this person, which you created and project onto him.

The danger of this belief is that, not trusting yourself at all, you can miss signals that are important, including for your well-being and your mental health. There are things that immediately catch your eye or that you feel strongly, so strongly that you cannot get rid of the sensations. Elements such as first impressions and strongest impressions are likely to be accurate and need to be paid attention to.

For example, you may feel extremely uncomfortable with a man from the first minutes. If you think that the first impression is deceiving you, then you can write off this acute discomfort, almost physical, for collateral reasons and tell yourself that you need to meet again.

Indeed, it happens that you need to meet again. But, as a rule, in this case, the first impression is not accompanied by severe irritation, or severe abdominal pain, or nausea and the feeling that the man is a stranger to you.

It is important to distinguish between anxiety related to how you look and how this man will relate to you - such experiences often arise - and anxiety about the man himself - his appearance, his behavior, what he tells you about himself ... Anxiety about his behavior, regardless of you, must be taken into account. You also need to notice the inadequacy in the behavior of a man.

For example, you think that he is too rude and aggressive. Or he is telling you something that is very unpleasant for you to hear. Or you look at it and instead of a feeling of pleasure, you experience anxiety constantly - all these are signals that are better not to ignore.

Many of us are not always able to quickly and easily make new relationships and acquaintances in real life. However, from our today's article, you will learn what to write to a girl when you meet in order to continue communicating with her.

Online dating

Often young people do not want and do not know how to meet on the street (due to innate modesty) or do not have the time and opportunity for this (due to a busy schedule and high employment), but everyone wants to build new relationships, so men turn to social networks and dating sites in search of the perfect girl.

However, online dating is fraught with many pitfalls and difficulties that are invisible at first glance. The main problem of guys who choose online dating is the inability to communicate correctly, build dialogues and have long conversations. As a result, short conversations, constant excuses, or complete ignorance of messages by the girl.

What can you do if you find yourself in such a situation? You should reconsider your communication rules, abandon templates and blanks that do not bring any result. It's time to learn to be a good, witty, and fun conversationalist.

The main reasons for failure

If you have not tried to build relationships on the Internet, then you need to be prepared for different developments and possible obstacles to success. As practice shows, there are much more shy and busy guys than decisive and courageous ones, those who can meet a girl on the street or in public transport. And many guys in the first category try their luck on dating sites and social networks. This means that pretty and pleasant girls have a huge number of admirers and fans on the network who write them various messages. To somehow stand out from the general crowd at the first meeting, you need:

  • be special and interesting, unpredictable and cute;
  • take into account the experience of previous communication, do not repeat past mistakes;
  • create your account on social networks competently and truthfully, so that the fair sex themselves would like to communicate with you and start writing first.

Start a conversation

Everyone knows that the first impression of a person remains with us forever. As you prove yourself at the very beginning of communication, so you will be perceived in the future, no matter what messages you write. Breaking through the veil of a bad first impression and fixing the shortcomings can only be done by seasoned and experienced guys. If you have not yet learned how to properly build a conversation and do not know what you can write during the first communication, how to correct mistakes, then after a failure it is better to just find another object for communication and admiration.

So, in order for communication to go in the right direction, you need to know what you can write to the girl at the beginning, what is the first message to send in order to interest her. After analyzing the many unsuccessful dialogues and failed conversations, it becomes clear that the main reason for failure is uncertainty.

Self-doubt, which seeps into the conversation, into those phrases that the girl reads on the monitor. Examples:

  1. Hello. Found your profile and want to meet you. Maybe let's talk?
  2. Hello. You're pretty. I hope you will not refuse to communicate with me?
  3. Hello. Sorry if I'm distracting. May I meet you?

These are quite vivid examples of the wrong manner of communication, sometimes it does not appear so clearly, but at a subconscious level it is nevertheless fixed in our brain, making up that very first impression that will not be very good. Girls perceive guys as strong and courageous personalities, defenders, and mumblers and quiet people, unsure of their attractiveness and masculinity, are not needed by a real lady.

