The physics of falls: why it is more dangerous to fall from the third, and not from the fourth floor. Physics of falls: why it is more dangerous to fall from the third, and not from the fourth floor Who fell from the 5th floor

MOSCOW, November 10 - RIA Novosti, Olga Kolentsova. The trajectory of a falling person, the length of the flight and the place of landing depend on many conditions. Forensic experts by the nature of the injury can determine the circumstances of the fall. Information about how the human body behaves in flight can help not only solve a crime, but also reduce the severity of injuries.

Falls can be "active" or "passive". In the first case, a person is accelerated by some extraneous force (for example, he was pushed) or by himself (having made a jump or pushed off the window sill). "Passive fall" occurs without additional acceleration - for example, when falling off the roof.

In both cases, during the flight, the body can change position, as well as deviate from the perpendicular connecting the point from which the fall began and the landing site. This occurs due to the mutual movement of body parts having different masses and volumes, as well as due to the rotation of the torso around the center of gravity or the point of impact with obstacles. This factor depends on the physique - height, weight, individual characteristics, as well as on the starting position, fall height, trajectory, the presence of an accelerating force and the point of its application.

The initial push does not always increase the departure distance. The closer to the center of gravity (it is located in the navel area) the accelerating force is applied, the farther the body flies away from the perpendicular. Conversely, an impact much above or below the center of gravity is usually followed by a downward motion in a straight line, and the body lands at or even in front of the impact perpendicular to the plane of impact (if the starting point was a protruding part of a building).

If the body falls from a vertical position without additional acceleration, then it flies along a parabola, and the place of impact with the surface is always further than the fall perpendicular. The amount of deviation in such cases depends on the height.

© RIA Novosti illustration. Alina Polyanina

The researchers found that when falling, the dummy rotates around the center of gravity in the frontal plane. The number of turns depends on the height. Falling from seven or eight meters (third floor), he turns 180 ° and hits the ground with his head; flying from a height of ten to eleven meters (fourth floor) results in a 270° turn, after which the person lands on their back.

© RIA Novosti illustration. Alina Polyanina

The impact force during landing depends on the mass of the body and the speed of its movement. Moreover, the mass itself does not affect the speed in any way. The different speed of falling bodies with different masses is associated with air resistance, which, of course, will be greater for a feather than for a weight. If the human body is at rest before the flight, then the speed of its movement will depend on the height and acceleration of free fall. The latter value depends on the level at which the object is initially located, but it is so insignificant that this change is usually neglected. In practice, the speed of a body's flight is determined by its height.

© RIA Novosti illustration. Alina Polyanina

© RIA Novosti illustration. Alina Polyanina

The severity of the injuries received is directly related to the speed of the fall, and not to the height. In flight, a person instinctively tries to cling to branches or balconies in order to slow himself down. Of course, this can lead to additional injuries, but it will mitigate the damage on the last hit to the ground.

Greater speed is obtained when falling from a fast moving object. When we fall off a bike or jump out of a car, our body gets the speed of that vehicle and tends to move forward. This is how inertia works - the property of a body to remain at rest or uniform rectilinear motion in the absence of external influences (air resistance or friction force). Due to inertia, we are flying forward when the vehicle stops abruptly.

In the case of a forced jump, you can choose the direction in which to jump. Physics says that it is more correct to jump backwards in order to reduce the speed acquired from a moving object. But in any case, there is a threat to fall, since the upper body will still move when the legs have already stopped, touching the ground. Therefore, it is safer to fall in the direction of the train than backwards - in this case, the person puts his feet forward (or runs a few steps), preventing a fall. When jumping back, this saving movement will not be, and the likelihood of injury becomes higher. In addition, jumping forward, a person puts his hands in front of him and weakens the force of the blow. However, if you want to throw luggage from the train, it is better to do it against the movement of the train.

