How to anesthetize epilation by lidokain and other means - a complete review. Ways of anesthesia for epilation and depilation

With the arrival of spring before every girl, at least two problems arise. One of them is related to the fact that you have to say goodbye to tight pantyhose and warm clothing in general. Due to the fact that all the large parts of the body are taken away, it is necessary to fight extra hair, and this procedure may be quite painful, so it almost immediately arises such an actual topic as an anesthesia during epilation.

Despite the fact that the purpose of depilation and epilation is to eliminate the hair, in fact there are some differences in how to achieve this goal. Depilation is called the procedure when the removal of the hair itself occurs directly without the destruction of the bulb (follicle), pulling hair with tweezers or shave. This is directly temporary measure, and after a period of time, it is necessary to carry out the procedure again. The epilation procedure is carried out directly with the direct effect on the follicle. And with some course procedures, you can forever get rid of the hair.

In fact, absolutely all methods that are somehow help to cope with the epilation procedure can be divided into drug and non-drugs, respectively. For example, if we are talking about a banal pulp pulp method, then in this case there will be enough and non-drug methods, in order to slightly reduce discomfort and pain. At the same time, it is necessary to adhere to several uncomplicated tips:

  • A specialist who should start removing hair must necessarily have a lot of experience, so it is necessary to take it very seriously. This is due to the fact that it is precisely from its clarity of actions that the painlessness of this procedure will be dependent.
  • In order to reduce pain, you can apply a body scrub, thanks to which the hair removal will become easier.
  • Some mistakenly believe that pain relief with ice will help better remove hair, although everything happens with accuracy to the opposite, due to the fact that the muscles come to the voltage state, and the pores are narrowed. The ice is best attached after all procedures.
  • It is not recommended to use alcohol-containing cosmetics that compact skin cover. Thus, the procedure becomes more painful, the use of such funds is relevant after the procedure itself is completed, in order to subsequently displaced the skin.
  • As for caffeine and drink alcoholic beverages, then everything is strictly individually. Some better tolerate the procedure, with the use of those, whereas the other increases the excited state, which is why sensitivity to pain is sharpened.
  • We must not forget that for women it is extremely important to choose the right day for the epilation of the relative menstrual cycle. Many women are very painful to transfer the procedure before or during menstruation.
  • In order to distract a little, you can follow the technique of your breathing, in which the hair should be taken at the peak of a deep breath.
  • Immediately before the procedure, it is best to take a hot bath, a good method will be a bath or a visit to the sauna, in general any methods to try to disappear skin cover. But before the procedure itself, it is necessary to carefully wipe the skin dry.
  • Finally, it is impossible to forget that it is necessary to remove hair yourself, it is necessary only after you have fully familiarized yourself with all the nuances of this procedure. In case of incorrect conduct, the risk of damage to the skin is significantly increased.

Absolutely any procedure that concerns the epilation of the bikini zone, in the relative majority of women requires anesthesia.

In this case, the following methods can be distinguished:

  • Oral anti-inflammatory funds.
  • Package drugs that are applied directly to that section of the skin, where the procedure is assumed.
  • Introduction of drugs for anesthesia under the skin (infiltration anesthesia)

Alerts with epilation: Tablets

Immediately, I would like to note that the painkillers for epilation can be anti-inflammatory drugs of nonsteroidal type (NSAIDs), for example ibuprofen, naproxen, ketoprofen, diclofenac, indomethacin. By the way, drugs are listed ascending the severity of the effect of anesthesia since the weakest.

It must be remembered that the reception of aspirin is actually undesirable, due to its active influence on blood, as a result of which it reduces its viscosity. Thus, in the place where the hair cover is removed, the so-called "bloody dew" can instantly occur, which in the literal one will cover the entire area, which was prone to depilation.

At the moment, you can easily detect tablets without any problems, where anti-inflammatory drugs are combined with tranquilizers, "Tempalgin" can be attributed to such. They are sold in free access in pharmacy points and do not require a doctor's prescription. Thanks to them, it is absolutely safe to soften the reaction to pain.

Based on this, it is much easier to transfer the depillation procedure and at the same time minimize the number of NSAIDs, which does not act so well on the human body, as I wanted. As for drugs that are used for local anesthesia, lidocaine and sublocaine are often used.

Lidocaine with epilation

As mentioned earlier, lidocaine in epilation is used as a means for local anesthesia in the form of a soluble salt of lidocaine hydrochloride. The versatility of this type is obvious, because it can be applied not only intravenously, intramuscularly, but also subcutaneously and bred directly to the skin and mucous membranes.

If you enter the drug subcutaneously or intramuscularly, then its action will begin for 15 minutes. If applied to the skin and mucous membranes, then its action will begin as soon as a sufficient amount of the drug is accumulated directly in the area of \u200b\u200bnerve endings.

Contraindications for the use of lidocaine when depilation

As for the period of accumulation of the drug, it all depends on several factors and is extremely individual:

  • The temperature of the skin and the thickness of the layer of the skin adhesive lubrication, and the presence of creams.
  • Directly the amount of the drug applied to the skin.
  • The time that the drug is in the skin.
  • There is an individual intolerance to the organism of this drug. If there is no such information, then we can remember when at the reception at the dentist, after the administration of the drug there were any consequences or reactions to it.
  • Syndromes: Adams - Stokes, Wolf Parkinson-White, the weakness of the sinus unit or the presence of an atrio-ventricular blockade of the second and third degree.
  • Age up to 12 years.
  • In disruption of the work of the kidneys and liver, porphery and myasthenia.
  • A tendency to sharp decline in blood pressure, with a decrease in the frequency of heart cuts.
  • Euphoria or on the contrary drowsiness and weakness.
  • Migraine.
  • Twist in the eyes.
  • Violation of hearing organs, numbness of the language and lips.
  • Cramps.
  • Vomiting, nausea.
  • Fall of body temperature, chills, heat.
  • Unpleasant pain in the place of administration of the drug.
  • Reducing blood pressure, violation of the rhythm of the heart and the emergence of the breath.
  • Allergic reactions that can manifest themselves in the form of a skin, rhinitis, urticaria, conjunctivitis and even anaphylactic shock.


