Where can I find a normal girl? What girl to date, and where to find a normal one

Hello everybody. The time comes and every young man thinks about how to find a girl for a serious relationship. Many guys are single and "actively looking." Some do not know where to look for the chosen one, others are disappointed in women because of past sad experiences, and still others consider themselves not attractive enough. There can be many reasons. Once you read and follow my advice, the result is guaranteed.

How to find yourself a girlfriend

How to find yourself a girlfriend? To do this, carefully read this plan:

  1. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity appreciate in men such qualities as decisiveness, generosity, kindness, caring, charm, the ability to conduct a conversation, a sense of humor. Analyze what traits you need to develop and start improving yourself.
  2. Think about what your chosen one should be: appearance, figure, character, habits. Visualize her image, make it whole in your thoughts. This way you can speed up your meeting.
  3. Don't stay at home. Go to places where you can see good girls more often: gym, park, skating rink, art exhibition, cinema.
  4. Do not think that the first young lady who paid attention to you is the love of your life. Chat with several beauties. You will not only be able to hone your seduction skills, but also develop confidence in your own attractiveness.
  5. You should not start a serious relationship with a woman for whom you do not feel at least sympathy.

What to do if you met a young lady

If you have met an attractive lady, in no case relax. To keep her interested, take the advice below:

  1. Watch your appearance, clothes, perfume. Girls like well-groomed guys.
  2. Go to the gym to make your body strong and enduring. A man with pumped up muscles looks very sexy.
  3. Expand your horizons, read books, watch interesting educational films. Serious girls love guys who have something to talk to.
  4. Look for a lasting relationship, not a day-long flirtation. If you see that the young lady is frivolous and windy, it is better to stop communicating.

Still thinking "how can I find a girlfriend"? In order to achieve the result faster, heed the advice of experts:

  1. Don't be afraid to get acquainted. If one girl did not want to communicate with you, do not be discouraged and keep looking. All people are different. And the fact that one of the female representatives did not like you does not mean at all that you will not be able to attract the attention of the other.
  2. Some guys are afraid to meet beautiful women, justifying themselves by saying that "she is too tough for me, and she probably has someone", but beautiful girls are often lonely, as many young people think the same way.
  3. Think about which guys the girl you dream about most likely doesn't like (albeit imaginary for now) and work on your weaknesses. For example, quit smoking, drinking alcohol, or using obscene words in conversation.
  4. Girls love self-confident men who know what they want from life, so get down to eliminating complexes.

Getting rid of complexes

Often there is a situation when a guy considers himself unattractive in appearance, and on this basis he has a lot of complexes that prevent him from getting to know women. Such a guy is constantly haunted by the question: how to find a girl if I'm scary. I think my recommendations will be helpful.

  1. Women do not pay as much attention to appearance as men. For them, internal qualities are more important - whether the guy will be able to support in difficult times, whether he will not change on the other, whether he will become a good father for children in the future. If a woman loves you with all her soul, then she will not look at your appearance.
  2. Facial features are difficult to change, but it is quite possible to make the body attractive. To do this, regularly visit the gym and play sports.
  3. Create your own unique look with clothes and accessories, listening to the advice of famous designers
  4. Don't let her know that you are complex about your appearance. People see you as you present yourself during the first conversation and the beginning of a relationship.
  5. Almost all women believe that men do not understand them. If you show patience and prove to your passion that you are different, always understanding and caring, sympathetic at times, you can easily win her heart.

Of course, giving advice is easy, much more difficult to apply it in practice, especially if you have already had unsuccessful attempts to get to know each other in the past, let alone unhappy relationships. However, it is worth discarding all the sad experience and be sure that everything will work out.

Remember that even charming handsome men have mistakes and failures. Appearance plays far from the main role. Integrity of character is important to a marriage.

How to find a good girl

Surely many guys will sigh and say that normal girls have died out for dating. Indeed, most modern ladies have become cynical; instead of a soul mate, they are looking for money and status. Loyalty to one person and raising children mean nothing to them. However, there are still cuties with a normal upbringing and character. You need to search, and in the right places.

  1. It is hardly possible to meet a decent and serious young lady in a nightclub or bar. Look for her in your school among classmates, in the theater or on social networks. We will tell you about how to find yourself a girlfriend on the Internet a little later.
  2. Ask your friends or family to introduce you to a good girlfriend without a significant other.
  3. Take a closer look at your friends. It is possible that one of them secretly sighs for you, and you do not know. Guys are often blind and may not notice that the love of their life is very close.

