An ideal lover through the eyes of men. The ideal lover: the secrets of female charm

A man brings his wife to work for a corporate party and introduces the ladies:

- This is our boss's mistress, this is the deputy director's mistress, and this is my mistress!


Jokes are jokes, but it’s true, every mistress of a married man strives to become ideal and perfect in the hope that he will someday rush from his wife to her. But not everyone understands that this should be approached with the caution of a panther. Any rustle - and her eagle will fly away. So how do you become a good lover?

Be the opposite of his wife

I would like to note right away that being a mistress is a sin and not at all prestigious. Do not confuse those relationships where everything is “expensive and rich”, and the moneybags are held by the arm of a dazzling beauty by a lady showered with donated diamonds, with those relationships that happen in real life.

In fact, being a mistress is a continuous torment. Yes, and the consequences are deplorable if adultery is exposed. You can read about this in the article.

But if it’s already impossible to order the heart in any way, then we will conduct a small educational program about the rules of an ideal lover for a married man.

Initially, you need to understand: what prompted a man to take a left step? What did he miss in family life? Most often these are banal things:

  • lack of sex in the marital bed;
  • no understanding with his own wife;
  • the wife stopped looking after her appearance;
  • marriage is bursting at the seams due to scandals;
  • the wife is authoritarian, the man feels worthless with her;
  • the wife has high financial requirements.

So, to become an unforgettable lover, all this must be excluded. A married man, having a mistress, expects from her the complete opposite of his wife, who should be better in her qualities. Read to understand their intentions.

Perfect appearance and sex

A mistress does not have to be a perfect beauty. The main thing is to always make it out of yourself with the help of makeup, clothes and styling. The advantage of mistresses over legal wives is that a man sees how slowly and for a long time his own wife turns into a beauty from a morning lakhudra with the help of cosmetics. And on his mistress, he always sees the final result of reincarnation.

In addition, digging into the very depths of everyday life, the legal spouse sometimes does not notice the little things that internally irritate her husband:

    He constantly sees her either in a dressing gown stained from cooking, or in shapeless home clothes, or in thick knitted socks pulled over brushed underpants, because it is so warm and comfortable.

    She does shameless things in front of him: she picks her nose, then she burps with hiccups, then she goes off in a small way, without closing the door behind her. There is no need to indiscriminately blame husbands for this - wives are also experts in this.

    She makes rolls with tea in the evenings in bed. She doesn’t care that her hips are already shaking from cellulite, and a second chin is in sight. She waves her hand, they say, then I’ll work out in the gym.

It seems that the spouse is a native person - he will understand everything. But these trifles create a general irritation that leads to the left path. Only later, when meeting with another woman, does the man see a fairy in her - well-groomed and smelling of perfume, and not borscht from a dressing gown.

Little hints:

    A man should not see his mistress as casually pale and disheveled.

    All these gray sweaters and skirts are in the furnace - you need to dress stylishly and tastefully. Especially if the lover is a colleague and sees his passion every day.

    Even if the meetings take place on the side of the woman who is cooking, then you need to meet your lover in an evening dress, and not in a dressing gown.

Watch the video from "Office Romance", its very beginning, how Kalugina meets Novoseltsev, and his reaction at the same time. Delight! By the way, we will return to this episode in the article.

The moral side of the relationship

This is the most important side. Sometimes people are surprised when a man goes to a gray mouse from a beautiful wife: and what did he find in this scarecrow? What is her secret? And there is nothing surprising - apparently, the relationship in the family has become so morally decomposed due to scandals and misunderstanding that it is simply rotten from the inside.

What a man is looking for on the side:

  • Attention,
  • understanding,
  • praise,
  • obedience,
  • tenderness.

The ideal lover gives her man a break from family worries and work hassles. Usually these two things collide like clouds during a thunderstorm, causing thunder and lightning.

