How to choose a quality mink coat - tips and nuances. Scandinavian mink. Fur quality, how to distinguish a fake

1. Wherever you buy a mink coat - in your city or go shopping abroad, the most important thing is not to be too lazy to go around several well-known, trustworthy shops or factories. By examining the products and listening to the opinions of various specialists - sales consultants, you will learn how to determine the quality of a mink coat yourself. In addition, this will allow you to choose the right fur coat at the best price. And also get a lot of pleasure contemplating your image in the mirror in various variations of mink coats. Perhaps, in the process of trying on, your preferences for color and model will change, as you will realize that a completely different image is more to your face than the one you imagined.

How to choose a mink coat and what you should pay attention to:

2. Carefully examine the fur - it should be shiny, smooth, soft with a thick undercoat.

3. How to distinguish quality from a fake? Run your hand over the product against the direction of the mink hairs. If after this manipulation the hairs returned to their original place and the appearance of the fur coat did not change, then the quality of the fur is good, if the hairs bristle after your action, then the fur is of poor quality.

4. Look at the fur, this can be done by blowing on the surface of the fur. If the mezdra is light, then the fur has not been dyed or tinted. If the mezdra is dark, this may mean that either the fur was dyed, or the fur coat, so to speak, was not the first freshness - it was stored for a long time in inappropriate conditions. In this case, the fur coat will not last long.

5. Check the joints of the skins. From the outside, the seams should not stand out much. Especially often, poor-quality seams can be seen on the shoulder section, especially if the fur coat has a hood that covers these joints.

6. How to choose a new fur coat and distinguish it from the old one? Shake off the product, if hairs fly from it, then the fur coat is old.

7. The lining of the fur coat should be made of high quality, but not "flashy" material. Her patterns are precisely adjusted to the size of the product. The manufacturer of good fur coats always focuses on the fur, not on the lining.

8. The bottom of the lining should not be sewn to the hem so that you can see the product from the inside. Usually, if the seller is confident in the quality, he will offer you to check the fur coat from the inside. You can look at the color of the skin (light is good, dark is dyed). Check the stitching of the seams - it should be neat, there should be no mink hairs in the seam.

9. If you still understand that the fur coat is dyed, this is not the worst thing. Some manufacturers tint products, giving them more noble shades. In this case, the quality of the color is important. It can be defined as follows - take a light-colored handkerchief, moisten it slightly and run it over the product. If there are traces of paint on it, do not take this coat.

10. The hairs must be the same length (excluding the undercoat). If some hairs are knocked out in length from the rest, most likely the mink was trimmed to give it a neater look. So initially the fur was not very high quality.

11. A little about Black Lama. In a real Black Lama, the undercoat differs in color from the main color of the hairs. It is dark brown in color and very dense. And the main hairs are black. Black Lama mink products look like plush. It is this fur that is considered the highest quality and durable. If you ever see products from this type of mink, you will understand what the real quality of mink is and will be able to unambiguously determine it in the future.

After reading our tips, you can easily answer questions - how to choose a mink coat, how to determine the quality of a mink coat, and how to distinguish a quality coat from a fake. Look the same mink coat patterns, perhaps one of them will become the subject of your desire.

In addition to your favorite mink coats, decorations are the best friends of girls, and

Mink coats are universally considered the standard of beauty and grace, as well as an indicator of status. Today, manufacturers offer customers a large number of modern models of a complex cut made of dyed, sheared fur, with decorative patterns and original details. Nowadays, mink coats have become not only very beautiful and elegant, but also affordable. The main thing is to choose the right product. But if everything is more or less clear with the style and length, then how to determine the quality of a mink coat?