Remember that finding a good girl is not easy. Only true darlings of fate find her the first time. But this is rare. In most cases, you need constant work on yourself and perseverance in achieving the intended goal. No other way. You don't want to remain a bachelor for many years, do you?

How to find a girl on the Internet

So we come to the topic of social networks. On the Internet you can find many single unmarried ladies who crave male attention and dream of finding their "prince on a white horse". This is a great way to meet a beauty on Vkontakte, especially for shy guys who, in real life, find it difficult to make acquaintance with a representative of the weak half of humanity. You just need to know how best to do it. So, how to find a girl on VKontakte:

  • For searches, you need to allocate free time when no one and nothing distracts you.
  • In the search, select the city in which you live. Building long-term relationships with nonresidents is not easy. Such a romance is often doomed to failure. Enter your desired age. Further on the monitor there will be questionnaires corresponding to the parameters you specified.
  • Don't forget to check their marital status. Do not start a conversation with the aim of meeting married people.
  • Choose the girls in the active search that you liked. You can also watch their interests, hobbies, favorite films and books. This will help you strike up a conversation, especially if your hobbies overlap even slightly.
  • Now start communication. Write to a few cuties, invite them to meet and give some compliments, tell them how adorable, beautiful, charming, etc. they are. Everyone knows that women "love with their ears." Dream up, do not use banal and hackneyed phrases. You can “like” their profile pictures and posts “on the wall”.
  • After you receive an answer, feel free to start a conversation. However, you should not communicate with many vending ladies. Choose two or three, otherwise you will get confused as to what and to whom you wrote, which will lead to unwanted embarrassment that can ruin everything.
  • You can communicate on any topic, but it is advisable to avoid discussions of politics and health.
  • Don't write a lot about yourself. You better listen to your pen partner. This way you can better understand her character.
  • If you've been chatting for a few days and the topics of conversation don't dry out, make an appointment for a first date. Go to a cafe together or take a walk in the park. Or you can entrust your companion to choose the meeting place. Don't forget to give a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

Communication on the network is not much different from real, therefore, the main thing is, be sincere and in no case embellish your dignity, since the lie is likely to be revealed after several dates.

Some guys say they have bad luck with women. But they really just want to put in no effort. After all, a serious relationship involves taking care of your chosen one, responsibility not only for yourself, but also for her, constant self-improvement, the ability to compromise and understand your partner.

How to attract the attention of your passion

In general, it is not so difficult to please a young lady. You just need to understand her needs and learn how to satisfy them. Read carefully below how to do this:

  • Admire your beauty, admire her. Make it clear that she is the most beautiful in your eyes. In no case do not stare at other ladies. It will make you upset and angry.
  • Have a casual conversation about a variety of topics. Ask about her past, family, hobbies, studies, work, be interested in plans for the future. Comment on her phrases.
  • Be constantly present in her life. Call, write SMS, support and help if necessary. In this way, you can build trust, which will positively affect your relationship.
  • Give flowers and small but cute gifts from time to time. Do not forget to congratulate you on the holidays. Remember when you met. Young ladies love to celebrate a month, half a year, a year of acquaintance and, as a rule, are very offended if you forget about this symbolic date.
  • Give your hand when getting out of the transport, hold the door for her, help her put on her coat. Show gallantry.
  • Hold her hand and hug her. Tactile contact is very important during first encounters.
  • In no case do not talk about former passions, and even more so do not compare her with them. Pay attention to her alone and to no one else.
  • Listen carefully to what she tells you and remember. Women are painfully perceived when they are asked twice about something or, even worse, listen to them absentmindedly or abstractedly.

Where to find a girl, 9 best places to meet your dream

The life of a young man is often scheduled by the hour. Work, gym, rest. Day after day, he thinks about where to find a girl, but he needs not to think, but to act. Now we will consider the best places to find the one and only.

