How is the career guidance work organized at the dhow. Planning for early career guidance "support of preschool children in career guidance"

Early career guidance of a child, according to many teachers, should take place within the walls of a preschool. It is in the educational programs of preschool educational institutions that the task of acquainting children with the work of adults is spelled out, within the framework of which the acquaintance of children with professions takes place.



"Early career guidance of preschoolers in preschoolers"

The main goal of early career guidance for children is to develop the child's emotional attitude to the professional world, to give them the opportunity to show their strengths and capabilities in various activities and professions. Receiving such knowledge, the child, firstly, develops the skill of work, develops a respectful attitude to the work of adults in different professions; secondly, his horizons are broadened, and finally, it contributes to the early manifestation of the child's interests and inclinations for a particular profession. Consequently, the task of acquainting children with professions implies preparing the child so that in due time he could boldly enter an independent life and specifically choose his own path of professional activity, that is, we are talking about professional self-determination. In a children's institution, the child's self-determination takes place, directly, since it is not associated with the choice and mastering of a profession, but prepares and leads to this. Thus, the main goal is the gradual formation of the child's readiness to independently plan, analyze and implement his path of professional development.

The relevance of work on familiarizing children with professions is also justified in the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education. One of the aspects of the educational area "Social and communicative development" is aimed at achieving the goal of forming a positive attitude to work. Through the work of such researchers as Ya.Z. Neverovich, D.B. Elkonin, V.G. Nechaeva, T.A. Markova, D.V. Sergeeva, A.A. Lyublinskaya and others laid the foundations of the domestic theory of labor education. Its essence boils down to the fact that in the preschool period of childhood it is possible and necessary to form the general components of labor actions (the ability to plan, act expediently, present the results of one's actions in advance); work is the basis of the self-realization of the personality, the awakening of the creative principle in it. Due to age characteristics, a child cannot work professionally, creating material and spiritual values. Labor is not an end in itself, but its significance is in the educational impact on the personality of the child. The need for vocational guidance for preschool children was noted in their studies by N.N. Zakharov, E. Ginsberg, D. Super, E.N. Zemlyanskaya, S.N. Chistyakova, E.A. Klimov and others. These authors paid attention to the stages of the formation of professional self-determination, the possibilities of choosing the preferred professions by children. In the studies of V.I. Loginova, L.A. Misharina, S.A. Kozlova, A. Sh. Shakhmatova and others on the problem of familiarizing children with the professions of adults, it is revealed that children have access to a system of elementary representations based on a key, pivotal concept around which information is built. The most difficult thing for a preschooler is the awareness of the work of adults. They more easily single out its social significance in the activities of those people whose professions they are familiar with than the very content of professional activity. Familiarization with the work activity of adults is also crucial for the formation of the child's initial ideas about the role of work and the importance of professions in the life of society. Knowledge about work, motives, work orientation, reflected in the images, already at preschool age begins to regulate the actions of children, rebuild their motives and attitudes towards their own work, the work of adults, objects created by people

According to A.N. Leontyev, it is in older preschool children that the ability to evaluate the activities of another person appears, to compare themselves with others. At this age, there is a direct interest in the world of adults and in various types of their activities. If at the younger preschool age, simple-imitation, imitation of the labor actions of adults, is carried out, then already in the senior preschool age children have knowledge about certain professions and everything connected with them. In the practice of preschool institutions, a certain set of methods has been accumulated that contribute to the formation in children of ideas about the professions of adults. This includes an excursion, conversation, reading children's fiction, observing specific labor actions of people of different professions, experimenting with different materials and, of course, playing.

Play is the leading activity of a preschool child. Children spend a lot of their time playing. Consequently, play is a key means of forming ideas about the professions of adults in older preschool children. The main type of game, where the acquaintance of children with the professions of adults is directly carried out, is a role-playing game. It is in the senior group of a preschool educational institution that a real, meaningful and rich role-playing game unfolds. In the role-playing game, children reproduce the adult world. Here they create an imaginary situation, transform into the images of the adults around him, taking on their roles, and perform it in the play environment they have created.

The main feature of the role-playing game is the independence of children. They choose the theme of the game themselves, define the plot lines, take on roles, decide where to unfold the game, etc. At the same time, children are free to choose the means to create their own image. For example, picking up any book and a "pointer" wand, he can become a teacher at school. Such a play of fantasy and freedom in the implementation of the concept of the game allows the child to feel like a part of the adult world, to get used to any profession that in real life will not be available to him soon.