Well, here's an example for you:

The husband complains to his wife, saying that the boss, Ivan Ivanovich, lost his temper, and then he could not stand it and told this petty tyrant everything that he thought about him. Wife's reaction:

Are you a goat? You understand that if you are not fired, then you will not get a good position! And they will also lose prizes! Why, couldn't you close your filthy mouth and tolerate Ivan Ivanovich's fair remarks? Mom told me right - that you have no brains.

The wife's reaction is understandable - she worries about the financial condition of the family, but at the same time she trampled on the pride and honor of her husband, taking the side of Ivan Ivanovich. Not what he expected. But the ideal lover will look at this situation from the other side:

Well done! I always noticed in you the makings of a leader and a fair person. There are so many brainless people in the world like this Ivan Ivanovich, such people should be put in their place. You will see - thanks to this incident, you will be respected, noticed, and you will be promoted.

But the mistress is "a ray of sunshine during a thunderstorm." Look what she did with one of her sentences:

  • praised his qualities of character;
  • calmed his nerves, humiliating the petty tyrant;
  • gave me the opportunity to believe in myself.

Moreover, she judged everything wisely and calmly and said exactly what he wants to hear. Well, how not to wake up in yourself love for this pleasant woman in every sense?

Now back to that four-minute clip from Office Romance. Yes, this is not a film about married lovers, but there is one subtle nuance in this fragment. Kalugina is Novoseltsev's formidable boss, but she trembles during a meeting with a tremor in her voice.

It's understandable to be worried. But in a “married man-mistress” relationship, such awe is very important. Men adore such reverence for their special, however, if this is not overdone, servility can also be cloyingly nauseating.

In an ideal lover, a man wants to see a woman admiring him precisely at those moments when he does some deeds: gives flowers, invites her to a restaurant or protects her from a bully. Taking such offerings and deeds for granted can greatly offend a man.

And further. There is such a “syndrome of a loner” when there is no opportunity to express all your thoughts. They are most often affected by bachelors. But some married men also suffer from this disease, if in the family his word is the last. Therefore, in his mistress, he also wants to see a grateful listener.

No requirements

If we talk about the absolute ideal of a man, then such a woman should not set the following conditions for him:

  • divorce your wife
  • to marry her,
  • provide financially.

Or at least not rush things until he matures. The demands will cross out all those good feelings that were before straining, and the tandem of partners in secret love will fall apart. Therefore, many men prefer a relationship with a married mistress.


All these tips are only suitable for being the perfect lover, nothing more. Well, like a geisha: through the eyes of a married man, such an exemplary woman is perfection itself.

But if your goal is to, then soon you can make a mistake on weekdays - put on a dressing gown, knitted socks and become everyday. Yes, and you will wake up crumpled and shaggy. Yes, it's weekdays, baby, so different from dating on the side.

By the way, one can understand the indignation of the wives who read this article. But! She also wrote for them, so that they had the opportunity to reconsider their mistakes, draw conclusions and become a mistress for their own husband, even in family life.

There are many men, they are all different, everyone has their own sexual preferences and the concept of what an ideal lover should be. But there are a number of criteria, the knowledge of which will help you become, if not a sex goddess, then at least get closer to the ideal.

The ideal lover loves sex. Nothing excites a man like true passion in the eyes of a woman, her desire and sexuality. To be sexy, you don't have to wear short skirts, tight blouses, bright makeup, and big breasts. Sexuality is an internal state that literally glows even through a formal suit or worn jeans and your favorite sweater.

The ideal lover is active. This point comes out of the previous one - a woman who loves sex simply cannot lie like a corpse and not be active. Feel free to be the first to hint to your partner that you want him, take the initiative, let him at least once be completely in your power. But you don’t need to do this all the time either - a man is a hunter and conqueror.

The ideal lover is frank. It's no secret that it is very difficult to understand a person's desires if he does not voice them, especially when it comes to sex. A woman can get an orgasm only if she herself knows what she needs for this, while a man cannot immediately find out what a particular lady needs. Therefore, all your desires and preferences must be voiced both before and during sex, especially since such conversations are very exciting.