Common defects in mink fur
Experts note several fairly common defects that are often found in products of unscrupulous manufacturers. These include:
  • irregularities in the color of the fur, burnout, wear - all this indicates that the fur coat was made from old fur;
  • the presence of rust spots on the pile indicates that the animals were kept in iron cages; it is physically impossible to remove such stains from fur;
  • sticky fur, which lacks shine, indicates that the manufacturing technology of the product has been violated;
  • the uneven surface of the fur, outwardly similar to the consequences of an incorrect haircut, indicates that the fur is spoiled by the teeth of the animal; it is also impossible to correct such a defect;
  • if the fur coat feels like parchment paper, it means that the skin is too dry; such a fur coat will quickly crack and spread.
If you encounter one of these defects, it is worth discarding the purchase.

Professional tips for buying a mink coat
A high-quality mink coat not only looks good, but is also not afraid of moisture, and also has an excellent ability to retain heat. Yes, and properly processed fur is worn for a long time - up to eight seasons. But, when purchasing such an expensive thing (mink coats, of course, have become more affordable, but they are still quite expensive), it is important to observe several conditions:

  1. It is better to buy a mink coat in a store, and the most correct option is the manufacturer's branded boutique. Unlike the markets, in stores there is not only the opportunity to try on the product under normal conditions and examine yourself in the mirror from all sides, but also to receive a certificate for a fur coat, a manufacturer's guarantee and a receipt. These documents will come in handy if you decide to return the fur coat, having found hidden defects or sue the seller. By the way, if the product is really branded, you will be provided with both a certificate and a warranty card without any questions.
  2. It is worth choosing the manufacturer carefully. Mink coats of the best quality are produced, as a rule, by European manufacturers and you need to buy them in large chain fur stores. But for such a product you will have to pay more. And the purchase of a mink coat of domestic production should be made only in the manufacturer's company store. This is the only way to avoid fakes.
  3. You should not pay too much attention to branded labels, because according to statistics, most fakes on the fur market are sold with the tags of world leaders in the production of fur products.
  4. And, of course, you need to pay attention to the price: a fur coat made of whole skins cannot be cheap, and a product made from pieces should differ significantly both in price (such a fur coat is cheaper) and in weight (it is much heavier).
How to determine the quality of fur?
When buying a mink coat, you need to carefully examine the product, try it on, touch the fur, evaluate the lining, and only then make a decision. Proper and careful inspection will determine the quality of the mink coat. Particular attention should be paid to the following points:
  • Properly trimmed mink fur should be smooth, silky and soft with a thick undercoat that provides the main protection against the cold.
  • If the color of the product is black or just too dark, there is a chance that the fur is old. In this case, you need to look at the fur: in good fur, it is very soft and has a light color with a slight sheen.
  • High-quality mink fur should shimmer in the light.
  • Check the fur coat for a crunch: for this you need to wrinkle the fur in your hands, if the mzdra makes a slight characteristic sound, then it is overdried, and you should not buy such a product. Such a fur coat will very quickly begin to tear and literally spread at the seams.
  • Run a wet hand over the fur and carefully inspect it: if not one hair has fallen out, it’s good. In addition, the correct fur fabric does not break when the product is folded, and the outer fur does not stick out.
  • The smell of fur is of great importance: it should not smell like a “beast”, chemistry and mustiness.
  • The quality of staining can be checked with a damp handkerchief. After you run it over the surface of the fur, there should be no streaks of paint left on the scarf.
  • Particular attention should be paid to blue and white mink products. For them, proper storage and compliance with the temperature regime in the warehouse is of great importance. Otherwise, such a fur coat will turn yellow very quickly.
  • To check the quality of the mzdra, you can stick an ordinary needle into the product under the collar and easily pull the fur coat in different directions. Ideally, the needle should sit tightly in the fur coat and not move, and the fur coat should stretch evenly, but slightly. But other options are also possible, for example, the appearance of gaps and cracks.
  • You can determine the quality of a mink coat by the lining: the lining of the fur coat should be made of expensive fabric and not sewn along the hem. Only in this way is it possible to examine the reverse side of the fur and evaluate the quality of the processing of the fur, which must necessarily have the same thickness and light color. If the lining is tightly sewn, then the manufacturer hides the defects of the fur or you are dealing with a fake, and you do not need to buy such a product.
  • Slightly rough, soft fur is an indicator of the correct processing of the fur. In addition, you must definitely pay attention to the seams on the back of the fur - the line should be neat and almost invisible at a distance of five centimeters. As for the pieces of fur from which the fur coat is sewn, it is better if they are about the same size (if we are not talking about a product made of pieces or ponytails).
  • The best option for lining a mink coat is silk. The fabric should be expensive, without defects, the seams should be even, and a decorative cord should be missed along the edge.
By putting these simple tips into practice, you can buy a high-quality and elegant mink coat that will delight you for more than one season.

