Karmic connection between mother and son. Unravel the events of a past life and change the present. The influence of karma on the birth of a child

If you study in detail the genealogical tree of each person, you can see both scammers and philanthropists in the family with equal probability.

It is from the interaction of the individual with financial energy that the monetary karma of the family is formed, which determines karmic debts or gifts for descendants. In addition to the blood karmic channel, there is the financial karma of the reproductive family - the community of karmic debts of a man and a woman who have entered into marriage.

Ancestral financial karma: occurrence:

What makes up the karma of money, with which a person has already been born? First, from his actions and relationships with finances in past reincarnations. Secondly, from the monetary deeds of his ancestors. Many people do not think about the consequences of their behavior, but the karma of bad thoughts, words and actions towards the financial flow is passed on to the next generation if the person did not have time to work off the debt for these mistakes in the current incarnation.

The individual karma of a personality is closely connected with the family karma, because before a new earthly incarnation, a person is given the choice of a family to achieve specific karmic goals. Therefore, in a sense, even heavy financial family karma is a necessity, because. allows you to learn a certain lesson, accelerate the implementation of the current karmic mission. But more often it happens that monetary karma is an unpleasant appendage, an unexpected bonus that accompanies a family that is most suitable for the current reincarnation.

Generic energies that carry information about monetary karma are also absorbed by the child in the womb.

The life scenario immediately begins to line up in accordance with these data and is recorded in the subconscious. However, in the case of not the first reincarnation, the programming of the generic financial karma may not even occur. This can also be avoided when a person has strong monetary individual karma overpowering family karma. In other words, if in past lives a person built an ideal relationship with finances, the family money karma will not greatly affect the gifts of fate.

Like any family karma, tribal karma passes to a person both along the male and female lines. The principle of sexual conformity is usually preserved, when karma passes to the daughter from the mother and her relatives, and to the son from the father and his family. But in some cases this rule is not respected, and if the children in the family are of the same sex, then the karma of the parents is distributed evenly between them.

Families with many children are lucky in the sense that bad financial karma or karmic debt does not apply to some children at all.

Bad financial karma is created in the clan as a result of various situations. The piggy bank of mistakes that will then have to be worked out includes the circumstances of monetary fraud, fraud, theft, theft, robbery. It is possible that the person was very stingy or, conversely, a spender.

If someone in the family constantly complained about poverty, envied the rich, mishandled their income, this is also considered the reason for the formation of karmic debt and bad monetary karma. In turn, positive karma is created by charitable activities, the ability to use money competently, the timely return of loans, financial assistance to the older generation and their descendants.

The older the clan, the stronger its karma, and the more negative is inherited. Negative energy ultimately repels money opportunities from a person, besides, he is forced to drag out his existence in poverty or is constantly a victim of financial fraud. This happens because only a series of suffering and sacrifices allows you to nullify karma, work off a debt.

But if a person could not understand the meaning of such a karmic lesson, did not radically change his views on money, financial karma will still remain bad, and this will be passed on to the future generation.

Karmic monetary debt of the kind: how it manifests itself:

If a person's family tree includes people who have proven themselves poorly in monetary relations, the descendant will not always get off with simple financial difficulties. Sometimes money karma extends much further, it affects related areas of life: career growth, interpersonal relationships, health status. But in one way or another, everything revolves around money.

In addition to external manifestations of the bad monetary karma of the family, there are also internal negative changes in a person who is forced to answer for the financial misdeeds of his ancestors. Usually descendants are faced with self-doubt, inertia of their own views, narrow worldview thinking. Such a person needs to make a lot of effort to overcome his complexes and vices.

Otherwise, there will be neither well-deserved successes nor accidental successes. A person with bad money karma according to the family tree has low ambitions, because he has little positive energy that his ancestors could have accumulated in advance.

Heavy family karma constantly deprives aspirations, desires, social activity.

The most offensive in the negative karma of money for the whole family is, perhaps, that a person misses even those opportunities that were originally given to him by fate. A person simply cannot be in the right place at the right time, which destroys a whole alternative series of successful events.

Family financial karma:

As you know, each person has his own financial ceiling - the amount that is most suitable for comfortable responsibility and optimal life. This ceiling is formed, of course, taking into account the ancestral karma and individual karma in all incarnations on earth. When a man and a woman create a new family, they average this amount of money, and this is how the financial ceiling of the family budget is formed.

This amount remains even in case of adverse fateful events, but in order to increase it, it is necessary to influence the individual financial ceiling of each of the partners. It is quite difficult to do this, but it is possible. To do this, you need to change your personal monetary karma, as described in the article on our portal on the relevant topic.

Actually, just because of different financial ceilings, there are situations when families break up due to poverty, and ex-husbands suddenly start earning more (sometimes this happens, and vice versa, with women who were leaders in relationships). It’s just that one of the partners initially had more vitality and responsibility for large sums of money, and besides, there were no heavy karmic debts.

Thus, in young families, spouses often limit the earning opportunities for each other. This can be avoided only through mutual spiritual growth, so that the partners are on the same level of self-improvement.