If we compare this drug directly with the lidocaine, then the first has a much slow development of an anesthetic effect, but at the same time the side effects are much smaller. There is a practice when the first and second drug is used in order to ultimately get the longest effect from the anesthesia of the local type.

Lidocaine spray for epilation

It is worth noting that a 10% hydrochloride lidocaine solution is necessary for mucous membranes and skin, the way is best suited - lidocaine spray for epilation. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that if the mucous drug is absorbed relatively well and quickly, then directocaine penetrates directly through the skin. I also want to note that often anesthesia with a spray in the bikini zone is based on the placebo effect. In this case, the patient is 100% sure that the drug really helps him and therefore, thanks to the confidence of its action, the sensitivity to the painful sensations is reduced.

By the way, you can slightly strengthen the effect of the spray, you can use an occlusive dressing that you need to wear at least an hour in order to get at least some minimal effect. In the event that you apply spray to the skin, directly half an hour before the procedure starts and allowing it to dry, then do not feel an anesthetic effect.

What is an occlusive bandage: overlay an occlusal dressing

Such a bandage is designed to reduce the drying of the spray or cream on the skin, with the simultaneous increase in the components, which are included in its composition. In order for this to be possible, it is necessary to use any dense material in order to fully close that section of the body to which the drug is applied to avoid air and evaporation penetration. The overlay of an occlusal dressing should not cause any difficulties, and with this can cope with any person, without even any minimal medical knowledge.

One of the easiest ways is the use of thin film from polyethylene. It is very convenient because it sticks very tightly to the skin and does not require any additional fixation under clothing. If another material is used or additional fixation is required, you can use multiple pockets.

The use of anesthetics by type of sublocaine and ice leaves directly by the outer method, almost completely exclude the occurrence of allergic reactions and side effects. That is why the use of such funds is relevant for those women who are under pregnancy or during the lactation period. This is due to the fact that drugs are not delayed and subsequently do not accumulate in the body, and therefore do not have any risks for the health of the newborn.

Cream and plaster "Emla"

"Emla" cream has sublocaine and lidocaine. This medical preparation was specially created in order to use it directly on the skin. But before starting the use of this cream, it is necessary to get acquainted with the instructions and fully follow it.

In order to anesthetize the skin to a depth of 2 mm, it is necessary to apply cream on the skin and then keep it under an occlusive bandage for at least 1 hour. If it requires anesthesia to 3 mm, then 2 hours. In order to accelerate its penetration into the pores of the skin, you can periodically reproduce cream.

After the bandage is removed, the painkiller will last for 120 minutes. In no case cannot apply cream on damaged skin, as it will increase the risk of allergic reactions and side effects, all due to the content of sublocaine and lidocaine.

As for the flow rate of the cream, then the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin is approximately 10 cubic cm, no more than 2 grams of the drug are required. Relative to the mucous membranes of the genital organs and skin cover, which adjacent to this area requires a little more cream, up to 10 grams.

The "Emla" plaster in the same way as the cream is capable of anesthesive skin before the epilation procedure. It should be understood that because of its relatively small size, their use is strictly limited. We must not forget that only 3 patch can be used at the same time, so if you decide to buy their future, there is no need for it. They will become relevant for the most painful and small places, and the armpits are also true.

Cream LightDep

One new drug is provided to your attention, which was actually already compared with Emli and showed very good results. I would like to immediately say that at the moment the LightDep cream is most often used in cases where there are allergic or any other reactions to Emlu, which is associated with the components. There are only two forms of release of this cream, the first of which is intended directly for the face in a volume of 15 ml, while the second for the body is 30 ml. In this case, also requires an occlusive bandage to enhance the effect.

Application of special epilator nozzles

In case of removal of hair using an electrical epilator, you can choose for yourself a suitable gentle nozzle thanks to which pains are noticeably reduced. It is good that manufacturers of such devices think about it and create all the necessary conditions. Among such nozzles, the following can be noted:

  • A special nozzle, which has several shit drives, thanks to which it is becoming less hairsdown.
  • Cooling type nozzles that have a container where liquid is poured, after which it must be placed in the freezer. Despite the fact that the ice itself is unable to significantly reduce pain, all the same, some effect is observed, but it is relevant more to prevent irritation than pain.
  • The type of massage nozzles, thanks to which during the massage, the direct transmission of pain signals is broken.

Anesthesia for epilation: subcutaneous injections

Now there are already practically no medical institutions left, wherever the injections of local anesthetics were carried out, but still there is some percentage of "bold" people who spend them at home. In this case, the subcutaneous administration of a 2% solution of lidocaine hydrochloride is carried out for such injections.

It is impossible to forget that if you are not sure about the intolerance to the drug or substances in its composition, it is better to abandon this method of anesthesia. It is also not worth doing painkillers injecting and if at this moment there is no one at that time, no one.

The introduction of the drug is carried out with the help of an insulin syringe to the area that must be anesthetized to a depth of 1-2 mm. For one injection, it is impossible to enter more than 0.3 mm lidocaine, until a small seal is formed, which will be slightly raised above the skin level. Injections are carried out in a cheking order approximately three centimeters from each other. In the case of the mucous membrane, it is not necessary to smoke it.

After the drug is introduced, a slight sensation of burning may appear, you should not worry, there is nothing terrible in it. If you notice the occurrence of small hematomas, at the place of administration, it means that there were small vessels with a hug, they should also be worried about themselves over time, without additional treatment.

When the solution is introduced under the skin, it is very important not to exceed the maximum allowable dosage of the drug, in such cases, it is better to adhere to the "golden" rule and limit ourselves to 1 ampoule, to the entire area that will be exposed to the procedure.

As for such a tender area, like a bikini zone, it is best to apply a combined method of anesthesia for depilation. It is best to start to try to treat the area of \u200b\u200bthe mucous membrane with the help of a cream, and already directly in front of the procedure itself to carry out the injection of lidocaine, but only in more sensitive sections. Thanks to this method, you can achieve the most gentle pain relief, and to transfer the procedure to remove hair without any problems, while not feeling no discomfort and the development of possible side effects.


