How to distinguish a serial kinder by marking. How to choose a kinder surprise with a collectible serial toy

When buying a kinder surprise, you always want to find the missing toy from the collection inside. But more often than not, what you expect is not what you expect, so you have to buy more and more chocolate eggs. But we hasten to please you - in fact, when buying a kinder, you can resort to some tricks, which will be discussed later in this article. After reading it to the end, you will learn how to choose a kinder with a collectible toy.

How to search

Kinder surprise chocolate eggs, in addition to their pleasant taste, lure adults with their secret, as interesting toys from different collections and series are hidden inside them: ducklings, hippos, cubs, etc. And for any collector it is important to collect a collection at the lowest cost, i.e. buying only those kinders where exactly the missing toy is hidden inside.

By weight

Some argue that eggs with a toy from the collection weigh more. This makes sense, but the difference is so small that to accurately determine whether a given kinder has a toy or not, you need an accurate scale nearby. However, even this technique does not guarantee you that the desired exhibit will be inside.

By knock

It is also believed that collectible toys, when shaking the egg, make a very characteristic sound, similar to the rolling of a glass object. This sound is achieved due to the fact that toys from the collection series, as a rule, are made of high-quality plastic. And for example, the details of the designer, whose weight is not so large, when shaking the eggs will make a quiet sound.

Of course, this method of checking the kinder has the right to life, but only buyers with a developed ear for music can use this method of verification. However, this may not be enough, because some serial toys are packed in special soft paper. A toy packed in this way occupies almost the entire space inside the plastic capsule, so when shaken, it makes almost no sound.

Buying a whole package is the way out?

Many collectors simply do not know how to choose a kinder surprise with a serial toy, so they buy a whole box of chocolate eggs, believing that in this way they are guaranteed to receive the entire collection. In practice, this is rare, because often only a third of the toys from the collection are in the box. Therefore, in the end, you still have to buy single kinders in search of the missing exhibits.

When choosing a large box of Kinder surprises, keep in mind that in the store, sellers can mix chocolate eggs from several boxes on their own in order to prevent the buyer from buying the entire series in one purchase. By mixing toys, sellers are essentially forcing collectors to return to their store and spend money on Kinder surprises again.

Search by marking

Each Kinder chocolate egg is wrapped in a special foil wrapper. On it you can find various information about the product: its composition, weight, batch number, barcode, etc. If you study this marking, you can find out a lot of useful information about what awaits us inside this egg, namely, what kind of toy is there.

If you want to know how to choose a collection kinder, be sure to look at the marking, which consists of numbers and letters. The manufacturer applies the marking immediately below the barcode.

Variants of letter designations in marking:

  • 2 letters in the marking - inside such an egg there are collectible toys. Naturally, you may come across identical exhibits from the same collection, but the toy itself will definitely be from a certain series of characters.
  • 3 letters in the marking - in such capsules there can be a variety of toys: from transformers to various little things. There are no serial toys from collections (hippos, Bremen town musicians, etc.) in kinders with this marking.

Now you know how to choose a kinder with a collectible toy. Of course, these methods do not guarantee you that the missing toy will be inside the yellow capsule, but you can narrow the search as much as possible to the series of exhibits you need. But at the same time, keep in mind that such a detailed analysis of a chocolate egg and what is inside it will remove all the effect of surprise and that joy from a pleasant surprise that children and adults experience when opening another chocolate egg. Indeed, for this they were created so that there would be some mystery and surprise after opening the package.

"Kinder Surprise" is a chocolate delicacy that has been pleasing children and adults for many years not only with its delicate taste, but also with the secret that it contains. To arouse even more interest, various series of toys appear from time to time. Usually these are the heroes of popular cartoons. They look so bright and attractive that a real hunt begins for them.

Often the excitement of adults is not inferior to kids. Not only do you want to collect a complete collection of certain figures for your own pleasure, there is a desire to do it faster than others. Such an achievement can be a reason for pride, since not everyone succeeds. But how to choose a Kinder Surprise with a serial toy?

Search serial figures by letters

Of course, you can buy boxes of Kinder Surprises in the hope that in this way you will be able to find all the figures of the desired collection. But this is a rather costly method.

In addition, the question arises of what to do with toys that are not from the collection, which are a pity to throw away, but there is nowhere to store them. Yes, and eating so many chocolate eggs themselves is quite problematic. But if the box has already been opened or the remains of Kinder Surprises from different boxes have been combined, such an attempt to collect a collection does not guarantee success.