How to choose a mink coat? Interested in women who plan to make a long-awaited new thing. In this article, we will tell you how to distinguish mink fur from a fake, what defects you should look for in a fur coat when buying, give instructions, tips, recommendations, and show a video.

In the western parts of Russia, a mink coat is a sign of wealth and exquisite taste, in the northern territories of the country it is an indispensable element in the wardrobe for harsh and hot winters. However, in any case, a mink coat is a stylish, fashionable and practical trend for all times, for every taste.

H orc coat : what is the price?

The first thing men are guided by when buying a fur coat for their ladies is the price. A woman, on the other hand, is a more sensitive nature, and the main selection criterion is the external characteristics of the model. However, in either case, it is extremely important to understand that a high-quality natural mink coat cannot be at the price of an inexpensive fox vest. You can see the prices for fur coats in Ukraine in more detail.

How the cost of a mink coat is formed:

  • Purchasing price of fur skins. Sewing a fur coat begins with the purchase of blanks for the model. The main fundamental segment, which forms the price of an already finished product, is the cost of skins at a fur auction. The most popular sites for the purchase of high quality fur skins are Genuine Mackenzie Valley Furs, North American Fur Auctions, Finnish Fur Sales, which are located in Canada, America and Finland. It is from here that a fur product begins its journey - a mink coat, which will then fall into your wardrobe;
  • Fur quality. The price at which the manufacturer will purchase fur products depends on this parameter. The quality of the fur is indicated by markings or labels. Each auction has its own suppliers of fur skins (fur farms), and the manufacturer, most often, has its own specific label evaluation parameters. So, for example, KOPENHAGEN FUR furs are marked as follows:

— Kopenhagen Ivory;

— Copenhagen Platinum;

— Copenhagen Burgundy.

The manufacturer Finnish Fur Sales is labeled as SAGA FURS, which in turn consists of three subcategories:

Graphite mink coat

The skins of Scandinavian and Canadian fur farms are the most expensive and most frequently bought around the world by those fur manufacturers who value quality and do not risk their reputation;

  • Fur consumption. It is natural to assume that a long mink fur coat to the floor will be much more expensive than, say, a short fur coat to the waist. The consumption of skins is greater, and, therefore, the price of the finished product is greater;
  • Color . The price estimate differs depending on the color of the fur. So, there are three main categories of color distribution that allow you to visually set the real price of a fur product:

- brown, light amber - the cheapest skin, which is purchased for mink coats of the middle price category;

- scanblack or high-priced black Scandinavian mink;

- white mink - Blackglama, a prestigious exclusive fur, which is often even more expensive than sable;

  1. transverse- the most inexpensive option, where the skins are sewn one near the other, there is very little waste from this type of sewing, the technology does not need to use innovative sewing technologies, and therefore this option is used most often;
  2. diagonal. Medium and high price category, which is used in the tailoring of luxury-class models of mink coats. In this case, a transverse diagonal line is used for sewing, which originates from the back;
  3. curly variant. It is used extremely rarely, since it will require a large consumption of material. Figured dissolution of skins is considered the most expensive option, which is used for tailoring VIP and Premium models.

All these points should be considered when choosing and buying a mink coat. Often unscrupulous manufacturers use the method of coloring the skins in a darker saturated black color, passing off the model as expensive furs.

Important! To determine the true color of the skin, you need to look at the core and the fur itself. If the fur is dyed, then when blown on the wool, a white stripe of skin will be visible, if it is natural, the mezra will be slightly lighter than the color of the fur itself. At the same time, from the inside, the mezra, as a rule, is also painted.