I would like to conclusion, despite the fact that for men it is quite normal is the availability of hair, it is even considered a sign of masculinity, there are still such cases when they need epilation procedure. The procedures are carried out mainly due to the fact that the hair line begins almost immediately from the eyebrows, or when the beard on the face grows almost from the eye.

It is not uncommon that the cause of hair removal is precisely as necessary regarding the requirements of the employer or the specifics of the profession. This profession can be attributed to: croupier, cooks, weightlifters, ballet artists, gymnasts, bodybuilders, swimmers, athletes, politicians, actors, TV presenters. Therefore, it's a purely female problem, more than incorrect. By the way, you should not forget that during these procedures, the men themselves is chosen by the method of anesthesia, and there is nothing in this shame.

  • Often, this question is asked young girls who are just beginning to learn to care for themselves and have never made hair removal. It is worth noting that for tender and young skin, the procedure may be too painful for the first time, so it will be necessary to take the most seriously to the skin training.

    Attention! You need to know, hair removal is the removal of hairs on any skin area along with the hair onion (with root), depilation is cutting up the top of the hair.

    Of course, it will not be possible to completely get rid of the unpleasant feeling, but it is possible to significantly reduce the pain. Let us turn for advice to professional cosmetologists. They can give a few useful tips.

    Young girls before the first epilation should be reduced the length of the hair. To do this, it is necessary to accurately shave all hair with a razor or apply a special cream. The fact is that the epilator is designed for a certain length of the hair.

    Wait two to three days, the hairs will grow into two millimeters, and then proceed to the procedure. Pick up the right nozzle of the epilator so that it captures the hair well. Here are some varieties of nozzles that will help make the procedure at home more pleasant:

    • with shredded discs. It is good to apply for the first time, because the epilator simultaneously pulls out a small amount of hair, will thinning them. Plus - it does not cause strong pain, minus - the need to carry out the device repeatedly several times until a complete result;
    • cooling. Due to the minus temperature, the process of pulling out hairs becomes painless. Before use, the nozzles are placed in the freezer to the full freezing of the water, which is located in it. Plus - reduces skin irritation, minus - not recommended in the bikini zone;
    • massage. The task of the nozzle is to distract the nerve endings from the transmission of pain signals and concentrate on a massage.

    Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to take a hot bath or shower. Due to this, the skin becomes soft, pliable. Pores expand and give a good hairs. After bathing, dry the skin, especially in places where you will perform hair removal.

    How to anesthetic skin before the epilation of bikini, legs, armpits

    You can anesthetic to the skin before the epilation procedure, it is possible to apply one of the funds offered:

    • lidocaine in ampoules. The solution can be easily purchased in pharmacies without a recipe. According to the advice of experienced cosmetologists, a Hungarian manufacturer is recommended, since its products are characterized by quality and efficiency. How is anesthesia under depilation? Open the ampule carefully and with a cotton swab, start rubbing the skin into the skin. You must feel the light chill and the numbness of the skin. The medicine is well anesthetic in the bikini area, legs, armpits;

    Attention! Lidocaine is contraindicated to use pregnant women!

    • Lidocaine spray. If you can't or do not want to use the ampoules, then the exit can be the use of spray. It is worth considering that in this case the medicine begins to act about 1 hour;

    • spray Carmelis. The universal means is used for any pain - for example, injury, dislocation, wound, itching or bite. It includes Japanese mint and menthol oil. Well soothes, anesthesize and prevents inflammation of the skin. Therefore, its use is appropriate and when epilation at home. You can buy a spray carmolis in a pharmacy;
    • emla cream is a cooling cream for epilation. The main components of the components of the drug - lidocaine and sublocaine. The cream is applied directly to the skin area before epilation and rubs well. Anesthetic effect is achieved after 60 minutes and two hours holds;
    • light DE cream (Light DEP). This new cream that recently appeared in the consumer market has quite successfully become applied to the anesthesia of the skin during epilation. Initially intended for those who have personal intolerance or allergies to Lidocaine. But in the course of use, the tool has become more like popularity among women.

    Attention! Before using any medicines, carefully read the instructions. If you did not reveal any contraindications, you have no allergies for the drug, then you can use this medicine! Anesthetic aerosols are better to acquire in a pharmacy!

    How to anesthetize hair removal at home

    If you have repeatedly spent epilation at home and know drugs, ointments and sprays for anesthesia, it will still be helpful to learn a few cunning tips. Thanks to them, the hair removal procedure will be pleasant and painless.

    Here are the tips, how to perform anesthesia before depilation:

    • it is recommended to remove the epilation in the first week after menstruation, especially on the second or third day. The body during menstruation to reduce pain automatically increases the level of the painful threshold. That is why women do not lose consciousness (or in very rare cases when there are health problems), experiencing pain these days. Take advantage of this natural protection of the body;
    • in no case do not remove your hair three days before the start and 3 days after ovulation. This is the most sensitive time to wait, as the procedure is the most painful;

    • choose the right time for the epilation. In the morning your body is maximally booded and will respond sharply to pain. The best time is after lunch when the body begins to prepare for sleep and the sensitivity is dulled. After spending a few experiments, you will surely choose yourself the most effective clock. Try!
    • after applying an anesthetic cream, spray, etc. It is recommended to wrap (if there are legs-hands) or impose (in the bikini zone) food polyethylene film for 30-60 minutes. It will not allow to weathered pairs of spray, and also create a greenhouse effect - the pores are well open - for a deeper penetration of the drug into the skin;
    • some women are too sensitive to pain, therefore cosmetologists recommend taking homemade medicines in 20-30 minutes before the procedure start. It can be any tablet familiar to you: Analgin, Tempalgin, Nurofen or Ibuprofen. For the most sensitive ladies - indomethacin, diclofenac, naproxen. Citramon helps some women. Your task is to make the most prepare the body to pain and reduce the level of perception of nerve endings;
    • it will help to anesthetize an asterisk before epilation. Apply ointment on the skin and slightly rub.

