What is the acidic or alkaline environment in the urine? Why is acidic urine pH dangerous? What does the acidity of urine say?

They can fluctuate within fairly wide limits, and these fluctuations can be physiological or pathological. Physiological fluctuations are a variant of the norm, and pathological ones reflect any disease.

An increase or decrease in relation to the norm of any indicator cannot be assessed unambiguously, and it is impossible to draw a conclusion about the presence of a disease. The test results can help to find out the possible cause of the disorders, which can be only at the stage of the syndrome, and not the formed disease. Therefore, the timely detection of abnormalities in the analyzes will help start treatment and prevent the progression of the disease. Also, test indicators can be used to monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

Consider the probable causes of changes in various indicators of the general urine analysis.

Causes of urine discoloration

In the presence of pathology, urine can change its color, which indicates a certain syndrome and disease.

The correspondence of urine colors to various pathological conditions of the body is reflected in the table:

Pathological color
Potential disease (cause of urine discoloration)
Brown, black
  • Hemolytic anemias (sickle cell, thalassemia, Minkowski-Shoffard anemia, Markiafava-Micelli disease, march anemia, syphilitic, hemolytic disease of newborns)
  • Malignant neoplasms (melanosarcoma)
  • Alcaptonuria
  • Poisoning with alcohol, heavy metal salts, phenol, cresol, etc.
Red (the color of meat
  • Kidney damage from trauma (blow, bruise, rupture, etc.)
  • Renal colic
  • Kidney infarction
  • Acute kidney inflammation (glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis)
Dark brown frothy (urine colored
  • Botkin's disease
  • Obstructive jaundice (blockage of the bile duct by a stone)
Orange, rose red
  • Hemolytic jaundice (hemolytic disease of the newborn)
  • Porphyrias (violation of hemoglobin synthesis)
Brown (strong color
  • Hemolytic jaundice
  • Some types of hemolytic anemias
Colorless or
  • Diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2
  • Diabetes insipidus
Milky (color of milk, cream)
  • High concentration of fats in urine (lipuria)
  • Pus in the urine (pyuria)
  • High concentration of phosphate salts

These color variations will help you navigate, but for an accurate diagnosis, you should take into account data from other examination methods and clinical symptoms.

Causes of the appearance of turbidity in the urine

Violation of the transparency of urine is the appearance of turbidity of varying severity. Turbidity in urine can be represented by large amounts of salts, epithelial cells, pus, bacterial agents, or mucus. The degree of turbidity depends on the concentration of the above impurities.

From time to time, every person has cloudy urine, which is formed by salts. If you can't donate this urine for analysis in the laboratory, you can conduct a test to find out the nature of the turbidity.

To distinguish salt in urine from other turbidity options at home, you can slightly warm the liquid. If the haze is formed by salts, then it can either increase or decrease until it disappears. The turbidity formed by epithelial cells, pus, bacterial agents or mucus does not change its concentration at all when the urine is heated.

The reasons for the change in the smell of urine

The smell of fresh urine is normal - not harsh or irritating.

Most often, the following pathological urine odors are noted:
1. The smell of ammonia in urine is characteristic of the development of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urinary tract (cystitis, pyelitis, nephritis).
2. The smell of fruits (apples) in the urine develops in the presence of ketone bodies in people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

Reasons for changing the acidity of urine

The acidity of urine (pH) can change to an alkaline and acidic region, depending on the type of pathological process.

The reasons for the formation of acidic and alkaline urine are reflected in the table:

Causes of changes in urine density

The relative density of urine depends on the function of the kidneys, therefore, a violation of this indicator develops in various diseases of this organ.

Today, the following options for changing the density of urine are distinguished:
1. Hypersthenuria - high-density urine, more than 1030-1035.
2. Hypostenuria - urine with a low density, in the range 1007-1015.
3. Isotenuria - low density of primary urine, 1010 or less.

A single excretion of urine with high or low density does not provide grounds for detecting hypostenuria syndrome or hypersthenuria. These syndromes are characterized by prolonged excretion of urine during the day and night, with high or low density.

Pathological conditions causing disturbances in urine density are shown in the table:

Hypersthenuria Hypostenuria Isostenuria
Diabetes mellitus type 1 or 2
(urine density can reach 1040 and higher)
Diabetes insipidusChronic renal
failure severe
Acute glomerulonephritisResorption of edema and inflammatory
infiltrates (period after the inflammatory process)
Subacute and
Congestive kidneyAlimentary dystrophy (partial
starvation, nutritional deficiencies, etc.)
Nephrotic syndromeChronic pyelonephritis
Edema formationChronic nephritis
Convergence of edemaChronic renal failure
DiarrheaNephrosclerosis (renal degeneration
tissue into the connective)
Interstitial nephritis

Determination of chemicals in urine for various diseases

As we can see, the physical properties of urine in the presence of any disease can change quite significantly. In addition to changes in physical properties, various chemicals appear in the urine, which are normally absent or present in trace amounts. Consider in which diseases there is an increase in concentration, or the appearance in the urine of the following substances:
  • protein;
  • bile acids (pigments);
  • indican;
  • ketone bodies.

Causes of protein in urine (proteinuria)

The appearance of protein in urine can be caused by various reasons, which are classified into several groups, depending on the origin. An abnormal increase in the concentration of protein in the urine above 0.03 g is called proteinuria. Depending on the protein concentration, moderate, moderate and severe proteinuria are distinguished. Moderate proteinuria is characterized by a loss of protein up to 1 g / day, average - 1-3 g / day, pronounced - more than 3 g / day.

Types of proteinuria

Depending on the origin, the following types of proteinuria are distinguished:
  • renal (renal);
  • stagnant;
  • toxic;
  • feverish;
  • extrarenal (extrarenal);
  • neurogenic.
The reasons for the development of various types of proteinuria are presented in the table:
Proteinuria type The reasons for the development of proteinuria
Renal (renal)
  • pyelonephritis
  • renal amyloidosis
  • kidney stone disease
  • kidney abscess
  • kidney tuberculosis
  • tumor or metastasis to the kidney
  • nephritis (acute and chronic)
  • nephrosis
  • nephrotic syndrome
  • eclampsia of pregnancy
  • nephropathy of pregnancy
  • paraproteinemic hemoblastosis (multiple myeloma, Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia, diseases of heavy chains, immunoglobulins, secreting lymphomas)
  • chronic heart failure
  • neoplasms localized in the abdominal cavity
ToxicThe use of the following medicines in very high doses: salicylates, isoniazid, pain relievers and gold compounds
FeverishA severe increase in body temperature caused by any disease
Extrarenal (extrarenal)
  • cystitis
  • urethritis
  • pyelitis
  • prostatitis
  • vulvovaginitis
  • chronic constipation
  • long diarrhea
  • skull injury
  • hemorrhage in the meningeal membrane
  • myocardial infarction
  • renal colic

Causes of the appearance of glucose (sugar) in the urine

The appearance of glucose in the urine is called glucosuria. The most common cause of glucosuria is diabetes mellitus, but there are other pathologies that lead to this symptom.