  1. Underground. You can meet many pretty girls here. Plus, most likely they live at your station or a nearby one. You don't have to go on a date across town. You can easily invite her to your place or go to her.
  2. A cafe. In such establishments, you can often see a bored girl drinking juice or tea. Most likely, she is resting after school or work. Come and start a conversation. If a young lady has nothing against and is happy to communicate, she probably was waiting for someone to notice her. Feel free to take your phone number and ask for a date.
  3. Supermarket or hypermarket. Everyone goes shopping. Thousands of girls visit the trading establishment every day. Choose the cutest one and go for it.
  4. Bus stop. Did you see a pretty young lady? Ask something about the transport schedule, and at the same time get to know each other.
  5. Minibus, tram or trolleybus. There is a free seat next to an attractive blonde or brunette, sit next to it and start chatting. It is important to do this right away, since the beginning of a conversation after 10-20 minutes of a joint trip will look rather ridiculous.
  6. At a pedestrian crossing near a traffic light. While waiting for the green light to turn on, you can exchange a few phrases and get to know each other.
  7. Gym or pool. Here you can meet young ladies who care about their slimness and strive for perfection.
  8. On the beach. Here you can find a real beauty with a stunning figure, revealing swimwear to help.
  9. At the book exhibition. If you want to meet an erudite and well-read girl, go there.

Character traits for a serious relationship

In order to find a pretty girl, think about whether you meet the expectations of the woman of your dreams.

7 character traits you need to develop in yourself

  1. Determination. Ladies love guys who are able to show courage in any situations, who know how to protect themselves and their soul mate and are able to make decisions.
  2. Caring. Each lady highly appreciates caring for her, sympathy, the ability to understand her and listen to her.
  3. Sense of humor. An appropriate joke can defuse a situation, no matter how difficult it may seem.
  4. Romance. Beauties love young people capable of beautiful deeds for the sake of her beloved and desired.
  5. Honesty and loyalty. There is even nothing to comment on here. Women hardly forgive betrayal of their beloved or do not forgive at all.
  6. Generosity. Young ladies prefer not greedy guys who are ready to spend money on them and give gifts.
  7. Ability to find compromises. This is a very important quality, the guarantee of a happy relationship for all couples.

Psychologists advise you to listen to several more peculiarities of dating a beauty.

What is a harmonious relationship?

We hope that our tips on how to find a normal girl helped you. Finally, a few principles of healthy harmonious relationships:

  1. The life of each of the lovers with the beginning of a serious relationship should improve, only in this case they will be together for a long time otherwise. If you constantly quarrel, take offense at each other, you have conflicts from scratch, most likely you need to break up.
  2. Love is not bought. If you think that you can win her over only with expensive gifts, then you are deeply mistaken. The selfish young ladies, of course, will agree. But think about whether you need it. Once your money runs out, love will disappear as if it never existed.
  3. Do not be jealous of your chosen one for everyone you meet. Jealous, as a rule, are insecure guys who doubt whether they can keep their soul mate. Trust her. Mutual respect and trust are the foundation of a love relationship.
  4. Don't try to change your partner. When you met her, you liked her with her individual character and characteristics. If your chosen one loves you, then she herself will begin to change for the better. Just be by her side and help her in everything.
  5. Feelings that quickly flared up fade away just as quickly. Check your love. Relationships are not based on words, but on actions. If your girlfriend constantly has excuses not to meet with you, it is quite possible that this is not at all the one you were looking for.

A little about the most intimate ...

What two loving people should feel in a relationship:

  1. Love for each other. Without this feeling, it is not worth being together under any pretext.
  2. Mutual respect. Without it, you cannot build long-term relationships.
  3. The joy of every minute spent together. Of course, quarrels are inevitable. But, as they say, cute scold - only amuse themselves.
  4. Feeling of inner harmony. Being around, lovers feel psychological comfort, calmness and pacification.
  5. The desire to help your partner in everything and to be always close to him, despite the problems and difficulties.

Well, that article has come to an end. I hope that she will help you find a really good girl who meets all your needs and expectations, and most importantly, sincerely loves you. Write your feedback and wishes in the comments, always your old ladies' man Panteley.

Today, probably, most guys ask this question: how to find a girl for a serious relationship? And so that she would be a real friend for many years, a like-minded person, a good mother for future children, an understanding and caring person. And even if long-term relationships do not lead to marriage, let them end in separation, but in order to stay together as long as possible, the chosen one must be as reliable as a hypothetical wife. But where to meet such a girl? Let's try to answer this puzzle.

Conversations. It's hard to communicate with a stupid person. If maintaining a conversation with her seems like real torture for you, then most likely you are not a couple. Even the cutest face will quickly get bored if a girl cannot talk to you on an equal footing. This applies not only to "silly" people, but also to arrogant persons who initially put themselves above the rest. What it is like to feel like a "henpecked" when the relationship, in general, has not yet begun! Whims. If your chosen one lives only for one day and whims, then maybe she is still a child and is simply not ready for a relationship? If she is extremely dear to you, then you can wait. This, of course, is old-fashioned - this was done in the century before last, when a wealthy man could wait five or six years until his young chosen one, obviously of school age, matures. But who said that this is not your option. And now there are quite happy marriages between a professor and a student. And even though you and her are not like that in terms of physical age, but in terms of morality, the girl can someday overcome this adolescent capriciousness. If you are ready not only to meet, but also to bring up this "child" a little, then you can try.