    • the epilation procedure should be carried out regularly. Watch out for your skin and do not let the hair grow too long. If the maximum length is 2-3 mm is exceeded, then it is advisable to first carry out depilation;
    • skin massage, plugging, rubbing with washcloth, patting, etc. - All this helps to anesthetize the skin before the procedure and make it less sensitive;
    • many women use another way to remove skin sensitivity. Take a towel, wet it with water and put in the freezer. When it will join a little, overtake the body area from which you will remove your hair. This will cool the skin and reduce its susceptibility. Be careful, it is not recommended to use in the bikini zone!

    Important! Depilation with painkillers will make this procedure pleasant and simple.

    And in conclusion I want to say, it is not necessary to panic hair removal procedures. If this issue comes in competently and responsibly, anesthetic pre-skin, then hair removal will be successfully and without sharp pain.

    Some psychologists advise to include quietly pleasant music so that your body be distracted by her sound and you have enjoyed from the process.

    53 759 0 Since childhood, Moms told the girls that beauty demands victims. With age, every girl begins to understand the essence of this statement. And however, by the way, this phrase is relevant when it comes to epilation. For most beautiful sex representatives, epilation causes a tremor, associated with pain and unpleasant sensations. But the desire for perfect beauty, smooth legs, the lack of gun over the upper lip always outweighs the scales. Some women, based on their professions, are simply required to remove hair in some parts: cooks, ballerina, gymnasts, models, media people, etc.

    Women seeking attractiveness and well-groomed are ready to experience pain, and to somehow facilitate the procedure for removing unwanted hair to help special painkillers come. So what to anesthety skin before epilation?

    There are many such anesthesia tools, each of them has its own characteristics. We will tell you about the main techniques of anesthesia in epilation, and you can pick up the most optimal option.

    It's important to know : Procedures "Epilation" and "Depilation" are fundamentally different from each other. Depilation procedure, the actions of which are aimed at removing the most hair. During epilation, the hair is removed along with a bulb.

    This anesthetic is freely sold in pharmacies. Dentists often apply it. But to remove hair, it is used in the following cases:

    • laser hair removal;
    • photoepilation;
    • waxing;
    • phytoepilation;
    • electroepilation;

    Lidocaine, which can be used for a painless depilation and epilation procedure, is a few species:

    • Spray;
    • Cream;
    • Injections;

    Most often, local anesthesia, such as cream or sprays, is used for anesthesia before epilation. The main component of these drugs is Lidocaine. In general, Lidocaine has been used for a very long time in medical practice, and as a local anesthesia, and when introducing injections. Lidocaine can be freely purchased on any pharmacy. The main advantage of Lidocaine is simplicity to use and the locality of the action. Let us consider in more detail the form of the release of Lidocaine, each of which has its pros and cons.

    Lidocaine before epilation in the form of spray

    Analgesic spray for epilation with lidocaine The most convenient way of anesthesia at home is. You do not have to make injections with Lidokain, and in principle it is not recommended. Injections can only make a specialist with certain skills. Lidocaine spray for epilation can be purchased at the pharmacy. If there is no spray, you can buy ampoules and pour them into a container with a sprayer.

    Lidokain pain relief in the form of spray is used in the field of armpits, legs and hands.

    Lidocaine during bikini epilation is also widely used. Apply spray on the face is not recommended, as it is great to get into the eyes and in the respiratory tract.

    The effect of the drug begins a few hours later. Before spraying lidocaine to the processed section, carefully spark the skin, and then wipe it dry. After applying the spray on the processed areas, cover the skin with a food film and leave for 10-15 minutes. You will feel the cold on the skin. Now you can safely begin to the epilation procedure. The soreness of the procedure will significantly decrease.

    Cream with lidocaine

    Anesthetic cream with lidocaine can be used absolutely on all areas of the skin, including on the face.

    In efficiency, the cream is not inferior to the spray, but price is more expensive. The cream, unlike the spray, will not spread on the skin and do not deliver any problems when applied. In addition, this means is economical, it is enough to apply a cream with a thin layer on the skin. A pain relief cream during epilation, as well as spray dryly dry out, so for greater efficiency it is necessary to use a bandage that holds moisture. Such a bandage among doctors is called occlusive, and it does not allow the cream and spray to quickly evaporate, blocking the contact of the drug with air. The simplest view of the occlusal dressing is a plastic film. The cream begins to act only a few hours later.

    Lidocaine injections

    As we have already told, Lidocaine injections are not recommended at home and in the absence of certain skills.

    Nevertheless, this type of anesthesia is used quite often.
    Make injections using an insulin syringe with a very thin needle. The drug is injected under the skin to a depth of 2 mm, at a distance of 3 cm from each other. Initially, small hillocks are formed on the skin area, which pass over time. The main advantage of the injection method is the speed of exposure compared to cream and sprays. But it is not worth exceeding the permissible dose, and the injections are better under the supervision of another person. It is also not recommended to carry out lidocaine injections on the mucous membrane of small sexual lips. This procedure is quite unpleasant, but the choice is always yours.

    The main advantages of lidocaine preparations are the effectiveness of anesthesia and simplicity. But, like any medicinal product, Lidocaine has its drawbacks that are reduced to its contraindications. In order not to harm health, check out the list of contraindications before use:

    • Children, pregnant and nursing the use of lidocaine is not recommended.
    • Liver and kidney disease
    • Diseases of the nervous system
    • Low pressure
    • Cardiovascular diseases
    • Allergic reactions.

    As you can see a list quite serious, so it is serious and deliberately related to Lidokain. In addition, Lidocaine also has a large list of side effects, such as migraine, vomiting, nausea and much more. There is a drug - sublocaine, which does not have such a list of "sides", its impact is slower, but no less effective. In any case, if you have concerns, consult your doctor.

    Other ways of anesthesia


    Tablets are the easiest and most economical option for epilation. In the pharmacy you can purchase any anesthetizing drugs that remove pain and spasms. Here is some of them:

    • Analgin
    • Pentalgin
    • Ibuprofen.
    • Diclofenak
    • Andipal
    • Ketoprofen.