So, glucosuria is divided into the following types:
1. Pancreatic.
2. Renal.
3. Hepatic.
4. Symptomatic.
Pancreatic glucosuria develops against the background of diabetes mellitus. Renal glucosuria is a reflection of metabolic pathology, and it occurs from an early age. Hepatic glucosuria can develop with hepatitis, traumatic organ damage, or as a result of poisoning with toxic substances.

Symptomatic glucosuria is caused by the following pathological conditions:

  • concussion of the brain;
  • hyperthyroidism (increased concentration of thyroid hormones in the blood);
  • acromegaly;
  • Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome;
  • pheochromocytoma (tumor of the adrenal gland).
In childhood, in addition to glucose, other types of monosaccharides - lactose, levulose or galactose, can be determined in the urine.

Causes of the appearance of bilirubin in urine

Bilirubin in urine appears with parenchymal or obstructive jaundice. Parenchymal jaundice includes acute hepatitis and cirrhosis. Obstructive jaundice includes various options for blocking the bile ducts with an obstacle to the normal outflow of bile (for example, cholelithiasis, calculous cholecystitis).

Causes of the appearance of urobilinogen in urine

Urobilinogen at a concentration exceeding 10 μmol / day is determined in urine with the following pathologies:
  • infectious hepatitis;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver ;
  • tumors or metastases to the liver;
  • hemoglobinuria (hemoglobin or blood in the urine);
  • hemolytic jaundice (hemolytic disease of the newborn, hemolytic anemia);
  • infectious diseases (malaria, scarlet fever);
  • fever of any cause;
  • the process of resorption of foci of hemorrhage;
  • volvulus;
  • bile acids (pigments);
  • indican.

Causes of the appearance of bile acids and indican in urine

Bile acids (pigments) appear in urine when the concentration of direct bilirubin in the blood rises above 17-34 mmol / l.

The reasons for the appearance of bile acids in urine:

  • Botkin's disease;
  • hepatitis;
  • obstructive jaundice (calculous cholecystitis, gallstone disease);
  • cirrhosis of the liver.
Indikan is a product of decay of protein structures in the small intestine. This substance appears in the urine with gangrene, chronic constipation, all kinds of abscesses, abscesses and intestinal abscesses, malignant tumors or obstruction. Also, the appearance of indican in urine can be triggered by metabolic diseases - diabetes mellitus or gout.

Causes of the appearance of ketone bodies in urine

Ketone bodies include acetone, hydroxybutyric and acetoacetic acids.

The reasons for the appearance of ketone bodies in urine:

  • diabetes mellitus of moderate and high severity;
  • fever;
  • severe vomiting;
  • therapy with large doses of insulin for a long period of time;
  • eclampsia of pregnant women;
  • cerebral hemorrhage;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • poisoning with lead, carbon monoxide, atropine, etc.
In the postoperative period, after a long stay under anesthesia, ketone bodies can also be detected in the urine.

Decoding microscopy of urinary sediment

One of the most informative fragments of a general urine analysis is sediment microscopy, in which the number of different elements in one field of view is counted.

Leukocytes, pus in the urine - possible causes of the appearance

An increase in the number of leukocytes more than 5 in the field of view indicates a pathological process of an inflammatory nature. An excess of white blood cells is called pyuria - pus in the urine.

The reasons causing the appearance of leukocytes in the urine:

  • acute pyelonephritis;
  • acute pyelitis;
  • acute pyelocystitis;
  • acute glomerulonephritis;
  • treatment with aspirin, ampicillin;
  • heroin use.

Sometimes, to clarify the diagnosis, urine is stained: the presence of neutrophilic leukocytes is characteristic of pyelonephritis, and lymphocytes - for glomerulonephritis.

Red blood cells, blood in the urine - possible causes of the appearance

Erythrocytes in urine can be present in varying amounts, and when their concentration is high, they speak of blood in the urine. By the number of erythrocytes in the urinary sediment, one can judge the development of the disease and the effectiveness of the treatment used.

The reasons for the appearance of red blood cells in the urine:

  • glomerulonephritis (acute and chronic);
  • pyelitis;
  • pyelocystitis;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • injury (bruise, rupture) of the kidneys, urethra or bladder;
  • tuberculosis of the kidney and urinary tract;
  • tumors;
  • taking certain medications (sulfa drugs, urotropin, anticoagulants).
In women, in the first days after childbirth, red blood cells are also detected in large quantities, but this is a variant of the norm.

Cylinders in urine - possible causes of the appearance

Among all types of cylinders, the appearance of hyaline is most often noted in the urinary sediment. All other types of cylinders (granular, waxy, epithelial, etc.) appear much less frequently.

The reasons for the detection of various types of cylinders in urine are presented in the table:

Type of cylinders
urinary sediment
Causes of the appearance of cylinders in the urine
  • nephritis (acute and chronic)
  • nephropathy of pregnancy
  • pyelonephritis
  • kidney tuberculosis
  • kidney tumors
  • kidney stone disease
  • diarrhea
  • epileptic seizure
  • fever
  • poisoning with mercuric chloride and heavy metal salts
  • glomerulonephritis
  • pyelonephritis
  • severe lead poisoning
  • viral infections
  • chronic renal failure
  • amyloidosis of the kidney
  • acute glomerulonephritis
  • kidney infarction
  • vein thrombosis of the lower extremities
  • high blood pressure
  • necrosis of the renal tubules
  • poisoning with salts of heavy metals, mercuric chloride
  • intake of substances toxic to the kidneys (phenols, salicylates, some antibiotics, etc.)

Epithelial cells in the urine - possible causes of the appearance

Epithelial cells are not only counted, but divided into three types - squamous epithelium, transitional and renal.

Squamous epithelial cells in the urinary sediment are detected in various inflammatory pathologies of the urethra - urethritis. In women, a slight increase in squamous epithelial cells in the urine may not be a sign of pathology. The appearance of squamous epithelial cells in the urine of men undoubtedly indicates the presence of urethritis.

Transitional epithelial cells in the urinary sediment are detected in cystitis, pyelitis or pyelonephritis. Distinctive signs of pyelonephritis in this situation is the appearance of transitional epithelial cells in the urine, in combination with protein and a shift in the reaction towards the acidic side.

Renal epithelial cells appear in urine with serious and deep organ damage. So, most often, cells of the renal epithelium are detected in nephritis, amyloid or lipoid nephrosis or poisoning.

Pathologies leading to the excretion of salts in the urine

Crystals of various salts can appear in the urine and normally, for example, due to the peculiarities of the diet. However, in some diseases, the excretion of salts in the urine is also noted.

Various diseases that cause the appearance of salts in the urine are presented in the table:

The table shows the most common salts that are of diagnostic value.

Mucus and bacteria in urine are possible causes of

Mucus in the urine is determined with urolithiasis or long-term chronic inflammation of the urinary tract (cystitis, urethritis, etc.). In men, mucus can appear in the urine with prostatic hyperplasia.

The appearance of bacteria in the urine is called bacteriuria. It is caused by an acute infectious and inflammatory process occurring in the organs of the urinary system (for example, pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, etc.).
The general analysis of urine provides a fairly large amount of information that can be used to make an accurate diagnosis in combination with other techniques. However, remember that even the most accurate analysis does not allow diagnosing any disease, since for this it is necessary to take into account clinical symptoms and data from objective examinations.

Before use, you must consult a specialist.

The reaction (pH) of urine is an indicator of the balance of alkalis and acids. Normal urine reaction is usually slightly acidic or neutral (pH in the range of 5.0-7.0). The change in the reaction of urine largely depends on nutrition, the amount of fluid you drink and on the state of the body. The lower the pH level, the more acidic the environment. An alkaline medium has a high pH level.

Urine pH rate

In a healthy newborn, the pH ranges from 5.5 to 6.0. The pH of urine in premature babies ranges from 4.8 to 5.5. After the neonatal period (older than one month) in breastfed babies, urine pH is neutral or alkaline - 7.0-7.8. After the termination of breastfeeding (weaning) - the reaction is the same as in adults - 6.0-7.0. The reaction of urine in children who are bottle-fed ranges from 5.5 to 7.0.

The normal urine reaction of a healthy adult and an older child is in the range from 5.5 to 7.0 (most often 6.0 -6.5), and in pathology - about or less than 5.0 and from 7.0 to 9 , 0. Storing urine at room temperature causes urine to alkalize (increase in pH).

The main reasons leading to a change in urine pH

Increase in pH (pH> 7.0)
Alkaline environment
Decrease in pH (pH less than 5.0)
Acidic environment
When consuming mainly plant and dairy foodsExcessive consumption of meat foods
Drinking alkaline mineral watersDiabetes
With high acidity of the stomachStarvation
Prolonged vomiting (loss of chlorine and water)Dehydration (other than vomiting): decreased fluid intake, prolonged diarrhea
Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract: pyelonephritis, cystitisKidney disease: kidney failure, urolithiasis
Increased blood potassium levelsViolation of the electrolyte balance of the blood: a decrease in the level of potassium in the blood (hypokalemia), a decrease in the level of chlorine in the blood (hypochloremia).

Why determine the pH of urine

Self-determination of urine pH is not very important, but when combined with symptoms and other laboratory parameters, it provides important information about the disease or the therapy used.

Determining the reaction of urine is important in urolithiasis. A shift in urine pH to one side or the other contributes to the precipitation of various salts:

  • at pH below 5.5 ( acidic environment) more often urate stones are formed... If the medium is acidic, then this promotes the dissolution of phosphates;
  • at pH from 5.5 to 6.0 - oxalate stones;
  • at pH above 7.0 ( alkaline environment) - phosphate stones are formed... The alkaline environment promotes the dissolution of urates.

The reaction of the urine affects the growth and activity of bacteria, as well as the effectiveness of antibiotic treatment. Choosing the appropriate diet and medications can change the urine response. However, you need to know that the alkaline environment creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of microorganisms that cause inflammatory processes in the kidneys and urinary tract.

There are many diagnostic methods for detecting pathologies. The degree of acidity of human biological fluids can tell a lot. For example, by the reaction of urine, it is judged about the presence of certain abnormalities in the body.

Acid reaction of urine - what is it

The acidity of urine is determined as a result of laboratory research. She displays hydrogen ion activity, which are decomposition products of inorganic substances. Their concentration shows how well the renal glomeruli function, which filters the blood.

The acidic reaction of urine is said when the pH does not exceed 4,6-5,0 ... This state is called aciduria... An acidic, acid-base reaction of urine is considered normal. Some people are very acidic. This does not necessarily indicate the presence of a disease. Much depends on the diet. For example, in meat-eaters, the urine reaction is acidic, while in vegetarians it is alkaline.

What should be the norms

In a healthy adult and adolescents, the normal urine reaction should not go beyond 5,5-7,0 ... The optimal indicator is considered to be 6.0-6.5. If the pH is at 7.0, then the reaction will be neutral. With an increase in this indicator, urine changes to the alkaline side, and with a decrease - to the acidic one.

For infants and newborns, a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction is optimal. That is, the pH is 7,0-7,8 ... When the child is transferred to artificial feeding, the acidic reaction of urine begins to decrease. The rate goes down to 6,0-7,0 .

For premature babies, the optimal acidity response ranges from 4,8-5,5 ... Frequent shifts to the acidic or alkaline side are observed during pregnancy. This is due to hormonal changes. During gestation, the pH should be between 5.3 and 6.5.


The pH level is influenced by natural factors. For example, if a person uses a dietary supplement to promote health, the urine response changes. After all, such drugs usually contain substances that promote the oxidation of biological fluid.

Drugs with a high concentration of sodium chloride, ascorbic acid, arginine hydrochloride, calcium chloride, ammonium chloride also have an effect. Also, the reaction changes when the diet is enriched with proteins, lipids, acids. These substances lead to the buildup of uric acid.

Urine acidifies as a result of:

  1. Smoking.
  2. Alcoholism.
  3. Bakery abuse.
  4. Strong physical exertion.
  5. Being depressed.

It happens that the reason lies in a pathological process. Oxidation of urine is observed in the following diseases:

  • Inflammation of the urinary and urinary organs (eg, cystitis or pyelonephritis).
  • The presence of congenital kidney anomalies.
  • Reducing the defenses of the human body.
  • Respiratory diseases.
  • Renal pathologies in which the kidney tubules are malfunctioning.
  • Allergy.
  • Exchange violations.
  • Diabetes mellitus of the first and second types.

What to do

If the general analysis of urine shows an acidic reaction, the first thing to do is consult a doctor-general practitioner or urologist... When the pH level rises, doctors ask the patient about what medications he is taking, what his daily routine is, and how he eats. Sometimes doctors offer to retake the urine test after a few days. This is because some drugs and foods acidify (alkalize) urine. Therefore, the doctor develops a nutritional plan for three days and then sends the biochemical fluid for re-examination.

If the second analysis also shows an excess of the normative level of uric acid, then some of the organs in the body are not functioning correctly. It is necessary to undergo additional examination to establish the cause of the deviation from the norm. For this, different methods are used.

For instance:

  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder.
  • General and biochemical blood tests.

Based on the examination data, the doctor selects an effective therapy. It consists in:

  • Treatment of the underlying pathology that caused an increase in the content of uric acid in urine.
  • Taking medications to reduce the acid reaction. Most often prescribed Estrogen, Azathioprine, Allopurinol... If necessary, add special food additives.
  • Physiotherapy. For example, plasmaphoresis removes uric acid salts from the blood.

For treatment to be successful, a strict diet must be followed. The following should be completely excluded from the menu:

  • By-products.
  • Meat broths.
  • Cancers.
  • Shrimp.
  • Fatty meat.
  • Marinades.
  • Pickles.
  • Smoked dishes.
  • Dairy products.
  • Baking.
  • Spices and spices.
  • Chocolate.
  • Kvass.
  • Energetic drinks.
  • Sparkling sweet or mineral water.

Nutrition should be rational and correct. It is forbidden to starve: if you do not eat for a long time, the level of uric acid will only increase. But doctors say that fasting days are useful. The patient is advised to increase the amount of fluid consumed per day. It is better to drink mineral alkaline water without gases. It helps to reduce the acidity of the body.

The acidity of urine in the professional language is called pH - the most important indicator, with the help of it the content and activity of hydrogen ions is determined. After analyzing the acidity, it is easy to identify the physical properties of urine, as well as the balance of alkalis and acids. If this indicator is strongly deviated from the norm, this means that pathological processes occur in the human body; in the absence of timely treatment, they can negatively affect health and cause chronic diseases. What should be the pH rate of urine?

Urine properties

Urine is a biological fluid produced during human activity, together with it, metabolic decay products and toxins are excreted from the body. It is formed by filtering blood plasma and consists of 97% water, the remaining percentages are salts and products of nitrogenous origin.

Urine is produced thanks to the kidneys, these organs retain useful substances and trace elements in the body, remove all unnecessary. The process depends on how correct the metabolism will be. If the amount of substances with acidic properties prevails in urine, then the urine is acidic. Its pH is below 7.

If substances with alkaline properties predominate, the pH level will be greater than 7. The neutral acidity of urine is pH 7, in which case the acidic and alkaline properties will be approximately the same.

Shows how correctly the body processes the incoming minerals and trace elements, whether it is able to independently neutralize the acid accumulated in the tissues.

Factors contributing to the change in the acidity of urine

Experts say that the acidity of urine changes for the following reasons:

  • specific metabolism;
  • the appearance of diseases of the genitourinary system, entailing an inflammatory process;
  • eating certain foods;
  • pathogenic processes in the body that contribute to acidification or accumulation of alkalis in the blood;
  • individual features of the kidneys;
  • excessive fluid intake.

The pH value of urine is the most important indicator of the health of the body. If the acidity level changes, the patient needs to sign up for a comprehensive diagnosis so that the physician can identify the primary source of the disease and prescribe competent treatment.

Normal indicators

In the body of women and men, the acidity value (activity and characteristics of hydrogen particles) cannot fall below 0.86 pH. The activity of particles depends on various factors, they are influenced by the human diet and metabolic processes occurring in the body.

The rate of urine acidity must be in the range from 5 to 7 pH, this value is considered optimal. If the value deviates by 0.5 pH, do not worry, since such fluctuations are insignificant and short-lived.

Doctors say that at night, when a person's activity is minimal, the pH rate of urine drops to 4.9. On an empty stomach and in the morning, the acidity of the liquid varies from 6 to 6.4 pH. If during these periods the indicators do not deviate from the norm, this indicates the normal functioning of the body, there is no reason for concern.

What causes urine acidification

The only thing that can provoke such changes is the dysfunction of certain organs and the appearance of serious diseases. Acidity is exceeded due to the following factors:

  • hobby, containing a lot of protein, fat and acids (white bread is considered harmful);
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • treatment with drugs that contain sodium chloride;
  • inflammation of the urinary organs can also be the reason that the acidity of the fluid will not be normal. A common disease that causes inflammation is cystitis;
  • Excessive acid intake (with certain medications and supplements)

The increased acidity of urine in humans is caused by the following factors:

  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  • adherence to diets accompanied by fasting.
  • stressful situations and shock.
  • increased physical activity.

It is impossible to independently identify what caused the acidic reaction of urine. The only way to determine the primary source of pathology is to pass the necessary tests from an experienced specialist.

Alkaline rate

An increase in acidity in urine is associated with dietary characteristics or the appearance of an infection. With a change in diet or after elimination of the infection, the acidity level normalizes on its own. An alkaline urine reaction is triggered by:

  • diseases accompanied by vomiting (the body loses a large amount of water and chlorine);
  • infection of the urethra;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • excessive consumption of alkaline mineral water;
  • treatment with bicarbonates and adrenaline;
  • hematuria;
  • vegetarianism.

What is the danger of increasing acidity

If the acidity of urine is not normal, in the absence of timely treatment, pathological processes will begin to develop in the body:

  • Increase in blood viscosity. With alkaline urine, red blood cells lose their initial elasticity and become immobile. This unfavorable environment increases the likelihood of blood clots forming.
  • Kidney stones - As the breakdown of salts will be slower, the chance of grit and calculus will increase.
  • Deterioration of metabolism - if the activity of enzymes is disrupted, the breakdown and excretion of processed substances slow down, this will lead to increased toxicity and accumulation of toxins in the body. The person may develop certain complications.
  • Reproduction of pathogenic bacteria: A change in the pH of urine and an increase in acidity is an excellent breeding ground for most types of harmful microbes.

How to lower the acidity of urine?

If the acidity of your urine is abnormal, the best way to regulate it is to follow a special diet. The patient in this situation will need to consume more foods with zero or negative acidity.

The doctor and test strips will help you choose the right products, they will need to be used daily. Regardless of the individual characteristics of the body, patients who are faced with this problem are advised to consume the following products:

  • dairy products;
  • bananas, apples, pineapple, oranges, melons;
  • fruit juices (natural);

  • cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, carrots;
  • vegetable oil;
  • mushrooms;
  • coffee;
  • beer, white and red wine.

If the patient feels normal when the pH of the urine deviates, this is not a cause for concern, since the pathology is caused precisely by dietary habits. Alkaline urine does not cause discomfort in the patient, well-being is not tied to the acidity of urine, the norm determines the health of the body. But if, when the indicator changes, a person feels certain ailments, it is urgent to make an appointment with a doctor.

Urine is a liquid that is the result of human activity. The excretory system of the body, in particular the kidneys, perform many important functions, for example, the regulation of acid-base balance. An acidic or alkaline urine reaction detected by clinical analysis is not considered normal. A similar phenomenon speaks of improper diet or pathological changes that can cause serious illness.

Together with urine, metabolic products are excreted from the body. Urine is formed in the renal tubules after filtering the blood. Urine contains water, substances arising from the breakdown of proteins, and salt. The two extreme groups of components have a total specific gravity of no more than 3% of the total volume.

The pH level is an important indicator through which you can understand what the state of a person is today. Essentially, pH records the activity of hydrogen particles in body fluids. The acidity of urine directly depends on the presence of bacteria in the body, therefore, deviations from the norm in most cases indicate infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.

Minerals such as magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium are responsible for the acidity index. As the pH level rises, the organs have an additional responsibility to process and remove accumulated acid. This requires Mg, K, Na, Ca, which are removed from the bones, where their presence is vital.

As a result of the impact, the skeletal system suffers. A decrease in acidity also affects human health negatively. In any case, if deviations in the pH level are detected in the analysis of urine, their root cause should be found and the acid-base balance of the body should be restored.

What determines the reaction of urine

The reasons why the acidity of pH changes can be pathological, among them:

  • Inflammatory process in the organs of the genitourinary system.
  • Acidity of the stomach.
  • Disruptions in the work of the kidneys.
  • Ailments that provoke alkalosis (blood alkalization) or acidosis (blood oxidation).

Also, deviations in the pH level can be recorded in the presence of meat, milk and plant products in the diet. Protein food increases the acidity of urine, and the other components listed above alkalize it. The volume of liquid drunk and the characteristics of metabolic exchange are of great importance.

Alkalinization of urine

Alkalinization of urine is a natural biochemical process that blocks the negative effects of organic acids. It, along with the regulation of body temperature and heart rate, forms the basis for the correct functioning of all vital systems of the body.

Compliance with the acid-base balance is the key to the normal course of all physiological processes. Therefore, in saliva, blood, urine and other fluids of the human body, the acidity index should be at the required level. Otherwise, homeostasis will be disrupted, which will adversely affect health.

Equilibrium in the body is established by four mechanisms of the buffer type, among them: protein, hemoglobin, phosphate and bicarbonate. Each system takes part in the binding of hydrogen ions. Departure from normal pH values ​​provokes:

  • Protein denaturation.
  • Loss of their functions by enzymes.
  • Violation of intercellular interaction.
  • Lack of minerals.
  • Decreased resistance of the immune system.
  • Creation of a favorable environment for the development of many serious pathologies.
  • Disruption of protein metabolism.
  • Intoxication with fat-soluble poisons, due to problems with their excretion from the body.

The bicarbonate buffer mechanism has the greatest influence, without which the formation of carbonic acid is impossible. It comes out due to the release of carbon dioxide molecules. This compound is created by the combination of excess hydrogen ions and similar bicarbonate particles.

Oxidation of the body is more common than alkalization. Both processes are harmful, but an increase in acidity affects an order of magnitude faster. They get rid of its consequences through the principle of moderation, that is, with the help of alkalization. This method is often used in the treatment of cancer. This therapy began to be used after 1932.

Then the scientist Otto Warburg revealed the following pattern: healthy cells of the body are reborn faster into malignant cells due to the low pH level in the blood (less than 7.2 units). This assumption was confirmed when additional research was carried out. Tumors decreased markedly and slowed down their development while maintaining acid-base balance. Of course, it is impossible to completely cure cancer in this way, but the chances of recovery in patients have increased significantly.

Alkalinization of the body is used for preventive purposes. An example of such a therapeutic effect is diet. A well-thought-out course of special nutrition is able to stabilize the acid-base balance. Specialist control is mandatory, because each patient is individual, and it is quite easy to break the delicate border between therapy and aggravation of the problem. Alkalinization does not need to be stimulated, much less increased. It is required to maintain it at a level, which is carried out by the use of the "right" products and breathing exercises.

Not everyone knows that when you inhale, oxidation occurs, and when you exhale, alkalization occurs. This process is regulated in the brain. Therefore, when carrying out such prophylaxis, physical stress on the body is taken into account. Food products are divided into two categories. The first, "oxidizing", as written above, includes meat and fish products. The second, "alkalizing", - fruits, vegetables and milk. It is strictly forbidden to prescribe a diet and other additional procedures on your own. Such treatment with the wrong approach can easily turn into harm.

An alkaline urine reaction is accompanied by:

  • Accumulation of acids.
  • Skin rashes caused by inflammatory processes, which are triggered by a decrease in the body's defenses.
  • Problems with the formation of carbonic acid.
  • Malfunctions of the respiratory system.
  • Kidney pathologies due to excessive amounts of oxalic and uric acids.
  • Inflammation in the oral cavity (stomatitis), weakness of the tooth enamel.

Health problems often arise from stressful situations. This is due to the fact that the "inflated" state causes a violation of all functions of the body. Toxins and "acidic" waste are not completely removed, which leads to the above consequences. Therefore, to get rid of acidic or alkaline urine, negative emotions should be avoided. This will help yoga, fitness, and meditation. On the recommendation of the attending physician, you can drink a sedative course.

Normal indicators

Physiological processes proceed without the formation of pathological changes if the pH is normal (7.37-7.44 units), that is, if the reaction is neutral. In the case of obtaining an indicator that is lower, they talk about the oxidation of the body. If the pH is more than the upper limit of the permissible norm, then an alkaline urine reaction is diagnosed.

Deviations can be short-term or permanent. The latter fit into the clinical picture of diseases of the urinary system of the body. Short-term ones do not have a pathological nature if they are in the range from 4.5 to 8 units. They appear during sleep if a person is hungry or too full. Normal should be morning and evening pH values.

The activity of hydrogen particles in urine depends on age and individual characteristics. For example, in healthy newborns, the norm is 5.4-5.9 units, in premature babies, 4.8 to 5.4 units. After some time, the pH will stabilize. The norm in pregnant women is the same as in other adult patients, but the reasons for the deviations are somewhat different.

During pregnancy, the load on the entire body increases, in particular, on those organs that are located in the abdominal cavity. If the pH drops, then the patient suffers from toxicosis or a lack of potassium. An increase in this indicator indicates the presence of protein products in the diet.

Acid reaction of urine

If an acidic reaction is detected in a laboratory study of urine, what does this mean? Acidification of urine can occur due to:

  • Eating a large number of meat dishes and baked goods.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system of the body.
  • Excessive administration of saline.
  • An inflammatory process localized in the kidneys and bladder.
  • Allergies (especially in young children).
  • Harmful addictions (alcoholism, smoking).
  • Physical activity.
  • Depressive state.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Inclusion in therapy of ammonium chloride, calcium chloride, arginine hydrochloride, "Methionine", "Corticotropin", ascorbic acid.
  • Buffer system problems.

If such a deviation is found, the attending physician prescribes additional tests that allow you to determine the reasons for its appearance. If necessary, use other diagnostic methods.

Alkaline urine reaction

With an alkaline reaction of urine, doubts often arise about the correctness of nutrition. Excessive consumption of dairy products, vegetables and fruits confirms the suspicions that have arisen. But if the diet is properly balanced, the organs of the excretory system should be checked. It is possible that an infection was localized in them, which provoked pathological changes. An alkaline urine reaction indicates that an environment has formed in the body that is favorable for the development of many serious diseases.

Such results of laboratory research of urine (general, biochemical analysis) arise due to:

  • Vomiting.
  • Drinking a lot of mineral water.
  • An increase in the level of acidity in the stomach.
  • Taking certain medications (adrenaline, bicarbonates, nicotinamide).


Acidity of urine: what is it?

The kidneys are an important organ that filters and removes many toxins and waste products in the urine. The pH level is one of the main indicators that must be checked during any examinations.

The acidity of urine allows you to determine the processes occurring in the body and assess the general condition. In medical practice, it is called urine pH. It is a pH value that calculates the amount of hydrogen ions in a urine sample. It can change throughout the day. With some pathologies of the urinary system, the pH can decrease or increase.

The pH level can indicate the extent to which minerals are processed by the kidneys. Magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium are responsible for the acidity level.

When acidity is high, the body neutralizes the accumulated acid in the tissues and borrows the minerals it needs from bones or organs.

The chemical composition of urine can vary based on many factors:

  • Metabolism.
  • Acidity of the stomach.
  • Improper nutrition.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Features of the functioning of the renal tubules.
  • The amount of liquid consumed.

Determining the pH level in urine is very important when using litholytic drugs - drugs that dissolve kidney stones.

Diagnostics and norm

It is important to correctly collect the urine for analysis, otherwise the results may be unreliable. On the eve, it is not recommended to eat foods that can change the physical properties of the liquid.

It is forbidden to take diuretics. Before the examination, it is imperative to wash the genitals. You need to be able to properly carry out the toilet of the genitals in children: girls are washed from front to back, and in boys, the head of a sexual person is exposed. Collect the urine sample in a clean glass container. The first portion is released into the toilet, the middle portion is collected in a container and the remaining portion is returned to the toilet.

Collect urine in the morning on an empty stomach. Therefore, it should be delivered to the laboratory immediately. With prolonged storage of urine, the destruction of erythrocytes and cylinders occurs, and the pH changes. During the period of menstruation, a woman is not recommended to take urine tests, as this can distort the results.

Urine analysis is prescribed for all patients with suspected diseases of the genitourinary system and other disorders in the body.

The acidity of urine is determined using special indicators - litmus paper. It changes its color depending on the reaction of the solution. Each color corresponds to a specific pH value. If the strip changes color to red, then this indicates an acidic pH of urine, and if it turns blue, then an alkaline reaction. If the stripes have not changed color, then the acidity is neutral.

There is another way to determine the acidity of urine - using an ionomer. This method is more convenient and highly informative.

Useful video: how to correctly and quickly determine the pH level

Urine acidity rate:

  • Normally, in men and women, the acidity of urine has the same value. In the morning, urine in an adult is slightly acidic, due to the release of toxins. The pH norm for an adult is 6.5-7 units.
  • In a child, normal values ​​differ slightly from the pH level of urine in adults. The acidity of urine in a newborn is 5.5-6, in a premature baby - 4.8-5.4, and in a bottle-fed baby - 5.4-6.9.
  • After a baby is weaned, the pH of the urine is the same as that of an adult.

If urine contains substances with acidic properties, then it is acidic (pH less than 7). If a large amount of alkaline substances is detected in the urine, then this indicates alkalization of the urine (pH more than 7). In urine, acidic and alkaline substances can be in equal amounts, then the acidity is neutral (pH is 7).

Why does urine acidity increase?

An increase in urine acidity occurs with excessive consumption of plant or dairy foods, mineral water. A shift in pH upward may be due to the intake of certain drugs: adrenaline, bicarbonates, nicotinamide.

Increased acidity may indicate a violation of the secretion of gastric juice, pyloric obstruction.

Above normal urine acidity can be observed in the following cases:

  1. With dehydration.
  2. With diarrhea.
  3. With diabetic ketoacidosis.
  4. With acidosis.
  5. When fasting.
  6. With urinary tract infections.
  7. With chronic renal failure.

The alkaline reaction of urine can increase in chronic urinary tract infections, febrile conditions, kidney tuberculosis. Chronic acidity in urine contributes to the formation of phosphate stones.

It is important to establish the cause of the increased acidity of urine and only then carry out treatment. It is necessary to conduct an additional examination and identify possible deviations.

How to normalize the indicator

To reduce the acidity of urine, it is necessary to reduce the intake of protein foods and increase the intake of foods with a neutral or acidic alkaline load. If alkalization of urine is associated with pathological processes in the body, then this is a cause for concern.

In this case, further diagnostics will be required to determine the cause of the deviation from the norm. Daily tests using test strips will help you find the right diet.

The diet should contain foods with zero acidity. These products are:

  • Butter
  • Ice cream
  • Milk
  • Cucumber
  • Vegetable oil

Foods with negative acidity: fruits, fruit juices, vegetables, mushrooms, herbs, mineral water, coffee, red and white wine. The division of products by "acidity" is very arbitrary. Each organism digests and assimilates food in different ways. It is necessary to make changes in the diet: exclude or add foods.

If urolithiasis is detected and long-term treatment is prescribed, then patients should independently monitor urine pH using test strips.

You should not follow a specific diet and eat foods that are low in acidity. All foods are recommended, but within reasonable limits.

To cleanse the body and kidneys, you must drink enough fluids. In people leading a healthy lifestyle, the acidity of urine is always normal.


Urine properties

With the help of urine, metabolic products are excreted. Its formation is carried out in the nephrons at the time of filtration of plasma and blood. Urine contains 97% water, the remaining 3% are salts and nitrogenous substances.

The necessary pH of body fluids is maintained by the kidneys through the elimination of unnecessary substances and the retention of elements that are involved in important metabolic processes.

The excreted substances have acid-base characteristics. When there are a lot of acidic particles, acidic urine is formed (the pH drops below 5). The urine pH is a weakly acidic reaction (5–7). In the case of predominance of alkaline properties, alkaline urine is formed (pH about 8). If the indicator is 7, this is the balance in urine of alkaline and acidic substances (neutral environment).

What does acid or alkaline balance mean? It indicates the degree of efficiency of the process of processing minerals responsible for the acidity level. In a situation where the urine pH is exceeded, the acid is neutralized due to the minerals in the bones and organs. This means that the diet is dominated by meat products and lack of vegetables.

Acidity pH is normal

The acidity of urine depends on many factors. The high content of animal protein in food causes an overcrowding of urine with acid. If a person prefers plant foods, dairy products, the alkaline environment is determined.

Normally, the urine reaction does not have to be neutral, it is determined in the range from 5 to 7. Acidity readings can vary slightly, for example, pH 4.5–8 is considered normal, provided that it is short-lived.

The norm at night is no more than 5.2 units. In the early morning on an empty stomach, there are low pH values ​​(up to a maximum of 6.4), in the evening - 6.4-7, which is considered common.

Normal pH values ​​for men, women, and children are slightly different. Due to the frequent consumption of protein foods by men, the acidity level of urine increases. In urine during pregnancy, acidity of 5–8 is considered the norm.

Normal acidity in children depends on age. The reaction of urine in a newborn baby is neutral due to the consumption of breast milk. In premature babies, there is a slight acidification of urine. A bottle-fed baby has a low acidity level. In children, whose menu has already introduced complementary foods, the acidity of urine is on average 5-6 units.

Analysis of urine

The diagnosis is much easier with a laboratory urine test. Its re-conduct is prescribed in case of an infectious disease. In case of problems with the endocrine system, kidneys, urine pH analysis is indispensable. In case of urolithiasis, pH in urine analysis can tell about the type of stones. For example, uric acid stones appear when urine pH is below 5.5. At the same time, the formation of oxalate stones occurs at a pH of 5.5-6.0, phosphate stones - with an alkaline reaction of urine (above 7 units).

To determine the pH, a laboratory study of urine (OAM) is carried out, which makes it possible to characterize not only urine, but also to conduct a microscopic examination of the sediment.

A more accurate idea of ​​the work of the kidneys is given by the titration (titrated) acidity of urine. Titration is one of the laboratory methods for the study of urine.

In order for the urine analysis to show the most accurate result, it is necessary to follow some rules before performing it. To determine the pH in urine a few days before collecting the material, it is worth refusing to take certain medications, herbal infusions and decoctions, alcohol and other products that affect the composition of urine.

1 day before urine collection, exclude bright vegetables and fruits from the menu. During menstruation, the composition of urine changes in women - doctors do not recommend doing an analysis during this period.

Before collecting urine, the genitals are thoroughly washed. The most accurate results will be obtained only by examining the material collected in the morning.

How to determine pH at home?

Today, you can even measure the state of the acid-base balance yourself at home. To determine the pH of urinary fluid, you can use:

  • litmus paper;
  • Magarshak's method;
  • bromothymol blue indicator;
  • indicator test strips.

The first method can be used to find out the pH level by simply placing litmus paper in the test liquid. This method does not allow determining the specific value of acidity.

Magarshak's method for determining the acidity of urine is the use of a specially prepared indicator based on two volumes of a solution of neutral red alcohol with a concentration of 0.1% and one volume of an alcohol solution of methylene blue with the same concentration. Then 2 ml of urine is mixed with 1 drop of the resulting indicator. The color of the resulting mixture is used to determine the approximate PH content.

A bromothymol blue indicator for measuring acidity is prepared by mixing 0.1 g of a ground indicator with 20 ml of heated ethyl alcohol. The resulting mixture is cooled, diluted with water to 100 ml. Then 3 ml of urine is combined with a drop of indicator and the result is assessed by the obtained color.

The indicators listed above take some time. In comparison, test strips are considered to be the simpler and more accessible method for measuring pH. This method is used both at home and in many health care centers. The pH strips help you determine the urine response in the range of 5 to 9 units.

However, indicator test strips are not as accurate as a dedicated ionomer.

Causes of acidification of urine

Increased acidity of urine (aciduria) starts at pH 5 and below. An acidic environment is considered suitable for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. The reasons are as follows:

  • features of the diet (meat products increase acidity);
  • gout, leukemia, uric acid diathesis and other pathologies that cause acidosis;
  • active physical activity, living in a hot area, working in a hot workshop, etc.
  • long fasting, lack of carbohydrates;
  • alcoholism;
  • medications that increase acidity;
  • stage of decompensation during diabetes mellitus;
  • renal failure, which has a severe pain syndrome;
  • allergic manifestations in children.

Reasons for a decrease in acidity

Why can an alkaline urine reaction occur? Various factors can lower the acidity (a condition called alkaluria where the pH is high). For example, this happens when the menu changes abruptly. It may also indicate a malfunction of the renal acidity regulation mechanism due to tubular acidosis. This can be confirmed by examining the urine for several days.

Other reasons why urine alkalization can be observed:

  • the predominance of plant foods in the menu, the use of alkaline mineral water and other foods that can reduce acidity;
  • infections of the urinary system;
  • severe vomiting;
  • stomach diseases;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, etc.;
  • rickets;
  • postoperative period (alkaline balance values ​​can increase significantly);
  • excretion of phenobarbital through the kidneys.

Alkalinization of urine is accompanied by weakness, headaches, nausea, etc. If you cannot normalize the acid-base balance by excluding foods that reduce acidity from the diet, you should seek medical help from a doctor. A slightly acidic environment, significantly higher than the norm, is suitable for the development of pathogenic microorganisms.

How to normalize acid-base balance?

In a healthy person, the acid-base balance is kept within 6 - 7. If for some reason this balance has shifted, it is worth seeking help from a doctor. The fact is that pH affects the activity of bacteria - acidity can both reduce and increase the pathogenicity of microorganisms. In this regard, medications have varying degrees of effectiveness.

The doctor can help you figure out what triggered the unpleasant symptoms, locate the source of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment, as well as tell you how to lower or increase the pH. WITH timely diagnostics will make the therapy as effective as possible.

Against the background of the fight against the disease, which led to a shift in the balance of acid and alkali in the body, it is necessary to stop the intake of harmful substances. Fatty meat, sausages, canned food, sugar, semolina are excluded from the diet. A good metabolism is possible when a sufficient amount of acids and alkalis is supplied to the body.

Acid-containing foods are lean meat, fish, cheese. The supply of alkalis to the body occurs due to vegetables, herbs, fruits, berries, which reduce acidity. Therefore, the normalization of the BSC is possible if the types of products and their quantity are correctly combined. According to the golden rule, the diet of people with problematic indicators of urine acidity should consist of 80% alkaline products and 20% acid-forming products.


The concept of urine acidity and factors affecting its level

First you need to find out what a Ph.

Ph, or acidity of urine, is an indicator of the level of activity of hydrogen ions in a human biological fluid. It shows how well the renal glomeruli function, which filters the blood. They actually "squeeze out" all the excess components, after which they enter the bladder and are excreted from the body.

You need to know this. Hydrogen ions are the decay product of various inorganic substances. It is for these elements that the alkaline reaction of urine is determined.

Quite often it happens that the acidity of urine significantly exceeds the permissible norm. The doctor is obliged to first determine the cause of this deviation, and only then prescribe treatment to the patient. Let's take a quick look at the main factors that lead to high acidity in urine.

Why is Ph above normal?

Often, a sharp jump in the level of acidity is associated with malnutrition. In particular, with insufficient consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits, or with the abuse of meat products. In order to maintain a normal Ph level, the body has to literally draw calcium from the bone tissue. If you do not address the problem immediately, over time, a person's bones will become brittle, and will not be able to withstand the load placed on them.

But, in addition to unhealthy diet, there are also other causes of increased acidity of urine. They can be found in:

  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • inflammatory pathologies of the MP sphere;
  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • pathological processes occurring in the body and having a direct effect on blood alkalization;
  • disturbances in the work of the renal tubules.

Another reason for acidic urine is the amount of fluid a person drinks per day.

Note. The quality of water and the presence of additional elements (food colors, flavorings, etc.) in it are of great importance. The same goes for food. The more additives they contain, the more powerful the effect they will have on the composition of urine.

The Ph level in urine is of great importance, and together with other indicators, it makes it possible to judge whether a person needs treatment, or if he just needs to change his diet and make adjustments to his drinking regimen.

How to determine the acidity of urine?

Having figured out what it means if Ph in urine is elevated, and what could be the reasons for this deviation, let's move on to an equally important question: how is the acidity level determined? What is the difference between acidification and alkalinization of urine? And which indicators are considered to be the norm, and which ones are a signal for immediate medical intervention?

How is the acidity level of urine determined?

