How to make white paper snowflakes. We stock up on materials and tools for creating do-it-yourself paper snowflakes in the style of modular origami. We need these materials

If you want to decorate your room before the New Year with beautiful paper snowflakes, first of all, you need to know how to fold and prepare the paper for this. Well, then, when you do everything right, all that remains is to pick up scissors and be guided by your inspiration and imagination. And the diagrams and instructions that we provide in this article will help you correctly fold paper for a snowflake.

How to prepare paper for a snowflake

Suppose you have a sheet of A4 office paper in front of you. How to make the right blank out of it in order to cut a snowflake? It's pretty simple. In addition, from an ordinary office sheet, you can make a blank for not one, but for as many as three snowflakes of different sizes. How to do this, you will understand if you carefully consider the attached diagram. First, fold it, but not in half, but so that you get two unequal parts, as shown in the figure. Then, bend each part at a right angle and cut off the excess. You have two paper squares of different sizes. Finally, when cutting off the smaller part, you will get another rectangle. If you do the same manipulations with him, then you will get another small square blank. It can also be used to make a small snowflake. As you can see, so far everything is very simple.

How to fold paper for a snowflake. Scheme

A classic snowflake has six rays. So, from a paper square, we need to make a hexagon first. Carefully consider the schemes that we offer you, and you will see that it is not simple, but very simple.

First, fold your square blank into a triangle. Like this.

Now you need to take two of its opposite corners and lay them on top of each other, at about a 60 degree angle. But don't worry, you won't need a protractor. high precision is not required here. The most important thing is to roughly outline the middle of the base of the triangle and from it already bend the corners to the opposite edge. If you did everything right - and we are sure that this is the way it is, then you will get such a paper figure.

Cut off the hanging corners - and you have a hexagonal blank. It is not necessary to unfold it at all, you can immediately start cutting a snowflake. Moreover, you will burn not even pre-cut the corners, but immediately start cutting a snowflake along the folds. For example - like this.

When you unfold it, you will get something like this picture. Just unroll very carefully.

How to fold paper for a snowflake with eight rays. Scheme

It's also very simple. We begin to fold our paper blank as we did in the previous version. In other words, first add like this.

Then we bend our triangle again and get:

We fold our future snowflake again.

And again we bend it - pay attention to exactly how this should be done.

We cut off all excess.

And we begin to cut the snowflake.

The end result is a snowflake with eight rays.

The most beautiful paper masterpieces are obtained if you know how to fold paper for a New Year's snowflake. Only in nature, these wonderful carved snowflakes are 6-rayed, but together with the children we can make a 4-ray, 6-ray, and even a snowflake with 8-rays.

In order for your snowflake to turn out well, you must first pick up thin paper. It is better to use tracing paper or thin paper napkins for cutting snowflakes. This will make it easier to cut out small details on paper folded in several layers.

For thin openwork snowflakes, you need to take small (you can manicure) scissors. If you are carving snowflakes with children, then warn them to be careful and not cut themselves.

How many rays our New Year's snowflake will have depends on how you fold the paper. Let's try to put together different snowflakes together.

Three ways to fold the correct 6-ray snowflake

In this video, I'll show you how to fold the correct snowflake in three different ways.

Scheme of folding a classic 6-ray snowflake

Correct (as in nature) 6 ray snowflakes. they turn out very pretty.

To fold the correct snowflake, take a square piece of paper. To practice, first cut out a square from an A4 sheet, and then you can make smaller snowflakes.

Fold the square as shown in Fig.1 and Fig.2. The most difficult moment of folding is point 3 and 4. It is necessary to calculate the angle in such a way that the edges of the paper converge, i.e. angle will be the same. Then just cut off the excess paper with scissors.

After that, draw a pattern on the triangle. You can take a ready-made snowflake template or dream up and make your own unique New Year's snowflake.

Scheme of folding a 4-ray snowflake

Four-ray snowflakes are the simplest. Such snowflakes are cut even by small children. Folding such a snowflake out of paper is simple, and it is also easy to cut it out. Look at the scheme for folding a 4-ray snowflake.

Fold a square sheet of paper diagonally. Then fold the resulting triangle again and draw with a thin simple pencil the outline along which you will cut.