    * The price of these drugs varies from 30 to 200 rubles. For 20 tablets.

    Take pills for half an hour before the procedure starts so that the drug began to act.

    Before taking the drug, familiarize yourself with the recommendations, contraindications and side effects.

    It is recommended to use drugs that have been used earlier to prevent an undesirable reaction. If you have not previously taken anesthetic drugs, then you need to consult with a doctor who will help to make the right choice. To silent about the negative effects of tablets on the internal organs we will not. That is why frequent reception of drugs may not affect health.

    It is undesirable to use aspirin before the procedure, because It dilutes blood. And when skin damage, blood will go more intense.

    Cream and ointment

    Almost all creams and ointments intended for
    Anesthesia for epilation, contain lidocaine in its composition. For example, the cream "Emla" consists of lidocaine and sublocaine. This cream has become popular among the means for anesthesia in epilation. The cream does not have a large number of side effects and boasts a longer exposure time. Anesthesia occurs in an hour and lasts about two hours. But the cream "Emla" has a couple of flaws.

    • First, this is the price.
    • Secondly, if you are allergic to lidocaine, then this cream is definitely not suitable for you.
    • And the third, during pregnancy, this cream is not recommended.

    Further, based on the Internet reviews, the DeepNumb preparation is included in the rating of the best anesthetics. This tool is more often used in the epilation of the bikini zone, since other active components also contains other active ingredients. Another anesthetic cream, which has received widespread use is the "LightDep" cream. Most often use it if there are allergic reactions to the "Emla" cream components or high skin sensitivity.

    The main operating component in the LightdeP cream is anestrome.

    This is a anesthetizing complex, which includes:

    • lidocaine
    • sublocaine
    • tetrakain
    • epinephrine.

    The "LightDep" cream does not have contraindications, does not cause allergies and irritation. The rules for conducting anesthesia in all creams are absolutely the same. The use of an occlusive dressing is required, so that the cream is absorbed into the deep layers of the skin and the effect intensified. The "LightDep" cream is produced in several forms: for the face (15 ml) and for the body (30 ml). As for the cost, it is worth noting that the cream "Emla" is many times more expensive than cream "Lightdep".


    Also as painkillers use patches. Particularly comfortable plasters for the armpit area, since their action is limited to a small area. There is one rule utilization rule: it is not recommended to use more than 3 patches. The most popular plaster is the plaster of the company Emla.

    Application of special epilator nozzles

    If you are for removal of unwanted hair, use a special
    the device referred to as the epilator, then in addition to the main methods of anesthesia pay attention to special nozzles that reduce pain. Such nozzles include: massage and cooling nozzles. Massage nozzle is a kind of distracting "maneuver". Massage knocks down the resulting pain signals and the hair removal process becomes easier and comfortable.

    The cooling nozzle has a slightly different principle of operation, and it is based on how much to reduce pain, how much to prevent the appearance of irritation. The epilatention with a cooling nozzle has some capacitance into which water is poured and put in the freezer before the formation of ice. Such an epilator conducts a procedure not only less painful, but also prevents irritation on the processed area.

    I would like to mention another nozzle on the epilator, which has several shredded discs, thanks to what is plucking less than hairs, therefore, the pain is less. Only this epilator will be held on the site several times.

    The following video will tell you about other ways of anesthesticing of the skin before epilation, as well as on the example of men, you can make sure that women are still hard to carry the burden of beauty, and men even minutes can not tolerate any of the epilation procedures offered to them. Watch! It will be interesting!

    We told you about the main methods of anesthesia of epilation, and finally, we want to give you some useful recommendations, which, of course, will not get rid of you completely from pain, but will make the procedure easier and more comfortable:

    • Cycle. Very often, women are concerned about the question when it is better to carry out the epilation procedure. Many do not even suspect the presence of natural protection of the body. For example, during menstruation the body increases the level of pain threshold to reduce pain. If you take into account this feature, then the epilation is better on the second or third day after menstruation. The most sharp pain occurs during ovulation and a few days before the start of menstruation.
    • Time Stock. It is also worth choosing the time of day for the procedure. Most often in the morning, the skin is more susceptible and reacts sharply to pain. The most optimal is the afternoon. But it is worth noting that this moment is strictly individual. Try to carry out the procedure at different times of the day and pick up for yourself "your" time.
    • Preparation. On the eve of the alleged procedure, spend leather exfoliation. You can do this with a scrub or peeling. After exfoliation, the skin will be softer, and the hairs of militant. In addition, it will relieve you from.
    • Massage. Before epilation, carefully massage the skin area where the procedure will be performed. Massage reduces pain.
    • Pills. For half an hour before epilation, take painkillers.
    • First time. If you are a novice, then use the epilator at the first time at low speeds.
    • Before the procedure. Before removing hair, skin must be carefully displeps. After breaking the pores, the epilator is expanding easier removes unwanted vegetation.

    Important : Alcohol-containing solutions do not reduce pain, but only complicate the process. Since when wiping alcohol, the vessels are touched. Also do not use ice for anesthesia before epilation. This contributes to the tension of the muscles and narrowing the pores.

    • Care after. After epilation, the skin also requires proper care. To prevent, after removing skin hair, it is necessary to carry ice cubes and apply soothing lotion.
    • Hair length. Remember that short hairs are easier to clean. Permissible length 0.5 cm, if your hairs are longer, then use the procedure of depilation, that is, a razor or special cream with a spatula.

    And some more useful information:

    • Take a shower or hot bath immediately before the procedure. Relaxed muscles are less sensitive, and the hairs themselves will be drawn up to be removed.
    • Before epilation, the skin should be dry. After the shower, wipe your skin thoroughly.
    • When working as a wax or epilator, be sure to stretch the skin, so extra hairs are deleted more efficiently.
    • If you can not carry out the hair removal procedure yourself, then choose a specialist with extensive experience. From the clarity and coherence of the work of the wizard will depend on the soreness of the procedure.
    • Caffeine and alcohol before the procedure on all women affect different. Someone is better undergoing pain after consuming such, and someone on the contrary becomes very sensitive.
    • Sometimes the respiratory technique helps. So for example, pull out the hair at the peak of a deep breath.
    • If you have a low pain threshold, you can use several anesthesia methods. For example, apply lidocaine or other anesthetic on the skin, and in half an hour anesthetic pills for half an hour.