Fall damage depends on both the laws of physics and the structure of the human body. Since the tissues of the body are elastic, have different elasticity and resistance, and some parts of the body can move, this significantly reduces the impact force. But, of course, it can be weakened by elastic flexion of the limbs and simultaneous landing on several points.

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Milana Tarasenko from the city of Borovsk accidentally fell out of the window at the age of two. She really needs rehabilitation: the first year after the injury is the most productive.

It happened on July 3 last year. Summer did not particularly please with warm days, and suddenly - the first heat. The windows are high, but two-year-old Milana, the youngest in the Tarasenko family, climbed onto the table and in a matter of seconds was at the open window. The girl fell from the fifth floor.

But in the afternoon, Mila played for the last time in the sandbox in the yard, importantly walked past the neighbor's grandmothers on the bench ... By evening, she fell on the asphalt in front of the entrance.

Even if she is not at all guilty, Sveta will reproach herself for a long time, it seems to her - all her life. Why didn't you put screens on the windows? Why was she in this room, but turned away, and at that moment everything happened? Why did the body not obey, and she ran as if slowly, when she had already seen everything, was horrified and rushed to the window? She sees everything, runs to her daughter, but everything happens, as in slow motion, and the girl falls. In a split second, they missed each other.

The girl was urgently transported to the Leonid Roshal Research Institute of Emergency Children's Surgery, the doctors did the impossible, the child survived, having received a serious spinal injury. Even after several operations, the specialists were not sure that she would survive. The list of injuries in the girl is impressive: a complicated spinal injury, a compression fracture of the spine, gross upper paraparesis, lower paraplegia, dysfunction of the pelvic organs.

Milana is a wrestler, she began to slowly breathe on her own, the movements of her hands were gradually restored - the doctors could not believe their eyes. The girl underwent a rehabilitation course at the Roshal Research Institute, but further recovery is required.

The child is very positive, smiling, active, wants to live and enjoy life, wants to run and play, as before, tries to hold a pencil and draw. Mila moves in a wheelchair, she can move her arms. She has no sensitivity below the waist, movements are largely limited, and psycho-emotionally and intellectually she has fully recovered.

There are still many problems. Mila does not eat well, often picks up infections, after surgery on her leg, a blood clot formed in her groin. “We still believe that the difficulties will be overcome, and my daughter will recover,” says the mother, “please help us with rehabilitation, this is unbearable money for our large family.”

The girl is expected as soon as possible in the Three Sisters rehabilitation center near Moscow. Free rehabilitation for the child is due 2 times a year. In her condition, this is very little. Now, not yet a year has passed since the injury, the most active time, so you need to rehabilitate more often.

What Milana achieves during this post-traumatic year will largely remain with her for the rest of her life, further rehabilitation will give positive dynamics much less frequently. The rehabilitation center "Three Sisters" is one of the best in terms of providing rehabilitation assistance after complex injuries. The family will be able to get the help of all the necessary specialists here, including a neuro-urologist, choose the means of rehabilitation, the mother will be taught how to deal with her daughter.

Please participate! The cost of rehabilitation. We are announcing a fundraiser for three-year-old Milana Tarasenko from the Kaluga region.