The ideal lover is not afraid of experiments. She is ready to try almost everything, not because she wants to please her partner, but because she herself is interested in it. Such a woman will not refuse oral sex and role-playing games, and the offer to do anal sex will not terrify her. She herself does not hesitate to offer her beloved to try something new.

The ideal lover takes care of herself. Such a woman will not allow a two-week stubble on her legs, the smell of sweat or broken nails. She takes care of herself regardless of whether they see her naked today or not. Her partner has no idea that she spends time and effort on her beauty - because everything looks so easy and natural. The ideal lover does not have to be beautiful, but grooming and charm are mandatory attributes.

The ideal lover loves herself. An ideal lover will not insist on turning off the lights or sex under the covers, afraid to show an extra wrinkle or cellulite. Even if she is overweight, such a woman loves her body and knows how to present it and show it from the best side. It is to show, and not bashfully hide until better times. The ideal lover will not drive herself unconscious at work and at home - she will always find some time for herself, her calmness and beauty. It goes without saying that such a woman will not sacrifice a full sleep. To write a father, surf the Internet or chat on the phone.

The ideal lover loves men. Men seem to her sweet and witty, in everyone she is able to see something good and forgive shortcomings. This does not mean that such a lady is able to fall in love with the first person she meets, no. She just treats the opposite sex kindly, does not consider men worse than herself and will never even think that they are all ...

The ideal lover is self-confident. Such a lady will not worry about the fact that her hair is disheveled, and in the morning she will not run to apply makeup, trying to have time to restore beauty before her partner wakes up. This woman knows the value of her feelings and time, sets her priorities based on her interests, and she is interested in everything. Therefore, after the first intimacy, she will not look into the eyes like a dog and ask, “When will we get married?”. She will not bother with calls, SMS, torment with jealousy and make scandals, because she knows that she is the best.

The ideal lover feels the partner. This, perhaps, is a quality that is very difficult to develop, since not everyone is able to feel their partner and sometimes adapt to him. But nevertheless, the ideal lover will never ask her partner the question “What are you thinking about?”, As she will know about it for sure. In addition, she knows male psychology well and will never make fatal mistakes.

For some, these requirements may seem overstated, but they are not, because with an ideal lover, any man will also try to be perfect not only in bed, but also in life. Ideal mistresses are not always good housewives, but often they make very good wives.

In the modern world, men believe that a woman should try to be an ideal mother, be sure to be able to cook deliciously, as well as surprise and agree to all the experiments in the bedroom. But practice shows that wives, especially after the birth of children, mostly fulfill only the first two points and do not strive to be perfect in bed. But do not forget that sex for men plays a huge role in relationships. Every girl is able to become a good lover, for this you just need to study some practical recommendations, including those from famous psychologists.

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Men who are married or in search, in bed want to disconnect from the daily hustle and bustle, get rid of thoughts about work and just relax. Nearby they want to see a beautiful, well-groomed and passionate girl. Psychologists agree that in order to become an ideal lover and please your husband or boyfriend, you should follow a few simple recommendations that will help you achieve the desired result:

  • A good lover should always remain unrevealed for a partner, create memorable conditions for her stay.
  • Any woman eventually manages to understand and feel her companion more and more, learn about his desires and strive to satisfy them. She should feel where the right places for kisses, touches, do not forget to say nice words.
  • Men love bold and sensual women. They need to be seduced, completely made clear that only he is the main and best lover here.
  • In the bedroom, you should forget about your complexes and shyness. Any man will gladly appreciate new erotic lingerie or even an unexpected striptease.
  • The bedroom should have a special atmosphere, this is important. Scented candles, oils, beautiful linens, dimmed lighting, and adult movies on TV help.
  • The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. These are not just words, psychologists assure that at least sometimes, it is necessary to surprise your husband with an unusual dinner. His mood will rise, and there will only be more love and desire to thank him.
  • A real lover should try to make the pleasure long. This will help erotic massage and role-playing games.