    And what is the opinion of the doctor about this?! Let's see the following video!

    For modern women, hair removal is an integral part of care. Holy feelings should not scare women and shoot them down from the path to perfection. For this purpose, anesthetizing drugs were created. Your task remains right to choose which anesthesia method suits you, based on your individual features. You can combine methods, but you can use something one. The main thing is that the epilation procedure is comfortable.

    Shugaring without pain is not an oxymmer, as it may seem at first glance. Nowadays, this is quite possible, after all, we come to the help of modern means of anesthesia during epilation. I am talking about the possibilities of appliquancy anesthesia.

    I have come across many times with the opinion that local anesthesia is a waste of time and money, however, allow me to disagree with it. It helps to endure painful procedures, but only if it is properly used.

    Errors of using appliquational anesthesia in epilation

    At the very beginning, you should specify the 3 most common use errors.

    • Incorrect selection of local anesthesia
    • Lidocaine spray for anesthesia is absolutely not suitable for skin cover. This remedy has proven itself for small dental and gynecological surgical manipulations, as mucous membranes are perfectly absorbed. Do not count on any effect on the skin.

    • Insufficient time appliqué
    • Even if you are not mistaken with the means and chose a pain relief cream, but you didn't help to get painful sensations, most likely you kept it on the skin insufficient time.

    • No occlusal dressing
    • Anesthetic cream should be applied to the film and only so. Otherwise, the effect will not be different from zero.

    Application Anesthesia Application Rules: Asking Bikini Right

    The anesthesia of the bikini zone during epilation is quite simple manipulation of not particular effort, however, compliance with some simple rules will help you to squeeze the maximum of local anesthesia capabilities and significantly alleviate the procedure. Of course, it is not necessary to think that this method will completely select the sensitivity for the time of the procedure, but the pain will significantly get sick.

    • Anesthesia Before the epilation of the bikini zone begins with an allergy test. You must be completely confident in the absence of allergies to Lidocaine. As a rule, people with intolerance to substances know about it, but if you are not sure to make a test sample according to the instructions. Do not hope for anyone in this matter, since the consequences can be simply terrible, right up to anaphylactic shock and .... we will not be about sad.
    • Before applying anesthetic cream, skin needs to be deguted and dried.
    • The cream must be applied with a thick layer, especially carefully treat the most sensitive sections with cream.

    • On top of the cream apply a film.
    • The application time should be from 1.5 to 2 hours (we are talking about creams with a concentration of lidocaine 5%) depending on your individual characteristics.
    • After that, deal with your affairs before the visit to the epilation wizard. Do not remove the cream yourself, so as not to lose the freeze effect ahead of time. The master himself treats and prepare the skin to the procedure.

    Funds of local anesthesia: ointment, creams, gels and sprays. What to choose?

    All means for appliquational anesthesia are very similar in composition, the main anesthetic is Lidocaine. However, they may differ not only in shape (cream / gel), but the concentration of the active substance. The most common is 5% lidocaine. About such funds and talk.

    Lidocaine spray

    At the very beginning of our article, we have already spoken, the anesthesia of the lidocaine during epilation is absolutely inefficient, as it is absorbed only on the mucous membranes. He will not help you no matter how much you did not hold it. Of course, no one has canceled the placebo effect, but do not count on a real anesthetizing effect.

    Now cosmetic companies also began to sprays with the "anesthetic effect" in which there are no anesthetic, but there is only menthol and camphor, sometimes other aromatic oils and cooling components. Buying these funds based on any painkiller action is not worth it. Do not waste money. Better to buy another tool of local anesthesia when epilation from the pharmacy (see the next item).


    Emla is an ointment with lidocaine for the anesthesia of the skin surfaces, and is also perhaps the most popular tool in this group of funds. First of all, it is associated with its availability. There are almost every pharmacy. Sold with tubes of 5 g and 30 g. To cover the bikini zone, it takes 5-10 gr (for the first time it is better than 10 grams). The price of a small package is 380-480 rubles, large - 1600-2400 rubles.

    Light DEP and LIGHT FROST

    A more democratic option compared to emel. The price for 30 ml of gel begins from 850 rubles. But there is a significant drawback, sold only in specialized stores for cosmetologists and online stores. For example, here . Therefore, it is necessary to take care of his purchase long before visiting the office of epilation.

    I want to draw your attention that in the composition you will not see the list of anesthetics and their concentration, instead you will see that the anesthesia of the skin occurs due to the mysterious component of the anestrome. Let it be misleading that Lidocaine is not there. There is, and as much as in Emple - 5%. Lidocaine, sublocaine, tetrakain and epinephrine, walks in the anestrors. People suffering from the intolerance to lidocaine to use it categorically impossible!

    The manufacturer claims that Light Frost has a deeper and prolonged action, and the application time is reduced due to the special component. The truth is not clear what the composition is the same.

    In general, there are many similar funds in the market. Numb, SuperNumb. Tatooist, etc. Choose anyone after reading the instructions, and I only told about the most popular and affordable.

    Disadvantages of the use of local anesthetics

    Application anesthesia for epilation, though a safe procedure, but not without flaws. Redness, irritation and eagerness after epilation can stay longer than the usual, can also be skin peeling. In principle, the disadvantages are not so terrible, against the background of the positive effect of anesthesia as a whole, if you take pain very badly. However, with hot wax epilation lovers, these funds can play a cruel joke. One of the side effects is hexensitivity. That is, hot wax may seem to burn, so when such a feature appears, you will have to abandon wax in favor of sugar.

    These tips and rules are described for the specified means with the concentration of lidocaine 5%, if you decide to use other means for anesthesia before epilation, not listed in the article, or tools with a higher content of the active substance, please especially carefully read the instructions in the maximum time section. Exposure of this drug to avoid unpleasant consequences and side effects.