It should also be taken into account that the created family has a common financial karma, which means that in the energy karmic channel there are those karmic money that were originally intended for both the wife and the husband, and for each child. Therefore, it is extremely unfair to believe that if only one person earns in a relationship, then this is only his wealth. Not at all, pure strong karmas of kids, whose souls were exemplary excellent students in past reincarnations, can help here.

Even at the psychological level, this situation is explained quite simply: the appearance of children in our lives encourages us to change, search for new financial opportunities, as well as to form specific monetary requests to the Universe. It also affects the state of the family and the karma of the second partner, because he was also supposed to have money to achieve various karmic goals. However, if the monetary karma of someone in the formed family is weak, even double earnings may not improve the situation. Funding will still be chronically lacking.

Getting rid of the bad karma of money in the family:

It is impossible to get rid of the bad monetary karma of one's ancestors only by cutting off all ties with the older generations. The fact is that part of the karma penetrates with genes, and part is imposed in childhood through various statements, as well as imitation.

Thus, the first stage in the elimination of bad monetary karma is the removal of negative attitudes and programs inherited from parents. First of all, it is necessary to change the attitude towards rich people, towards their poverty and towards money in general. Many esotericists also advise pouring their individual energy into the karmic channel to build up the monetary generic karma.

Remember that it is impossible to return to the past and prevent the mistakes of the kind, but it is possible in the present to influence the coming days.

In order to rebuild the generic monetary karma, some experts recommend practicing positive transformation seven times in a row every month. To begin with, it is necessary to diagnose who was the main culprit of the bad karma of money in the family, to localize the soul. Then you need to find those who will help change such karma. We are talking about representatives of the past, present and future.

An ethereal observer is established behind money karma, financial protection is put in place, and a program is launched to purify karma at the ethereal level. Then it is already necessary to work out financial karma from scratch at the expense of an honest life.

Sometimes the negative family karma of money is formed due to a family curse, damage, evil eye:

* In women, this magical effect disappears after one generation. To get rid of the traces of this curse and improve the karma of the family, sometimes it is enough to tie your hair around your right wrist. To do this, it is enough to weave a long braid or pull out a small piece of strands.

* In men, the curse of the clan persists for 2-3 generations, but bad financial karma is transmitted only through the line of the first son and always only to the males. It is better to get rid of such a negative trace with the help of a professional psychic, but you can also use some tricks. These include a decrease in contact with paper money, the absence of direct financial relations between men of the same kind, and a ban on gambling.

Some psychics advise such a ritual, as the name of money:

It is necessary to give 9 coins daily twice a day to any close woman from the environment. This money should be named in a special way. Each coin is one of your life problems. You can refer to finance as the negative feelings that money makes you feel. All the coins received by the lady are buried in the soil at the time of the waning of the moon.

As for the negative monetary karma in a newly formed family, here it is necessary to work with the individual desires of partners. It is impossible to establish a high financial income if one of the spouses lacks aspirations and ambitions.

How to raise the money ceiling of a wife or husband:

* Daily work with visualization. Imagine your dream objects, write them in a wish jar, make collages.

* Learn not to be limited always and in everything, allowing yourself the desired gifts. You need to be able to spend money on yourself and at the same time not worry, but rejoice. Remember that when making a purchase, it is not always important to look only at the price of the goods, because in this way you push away abundance.

* Fulfill your dreams. Don't be afraid to raise the bar of your desires and gradually conform to a more successful lifestyle.

* Eliminate thoughts in your head that money brings anxiety, and being rich is dangerous or shameful.

Family money karma- the most important factor in the well-being of relationships and a frequent subject of contention among partners.

Sometimes the causes of financial problems may lie in the individual mistakes of this and the past reincarnation, and sometimes you should dig into the misdeeds of a kind. In any case, you should never despair, because you can always change the karma of money of the whole family or only your family, if only a person has enough sincere desire and patience for this, because you have to work daily on yourself and your own environment.

Life in a family is one of the most serious trials in a person's destiny. Heavy family karma (fate) is not uncommon in the modern world. How to understand that a difficult fate prevails in the family and what to do about it? In this article you will find answers to these questions.

Through the family, it is easiest to receive punishment for your past deeds. And so it happens. We suddenly do not understand why a loved one began to treat us badly or why children are exhausting our nerves.

This is a clear sign that in the past a person has sinned somewhere and now a response has come, which is called the law of karma. Family karma acts most strongly through a husband or wife.

Signs of a difficult family life

The sign of heavy family karma is very simple:

Living together in a family has become difficult or unbearable.

A person tries to do something in family relationships, but nothing works out for him. Everything is falling apart and the relationship is getting worse every day. These are signs that negative family karma has come.

In some families this happens several times in a lifetime, in other families it continues throughout life. But it is not easy for absolutely every person to live in a family, since families simply do not exist in this world.

When creating a family, the egoism of the husband and the egoism of the wife are combined. This dooms the family to problems in advance. After a while, the selfishness of children is added here. The problem is that it is not so easy to deal with selfishness.

In every family there is a place for misunderstanding, scandals, quarrels, etc. It all comes down to just one thing: what do we do with it. The person can do nothing. He does not work on himself, does not work on relationships. This way of life and thinking gives one result - heavy family karma.