How many seasons can you wear?

And now let's talk about how to choose a mink coat with high performance. Natural fur has always been highly valued due to its durability, mink is no exception. So, most fur products in the north are sewn from this fur. The average service life, subject to the rules for care, is 10-15 years. But, as practice shows, the stylish fur coats of our grandmothers still have an amazing shine, they look excellent.

The only thing is a slightly old-fashioned appearance of the model. But there are no problems with this either: many fashionistas who inherited a natural mink coat prefer to redraw the product, making it stylish, fashionable and still practical to wear. In this case, the operational period is extended by another 10-15 years.

Interesting! Even if the mink fur has faded over time, lost its luster, it can be easily restored with a mixture of vinegar and ammonia. It is necessary to mix the ingredients in equal proportions, add water and clean the product with a sponge soaked in the mixture.

Features in operation

Since the price of fur products is quite high, before buying such an element of the wardrobe, I would like to clarify the performance of the fur. What kind of mink is in a sock, how many seasons can it last, and what do these parameters depend on?

Mink, of course, is not the most wear-resistant fur in nature. But, if you know how to choose a mink coat correctly, then when buying, you will pay attention to the type of tailoring and the quality of the fur itself. So, finished products can last from 18 seasons or more. The main thing is to follow the rules of operation:

  • dry after getting wet;
  • take care of the flesh;
  • protect from moths in the summer, do not wrap in plastic bags for storage;
  • comb the fur of a mink coat with a gentle brush;
  • clean from dust and dirt;
  • carry out regular professional cleaning.

According to fur experts, if such rules are observed, the fur of natural high-quality mink will last more than 15-18 seasons.

Is it warm in a mink coat? How cold can it stand?

As for the thermal insulation properties, here the mink is also considered the best option between the most expensive furs from, and less practical products from and. The fur perfectly retains heat, and the happy owner of a mink fur product will not be cold even at -20 degrees. If there are more frosts, then it is enough just to put a warm sweater under the mink coat, and it will be warm as before.

How to properly store a mink coat?

A mink coat will last a long time only if it is not properly looked after. Of course, if you wear it in the rain and then hang it in a wardrobe, then more than 2-3 seasons of fur is not enough. However, if you follow the fur villi and, as necessary, remove dirt, smooth the fur as it grows, you can enjoy the perfect shine for at least 10-15 seasons.

Since fur is not worn in some regions all year round, you need to know how to properly store a mink coat the period of time when it is warm outside. Rules for storing mink fur products:

  • before you put the fur coat for safety in the wardrobe, you need to hand it over to dry cleaning. Remains of human epithelium, sweat, hairs - all this is very attractive to bacteria, moths and mold. Therefore, before putting the product for long-term storage, it is worth cleaning the fur from all possible organic accumulations;
  • you can not clog a mink coat in a plastic bag so that the moth does not eat it. It is better to place the fur coat in a special cover with a breathable membrane base and periodically air it on the balcony, dry it;
  • after wearing from the street, always dry the fur coat in a ventilated place, comb it with a special brush in the direction of the growth of the villi, and only then hang it in a wardrobe;
  • a fur coat should always hang only on a coat hanger. Otherwise, the product will lose its shape, become outwardly unattractive and worn out.

Important! You should not put products with a strong chemical odor from moths in a fur coat. The fur will absorb the aroma and will weather for a very long time. It is better to use natural soap with lavender, wormwood and walnut oils.

At what temperature to wear a mink fur coat?

Damp rainy weather is not the best option for wearing a mink fur product. The fur of any fur-bearing animal loves frost, only in this way it becomes lush, even and shines in the rare rays of the sun. The best weather conditions for wearing a mink are frost from -2 to -15. In such conditions, the fur shines beautifully, shimmers and looks luxurious.

But, if the mink coat has already fallen under wet snow, then you should not worry. You can simply dry the product in a ventilated place, comb it with a brush. You can pre-treat with a special moisture-protective spray and dry. Then even wet snow is not a problem for the perfect look of your luxurious mink coat.

Secrets of the right purchase

To know how to choose a mink coat, it is necessary not only to pay attention to a well-known brand, but also to realistically assess the quality of the fur, its density, and many other subtleties. In particular, it is also important to know how to identify a mink from a cheap fake.

Selection secrets:

  • natural fur of good quality, when moving against the growth of the villi, will return to its original place in its original shape. Inexpensive low-quality fur lies with tangled villi, you need to level and comb again;
  • pile growth is the same on any side, in any place of tailoring;
  • uneven hairs are not visible at the seam, the coat is even and neat;
  • inside all the stitches are even, without protruding threads, irregularities and remnants of matter;
  • if the manufacturer offers a non-tinted black mink, then the flesh will be a dark gray shade, but not saturated black, nature does not have this;
  • a very dense coarse mezra speaks of poor dressing of skins, and, therefore, the quality of the fur coat is low.

Interesting fact! A conscientious manufacturer leaves the hem of a mink coat unattached. This is necessary to inspect the quality of the fur when buying. Thus, it is possible to view both the color of the mezra and its thickness.

Natural fur or fake: how to distinguish a mink?

What should be the fur of a mink? The most frequent questions of those who make such a purchase for the first time. First of all, you should understand that the risk of buying a fake on the market increases significantly than in a branded store. But, if you don’t want to overpay for a brand, you should pay attention to the following important distinguishing characteristics of natural fur:

  • the natural skin of a downy animal will never be covered with a fabric layer, glued to it;
  • natural pile is more rigid than artificial, but at the same time gentle and smooth. Artificial to the touch like fluff, natural - like hair;
  • villi with a slight pinching do not come off and do not remain on the hands.

Important! Most often, mink fur is faked from cheaper furs of honorik, marmot. Other furs are distinguished by a rarer pile with a large growth of hairs.

Is it possible to buy a mink cheaper, saving on the purchase?

The desire to save money is understandable, but, most often, unreasonable. So, you can buy natural fur, but a less valuable animal, the fur of which will be pre-dyed and trimmed. But, when buying a natural mink fur coat, there are also some nuances.

In particular, it is worth knowing that the most expensive fur, which is used most often in tailoring expensive branded models, is black mink. Apart from the exclusive white mink fur, such fur is also often imitated by an unscrupulous manufacturer.

The most likely options for how to save money by buying a natural mink coat:

The taste and color ... How to choose a mink coat?

Of course, tastes differ. What is chic for one girl is bad taste for another. Therefore, when choosing an expensive mink fur coat, you should pay attention to the following points.


A mink coat can be presented in, which, when choosing, is largely determined by its configuration. So, thin, tall girls can choose short fur coats and waistcoats with a fitted cut, with a belt, and wide sleeves.

Women with beautiful and magnificent breasts should understand that fur in an unnecessary place will only add to the external image of bulkiness and massiveness. Therefore, it is worth choosing dark furs with a pattern at the waist, with a belt. The length of the model should not be above the knee. You can also play with combinations of fur: the ideal option is mink in the base and sable on the collar.


It is largely determined by financial capabilities. If it is possible to buy a fairly expensive Scandinavian black mink, then, of course, such fur will suit absolutely everyone.

As for the more optimal options in the price range, it is important to take into account such a moment as the play of color and lighting. Blondes will suit both light brown and dark uneven mink coats. For brunettes, it is better to choose a mink of a dark shade, which will contrast with the delicate white skin of the face, shade dark curls.

Is it better with a belt or without?

Before choosing a mink coat, you need to decide whether you need such an element as a belt. The fur coat can have both leather and fabric and fur belts. Combined models with a leather insert at the waist or sides, with a leather belt are popular. This model visually removes the extra 10 kilograms.

However, a one-piece fur coat with a belt looks great on any type of figure. The only point worth paying attention to is the quality of the mezdra. In this case, thin skin looks better, and the fur shimmers with every step.

With or without a hood?