As soon as the process is completed, and both get the highest pleasure, you need to affectionately tell your partner that it was wonderful. So imperceptibly you can increase man's dignity and a sense of self-confidence in a beloved man.

It should be remembered that the representatives of the stronger sex are attracted by looseness in bed, but in moderation. A girl who is too accessible in everything will make you think. Gradually, you can experiment, try new poses and games. With the help of this, a man will experience something new every time and it will be possible to avoid monotony.

A girl should try to be perfect not only in the bedroom. Self-interest needs support and beyond:

  • Maintain a well-groomed appearance, feminine manners, attitude towards others, beautiful speech.
  • You should share the interests of your partner, learn about his life and affairs.
  • Develop in several directions so that it is possible to maintain any dialogue.

Features of the zodiac signs

Astrologers agree that each of the men needs different women. The table shows the zodiac signs of the male representatives and the type of girls that suits them.

male zodiac sign

What kind of women does he like?

Aries prefer eccentric women. It is their reflection that sympathizes with them, that is, temperamental and hot. They will be able to drive Aries crazy and give him maximum pleasure.

Taurus is more suitable for a girl who is pretty, well-groomed and with a pleasant light character. She should be able to find an approach to such a man, be interested in his life and support him in everything.


Geminis like cheerful girls with a good sense of humor. Such a sign of the zodiac does not allow girls who are obsessed with career and self-development to approach. The main qualities that a lady should have are wit and developed intelligence.

Cancer is most often a romantic to the core. The ideal woman for him is one who is able to share all joys and sorrows, sincerely thank you for the care given to him, she must be able to listen and express her personal opinion

Lions, on the other hand, pay attention to girls who are narcissistic, capricious and very arrogant. Relationships are not easy to get along with. But Leo is able to compromise and always tries to find a solution to any problem.

The Virgo man prefers women with perfect order not only in the house, but also in the head. The representative of this sign is very demanding on the choice of his companion and does not accept violations of the principles and foundations of his family.

Libra is very important situation in the house. They like it when everything is in a state of peace, harmony and balance. Such a man likes women who have an inner world. Libra often uses the energy of her companion, she must be able to give it away


A complex and sensual woman is ideal for Scorpio. As for eternal love, then they are completely fickle. If a girl can cope with the temperament of Scorpio, can combine mind, beauty, wisdom and weakness, then she will surely win his heart

For Sagittarians, trust in relationships plays a huge role in life. The ideal couple for him would be a calm, thinking and modest girl who has no secrets of her own.

Capricorn will be crazy about a punchy and self-confident woman. She must create comfort in the house, raise desired children, develop and be, in some way, a fatal business woman.

In Aquarius, girls with an unpredictable character are held in high esteem. The intellectual abilities of the chosen one of such a man must be at a high level in order to match him

Pisces men are often lonely for a long time, as they have very high demands. A lady must be beautiful, smart, kind, affectionate, patient and economic. Agree with a partner, make concessions, endure reproaches and imperfections of a complex nature - all these features must be present in an ideal woman for Pisces

Expectations from a relationship with a mistress

Quite often, family relationships come to a standstill, and men, by their nature, are looking for young and beautiful mistresses to escape from everyday problems. Long-term living of the same type with a wife and children without any changes leaves its mark on the psychological state of a man.

In order to become a lover, you need to be able to distract a man from everyday problems, to make an incredibly pleasant romantic event out of each new meeting. Men are always in a state of search for new emotions. Months, years spent in marriage can cause a lack of new feelings and put pressure on the psyche of the stronger sex. In this case, the mistress of a married man is a kind of highlight in his life, adds mystery and new sensations.

As a rule, girls are looking for wealthy rich men who can fulfill all their whims and desires. And in order to keep such a person close to you and use his material virtues for your own purposes, you should under no circumstances show your interest in his money. A girl should always remain natural and relaxed, give a man affection, care and love. If her man really likes her, he will spare no expense for luxurious surprises.