The content of the game helps to understand the main motives and goals of the professional activity of adults. Another feature of the role-playing game is that it is creative in nature. The creativity of children is already manifested in the fact that they create an idea and unfold the plot of the game. Creativity in this type of game is also expressed by the fact that children depict the profession of adults from their own point of view, that is, how they see it, but at the same time it is limited by the rules of the game. Role-playing game is a collective game, in the course of which children themselves establish game rules, monitor their implementation, and regulate relationships.

Children of the older group reproduce in the game not only the labor actions of adults, but also the relationships between people at work. In older preschool age, for example, design play begins to turn into labor activity, during which the child designs, creates, builds something useful, necessary in everyday life. In such games, children learn elementary labor skills and abilities, learn the physical properties of objects, they actively develop practical thinking. In the game, the child learns to use many tools and household items. He acquires and develops the ability to plan his actions, improve hand movements and mental operations, imagination and representations. Along with the games of previous years, children of this age willingly play more complex games, reflecting the nature of the work of representatives of different professions, their relationships. In the preparatory group for school, acquaintance with the work of adults becomes much more complicated and requires the use of more diverse methodological techniques. The task of the teacher is to make children want to learn as much as possible about the profession they are interested in. Forming an active interest in the work activity of adults, one should pay attention to children's ideas about the moral side of work: what benefits do parents bring with their work? What do all people work for? Gradually, children are imbued with the consciousness that people who perform different jobs at the same enterprise are involved in a common cause. In games, the teacher studies each child, his interests, individual abilities, monitors his experiences in order to find the right ways and means of developing his personality, which can be the first stage of career guidance for a preschooler.

Therefore, knowledge about the work of adults should occupy one of the leading places in the educational work of a kindergarten. In addition, familiarization of children with the work of adults and individual professions should be carried out not at the level of a separate task, but as a holistic organic process. The socialization of a preschooler is carried out to a greater extent through play as the closest, accessible, and most interesting type of activity for children. The solution of problems of familiarization with the work of adults is based on a play basis. Role-playing game makes it possible to concretize and expand children's ideas about the various activities of adults, their relationships with other people, about professions, the tools of labor used, etc. Play is a reflection of life. In games there is an opportunity to foster respect for work effort, to show the usefulness of the result of work for the people around, to involve children in the work process, since play and work are often naturally combined. In a properly organized game, there is an opportunity for the formation of personality traits necessary for the implementation of successful work in future adult life: responsibility for the assigned work, plan and coordinate your actions with partners, the ability to fairly resolve controversial issues. The game helps to form the habit of work in children, gives the joy of creativity, the joy of creation. Creating with his own hands the attributes necessary for the game, the child discovers and develops his abilities, on this basis his enthusiasm, sometimes vocation, dream is born. Preparation for games in the profession is carried out wherever only a child can get acquainted with certain qualities of specialties, accumulate the necessary amount of information, even minimal, but on the basis of which, it is already possible to recreate in the game a distant semblance of this type of human life activity.

Thus, through play, children's interest in various professions is consolidated and deepened, and respect for work is brought up. From a functional point of view, role-playing game can be viewed as preparing a child to participate in public life in various social roles.

Based on the above, it follows that plot-role play is the main type of activity of children, in which they reflect the knowledge gained about professions, it is the leading means of educating the character traits necessary for work: sociability, the desire to carry out their ideas with other children, the ability to live together and work. The content of games and the fulfillment of a role in it, obedience to the rules of behavior and the development of game and real relationships, coordination of actions with other players and helping each other - all this contributes to the formation of moral qualities in children, friendly relationships, which is so necessary in the future professional activity of a person ...

The benefit of a role-playing game lies in the fact that it is emotionally saturated. And if playing activity brings joy and satisfaction to the child, then this is a positive incentive for mastering something new or consolidating previously acquired knowledge about professions. Thus, the role-playing game is a guide for older preschool children into the profession of adults.

Game program "Together with us in the world of professions".

On October 4, 2018, on the basis of the MBDOU of the city of Kostroma "Kindergarten No. 88", a game program for early vocational guidance "Together with us in the world of professions" was organized.

The event was held within the framework of the continuity of the kindergarten and the school in this direction.

The participants of this event were kindergarten pupils and pupils of class 2 "A" MBOU Secondary School No. 36 in Kostroma.

Organizers head Natalya Aleksandrovna Nikiforova, Elena Nikolaevna Romanova, senior educator, preschool educators, responsible for vocational guidance of MBOU Secondary School No. 36 in Kostroma Natalia Andreevna Shesterova, class 2 "A" teacher Irina Leonidovna Solonovich.

The game program began with a greeting from the kindergarten pupils who recited poems about their professions. Then the educational quiz "Travel to the world of professions" was held, during which the children remembered the distinctive features of many professions. Then the children were given work books. The children were divided into groups, in each of which they received knowledge and practical skills in the professions: "Builder", "Medical worker", "Designer", "Military", "Jeweler." - role-playing games for early vocational guidance, made by kindergarten teachers.

Each game had its own mentor for the children, who coordinated the “work” of the children within the framework of this profession.

This event was positive, the music hall turned into a miniature "KidBurg".

At the end of the work, the children shared their knowledge, experience and even presented their first works. Jewelers made jewelry (bracelets, necklaces), designers developed and created the interior of the apartment, the military learned to arrange equipment on the models, according to the issued map, they also carried out training in the field, builders made buildings from modules and on models, medical workers received knowledge and skills on first aid, work in ultrasound rooms, pediatrician, ophthalmologist.

The event ended with a funny song about friendship.


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Our achievements in the project "Interaction of a preschool institution and parents in the framework of the problem of solving early career guidance of preschool children."

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The main goal of early career guidance for children is to develop the child's emotional attitude to the professional world, to give them the opportunity to show their strengths and capabilities in various activities and professions. Receiving such knowledge, the child, firstly, develops the skill of work, develops a respectful attitude to the work of adults in different professions; secondly, his horizons are broadened, and finally, it contributes to the early manifestation of the child's interests and inclinations for a particular profession. Consequently, the task of acquainting children with professions implies preparing the child so that in due time he could boldly enter an independent life and specifically choose his own path of professional activity, that is, we are talking about professional self-determination. In a children's institution, the child's self-determination takes place, directly, since it is not associated with the choice and mastering of a profession, but prepares and leads to this. Thus, the main goal is the gradual formation of the child's readiness to independently plan, analyze and implement his path of professional development.

The relevance of work on familiarizing children with professions is also justified in the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education. One of the aspects of the educational area "Social and communicative development" is aimed at achieving the goal of forming a positive attitude to work. Through the work of such researchers as Ya.Z. Neverovich, D.B. Elkonin, V.G. Nechaeva, T.A. Markova, D.V. Sergeeva, A.A. Lyublinskaya and others laid the foundations of the domestic theory of labor education. Its essence boils down to the fact that in the preschool period of childhood it is possible and necessary to form the general components of labor actions (the ability to plan, act expediently, present the results of one's actions in advance); work is the basis of the self-realization of the personality, the awakening of the creative principle in it. Due to age characteristics, a child cannot work professionally, creating material and spiritual values. Labor is not an end in itself, but its significance is in the educational impact on the personality of the child. The need for vocational guidance for preschool children was noted in their studies by N.N. Zakharov, E. Ginsberg, D. Super, E.N. Zemlyanskaya, S.N. Chistyakova, E.A. Klimov and others. These authors paid attention to the stages of the formation of professional self-determination, the possibilities of choosing the preferred professions by children. In the studies of V.I. Loginova, L.A. Misharina, S.A. Kozlova, A. Sh. Shakhmatova and others on the problem of familiarizing children with the professions of adults, it is revealed that children have access to a system of elementary representations based on a key, pivotal concept around which information is built. The most difficult thing for a preschooler is the awareness of the work of adults. They more easily single out its social significance in the activities of those people whose professions they are familiar with than the very content of professional activity. Familiarization with the work activity of adults is also crucial for the formation of the child's initial ideas about the role of work and the importance of professions in the life of society. Knowledge about work, motives, work orientation, reflected in the images, already at preschool age begins to regulate the actions of children, rebuild their motives and attitudes towards their own work, the work of adults, objects created by people

According to A.N. Leontyev, it is in older preschool children that the ability to evaluate the activities of another person appears, to compare themselves with others. At this age, there is a direct interest in the world of adults and in various types of their activities. If at the younger preschool age, simple-imitation, imitation of the labor actions of adults, is carried out, then already in the senior preschool age children have knowledge about certain professions and everything connected with them. In the practice of preschool institutions, a certain set of methods has been accumulated that contribute to the formation in children of ideas about the professions of adults. This includes an excursion, conversation, reading children's fiction, observing specific labor actions of people of different professions, experimenting with different materials and, of course, playing.