Is it right when searching to choose only beautiful girls?

But no! First of all, because your own concepts of beauty can change over time. They say that you can't build life with a face or figure, and this is a reason to pay attention to the beauty of the soul. By the way, you can fall in love with a "gray mouse" if she suddenly hooked with a well-aimed word or showed such helplessness that you had the opportunity to play the role of a noble knight. And if she can maintain this feeling in you - that you are needed, in demand and in general - a superman, then bravo to the "gray mouse"! Only now do not enter yourself and do not strive to provide the same services to the first beauty, because she can let you know that you are not a knight, but her slave. Of course, if the beauty is not proud, then you can make friends with her first. The main thing is mutual understanding, not pride in the fact that you have some kind of "treasure".

I want to meet the girl of my dreams

So we got to the point when we will tell you exactly how you can find a girl for a serious relationship: Vkontakte or on a dating site In the age of the Internet, many get to know each other in this way. Moreover, many families create, starting with a dating site. The pros are obvious: if you are embarrassed to get to know each other, then on a dating site it is not so strongly felt. The disadvantages include the inability to immediately assess who is on the other side of the chat: the girl of your dreams or another disappointment, if not a scammer at all? Make new acquaintances while walking around the city Walking around the city, you can meet a lot of pretty girls. Of course, they may be busy or not have a desire to get acquainted, but at least one of them will surely respond to your offer. You just have to start and wait. Of course, you shouldn't approach everyone in a row, but if you liked the girl, why not dare? The main thing is not to be too annoying, so as not to frighten off this creature with your assertiveness. The butterfly should not feel that its wings are about to crumple. You must not become a spider for her, cleverly setting up a web. The companion also has the right to think. Leave her for this time and wait until this timeout is over. Just try to meet her in this place and entertain her with innocent conversations. Ease and understatement - that's what will push her to look for meetings and try to get to know each other better. Pay attention to the girls from your environment (work, study, company) Perhaps this is where your happiness lies? Moreover, if you know each other, then you can probably know whether this or that girl has a boyfriend or is free. In any case, it’s better than acting at random.

Trust in God, but don't do it yourself Having found a more or less suitable girlfriend, do not rush to lead her down the aisle. A lot of marriages fall apart due to the fact that the spouses decide too early that they are suitable for each other. It is better to wait first, so that later you can understand whether you will get along or not? After all, a serious relationship also implies the creation of a family, and even the appearance of children ... It is better to think over and check everything in advance, than to suffer from the wrong choice later.

How to find the right woman to start a family

So, let's say you have found a worthy young lady you love, have already positioned a girl for a serious relationship, but you still don't know if this is the one with whom you want to share your destiny? How to understand? What should you pay attention to?
    Honesty. Nobody likes liars, right? Think, can you live with someone who constantly lies to you? Therefore, be honest yourself, and look for a girl to match. Loyalty. Even one betrayal can ruin a marriage. Even in our enlightened times, people sometimes even kill for treason ... And somewhere treason is even a criminal offense, for which punishment is imposed, up to and including the death penalty. But on your part, it will take the ability to forgive, especially if the sudden betrayal was provoked by your own behavior. Sometimes a girl can cheat in revenge if it seemed to her that you cannot miss a single skirt or make eyes at a particular person. Be faithful yourself. Listening skills. Indeed, who wants to communicate with someone who constantly interrupts or, God forbid, allows himself to declare that he is not interested in what you say directly. It's one thing when it's a friend or a stranger in general, it's another when it's the chosen one of life. If you both know how to listen to each other, and interrupt only in ardor, then this is all right. But your conversations will turn out in "unison". Interest. Despite the previous point, love and relationships are still not an indulgence for boringness. If you or she is simply bored in communicating with each other, then this is a reason to think very seriously, is this the person with whom you can live your whole life?