How to fold an 8-ray snowflake

An eight-ray snowflake is easy to fold. Look at the step-by-step folding photos. Fold the square sheet in half and the resulting triangle in half 2 more times. Cut off the excess paper. Draw a snowflake and cut it out. You will get a snowflake with 8 rays.

Dear my readers, I want to warn you right away: In order to view this message - you will need time! There are a lot of options for snowflakes! They are all very, very beautiful!

In order to learn how to make such snowflakes - you only need one thing! Your great wish! Decorating the house for the New Year holidays is a good tradition. There must be a lot of decorations! Patterned snowflakes should be in every room. Different in size, color, execution technique, they will decorate not only your Christmas tree, windows, but also your life. May the holidays be great! I wish you happy holidays!

Master classes.

Beautiful paper snowflakes will be a good home decoration for the New Year. They will create an atmosphere of a snow-white, winter fairy tale in the apartment. Yes, and just cutting paper snowflakes of various shapes can be fun, because this is an exciting activity and they should also captivate their children. If you don’t know how to cut snowflakes out of paper, or if you forgot how to do it, then this is not a problem. Next, you will see that everything is very simple. Even a child can handle it. For the New Year holiday, we suggest you make a lot of snowflakes and, moreover, of different shapes.

How to cut a snowflake out of paper?

How to cut a snowflake out of paper?

It is surprisingly easy to create a beautiful snowflake from a regular sheet of paper. To do this, you just need to use - scissors, paper, pencil, beautiful schemes, your inspiration and some free time.

We first fold the snowflake blank from a square sheet of paper, as shown in the picture below. Using various beautiful schemes, it is possible to cut hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of snowflakes of various, beautiful and unpredictable shapes from the created triangular base.

Using a simple pencil, we transfer the drawings that are shown in the diagrams to the base, and then cut out the snowflakes.

How to make a volumetric snowflake out of paper?

A three-dimensional snowflake looks much more spectacular than a regular snowflake, and it is also easy to create (a little more difficult). Similar fabulous 3D snowflakes can be hung around the rooms, as well as on the Christmas tree itself to create an atmosphere of the New Year holiday. You will need: 6 square sheets of paper, glue, scissors, a stapler, some inspiration and free time (15 minutes is enough). A voluminous snowflake, if desired, can be made multi-colored using colored paper to create its individual elements. But before you learn how to create volumetric snowflakes without instructions, it is better to use plain white paper (first practice on it). And the snow-white voluminous snowflake will always be in fashion.

1. First we make 6 such square blanks for the future snowflake. You can download these blanks for small or large snowfields, and then print them out on a printer. If you are creating a large snowflake, then it is better to use high-density paper - this is necessary so that the snowflake can hold its shape. Fold each square in half diagonally and make cuts with scissors, heading from the fold to the center line.

2. We open the square with cuts, which was folded diagonally, and place it in front of us as shown in the picture. We twist the first row of strips with a tube and fasten them with glue.

3. We turn the snowflake over to the other side and start working with the next two strips: we also connect them and fasten them with glue. We continue to work in the same spirit: we turn the snowflake over and fasten the remaining strips. As a result of the actions taken, we should have such a twisted bizarre element.

4. We have created one of the rays for our three-dimensional snowflake, and we need to make six of these! Therefore, we do the same with the other 5 blanks. We connect in the middle three rays of snowflakes with a stapler. Similarly, we connect the remaining three rays of the snowflake. Next, we connect these two large parts together.

5. Our beautiful volumetric snowflake is almost ready! It is only necessary with the help of glue to connect the snowflake in those places where the rays touch each other. This is necessary in order for the snowflake to keep its shape properly.

So we made a voluminous snowflake out of paper! What good fellows we are! Now you can color it too!

How to make a three-dimensional origami snowflake?

It will not be so easy here, and it is possible that you will spend at least one hour creating your first origami snowflake. Well, in the future, when you understand the algorithm for creating such snowflakes, things will go much faster. One caveat - the thinner the paper, the more elegant the snowflakes will turn out. Translucent translucent snowflakes will look great on the window. Well, at first you can train on office plain paper.

