Horizontal hole in the hood. Female genital piercing video. Navel piercing - care, video how to do it

Since time immemorial, people have tried to somehow embellish their appearance. And one of the most ancient types of "decor" is piercing. At one time, warriors going into battle adorned themselves with earrings in their ears and nostrils. Now piercing can be seen more on a woman than on a man.

But for many girls, a simple ear or navel piercing is no longer enough, they want more. Some just choose a special procedure in the secret corners of their bodies. Why do piercings on int. places in girls, how do they do it and does it hurt? You will learn about this from this material.

Where is intimate piercing done?

Usually the puncture is located:

    On the clitoris. Usually, either the clitoris itself or the fold above it is pierced. This type is not suitable for everyone, since the structure of the clitoris is different for everyone. And for many girls, the puncture of the clitoris can cause discomfort and pain.

    On the nipples. A very common type of piercing, especially among young people. With the help of such a puncture, you can give a new one that will make the breast more beautiful, as well as exacerbate the sensations during sex.

    On the labia minora. It is considered the fastest healing puncture in such places, it practically does not cause inconvenience.

    On the labia majora. It is very important to make a puncture in the right place so that nothing rubs and does not interfere when sitting. In this place, the wound heals for a long time, and it is more painful to pierce here.

    Why do this procedure

      girls who get pierced in intimate places often want to emphasize their individuality and peculiarity;

      it just looks beautiful and gives aesthetic pleasure to the woman herself;

      decorations in such a place really like the opposite sex, it turns on;

      it can diversify sex and bring new sensations;

      piercing in such a place stimulates not only the girl, but also the partner.

    Selection of jewelry

    Now there are many different "intimate jewelry" in stores, and, of course, among all of them there are good and bad ones. It should also be noted that they must be chosen based on the individual characteristics of the structure of the body. All these decorations differ in different parameters, namely in color, material and shape. An experienced craftsman will always help you choose the right earring. So, the most popular jewelry for piercings in intimate places:

      Banana. This decoration in the form of an arc is used to pierce the nipples and genitals. Most often made of titanium, as well as gold.

      Horseshoe. The name speaks for itself, there are wraps around the edges of the product.

      Barbell. This type is most often used for nipples.

      Rings. A popular decoration for the nipples and genitals.

      Spiral. Best suited for labia piercings. It is made from almost all materials.

      You should be especially careful about the choice of material, because each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

      For example, surgical steel is good because over time it does not change shape, does not rust or oxidize. It is also not demanding on storage conditions and a lot of jewelry is made from it. The price of products from this material is small. However, such steel quickly changes temperature, which is inconvenient when visiting a sauna.

      Another popular material for female intimate piercings is titanium. Its advantages are that jewelry from it weighs little, and therefore problems such as stretching of fabrics and inconvenience when wearing can be avoided. Titanium is also resistant to rust, stable in contact with water. When wearing such earrings, the likelihood of allergic reactions is very low. A big plus is the huge selection of a wide variety of colors for jewelry. But there are also disadvantages. Titanium is also sensitive to temperatures, so it is not very comfortable to wear titanium jewelry in winter or in a sauna.

      Bronze is a popular jewelry material because it is fairly inexpensive and can last quite a while. But you should carefully buy earrings, because products made of this metal from unknown manufacturers may contain hazardous substances. There may also be traces of jewelry on the skin, and this does not look very aesthetically pleasing. Unfortunately, bronze oxidizes, and the decoration can change its appearance.

      If you choose silver jewelry, then you will have a lot of choice, because the metal can be different, for example, light or dark. Such a decoration will last a very long time, and at the same time it also looks beautiful and expensive. However, please note that some people may experience it because it contains various impurities. Metal becomes dirty over time, and therefore it must be cleaned periodically. Well, the price of silver jewelry is much higher compared to many other types.

      Also, piercing earrings can be made of plastic, glass, porcelain, gold, wood, etc. All materials have their own characteristics, so carefully read all the characteristics of the jewelry before buying.

      clitoris puncture

      This type of piercing is not suitable for everyone, since this organ is very sensitive and all women have a different structure. If a girl has it small, then nerve endings can be damaged as a result of improper placement of the jewelry. For a puncture, the clitoris must be large. Also, it should not be covered with a thick layer of skin. This organ can be decorated with a banana, a ring or a barbell.

