How to conduct a lesson on lego-design in kindergarten. Methodical piggy bank Interesting names Lego Fairy Tale Programs

Each teacher knows how difficult it is to make classes on retelling literary texts interesting for children. Therefore, we became interested and began to develop a "a lotoscale" project, which begins at the design stage.

educator of the highest qualifying category
MDOU "D / s 39 K.V.". Magnitogorsk

Lukyanova Olga Georgievna

Project "ROOLSHAKE" Directed to the creation of children models of the heroes of fairy tales and buildings for the development of fairy tale plots with further use of them in the game. It helps children to master the foundation of a literary work, being an excellent tool for analyzing ready-made stories or discussing special and topical topics, significantly expands the possibilities of visual presentation of fairy tales for children and opens up the widest expanses for creativity and fantasies, while actively involves children in the development of language skills!

Materials, tools and equipment necessary for working with children on the project ":

  1. For a year, nine literary works are selected (one work per month);
  2. Showing a flight bar using the Lego designer is held once a month, the duration of classes is 25-55 minutes.
  3. It is preceded by a preparatory stage, at which children design characters of a literary work, and also select attributes, learning the text, enshrine the knowledge of the work in various activities (drawing, appliqué, modeling, reading fiction, FMP, listening to musical works).

We used the technology "Route" in several directions:

  • Initially, this is the literary creativity of the child (inventing the fairy tales), and then Lego-design by its plot;
  • Inventing lego fairy tales on the finished set of heroes and buildings for the development of a fabulous plot;
  • Inventing Lego fairy tales on the finished set of heroes and buildings for the development of a fabulous plot with a further complement of the construction, the introduction of new heroes, the development of new storylines.

Thanks to the project "ROOLSHAKE" Training Retelling becomes an exciting occupation for children of senior preschool age, regardless of their abilities or knowledge!

The product helps not only consolidate the foundation bases, but also develops their communication abilities. Thanks to teamwork, children learn to interact with each other and develop social communication skills.

Based on this, we see RELEVANCE The project is that the children of senior preschool age, working with the designer Lego Faster learns to retell literary texts. They develop creative thinking and imagination. The "Route's" project contributes to the development of small motility, which in its time contributes to the development of speech in children.

Master class "Lego - Fairy Tales"

I suggest you, dear colleagues, plunge into the world of Lego fairy tales and in practice, see how Lego fairy tales contributes to the development of preschool children, create conditions for the development of speech, creativity and favorably affect the emotional scope of children.

The main lego should be interesting to the very teacher, then with children it is easy and exciting to work.

Use brief poems - speeches that you like and fit do not forget to praise the child and magic bricks that help you so much and learn.

Today I suggest you to participate in joint activities.

Introductory lesson for children "Acquaintance with Lego"

Guys, today, when I came to work, I discovered such a chest under the door. What do you think in it can be?

Let's see) what is it?

"Two two" - kid-kid,

Small brick, like a mouse.

And I have me

More authentic - with four!

And in the box there

Brick Lego "Two to six"!

And we will find in her

"Two on eight" - all longer!

And who of you know where he appeared from?

I will tell you this interesting story, it happened in the distant country of Denmark. Let's, tie to the chairs and I'll tell you it.

Long ago, when you still didn't live with you in the world, there was one person.

Called him Ole Kirk Christiansen). And he had a son. The boy loved to play very much, but he had little toys. And they are often broken.

Kirka Cristoin It was very disturbed. Once he came to his wonderful idea about creating new toys. You could play with them, not afraid that they would break, because they disassembled, they were going, and it could be done a lot, many times.

Let's thank him for such a smart and interesting toy. And give him a whole basket of colors!

Details, details,
You are not tired sleeping
Today in the morning
It's time for us.

And will help us with schemes. Consider carefully and start working.

Any story or a fairy tale can always find a new word, introduce the guys with him, thus enriching their vocabulary.

Guys, and you know that flowers can grow and delight us not only in spring and summer, when warm and shines the sun, but in winter!

To do this, came up with a greenhouse- Greenhouse for flowers.

And what professions are associated with flowers?

(Flower, gardener, florist)

What are they doing? What is their job?

Here are what flowers we got !! What a beautiful basket with flowers) Well done)

Flaw Lego Country

And it's time to come back home

Close your eyes, we leave this fairy tale.

As already mentioned first, the teacher himself comes up with small leggings, children begin to independently create fairy-tale heroes from the designer"LEGO" , invent your story to already familiar fairy tales or invent new stories; and then beat them in your free time, uniting subgroups on the S-4 person, show your performance to peers.

Guys, see what an unusual flower on the table. Let's see closer. And the flower is extraordinary, fabulous. In it girl. And what is her name?) Who guessed?

Yes, it is a thumbnail, a fairy-tale character from the distant country of Denmark.

She brought you sets of Lego. Consider them. I now offer you to play. And create new toys themselves. A thumbnail watching you.

Children sit at the table, on which individual sets for the construction are cooked. Prehemer cover.

Look, carefully, what details you got.

Tell me, what can be built from Lego?

Sasha, what will you build from your details? And you are Zhenya? etc. Children begin to work. The educator assists with help leading issues. What details have you got? What will you do? Or maybe you will try, so connect the items ... etc.

So you made the buildings. Let's listen to each other. Who has what happened.

Children talk about their buildings.

We had the heroes of the famous fairy tale. (What a fairy tale?).

That's how in a lego country happens
All we build - come to life.

1 option. Let's tell you the fairy tale of our guest. I will read a fairy tale from the author, and you talk for the heroes of the fairy tale.

Option 2.I suggest you compose a fairy tale based on a really existing, but changing one of the parts.

Pictures for history, as well as examples are offered in a special brochure, which can be downloaded on the site. ( Click on the site "Participate" button and you will see even more details)
I will say right away - note that the story should not be more than 500 characters and the photo should be one. And then I initially missed and rolled more than 2000 characters))). I had to cut a lot and leave the essence itself. In the blog, no one bothers me to turn around (what to disappear)). Therefore, our story. In pictures)).

My literary part, but the canvas came up with Dima. He began - I picked up.

Fire in the forest

Once a bulldozer slave decided to stroll through the forest.

Removing the trees dropped over the way, slag slowly rolled forward, enjoying the singing of birds and wind noise in the crowns of trees. And suddenly slap heard such a familiar crackle. This sound the bulldozer would not confuse with any other. So bursts a burning tree. Shlup sniffed - Garo's pack. "Fire!!!" - Around the bulldozer and hurried to sound. Soon burning trees appeared ahead. "It is necessary to urgently cause the screw," thought slam and reached for the radio.

Helicing the screw did not make himself wait long. He brought and poured a whole barrel of water on the burning forest. However, this water was not enough. The forest continued to hide. "I'm behind the second party! I'll be right back," the helicopter should hide behind the clouds.

Waiting for a friend, the bulldozer began to slowly rake smoldering heads. Unexpectedly through the noise and crackle to the slap, there was a weak peak. The bulldozer turned off the engine and listened. Soon, from under the roots of one of the last minute trees, a squeak was again rang out. Apparently, one of the inhabitants of the forest pressed the branches and he could not get out. "He can burn or suffocate!" - with horror I thought slam and actively earned the bucket. He tried to get to the burning tree as soon as possible. But the heat emanating from the fire did not give a bulldozer to come closely.

"Screw, where are you?" - In desperates thought slag. And literally at the same time felt a strong stream of air on the face. But it was not screw. "Dusties!" - Jeepingly shouted the bulldozer. "By his own person," winked. - You have a hot here. " "It's still like! But you need to rush. Someone got into trouble under that tree - we need to save it." Dusty did not have to be killed twice: "I will bother fire from you, and you - rake fallen branches," he quickly decided.

And friends began to work. A blown by the wind, which created the rotating screws to dusties, slap quickly reached the tree and pulled out from under the branches of a little frightened bunny. "Live," the bulldozer breathed out, seeing the baby often blinked and pulled me to the car. "- Dusties, you need to take it to the hospital. Will you help?" - turned slash to the aircraft. "Sure!" - Smiled to Dusty and, picking up

Municipal State Preschool Educational Institution "Kindergarten of the Outressive View" P. Ramniksky

Project on :

"The tale teaches us to love"

Project Manager:

educator G.I. MARVANOV

Project on : "The tale teaches us to love."

Duration of the project: 2 weeks.
Project Type:
cognitive-creative, group.
Name DOU : Municipal state-owned pre-school educational institution "Kindergarten of the Outressive View" P. Ramniksky

Project Manager : Marvanova Gulnur Ismagilovna

Project participants: Children of the senior - preparatory group, educators, parents.
Children's age:
5-7 years old


Story - the necessary element of the spiritual life of the child. Entering the world of miracles and magic, the child is immersed in the depths of his soul. Russian folk tales, introducing children to the circle of extraordinary events, transformations taking place with their heroes, express deep moral ideas. They teach good attitude towards people, show high feelings and aspirations. The meeting of children with the heroes of fairy tales will not leave them indifferent. The desire to help the hero that has fallen into trouble, understand the fabulous situation - all this stimulates the mental activity of the child, develops interest in the subject. As a result of empathy, the child appears not only new knowledge, but the most important thing is a new emotional attitude towards the surrounding: to people, subjects, phenomena. From fairy tales, children draw a lot of knowledge: the first ideas about time and space, about human connection with nature, the substantive world. Preschoolers face such hard phenomena and feelings as life and death, love and hatred; Anger and compassion, treason and deception. The form of the image of these phenomena is a special, fabulous, affordable understanding of the child, and the height of manifestations, moral meaning remain genuine, "adults". Therefore, those lessons that the fairy tale gives - these are lessons for life and for large, and for small.