Before creating an origami snowflake, you need to turn a rectangular or square sheet of paper into a hexagon. This is one of the most important points, which will then affect whether our venture will be successful.

1. We fold the paper twice in half so that clear fold lines are visible.

2. Fold one corner with the top towards the center. We bend the top flap to the edge. Now we have 2 more fold lines.

3. We bend the paper in half again as shown in the picture on the left. To make the figure from the right picture come out, use two X marks as a reference point and bend flap A along the dotted line.

4. Combining the blue and red lines, bend the valve. As a result of these actions, you should get a shape that looks like a heart.

5. Focusing on the X points, cut off a part of the workpiece along the blue line with scissors. In the future, we only need a hexagon - part A.

If you have any difficulties with the hexagon, then you can find tips and answers in the video:

6. We bend one of the sides of the hexagon to the center to form a fold line. We do the same with all 6 sides. Now we have many lines within our hexagon that form small triangles.

7. Again, bend the edge of the hexagon to the center. Using the fold lines made in the previous step, we bend flap A to B, as shown in the left picture. We fold the other two sides of the hexagon in the same way until we create a figure that resembles a pinwheel in shape. The last valve can easily cause difficulty, since it will be hidden under the fold. It needs to be pulled out so that we have six valves sticking out, as shown in the picture on the right.

8. Lightly press the fold of each pocket with your finger to form something similar to the picture in the center. It does not matter which of the valves will be on top.

9. We bend on each unfolded pocket two blue corners to the central part of the dotted line. This must be done to prepare the fold line for the next step. The resulting figure should be externally similar to the image on the right.

10. Carefully unfold the folds made in step 8 to open the fold lines. In each pocket we combine the blue and red dots X. The fold lines obtained in step 9 will help us with this. When we do this operation with all 6 pockets, our figure will look like the image on the right.

11. We turn the workpiece over and bend each corner of the hexagon to the center. A small flap should form each adjacent fold. Do not hide the small valve under the fold. Let him stay on top. You did everything right if you got a blank that looks like the picture on the right.

12. For all small flaps, press the fold line to get new fold lines that will be needed in the next step.

13. We turn out the folds made in the previous step, hiding the valves from below.

14. We turn the figure over, turn each corner from the center as far as possible and bend it. We should have 12 valves - 6 large and 6 small.

15. We turn the workpiece over. Between the two large valves you see small valves. We push each small valve forward. Now we have six diamonds.

16. For each half of the rhombus, we pull the blue edge to the center of the rhombus and press the fold to the edge. As a result, we have a figure, as in the image on the right. It remains to repeat this action 12 times and the origami snowflake will be ready!

How to fold an origami snowflake (video tutorial):

How to make a paper kirigami snowflake?

Kirigami is a type of origami in which it is allowed to use scissors in the process of making a figure and cut paper with them. The method of cutting out kirigami snowflakes does not differ very much from making simple paper snowflakes, but the result is much more interesting and creative.

First, you create such a template, using which anyone, even a child, can make a six-ray kirigami snowflake. On a sheet of paper for this we build an angle of 60 degrees. In building a corner, a protractor will come to our aid.

We fold a square sheet of paper in half diagonally, put the blank on the template as follows:

We bend the corners of the triangle as shown in the picture:

You can apply lines of future cuts on the workpiece with a simple pencil, and then erase these lines with an eraser, or attach a pre-printed and prepared template to the workpiece and cut it out. If at this stage the workpiece is folded in half again, then it will be possible to use not a clerical knife, but simple nail scissors to cut the snowflake. In this case, even a child can entrust the work of cutting a snowflake.

Schemes for creating kirigami snowflakes:

To make the snowflakes created using the origami technique even more wonderful, colorful and original, you can decorate them with sparkles, cute pom-poms, rhinestones, woolen balls, paint them with felt-tip pens, pencils.

Here are our paper snowflakes ready! Unlike ordinary snowflakes, they will not melt, but will decorate our houses and Christmas trees for a long time!