      The hood can be pierced vertically, that is, the needle passes through the skin above the clitoris. Also, a puncture is made horizontally. Then the needle is passed through the fold of skin above the clitoris in a horizontal direction. Such a puncture is the most popular. Hood piercing allows you to increase the pleasure during sex and get new sensations. Decorate it with rods, rings, half rings and horseshoes.

      "Decor" chest

      As a rule, when nipple piercings are done, anesthesia is always performed first. That is why this process is almost painless. Most often, nipples are pierced as follows:

        vertically - they do it least often;



      You can pierce both one breast and two. It depends on your taste.

      How to make a piercing in intimate places: labia

      The procedure depends on where you want to "place" the decoration. If you make a puncture on the labia minora, then you need to pay attention to their thickness. After all, it will pass through the skin of the inner labia. The thinner they are, the easier and faster the procedure will be. To decorate the piercing, rings with or without a ball are most often used. Thrill-seekers adorn themselves. It should be noted that the piercing of the labia minora is the simplest piercing on int. places for girls. Therefore, this decor is popular.

      Large labia are also pierced. But in this place, healing takes longer. The piercing goes through the skin of the outer labia, so the thickness of the skin is also important. It should be noted that it is not necessary to make a puncture at the edge of the lips, so that there is no irritation from frequent contact of an unhealed wound with clothing. For jewelry, rings, arcs are most often used, less often rods.

      Care after a puncture

      After piercing on int. In places, girls may experience various inflammations, bleeding, allergic reactions, which can subsequently lead to serious problems. Wounds in such places need to be looked after especially carefully.

      During the first two or three weeks, the puncture must be washed 5 times a day with a special disinfectant solution (miramistin, hydrogen peroxide, etc.). You also need to apply an ointment with a healing effect.

      Naturally, you need to control hygiene, do not touch the piercing with dirty hands, and keep this place clean and dry.

      Until the wound is completely healed, baths, saunas, swimming in pools and reservoirs should be abandoned. Sexual contact is also better to exclude, so as not to be injured.

      You should not change the piercing jewelry until the wound is completely healed, because there is a risk of infection.

      It should be remembered that the healing time for each individually. In addition, much depends on the puncture site and the choice of jewelry. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of the master, then everything will heal well.

        it is best to wear underwear made from natural fabrics during the healing period of the wound;

        only a specialist in a good salon should do the procedure;

        during the healing period of the wound, try not to let the clothes come into contact with the decoration;

        you can make several punctures of the labia at once, but you must be sure that you can cope with the care and possible pain;

        you can re-pierce in the same place, but only after the old wound has completely healed.

      Who can do this procedure

      In salons, genital piercing is done only to those girls and boys who have reached the age of 18. If you are less, then be patient for a few more years. At the same time, you can think carefully about whether you need a female genital piercing or a nipple piercing.

      In some salons, you can come with your parents, then perhaps you will have this procedure.

      Also piercing on int. places in girls are not recommended if there are such factors:

        blood diseases;

      • reduced immunity;

        allergy to metals;

        skin diseases;

        high sensitivity to pain.


      If you did this procedure with a good master in a proven salon, followed all the rules for caring for the wound, then you should not have disastrous consequences. However, if mistakes were made in the process, then after a puncture, you may face serious troubles. Negative consequences of piercing intimate places:

        infection, up to hepatitis B and AIDS;

        allergic reactions - redness of the skin, first near the site of the wound, and then throughout the body;

        if you did this procedure on the clitoris not quite in the right place, or if you chose the wrong jewelry, then during sexual contact you can injure yourself;

        if the nipples are pierced incorrectly, sensitivity may disappear.

      How much does the procedure cost

      The cost of piercing intimate places is varied. It depends on the city where you will do it. An important role is played by the choice of the salon in which the procedure will be performed. The level of the master also affects the price, a beginner will charge less money for a puncture than a professional. On average, the cost starts from a thousand rubles. A nipple piercing will cost about one and a half or two thousand rubles. But the puncture of the labia or the clitoris will cost more, about four thousand. Decoration is not included in this price. In addition, you should additionally purchase various ointments, patches and bandages that the master will advise.

Someone will say that it is vulgar or even stupid, and someone considers it very sexy. Disputes on this topic do not subside even today, although punctures of intimate places can hardly be called a curiosity. If you are reading this article, then you are interested in intimate piercing. How safe is the procedure, how it goes, what complications can arise, in what places intimate piercing is done, and whether an earring in an intimate place can really enhance sexual sensations, we’ll talk about this.

Genital Piercing Technique

Sexual piercing, like any other type of it, is a puncture of the skin with a needle, into which the master will put a specially designed jewelry. The procedure should only be carried out by a professional with experience in this field. In no case do not do this manipulation to yourself at home! If suddenly for any reason you thought that this was a trifling matter, stop and read the article to the end. Intimate piercing is not for you. There are many subtleties and dangers here. Not even all salons have a license to carry out this manipulation. If you decide to take such a step as genital piercing, approach the search for a master very responsibly.

The step-by-step piercing scheme is as follows:

  1. The master treats the skin at the site of the future puncture with an antiseptic.
  2. A mark is made on the skin where the puncture will be located.
  3. If necessary, an anesthetic injection is given.
  4. With a special puncture tool, one edge of which looks like a regular needle, and an ornament is inserted into the second, the master will make a “hole”.
  5. Simultaneously with the puncture, the jewelry will already be installed in the right place.
  6. The master will fix it by winding a ball on the bar or fastening the ring of the earring.
  7. The procedure ends with recommendations from the master regarding the care of the puncture site.

Where can a hole be made?

Types of intimate piercing in women

  • Inner Labia. Puncture of the small labia. This labia piercing is considered the easiest to perform and the fastest to heal.
  • Outer Labia. Puncture of the labia majora. The piercing site can be chosen individually, depending on whether you want to receive additional clitoral stimulation or give pleasure to your partner. In the first case, the “hole” is made next to the clitoris, and in the second, closer to the vagina. This labia piercing is quite complex, healing takes 3 to 4 months.
  • Hood. Puncture of the fold of skin over the clitoris. It is considered the most popular type of piercing. Can be done both horizontally and vertically.
  • Clitoris. Clit piercing. The anatomy of not all women allows for this genital piercing. Here, a miniature decoration is used to preserve the sensitivity of the organ. The healing period is from a month to two.
  • Christina. The puncture is made at the point of contact of the labia majora and the pubis. The decoration does not stimulate erogenous zones, but carries an aesthetic load. Such piercing in intimate places is very impractical: you will certainly feel discomfort if you wear tight jeans.
  • Nefertiti. Deep genital piercing from the skin above the clitoris to the Mount of Venus. Healing is long. Piercing is dangerous because it is along the nerve of the clitoris.
  • Superficial genital piercing. This type involves a puncture of the skin on the pubis. It is possible to implant one or more. Such piercing in intimate places is not practical, needs increased attention during healing and is often rejected.

There are many blood vessels in the puncture zone of an intimate place, so you need to be very careful not to cause severe bleeding and infection. You can also experience pain when urinating. After the procedure, it is necessary to wash the “affected area” at least 2 times a day with a disinfectant solution for 2 weeks. Do not visit baths, swimming pools, postpone trips to the sea, go to the solarium. If you find redness, feel pain, immediately consult a doctor and remove the metal bauble.

Types of intimate piercing for men

  • Dydoes. This variant appeared not so long ago. When performed, paired punctures are made on both sides of the head. Small rods are inserted. According to the owners of this type of genital piercing, sexual sensations after the procedure are reborn with renewed vigor.
  • Frenum. Came to us from Europe. It is a stimulant for long-term pleasure. The decoration is placed in the skin at the base of the head, where the ring is placed around the penis. During sex, the ring compresses the organ, delaying ejaculation. This is the simplest type of male genital piercing.
  • Prince Albert. Came to us from the Victorian era. Prince Albert was a very unusual person and wore a ring that was threaded through the head of the penis to support it. The puncture was made through the urethra to the base of the head. The procedure is easy and does not carry any negative consequences. Since the skin is very thin, it heals quickly enough. After such a piercing, sexual abstinence from 1 to 2 weeks is necessary.
  • Ampallang. A rather unknown type of genital piercing. It is used by Indonesian tribes when a boy is initiated into a man. The decoration is pierced horizontally through the head. The earring passes both through the urethra and next to it.
  • Apadravya. Vertical punch. There is an intersection of the head, in which the lower ball is located at its base. Such a sexual piercing was even mentioned in the Kama Sutra, as it brings a lot of pleasure. Apadravya can be called the most difficult, in order for the puncture to heal, you will have to refrain from loving relationships for several months.

Dangers of intimate piercing

If you decide to get an intimate piercing, you need to know what dangers may lie in wait for you:

  • There is a risk of bacterial infections. Keep the instrument sterile.
  • Possible nerve damage. The procedure should only be carried out by a professional.
  • In case of an allergic reaction to the metal, the jewelry may be rejected.
  • If you get tired of the genital piercing or you are forced to remove it, an unaesthetic scar may remain at the puncture site.

Rules for a successful intimate puncture

In order for intimate piercing in girls to bring pleasure, and not disappointment, it is necessary:

  • Check for genital tract infections.
  • Step by step follow the instructions for caring for the puncture site with your own hands.
  • To carry out manipulation only in specialized salons, there can be no talk of any independent puncture.
  • Do not save on jewelry, purchase only high-quality rods or rings made of gold, titanium or implantium.
  • Follow all recommendations: refuse to visit the sauna, solarium, swimming pool for the duration of healing.
  • Do not have sex until the wound is completely healed.
  • Do not remove jewelry until the wound is completely healed.

Intimate puncture - does it hurt?

The most pressing question: "Intimate piercing, does it hurt?" A huge number of nerve endings causes pain in the procedure in this area. Assessing soreness on a 10-point scale, intimate piercing in women can deservedly get a ten. But it all depends on the individual characteristics and pain threshold of each woman. Some note that wound healing is much more painful than the five-second puncture itself. If necessary, the master can give you local anesthesia.

Contraindications to intimate puncture

Like any other manipulation associated with a violation of the integrity of the skin, genital piercing has contraindications:

  • blood diseases;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • skin diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • mental disorders;
  • decreased immunity;
  • an allergic reaction to an anesthetic or metal.

How to care for a wound

Compliance with cleanliness and banal rules of personal hygiene is the key to successful and rapid wound healing. A fresh puncture needs careful care: at least twice a day, wash the wound with a special disinfectant that the master will advise you. Do not use greasy creams until the wound is completely healed. If you experience burning, soreness, or severe redness, see a dermatologist right away. In the event of an allergic reaction to the metal, the jewelry may need to be removed.

Piercing and sex life

Intimate punctures are most often done either to decorate intimate places or to enhance sensations in bed. Regarding sexual sensations and new emotions during sex, there are opinions for and against that should be considered:

  • Argument FOR. Many people really get sexual pleasure from a small piece of metal in an intimate place, which provides stimulation of erogenous zones. Some are turned on by the thought of having an intimate piercing jewelry for a partner.
  • Argument against. Others, on the contrary, are frightened even by the thought of having a piece of metal on the body of a partner. The fear of getting hurt does not allow you to fully relax and get the most out of sex.

That is why before getting a genital piercing, consult with your partner. If he is open to such experiments, why not diversify his sex life in this way?

How many people exist in the world, you will hear so many opinions about intimate piercing. One way or another, intimate female piercing is intimate for that, so that you personally decide whether or not to be on your body.

A person with a tattoo or piercing does not surprise anyone now. It is perceived either as decoration or as a way of self-expression. But 25 variants of modifications of the human body, made in their right mind and solid memory, are introduced into a stupor. It's just hard to believe that a person is able to create with his own body.

Teeth sharpening is a common practice in many tribes. This usually applies to the front teeth. Once upon a time it was part of a religious ritual, but now it's just a cosmetic procedure.

Neck rings are also considered a traditional cosmetic procedure, because in many tribes it was believed that the longer the neck, the more beautiful the woman. Here, local beauties put rings on their necks, and not just like that, but at a certain angle.

The tongue is cut in half from tip to root. Some people think that kissing becomes more sensual thanks to this step.

A corset piercing is an incredibly painful modification in which two rows of piercings are made on the back, and then laced up like a real corset. Because the pain is hellish. And the risk of infection is huge, then most often this “decoration” is temporary.

If someone likes to wear all sorts of jewelry on the body, but does not want to get pierced, he can try implant magnets. When the magnet is under the skin, it immediately attracts metal objects to itself. Now you can wear jewelry without punctures.

Also known as stigmatization, this is the process by which a mark, usually a symbol or pattern, survives on the skin. As a result, the burn scar turns into an eternal decoration.

You can implant anything and anywhere, even balls of various materials into the genitals. They say that it is not only beautiful, but also enhances sexual pleasure during intercourse.

The iris is not the only part of the eye that can be tattooed. The white of the eye is also quite suitable. You can completely change its color, or you can limit yourself to some pattern.

A type of scarification in which layers of skin are removed either mechanically (for example, with sandpaper) or chemically.

The strange phenomenon originated in Canada and spread in Japan. A saline solution is injected into the forehead, where a temporary swelling in the form of a bagel (doughnut) is formed.

During this procedure, a person is suspended from hooks implanted in their body.

Most people, when a mote gets into the eye, immediately strive to get rid of it with all their might. And there are people who deliberately insert all sorts of jewelry into the eyeball and pay a lot of money for it.

In the process of scarification, scars are formed on the body in various ways. As a result, either a picture or words appear on the skin.

The fashion for them appeared in 1994, when they began to introduce small objects made of silicone or Teflon under the skin. They are also called 3D implants.

In this case, the jewelry is not completely inserted under the skin, but partially. The process is also called skin perforation.

Usually piercing involves a small puncture in which a small piece of jewelry is worn. It seemed to someone that this was not enough, and he came up with an extreme version, piercing the most unexpected parts of the body and decorating them with very strange objects.

Lip piercing is the most popular variety, but sometimes it takes on a very strange shape.

Then they sewed, then they flogged

An alternative to tunnels can be sewn lips. Most often, such a procedure is considered ritual, symbolizing the need to close the mouth. There have been cases of expressing political protest in this way.

In African tribes, you will not surprise anyone with stretched skin, but now the fashion has come to Western countries. Now they stretch everything: eyes, nose, lips, ears.

The procedure consists in giving the ears a pointed shape at the top. To do this, a wedge-shaped piece of the auricle is removed, and the two edges are spliced.

The history of plastic surgery knows several cases of an incredible desire to give oneself the appearance of one or another animal. An American known as the Crouching Cat underwent 14 surgeries to transform himself into a tigress. And plastic surgeons, knowing about the eternal desire for beauty and ideal, especially for women, take the opportunity and offer everything to eliminate most often imaginary shortcomings.

Female piercing is the piercing of soft tissues in the genital area and the installation of jewelry in order to improve the aesthetic appearance and physical pleasure. This is an extreme type of piercing that is associated with a range of pain, limitations, and can cause serious health problems. The procedure is carried out only by qualified specialists.

Features and types of genital piercing

Sexual or intimate piercing is a puncture of the skin with a needle. The fashion for punctures in this zone appeared during the sexual revolution in the 1960s. Every man and woman who wanted to demonstrate their freedom to the world had their genitals pierced.

Types of piercing in an intimate place in girls:

  • Nefirtiti. A beautiful erotic version of the decoration of the female organ. The earring is located deep under the clitoral nerve. Rejection rarely occurs, healing is fast without complications. You can use a large bright stone as a decoration.
  • Triangl. Holes are made in a triangle in the labia minora and the clitoral hood. The jewelry is inserted under the clitoris, lifting it up and making it more accessible for stimulation during sex.
  • Ladies frenulum. Piercing is rare. It is done in the area of ​​the frenulum, located between the anus and the vagina.
  • Isabel. A rare and difficult variant of piercing. The decoration adapts to the body, deeply enveloping the clitoris. A bioplastic or titanium curved rod with smooth fixing balls is inserted into the hole, which allows it not to cling to linen and not injure the canal.
  • Kristina. The earring adorns the place where the pubis and labia majora touch. Many women note that Christina constantly feels discomfort when wearing tight clothes.
  • Clit piercing. This option is not suitable for all girls, it requires a special anatomical structure. If the clitoris is open and large, a horizontal puncture is made. If the organ is small, completely closed, a vertical puncture is shown to it. If safety is paramount, then it is better to prick the hood. Nerve endings are not affected. The balls on the earring can provide additional stimulating pleasure.
  • Hole in the labia majora. The place is chosen individually, depending on the wishes. The first option is the location next to the clitoris, the second is in the place where the vagina is. The lip heals for a long time - 3-4 months.
  • Puncture of small lips. The easiest to perform and the fastest to heal.

The bikini area is a place of accumulation of nerve endings and blood vessels, so punctures in it must be done carefully so as not to provoke infection and bleeding.

Puncture Rules

Female intimate piercing is fraught with many dangers. Not every salon is licensed for this type of service. The vagina and surrounding tissues are not the navel, it has many functions, and damage can lead to serious health problems. If you decide to pierce the genitals, choose the master responsibly.

How to make a puncture in an intimate place:

  1. The place of the future puncture is selected, marking, disinfection is carried out.
  2. Master injects anesthetic. Sterilizes instruments.
  3. With a special needle with a catheter, a channel is formed with a quick movement.
  4. Jewelry is inserted into the empty edge of the catheter and inserted into the puncture.
  5. The earring is fixed in the wound.
  6. Re-treatment with an aseptic solution is carried out.

At the end of the procedure, the master is obliged to tell in detail how to care for the piercing.

What are the dangers of a puncture and does it hurt

Before going to the master, you need to find out in detail what dangers lie in wait.

  • Rejection of jewelry due to the development of an allergic reaction to the metal from which the product is made.
  • Nerve damage and consequent loss of sensation.
  • The development of bacterial infections due to a violation of the sterility of the working tool and non-compliance with hygiene.
  • An unaesthetic scar after the removal of the earring and overgrowth of the canal.

In order for vaginal and clitoral piercing to bring pleasure and not become a mistake in life, you need to properly prepare for it. An important condition is a preliminary test for sexually transmitted infections.

Do not perform the procedure yourself! A home puncture is dangerous to health, there is a high risk of damage to the nerve plexuses and the development of bleeding.

To reduce pain, the master offers to anaesthetize the intimate area. If the client has a high sensitivity to anesthetics, then the procedure is performed without the use of medicines. The pain is severe, but lasts for several minutes. Analgesics may be taken for several days.

Intimate piercing care

In order for the wound to heal quickly and without complications, it is necessary to properly care for it. In this case, the key to a successful outcome is the observance of simple rules of hygiene.

  • Twice a day, clean the hole with a disinfectant solution.
  • Do not apply oily creams.
  • In the first three days it is forbidden to take a hot bath, replace it with a warm shower.
  • Within two weeks, exclude the pool, sauna, sports, solarium.
  • For 10-14 days, a ban on sexual contact.
  • If a pubic piercing is done, then carefully process the tissues around and the stomach from below.

Red color of the skin around the wound, burning, pain - indications for visiting a doctor. If an allergic reaction to the earring develops, you will have to remove it and replace it with another one or heal the puncture.


Piercing the female genitals is a medical procedure that has contraindications:

  • diabetes;
  • blood diseases;
  • reduced protective function of the immune system;
  • skin diseases;
  • diseases of internal organs in the acute phase;
  • mental disorders;
  • urinary infections;
  • increased body temperature;
  • viral disease.

If any of the indicated symptoms or conditions are observed, discontinue the procedure. Failure to comply with all conditions threatens with prolonged healing and problems with the engraftment of jewelry.

How does it affect sex life

Why are intimate punctures made? Many couples believe that there is nothing more erotic and exciting than getting pair piercings, for example, Prince Albert and clitoral. In the photo, gold in the intimate area looks beautiful, but does it really help to improve the quality of sexual relations?

Many people cannot imagine their life without piercing. From harmless earlobe piercings to tunnels and intimate "beauty" - it is so variable that it is sometimes difficult to say where the aesthetics are and when the limit will come. In any case, every girl should know whether piercing can be done during menstruation and how to protect yourself from the complications of the procedure. After all, even a seemingly harmless puncture of the navel or ears can bring a lot of trouble.

Read in this article

Places for piercing

Piercing can be located on the head, neck, torso, genitals. The number and types of jewelry are also determined by the place of the puncture. The most common piercings in Russia are the earlobes, navel, and tongue. Other places for piercing are considered more "exotic". But, despite this, the younger generation is very passionate about it, using tunnels and other "curiosities".

Head and neck

Most often, it is here that various decorations are localized. If eyebrows are pierced, the following options are possible:

  • horizontal piercing - along the eyebrow,
  • vertical - above and below the hair growth, can be performed at an angle or perpendicular to the line of the eye.

Piercing of the upper part of the cheek, eyelid and forehead (in the center, like Indian women) is also often performed.

It is popular to pierce the nose, and in different parts of it. The most common options are:

  • vertical and horizontal Bridge, when the entrance and exit are located on the sides of the bridge of the nose or above and below;
  • the tip of the nose with a pinpoint puncture or horizontal, without affecting the septum;
  • piercing of one or both nostrils separately or simultaneously;
  • piercing of the nasal septum.

You can imitate the dimples on the cheeks by performing a piercing there.

Quite often you have to deal with piercing of the lips and chin. There are the following options:

  • Tunnels in the lip, which can reach large sizes. Interestingly, even with huge "holes", the sensitivity of the lips remains, as before.
  • Piercing of the frenulum of the lip.
  • Monroe piercing. On the site of the famous mole of the actress.
  • Making punctures on the lower lip. They can be horizontal or vertical, dotted, located in different parts.
  • Upper lip piercing.
  • Jewelry in the chin area at its different levels, including near the corners of the lower jaw.

There are also many combinations of punctures under their own names. For example, a shark bite - double punctures of the lower lip on both sides. There is also an angel kiss (double Monroe), a spider bite, a dog bite, a dolphin bite, etc.

There is also a tongue piercing. His body is pierced (in the horizontal and vertical direction), the tip, the bridle. Sometimes you can find a uvula piercing.

The most popular part of the body to wear jewelry is the ear. Its various parts are pierced. The most painless option is the earlobe. Piercing is also carried out in the following departments:

  • auricle curl throughout its length - from the outer to the inner radius, closer to the scalp;
  • median cartilage;
  • tragus and antitragus;
  • multiple tunnels of various sizes.

The neck is also pierced, most often on the side or on the back of the head with an entry-exit hole.


Piercings are also carried out on various parts of the body. One of the varieties is corset piercing, which can be done on the back, arm or other large part. A ribbon is fixed between the punctures and visually a real corset is obtained.

Also, punctures are made on the nipple. It is believed that this can increase a woman's sexuality and sensitivity.

Belly button piercing is also quite popular. It is carried out in its upper fold, heals well and is extremely rarely rejected. But even a navel piercing during menstruation is not worth doing in order to avoid consequences.

intimate piercing

The external genitalia are pierced in both men and women. As for girls, most often piercing is carried out in the area of ​​the clitoris and labia. It is believed that this can increase stimulation during intimate relationships and increase the level of pleasure. Intimate piercing during menstruation should not be carried out, in addition to hygienic inconveniences, these days girls have increased bleeding of all vessels, which can result in additional blood loss.

The clitoris can be pierced directly by itself, but it is necessary to do this only in specialized salons. The fact is that it is extremely rich in blood vessels, and even a small wound can cause severe bleeding.

It is less dangerous to pierce the skin above the clitoris horizontally or vertically. There are also dangerous types of piercings. They go in the direction from the urethra to the clitoris deep enough and can injure the urethra up to the formation of fistulas if the procedure is performed by a non-professional.

A safe labia labia and labia minora piercing, but it can also be accompanied by a lot of bleeding. Sometimes the area of ​​​​the posterior commissure is pierced - from the vagina along the midline to the anus.

Watch the video of the procedure:

Piercing is not a cosmetic procedure, but a surgical one. It must be performed in compliance with all the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. Salons, on the other hand, do not always adhere to all norms, as a result, the likelihood of complications after piercing is high. Also in such situations, there is a chance of contracting HIV infection if the instrument used is not properly disinfected. Piercing should not be done during menstruation.

The main complications that may arise when trying to decorate your body:

  • Inflammation up to the formation of an abscess. Depending on the part of the body and the nature of the puncture, it can be a minor inflammation or one that will lead to serious consequences. Small crusts (lymph, blood, pus elements) almost always appear at the site of the holes, but if the rules for wound care are not followed, the infection may intensify.
  • Allergic reaction to the metal used. This complication is quite common. Itching, redness, peeling, pain appear at the puncture site and nearby. All this will not pass until the decoration is replaced.
  • The formation of keloid scars occurs in people prone to this type of regeneration. This can only be found out if there is some kind of wound on the body: if the scar is large and ugly, the likelihood of such a complication is high.
  • When piercing the upper eyelid, you can injure the mucous membrane of the eye. This may affect the quality of vision.
  • Piercing of intimate places is sometimes accompanied by damage to the urethra up to the formation of fistulas.
  • If a vessel is hit during the procedure, threatening bleeding is possible.

When You Shouldn't Get a Piercing

Many women are interested in whether it is possible to do nipple piercing during menstruation, when it is generally better to postpone the procedure until the next time. With regard to menstruation, any intervention should be delayed during these days.

The fact is that the properties of blood change on critical days, according to laboratory indications, slightly, but in practice the degree of bleeding and complications associated with this really increases. The reactivity of the woman's nervous system also increases, so even minor pain sensations are perceived as serious.

Many girls in the second phase of the cycle have swelling of all tissues, which can affect the puncture itself and the speed of its healing.

Also, piercing should not be done in the following situations:

  • Until reaching adulthood. If there is a desire to pierce something earlier, then it is better to choose a salon and do the procedure with your parents.
  • In the case when some chronic diseases have worsened at the scheduled time, it is also necessary to postpone the piercing for other days.
  • If the temperature has risen at the time of execution.
  • If there is a clarified allergic reaction to metals or painkillers, in particular, the lidocaine group.
  • Under no circumstances should you be pierced while under the influence of alcohol.
  • You should be very careful in the presence of diabetes mellitus, since serious complications of the procedure are possible due to a slowdown in tissue repair.
  • With blood diseases.
  • If there are any skin pathologies in the place where the girl wants to make a puncture.

In any case, if in doubt, it is better to consult a doctor and clarify whether piercing can be done in a particular situation in a given place.

Optimal time for body decoration

If we talk about the optimal time in relation to the menstrual cycle, it is better to do the piercing after the critical days, approximately 10-18 days.

In addition to the general features, if a puncture in an intimate place is performed during or close to menstruation, the discharge will enter and contribute to inflammation, which will lead to poor healing. With general poor health or even minor signs of a cold, it is better to postpone the piercing until complete recovery.

If you can not transfer, how to prepare for a piercing in an intimate place

If it is impossible to transfer the piercing in an intimate place, you need to carefully prepare for it:

  1. Before the procedure, you should carry out all hygiene measures, change linen.
  2. For such cases, it is better to use tampons.
  3. At the time of healing and before the procedure, it is necessary to remove all hair on the pubis, labia, perineum. In addition to interfering with the piercing process, they also increase the risk of infection and slow healing.

It is also necessary to refrain from sexual intercourse the day before and throughout the healing time.

Procedure safety rules

So, in order for the piercing to decorate the body and not bring other troubles, you should follow simple safety rules when carrying out the procedure and choosing a place. They can be represented as follows:

  • It is better to use a proven master and salon. In no case should you try to make punctures yourself. This will greatly increase the likelihood of all possible complications.
  • You should come to the salon in advance and clarify what tools they use. In the case of reusable - how the material is disinfected. They must also have documents authorizing this type of activity.
  • If you have a non-standard type of piercing or if you have chronic diseases, you should consult a doctor about the safety of this procedure in a particular case.
  • On the eve of the procedure, you do not need to drink drugs that affect blood clotting. This includes aspirin, ibuprofen, and others.
  • When piercing women, it should be borne in mind that in the future they may have pregnancy and breastfeeding. Especially when piercing the nipples and intimate piercings. During gestation, the growing uterus stretches the skin of the abdomen so that the punctures in the navel become ugly and deformed. This also needs to be taken into account.

Piercing can be a pleasant aesthetic decoration for every woman. But when choosing a puncture site, many factors should be considered, for example, pregnancy in the future. In order to avoid possible complications as much as possible, it is better to give preference to a familiar or well-known master, as well as a salon where all norms are observed. Many are interested in whether it is possible to do piercing during menstruation. Ideally, it is better to postpone the procedure, especially for punctures in intimate places.

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