The tragedy that occurred at the end of August in house number 5 on Lenin Avenue in Vyborg was obviously predetermined. In broad daylight, a boy, Petya, who was about 3 years old, fell out of the window of an apartment on the 5th floor. The child fell into the yard, next to the Kolobok confectionery, and crashed to death. At that time, only the 77-year-old grandmother of the child, Zinaida Nikolaevna, was in the apartment. The old woman explained to Alevtina Kozina, an inspector of the department for juvenile affairs (ODN), a senior police lieutenant, who arrived at the scene of the tragedy, that she left the room for a few minutes to pour tea. Her daughter Nadezhda, the mother of the child, was not at home. According to the elderly woman, the nimble grandson Petya himself opened the window and slid down. When the grandmother returned, the boy was already hanging outside, clutching the cornice with his little hands. The elderly woman did not have time to help him, and he fell to the ground. Having descended from the fifth floor, the grandmother picked up the corpse of the child from the ground, lowered the body of her little grandson onto the grass of the lawn. She became ill. However, according to the senior inspector of the ODN Natalia Mikhailovskaya, even earlier, the police received signals from neighbors from nearby houses that windows were not closed in Nadezhda Zavyalova's apartment on the fifth floor all summer. And from time to time they see two small children, Nadezhda's son Petya and her granddaughter Dasha, who walk along the windowsill, risking falling down. On this signal, the unfortunate mother was once again given a suggestion. Did not help! In fact, Nadezhda Zavyalova was repeatedly summoned to the administrative commission and fined for improper upbringing of children and terrible unsanitary conditions in the house. Useless! Two years ago, "BB" already told readers about this mother of many children in the material "Bad apartment in the city center." In fact, 45-year-old Nadezhda Zavyalova once had five children. First, she abandoned her newborn child in the hospital, then the same fate befell her 4-year-old daughter. As a result, Nadezhda raised two daughters - Katya and Kristina, and at 42, when her daughters were already adults, and Katya had two children of her own, she gave birth to a son, Petya. So the last child of Nadezhda was younger than her grandchildren. But even this circumstance did not force this quite mature woman to deal with her baby. The whole district knows about Nadezhda Zavyalova and her ill-fated apartment. As recently as this year, the nearest neighbors once again applied to the administration with a request to evict this family from their home. People have run out of patience. And they can be understood. When two years ago, together with the head of the department of guardianship and guardianship of the education department, the correspondent of "VV" visited Nadezhda's apartment, this visit left a strong impression. Incredible stench, swarms of flies, incredible filth for a human dwelling. However, there was no need to be surprised. At that time, the sewerage system had not been working in the apartment for five years, and all family members went to the bucket, which was in the corridor and filled to the brim, as needed. The family didn’t use the bathroom either; a few years ago, laundry was soaked in it, and garbage was put there, which had not been taken out for years. Was it worth it to be surprised after that by the hordes of flies and cockroaches that inhabited this bad apartment ?! It was clear that the inhabitants of the apartment had long forgotten what bed linen was, they managed with dirty mattresses. And, despite the early spring, cold weather and an open window in the kitchen, both babies - then one and a half year old granddaughter of Nadezhda Dasha and her five-month-old son Petya - were completely naked. Obviously, for practical reasons: if they get dirty, there is no need to wash clothes. And where, in fact, to wash it? At that moment, at least Katya's eldest son, Sasha, was removed from the family and was in an orphanage. Therefore, the reason why the windows are almost always open in this apartment is quite clear: otherwise you simply cannot survive in this disgusting stench. It cost little Pete his life. Eyewitnesses say that the unemployed Nadezhda Zavyalova was constantly absent from home, leaving somewhere with her friend, and recently she began to drink. The baby was mainly looked after by her elderly mother, on whose pension the family existed. But didn't look. Neighbors say that when Nadezhda finally came home and found out about the death of her son, she trembled in hysterics, remembering her Petenka. Only who, if not she, who constantly left her child unattended, can blame herself for the misfortune that happened? Children from this family were repeatedly withdrawn, placed in a children's hospital and shelters in order to heal, feed, giving Nadezhda the opportunity to put the apartment in order. But all these attempts to force the mistress of a stinking apartment to take care of the children were in vain. Yes, and both adult daughters of Nadezhda in some way repeat the fate of their mother. The eldest, Katya Durkina, had a son who was constantly in the shelter, now the boy was adopted by strangers. Now she is raising only her daughter Dasha. Periodically, they live with Nadezhda in her creepy apartment. The youngest, Kristina, as reported in the ODN, gave birth to a child and left Vyborg for a neighboring district. And already there, having given birth to a second child, she immediately abandoned him, obviously, adopting the example of her own mother. So, the tragic death of little Petya Zavyalov in such a family seems to have been predetermined from the very beginning.