Schemes for paper snowflakes

In nature, identical snowflakes do not exist. In order for our New Year's snowflakes not to be all twins, you need to use different schemes (templates) when creating them. Try to apply as many schemes as possible. Experiment! Maybe even come up with your own scheme. You can use the following options for cutting paper snowflakes:

You can find a lot of videos on how to make a paper snowflake on YouTube. Well, or you can go to YouTube yourself and type in the search: “How to make a snowflake” or “How to cut a snowflake”.

Successful paper snowflake crafts!

Beautiful paper snowflakes will be a good home decoration for the New Year. They will create an atmosphere of a snow-white, winter fairy tale in the apartment. Yes, and just cutting paper snowflakes of various shapes can be fun, because this is an exciting activity and they should also captivate their children. If you don’t know how to cut snowflakes out of paper, or if you forgot how to do it, then this is not a problem. Next, you will see that everything is very simple. Even a child can handle it. For the New Year holiday, we suggest you make a lot of snowflakes and, moreover, of different shapes.

How to cut a snowflake out of paper?

It is surprisingly easy to create a beautiful snowflake from a regular sheet of paper. To do this, you just need to use - scissors, paper, pencil, beautiful schemes, your inspiration and some free time.

We first fold the snowflake blank from a square sheet of paper, as shown in the picture below. Using various beautiful schemes, it is possible to cut hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of snowflakes of various, beautiful and unpredictable shapes from the created triangular base.

Using a simple pencil, we transfer the drawings that are shown in the diagrams to the base, and then cut out the snowflakes.

At the end of the article you can find other patterns for cutting paper snowflakes.

How to make a volumetric snowflake out of paper?

A three-dimensional snowflake looks much more spectacular than a regular snowflake, and it is also easy to create (a little more difficult). Similar fabulous 3D snowflakes can be hung around the rooms, as well as on the Christmas tree itself to create an atmosphere of the New Year holiday. You will need: 6 square sheets of paper, glue, scissors, a stapler, some inspiration and free time (15 minutes is enough). A voluminous snowflake, if desired, can be made multi-colored using colored paper to create its individual elements. But before you learn how to create volumetric snowflakes without instructions, it is better to use plain white paper (first practice on it). And the snow-white voluminous snowflake will always be in fashion.

1. First we make 6 such square blanks for the future snowflake. You can download these blanks for or snowfields, and then print them out on a printer. If you are creating a large snowflake, then it is better to use high-density paper - this is necessary so that the snowflake can hold its shape. Fold each square in half diagonally and make cuts with scissors, heading from the fold to the center line.

2. We open the square with cuts, which was folded diagonally, and place it in front of us as shown in the picture. We twist the first row of strips with a tube and fasten them with glue.

3. We turn the snowflake over to the other side and start working with the next two strips: we also connect them and fasten them with glue. We continue to work in the same spirit: we turn the snowflake over and fasten the remaining strips. As a result of the actions taken, we should have such a twisted bizarre element.

4. We have created one of the rays for our three-dimensional snowflake, and we need to make six of these! Therefore, we do the same with the other 5 blanks. We connect in the middle three rays of snowflakes with a stapler. Similarly, we connect the remaining three rays of the snowflake. Next, we connect these two large parts together.

5. Our beautiful volumetric snowflake is almost ready! It is only necessary with the help of glue to connect the snowflake in those places where the rays touch each other. This is necessary in order for the snowflake to keep its shape properly.

So we made a voluminous snowflake out of paper! What good fellows we are! Now you can color it too!

How to make a three-dimensional origami snowflake?

It will not be so easy here, and it is possible that you will spend at least one hour creating your first origami snowflake. Well, in the future, when you understand the algorithm for creating such snowflakes, things will go much faster. One caveat - the thinner the paper, the more elegant the snowflakes will turn out. Translucent translucent snowflakes will look great on the window. Well, at first you can train on office plain paper.

Before creating an origami snowflake, you need to turn a rectangular or square sheet of paper into a hexagon. This is one of the most important points, which will then affect whether our venture will be successful.

1. We fold the paper twice in half so that clear fold lines are visible.

2. Fold one corner with the top towards the center. We bend the top flap to the edge. Now we have 2 more fold lines.

3. We bend the paper in half again as shown in the picture on the left. To make the figure from the right picture come out, use two X marks as a reference point and bend flap A along the dotted line.