Suitable for those who do not like to choose hats, wear a scarf under a fur coat. Without a collar, you can buy for those girls who like to play with accessories, combine several stylistic trends.

From male or female?

The gender of the animal also affects the cost of the finished product. So, the skin of the male is more valuable, because it is a decent 20 cm more. This allows you to use fewer patterns, respectively, and there are also fewer seams. As a rule, a male mink coat is 20% more expensive than a female mink coat, but this difference is quite justified.

In dissolution, plates or solid?

There is no one-piece fur coat, since all skins have their own length and width. The most inexpensive pattern of vertical transverse skins, the most expensive -. However, such parameters do not affect the quality and duration of wear.

Cross cut or longitudinal?

A mink coat with a longitudinal cut involves sewing the skins vertically, - horizontally. Such a factor does not affect the quality of the finished product, and in most cases it is determined by the type of model: for vests and short fur coats, the transverse sewing option is often used, for long fur coats - longitudinal.

Which fur is better: Canadian or Scandinavian?

When buying a mink fur product, the seller often asks the question, from which fur is a fur coat preferable - or? Quality is influenced not by the type of mink, but by its label. According to external signs, the Scandinavian is more fluffy, thick and shaggy, while the Canadian, on the contrary, is short, like a plush. The choice depends on individual preferences.

Mink coats rank first in popularity among Russian women. This fur is distinguished by its beauty, wearability, and good thermal characteristics. But the cost of such a fur coat is not always affordable for women. Many save up for it for several years, acquiring far from one year. But some cunning sellers have learned to pass off fakes as mink. It’s a shame to get the fur coat of your dreams, which will turn out to be not at all from a mink, but, for example, from a ferret or marmot. How to distinguish high quality from fake goods and make a purchase that will last for many years?

Basic rules for buying a high quality fur product

If you are going to buy a natural fur coat, you should go to a store that has proven itself and provides the appropriate certificates and guarantees. In pursuit of savings, you should not look for options in the market ranks. There, a fake can be found most often, but then it will be difficult to find the ends.

Now we will tell you how to distinguish a high-quality mink coat.

  • Mink fur is elastic. Run your hand along the pile in the opposite direction. It should return to its original position. With its elasticity and rigidity, the fur does not prick.
  • Smooth undercoat, awn of the same length. To disguise a fake, sellers often cut the outer hair so that the length is the same. But in this case, the fur will prick.
  • When pinching, there should be no hair left on the hand.
  • Mink skin has a sheen. On an undyed pile, single white hairs are sometimes visible.
  • Swipe over the fur with a white napkin. It should not leave traces of paint.
  • The height of the pile on the entire product should be the same. There should be no bald patches, bald spots, tubercles.
  • Good manufacturers do not hem the lining, making it possible to inspect the quality of the mezdra. It should be light or creamy, elastic.
  • When shaking, the fur coat should not “rattle”.
  • Check for seals on each skin. She confirms that this is a mink and indicates the size of the piece (not less than 15 * 15 cm).
  • Look closely at the seams. They should be thin, rolled and even. Skin is sometimes sewn between fragments of skins. The fewer such areas, the more expensive the product. Noticing the glue, it is better to refuse the purchase. The technology in which the skins are glued, not stitched, will not allow the product to last for a long time.

Manufacturer country

Mink fur coats, depending on the country in which they are produced, have several types. One of the most expensive are Canadian and Scandinavian mink. They are distinguished by abundant fluff and a very dense pile of medium length. The Ukrainian mink is slightly inferior to them. Its underfur is not so thick, and the awn is longer.

Greek fur coats are very popular among Russian women. There is also an opinion that in Greece the cost of fur coats is lower. Some even go on special tours for furs. But in any country there are manufacturers of both high level and not quite conscientious. A quality mink fur product will not be cheap. Therefore, it is better not to risk making expensive purchases in resort areas.

Russian and Chinese mink coats are much cheaper. At present, some Chinese manufacturers have also learned how to make good quality fur products. But there are plenty of fakes among them. Therefore, it would be a shame to buy a Chinese fur coat at the price of a Canadian or Greek one. Here are a few signs by which you can distinguish a Chinese fur coat from a European one:

  • Ost. Pronounced and very high. Outwardly, it looks prickly. She seems to be lying on a pillow. But sometimes the awn does not differ in height. In this case, the skin can be passed off as Scandinavian.
  • Shine. Chinese skins do not have a smooth ebb, they seem to shine in patches. They can be recognized by their characteristic glassy luster. If we compare the Chinese and Scandinavian fur coats, then even a non-specialist will immediately notice the difference. Scandinavian furs are distinguished by a beautiful diamond sheen that seems to shimmer in the sun.
  • Undercoat. Depends on the length of the awn. With a long awn, the undercoat is not thick. Sometimes a mink with a short awn and a long black undercoat is passed off as a black mink. But in natural black mink, the mezra is light, which, after staining, acquires a dark or gray tint.

By these indicators, you can understand where the animal is grown. The place where the fur coat was made is determined by the tailoring technology. In most cases, Greek and Italian fur coats are made from Finnish and Scandinavian skins. The Russian mink differs from the Chinese in a thick and long pile, while the Scandinavian mink has a thick but short pile.

Sometimes the Chinese use Greek furs for sewing. In this case, the quality should be determined by the tailoring technology.

Mink fakes

The first sign to pay attention to is weight. A mink coat is much lighter than any other fur coat. Often, under an expensive skin, the manufacturer skillfully disguises a rabbit, marmot, beaver or ferret. Therefore, you need to know how to distinguish a real mink coat from a fake.

  • Rabbit. Unlike mink, the rabbit has a very soft pile and has a non-uniform shade. Mink skin shines evenly. Rabbits have different hair colors. The undercoat of the rabbit leaves hair in the hand when plucked.
  • Marmot. Groundhog is often passed off as a mink. Their difference is that the groundhog has prickly fur, hairs of different lengths. Groundhog pile is also elastic, but it does not have plasticity; when stroking, it can become shaggy. Mink fur, unlike marmot, does not give a bluish tint in the sun.
  • Beaver. The fur of a beaver and a marmot can be confused with each other in terms of stiffness. But both of them are much tougher than mink. Beaver skins are larger than those of mink. The beaver skin is twice as thick as the mink.
  • Ferret. In a ferret, compared to a mink, the awn is higher, and the underfur is rare. It has a peculiar color: the underfur is light, and the awn is dark at the ends. On the sides, light areas are translucent, and on the back, a dark-colored awn completely covers the underfur. By the way, ferret skins are valued not much less than mink. They are less wearable, but warmer. Products “in dissolution” are not sewn from ferret skins, because seams will be visible through the fur due to a rare fluff. Therefore, models from this fur are mostly straight cut.
  • Honoric. This beast is obtained by crossing a mink and a ferret. It is quite difficult to distinguish this fur from a real mink. It is given out by black color, shine and thick brown undercoat.

Going to buy a fur coat, do not rush into the choice. To find the right model, you may have to visit more than one specialty store and try on several options. Do not be shy to be meticulous in your questions and doubts. Don't hesitate to consult sellers. Try to be attentive to the little things. Vigilance will help you make a bargain that you won't regret.

The last days of September are on the calendar, and the hype gradually begins in fur coat stores. It will reach its peak in November-December, when the first fluffy snow falls and the temperature drops below zero. In different parts of our country, the cold season proceeds differently. In some regions, the temperature rarely drops below minus five to ten degrees, while in others it is thirty and forty degrees of frost.

In winter weather, you need to dress warmly, and a great option is an incredibly light and warm mink coat. You can read about how to choose a mink coat in mine, but today we will talk about what types of mink fur exist, as well as about different color schemes - practical and not very practical.

Which mink fur is better?

On sale you can find mink furs of various origins: Russian, Scandinavian, North American and Chinese. Mink fur can have different qualities depending on the conditions of cultivation and the diet of animals. Today, minks are bred in many countries: in Russia, Canada, the USA, Finland, Scandinavia, Poland, Holland, the Baltic states and China.

Russian mink

The Russian mink was bred in 1928 on the territory of the Soviet Union in order to obtain warmer fur for the production of fur coats that could be worn in the harsh Russian winter. Today, long fur coats are most often sewn from Russian mink.

This fur is really quite different from the Scandinavian and North American fur due to the high undercoat and longer pile. Products from Russian mink are a little shaggy, but they are absolutely not afraid of moisture, frost and very, very warm. Russian mink shines beautifully and has a high silkiness.

Contrary to popular belief, the Russian mink is bred not only in Russia. The Belarusian and Baltic mink are subspecies of the Russian mink.

The Russian mink is half the price of the North American mink, despite the fact that the quality, dressing, size and color may be equivalent.

scandinavian mink

The most common farmed mink on the planet is the Scandinavian mink. It makes up as much as 80% of the world mink market. It is grown in northern Europe: in Finland and Scandinavia.

Scandinavian fur is distinguished by a very thick undercoat and medium length pile, although there are several varieties of Scandinavian mink. There is both low fur (Denmark, Kopenhagen Furs) and high fur (Finland, Saga Furs).

Another variety of the Scandinavian mink is " polar" mink. This is a brown mink with a very thick undercoat and long fur that looks more like a sable than a mink.

Finnish mink (Saga Furs), as mentioned above, is distinguished by a long pile and a not very thick undercoat. This is an auction fur that is bought at the Finnish Furs Sales auction in Helsinki. Skins in perfect condition receive the title of Saga Royal Mink, skins of good quality receive the markings "Saga Mink". The quality of the fur is determined in the course of a rigorous selection - out of one and a half million skins, only three thousand will receive the title of Saga Royal Mink, and ten thousand Saga Mink. As you understand, the prices for such elite fur bite very, very much.

Danish mink (Kopenhagen Furs) differs in pile lower. From this manufacturer you can find different selections: short-haired "velveteen", as well as Danish mink with taller fur. Fur from Kopenhahen Furs is one of the most wearable and lightest. It has a wide color spectrum. The Danish auction house Kopenhagen Furs offers different markings for the pelts. Kopenhagen Purple - the highest quality, Kopenhagen Platinum - the highest quality mink, Kopenhagen Burgundy - medium quality, Kopenhagen Ivory - the lowest quality.

North American mink

The North American mink is a velvety mink with a low and silky coat and thick and dense underfur. This fur is of very high quality and beautiful appearance. On sale you can also find a mink with a super-short pile - to this day, such a mink is considered an exclusive offer and is very expensive.

American mink (AMERICAN LEGEND®MINK). The American brands Blackglama and American Legend select only the highest quality North American mink skins. The Blackglama label only marks the highest quality black mink. Today Blackglama is the most recognizable fur brand in the world, because it is the best black mink in the world.

Canadian mink (NAFA®MINK). The Nafa North American Fur Auction also selects the highest quality North American mink pelts. The best quality Canadian black fur is labeled "Black Nafa". This label features a unique anti-counterfeiting rating and a serial number.

Chinese mink

Recently, inexpensive mink coats of Chinese origin can often be found in stores. Most often, these are skins with a not too thick undercoat and a long pile. In its natural form, Chinese skins are rarely used due to a lack of marketable qualities and too large production volumes, so the fur is dyed to the fullest, sheared, plucked, and only then fur products are sewn from them.

The Chinese mink is the same mink, it’s just that its quality is often worse, which is the reason for such a low cost. Remember, a quality fur coat should not have fur if you pinch the fur coat a little. If you run a damp cloth over the fur, it should not stain. If you run your hand over the fur against the wool, the wool should not break, but should easily return to its place. If the fur is thin, the down is thin - it is better to refuse to buy such a fur coat.

Thus, if you make a kind of rating of mink fur, then the places will be distributed as follows: 1. North American mink; 2. Scandinavian and Russian mink; 3. Chinese mink. A good product always costs decent money, and if you are ready to overpay and purchase goods in a store, then give preference to products with quality certificates.