Therefore, all people who are fond of this topic are looking for various secrets of how to choose the necessary ones among hundreds of eggs. Collectors know how to choose a "Kinder Surprise" with a serial toy by a barcode.

You need to look at the letters printed under it on the orange part of the package next to the expiration date. If there are two letters, then the probability that it contains the desired figurine is almost one hundred percent. And when there are three or one letters, then there is definitely no collectible toy. The letter cipher may be different. For example, the letters HK stand for the "Hello Kitty" collection.

Is the marking always correct?

As the practical application of the method of searching for chocolate eggs with serial toys by letter coding shows, it does not always work. How to choose "Kinder Surprise" with a serial toy by letter? "Fixies", for example, have an encoding of two letters and a number. No regularity can be found in their combination. In addition, even proven combinations of letters do not always meet the expectations of buyers.

Other ways to choose Kinder Surprise with a collectible figure: intuition

There is a lot of advice from collectors on the topic: how to choose a "Kinder Surprise" with a serial toy. For example, if the sixth sense is well developed, then you can trust your intuition and choose the most attractive egg. You may be lucky, although the probability is quite low.

Selection of "Kinder Surprise" with a collectible figurine by weight

For another method, you need scales. It is known that "Kinder Surprise", containing a collectible figurine, weighs with other toys. Approximate weight is 32-34 grams. In the absence of the ability to weigh, you can simply choose the heaviest chocolate egg.

The choice of "Kinder Surprise" with a collectible figurine by sound

How to choose "Kinder Surprise" with a serial toy? The most obvious way is to identify by ear. The egg must be shaken. If you hear a few parts rattling in it, then there is a non-collectible toy in it. There may be puzzles, cars, designers. If you hear that there is one object or there are no sounds at all, then the probability of finding the desired toy in it greatly increases.

What does the packaging say?

In order to search for toys of a certain series, you need to pay attention to the packaging of the chocolate egg itself. On the wrapper, the series to which it belongs is drawn, for example, "Fixies" or "Disney Princesses".

Not everyone is an ardent fan of Kinder Surprises and is faced with buying them only when the children are old enough and ask to buy. Of course, I want the surprise hidden in it to please the baby, especially if there is a series with favorite cartoon characters on sale. Coming for a purchase and not knowing how to choose "Kinder Surprise" with a serial toy "Masha and the Bear" or "Pony", parents are guided by the image on the wrapper.

But the fact that the necessary heroes are depicted on it does not mean at all that each egg contains figures from the main series. The image simply says that there can be no other series here. Therefore, you should not look for Fixies in Kinder Surprises with the image of Hello Kitty.

What does the capsule inside Kinder Surprise say?

To prevent the toy or its components from hanging inside Kinder Surprise, the manufacturer packs them in a plastic container, the color of which is yellow, like a real egg yolk.

But there are two shades of this color used for toys. Some may think that such a difference is accidental and does not mean anything. This is not true. Toys from the main series, which everyone is looking for, are packaged in a dark yellow (orange) capsule. If there is something else in the box, then the container is painted light yellow.

Therefore, as soon as the Kinder Surprise chocolate is broken, you can already judge by the color of the inner plastic capsule whether you managed to find the desired serial figure or not. Naturally, this method will not be able to tell you how to choose Kinder Surprise with a serial toy, for example. After all, the store will not be allowed to unpack chocolate eggs before paying for them. But opening it after the purchase, you can already know for sure how happy the surprise hidden there will be.

The surest way to choose the right Kinder Surprise

Some people buy chocolate eggs in order to please the child. Not always mine. They are purchased when visiting a house where there are children, or on the occasion of a children's holiday as a treat for little guests. Therefore, many are not at all interested in what is hidden inside Kinder Surprise.

If the internal content is important, then you will have to spend some time choosing the right Kinder Surprise. To increase the chances, you need to know how to choose Kinder Surprise with serial or Masha and the Bear. We will have to apply all known methods: by letters, by weight, by sound.

To date, the method of finding a serial figure inside an egg by letter is unfounded, since, for example, the My Little Pony series does not have a known DF encoding. They use completely different letters and numbers. Users said that they were looking for ways to select a sweet egg with a serial toy by spelling. But no pattern was found.