In order for relations with a married lover to develop rapidly and give both only pleasure, it is desirable for a girl to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe reasons why men show interest in relationships outside of marriage.


  • Monotonous relationship. Quite often, an older man wants to feel young again. To this end, he starts an affair with a sweet girl who will be able to bring new colors to his gray life.
  • Fatigue. Men tend to get tired, including from constant relationships, they lack fresh emotions. The same fully studied woman for many years may cease to arouse desire, and then something new is wanted.
  • Problems in intimate life. Often, intimate relationships in the family stop developing and become boring. Therefore, a man seeks to get pleasant sensations on the side.
  • Revenge. If a husband has suspicions about his wife's infidelity, he feels insecure. To increase self-esteem, the husband gets a mistress. Most often, without even making sure that the betrayal on the part of his wife really was.

A girl who wants to be an ideal lover must bring into the life of her chosen one what he lacks in his family. It should be remembered that after infidelity, a man quite rarely completely divorces his wife. One of the main rules of behavior for a young mistress is not to wait and not demand the continuation of the relationship, often the meeting can be only for one night without any consequences. A girl should not have hopes that a man will only be with her.

Mistakes girls make

Psychologists have figured out how to behave with a lover so that a man is happy, does not experience discomfort and receives only pleasure from the relationship. It is difficult not to make mistakes at all, but in order for harmony and mutual understanding to be present in a couple, some things need to be considered:

Error Description
GuiltA girl should in no way point out her partner’s shortcomings, show dissatisfaction with his family, remind her of her and talk about such topics. A man will be in eternal tension and soon conflicts will begin that will lead to a complete break in communication.
ChildYou should not control a man with the help of children, this method will not work. He will undoubtedly choose love over manipulation. Consequently, the girl will remain with the child and without a man. Since in such cases the child will see the father separately from the mother, without the father's desire to have any contact relationship with her.
ControlMen absolutely do not like being controlled. That is why they often leave their wife, who always tried to solve everything herself. The lover should be light and unobtrusive. Give a man the right to decide everything himself and not get involved in his affairs
TantrumsComing to a girl, a lover wants to take a break from everyday life, to be in peace and harmony, and not to deal with sorting out relationships, scandals and quarrels, which he already has enough at home. Good sex, calmness, mental balance - and this relationship will be very long
SexParadoxically, sex is not the main thing in a relationship with a married person. Of course, he plays a big role, but a man wants to be listened to, given advice, or just be silent together. He wants to complain about his wife or talk about failures at work, because no one hears him in his own house
PresentsThey should not be asked or hinted at in any way. You should not be forced to constantly confess your love and tell something personal

In any case, no matter how correct and thought out all the actions, it is possible that the companion will return to his family. He can also simply break off relations in order to again get new unforgettable emotions. Relationships with married men should not be taken seriously, they are windy and fickle. You do not need to unquestioningly trust their every word, they can only be a way to control a girl in love.

In psychology, there is often an opinion that men tend to cheat and deceive. Their feelings will be real only with one lady who will be able to conquer the heart and soul once and for all without a trace.


Folk wisdom says that a woman should be a caring mother in the nursery, a friendly mistress in the kitchen and a passionate lover in the bedroom. And the first, and the second, and the third can be learned.

But if we still agree to comprehend the basics of cooking or home economics, then we categorically refuse to study sexual science. "Women's passions" offer to discard all stereotypes and try to become an ideal lover for your man.

First you need to answer the question: "What is she, an ideal lover?" What is it that attracts her? And why do many men think that a bad lover is a hundred times better than a good wife?

1. So, the ideal lover knows exactly what her partner wants. She knows how best to caress him and what to say. Of course, this knowledge does not fall on her "from the sky", she achieves them through long conversations "about it."