The problem is significant for children, on the solution of which the project is directed.

Unfortunately, today, our children are raised not in fairy tales, but on modern cartoons. Most parents have no time to sit with the child and read the book. Children's psychologists consider it a big omission of adults in the upbringing of their children. Questioning of parents and a survey of children of our group showed that at home reading children's books pays very little time, and some parents cannot even call Russian folk tales. But in fact, the fairy tale is one of the most ancient means of moral, aesthetic education, as well as form behavioral stereotypes of future members of the adult society. Therefore, we decided to pay a little more time to Russian folk tales in the development and education of our children.

Objective of the project:

    Education in children of love for Russian folk fairy tales through lego-repudation; development in children of sustainable interest in a fairy tale, as a work of art; The disclosure of the joint creativity of children and parents.


for kids:


    Expand the presentation of children about fairy tales;

    Teach children to reason;

    Form the ability to express poems expressively, stage
    episodes of fairy tales;

    Enrich and expand the vocabulary of children.

    Learning in advance to think about the content of the future building.

    To form a steady interest in constructive activities, the desire to create, to invent.

    To form interest in a variety of buildings and fabrications found in favorite fairy tales, learn to notice their features.


    Develop the ability to apply their knowledge in conversation, seek
    connected statements;

    Develop in children figurative thinking, fantasy,constructive imagination, ttorch abilities; independence.

    Develop the ability to analyze the subject, allocate its characteristic features, the main functional parts, to establish the relationship between their appointment and structure.

    Develop and fix the skills for building sustainable models.


    Bring up feelings of friendship and collectivism; Develop independence when working in pairs.

    Rail around the culture of speech.

    Rise love for fairy tales, the ability to see the beautiful, be proud of Russian folk fairy tales and tales of Russian writers.

for parents:

    Develop the ability to see the personality in the child, respect his opinion, discuss with him the upcoming work;

    Interest parents with the life of the group, cause a desire
    participate in it.

for teachers:

    Development of the creative potential of the child;

    Show parents knowledge and skills of children acquired during
    project implementation.

Form of the final project of the project: Tale - Presentation (children will be presented independently).
Name of the final event of the project:
"Teremok to a new way."

Project Products:

for kids:

    Constructing from "Lego" and other types of designer, as well as a throwing material; New knowledge and impressions, meaningfully spent with parents, children's books, illustrated paintings, which show the plots of different Russian folk fairy tales.

for teachers:

    Registration of the exhibition of structures from the designer "The fairy tale to visit us", a card file of proverbs, sayings, mysteries, multimedia presentations, viewing fairy tales.

for parents:

    Participation in the exhibition of children's work.

    Manufacturing attributes and learning with children and poems to the fairy tale - representation.

Planned results:

    the development of the spiritual and rich personality of the child, as active
    project participant;

    development of interest in the Russian folk tale;

    development in children of cognitive activity, creative
    abilities, communicative skills;

    improving sound impact, expressiveness and
    connected speech of children.

    promoting the creative development of children;

    development of emotional responsiveness;

    harmonization of relations between adults and children.

Stages of the project

I Stage - Preparatory (Project Development).

    Definition of the problem;

    setting goals, tasks;

    collection of information, literature, additional material.

    drawing up a promising work plan.

Promising plan.

Cubes and puzzles in different fairy tales. Reading, discussion and memorization by heart the fairy tales "Teremok to the new way".

Socio - communicative development:

Development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers; the focus of its own actions; development of social and emotional intelligence, the formation of preparedness for joint activities with peers, the formation of a valid attitude and feelings of belonging to their family and to the community of children and adults in the organization; Formation of positive plants for various types of labor and creativity.

Cognitive development

Conversations with children about read fairy tales. Consider illustrations with the image of the heroes of fairy tales.

Development of imagination and creative activity.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Implementation of independent creative activities of children (constructive-model).

Organized educational activity:

Iso - "My favorite fabulous hero", "My favorite fairy tale"; Application - "Fabulous Bird"; Lrack - "Babushkina Fairy Tales".

Physical development

Development of the motor activity of children through the conduct of fizminuts and walks; The formation of the values \u200b\u200bof a healthy lifestyle, mastering its elementary standards and rules (in nutrition, engine mode, hardening, when forming useful habits, etc.)

Speech development

Enrichment of the active dictionary; the development of a connected, grammatically correct dialogic and monoological speech; development of speech creativity; Acquaintance with book culture.

Reading, discussing and memorizing the tales of "Teremok" on the new way.

Work with parents

Consultation "Admission to teach children telling"; "Acquaintance with fairy tales."

Folder - moving "Folk tales in the education system of preschoolers.

Project implementation paths:

    Replenishment of the book of book corner with fairy tales of different genres.

    Registration of a corner "Visiting a fairy tale."

    Organization of the exhibition drawings based on fairy tales.

Contents of working with children:

    Reading different fairy tales.

    Drawing by children of the heroes of fairy tales.

    Learning of the promotion, sayings, proverbs about fairy tales, fabulous

    Retelling of fairy tales, their dramatization.

    Independent drawing up fairy tales.

    Talking tales of your own essay.

    Illustrating reading fairy tales, tales of your own

    Consider illustrations of different artists to fairy tales.

    Riddles on fairy tales, heroes of fairy tales.

    Implementing independent and together with parents of creative

    Reading the Russian folk fairy tale "Havroshchka"

    Iso - "My favorite fabulous hero", "My favorite fairy tale";

    Application - "Fabulous Bird";

    Laper - "Babushkina Fairy Tale"

    Sports entertainment "Grandics - Yellow in Teremka".

    Tale - Presentation: "Teremok to a new way."

Contents of working with parents:

    Conversation with the parents "Meet the project".

    Homework for parents and children (drawing illustrations for
    fairy tales).

    Reading fairy tales with children.

    Inventing fairy tales with children.

    Help in replenishing a book corner fairy tales.

Stage II - Research.

    Work according to plan with children, parents, teachers;

    project implementation.

III Stage - Final.

    Project presentation;

    Tale - Presentation: "Teremok on a new way";

    summing up, analysis of the expected result;

    generalization of the results of work.


Children were interesting and close to the project, so the children were happy to participate in all events; Love to listen to fairy tales in the execution of the teacher; I am pleased to consider illustrations in books. In independent gaming activities, familiar fairy tales are played with toys, various types of theater; Some pupils come up with new, their fairy tales. Children became friendly; More often come to each other for help.

Parents supported teachers, showed the initiative and creativity in the manufacture of the thematic album "Heroes of our favorite fairy tales" (together with children); They took an active part in filling the developing environment in the group, in the discussion of child reading issues. Teachers group get positive feedback on a structural division of the exhibition of children's and parental work on the project from children, parents, educators from other groups and employees of our kindergarten.

Thus, the work done during the project, gave a positive result not only in the cognitive, speech, but also in the social development of children; as well as contributed to the emergence and desires of parents to take part in the project"The tale teaches us to love" ; Brought together children, teachers of parents of the whole group.

This project found a confirmation that the combination of various methods and techniques, an objective environment, communication is the internal driving forces of speech and mental development of preschoolers.

The fairy tale helps the child to self-improvement, self-development, intensify various sides of thought processes.

The study conducted in this project confirms that the systematic attraction of a fairy tale in the pedagogical process can be the most important source and reserve of the successful speech and emotional development of the senior preschooler.

In perspective I plan:

    continue to work on the implementation of the program on Lego - design on the topic "Our favorite settlement";

    to acquaint children with varieties of thematic sets of the "Lego" designer;

    develop interaction with social partners and parents;

    share experiences with colleagues and publish materials on this topic;

    take an active part in various contests and exhibitions.

Working with children on Lego-design was built on the basis of a systematic activity approach in the training and integration of educational regions. This allows children to experiment and create its own limitless world, feel, on the one hand, an integral part of the team, a unquestioned leader in the created situation, and on the other, to show creative abilities, fantasy, imagination to the teacher himself.

Sports entertainment for senior preschool children

"Grandmates - Handles in" Teremka ""

Purpose: Strengthening health and ensuring physical health of pupils.


Development of dexterity, motor coordination;

The ability to quickly switch attention from one type of activity to another;

Consolidate the ability to be responsible, organized, purposeful;

To create a desire to help each other and act in the team;

We instill love for the Russian folk fairy tale and Russian folk games.

Leading teacher: MARVANOVA G.I.

Senior Yaga: Fomenko V.V.

Junior Yaga: Lemeshheva G.A.

Sport equipment: Hoops, ball - hobs, plastic balls, backpacks, sweaters, racks, two baskets with cubes, puzzles, prizes.

The course of entertainment

Educator: Hello guys! We today gathered in this room for our marathon. You are ready?

Children: Yes!

(Music sounds and two women jagi run)

Senior Yaga : Where did we get to you?

Junior Yaga : I do not know! So they knew what they found themselves in a stranger!

Educator : Hello, grandmothers! And you got to kindergarten "Teremok"! And you granny, what are having fun?

Junior Yaga : And we gathered at the Olympics!

Senior Yaga : "Closer to business."

Junior Yaga : We decided to take care of and found, so as to get to the stadium, so they have fun, and instead of the stadium they got to the kids.

Educator: And you are a grandmother, you do not worry and do not see what we are small, we know what deft, strong and hardy. You can also teach agility. courage and endurance.

Grandmas-jagi : Well, and we want to become bold, clever and strong, to get to the Olympics. Only we all are enchanted all your tests, so that the guys move forward will need to solve the riddles.

Educator: "Guys, what to do! I solve the riddles and go through all the tests.