The weight of a chocolate egg with a serial figurine inside is several grams more than those containing other surprises. If it is possible to use scales, then you need to focus on those instances that are approximately equal to or greater than 32 grams. If it is not possible to use a measuring device to determine the weight, then you should try to choose one that seems heavier than the rest.

The third way is by sound. You need to shake the egg and listen to how the toy hidden inside rattles. If you hear that there are a lot of details, then there is no main series figure in this Kinder Surprise. The serial toy is tightly pressed to the package and either does not make any sounds or rattles as a single object. Everything seems to be logical, but there are exceptions. It happens that some serial figures consist of several parts. And toys from the Fixies series, for example, rattle loudly.

How to choose "Kinder Surprise" with a serial toy? No method is 100% guaranteed. Therefore, it is necessary to use all known methods. And when in doubt, you have to trust your intuition.

Adults often forget how nice it is for little children to receive gifts, especially when it comes to such an amazing contraption as Kinder Surprise, in which incredibly delicious chocolate with a milky layer from the inside hides some mysterious surprise in its "bowels". Naturally, many collect entire collections of tiny, but such funny and wonderful toys that you can find inside a chocolate egg, but getting into a serial toy is not at all as easy as we would like. So how to identify a collectible toy in Kinder, and can it be done at all? There are several fairly simple methods, in addition to dancing with a tambourine and a conspiracy to the young moon, and we'll talk about them.

Wonderful and funny kinder surprise: how to identify a toy from the collection

It must be said that some, to put it mildly, inexperienced buyers think that if you buy a whole large box of kinders, then you will definitely get into your hands all, without exception, toys from the collection, which is shown on the package. In fact, you should not have vain hopes, and you also don’t need to mislead the kids, since this statement is definitely not true, and how.

Need to remember

If you decide to thoroughly find out how to find a toy in a kinder from the collection, you need to cut it on your nose that purchasing a full package is absolutely not enough to collect a whole batch. Firstly, in one box there is only a third of the toys of one collection, and then any tinsel, cars, puzzles, etc. can come across, and secondly, serial collectible toys, of course, can be repeated.

Among other things, when buying a whole package, meaning a box of thirty-six pieces, you should definitely take into account a few nuances, so as not to regret the wasted money later. Is it possible at all, somehow to find out whether each kinder surprise contains a toy from the collection, how to find out what lies behind a thin chocolate shell and whether it is worth spending quite a lot of money at all. Only two factors should influence the adoption of such a decision, but they are so significant that it would be a real crime not to take them into account.

  • If you really decide to find out how to identify a toy in a kinder from a collection, then buying the whole box will definitely be completely inappropriate. The thing is that the manufacturer has long revealed a terrible secret - in one box of kinder surprises, about thirty percent of the eggs contain hidden toys from the collection, no more, no less.
  • If you are buying chocolate eggs and don’t know how to find a collectible toy in a Kinder, you need to think logically and understand that one box can contain toys from more than one specific series, especially if you haven’t seen how the box was opened. Often, sellers simply shift candies and toys from one box to another, for example, to free up space on the counter. It makes sense in this case to look at the date of manufacture, usually for eggs from one box it is typical that it matches.

That is, it would be quite logical to buy not one large package for thirty-six or seventy-two kinders, but a small box for three pieces. Inside one kinder there will definitely be a toy from the series that is drawn on the wrapper, so the question of how to choose a kinder with a collectible toy becomes somewhat more transparent.

Mysterious kinder surprise and a toy from the collection: how to find out what is hidden inside

Thus, we found out that buying such, not at all cheap candies in whole boxes, would be completely unprofitable, although you will bring just a huge amount of joy to your kids. True, far from all categories of consumers can afford such a search for collectible toys. So how to distinguish a kinder surprise with a serial toy and is it possible to do this at all, and has anyone managed to implement such tips and recommendations? Let's figure it out together what those who have been running around in search of toys from collections for more than a year say about this process.

It is interesting that for the most part, these are not children at all, but just adults who, once drawn in, can no longer part with their favorite toys. Moreover, this kind of addiction is far from the worst option, because it is much safer to study the issue and decide how to find out that a collectible toy is in the Kinder than to play in a casino or smoke tobacco.

External differences: how to choose a kinder with a toy from the collection

It would seem that how an ordinary chocolate egg, packed in foil paper, and with a wonderful secret inside can differ in appearance, nevertheless, there are still differences. Naturally, this is far from the ultimate truth, and no one is immune from mistakes. So how do you know if a kinder from the collection is hidden inside a chocolate shell and a plastic yolk or not?