4. Combining the blue and red lines, bend the valve. As a result of these actions, you should get a shape that looks like a heart.

5. Focusing on the X points, cut off a part of the workpiece along the blue line with scissors. In the future, we only need a hexagon - part A.

If you have any difficulties with the hexagon, then you can find tips and answers in the video:

6. We bend one of the sides of the hexagon to the center to form a fold line. We do the same with all 6 sides. Now we have many lines within our hexagon that form small triangles.

7. Again, bend the edge of the hexagon to the center. Using the fold lines made in the previous step, we bend flap A to B, as shown in the left picture. We fold the other two sides of the hexagon in the same way until we create a figure that resembles a pinwheel in shape. The last valve can easily cause difficulty, since it will be hidden under the fold. It needs to be pulled out so that we have six valves sticking out, as shown in the picture on the right.

8. Lightly press the fold of each pocket with your finger to form something similar to the picture in the center. It does not matter which of the valves will be on top.

9. We bend on each unfolded pocket two blue corners to the central part of the dotted line. This must be done to prepare the fold line for the next step. The resulting figure should be externally similar to the image on the right.

10. Carefully unfold the folds made in step 8 to open the fold lines. In each pocket we combine the blue and red dots X. The fold lines obtained in step 9 will help us with this. When we do this operation with all 6 pockets, our figure will look like the image on the right.

11. We turn the workpiece over and bend each corner of the hexagon to the center. A small flap should form each adjacent fold. Do not hide the small valve under the fold. Let him stay on top. You did everything right if you got a blank that looks like the picture on the right.

12. For all small flaps, press the fold line to get new fold lines that will be needed in the next step.

13. We turn out the folds made in the previous step, hiding the valves from below.

14. We turn the figure over, turn each corner from the center as far as possible and bend it. We should have 12 valves - 6 large and 6 small.

15. We turn the workpiece over. Between the two large valves you see small valves. We push each small valve forward. Now we have six diamonds.

16. For each half of the rhombus, we pull the blue edge to the center of the rhombus and press the fold to the edge. As a result, we have a figure, as in the image on the right. It remains to repeat this action 12 times and the origami snowflake will be ready!

How to fold an origami snowflake (video tutorial):

How to make a paper kirigami snowflake?

Kirigami is a type of origami in which it is allowed to use scissors in the process of making a figure and cut paper with them. The method of cutting out kirigami snowflakes does not differ very much from making simple paper snowflakes, but the result is much more interesting and creative.

First, you create such a template, using which anyone, even a child, can make a six-ray kirigami snowflake. On a sheet of paper for this we build an angle of 60 degrees. In building a corner, a protractor will come to our aid.

We fold a square sheet of paper in half diagonally, put the blank on the template as follows:

We bend the corners of the triangle as shown in the picture:

You can apply lines of future cuts on the workpiece with a simple pencil, and then erase these lines with an eraser, or attach a pre-printed and prepared template to the workpiece and cut it out. If at this stage the workpiece is folded in half again, then it will be possible to use not a clerical knife, but simple nail scissors to cut the snowflake. In this case, even a child can entrust the work of cutting a snowflake.

Schemes for creating kirigami snowflakes:

To make the snowflakes created using the origami technique even more wonderful, colorful and original, you can decorate them with sparkles, cute pom-poms, rhinestones, woolen balls, paint them with felt-tip pens, pencils.

Here are our paper snowflakes ready! Unlike ordinary snowflakes, they will not melt, but will decorate our houses and Christmas trees for a long time!

Schemes for paper snowflakes

In nature, identical snowflakes do not exist. In order for our New Year's snowflakes not to be all twins, you need to use different schemes (templates) when creating them. Try to apply as many schemes as possible. Experiment! Maybe even come up with your own scheme. You can use the following options for cutting paper snowflakes:

. Well, or you can go to YouTube yourself and type in the search: “How to make a snowflake” or “How to cut a snowflake”.

Successful paper snowflake crafts!

"Beauty snowflake" Master class with step by step photos.

Paper cut snowflake.