Play is the leading activity of a preschool child. Children spend a lot of their time playing. Consequently, play is a key means of forming ideas about the professions of adults in older preschool children. The main type of game, where the acquaintance of children with the professions of adults is directly carried out, is a role-playing game. It is in the senior group of a preschool educational institution that a real, meaningful and rich role-playing game unfolds. In the role-playing game, children reproduce the adult world. Here they create an imaginary situation, transform into the images of the adults around him, taking on their roles, and perform it in the play environment they have created.

The main feature of the role-playing game is the independence of children. They choose the theme of the game themselves, define the plot lines, take on roles, decide where to unfold the game, etc. At the same time, children are free to choose the means to create their own image. For example, picking up any book and a "pointer" wand, he can become a teacher at school. Such a play of fantasy and freedom in the implementation of the concept of the game allows the child to feel like a part of the adult world, to get used to any profession that in real life will not be available to him soon.

The content of the game helps to understand the main motives and goals of the professional activity of adults. Another feature of the role-playing game is that it is creative in nature. The creativity of children is already manifested in the fact that they create an idea and unfold the plot of the game. Creativity in this type of game is also expressed by the fact that children depict the profession of adults from their own point of view, that is, how they see it, but at the same time it is limited by the rules of the game. Role-playing game is a collective game, in the course of which children themselves establish game rules, monitor their implementation, and regulate relationships.

Children of the older group reproduce in the game not only the labor actions of adults, but also the relationships between people at work. In older preschool age, for example, design play begins to turn into labor activity, during which the child designs, creates, builds something useful, necessary in everyday life. In such games, children learn elementary labor skills and abilities, learn the physical properties of objects, they actively develop practical thinking. In the game, the child learns to use many tools and household items. He acquires and develops the ability to plan his actions, improve hand movements and mental operations, imagination and representations. Along with the games of previous years, children of this age willingly play more complex games, reflecting the nature of the work of representatives of different professions, their relationships. In the preparatory group for school, acquaintance with the work of adults becomes much more complicated and requires the use of more diverse methodological techniques. The task of the teacher is to make children want to learn as much as possible about the profession they are interested in. Forming an active interest in the work activity of adults, one should pay attention to children's ideas about the moral side of work: what benefits do parents bring with their work? What do all people work for? Gradually, children are imbued with the consciousness that people who perform different jobs at the same enterprise are involved in a common cause. In games, the teacher studies each child, his interests, individual abilities, monitors his experiences in order to find the right ways and means of developing his personality, which can be the first stage of career guidance for a preschooler.

Therefore, knowledge about the work of adults should occupy one of the leading places in the educational work of a kindergarten. In addition, familiarization of children with the work of adults and individual professions should be carried out not at the level of a separate task, but as a holistic organic process. The socialization of a preschooler is carried out to a greater extent through play as the closest, accessible, and most interesting type of activity for children. The solution of problems of familiarization with the work of adults is based on a play basis. Role-playing game makes it possible to concretize and expand children's ideas about the various activities of adults, their relationships with other people, about professions, the tools of labor used, etc. Play is a reflection of life. In games there is an opportunity to foster respect for work effort, to show the usefulness of the result of work for the people around, to involve children in the work process, since play and work are often naturally combined. In a properly organized game, there is an opportunity for the formation of personality traits necessary for the implementation of successful work in future adult life: responsibility for the assigned work, plan and coordinate your actions with partners, the ability to fairly resolve controversial issues. The game helps to form the habit of work in children, gives the joy of creativity, the joy of creation. Creating with his own hands the attributes necessary for the game, the child discovers and develops his abilities, on this basis his enthusiasm, sometimes vocation, dream is born. Preparation for games in the profession is carried out wherever only a child can get acquainted with certain qualities of specialties, accumulate the necessary amount of information, even minimal, but on the basis of which, it is already possible to recreate in the game a distant semblance of this type of human life activity.

Thus, through play, children's interest in various professions is consolidated and deepened, and respect for work is brought up. From a functional point of view, role-playing game can be viewed as preparing a child to participate in public life in various social roles.

Based on the above, it follows that plot-role play is the main type of activity of children, in which they reflect the knowledge gained about professions, it is the leading means of educating the character traits necessary for work: sociability, the desire to carry out their ideas with other children, the ability to live together and work. The content of games and the fulfillment of a role in it, obedience to the rules of behavior and the development of game and real relationships, coordination of actions with other players and helping each other - all this contributes to the formation of moral qualities in children, friendly relationships, which is so necessary in the future professional activity of a person ...