The mistress radiates desire, therefore, becomes the object of sexual attention for persons of the opposite sex. She has sex not "for the company", but with pleasure and joy. She is an uninhibited woman and boldly tries new positions and new places.

2. She is well-groomed, charming, courageous. Smart enough, because it was not for nothing that history brought us the parable of Napoleon. Once he asked his adjutant to find him a lady for the night, always smart. "Forgive me, sir, but why does a woman have a lot of intelligence in bed?" - he was perplexed. "And who will I talk to in between?" replied Bonaparte.

Magnificent mistresses were Cleopatra and Josephine, Lilya Brik and the Marquise de Pompadour. You can read their biographies at your leisure and try to imagine yourself in the place of one of these great women.

3. A mistress makes a man feel like a real macho, and he, in turn, gives her an incomparable sensation of a seductress. Therefore, such ties, as a rule, are durable - no one wants to break such a successful union.

4. A lover differs from his wife in that she considers a man a holiday - while for his wife he has long become commonplace. With a mistress, a man rediscovers himself: he becomes the most intelligent, sexy, passionate and generous.

Here is what Lilya Brik said about this: “You need to inspire a man that he is wonderful or even brilliant, but that others do not understand this. And allow him what they do not allow him at home. shoes and silk underwear. It was to her that men said: "You are not a woman, you are an exception."

From the dance of trembling knees to self-confidence

A lot has been written about the art of seduction, which a lover should be fluent in. In some, it is advised to dance a striptease, in others - to visit a sex shop, in others - to watch a porn movie. You can try all of these, but now we will focus on something else.

No matter how great the idea, striptease can turn into a dance of trembling knees, and viewing pornography into humiliating copying of poses (often unbearably acrobatic). This must be avoided by all means. Your main assistant on the way to the ideal lover is self-love.

5. You need to love yourself unconditionally and selflessly, once and for all. Try walking up to the mirror and telling the reflection, "I love you." Does not work? Ashamed? Nothing, it will pass. After a week or two of hard training, this phrase will seem easy, and you will feel like a geisha: a mysterious, inaccessible, "thing in itself."

6. The next step is to love your body. Understand that the model parameters "90-60-90" are not an end in itself in life, and an ideal figure will not bring happiness in itself. You need to love your breasts, your thighs and your hair. Think: would you love your man if he was disgusted with his torso? I'm sure not. The attitude to the body needs to be learned from men - they are happy with what they have, and do not complex with or without reason.

7. Your eyes should glow, as if you are filled (and so it is!) with some kind of internal energy and strength. Those eyes are charming. Imagine that a fire is burning inside you, and do not forget about it when you are shopping, walking, taking a shower. Remember that the ideal lover radiates desire - so you try to "radiate" something.

These three simple steps will give you confidence and looseness. After you have passed them, you can proceed directly to seduction.

8. The ideal lover is not only perfectly "savvy" in matters of sex, she also knows how to create a special atmosphere. In ancient treatises, attention was paid to everything: dinner, incense or aromatic oils, furnishings, clothing.

These details play a very important role. To create an atmosphere means to create the mood of the whole evening. Try experimenting with lighting: a red lamp instead of the usual one can turn the evening into a volcano of passion.

Hang large erotic photos in the bedroom and spread them on the floor and bed (you can use them from your archive), and if there are none, then buy an erotic album. You can view "before" or "during" photos. Either way, they'll do their part and fuel your passion.

Meet your man in a negligee, but with some erotic detail: it can be a long string of beads around his neck or a rose in his hair. Before that, warn him with a call or SMS about a surprise of a sexual nature. This is especially necessary if your man is a big conservative.

9. Surprise a man with an unusual dinner. If earlier you ate hastily and semi-finished products, now prepare full-fledged snacks and salads. Sparkling wine is welcome, but in reasonable quantities. Experiment with tequila - salt can be licked from anywhere. The main thing is not to overdo it with alcohol.

10. If everything goes as it should, then your man will get turned on very quickly. Your task is to stretch the pleasure for a long time. During sex, interrupt, rest, change positions. You can even talk, but not about household chores, and even more so not about world news, but about sensations and feelings. Finally, tell us where you need to be stroked, touched, pinched and what you enjoy.

11. After the peak, gently hug your one and tell him "thank you" for this night of love.

12. After such an "outbreak", even old relationships flare up with renewed vigor. However, the ideal lover does not stop there - she experiments with a man. Of course, you won’t be able to do this every night (and you don’t have to, it will quickly become commonplace), but from time to time you need to pamper yourself and your loved one!

Once upon a time, a married man was a forbidden fruit, inaccessible to other ladies, being chosen alone. Time has passed, and neither a stamp in your passport, nor a ring on your finger, nor a passionate love for your wife are an obstacle to building your personal happiness. “A wife is not a wall,” how such hunters of other people's husbands reassure themselves, finding opportunities for themselves everywhere. Today, some, on the contrary, experience hunting excitement at the sight of a married man, placing stars on the wing.

So, how to behave with a married man, if life has already developed this way and if you want to make them as pleasant and long as possible. Here are some tips for mistresses that can make adultery easier for them.

For a lover to always be satisfied, it is enough to become the one and only in his life, even if there are many other women nearby. What should be a girlfriend, what features does an ideal lover have?

Here are some tips for women on what behavior attracts males and is accepted as correct:

  • Enjoy sex and enjoy the process. When a lady is genuinely attracted to her partner, he certainly feels it and is grateful to her. He becomes an unsurpassed tempter in his own eyes, this increases his self-esteem, adds self-confidence. Even if the first night with a new lover is not exciting, it's always worth giving a second chance to each side. After all, the main thing that lies in such relationships is sex. So let it be unsurpassed and joyful.
  • To love yourself. A real seductress should be able not only to show attention to her friend, but also to appreciate and respect herself, to be aware of her attractiveness, to see the advantages of her body, character, and skillfully use them. Does not depend on the opinions of others, but forms it herself, and people succumb to the impression that she creates about herself, and they no longer see short legs or a flat chest, but they see a queen who carries herself to people and graciously allows her person to be admired.
  • Be well groomed and take care of yourself. Health is also beautiful, and a girl even without makeup, but with clean, glowing skin and neat, will already be attractive to the opposite sex.
  • Know about the wishes of a friend. Such a lady will not imitate the heroines of films and reproduce scenes from the Kama Sutra or home video. She simply feels and hears the movements of the companion, expectations and satisfies them, but does not impose anything and does not force to do anything without desire.
  • Be a mystery. Intrigue is in the blood of any beauty. Periodically tease, make you worry, excite with unusual behavior, make you jealous, suspect in incomprehensible thoughts and actions - create intrigue around yourself, not letting you calm down. To be different every time, to bring the game into connection and not be boring - this will become a constant stimulus for the eternal hunt.
  • Readiness for experiments. This applies not only to bed, but to life in general.

  • Striving for continuous improvement. Maintain your horizons, be ready to carry on a conversation on any topic, switch to new activities, follow the latest in the world of not only fashion, but also culture. Well, this applies to the body too, no doubt.
  • Ability to keep up a conversation. Even if everything that unites people begins and ends in bed, there is still a risk that an awkward moment will arise when there is nothing to talk about. This ability to speak or remain silent in time also means a lot, both in marriage and outside of marriage.
  • Respect his freedom. After the first night, a lady making plans for a marriage ceremony or depriving her partner of freedom, bombarding her with touching messages, or constantly trying to find out where he is and what he is doing will not lead to good.
  • Admire. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all what the object of admiration really is - what matters is the feeling that a friend shows. If next to him is an ideal woman, everyone feels like an ideal man.

Mistakes in the behavior of a mistress

How to behave with a lover in order to avoid mistakes and maintain harmony in a couple? Psychology recommends paying attention to some points.