Children: "YES"

Educator: "Then let's start! But first we will make a warm-up, let's get the grandmother-jagi with us to warm up! "

Grandki-tips: "Well, show your warm-up"

Workout (to the music we make the workout of the music. "Ducklings")

"Fabulous riddles"

Leading: "And so on the road. To find out in what fairy tale we will compete, you must guess the riddle. We have teams.

First mystery .

Someone for someone grabbed firmly,

Oh, not to pull out, oh, sat down firmly.

But still assistants will soon resort,

Wins a stubborn friendly common work.

Who sat down so hard? Who is ... (Repka)

Name those who pulled out. That's right, only 6 heroes, here and the participants will be six people.

Relay race"Repka": The first participant runs to the hoop, takes him in his hand and returns to the team. He takes a comrade for his hand and, together with him, run to the cube, ride him together and run for the next player. And so while the whole team does not enjoy the cube. (Play six people)

Second mystery .

Who am I?
I run, run, run,
I can not be late!

I'm on the wolf to jump,

On the eagle I will fly!

I'm not afraid sea waves,
I'm not afraid of the mountains, cool.
I'm flying, sailing, jumping, -
I want to help all patients!

(K. Chukovsky "Dr. Aibolit")

Relay race"Aibolit": And I will have to jump on the ball. Participants must "settle down" by holding the ball, do the way to the rack and back. (Play six people)

Third mystery.

Masha sits to the box
Far she ......
Who carries her, answer

Fast steps?
And carries it ........
Namset with cakes.
The path is not close

Far Run
Wants Misha .........
Only Masha does not give

On a funeral to sit down
And ruddy pie on the road ......
Held his baby

It will be smarter to continue.
Here we have what a book,

It's ".... and ......"
(Masha and the Bear)

Relay race"Masha and the Bear": (Participants must wear a backpack). As you know, the bear wanted to sit on Perenok, and Masha did not allow him. Therefore, you need between hemp to run to the guideline and return to the command to the command, passing the backpack the following. (Play six people)

Fourth mystery.

Lived - seven guys -
White little ......
Mom loved them very much

Children's milk.
Here, the teeth click Yes Click,

Gray appeared ....
White skin put on

Delivered voice.
How the goat was singing that beast:
"Remove, kids, .....
(a door)
Your mother came,
Milk you ........ "
We will answer without tips,

Who managed to save the guys.
We know that we are from a fairy tale
".... and ...... ......"
(The wolf and the seven Young goats)

Relay race "The wolf and the seven Young goats ": You remember friends, the wolf is driven in a bag. We have a bucket with cubes with kids. The participant takes a bucket in one hand. With a bucket and cubes runs to the hoop, laying out one cube, returns and transfers the bucket and cubes to the next player. And the last player must collect all the cubes in the bucket and return to the team. (Play eight people, seven pieces cubes)

Fifth riddle.

Like baba in jagi
There is no one legs,
But there is wonderful
Flying machine.

Relay race "Mortar ": You remember friends that Baba Yaga flew at the stage, and we will take the broom and ball with you instead of stupas. The participant takes the broom and the ball and runs to the guideline and returns back and transmits the next participant relay. (Play six people)

Sixth riddle

In the deaf forest in his hut,

Alone lives the old woman.

Broom she is not half a sweat

Broom - old plane plane. (Baba Yaga)

Baba Yaga: "Well done guys! You guess all the fairy tales, there were still a few riddles, but they are all in this enveloped envelope. To do this, you must collect puzzles with fabulous characters. You will be distributed as part of the picture and you transferring the relay with each other. The team wins the team that will quickly collect a picture.

(Baba Yaga runs away and appears with a basket in his hands.)

Educator: "Thank you for a gift, baby tips, we really liked the guys in your compete and guess riddles. BYE!!!".

Abstract Node on drawing

Subject: My favorite fabulous hero.

Software content: Teach children to transmit characteristic features of loved characters in the figure; fasten the ability to draw watercolor paints; develop figurative views, imagination; consolidate knowledge about signs of winter; Remember the names of fairy tales and their authors.

Integration of educational areas: Artistic creativity, reading fiction, knowledge, communication.

Materials: Labor sheets, watercolor paints, tassels, jars with water, pictures with the image of fabulous heroes, birds and animals in winter.


1. Organizational moment.

In a fabulous country, the stir: rose a storm, gathered all its inhabitants and moved them to the Winter Forest. Want to know who found himself in the forest? Then guess the riddles.

2. The main part.

Gaying mysteries:

He left grandmother
And from the grandfather went away
Song sang under blue sky,
For fox, he became a dinner.

Saws, the color is gray,
Seven kids he ate.
(The wolf and the seven Young goats)

Grandma per grandfather
Casting tight:
"Oh, not to pull out
Help, kids! "
Good helpers
Come soon
Wins stubborn
Common, friendly work.

Sits a guy on the furnace,
Kalachi flies
Rolled around the village
And married the princess.
(By magic)

Alleynushka sister
Took the bird's brother
She played with girlfriends
Brother Vanya Vanya Vanya.
(Swan geese)

Misha in the forest goes
The box on the back carries -
Pies for women with grandfather
Granddaughter Masha
Non-police Misha
Around his finger!
(Masha and the Bear)

What a guest came to the house
To three forest bears?
There she began, drank,
In three beds slept,
And the owners returned -
I barely feet!
(Three Bears)

All Zhenchka like wives,
He has a frog,
But in the end it will be happy
That Vanyusha.
(Princess Frog)

Lives the old woman in the forest.
She has a hut.
Flies on a broom.
Children steals at the dawn.
Bone from her leg,
Your name is ...
(Baba Yaga)!

Lived in the light of the orphan
Havroshchka was called.
With work was led deftly,
After all, the cow helped her.
Three sisters followed her.
Name who they are? (One-eyed, two-chapter, threefall.)

-What more heroes do you know and from what kind of tales are they? (Children's responses.) And they also found themselves in our winter forest. Do you want to the forest?

Travel to winter forest.

Come with me. (Children go out of the tables, go to the center of the group, where pictures depicting animals, birds in winter are located.)

Guys, what do you think, like everyone from the heroes in our forest? (Children's responses.)

No matter how good here, but our friends are time to return home, in your fairy-tale country. Do you want to help them come back? Then you need to draw your favorite hero and pronounce a magic spell.

Independent work of children behind the tables.

Individual assistance.

3. Final part.

Analysis of children's drawings.

It was time for our new friends to go back. Guys, repeat the magic words for me:

Chichri -Mychri, fires

Return all the characters in fairy tales!

Now all the characters returned home to the fabulous country, and we have good memories of them and their portraits that you created with your own hands.

SUMM OF NODE ON Application

in the senior group

"Fabulous Bird"

Abstract Node on appliqués in the senior group "Fairy-Bird"

Preparation of the teacher to this type of node

Selection of illustrations of "Firebird"

Preparation of presentation with fireband illustrations.

Selection of fairy tales about fabulous birds.

Reading the Russian folk tale "Tsar-Maiden"

Preparation of the NOD abstract for children of the group on the topic "Fabulous Bird"

Equipment for each child Color cardboard, colored paper strips, glue, scissors, napkin, brush.

Purpose: Teach children correlate real and fabulous images, create a fabulous bird image in appliques, transmitting its unusual and brightness using elements of decorative design.
Tasks: Fasten the cutting technique of cutting circles and ovals from squares and rectangles, thus transforming one figure to others.
Develop attention, visual control of the action of the hands, to enable everyone from children to show independence in choosing ways to decorate work and creativity.
Relieve accuracy, friendly attitude towards others.

Material and equipment: Illustration of "Firebirds", color cardboard, colored paper strips, glue, scissors, napkin, brush.
Teaching methods:
Wonderful - story, explanation, dialogue.
Visual - illustration of a fabulous bird.

Preliminary work:

View the "Firebird" presentation
Reading the Russian folk tale "Tsar-Maiden", viewing illustrations of fire-birds.

Travel course:
Children sit at the tables

In: - Guys, I have an envelope in my hands, and in it a letter. It has been written for a kindergarten "Teremok" from Lekhanka. Do you think this is addressed to us?