Of course, this does not at all guarantee that the toy will be inside, but when there is a picture of a toy from the series on the wrapper, this increases the chances of hitting by thirty percent, and this is far from small. And you should definitely understand that what kind of picture is present, such a series is waiting for you inside. True, there may be some kind of rubbish, which is also not at all excluded.

We weigh eggs directly in the store: how to choose a kinder surprise by series

To determine by eye whether one egg weighs more than another, it will hardly work, this is an irrefutable fact. However, in fact, there are indeed differences, since serial toys made of high-tech, high-quality and safe plastic really weigh a little more than those that do not belong to any collections.

So, everything is as simple as shelling pears, just get a pocket electronic scale, with division up to a gram, no less. A standard egg will weigh 28-30 grams maximum, but if there is a toy from the collection inside, then the weight of the egg increases significantly. It can give out a mass of thirty-two, or even thirty-six grams, and this, you see, is already very sensitive. True, you can use the scales in the store, but then the grandmother said in two, as wise people say.

We find out the details on the marking: how to identify a collectible toy in the Kinder

Next, you should definitely study the marking of the egg, which can be found at the bottom of the foil wrapper. Moreover, it should be on the back and it has numbers and an alphabetic code, which will need to be analyzed. Many thanks to the state and those manufacturers that obey it, since they are obliged to put such signs on candy wrappers, thereby making life easier for young, and not very young, kinder toy collectors.

So, everything is simple here, if there are only two letters under the numbers, then a collectible toy is hidden inside a chocolate egg and a yellow container. If three letters are found there, then you can count on puzzles, constructors, cars, balls and other completely useless things.

We carefully listen to the sound: how to choose a kinder surprise with a serial toy

Everyone, probably, has already seen a picture when a person stands at a shop window and persistently shakes kinders at his own ear. In fact, this is he, that mysterious collector who is trying to find out if a serial toy is hiding in this particular instance. Moreover, the sound of eggs is given out the most diverse, you need to listen a little to those who have already eaten a dog in this difficult, but still solvable, issue.

  • Prefabricated construction sets sound rather muffled, due to the quality of the plastic used for manufacturing, which means that there are no toys from the collection.
  • High quality plastic, more like lightweight glass, will sound different, like a glass ball rolling inside.
  • It will be great to choose kinders from the series about the gullible Uncle Fyodor. The boy himself and his beloved cat are smaller and lighter than the rest of the figures, because they literally “run” along the “yolk”. Dad with the TV makes a very loud noise, the rattle is obtained because of a tiny screwdriver, which is then inserted into dad's hand. All cows are made from the same piece, so they rattle much less, and other characters will have to be chosen at random.
  • Funny kitties from the Hello Kitty series practically do not make sounds at all, as they are completely solid, and on top of everything else, they are also neatly wrapped with paper, which prevents them from tossing and turning inside.

It also doesn't hurt to know that Masha and the Bear are almost as easy to diagnose as hippos, which, however, come across very rarely. Such toys are solid, therefore they do not rumble much, or even do not make any sounds at all. Of course, all this does not give a 100% guarantee that in the end you will get exactly the toy from the collection, and not just something, but why not try, so as not to regret later that it was not done.

How to find a serial toy in Kinder Surprise? But there can be no 100% guarantee, small luminous men also weigh 32 grams, since there are 2 of them in each kinder surprise - they also do not ring.

To unravel the mystery of the mysterious egg, Metro spoke with a representative of Ferrero, which manufactures the Kinder Surprise chocolate egg. Kinder Surprise would not be itself if it were so: after all, our main task is to surprise and delight consumers.

In appearance, all the chocolate eggs in the box are the same, but the toys are different ... Or we, as experienced collectors, know that, for example, Kinder Joy for September is the Ice Age, and for December it is already a series of Smurfs. In general, if the kinder weighs 28-31 grams, then there is a high probability of finding puzzles or an assembly. We bought a kinder for testing, in the store there were also 32 grams on the scales.

This week I took 2 new kinders, one of which turned out to be orange - hurrah! - serial toy

A hint for fans: in a large supermarket, you can take a freshly opened box and buy all the eggs from it, 32 grams or more. Of course, not only fairies will come across, but also other toys. If Kinder Surprise Ferrero rumbles inside the capsule, and not the capsule itself on chocolate, and weighs 28-30g, there will be puzzles or a prefabricated designer.