  • No need to make him feel guilty. Undoubtedly, this is a very powerful control tool, but only very skillful friends know how to use this lever so subtly that the subject does not suspect that they are secretly exerting influence. He understands that in this way others are trying to lead to a result that is not needed at all (for example, marriage, but only after a divorce, of course, and in this case there are two points unpleasant for him at once). And then he ceases to see the value in his mistress - with claims there is already a wife at home, why change the awl for soap.
  • Do not try to keep with you with the help of a child. This method does not work - the one that loves him, and not the manipulating one, will be selected. He can meet with the child after, but with the mother of the child, avoid meetings. So in the end you can be with the baby, and without a companion.
  • Don't try to control everything. The beauty of these relationships lies in the fact for the partner that she does not interfere with his life and is then there when he wants. But if the lover has to report to his girlfriend in the same way as at home to his wife, the passion will disappear immediately. Don't be pushy.
  • Do not arrange a showdown with your friend's wife and do not get her. Sometimes you want to assert yourself at the expense of the other, to prove to yourself and the one that since he chose you, then you are superior in all respects. However, this usually leads to a faster separation: wives are often ready to accept their husband's betrayal sooner or later and forgive, too much is at stake. But the spouse will not like this: extra squabbles will push him to the decision that he needs to return to his wife. Yes, and you these showdowns will be presented in an unfavorable light.

  • Don't throw tantrums. Coming to you, a lover is looking for peace and harmony, not scandals and aggression. Good sex, calmness, mental balance - and your relationship can be long. No matter how emotional the girlfriend is, it would be nice to remember that one gentleman is already going to the left, and no matter how quick temper becomes the reason to leave you.
  • Oddly enough, sex is not the main thing in connection with a married man. There is no way without sex, but if there is nothing else in common, then it becomes sad. Very often, a friend plays the role of a psychologist, listening to everything that is boiling over, suggesting how to properly solve certain issues. Complaining about your wife, in the end, is also someone else, if not a friend.
  • Do not tell everyone around about what is happening: whether for the purpose of bringing to the attention of the wife or just showing off (the status of a friend, fortune, beauty, or some other virtues).
  • Do not beg for gifts and signs of attention. Do not force him to constantly confess his love, ask what he thinks about, be around all the time.
  • Do not load your feelings with great strength, otherwise such a burden will become a burden.

Relationship with a young lover

It is good and clear how to behave with a married lover in the traditional age ratio. And how to behave with a young friend, when age becomes an important factor for feelings - the question is more complicated.

Psychologists believe that the youth of the companion causes anxiety and fear in the mistress, and this in turn affects self-esteem and confidence. That may not affect the quality of the emotional connection. With a young lover, a lady often begins to worry more about the distance between them than the lover himself, to feel his unreasonable guilt, to listen to social stereotypes. At the same time, he ceases to enjoy life as a whole, listening to the most unimportant trifles, complexing for every reason. Sometimes a lady provokes her friend to compliments, with which he must dissuade her of her fears - that she is not young, perhaps not so beautiful and not at all suitable for a couple. A woman, in an attempt to ask for a compliment, begins to show everything that her partner has not seen himself, but now she will certainly pay attention.

There is another category of ladies who consider their friends unintelligent and do not take seriously anything they do or say. They are constantly trying to teach them something, to educate, to show life, to patronize. A man must remain a leader, no matter what age he is.

However, when the satellite is younger, it perfectly motivates you to take care of yourself, and serves as a source of constant energy, young and reckless, keeps you in good shape and does not allow you to fall. Young active energy rejuvenates the partner herself, allows you to remember the sins of youth.

No matter how correct and thought out all the actions and moves are, at any moment a situation may arise when your companion returns to his wife or simply decides to break the connection, it is likely that even for the sake of new love on the side. So it is worth remembering that this holiday is not forever, and the myths that he will leave his wife for you are sometimes just myths. And your heart and destiny can be connected with a single and promising in terms of building a family, a lucky man.