What to write to a girl when meeting "Vkontakte"?

In order to create the right atmosphere and mood in communication from the first seconds of acquaintance, you need to select and adhere to a certain strategy.

If you really like a girl, do not rush to write to her the first thing that comes to mind. First, look at her profile and photos, try to understand her hobbies, take a contextual approach, and only then compose the message. Nobody forbids using templates and templates when meeting online, but they should be special, only yours, without a shadow of plagiarism. An example of how best to construct such a phrase might be: “Hello. You are a pretty girl with interesting hobbies. Our communication promises many interesting moments. "

This is just a sample of what the template for the first phrase should be when meeting in contact. Best of all is live communication, uniqueness and an individual approach. You can use templates only when personal data, photo albums and feed entries do not give room for the development of imagination.

In order for the first phrases to work, they themselves must radiate interest in the interlocutor, a desire to get to know him as best as possible. For dating Vkontakte, conversations about music and sports, leisure and books, work and travel are well suited. When viewing the page, pay attention to such information and try to build a question that does not imply a simple and monosyllabic answer, which asks for a detailed answer, but at the same time will be pleasant and unobtrusive.

For example, what message can you write to a lady who hugs her beloved animal in most of her profile pictures? It is best to ask about the breed and predilections of the pet, ask about its pedigree and awards, habits, hint that you also love animals and know how to handle them.

What to write to a girl on a dating site?

Dating sites already inherently foresee the fact that people who are hungry for acquaintances and communication, are open to conversations, register on them.

If you want to find a lady of the heart right here, then carefully read the profile of the heroine, find out about her preferences, the purpose of staying on this resource on the Internet (some visitors are looking only for acquaintance, others are looking for friends and like-minded people, someone else is serious relationships or partners for an easy pastime).

After that, think about what greeting would be more appropriate, what you want to know about this person, whether you want to continue communication in real life. Based on your answers, start building the first message, which will become the key to success.

How to consolidate success at the first communication?

The first message was sent and a response was received, the correspondence begins to gain momentum. Now it's worth thinking about how not to make a mistake when you first communicate. You already know how to build phrases correctly, now you need to learn certain techniques for conducting a conversation with a girl you like. For proper seduction, you need to adhere to these rules:

  • do without stupid and "hard questions". These include questions that make you write and explain a lot, stupid and predictable (like: "How are you? What are you doing?"). Which make you remember unpleasant moments or think a lot. Women like simple and easy guys who do not notice problems and deal with them with one hand. Do not drag the girl you like into sad thoughts;
  • do not intrude, do not demonstrate frank interest and desire. Try to ask the girl as few questions as possible. This will allow you to keep the right distance and tension, uncertainty. This situation excites the girls very much, makes them the first to write and ask questions, keeping the conversation going;
  • do not rush to answer. You do not need to type your message immediately after you receive an SMS from her. Follow a simple rule: if the answer comes within 3 minutes, then you should start writing not earlier than this time. This allows you to maintain some distance and not demonstrate strong interest and desire to write when meeting on the Internet;
  • short leash method. This method, which is often used by those who have already learned how to communicate on the Internet and know how to behave in such situations, what to write to a girl when they first meet. At first, you show maximum interest and enthusiasm, and after a while you change it to cool communication, monosyllabic answers. Such tactics awaken excitement in the opposite sex and, at the same time, concern about what caused such a change in mood.
  • Could the very first impression of a girl be correct?
  • What determines what will be the first impression of the girl - positive and negative?
  • Does an outwardly attractive girl always make a good impression?
  • Is your first impression of the girl correct or misleading?
  • What allows you to leave a good first impression of yourself?
  • It was found that a positive or negative opinion is formed during the first 3-4 minutes of a conversation.
  • On questions, you can evaluate the prevailing opinion about yourself: with a positive impression, they ask questions to reveal the best sides, with a negative impression, they ask questions "to fill in."

Make the first impression

The first impression about a person's character is usually formed by the manner of his communication with others. The ability to behave in society implies a combination of naturalness with respect for people. It is important to learn to listen to the other person without interrupting during the conversation, and try to understand him. Be attentive to people, this is a very valuable quality.

Physical attractiveness

It is noticed that “what is beautiful is also good,” that is, you should know that the effect of beauty is able to ascribe exclusively positive character traits and moral qualities to you. When assessing your attractiveness, they pay special attention to your face.

Now attention! A person is considered attractive not only with a beautiful face like a doll, but his expressiveness is assessed. If your facial expressions expresses calmness and benevolence, then in most cases you will be appreciated by others positively.

Posture plays a critical role in shaping your physical attractiveness. A girl's good posture is associated with confidence and optimism, as well as inner strength and dignity. Poor posture in a girl is perceived as a manifestation of insecurity, dependence, subordination.

Sincerity affects first impressions

Learn to be sincere and see the good in other people. A cultured and developed person will try to discern positive qualities in everyone. It is very important to learn to appreciate the true merits of people and to be generous in praise.

Non-verbal human behavior

Your gaze takes a special place. If you don’t look away, don’t look “past” the other, don’t lower your eyes, then you get the impression of being more confident, more benevolent, and this is due to the idea that people have developed in the past that, on the one hand, , a strong-willed person is not afraid to look people in the eye, on the other hand, if a person keeps his gaze on us, it means that we are of some interest to him.

The posture in which you are during the conversation is also important. People are more attracted to those who lean their body forward during a conversation, compared to those who lean it back.

It has been established that there is a distance for each person (who is in his usual environment), which should separate him and the stranger so that it does not cause irritation. The magnitude of this distance depends on the height of people, their gender, neuropsychic state, intentions in relation to the person they are trying to form an opinion about.

For example, women prefer a slightly shorter distance of such communication, men - a greater one. They talk to people they like at a closer distance. On this basis, you can determine the attitude of the interlocutor to yourself. With formal communication or a wary attitude, they try to sit a little further.

Tactfulness is remembered by the interlocutor

Tactfulness - behave at ease, but at the same time tries to avoid situations that could embarrass the other person. You should refrain from interfering in other people's affairs, if you are not asked to. A tactful girl avoids disputes if they can be avoided, because disputes that are not of a principled nature are meaningless and only contribute to anger and irritation.

The form of communication leaves an impression

It has long been known that the form of communication largely determines the result of conversations, both personal and business, which is why any conversation should be conducted in a friendly tone, show interest in the interlocutor and his problems. Say only good, pleasant words in the eyes and behind the eyes, it will encourage people to be just like that.

Your positive attitude towards people will have a greater effect on the perception of a stranger. Thanks to this effect, you can adjust the overall impression. In order for your interlocutor to feel a good attitude towards himself, you need to show attention and interest in him. Just don't bend the stick, otherwise you will leave the impression of either a flatterer or a manipulator.

It is indecent to talk while sitting with a standing interlocutor. You need to get up and invite him to sit down or talk to yourself while standing. And of course, you cannot sit in the presence of an elder who is standing.

During a conversation, do not pat the interlocutor on the shoulder, do not grab him by the button, and do not touch him at all. When you talk, do not twirl anything in your hands, do not tap with your hand or foot, do not swing in a chair, do not drum with your fingers. Talking loudly on the street or in a public place is inappropriate as it may disturb others.

A good impression of yourself is the result of working on yourself

And the last thing: everything is important in communication: how you are dressed, how you sit, how you walk, how you talk. All this and much more forms your character.

Lest the first be wrong

If you want the first impression of you to be not mistaken, keep in mind that the following factors can affect a person's perception:

  • Installation effect

In life, most people are sympathetic to the assessment of a stranger, many people tend to not even notice his obvious shortcomings. However, there are people who prefer to doubt the positive qualities of the object of observation.