Sidorova Zoya Grigorievna, teacher of the MBDOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 8" Aistenok ", Michurinsk
Description: this master class is intended for children from 6 years old, educators, teachers of additional education, loving parents and creative people.
Purpose: for decorating a room for the New Year, Christmas holidays, a gift, a Christmas tree decoration, it can serve as work for a New Year's, Christmas exhibition, competition.
Target: making paper snowflakes.
Learn how to cut paper snowflakes.
Introduce the technique of cutting 6 and 8 ray snowflakes.
To develop the ability to work with scissors, creativity, imagination, fantasy, aesthetic taste.
To cultivate diligence, patience, accuracy, the desire to bring the work begun to the end, the desire to do something pleasant for relatives and friends.

Dear colleagues, today I want to present a master class on cutting a paper snowflake. Everyone once cut out snowflakes from paper. Have you noticed that a miracle is happening? They folded a simple sheet of paper, cut it out, cut it out ... And you don’t even mean that you are doing magic with your own hands, which happens on New Year’s Eve! What happens there is not clear. Then carefully unfold and ... This is no longer a simple sheet of paper, this is beauty! The symmetry of a snowflake fascinates, attracts the eye, you want to look at it, admire it.
This master class is designed for children from 6 years old. The work will be of interest to everyone who loves to create, to please friends and relatives on Christmas holidays.

Some interesting information:
Once upon a time, people believed that snow or rain were water droplets. In the warm season, it rains from the clouds, and in winter they fly out as snowflakes. But scientists have proven that snowflakes are not formed from water droplets, but are obtained from steam.
This vapor is constantly in the air. He rises high into the sky, where it is very cold. There the water vapor turns into tiny pieces of ice. The pieces of ice move, collide and cling to each other. So they grow, become bigger and bigger. And they begin to fall to the ground with beautiful snow stars.

Ah, beautiful and sweet!
How could she become like this?
All of the rays are needles.
But needles are not from Christmas trees!
And so delicate!
I'll get her now!
Today I bring to your attention a master class on making paper snowflakes.
Materials needed for work:
1. Sheet of A4 paper
2. Scissors.
3. Simple pencil

Rules for handling scissors:
1. Before work, check the tool. Work with well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.
2. Do not hold scissors upside down, do not carry them in your pocket.
3. Do not use scissors with a loose hinge.
4. Do not cut with scissors on the go, do not approach your comrades during work, do not leave the scissors with open blades.
5. Pass the scissors only when closed, with rings towards a friend.
6. Place the scissors on the table so that they do not hang over the edge of the table.
7. Monitor the movement and position of the blades during operation.
8. Use scissors only for their intended purpose.

Step by step workflow:
Paper for cutting snowflakes, you can take office, colored paper for children's creativity, paper for origami.
1 Way. Cutting out an 8-ray snowflake.
It is easier to lay down such a snowflake base for children of preschool and primary school age.
We fold the blank for the snowflake from a square sheet of paper, so we cut off the excess part

The resulting triangle is folded in half along the perpendicular to the base

Fold in half again, connecting the sharp corners of the triangle

Fold again, aligning the sides

Cut off the excess. The resulting triangle is the basis for the snowflake.

A simple pattern can be cut immediately without preparation:

Such a snowflake turned out

2 way. Cutting out a 6-ray snowflake.
You need to fold the paper to make a regular hexagon
Starting to fold from a square

Place the triangle upside down

The expanded angle of the base of the triangle is divided into three equal angles

We wrap one sharp corner according to the photo

We impose a second acute angle on it

Trim straight to make a triangle

Fold triangle in half

Using a simple pencil, we apply a drawing to the base.

Cut out the shaded part

Unroll carefully. Got a snowflake.

You can make the pattern more interesting by cutting out small triangles, stripes, etc.

The same snowflake will be more carved and beautiful

We will cut out the next snowflake without a pencil sketch. The thinner the pattern on the base, the more beautiful the snowflake will turn out.

Connect fantasy, cut as you like

Cut until there is very little paper left on the base.

Carefully deploy

And here she is - our beauty

Using such snowflakes, we decorate the group for the New Year holidays

But what if you put the most beautiful snowflake in a frame? It turned out like this: