How to accustom a dog to a place without huge efforts? Competent recommendations on how to teach a dog to a place (team, territory for need, sleeping)

Small, fluffy puppies are often forgiven for harmless pranks. They take to their bed, sofa, feed from the table. On the one hand, it is impossible to resist the puppy eyes and plaintive whining, on the other hand, the encouragement of such whims will have a bad effect on the further upbringing of the dog. In this article, we will talk about how important it is to teach your puppy the “Place!” command.

By indulging your pet in lying on the furniture, you will first accustom the dog to disobedience. Such a dog will subsequently feel like the leader of the pack, that is, the main one in the apartment, and will become uncontrollable. By accustoming a dog to a place, you will provide it with full power only over a secluded corner. For example, give the animal a small dog world in which the puppy should feel safe, cozy and warm. Let's move on to training the "Place!" command. To get started, find a quiet, non-trafficking corner in the apartment. Put a warm blanket in there. It can become old things, for example, a fur coat. In pet stores, you can buy special rugs for animals or beds. Make sure that there are no drafts in the chosen place. Now stock up on dog treats. Perfectly for such purposes, biscuit cookies are suitable. Let's move on to puppy training.

Stand next to the bedding and call the animal, calling out in a calm, good-natured voice. When the dog runs up, lay it on the rookery, while saying "Place". Be sure to iron and treat cookies. The puppy will try to leave. Place it back on the mat and repeat “Place” several times while continuing to treat and pet. Repeat the same steps 4-5 times until the baby remains on the bed. Remember, the tone of voice should be as warm and affectionate as possible so that the puppy feels love and care. Thus the command "Place!" will be associated with something native and safe.

An excellent moment for training will be the case when the dog begins to go to bed on the carpet, under the table or on the bed. As soon as the puppy has settled down, take it in your arms and take it to the designated bedding. Hold it on the bed and repeat: "Place, (nickname), place, place." Move away, if the puppy is left on the mat, you have succeeded. If not, hold it until it settles down, repeating "Place". Usually dogs up to six months learn this command very quickly. After 5-8 repetitions, the puppy should obey. After a while, add a gesture pointing to the bedding when you say the command.

An adult animal is less amenable to learning. If the dog came to you by accident, that is, from the former owners, or taken from the kennel, be patient to achieve the result. Such four-legged animals should be handled with care and given maximum care. In the new house, the dog must adapt. Shouts, sudden movements and other unfriendly behavior will either frighten the animal or provoke aggression and self-defense instincts. For the most part, training an adult dog is no different from a small one. You still lay the dog down, pronouncing the command, and give a treat. For quick results, most importantly, trust the dog.

After reading this article, you should have no trouble learning the Place! command. For a better understanding of the technique, watch the video below. Happy training!

One of the commands needed to control the dog is the "Place!" It involves sending the animal to its own mat or place designated by the owner. The dog must lie down near the object or on the mat and remain there until the next command for as long as necessary.

Why do we need the command "Place!"

The breadth of the use of the team is so great that it covers both purely utilitarian, home use, and working out the team within the course of general training. The owner of a trained dog is very comfortable with a single word eliminate unwanted pet behavior. For example, the arrival of guests for many pets is an occasion for great joy: the animal tries to get as much attention as possible, becoming annoying and annoying.


It is pointless and cruel to punish a loving pet for this, it is much more effective to send him to an aviary or to a couch. There the dog will be able to calm down, and the guests will be spared endless games with the animal and slobbering expressions of love. Any housework that requires the pet to isolate can be done if the dog waits calmly in its place.

The team may be needed to practice endurance and guarding skills in the general course or when training in protective guard service. The owner, having marked the place with any object: a leash or a bunch of keys, can safely move in the field of view of the dog, without fear that it will run. This is most often useful during a preliminary inspection of the walking area to look for broken glass or planted poison.

Teaching the command "Place!"

How to teach a puppy the command "Place!"

A puppy, having moved to a new home, must have own corner where he feels comfortable and safe, where there is soft bedding and favorite toys. At first, the baby must be taught to his own place, be it an aviary, rug or cage. The doors in them should always be open if the baby is on a walk, eats or plays. During the absence of the owners, the puppy can be closed in a cage or aviary, leaving there not only a favorite bone, but also a bowl of water.