Why is it so hard for me to find a girl to live, what's the reason

It's hard to say unequivocally. Everything here is deeply individual, ranging from your passivity in serious matters, ending with personal mental trauma, which are reborn into complexes. Ordinary shyness often becomes a serious obstacle. But even it can be used! Shy guys tend to be intelligent. So, get acquainted in the library, planetarium, etc. There are such girls who like “nerds.” Perhaps you yourself, without realizing it, subconsciously do not want to find a girl for a relationship because of some negative love experience. Anything can help here, from realizing problems in yourself, to going to a psychologist. Also, maybe you just have no luck yet ... In this case, we can only wish you good luck and remember that sooner or later Cupid will still shoot your heart with his arrow !

A person's happiness cannot be complete without an occupation with the help of which he could prove himself as a qualified specialist or a creative person. And if this activity pays well, it means that it brings additional satisfaction, plus opens up new opportunities. How to find a normal job is a concern of many young and experienced professionals. Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds in finding a worthy option the first time, and the second attempt is not always successful. To reduce the stress of an unsuccessful job search for high-value personnel, you should carefully prepare for this in advance.

What you need to know about a good job?

To choose the most suitable option, you first need to concentrate on what you want to get from the selected vacancy. You may already like professional activities that help you to realize your abilities. The feeling that the skills and knowledge of the specialty are highly valued from a professional point of view by colleagues and management is certainly pleasant and significantly increases self-esteem. High-quality work requires decent wages, which must satisfy the needs of the applicant, so salary is not the least important in finding a job.

What will help you get the best job?

You will have to realistically assess your own abilities, which will have to be revealed and used for the benefit of the company that provides the vacancy. When making a specific decision on which vacancy to stay, it is better to initially carefully work on your own insecurity and try to showcase your talents more vividly. The knowledge and experience gained are already an excellent basis for successful work, the main thing is not to forget to develop them and hone skills. If you add very useful business and personal qualities to all professional achievements, then the employer will surely like such an employee and he will be guaranteed a place in the staff.

The main aspects in choosing a job

Those who have already had to look for a job already know that this process is not easy and that it is not always carried out smoothly and gives a positive result. To simplify your task, you need to clearly know what you would like to get as a result. To do this, with the help of clear criteria, you will have to narrow the range of searches, perhaps this process will take a little more time spent waiting for the required vacancy, but there will be much fewer unsuccessful attempts.

You will have to immediately determine for yourself which options you need to view, intellectual work or manual labor. It is necessary to think and connect with each other, the specialty received and the possible vocation. If, for example, a person is in excellent physical shape and cannot live without physical activity, perhaps he will like the profession of a coach or instructor in his sport.

Whether it will be public or private work, you should initially think about this as well. Service in the state structure will appeal to those who have high business and disciplinary qualities. These people are used to taking on a lot of responsibility and are willing to uphold the strict rules of their chosen profession. Such work is encouraged by the state in the form of a salary and some benefits. Work in a private enterprise pays better, but there is no way to get the benefits that work in a government organization provides.

Several rules for a successful job search

Finding a job can be made easier if a friend or acquaintance can help with a recommendation. If some of them have a vacant place in a production or office, but you would have had it just right, and even the work turned out to be in the specialty. This would be the simplest and most effective result.

If the process of searching for a vacancy is carried out personally, without the help of the patronage of acquaintances, then it happens most often with the help of the Internet. When negotiating an interview, you must remember that during this meeting, absolutely everything that happens is decisive. The appearance, the completed questionnaire, the conversation, and even apparent calmness or anxiety can affect the outcome of the interview.

A well-written resume plays a big role in finding a job. All the information provided in this document helps you take the first step towards a successful career. When writing a resume, it is better not to overdo it, do not lie and ascribe to yourself what you cannot then accomplish. It is better to try to describe as well as possible your existing skills and worthy qualities that will be in great demand in a certain job.

Acquaintance with the initial information about the organization offering the vacancy and the resume is the initial stage of getting to know the employer and the applicant. And, as you know, the first impression leaves an indelible and unmistakable imprint.

When you are young, you don't really think about who to go out with and whom to fall in love with, but time puts everything in its place. Over the years, you realize that you are not ready to exchange for one-time sex, easy affair, and the requirements for girls are becoming much higher.

Where to find yourself a normal girl, and not another headache? A girl who cares about you, not your apartment, money and a car? Which does not have a goal to endure your brains every day? Who doesn't try to manipulate and take advantage of you?

1. Meet more

The magic of big numbers works in relationships. The more girls you meet, the greater the choice. There are thousands of girls around, and you limit your horizons to your class, yard, group, work or sphere of communication. Go out to places where you rarely go. The more active you are in life, the more beautiful girls you will meet on your way.