The benefit of a role-playing game lies in the fact that it is emotionally saturated. And if playing activity brings joy and satisfaction to the child, then this is a positive incentive for mastering something new or consolidating previously acquired knowledge about professions. Thus, the role-playing game is a guide for older preschool children into the profession of adults.

Prepared by: Bogdanova Olga Ilyinichna Educator of the first quarter. category MBDOU number 91 "Zhuravushka" Naberezhnye Chelny, Republic of Tatarstan

We all know that career guidance work is actively carried out only in the upper grades of the school, at best in the middle level. But preschool childhood is fraught with tremendous opportunities. An early start in preparing a child for the choice of a future profession is to acquaint the child with various types of work in order to facilitate his independent choice in the future.

Currently, the education system attaches particular importance to preschool upbringing and education, because kindergarten is the initial link in a unified continuous education system.

Children take their first steps towards their future profession in their earliest childhood. This is where they start "Try on" take on the role of a doctor, salesman, cook, driver - representatives of those specialties that are most often encountered in everyday life.

As an educator, I see my task as not only to acquaint pupils with the diverse world of professions, but also to help children correlate their interests and hobbies with the work of adults. The bigger the child "Try on" on himself of various professions, the more he acquires knowledge, abilities and skills, the better he will assess his capabilities at an older age. The more diverse the preschooler's ideas about the world of professions, the brighter and more attractive this world is for him.

I strive to ensure that my students:

  • They understood the value and importance of labor. Any work involves material reward, which, in turn, guarantees a person a decent lifestyle (good accommodation, delicious food, relaxation, etc.)
  • Respected everyone who works and appreciated the fruits of their labor
  • We would be ready to work, mastering the necessary skills and abilities. They would work not only because they like it or are interested, but also because this type of activity is needed right now, other people need it

Algorithm for familiarization with the profession:

  • Profession name
  • Place of work
  • Material for labor
  • Uniform
  • Tools
  • Labor actions
  • Personal qualities
  • Labor result
  • The benefits of labor for society.

Acquaintance with the world of professions will be successful if the child experiences joy, positive emotions and has the opportunity to express himself in the available activities.

In order for the work on early career guidance of pupils to be effective, it was necessary to create a certain subject-development environment:

  • A library was created with a selection of books about professions, which was supplemented by a card index of proverbs, sayings about work, riddles, tongue twisters, counting rhymes, poems about professions and tools; poems for finger and articulatory gymnastics, physical education minutes; card file for role-playing games
  • Didactic, board - printed games, games with objects, word games, demonstration material were selected and independently made
  • A selection of cartoons, videos, presentations related to the topic was made "Professions"
  • By the efforts of children and parents, books were made - babies, coloring pages were selected and printed, an album was designed "The professions of our parents" , made lapbooks "About space" , "The profession of a firefighter" , "The profession of a doctor"
  • The dressing-up corner was supplemented with costumes for role-playing games: "Doctor" , "Nurse" , "Salesman" , "Hairdresser" , "Police officer"
  • Equipped with a box with items - substitutes

Play is the freest, most natural form of immersion in real life. (or imaginary) reality with the aim of studying it, manifesting one's own "I AM" , creativity, activity, independence, self-realization. Therefore, in my work on vocational guidance of pupils, I often use plot-based role-playing games, since they combine elements of play and learning.

In the career-oriented role-playing game, production plots, professional social environment, models of professional behavior and interpersonal professional relations are imitated. In the course of such games, previously acquired knowledge about the professional activity of adults is transformed into an experience accessible to the child.

Gradually I encourage children to complicate the content of role-playing games. Children often suggest new plots themselves, and I help introduce new roles or specialties into the game. (ship captain, navigator, sailor), encourage children to independently find and use new attributes in the game (tools, equipment).

In narrative role-playing games, pupils learn:

  • communication with peers, which implies the ability to cooperate, effectively resolve conflicts, joint activities, etc.
  • to join life in society, which in preschool age is realized through acquaintance with various social roles
  • to learn the rules of etiquette at the level of everyday norms and rules of cultural behavior;

Observations and excursions are another accessible and effective way to familiarize children with the work of adults. In the process of observation, children do not receive a large number of information, therefore it is very important to complicate the content of ideas: to increase the amount of cognitive material, to change and deepen the essence of the observed objects and phenomena.