Your own place is your comfort zone.

They teach the puppy to the place as follows: as soon as the baby settles down to sleep in the middle of the yard or room, they take him in his arms and take him to the place, saying: “Place!” If it is possible to close a pet in a cage, then this is done only when it is really needed. The rest of the time doors must be open.

It is important that the dog understands that with the “Place!” connected only positive emotions. If the puppy tries to leave the mat, he is gently reined in by repeating the voice command. With obedient execution of the command, they are sure to be treated with a treat. The puppy will know his place firmly in a few days, going there at the command of the owner. For unquestioning execution, it is worth following certain rules:

  • Require the command "Place!" you should always, if you need to leave the baby on the rug or in the aviary.
  • The voice command is given firmly, but kindly, without being repeated many times. If the pet tries to jump up and run away, then you need to quickly return, repeat the command and put the puppy down.
  • Treat the baby should be immediately after he settles down on the rug.
  • Do not hurt or scold a puppy if it jumps up and tries to run away. In this case, you need to hold the baby, not letting him jump up.

How to teach your dog the command "Place!"

In the process of training a young dog, the “Place!” command is necessarily studied, and the skills previously acquired in executing this command can help to quickly learn new requirements.


If the puppy knew only a rug or an aviary as his own place, the grown dog will have to understand that now the place can be indicated any subject.

To work out the command, the pet is seated at the left leg, unfastening the leash and holding the dog by the collar. The leash is defiantly thrown at a distance of one meter in front of the dog. Still holding the pet by the collar with your left hand, give the voice command “Place!” and at the same time throw out the right hand in the direction of the object, pointing to it.

After that, together with the dog, they go to the leash, circle the dog behind him and lay it down so that the leash is directly in front of the muzzle. All this is done as quickly as possible. The treat is given immediately after the dog is laid down, the command “Place, lie down!” is immediately given. and the owner retreats backwards to the previous position. When you try to jump up, you must immediately be near the dog and immediately lay him down, strictly pronouncing the command. You can’t give a treat after that, because the dog disobeyed the order.

After a few minutes of exposure, the dog is called and seated nearby. The exercise is repeated several times in one session, each time taking the dog to its place. The next time after a single repetition of the pet, they try to send it to the place on their own. If the dog clearly followed the command, then the distance to the leash can be increased by a step. If the pet slowly went in the opposite direction, he is forcibly taken to the leash and not treated with a treat.

The subtleties of working out the command "Place!"

Command "Place!" work out at each lesson, increasing the distance by a meter after the dog successfully completes the command.


It is important not to repeat the voice command more than twice: usually the dog quickly overcomes the first half of the way to the place, then, realizing that the owner is far away, he starts walking slowly, sniffing the grass and stones. Many dogs demonstratively walk near the leash, keen on exploring the surroundings.

At this time, the host must re-give a voice command. If the pet continues to ignore orders, you must silently and quickly run up to him, grab him by the collar and take him to his place, forcing him to execute the command. After that, you need to move away to a distance half that of what was and call the dog. The next exercise should be the “Place!” command, which is performed as for the first time. The dog is forcibly taken to the place by the collar and praised.

Be sure to do this at the initial training of the command, when the dog is taken to the place by the collar. as quickly as possible, ideally - running. After repeated repetitions, the dog gets used to quickly run to the place where the treat is waiting for him.

The gesture indicating the direction of the message must be clear, and the hand must not be lowered until the command is completed. A command said once when sent can be reinforced by a single repetition when the dog “wanders”, followed by a forced withdrawal to the place.

If the animal lies in front of the leash, to the side of it, or does not reach it, you should quickly approach and forcibly transfer the dog to the right place. A perfectly executed command is considered to be a quick and confident approach to the designated place where the dog lies down behind the leash and remains in place until the next command.

Video. Training Basics: The Place Command

Once you have chosen the desired place for the dog, you can immediately begin to arrange it, you can lay a rug or bedding, or you can put something soft for the comfort of your pet. First, the method of how to teach a puppy to a place in an apartment will be described, and then we will talk about how to train an adult dog. The methods are no different, it's just that you will understand better and choose the option that suits your dog.

How to accustom a puppy to a place.

First way. To accustom a puppy to a place, you first need to teach him a nickname (). After you teach the puppy a nickname, go to the “place” command itself. Once the place is set up, beckon to your puppy's name with a treat and put some treats in his place so that he lingers in this place for a while and chews on the obviously prepared food. At this point, while he is eating, say the command "place" a couple of times. Do this procedure several times.

It is not necessary to force the puppy into his place and try to achieve ideal results from him with the execution of the command to lie down, etc. Your task is to visually accustom him to the place by saying the command at the time when the puppy is eating.

Every time the puppy falls asleep in the wrong place, your task will be to carry him to his place.

When you say the place, he will learn from an early age that at this command there should be a treat in his place and he will definitely run to check if it is in place. Thus, you will accustom the puppy to the place.

The second way. If your puppy is still small and doesn't respond to a name, then work on it. In the meantime, you can just carry it yourself to the place and thereby say the command "place" at the time when he eats goodies.

Everyone should have their own place in the house, including the dog. This will help you send the dog to the place when he was guilty or acquaintances came to you, and you want to recall the dog so that he does not interfere with you.

How to accustom an adult dog to a place.

To teach an adult dog in the same way as a puppy, that is, with a treat. They put a treat, called the dog, she eats, and you give her the “place” command. She has to learn it like a little puppy.

Of course, you can separately train the dog to lie still (), but this is already your preference. The main task is for the dog to know its place, and how it sits there, or whether it is worth it is already its business.

As soon as the dog falls asleep in the wrong place, take him to the place, do not let him rest in other places in your apartment or house.

A dog is not just a fluffy bundle of positive energy, it is a member of the family, a creature with personal needs and character traits. Acquiring a puppy is a serious step that obliges the owner to live together with the pet, in grief and joy, for the next 10-16 years. A few days after buying a puppy, the new tenant adapts to the situation. At this time, you need to carefully observe in which places the dog is more comfortable. Thus, the owner will be able to determine the optimal place for the dog in the apartment.

It’s not worth talking about the role of a personal territory for an animal, this is a prerequisite for proper maintenance.

After the “child” has chosen a place, and the “parent” has approved it, it’s time to start arranging and get a comfortable sunbed.

A sleeping place for a dog is the first area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe home that a puppy should get used to. If you do not give the dog a personal place, it threatens to “loosen” the nervous system, giving rise to feelings of insecurity and infringement. The nuances of the arrangement depend on the nature of the pet and the requirements of the breed, and not on the design of the room or the principle "as long as it does not interfere." It is necessary to take into account the habits of the dog and its "adult" size.

Service dogs live in booths that are lined with straw, and in the hot months, bedding is completely excluded. This is not bullying or livelihood, but sanitary and hygienic standards of maintenance. Of course, you want to give your pet everything, but think about whether the dog really needs pompoms, bright patterns, curtains at the entrance, or is it a whim of the owner.

Globally, all bed models can be divided into three types:

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  • Oval with sides- for dogs that prefer to sleep in a ball. As a body, a wicker basket can be used, in which a bedding or mattress is placed.

  • Mattress bed- for large breeds. Options with a soft back, a blanket and sides are possible. For guard breeds, an overview of the territory is important even during rest, so the sunbed is installed on the "podium".

  • foam house Suitable for small or privacy pets.

  • natural fabrics- eliminate allergies, do not electrify.
  • Strength- The material must be durable. Living in a new place, the dog can gnaw it. Before going to bed, the pet will spin around, choose a comfortable position, and can “dig” the bedding to rake it under him.
  • Ease of maintenance- the cover or mattress must be removable for cleaning and washing.

A creative and more economical option is to sew a place for the dog yourself. First you need to view photos of possible models and choose the right one, then you need a pattern or advice from a sewing specialist. When choosing materials, you need to rely on the recommendations given above. Making a sunbed with your own hands will take time, but the final cost of the accessory will be at least two times lower.

General rules for the location and care of the dog's place

Determine the limits of the dog's behavior in advance. If the pet is not limited by strict rules, can climb onto sofas or lie on the threshold, then the owner can determine the location of the sleeping place on his own. The general selection principles are as follows:

  • No draft.
  • Distance from batteries, air conditioners, audio systems and other climatic and electrical appliances.
  • Do not place a place near the doors or the kitchen.
  • The territory should be secluded, even if there are guests in the house.
  • Accessibility for cleaning.
  • It is necessary to equip an alternative option in case of washing or sanitizing the sunbed.

Read also: How to potty train a dog outside? From puppy to adult dog

Some short-haired and "sofa" breeds prefer to occupy furniture, even if there is a comfortable place. For the duration of the training, the only way out is to equip a personal lounger in each room.

The dog's skin is constantly producing a protective secret to lubricate the coat, so the litter gets dirty quickly. To maintain a neat appearance and general hygiene standards, the following rules must be observed. Not less than:

How to train a dog to a place

Teaching should start from the first day. After several hours of adaptation, the pet needs to be shown the mattress and explained that this is his place. At this stage, do not use commands or commanding tone, imagine that you have a child in front of you, whom you are introducing to a new environment.

The owner needs to show attention and patience. After eating, playing and communicating with the owner, the puppy will begin to look for a secluded corner to sleep on its own. At this point, the puppy should be taken to the place, stroked and calmed, calmly say "Place" and try to leave. Be prepared that this procedure will have to be repeated many times, but at the same time maintain goodwill and calmness.

If you are a beginner dog breeder, then you have probably already thought about how to train the dog. After all, this skill is necessary not only at exhibitions or competitions, but also in ordinary, everyday life.

The distant ancestors of dogs lived in packs, and our modern Balls and Bobs feel in the owner's family, as in a pack. The owner is the leader, so the dog, as a member of the pack, needs to know its place. You can accustom a dog to a place with the help of special commands and gestures, encouragement.

You need to start training a puppy from the first days of his stay in the owner's house. The place of the dog is the place where there is a special mat for it, which is intended for rest or temporary stay of the dog during cleaning, for example.

It is best to accustom a puppy to a place, when he has eaten and played enough, so that he reacts less to the smells of food or movement. When you notice that the "worn out" puppy begins to "pave" somewhere to rest, take him in your arms and take him to the "place".

Give the command "Place!" and put the puppy on the mat. Then repeat the command and pet the puppy. If the puppy tries to run away, you should keep him on the mat, repeat the command and pet the puppy until he calms down. Reward the puppy: give a treat and say "Good!".

Repeat this exercise if the puppy got up and ran away to another place. For effective assimilation of the skill, repeat the exercise at least 3 times a day.

The dog must know his place not only when he wants to rest, but also when he begins to "beg". For training, the same methodology as described above is used.

An older puppy needs to continue to be taught to the place, but now it should not be carried, but taken to the mat. To do this, you need to call the puppy and take him to the place. Give the command "Place!" and lay the puppy down on the mat, stroking it and saying "OK!". Give the puppy a treat and walk away.

When the puppy lay down a little, you need to call him to him, play a little with him. Then give the command "Place!". If the puppy does not follow the command, then repeat it in a more strict tone and lead it into place.

If the puppy does not want to follow you, then use a leash. On command, take the puppy on a leash to its place, remove the collar (harness) from it and lay it on the mat, repeating the command again. Reward your puppy with petting and treats. Don't use the leash next time.

The exercise should be repeated 4-5 times a day, gradually reducing the number of accompaniments. Then send the puppy to the place unaccompanied.

To teach a dog to sit in a seat outside, at the gesture of the owner, you need to start at the age of 6-8 months. Take the puppy on a long leash and lay him down on the command "Lie down!". Put an object in front of the puppy that will indicate the place. Give the command again, step back a few steps and turn to the puppy.

After a pause, call the puppy to you and reward him (stroking, treats). Now make this gesture: stretch your right hand, palm down, to the height of the belt in the direction of the place; lower your hand to your right thigh, slightly leaning forward with your body and giving the command “Place!”. At the same time, make a few light (!) jerks with the leash with your left hand and go with the puppy to the place that you marked with the object. The puppy should be skipped ahead.

While driving, repeat the command "Place!". When you have brought the puppy to the place, lay him down and reward him. Repeat this exercise with short pauses 2-3 times per walk. If the puppy moves away from the place, repeat the command in a more strict tone. Gradually, the puppy should be taught to execute the command "Place!" just by gesture.