2. What kind of girl do you want

Decide for yourself which girl you want. What kind of appearance and qualities should she have? Determine the basic parameters, but do not drive yourself into narrow frames. Take a rough portrait of the girl. Then it will be much easier for you to sort out the girls if you know who you want.

3. Where girls live

Meet a bar, club or Tinder with a girl, and then hope for her high moral standards? There are no diamonds in the mud. Look for the girl in ordinary dreams where good girls are. In the subway you will meet 100 more good and beautiful girls than in a drunken club.

4. Wrong girls

Mercantile, angry, always dissatisfied, pessimistic and capricious ladies are not worthy of your attention. Do you want to be constantly guilty? Immediately send girls to the forest who can take out the brain, demand gifts, command and do not make you happy.

5. Weed out girls

You take a girl who reciprocated you, and then you try to date her. She may have many qualities that you don't really like. Instead of breaking up, you try to fix it or be patient a little. But it won't get better. It is not possible to change an adult. Change your girlfriend. If you are not satisfied with something in the girl, then move on. Why suffer all your life if you can find the one that you like and your body is already beyond the next phase of life?

6. Be alone than with just anyone

Better to be alone than with just anyone. If you will be content with little, but you will never find the girl of your dreams. It is better to be alone than it turns out that you cannot get to know a lovely girl because you have a “temporary” woman at your side. Be free and there will be plenty of opportunities to meet new chicks.

7. Take your time with the final decision

Take your time with weddings and promises of eternal love. Give you time. It will reveal all the ins and outs of the girl and how much you fit together. Take your time with the final decision. Enjoy relationships, love and sex.

Where are the normal, adequate and good girls? They are, only you need to find the one that deserves you. Stop sleeping and meeting with just anyone ...

Every girl already knows that there are a lot of guys around. Therefore, you can start a relationship at any time and with anyone. But how to find a normal guy, and not just anyone? How to choose directly the person with whom there will be no lies, scandals and jealousy? In fact, everything is easier than it seems. You just need to think not with instincts, but with your head.

How to find a normal guy?

In general, the search for a normal person should be thorough. You don't have to rush and follow the crowd. Or rather, on the contrary, you must go against the crowd.

For example, in your society, girls like guys with beards. Then you need to stay away from these guys for sure. After all, it is clear in advance that all the lying freaks will begin to specially grow a beard so that girls are led on it.

You should also consider local losers. Yes Yes! And no "fu". If a guy is not very popular, then this does not mean that he is downright bad.

But if, on the contrary, he is very successful, then he may be with a little foulbrood. And this is already bad. In general, give chances to those who, at first glance, do not deserve such chances. Here's a simple plan for the job.

What kind of guys are considered normal?

To look for just a normal guy, you need to know his characteristics, which include:

  • Lack of many relationships. If he always walks from one to another, then this is definitely not normal (!);
  • Moderate number of photos in social media networks. The one who takes pictures of himself constantly is not capable of a good relationship;
  • Lack of pathos, show off and other things. Naturally ... on the contrary, you want bright guys. And this is wrong;
  • Lack of loud words and promises. Normal guys don't start a conversation with some super compliments and loud shouts.

And yet, for a relationship, it is better to look for someone who is easy to communicate. If a person lies, hides something, does not tell anything about himself and his friends, then he is already strange. It's better not to even communicate with such people at all.

Where are normal guys found?

In general, there are such people both in discos and in social networks. networks. For starters, you can inspect your surroundings. Perhaps the one you are looking for is somewhere nearby.

The main thing is not to look for love on a drunken head in a drunken company. Nothing good will come of it.

Try to look for a young man in some section or hobby group. It will be very good if your interests somehow coincide.

In general, good people often meet in parks and on the streets during the day. Take note of this.

And be careful with dating sites. There are many swindlers there. Of course, you can find something good. But it’s easy to get into deception.

Change your thinking

To find a more or less good guy specifically, you need to think most seriously and calmly. If you love noisy parties, adore guys who are always yelling and cursing, and you yourself are half a gopnik, then nothing will come of it.

Such girls attract various moral monsters. Therefore, you need to start changing spiritually, and only then achieve something.

And yet, you should always be able to repulse those who disturb you from yourself. A guy met you. He's (let's say) too secretive, well, send him away.

Only in this way will you be able to freely make your choice and look for those who you need, and not those who were imposed on you almost by force.