She organized excursions to the medical office, to the laundry, to the kitchen, to the accounting department, to the office of the manager. During the excursion, I definitely drew the attention of the children to the working person himself, his attitude to the work performed, relationships with other people. She talked about the qualities that a representative of this profession should have.

Such observation of the professional activity of an adult has a positive effect on the behavior of children, their attitude towards people and things.

After returning to the group, they were sure to discuss with the pupils what they saw. Children shared what they especially remembered or liked. Any discussion ended with productive activity (drawing individual plots, construction, sculpting or appliqué)

A full-fledged work on early career guidance is impossible without meeting people of different professions. As a rule, parents of pupils are invited to such meetings. If possible, they bring their own overalls, inform the children about their profession in an accessible form. In turn, children have the opportunity to ask and receive answers from adults to their questions.

The modern educational process cannot be imagined without project activities. The children enjoyed working on the project "Laboratory of Professions" ... Most of the children have chosen the profession of their parents. You should have seen with what pride the children talked about the professions of their fathers and mothers!

The work carried out on early career guidance allowed children to unobtrusively lead the children to the conclusion that any work or professional activity is important, necessary and significant in a person's life.


  1. RF law "On education in the Russian Federation"
  2. Internet resources

Educational and methodological development "Modern educational technologies in early career guidance of preschoolers"

Material description: This material will be useful to all teachers working with preschool children. The article reveals the experience of work on early career guidance of preschool children through modern educational technologies.
Target: To acquaint teachers with modern educational technologies used in work with preschoolers on early career guidance.
The urgent task of the modern system education is the integrity of the processes of social and individual development of the child. One of the effective solutions to this problem is to conduct career guidance work with preschoolers.
In the process of introducing children to the world of adults, vocational guidance contributes to the accumulation of social experience of the child's interaction with adults and peers, the development of skills to enter children's society, to act together with others.
At the present stage of development of society, high requirements are imposed on the system of preschool education and upbringing. The task of any teacher is to search for more effective modern educational technologies.
Pedagogical technologies define new means, forms, methods used in practice and, of course, they should be focused on the development of the child's personality and abilities.

One of the methods of introducing preschoolers to the professions of adults, in our preschool institution, is the project method, since:
- is based on a personality-oriented approach to teaching and upbringing
- allows you to learn complex material through a joint search for a solution to the problem, thereby making the educational process interesting and motivational. And the main goal of any project activity is the development of a creative personality!
Within the framework of the project "Professions that are hiding" our teachers have developed the following projects: "Behind the scenes of the theater", "Who will help the ballerina?" How to become an athlete. " Parents of our preschoolers have become active participants in the projects.
Gaming technologies are the foundation of all preschool education. In the light of the Federal State Educational Standard, the personality of the child is highlighted, and now all preschool childhood should be devoted to the game. Our teachers widely use the "Pedagogical technology of organization of role-playing games." This technology is based on the principle of child activity, is characterized by a high level of motivation and is determined by the natural need of a preschooler. This technology is designed to combine elements of play and teaching. Unlike games in general, pedagogical play has an essential feature. How?
1. A clearly defined learning goal,
2. The pedagogical result of a cognitive orientation corresponding to the goal.

The most important rule for adults: a child knows little about the profession, it needs to be played!
During the game, preschoolers begin to reflect the content of the activities of representatives of various professions (doctor, builder, driver, hairdresser, teacher, etc.)
In the older group, the games become more difficult. The games show the work of various institutions (bank, store, pharmacy). The pupils improve their games, which reflect individual professions (salesman, postman, actor, doctor, policeman, driver, astronaut, miner, sportsman, pilot). In the role-playing game, the personality of the child, his intellect, will, imagination and sociability are successfully developed, but most importantly, this activity generates the desire for self-realization, self-expression. In games on the theme of "transport" knowledge of the rules of the road is improved, pupils learn to fulfill their plans, to play in accordance with the role. In the games, the pupils try to portray the professions of their parents.
The main difficulty in educating children about professions is that a significant part of the work of adults is inaccessible for direct observation. Information and communication technologies imply the modeling of various professional situations that could not be recreated in a kindergarten. Our teachers use 3D excursions in their work ("Journey to the Theater", "Journey to Red Square").
ICT use in the formation of ideas about different professions in children, it is of great importance, since information and communication means are what the modern teaching model requires at the present stage of education.
Helping a child make the right choice is not an easy task for caregivers and parents. But the diversified development of a young child will give him the opportunity to find work in adulthood that will bring pleasure and joy.