D. (Answers)

Q: - Guys now open and read: Hello, dear guys! I am writing to you, Dunno. We doncum with a very interesting fairy tale about the firebird. But in our book there is not a single picture. And we and all residents of the flower city so wanted to take a look at her. We know what you read a fairy tale, and you know what the firebird looks like. Guys, please send a photo of the firebird. Thank you in advance!
Q: - Guys, and what fairy tale did we read, in which the fire-birds say?
D: - "Tsar-Maiden"
In: - Guys, I have one photo of the festivals, but we cannot send it, as we have one, and the inhabitants of the flower city need a few pictures. Let us make the heat of birds for them?
D: - We can make an applique ...
Q: - (Consider the Firebird) Good. Look at this firebird. Why do bird in fairy tales call the firefly?
D: - Because it is bright, and the tail is like a flame ...
In: - Yes, this bird is colorful, she has an unusual wings, tail, butter.
Does she look like an ordinary bird?
D: - Yes
Q: - You correctly noticed guys that with all the variety of birds, they have a lot in common. All birds, and fabulous and real have the same parts of the body. What parts of the body have birds?
Children: - torso, wings, tail, head, neck, paws, beak.
Q: - The main decoration of any magic, fabulous bird is her tail. What will be the tail of your bird depends on your imagination. Selection of colors, their combination, the form of feathers - all this is your desire. Everyone will have their own unique heat. The more unusual, the bird will be more interesting, the more joy and happiness it will bring residents of the flower city.
Q: Before we proceed to work, we will play with you.
Fisminet "Flock of Birds"
A flock of birds flies south, the sky is blue around (the children make hands, as if wings,
To fly rather, it is necessary to wave the wings (the children are more intense)
In the sky clear sun shines, the cosmonaut flies in the rocket (sipping - hands up)
And below - the forests, fields, the earth is spread (tilt forward, hands are bred to the side)
Birds began to descend, all sit on the glade,
A long way to have a long way, you need to rest in the birds (the children sat down)
And it's time to go on the road again, we need to fly a lot (the children get up and mashed "wings")
So south. Hurrah Hurrah! Time to land.
Q: Now let's start working. What do you see in front of me?
D: - Geometric forms (rectangles, square)
Q: - What figure should we need for a bird body
D: - oval
Q: - Do you have an oval? (No) Take the biggest rectangle in your hands, it will be a body torso, how can I turn it into oval?
D: - cut corners
Q: The head and torso are cut from blanks of square and rectangular shape.
- offer basic details on the sheet (show stages)
-There to the body, wings, head, turned out a fabulous bird?
In: - Your birds do not have a tail. You are on the tables there are paper strips they are suitable for the tail. As you will portray it, depends on your design. Selection of colors, their combination; The shape of feathers and bird decoration - all this is your desire. Everyone will have their own, unique fabulous bird.
(Independent creative activity of children).
Q: - And now, guys, let's place your festivals on our table and admire them.
- Guys, you did not forget why we created such beautiful hot birds? What was the most difficult for you? What do you think the tail from whose bird is most interesting and beautiful? Well done, everyone showed fantasy, tried. In the evening we will sign an envelope and send our birds into a flower city.


Directly educational activities.

Reading the Russian folk fairy tale "Havroshchka"

Annotation: Directly educational activities on reading the Russian folk fairy tale "Havroshchka" is intended for older children. On her, children get acquainted with a fairy tale. Learn new words characteristic of that time. Consider illustrations for a fairy tale. Play games. In the actions and actions of fabulous heroes, children oppose diligence - laziness, good-evil, courage - cowardice. Children rejoice when it triumphs, it sighs relief, when the heroes overcome difficulties and the happy junction comes.

Software content:

ABOUTbrass region "Reading fiction literature"

Educate interest in reading, love for oral folk creativity;

Fasten knowledge about the diversity of Russian folk fairy tales.

Educational region "Socialization"

Consolidate the ability to obey the rules in group games;

Call an emotional positive response to gaming actions;

Rise an honest rivalry culture in competitions (friendly relationships).

Education area "Cognition"

Expand the horizons of children;

Develop the ability to play the previously obtained information;

Fasten the ideas of children about the world of items.

Education area "Communication"

Promote the free communication of children with adults;

Continue to develop speech as a means of communication;

Cross the children to give quick, clear and correct answers.

Purpose: teach children to determine the genre of the work, feel and understand the feasibility of use in the work of expressive and visual funds, understand the characters and actions of the heroes, to correctly realize their motives, notice experiences, feelings.


Educational tasks:
expanding the knowledge of children about Russian folk fairy tales;
Fasten the ability to distinguish a fairy tale from other literary works;
Teach children to analyze a fairy tale;
Learn to understand the emotional-shaped content of the work
Educational challenges:
bring up love for Russian folk creativity;
bring up a manifestation of good feelings in relation to each other;
form an artistic taste;
Relieve respect for the book.
Developing tasks:
develop interest in Russian folk tales;
attach children to the sources of Russian culture;
develop thinking, imagination, visual memory, observation;
develop the cognitive and speech activity of children, expand the vocabulary;
Enrich children's emotions.

Methods and techniques:
Visual (display, demonstration);
Sluban: reading, discussing works of fiction illustrated by encyclopedia, dramatization and dramatization of fairy tales, game-quiz);
Game: organizational moment; Fizkultminutka, final part.

Pedagogical technologies: personal-oriented, socioigrov.

Organizational forms of work with children : group, individual

Types of childhood activities: Communicative, productive, musical - artistic, motor, reading, game.

Preliminary work: consider illustrations to fairy tales, toys, reading Russian folk fairy tales. Drawing up descriptions of a descriptive nature on subject pictures. Excursion to the library, working with parents.

Health-saving technologists : Respiratory gymnastics and fizminutka contribute to the removal of physical and mental stress using a dynamic pause and activity change.

Registration: Exhibition of books with Russian folk tales, exhibition of didactic games, folk costumes, thematic toys, a mock of a tree apple tree, a magic tangler, a book with a fairy tale "Havroshchka", illustration for a fairy tale, handkerchiefs, tape recorder.


1. Approximate basic general educational program "Childhood" ed. T.I. Babayeva, A.G. Gogoberidze, Z.A. Mikhailova.

2. Additional program "The introduction of children to the origins of Russian folk culture" ed. OL Prince, ppm Makhana.

Realization of federal state requirements: Integration of educational areas "Reading fiction", "Communication", "Cognition", "Socialization", "Music", "Artistic Creativity", "Physical Culture".

Topic: Reading the Russian folk fairy tale "Havroshchka"

Wordwork: Canvas, compilation, bulk.

The course of educational activities.

Organizing time:

Children enter fabulous music to the group.

Educator: Let's stand in a circle. See what it is?

Children : Tangle.

Educator: What do you think he is he?

Children: Magic.

Educator: Yes, guys, this is a magic tank, the strength of which increases from kind and affectionate words. At first I wanted a thread on the tank and I will say a gentle word. And now, I pass the film Leray and so take turns to all children. You can say good wish, compliment, affectionate word.

Children list affectionate words.

Main part:

Educator: So again the ball reached me. How he became big from good words! He, as I am pleased to go on a journey with such good things. And we go to the fairy tale. What do you think guys, what should we do to get into a fairy tale?

(Children list ).

Educator : And how can I?

Children: Wear Magic Shoes.

Educator: Guys, let's put on the shoes. (Children imitate putting on shoes).

Educator: Guys, knock the heels and say a friendly: "We need to get into a fairy tale!"

Children knock the heels and talk to the music: "We need to get to the fairy tale."

Educator : Hands arrange to the sides like birds. We fly ..., warm wind blows us down, look at the ground from a height (hands over the eyes ). We fly to the clouds, they are soft, fluffy, cool. Let's run on them a little (spring). Clouds as wadded, we are pleasantly easy (moving in group). We laugh, remove the shoes, and then they will take us away from the fairy tale.

Children "remove shoes."

Educator: And here we are visiting a fairy tale. How does the fairy tale usually begin? What words?

Children: Lived - were, it happened long ago, one day in the forest, in some kingdom, etc.

Educator: Guys. What is usually told about tales?

Children: On the adventures of people and animals, about mysterious and magical events.

Educator: Guys, there is a proverb: "Fear of eyes are great." How do you understand this proverb? In what cases they say it?

Children: When the fear is coming from what is not really.

Educator: Guys, today I brought you this book. What do you see on the cover?

Children: Illustration.

Educator: Is it possible to guess the illustration, what is this book? What is the story or a fairy tale in this book?

Children: Story.

Educator: Why do you think so?

Children: Here are drawn fabulous heroes.

Educator: What do letters on the cover mean?

Children: Title book, last name of the author.

Educator: The name of this book "Babushkina Fairy Tales" is a collection of fairy tales. What is the collection? This is a book where not one, but a few fairy tales, stories, poems. There are no names of the author here, and why - we will find out when we consider the back of the cover. Here is more information about the book. These are Russian folk tales. That is why the author's surname is not worth it. The author is the Russian people. Illustrations for this book Drew Y. Solovyov. Who is depicted on the cover?

Children: Bear carries Masha in the box.

Educator: And now I will read you from this collection a fairy tale, but you will meet unfamiliar words in it:canvas, apples bulk. Canvas are a fabric of flax, manually made. Bulk apples are ripe, poured juice. Juicy apples. And now, children, let's listen to the Russian folk fairy tale, which is called "Havroshchka".

The educator reads a fairy tale.

The game-quiz (for each correct answer, the child gets one apple)

Educator: Did you really hear a fairy tale? How did you guess? What fabulous words did you notice?

Children: Havroshchka will fit into one ear, gets out of the other - everything is ready, the apples are blown, silver twigs. Gold leaves.

Educator: What do you think the fairy tale begins in words: "

in the world, people are good, there is worse, and there are also such that your brother is not ashamed "?

Children: Because a tiny - Havroshchka took these people and disappeared: she and take and spins, she clings, she and she answers everything. And the host children only knew that the gate was sitting on the street.

Educator: What were the stepmother and her daughters?

Children: Evil, envious, cunning.

Educator: What makes you imagine Havroshchka?

Children: Good, smart, worker.

Educator: How did Havroshchka helped a cow?

Children: Helped to perform her hard work: Havroshchka in one ear will fit, to another gets out, the finished canvases will pick up.

Educator: How did the stepmother about it?

Children: She sent her daughters to trace for Havroshchka and the trigeant saw everything, as Havroshchka got into one ear, and from another got out and all the work was made, because she had fallen over her eyes, and the third watched and saw everything.

Educator: Did you like a fairy tale?

Children: Yes!

Educator: (Fizkultminutka).

Hey guys not be lazy

To the warm-up becomes.

I like gently like licked

And like a teddy bear,

And how Zainka is a panty,

And as a gray wolf - a hairstyle.

Here, the Yozh curls into the ball,

The ray of hedgehog touched

Hedgehog stretched sweetly.

Educator: And now quietly sit down. You probably wanted to tell the fairy tale at home with your relatives. Let's try to tell her like this, I'll start, and you finish.

The educator shows illustrations for a fairy tale and says:

- Having lived in evil people, the girl Havroshchka ...

- And evil sisters ...

- Havroshchka worked all day ...

- told the stepmother's cow ...

- Yablodka rose, appeared on it ...

- He married a strong man in Havrosh ...

The educator begins, and children in turn continue a fairy tale.

Educator: Now you can safely tell her parents. What does the fairy tale teach us?

Children: The fairy tale teaches to be kind, come to the aid to other people.

Educator: Who knows the proverbs about kindness, friendship, courtesy?


- All doors open politeness.

- From good, do not run, but do not do bad.

- For good deeds is always waiting for praise.

Final part :

Educator: Well done boys! I also want you to grow up good, smart, brought up by the guys, so that you love and respected you. And now come to me. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Wear your shoes. Fill the heels, close the eyes, breathe the air to the nap and exhale. And now we will say friendly: "We need to get to the kindergarten." Guys, where did we visit you?

Children: In a fairy tale.

Educator: What did you do?

Children: Listened to the fairy tale "Havroshchka". Retell her.

Educator: Guys, look, I brought you a twig of apple trees. Sprops of the apple tree shakes and the game offers the game "Jablock Tilt". You guys get up in the circle. In front of you are torn illustrations. I will be an apple tree, I will go around the circle, and you will talk words and perform movements:

Jablodka, Yablondka tight, tight (two tilting forward)

To good, pulling good, stretch (stretch up)

From the evil and bad turn away, turn away (lower your hands down and unscrew the head to the side)

Whom Jablock will attain, he takes an illustration, calls the hero and tells why this character likes or does not like and why?

Educator: Who is it? What is he?

Children: Emelya is lazy.

Educator: What did he like to do?

Children: Lie on the oven.

Educator: Who is it? How did he boast?

Children: This is a hare - brake. He boasted - I do not have a mustache, and cramped ...

Educator: And who is it? What kind of good things did she do?

Children: It is Havroshchka. She is kind, hardworking. Canvas fabrics, fed the cow, fulfilled all the work on the house ...

Educator: And who is it? What is she?

Children: This is a chanterelle. She is cunning.

Educator: Who of these heroes would you be friends with?

Children: With Havroshchka.

Educator: Why?

Children: Because she is kind, hardworking.

Educator: That's what you are well done! Posse yourself on your head, on your chest, show how you coped with the task.

Children: (Show thumb).

Educator: Thank each other, make hands and tell me "Thank you" for interaction.

Abstract Lrack Claim

on the topic:

« Babushkina fairy tales »

Lrack plot based on Russian folk fairy tales

Babushkina fairy tales

Tasks. Teach children sculpt based on Russian folk fairy tales: independently choose a separate hero or plot, determine the methods and techniques of modeling, depending on the nature of the image to attach fabulous features (external recognizable features, costume elements).

Develop the ability to plotting and composition.

Educating artistic taste, independence, creative initiative.

Preliminary work. Conversation in Russian folk fairy tales, reading passages to clarify ideas about the appearance of the most famous fabulous heroes. Consider fabulous illustrations in children's books. Acquaintance with the art of shallow plastics (fabulous heroes and creatures).

Materials, tools, equipment. Plasticine, stacks, beads, beads, loskutka, cocktail tubes, toothpicks, cardboard or small boxes (from under confectionery) for supports, napkins for paper and plated.

Recommended educational and methodological aids, clarity.

The book "Lepim Fairy Tale" (author I.A. Lykov).

Content classes.

1 . This is considering the exhibits of the museum.

I invite children to the theater studio, where the exhibition of paintings depicted with the image of heroes from Russian folk fairy tales.

"I invite you to a fabulous museum. Many fabulous heroes gathered in our museum. Guys in what fairy tales there is a fire-bird, Snake Gorynych, Baba Yaga, and others?

Music items are represented in the museum. What kind of tales are they who belong to? Look at how many fairy tales gathered here. "

Children are sitting at the tables.

2 Ichti children poem S. Yesenin "Grandma's fairy tales":

In the winter evening on the backyards

Grooming Gorn

On the snowdrifts, on the hillock

We go, delight home.

Salazki are filled

And sit down in two rows

Listen to grandmother's fairy tales

About Ivan-fool.

And we sit, barely breathe.

Time by midnight goes.

We will pretend that we do not hear

If my mother is sleeping.

Tales all. It's time in bed ...

But how to sleep now?

And we talked again,

We begin to pester.

The grandmother will say that:

"What to sit next to dawn?"

Well, and we care,

- How do you say.

3. Showing children illustrations to several Russian folk fairy tales and says that the artists draw illustrations for fairy tales so that we do not only listen to the text, but also well represented yourself, what fabulous heroes or creatures look like (as dressed, which hairstyle, face features), what kind of hairstyle They are character and mood.

I inform you that fabulous heroes can not only draw on paper, but also to do the volume - sculpt, cast in the form ...

- And today we will sculpt the fabulous heroes - Fox Patriceevna, Potapovich's bear, a hare-grip, a girl Alyonushka with a brother Ivanushka, Snow Maiden, grandfather and Baba and Kolobkom, Ivan Tsarevich; On a horse or with a fire-bird, Babu Yagu, the Koschery of the Immortal - who will want. Tryshow in the modeling, what a fabulous hero looks like: what is his clothes (sundress, caftan, skirt with a shirt and apron, spacecraft) and hairstyle, what he does: goes on the road, sits on a bench, shoots onion, fights against the enemy or who -To saves) what is his character (kind, strong, confident, brave or, on the contrary, cusar, angry, cowardly) and what mood (fun or sad).

4 . Reedly smearing the children make finching gymnastics "Brothers for work."

5 . Detty choose materials, incl. Additional (beads for the eyes) and begin to sculpt.

I suggest, if you wish, that if you wish to unite into a pair or group to create a collective composition of several heroes of one fairy tale. I remind you that the figures of fabulous heroes or sculptural groups need to be placed on plasticine or cardboard stands.

6 . In the end of the lesson, the express exhibition is held, the children consider the winged figures and guess who it is from what a fairy tale, what does (what an episode of the fairy tale is captured).

With the help of a lego designer, kids can create their own unique world, passing up the most complex mathematical knowledge, developing motor coordination, shallow motility, training the eye meter. Constructing classes stimulate curiosity, develop figurative and spatial thinking, activate imagination and imagination, arouse initiative and independence, as well as interest in inventiveness and creativity. Before the teacher, it is the most important task - to create the necessary conditions for the involvement of children into a fascinating type of activity, allowing to reveal the potential abilities of their pupils.

Lego-design learning goals in kindergarten, specific tasks and techniques

Lego design is a type of productive activity based on creative modeling () using a wide range of universal lego elements. The use of lego designers helps to implement serious educational tasks, because in the process of a fascinating creative and cognitive game, favorable conditions are created, stimulating the comprehensive development of the preschooler in accordance with the requirements of GEF.

In the process of design, favorable conditions are created that promote the comprehensive development of preschoolers.

Lego-technology is an example of integrating all educational areas both in organized educational activities and in independent activities of children. We give an example of intersection of educational and educational directions in the process of children's design:

  • - The child selects, counts the required, color, part configurations.
  • The development of speech and communication skills - a child replenishes a dictionary with new words, in the design process communicates with adults, sets specific questions about various subjects, clarifies their properties.
  • Correctional work - has a beneficial effect on the development of the child as a whole (a small motorcy is developing, memory, attention, logical and spatial thinking, creative abilities, etc.).
  • Educational work - a joint game with other children and with adults helps the baby becoming more organized, disciplined, purposeful, emotionally stable and efficient, thus plays a positive role in the process of preparing the child to school.

Video: speech therapy occupation using Lego

Lego methods

Junior Preschool Age (2-4 years):

  • learn to distinguish and correctly call the details of the lego designer "DUPLO" (brick, keyboard, bridge, the base of the machine, semicircle, oval, etc.);
  • to acquaint with elementary mental operations analysis of buildings according to such parameters: form, size, color details, learning to compare items;
  • create a simple design according to the sample and specified conditions, for example, a fence for a farm, a garage for the machine;
  • replenish the dictionary with new phrases: long (short), wide (narrow) blue track;
  • develop a shallow motorcy and visual coordination in the process of fastening the details of the designer.

With kids 3-4 years old are used LEGO sets with large elements and simple parts connections

Middle preschool age (4-5 years):

  • form knowledge of symmetry, proportions, concept of part and the whole;
  • teach design using lego cards;
  • measure and free to use the name of Lego-details in speech.

In the middle group, the elements of the medium-sized designer are used, diagrams, photos and pictures with models images are used.

Senior and preparatory group:

  • stimulate child technical creativity;
  • teach modeling according to the drawings and own intent;
  • form the ability to solve technical tasks yourself;
  • introduce the basics of computer simulation.

In working with senior preschoolers, you can use complicated models from small parts

Basic ideas Lego Technology:

  • from simple to complex;
  • accounting of age and individual characteristics;
  • content and effectiveness;
  • development of creative abilities;
  • an integrated approach that provides for the synthesis of training, game, educational activities.

Features of practical use, taking into account the age of children:

  • With the kids 3-4 years old, lego sets are used with large elements and simple parts connections.
  • With children 4-5 years old, the design becomes complicated, medium-sized elements are used, more complex options for connecting parts are used. In the middle group, color photos and pictures are used with images of models for which children must complete the construction. Creative activity is carried out on the topic, sample, intent and simplest conditions.
  • In 6-7 years, various types of lego designers are proposed for technical creativity, from large with simple elements to the most miniature with complex equipment. In working with senior preschoolers, you can use tasks in the form of graphic schemes, complicated models of future buildings, work on the plan, conditions, a variety of thematic tasks.

One of the forms of the implementation of the lego methodology is the festival

Forms of implementing lego-techniques in kindergarten:

  • Planned classes (10-15 minutes in the younger group, 20 minutes in the middle, 25-30 minutes in senior and preparatory).
  • Individual work of the teacher in a pair with a child or with a subgroup of children (1 time per week no more than 40 minutes):
    • preparation of a child to the competition;
    • work with gifted or lagging children.
  • Long-term and short-term projects whose participants may be:
    • tutor;
    • children and parents.
  • Casual independent design, a construction game free from planned occupation time.
  • Festivals, contests, quiz.
  • Circle work, which is conducted by educators of the children's preschool institution.

Theatrical game develops fantasy and creative abilities

Takes to work with children in design classes from block designer

In the learning process, such pedagogical techniques are used:

  • An introductory conversation with which the teacher attracts attention to the subject of classes. For example, at the beginning of the classes in the preparatory group, the teacher tells an exciting fairy tale about the good bird, with which no one wanted to be friends because of her Big Beak. The bird was sad for a long time, but then he learned that there was an amazing country in the world called Lego, in which all animals and birds live very friendly. In this wonderful country, all objects and even residents are made of small details. You can get there in only one way - you need to go through a magic bridge, which turns anyone who has pulled on it, in a handful of small cubes and bricks. If the kids gather the figure of the bird on the diagram correctly, it will help her to ride and overcome all the trials on the way to the country of friendship and happiness in which she can make friends with a crocodile and monkey.
  • A problem situation that will interest, activates thinking and involves children in active constructive activities. For example, Lego Cosmonaut descends under the sounds of music in a balloon, he welcomes children and tells his amazing story. Children find out that he flew from a distant Lego Planet. During landing on Earth, his spacecraft crashed, and now he can not return home. Lego-man asks the guys to help him simulate a new rocket, which delivers him to his native planet.
  • Scene-role game. As a rule, Lego design goes into game activity: children use models of railway stations, ships, cars, etc. in role-playing games, as well as game-theatrical games, when the guys first build scenery, create fabulous characters from the designer. The playback of mini performances on the Lego scene helps the child deeper to the storyline deeper, work out the skills of the recovery or communication.

    Lego design often goes into game activity: children use models built in role-playing games

  • Didactic game. An example of exercises aimed at mastering sensory and spatial concepts using Lego Technology:
    • "Find the item, like me";
    • "Build with closed eyes";
    • "Find the same building as on the card";
    • "Spread on color";
    • "Gather a memory figurine" (out of 4-6 parts).
  • Task on the sample, accompanied by a displacement and explanations of the teacher. Example: Guys, look, I have a frog on my table, designed from the details of the Lego set. Let's look carefully and wonder how it is made. The eyes are made of green cubes, Rotik is a red brick, legs made of green bricks.
  • Design using technological maps and instructions. Suggest a job in schemes in a game form, for example, the teacher informs children that they have to become shipbuilders today. The designers of the shipbuilding plant sent the drawings of the ship, children need to build models of ships according to these schemes. To get to the design bureau, it is necessary to overcome a small test: to find in the bag to the touch item and say how it is called.

Schemes work can be offered preschoolers in a game form.

  • Creative design by plan or via drawn model. Such classes are practiced in working with senior preschoolers who have already mastered the main techniques, and they can offer work on pictures, photographs depicting an object to a favorite topic.

Video: Lego technology in working with preschoolers

Constructing methods are currently relevant to

Methods for learning preschoolers Design:

  • sample;
  • according to the model;
  • under conditions;
  • on card schemes;
  • on a free intent;
  • thematic design.

Photo gallery: examples of card schemes, instructions and models for Lego design

Column and Fence Design Scheme Design Schemes Stacking Figurines Figure Scheme Design Manual LEGO Flower Model Models Models Models Model Motor Transport Model Truck Instructions Example of drawn LEGO-structural model schemes Instructions for designing helicopter Simpler LEGO-DIY Schemes

What are the Lego-Design classes

  • Introductionary - the teacher conducts theoretical acquaintance of preschoolers with new lego parts and techniques of design, depending on the configuration of the set (in the younger and middle groups - a set of "DUKLO", from a senior preschool age - a set of "Dakta").
  • Schedule - study of the framework of modeling according to a schematic step by step algorithm. First, the guys create the simplest designs of boats, bridges, airplanes, machines, men by sample, and then begin to invent their own models.
  • Memory occupation - helps consolidate and improve the basic skills and skills obtained, provides the ability to train the visual memory.
  • Thematic - design on a certain subject, stimulating the development of creative imagination. Examples of topics: "Multi-storey house", "fire truck", "Bridge over a river", "Furniture for doll", "Roofs and canopies", "Man", "Ship", "Magic Fish", "Lego Mosaic".
  • Occupation in the framework of the project is the collective free creative activity of the search nature. Each child participates in the planning of the future building, is responsible for its plot of work performed (bridge, traffic light, machine, etc.), has the opportunity to express its opinion on the content and purpose of this project. Within the framework of the project, children can receive an interesting task for the house, to fulfill their parents. An example of topics for creative projects: "Rustic house", "Gifts for holidays", "Travel to Africa", "Zoo", "Lego Olympiad", "Robogene". In the senior group, you can conduct a comprehensive project on the topic "Terenty-Tether":
  • Control - Allows the teacher after studying the complex topic to monitor the knowledge and skills of pupils and identify children who need personal care.
  • Competitive - competition, which is carried out in a game form. Children in the lot or at will be broken by 3 teams, choose the chief designer or architect and begin to work. The results of the competition will bring the jury, which includes an educator, speech therapist, psychologist, two-three children. Themes of competitive classes can be: "New sports complex", "Visiting a fairy tale", "City of the Future", etc.
  • Combined - solves several diverse educational tasks, for example, the "world of fairy tales", "times, two, three or building numbers", "Geometric Domino", "Pets", "Underwater World", "City Transport".
  • The final - summarizes the results of a certain study period (half a year, year), most often passes in the form of a presentation of creative works.

Competitive occupation is a competition that is conducted in a game form.

Table: Card Schedule in Lego-Design

Theme lesson Type of occupation Software tasks
"Kindergarten for children is glad"Occupation in the middle group
  • intensify the productive imagination of children;
  • stimulate the creation of children of their own embodiments, mastered in classes, introducing into familiar buildings of novelty elements;
  • fasten the knowledge of the design properties of the material and the skills of the correct connection of the details.
"My favorite toys"
  • consolidate the knowledge obtained in the older group;
  • learning to call the topic and give a general description.
"Autumn forest"Study in the younger group
  • formation of the concept of the structure of the tree (trunk, crown, leaves, fruits);
  • learning to distinguish trees from each other;
  • fasten the names of details and color.
  • continue to acquaint children with the design capabilities of various parts used to give the shape of different objects (oval part, semicircle, etc.);
  • to form a sense of symmetry and the ability to correctly alternate the color in their buildings;
  • develop the ability to analyze the sample - allocate in it functionally significant parts (edges, base), call and show the details of the constructor, of which these parts are built.
"Cargo van"
  • introduce children with the appointment of trucks - vans;
  • determine the design features of cars - vans;
  • teach the allocation of internal space;
  • develop the ability to follow the instructions of the teacher, place the construction on the board;
  • develop imagination and creativity.
"Build a house"Study lesson in the senior group
  • form the ability to build volumetric structures using new building elements (roofs, windows);
  • shape the ability to compose riddles.
"Flowering plants"Comprehensive occupation in the middle group
  • repeat the name of indoor flowering plants;
  • recall the basic rules of care of indoor plants;
  • repeat the structure of the flower;
  • learning to select details on the color corresponding to a specific flower.
"Bird feeders"Schedule in the medium group
  • fasten the skills to build according schemes;
  • learning to build a feeder from a lego designer;
  • distribute the details of the lego designer correctly.
"Forest inhabitants"Comprehensive occupation in the preparatory group
  • enrich children's knowledge about the animals of the native region;
  • actualize knowledge about the structure of animals and change in life in the autumn period;
  • learning to build on selected photo-formers using Lego-card file;
  • continue to develop speech creativity, making up descriptive riddles.
"One man lived in the world"Thematic occupation in the middle groupThis is a unique list
  • develop sample analysis and modeling skills in accordance with the sample of the man's figurines;
  • develop creative and communicative abilities.
"Lego Sport"Project in senior and preparatory groups
  • continue to acquaint children with a variety of Lego designers;
  • develop communication skills, cognitive interest;
  • brief interest in modeling a figure of a person-athlete.
"My street"Project in the middle group
  • give children the basic concepts of urban landscape, remember the features of urban buildings;
  • develop the ability to transmit the form of an object with the means of the designer;
  • secure the fastening skill of parts.
"I will always be attentive"Comprehensive occupation in the middle group
  • repeat the rules of the road;
  • consolidate the ability to build different types of urban transport;
  • learn in advance to think about the content of the future building, give her a description;
  • develop a creative initiative and independence.
"Transport"Thematic lesson in the senior group
  • learn to build structures by plan;
  • consolidate knowledge about transport types;
  • continue to learn to compose riddles.
"Drawbridge"Thematic occupation in the middle group
  • rail interest in building buildings, team skills.
"Spaceship"Schedule in the preparatory group
  • consolidate the ability of children to design on a given topic using reference schemes;
  • intensify attention, thinking;
  • educate interest in building buildings;
  • shape team skills.
"House for a dog"Study lesson in the middle group
  • the formation of the ability to follow the proposed instructions, given the methods for fastening parts;
  • transmit the features of the objects of the LEGO designer;
  • consolidate the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding details, their properties;
  • determine the purpose of parts of objects, their spatial location;
  • select the correct sequence of actions.
  • consolidate knowledge of domestic animals;
  • secure the ability to analyze the sample, allocate the main parts of animals;
  • continue to develop the imagination of children;
  • to form in children a steady interest in constructive activities;
  • desire to experiment, create, to invent.
"New Year card"Thematic lesson in the preparatory group
  • learning to build volumetric plane images;
  • embody their intention by relying on the sample;
  • continue to learn to compose the riddles about the new year;
  • continue to combine parts into various compositions;
  • learning to work in the team.
"Animals on the farm"Comprehensive occupation in the middle group
  • consolidate knowledge of domestic animals;
  • learn to analyze the sample, allocate the main parts of animals;
  • develop a constructive imagination of children.
"Space"Complex lesson in the senior group
  • learn in advance to think about the content of the future building;
  • develop creative initiative, independence;
  • develop speech: cosmos riddles, reading poems;
  • formation of the concept of the structure of aircraft.
"Sunny city"Complex lesson in the senior group
  • expand the knowledge of pupils about gender affiliation;
  • promote awareness of someone else's personality;
  • improve the ability to work on the proposed algorithm;
  • consolidate the ability to understand and follow the verbal instruction of an adult;
  • exercise children in the construction of various buildings from the "Lego" constructor;
  • teach design by photography.
"Military equipment"Complex activity according to the scheme in the preparatory group
  • recall the concepts about the army, military equipment;
  • fasten the ability to build military equipment according to the scheme using the existing design skills.
Quest "Together with Pope"Participants: Pupils of Middle and Senior Preschool, Parents, Teachers
  • to give children knowledge about the army, to form their first ideas about the birth of troops, to introduce military equipment;
  • fasten the ability to build a plane according to the scheme using the existing design skills.
"Favorite fabulous characters"Comprehensive occupation in the middle group
  • develop fantasy and imagination;
  • develop the ability to plan work on the basis of the analysis of the characteristics of the images of fabulous heroes;
  • transfer characteristic features.
Project "Tsvetics - Semisweetics"Participants: Pupils of Middle and Senior Preschool, Parents
  • repeat the structure of the bird;
  • continue to learn to create a design on the plan;
  • learning to transfer the features of a certain bird by selecting color and details.
"We invite you to the museum"Final exhibition in the form of exhibition works for parents and teachers
  • develop attention, the ability to focus, memory, thinking, imagination, creative abilities;
  • mastering the ability to mentally divide the subject to components and collect the whole of parts;
  • learn to communicate with each other, arrange joint games, respect your and someone else's work.

Video: Lego-design lesson in the senior group on the topic "Space Journey"

Photo Gallery: Examples of made crafts

Crafts on the topic "Sea Journey" Crafts on the topic "Journey to Africa" \u200b\u200bFlower in Mosaic technique Helicopter in Mosaic technique Crocodile in the mosaic technique Collective project "City of the Future" Exhibition of creative works Collective project "Magic Tale" Collective project "Gus-Swan" collective project Project "Children's playground" Collective project "Kindergarten of the Future" decoration to the role-playing game "Kolobok" Collective project "Summer Olympic Games"

Organization and conducting lesson with Lego in kindergarten

An occupation in kindergarten has its own logical structure:

  1. The organizational stage is a motivating start in the game form (up to 5 minutes).
  2. The main stage (from 10 minutes in the younger group up to 25 minutes in the preparatory) is the most active practical part of the lesson, which includes the following activities:
    • showing the sample, explaining the teacher of step by step instructions, analysis of the circuit circuit;
    • independent work of children in sample, scheme or creative intent, preschoolers can work individually, in a pair or as part of a small subgroup;
    • fizkultminutka, video freight with lego-little men, mobile games, finger or respiratory gymnastics that will help relax, and then with fresh forces to return to fascinating design.
  3. Final, final stage (up to 5 minutes) - reflexion, cleaning of jobs, organization of the exhibition of children's work. The analysis is carried out taking into account such criteria:
    • accuracy, symmetry, integrity and attractive appearance of the design;
    • technical skills and skills;
    • the degree of independence of the work done;
    • purpose, discipline, diligence, sense of partnership and emotional responsiveness, shown during work on the project.

Where to begin

The organizational part of the lesson is important to spend unusually, interestingly, exciting and creatively. A bright, intriguing principle will help to form a positive attitude towards class and teacher, will create a favorable emotional attitude, liberate the guys and will awaken the desire to experiment and create. To activate cognitive interest, search activity and attention of preschoolers, the educator in the introductory part of the lesson usually uses rich and diverse motivating material in combination with pedagogical techniques:

  • the moment of surprise is the introduction to a dialogue with the children of a toy character, a favorite fairy-tale hero, who will ask for help, puzzles and please, invite children to a fascinating journey into a fabulous country;
  • video video of a fabulous or fictional hero;
  • poems and riddles;
  • reading a fragment of the work of fiction;
  • didactic and mobile games;
  • cognitive conversation and discussion of issues;
  • problem situation;
  • musical accompaniment, view pictures, demonstration of presentations, video or animated films.

The organizational part of the classes is important to spend unusually, interesting, exciting and creatively

Table: Examples of the motivational part of the lesson

Theme lesson Description of motivating part
"Journey to Lego-Country" (Problem Situation)Video inventory of residents of Lego-Country:
"Hello guys! The cunning wizard broke all the rides in our beloved fleet of fun games and entertainment. Now our residents stopped smiling and became very sad. We ask you to visit our country, help us repaired the amusement park and return the smiles to all Lego men. "
"Circus" (Problem Situation)The improvised circus consists of chairs arranged by a semicircle. Children occupy places in four multi-colored sectors, according to the tickets with which the lego detail of red, blue, green and yellow colors. On the screen, the plot of the circus presentation, the tutor in a clown suit dedicates children to the problem: "Guys, the circus happened misfortune, all our trained animals disappeared. The view will be torn. Will you help return our main artists? "
Children agree, and happy clown offers several focus with Lego-details (didactic games).
Didactic fairy tale on the topic "Traffic light"Such an occupation will help not only master the design of design, but also to get acquainted with the rules of behavior on the road.
There were three friends: Mitya Runs, Fedya's Bear and Lietonka Lizonka. They decided once to play in the playground in the ball, and the playground was across the road. Friends stopped near the road and began to think how to go to the other side. I noticed their confusion of dad bunny and told how safe and correctly need to move the road. Pedestrian crossing is drawn by white stripes (zebra). It turns out that the transition has its important head by the name of the traffic police, which commands pedestrians and cars. You can find it on three mugs that light up in turn. If red eyes burns, then you need to stand still. Yellow eye means "Attention" - the cars begin to slow down, and pedestrians are preparing for movement. When the green lights up - you can safely go through the road.
"Build a gate" (discussion of questions in the younger group)Let's see what construction details our cargo cars brought.
What is it? (Bricks)
What can be built with bricks? (Gate, steps, houses)
What is our gate? Are they durable, comfortable and beautiful? (Show pictures)
Why do you need a gate? (so that the cars can enter and leave)
Which gates need to be built to drive big cars? (wide and high)
Do you want to build a gate? Think for which cars will be your gate.
"Dunno came to visit us" (moment of surprise)Dunno came to visit the guys, but it turns out, it turns out to open it "the key", which will become the adulted mystery. By completing the task and opening the suitcase, the children discover there a set of constructor and card schemes. Neyno first sees mysterious details and does not understand that from them you can do. The teacher asks the guys to come up and construct interesting and beautiful models, and then tell me.

Fascinating didactic games will create a favorable emotional attitude

Table: games for lessons on Lego-Method

Name of the game Description
"Magic dictation"Geometric mosaic, which helps consolidate the concept of spatial perception: at the top - down, on the right - left. According to the verbal instructions, the kids independently have a lego part on the plate.
"Collect chain"The game develops the ability to make the simplest logical chains of alternating parts that are selected in color, shape, size.
The game fixes the names of the details, develops attention and memory.
Drawing up a variety of symmetric patterns.
"Mysterious Guest"Construction of a simple model for verbal instructions in the form of a dictation.
"Magic walkway"When building a track, you need to follow the rules, for example, each player continues a logical chain by setting the brick of the same color or size.
"Gather Details" (moving game)Children are divided into two players teams, each of which has its own detail of a certain color, for example: two two blue and two in four red. Players take turns to transfer details from one box to another, defeats the team that quickly coped with the task.
"Lego Men"Men in red suits symbolize vowel sounds, and in blue - consonants. Changing "men" in places, the child gets new sound combinations and new syllables. In the future, red and blue bricks will come to the change of lego-little men, with the help of which you can draw up schemes of words and proposals.
Roleplay "Space Journey"The game is aimed at the development of cognitive interest, skills of interaction and structural abilities.
The educator invites children to prepare for flight to the orbital station, simply explaining that this is such a space house for research. Cosmonauts before flying get tasks from engineers, doctors, biologists, astronomers. Children together with the educator choose the team of cosmonauts, a group of doctors who will prepare astronauts to fly. Then the engineers, designers and builders are prescribed, which will create an aircraft according to the drawn sample. Designers plan the sequence of their actions: build a platform from plates, fuel departments of bricks, housing and nose rockets from cylinders and cone. Cosmonauts get a task: to draw counter planets, stars, explore the behavior of plants in space. The rocket is sent on the journey, doctors, engineers and designers are watching the flight, the radio line is responsible for uninterrupted communications.
"Equilibrium" (mobile game)The child puts the brick Lego on his head, the rest of the children give him tasks, for example, sit down twice, make three steps forward, turn right, work out. If the child performs three tasks and does not drop the item, it means that he won and receives a prize.
"Dreaming to toys"In advance, designed and cooked toys (houses, bridges, towers, cars, etc.) are placed on the playroom. At the signal, children start moving towards toys. The wins the child who first reached the goal.
"Continue the story"Children, together with the teacher, determine, about whom will compose the story, choose from a set of figures. The tutor starts the phrase, the children pick or design the desired toy, then each invents the continuation and end of the phrase.
"Room for toys"Children choose cards with furniture design schemes, discuss each option and appointment of furniture objects, a sequence of actions.
"Who knows what can do"Children view the animal figurine from the set and call its actions, for example, a mouse - runs, jumps, gnawing; Kitten - purr, tumbling, drinks milk, scratched, amused by a ball; Puppy - barks, plays, wags the tail, runs, etc.
"Find a toy"The teacher lays a pre-prepared crafts, then asks children to answer the questions and find a designed toy, for example, what toy on the left? What is lower? What is the right?
"One, a lot"The purpose of the game is to consolidate the skills for the formation of forms of the petition case of a multiple number of nouns names. The teacher lays simple buildings on the table, made by children (houses, colors, machines, etc.), and lines a conversation on this topic.
The teacher lays small structures on two plates (fish, chickens, cubes, etc.) and asks children to put the desired number of figures on the plates.
"Teremok" (director's game)The teacher offers children to construct the figures of the heroes of fabulous history and beat a fairy tale. Children during the fulfillment of the task characterize the hero, think over and create an image, pronounce the words from his behalf, the educator directs the work of children, if necessary, asks leading questions.
"Dvor" (to the fairy tale K. Chukovsky "Chicken")The educator invites children to go on a bird courtyard. Children remember who they can meet there, together create heroes and invent their fabulous plot.

Video: Lego Fairy Tale "Teremok"

Photo Gallery: Examples of Lego Games

The game "Draw Detail" develops sensory and logical thinking game "Magic patterns" is aimed at drawing up a variety of symmetric patterns. Designing according to the scheme develops color perception and spatial thinking game "Multicolored columns" fixes the knowledge of colors. Folding numbers. Develops spatial thinking and skills. Conditions on the Card When filling the squares, you need to follow the rules design under the conditions depicted on the table, develops logical thinking. The solution of mathematical examples is fixes the skills of the account "Logical chain" develops the thinking "Collect the figure" teaches to think spatially "Collect a numerical slide" develops the score skills

Video: Cartoon about Lego Machine

Poem about Lego

  • "Lego" is a smart game,
    Incorrect, cunning.
    I wonder here to play
    Build, make up, search!
    I invite all friends
    "Lego" collect speeds.
    There and adults are interesting:
    In "Lego" to play useful!
  • Times, two, three - there are details,
    So that they have become the machine.
    Gather a garage. Later
    Do not forget to build a house.
    Can be the threshold
    Put another road
    Select a bridge place -
    That will be beauty!
    From the designer of this
    That do not do - all intelligent!
  • Machines, robots, animals,
    Your friends, your girlfriends.
    Pirates, castles and mines,
    And trains and whole city!
    Your favorite characters -
    On land, in the air, the sea.
    You will disabling the whole world with them -
    Go, fly, build ...
    And in this world - cheerful, bright,
    Where there are magic gifts
    You plunge like in the sea from Brecha:
    Welcome to the world "LEGO"!
  • Lego is the world of fantasies!
    World of ideas, varieties.
    Studying schemes in it,
    May come home.
    Or we will build a castle,
    Where a big dragon lives.
    He is princess Storozhit
    And flashed on everyone.
    Lego Hand is developing
    And it does not interfere with us.
    And I will tell about Lego I
    This is the best game!
  • Spare parts here Millions!
    We are on Lego Champions!
    Want to raise the mood?
    In Lego start playing.
    From Lego you can collect all
    The main thing is to include fantasy.
    We have a lego designer,
    You can not be bored with him
    We build cars and houses
    And we all advise you to play.
    Lego is a beauty!
    We build various houses from cubes
    And car, and garage,
    House, ship, even school.
    Lego just "super" class!
    We now do not run at all,
    We do not want at all
    Because in "super" lego
    We play the whole group!
  • The boy was, oh, mischievous!
    And now completely different.
    When bought him lego
    Not to know now Oleg.
    He does not look like
    Barely look at the drawing,
    And already walks the robot,
    Instead of a nose long trunk,
    On the sleeves of the color pattern.
    Our designer is a fantasist,
    Plays whole hours
    How calmly became mom.
    She is glad for Oleg!
    Buy Lego's children!

Table: An example of an abstract of a project of a project on lego-design in the preparatory group "Build an entertainment park"

AuthorR.R. Bodanova
purposeCreate a children's park using the LEGO-Duplo constructor.
  • find out what Park, Children's Park;
  • discuss and approve the park objects;
  • create a plan - a children's park scheme;
  • arrange objects according to plan;
  • submit a project to protect.
Preparatory stagePreliminary work (motivation to the collection of information).
Last week we remembered how summer spent. Many guys visited different children's amusement parks. Share your impressions.
- In every city there are parks. People walk there, trees, flowers, flowers are growing, are fountains. In the summer, with my family I was in the Moon Park. This is a children's amusement park. There were American hills, children's railway, ferris wheel, attractions. In the cafe, on the territory of the park, we ate ice cream and drank cola. Some of you were still in a children's park?
- I was in the Fabby Island Children's Park. There, too, there was a ferris wheel, a different carousel, you can ride on Japanese bike, on quad bikes, scooter. There was still a pond, in which swans swam. We fed them. In the cafe, we also ate ice cream.
- Children's parks attend all the children with great pleasure and this topic is very interesting to us. Each park of the city has its own name, its history of creation, for example: one of the "Rhodes" ideas of creating a park "Wonderland" of Moscow is the landscape architect V.I. Ivanov (explains the meaning of the word landscape). And what is the park? Why do children's parks call children's? (Task for the house).
Organizational partRules of work
1. The time of work is not shouting, do not interfere and not push each other;
2. Control changes in the construction under the contract with the architect.
- When creating a super-market model from the LEGO designer, we met such professions as an architect, engineer. In order to start construction, it is necessary, as before, distribute the roles in our project.
We decided to choose the main architect, and then engineers responsible for each park object.
Main architector
- Let's discuss what will be in our park. I suggest to create a platform with carousers, swings in the children's park.
Vitaly: It is necessary to make American slides.
Svetlana: Let the zoo be in our park. It's so interesting!
Victor: Let's make a pond. I saw it beautiful. In it will be swans and bridge.
Alena: It is necessary to make a cafe "Ice cream" and toy shops.
Stepan: The fleet must also be created.
Lyudmila: and decorate our park with flowers, flower beds, beautiful trees.
Ivanna: Let's make the scene with benches.
Main architector
- Let's summarize: platform with carousers and swings; Sandbox with slides zoo; Pond cafe "Ice cream"; car park; Toy shop, landscaping, put benches.
Main architector
- Before proceeding to the construction of the park, a plan-scheme is needed. Let the entire territory of the park - this is this sheet of paper (Watman, A1). Let's agree on what color we denote our buildings.
They say what the construction is what color and apply to the plan (attach). Pink - swing; Yellow - slide; blue - attractions; Blue - bridge over the pond; gray - zoo cells; Red - cafe; beige - benches; Brown - toy shops. It turned out a mockup of a children's park.
Main architector
- Now we define the scheme where trees, flowers will be located. For landscaping our park is responsible landscape designer. Children are discussing.
- Everyone will express an offer, where its object will be located on the plan-scheme. Foke with the use of symbols. The chief architect compares with the plan, approves.
Implementation of buildings. Discussion inside groups. The architect monitors the execution of the rules.
Main partIndependent work of children.
Final partMain architector
- All the guys graduated from construction and lay according to plan. Landscape architects are proceeded to work. We present the jury project.
Can distribute part of the performance between engineers, maybe the entire chief architect is submitted.
- In order to answer the question of what Park is, we looked at the children's encyclopedia, the book "Theater", the group looked at the fleet, technopark, about Disneyland Park. We learned that the parks are different, but it is important for whom they are. If for cars is a fleet, if cars come for a while - it is parking; There may be technoparks, and this means that the park is various techniques.
Children's park is called a nursery because there are many entertainment for children. In such parks, there must be a carousel, fleet, the ferris wheel, i.e. attractions. We present to your attention a project of the children's fleet of our group. In the park there are shops of toys, cafe, carousel, pond with a bridge, a fleet. Who wants, can go to admire the swans in the park, someone runs on the swing.
Thus, we answered the main question: Children's Park is called nursery, because in all parks there are entertainment for children, children come there to have fun. There you can jump, run, shoot, ride, eat ice cream. We also built your park for children. It contains the following objects (list). Thus, we believe that the goal is achieved. When building the park, all offers can be taken into account.
Thanks for attention!
The jury specify no more than two clarifying issues.
The jury includes pupils of the preparatory group No. 2.
Chairman of the jury is an educator.

Lego is not just a fun toy, it is an excellent tool contributing to the enrichment of the inner world of the child, the disclosure of his personal features, manifestation of creative potential and the implementation of opportunities. A variety of lessons with the use of lego technology provide a real chance to each kid to develop a logical and spatial thinking, imagination, independence and skills of interaction with peers, and teaching the guys with technical creativity. The creative game will help deeper to understand the child, consequently, to develop an effective means to solve the problems of both the child and the teacher.

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