It is possible to determine the Ph level in a biological fluid not only in a clinical laboratory, but also at home. For this purpose, special urine test strips are used, which are dipped into a fresh portion of urine for a few seconds (according to the principle of using a pregnancy test). When reacting with urine, litmus acquires one color or another, which corresponds to certain numerical indicators (from 4.5 to 7.5).

When testing urine for Ph, it is imperative to take precautions. The container where you will collect urine must be sterile, otherwise the results of a home test will be unreliable. If the data caused anxiety or suspicion, you need to contact a therapist for a comprehensive examination.

Acidification and alkalization of urine - what's the difference?

So, the acidic environment of urine indicates a significant increase in hydrogen ions in the sample of the investigated liquid. The reasons for this anomaly have been discussed earlier.

Alkaline urine, on the other hand, contains a minimum amount of hydrogen ions, which is also a deviation from the norm. Such an anomaly often becomes an identifier for various diseases. Among the main causes of an alkaline urine reaction are pathologies of the endocrine and urinary system, thyroid dysfunction, excessive consumption of vegetable protein or mineral water containing large amounts of sodium.

Methods for testing urine for acidity

There are several ways in which you can test urine for acidity. They are used both in clinical laboratories and at home. If you regularly conduct research on your own, a person will be able to fully control the state of the biological fluid, and, if necessary, seek qualified medical help in a timely manner.

The most common methods for determining the acidity of a biological fluid are:

  1. Using strips of litmus paper.
  2. Research according to the Magarshak method.
  3. The use of special test strips.

Means for determining the acidity of urine can be purchased at the pharmacy. Before using them, carefully study the instructions so as not to receive false data.

Litmus research

Litmus paper is impregnated with a special substance that reacts to even the smallest changes in the biochemical composition of urine. The package contains 2 strips - one red, the other blue. Both need to be dipped in urine, and the acidity level in urine is determined by their color.

  1. One speaks of a neutral Ph environment if none of the stripes has changed their color.
  2. If both pieces of litmus paper change color, it means that both alkaline and acidic urine reactions take place at the same time.
  3. If the red stripe turns blue, they speak of alkaline urine.
  4. When the blue indicator turns red, we are talking about an increased Ph in the urine (acid reaction of urine).

Note. Alas, litmus paper does not always give 100% correct test results. For a greater guarantee, you need to conduct another study in parallel, or pass tests to a laboratory.

Magarshak's method

This technique can only approximately determine the level of acidity of urine. For the test, a special solution is used that is added to the pre-collected urine (methylene blue and neutral red).

After mixing substances with a sample of biological fluid, you should pay attention to what color the sediment has acquired.

  1. Bright purple color - approximately 6.2.
  2. Light purple shade - about 6.6.
  3. Gray color - 7.2.
  4. Green color - 7.8.

However, do not worry if the test speaks of increased acidity of urine, or about its alkalinization. Try it again after 2-3 days. If in subsequent times the result is the same, then it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Using test strips

Special test strips for determining the acidity of urine are one of the most reliable and simple methods for examining biological fluid. They are used in most laboratories and dispensaries. Due to the fact that you can buy them in a pharmacy, a person gets the opportunity to fully control the work of the organs of the urinary system, and not only it.

The package contains indicators that go down into the collected portion of urine and change color under its influence. There is a special scale on the tube with strips, according to which the acidity level of the biological fluid is determined. You just need to compare the color of the test strip with the corresponding color on the package. Below it, a number will be indicated, which is an indicator of the Ph urine (for example, salad color - Ph 7.0, etc.).

Norm and deviations of indicators Ph

If the form indicates that the urine reaction is normal, this means that when the urine was tested for acidity, no abnormalities were found. At the same time, slight deviations up or down can still be, but they are not always taken into account.

Before making a diagnosis, the doctor must take into account the presence of symptoms accompanying the deviation of the acidity of urine from the norm, as well as information about the patient's well-being at the time of the study. The person's age and gender are also taken into account, since acidity indicators are somewhat different in children and adults. The same goes for pregnant and non-pregnant women, as well as nursing mothers.

The generally accepted norm for Ph in urinalysis is a range of 5-5 units. However, short-term deviations from these indicators are possible, which are not associated with malfunctions in the work of internal organs, but are a consequence of the influence of external factors (they were considered earlier).

Do not worry if the acidity level fluctuates between 4-8 units. for 1-2 days. Average values ​​are observed during sleep, and the lowest - in the morning. The normal acidity of urine, indicating that the body is working almost perfectly, should not be lower than 6.0 (it may increase to 6.5 units).

The child has

The rate of urine acidity in young children depends on whether they are breastfed or artificially fed. So, in infants, the optimal indicators are in the range of 5.4 - 5.9 units. In infants on IV, it is from 5.4 to 6.9.

Acidity of urine in women

The norm of Ph urine in women does not differ from the generally accepted indicators. However, this does not apply to expectant mothers, since during gestation, much in their body undergoes significant changes. During this period of time, the Ph of the biological fluid should be in the range of 4.5 - 8 units. With an increase in this level, disturbances in the work of the parathyroid glands are often observed, with a decrease - about high body temperature, potassium deficiency in the body or early toxicosis.

It is inappropriate to talk about the norm of Ph urine in women by age - the indicators are the same for everyone. As already noted, it only matters whether the patient is pregnant or not.

Why are deviations in the acidity level dangerous, and how to reduce it?

In some cases, an increase ("acidification") of the acidity of urine or its decrease ("alkalinization") may indicate serious health problems. In such situations, it is necessary to pay close attention to such indicators of Ph.

  1. If the pH of the urine is 5.5-6.0, this may indicate the formation of oxalate kidney stones.
  2. At an acidity level of 7.0 or higher, phosphate stones form, aided by an alkaline environment.

Many patients ask the question, what does it mean if the Ph of urine is 5.0-5.5. Often, such indicators indicate the formation of urate renal calculi. Such deviations from the norm are always taken into account when there is a suspicion of the development of ICD, but to confirm the diagnosis, the patient needs to undergo additional diagnostic studies.

Read about the reasons for the formation of salts in urine and their types at the link http://vseproanalizy.ru/prichiny-soli-v-moche-vidy.html

Ways to reduce the acidity of urine

In the absence of serious malfunctions in the body, you need to know how to lower the acidity of urine. This can be done at home, you just need to:

  • reduce the amount of protein foods, eggs, nuts, sour berries and fruits consumed;
  • eat more raisins (it carries a neutral or even negative acid load);
  • perform only feasible physical activity.

It is also possible to reduce the acidity of urine by using alkaline mineral waters - Borjomi, Essentuki, etc. However, do not forget about the sense of proportion, since not everyone can benefit from such products.

To maintain normal acidity of urine, you should stop consuming large amounts of:

  • milk;
  • butter;
  • cucumbers;
  • vegetable oils;
  • beer;
  • strong tea, etc.

Instead, it is necessary to give preference to bananas, grapes, oranges, mineral waters, mushrooms, black coffee, etc. These products contain zero acidity, due to which there is no need to worry about a sharp increase in Ph urine.