    Most people with high sensitivity to pain still makes sense to stop only skin care in a deep bikini area. Hair removal in the rest of the zones is less painful and does not require such a thorough preparation for the procedure. It's easier and cheaper to suffer a little. Believe me, it's not scary at all.

    • 1. Advantages and disadvantages of painkillers
    • 2. Action of anesthetic
    • 3. Creams, gels, sprays
    • 4. Tableled drugs
    • 5. Occlusive bandage
    • 6. Top 11 funds
    • 6.1. Emla 5% cream
    • 6.2. Emla Plus Plus
    • 6.3. Cream Dr. Namba
    • 6.4. Gel depilflax
    • 6.5. Light Dep
    • 6.6. Anesthetic colloidal solution GOLDEN ROSE
    • 6.7. Gel Aesteop.
    • 6.8. Spray Lidocaine 10%
    • 6.9. Plilokaine
    • 6.10. Menovazin solution
    • 6.11. Spray Veet.
    • 7. Other ways of anesthesia
    • 8. Home Metrophing Methods
    • 9. Common contraindications
    • 10. Useful recommendations
    • 11. Frequently asked questions and answers to them
    • 11.1. If you rub 2% lidocaine, what will be the result?
    • 11.2. What is the better Emla cream or anestop?
    • 11.3. What is the way to choose an anesthesia when using the epilator?
    • 11.4. Accustomed to analgesics does not happen?
    • 11.5. Is the mint oil suitable as an anesthetically?

    Advantages and disadvantages of painkillers

    The main plus of any anesthetic is blocking pain. Pain always causes stress and negatively affects the nervous system. Removal of vegetation on the skin for the sake of beauty, but with flour - unjustified victims. Epilation without pain is possible thanks to this means.

    Alickelors have their own minuses:

    • preparations for intakes may have side effects;
    • external anesthetics sometimes cause allergies, as well as generally not useful to our body.

    Another lack of many local anesthetics - it is necessary to wait when their action begins, trying to have time to make hair removal until the activity of the substance is over.

    Action of anesthetic

    Anesthesia in depilation is more often done using local action medicines. Such drugs block pain sensations in the form of electrical pulses coming from part of the body to the brain. And the anesthetic substances reduce the sensitivity of the dermis. In the zone of their application there may be a feeling of freezing.

    Every pain reliever has a different duration of action. When it ends, pain signals again passionately pass to a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe brain, and the unpleasant sensations are returned.

    Creams, gels, sprays

    According to consumer reviews, the best painting drug is a special gel or cream with a cooling effect. It is selected under the type of skin, because a suitable ointment ointment can cause irritation to another.

    Below is the top 3 painkillers suitable even for deep bikini.

    NameMethod of applicationDuration effect
    Lidocaine solutionSprayed to the surface that will be pitched 3 hours before the procedure. After applying, you need to cover the bikini zone by the food film and wear underwear.1 hour
    EmlaYou will need two packs of 5 grams. The cream is applied with a thick layer and is covered with a film, one hour later, it is possible to proceed to epilation.2 hours
    Light DepA good analogue with the previous cream is applied to the middle layer on the skin. Anesthetic effect manifests itself in an hour.4 hours

    On the shelves are sold by budget analogs of famous painkillers during shigaring and other ways to remove hair, but they may not be sufficiently strong or cause allergies. If possible, it is necessary to consult with a beautician who will select a suitable gel or cream.

    Tableled drugs

    Cream and spray have a budget alternative - pills for anesthesia (Andipal, Pentalgin, Ibuprofen). Take pills for half an hour before epilation, then there is a decrease in discomfort.

    Preparing for the use of drugs to reduce epilation pain, you need to get acquainted with the instructions and contraindications to them. It is best to reduce pain using previously used anesthesia methods that used earlier to avoid side effects.

    Some are used for anesthesia before the epilation of analgin. He is in every first-aid kit. However, it has philk properties, so any injuries will be very bleeding.

    It is worth noting that effective drugs Lidocaine and Menovazine are produced in different forms: ointments, sprays, tablets, so women can choose the most convenient way of anesthesia during epilation.

    Occlusive bandage

    For anesthesia of the epilation in the bikini zone, you can apply a special dressing, which will strengthen the action of anesthesia and will not give the gel or dry the cream. For the manufacture of the dressing, a dense material will be required, not allowing evaporation of moisture and access of oxygen.

    Typically used fine food film. It sticks well to the skin, without requiring additional fixation. If removal is planned not only on the pubic, then you can wear underwear and glue the leukoplasty.

    Top 11 funds

    There is a large selection of anesthetics suitable for epilation that can be bought in a pharmacy or cosmetic stores.

    Emla 5% cream

    This cream is used by most cosmetologists. It helps to make the epilation of painless and comfortable. The cream has a minimum of contraindications, acts quickly, long.

    The cream is applied to the skin with a hairs 20-25 minutes before the procedure and covered with a film. After time you need to remove the film and proceed to the procedure. Anesthesia keeps from 1-3 hours (depends on the exposure time). This is an effective epilation anesthesia cream at home.

    Emla Plus Plus

    The plaster on its properties is similar to cream. There will be no films with him: after removing the substrate, it is ready for use.

    It is better to use it for small areas of the body - armpits, bikini zones. The plaster is maintained for 15-20 minutes and has a strong freezing effect.

    Cream Dr. Namba

    Apply an anesthetic cream before the epilation of different types, for example, shugaring, vaxing, laser and electropilation, depilation by typewriter. It is applied by a dense layer on a premium-processed antiseptic, and withstand 15-30 minutes. The longer keep the cream, the stronger the freezing effect will be. To accelerate the cream, you can use the film. Time actions - 1-4 hours.

    Gel depilflax

    It has a weak anesthetic effect, well disinfects. It is used in front of shogaring, Vaxing. It is applied with light massage movements for 3-4 minutes before the procedure. The gel helps to reduce pain in epilation, but it does not completely remove it. People with a very low pain threshold will not suit.