Kinder Joy. The main series is made of higher quality plastic, when shaken it rings like glass. Probing is only suitable for Kinder Joy. You can slightly determine the size and shape of some parts and, with some degree of probability, determine the type of toy from them. Parsley on the example of Prostokvashino: There are more than 20 toys in the series, all are different.

Eggs from the Masha and the Bear collection! And when did you buy the last Kinder Surprise yourself?) Enjoy watching! Until now, I can’t calmly pass by a stand with kinders, especially if new colorful series with high-quality toys are on sale. With these thoughts I choose Kinders from the new Hello Kitty collection. Toys promise to be very beautiful, original, well-made, and even with a cardboard diorama.

Here is the second egg. Hooray, the plastic is richly orange, which means that the first Kitty baby from the series is waiting for us. What a cutie she is! The toy is made very high quality and bright, for a long time Fererro did not do such. B) a serial toy from Hello Kitty is usually easy to identify by knocking: a dull sound and nothing rolls inside.

Top of Kinder Surprise with white paint

Last week I bought 2 more serial kinders. So, a new batch of toys from the Hello Kitty series. According to tradition, I bought 2 chocolate eggs. On the wrapper, Kitty's hands are put to her mouth as if in surprise.

This week was filled with as many as 3 kinders. We have 4 serial toys, 2 of which are repeated. Interesting collectible kinders and see you soon! And I didn’t need this chocolate egg ... Remember how, with bated breath, we unwrapped the cherished egg, wondering what kind of toy we would get today? Good evening! I want to tell you a little about Kinder Surprise.

When I was little, Kinders were often bought for me, and I could say I collected them). Since childhood, I love kinders and I just can’t stop loving them))) Very convenient packaging, even small children can cope) Chocolate is incredibly tasty and tender, like in childhood!

I also have several figures from Doctors Mouse, and so on separately. My older sister used to tell everyone when she was a child that she would only marry the guy who had a complete collection of Kinder hippos. Draw waves with a pencil and paint the lower part of Kinder Surprise with red paint. 8. Now you need to make a couple of cuts at the top (where the tail of the balloon was) and, into the resulting hole, load the actual surprise: sweets and toys.

That is why Ferrero releases about 100 new toys every year,” the source said. The remaining 21-25 will be "assembly", both interesting like cars, and completely unnecessary. For example, Smurfy consists of three parts each: a stand, a gnome and a detail opposite the gnome; but in the Ice Age, the Simpsons, there were several solid figures, here it remains only to probe.

The machine, the cows go in one detail and naturally do not rumble, then you can determine by weight - the machine will be heavier. The postman Pechkin on the hood, Uncle Fyodor and Matroskin with brooms consist of two parts, so they rumble accordingly and weigh a little less than the rest. Dad with a TV could be identified by the subtle ringing of a very small detail - a screwdriver. 4. PACKAGING FOR THREE TOYS.

You can safely give 2 kinders to familiar children, especially since they often like the assembly much more than solid figures……… Today we will test the theory that by marking on the egg packaging you can determine which toy is inside the Kinder Surprise! I plan to release my videos 2/3 times a week, on Tuesdays, Fridays and every other day!!! No matter how old you are, Kinder remains a favorite and long-awaited surprise.

Slightly disappointed - the plastic egg is light yellow, which means it is not a series. Yeah, got one of the colored balls with a bunch of plastic parts. They migrate from series to series, I have 10 such pieces, no less. And finally, the climax. The toys were not collectible, but very well made.

Little girls will be delighted. Kitty with an inflatable ring is going to swim in the pool. Here we have Kitty the gardener and Kitty the artist. Here is confirmation that the method is quite viable, but has a drawback: the percentage of repetitive toys is too high.

And your turtle is a non-standard, rarer version, this turtle can be anything. In my childhood, the most desired gift for me was Kinder Surprise. There are always interesting and colorful toys. Please understand and forgive me. 3. We do the first layer like this: we simply dip pieces of paper into water and apply it to the ball with a slight overlap. We post color and black and white for you. So it sticks better and will not bristle. I don't know what's in them...

How to determine a toy in Kinder. New kinder and immediately collectible toy. I have my own small collection of Kinder toys. Kinder code. kinder surprise. Ah, these kinders, beloved since childhood! Pony Kinder code on the video - A01, F06, B01 DF and DFB code no Pony series My Little Pony series (2016) Identify the toy in the kinder code The secret is revealed!