  • Mood

A person in a good mood assesses all the people around him mainly in bright colors and he himself arouses sympathy in them. And vice versa, a person who is in depression not only sees everything in a gray color, but also causes hostility towards himself. Therefore, the mental state of the observer (observed) can be a source of errors in personality assessment.

  • Desires

We see what we want to see. If, under some conditions and for some reason, we want to see positive traits in a person, we will see them.

  • Simplification

It is known that the first impression is always incomplete and fragmentary, because a person is very complex. However, we tend to oversimplify the perception of people. Often people draw conclusions based on one fact, fix them in their minds and then change them with difficulty.

For people of an authoritarian type, this tendency is most pronounced: they strive for simplicity and see the world only in black or white, do not notice transitional tones, and the more pronounced their authoritarianism, the stronger their categorical assessments of people.

  • Superiority

When we meet a person who is superior to us in something (a prestigious car, fashionable clothes, expensive accessories, speech rich in incomprehensible terms, money, power, etc.), as a rule, we overestimate him, that is, we treat him well in advance, psychologically we give such a person an advance of trust.

  • Attitude

If a stranger treats us well, without aggression, with understanding, if he helps us in something, then we naturally begin to overestimate him. And, as in the mistake of superiority, we will advance his trust, without delving into the essence of his personality, without understanding the shortcomings.

For us, such a person is initially good. And all our future relations with him will be based on these positions. We subconsciously begin to attribute positive characteristics to it and discard possible negative ones.

  • Stereotypes

If the observable differs from us in some characteristic feature, then this difference, striking the eye, evokes in us strictly defined standard images, that is, stereotypes.

These are group and ethnic stereotypes, stereotypes associated with appearance (high - low; thick - skinny; aquiline nose, Socratic forehead, etc.), as well as stereotypes regarding physical impairment, especially expressive movements (gait, facial expressions, gestures ), features of voice and speech.

Such stereotypes, which interfere with the correct perception of a person, are found in all cultures. Knowledge of stereotypes of perception, taking into account different nationalities, greatly contributes to getting rid of behavioral errors when interpreting people's intentions.

  • Opinions of others

Often, even the most general opinion about the person we are interested in is enough to influence our assessment of this person. If we were given a description of the object of our interest or expressed the most superficial judgment about it, then when we meet, we try to fit the behavior of the object into the framework of a certain template formed under the influence of someone else's, perhaps not entirely objective, opinion.

  • Remember the name

Make sure you remember the name of the person presented to you well. If you cannot remember his name the next time you meet, this person may get the impression that you were not interested in meeting him.

  • Smile and shake hands

Imagine how you feel if the person dodges eye contact or refuses to shake hands when meeting you. Two easy steps to a friendly, trusting relationship - a warm smile and a handshake - firm, but not strong enough to break someone's fingers.

  • Be punctual

Punctuality is also very important. Being late will create a bad impression of you even before the person meets you; this is not a good start to dating. Your punctuality suggests that you are organized and know how to value time, both yours and others'. Arriving ahead of time for a visit is terribly impolite. Just imagine how you will feel when the owners of the house run around you with a vacuum cleaner.

  • Pay attention to the appearance

Pay enough attention to your clothes, they should be neat, look good, make a good impression and be appropriate for the situation. This means that for a business meeting it is better to choose a formal suit, for a meeting with the parents of your half - neat, neat clothes, for an interview in an advertising agency - a creative, bright outfit.

Regardless of the style of your clothes, one thing remains unchanged - it must be clean. Even if in your thoughts you cannot imagine that you will appear anywhere, spreading the smell of sweat or with greasy hair, make sure everything is in order with your appearance again.

  • Follow the speech

When communicating with unfamiliar people, carefully monitor your speech. Try not to use black humor, swear words, etc. This is especially true for communication with older people and business partners. Remember that the same joke told in different situations can be perceived in different ways.

  • Become positive

Many people scare away from themselves by constantly grumbling. Even if you had to make a terrible trip to get to the meeting point, or if you have health problems, your new acquaintances do not need to know about it in detail. Remain optimistic and people will reach out to you.