    Light Dep

    The drug is made in the form of gel. Applied for 15-40 minutes before epilation. So that the gel does not dry and actively acted, it is covered with a food film on top. After freezing, you can proceed to removal of hair. Local anesthetic is suitable for epilation, as well as any other cosmetic procedures that cause discomfort.

    Anesthetic colloidal solution GOLDEN ROSE

    The skin is lubricated with a pipette on a cap 15 minutes before epilation. Allows you to painlessly remove your hair on any body plot. With this means it will be easy to make epilacation epilator, shugaring, wax epilation. Acts for 1-3 hours.

    Gel Aesteop.

    Spanish preparation of very strong action. Cream is applied 25 minutes before the session, then covered with a film. Anesthesia for epilation comes full. This cream is used even during piercing and injecting cosmetology. The action lasts up to 3-3.5 hours. Thanks to the part of the Anestopa, the decantenol, irritation after the procedure decreases.

    Spray Lidocaine 10%

    Liquid lidocaine solution is distributed over the skin through the sprayer. In order for the effect faster and kept longer, it is recommended to cover the lidocaine film moistened by the lidocaine and hold 15 minutes.

    Lidocaine - spray for epilation with caution is used in the bikini zone (due to mucous membranes), since the risk of histamine reaction is high. The aerosol has a pronounced anesthetic action. It is suitable for any depilation methods causing pain. Often there is a strong allergy to lidocaine, up to an anaphylactic shock. Therefore, you must probably make sure that the allergic reaction to Lidocaine will not follow.


    The drug is similar on the action of lidokain, but its effect occurs a little slower. They can paink skin before epilation, apply it 15 minutes before the procedure. To speed up the action, it is recommended to cover the place moistened with a solution.

    Menovazin solution

    Menovazin is used in the epilation of any type, but he has an anesthetic effect of a weak and short. It suits people with a low pain threshold, for depilation of less sensitive zones. Included in the substance helps reduce the inflammation of the dermis. He will facilitate pain, but will not remove it completely.

    Spray Veet.

    Sprays are chemical depilators with a slight anesthetic effect. The means is applied to the epidermis, it is withstanding the specified time, then washed off with water. Destroyed hairs drop out, the skin remains smooth.

    Other ways of anesthesia

    When there is no possibility to purchase a special means (ointment, gel, cream with lidocaine), painless hair removal can be performed using analgesics. Tablet Analgin, Baralgin, Nurofen, Ibucklin or any other painful medicine will significantly reduce sensitivity. The medicine is taken in 20 minutes before epilation. Each drug has its own contraindications and side effects with which you need to get acquainted before taking.

    Anesthetic for internal reception is worth using in extreme cases.

    Homemade methods anesthesia

    There are quite a few domestic ways for painless epilation of the bikini zone. Sometimes folk anesthesia turns out to be no worse than the purchase of funds.

    1. Before the hair removal procedure in the bikini zone, be sure to take a hot bath or shower, water will break the skin, softening the hairs and simplifies their pulling.
    2. As an alternative to the bath you can make a compress. The main thing is not to rearrange, so that the skin surface is not wrinkled.
    3. Quite effectively cooling, since the ice reduces the overall sensitivity, reduces pain. Cold compress is done on dry skin.
    4. When pinned with the epilator, it is necessary to create skin tension, in which case the pinceletics capture only hairs. It is enough to press on the surface of the body or slightly pull the skin to the side to reduce discomfort.
    5. To reduce pain, Menthol or Eucalyptus essential oil can be used, collecting it with conventional cosmetic oil.
    6. Massage manipulations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe epilation zone are able to reduce pain, but their action is weak and short-term. Therefore, they are used as a supplement to cosmetics or pills for a painless procedure.

    Common contraindications

    • Any anesthetics for local applications cannot be applied if there is damage (wounds, abrasions, scratches, irritations) on the derma.
    • It is impossible to use annesthetics of outdoor action (cream, gel) for any dermatological diseases.
    • Pregnant women should consult a doctor before using drugs containing lidocaine during epilation.
    • Contraindications for local anesthesia include: heart failure, serious liver diseases, low pressure.

    To carry out painless epilation of bikini at home, by observing simple rules and tips.

    1. Before using any purchased anesthetic product, an allergy test is always carried out. Ointment is applied to the bend of the elbow and holds half an hour. If no redness or irritation is observed, you can safely apply cream.
    2. It is necessary to choose a favorable time to remove unwanted vegetation in intimate places, pain is felt less in the morning and in the second week after menstruation.
    3. After the end of the procedures should not wear close synthetic linen. Friction and artificial fabric cause irritation.
    4. In front of the shouting or otherwise depilation, it is necessary to abandon the use of alcohol-containing lotions. Sometimes alcohol reduces the effectiveness of painkillers.
    5. Holders of long hair in intimate places are recommended to gently cut them with scissors, so they will not cling to a razor or epilator, causing pain.
    6. Cosmetologists recommend not to save on anesthetics during bikini depilation. Sensitive skin can negatively respond to a cheap cream of an unknown company.
    7. Before using preparations to reduce pain, you need to carefully examine the instructions where the method of application, application time and possible adverse reactions are described in detail.

    Frequently asked questions and answers to them

    If you rub 2% lidocaine, what will be the result?

    Spray or cream with lidocaine 2% before epilation works, but it is necessary to hold it longer (30 min.) Under the film so that the effect is stronger.

    What is the better Emla cream or anestop?

    Anestope cream for anesthesia before epilation is faster and longer.

    What is the way to choose an anesthesia when using the epilator?

    Painless comfortable depilation with a household machine-the epilator is possible with any local anesthetic or tablet-analgesics.

    Accustomed to analgesics does not happen?

    Accompanies they do not cause, but it is better to use ointment, cream, liquid with an anesthetic effect during epilation, since tablets have more side effects.

    Is the mint oil suitable as an anesthetically?

    Yes, mint has an anesthetic effect. Freeze ice cubes, mixing the oil with water, so the effect will be even better.