Kinder Surprise is a truly amazing contraption: children with extraordinary pleasure take off the wrapper from a delicious chocolate egg to find out what toy is hidden inside it. And sometimes for kids it doesn’t matter at all how tasty the chocolate is, in which the surprise capsule is wrapped. The main thing is to find a collectible surprise or the main character from your favorite cartoon. And so that your child comes across more collectible toys, you need to know how to choose a kinder surprise with a serial toy.

Such a welcome Kinder Surprise...

For more than a decade, the Italian company Ferrero has been offering consumers a kinder surprise - a chocolate egg, inside of which a capsule with a themed toy is hidden. As a rule, children are more interested in the toy than in the chocolate itself, because it is colorful, beautiful, and each new collection is the heroes of popular children's cartoons. This is exactly what the manufacturer made his bets on. Each box of chocolate eggs is marked in such a way that it is impossible to determine exactly where the collectible character is located. But still, avid collectors figured out how to recognize the desired kinder surprise.

I would like to note right away that boxes with chocolate eggs are sent to stores so that it is impossible to buy the entire collection of toys at once. But it is possible to deceive the manufacturer, and this is what will be discussed further.

How to recognize a collectible kinder surprise?

To choose chocolate eggs that contain the desired collection of toys, you should resort to some tricky methods:

  1. The marking that the wrapper contains. Kinder Surprise is wrapped in a bright wrapper with a barcode, chocolate composition, weight, name, batch number, date of manufacture and manufacturer. But this is not all useful information: markings can tell you which toy is in the egg. So, if there are three letters under the digital marking, there is a high probability that the capsule contains useless toys, such as cars, flying boomerangs, spinning tops and other trifles. Two letters under the marking mean that such an egg may contain a collectible toy. Therefore, if you decide to choose chocolate eggs for the collection, you should first of all pay attention to the code that contains the wrapper.
  2. Determine the collectible kinder surprise by sound. The method is very doubtful, but it has a place to be. To determine the serial kinder, you need to gently shake the egg near your ear: a dull and light sound, reminiscent of rolling a crumpled paper ball over an egg, may indicate that the toy is not from the desired series in the capsule. You can recognize the figure, which includes the desired series of the collection, by hearing heavy rolling inside the kinder. Of course, this method has a big drawback - not everyone has an ear for music, and therefore it is rather difficult to recognize the desired toy in this way.
  3. To choose the right kinder, check its weight. There is an opinion that a collectible surprise is 3-5 g heavier than kinders with puzzles, cars and other toys. But to check the exact weight of eggs, you need to have your own ultra-precise scales, since sellers are unlikely to allow buyers to weigh kinders in a store, and the human hand is unable to distinguish a slight difference in weight. Thus, a series by weight may not be collected, since this method is questionable, in addition, some non-collectible toys may weigh as much as the heroes from the collection.
  4. The appearance of the Kinder wrapper. You can determine if there is a toy with the series declared by the manufacturer in the egg by the pattern on the wrapper. This method is 30% true, which is quite a lot. So, you can find the desired figure in an egg, on the wrapper of which the desired character is depicted.
  5. Buying a package of kinders. This method is not a guarantee that you will get the right serial character. As a rule, an enterprising manufacturer puts only a third of the toys that the collection contains in one box. The rest are various cars, puzzles, key rings, etc. In addition, it is not a fact that collectible toys will be different. Another point: sellers often shift chocolate eggs from one box to another, for example, to free up space on the counter. Thus, the probability that the collection you need will come across to you is very small. To correctly identify a collectible kinder, you need to be smarter: buy not a huge box for 36 or 72 kinders, but one small box for 3 eggs - you will definitely find a collectible character in it.

How to collect a collection: effective ways

A complete series of treasured collectible figurines is every collector's dream. You can collect it, but for this you need to spend a little money. So, for example, you can buy several packs of kinders at a wholesale price and enjoy searching for the right characters and delicious chocolate for several hours.

But the most effective way to collect the entire collection is to buy figurines on the Internet. There are many sites on the network where anyone can buy or exchange missing items for those that are somewhat identical in the collection. Here you can also find collections for kinder joy.

So, in order to choose the right kinder surprise or joy, in which the collectible character will fall, you can use one of the above methods. Even better, if you apply all the methods at once. But be prepared for the fact that the result of your efforts may turn out to be negative, since these methods are not a guarantee of finding a serial toy.