A sign of people who do not want to make an effort to overcome heavy karma in the family is that they blame others for all the problems that arise. They consider themselves to be very exalted and reasonable people, although in fact they are not.

More intelligent people are trying to somehow change the situation. They study the causes of negative fate in the family and ways to overcome it. Then, gradually, they conquer karma and make family life harmonious and happy.

Why start a family if life is going to be hard anyway?

A perfectly logical question may arise. If living in a family is hard for every person, then why create it? After all, there is a variant of life without a family for your own pleasure. No problems, no obligations.

There is a dangerous trap in this kind of thinking..

We all want close relationships. Therefore, people with or without a family still strive to enjoy each other.

When a person enters into intimate relationships outside the family, he inevitably degenerates, cultivates selfishness and negative qualities of character. Random short-term relationships will not lead to anything good.

There is only one right way to live life without a family, and that is to become a monk.

Accordingly, monks do not have sex. But can you live a renunciate monastic life? Unlikely.

In all other cases, you need to create a family and try to make it happy, or not create a family and become a degenerate living an empty, useless life.

It's up to you, of course.

How to overcome heavy family karma?

The arrival of a heavy family karma in the life of a person means that the time has come to take the exam of fate. It is up to the individual to decide whether or not to take this exam.

You can submit it in three ways.

  • The first way is that the family will simply wait out a difficult period of life.

Time heals, but no one can say exactly how long it will take. You can wait out a family crisis for 1 year or 2 years, or it may happen that you will need to wait 5-10 years. There are times when a difficult period continues in a family all their lives, and the spouses do not dare to start doing something.

However, this is one of the ways out of the situation.

  • The second way is to seek help from a specialist in family problems.

It can be a psychologist, consultant, etc. The main thing is to be careful when choosing a specialist. If he gives aggressive and negative advice from the point of view of the integrity of the family, then you should think about his qualifications.

A real specialist will make every effort to save the family and improve relations in it. With the help of such a specialist, you will be able to understand the situation that has arisen and outline ways to solve it.

  • The third way implies that both spouses or one of them (most often) make efforts to solve the problem

This indicates that you need to change not a loved one, not a job, not a city or country, but, first of all, yourself. This is the most reasonable and effective way, which gives a favorable result.

By the way, the result that gives a deep inner work on oneself (spiritual practice) does not come immediately, but gradually and not as quickly as one would like. But when the result comes, life immediately becomes happier and more harmonious.

I noted this in order to warn lovers of quick results. The slow gradual progress that takes place on the spiritual plane of man, ultimately gives a huge and priceless result. Quick results both come quickly and go away at the same speed.

Heavy family karma: action plan

Destiny can be conquered by cultivating a pure lifestyle. This is manifested, first of all, in active work on oneself.

To understand the laws of fate, the causes of your problems and ways to overcome them, you need to force yourself to listen to lectures on moral and spiritual development, attend similar seminars, go to the temple, and engage in spiritual practice.

This is called communication, which is of a pure and sublime nature. Under the influence of such communication, a person develops a mind, there are forces to influence fate, and much more.

Think about whether you want to change something in your life or if you want to "go with the flow" as most people do.

I will repeat again ways to overcome difficult family karma:

  1. Just wait out the time, which will gradually change the negative period to a positive period;
  2. Contact a reasonable specialist who will help you with advice;
  3. Engage in active and serious work on oneself (spiritual practice, attending lectures, etc.).
  4. http://website/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/logotip-bloga-sergeya-yurev-2.jpg Sergei Yuriev 2017-03-06 05:00:36 2018-10-11 16:52:32 Heavy family karma: how to recognize and what to do?

This is the karma of your lineage. For example, if your father was the most spiritually developed in the family, and he had five brothers and sisters, but he was probably the carrier of "energy blockages" in the karmic family line. He bears this burden from the moment of his birth and will bear it all his life.

This is a way of passing energy: either through physics and literature, or through the subconscious. And it affects how we interact with our family on an unconscious level.

If you consider yourself a sensitive person, and your parents are spiritually burdened people, then you can bear a double burden. Many of the people do not get along with their parents, and often this is due to the energy of past experiences.

This is because everything is based on energy, and our consciousness exists beyond the physical understanding of time.

family karma

Each of us has been on earth before, only in a different guise. Many people in your family knew you in past lives, so they decided to "get together" again. Depending on the paths of your past lives, you came into this world to live a more or less intense life to balance your karma.

We are the Source that consciousness projects onto itself for a better understanding of its essence. From this point of view, there is no good or bad, something just is. Therefore, many have chosen to come into this life as a killer and gain more understanding of both points of view, as well as a better understanding of the nature of reality.

You and your mom may have had karmic experiences in the past, something that keeps you from learning your lesson. Everything must be balanced, so if you did a lot of bad things in a past life, then it is quite possible that in this life you will be very unhappy.

Family patterns are passed down throughout the genus, from the earliest ancestors: from great-grandfathers to grandfathers, from grandfathers to parents, from parents to you. For example, your grandmother was very soft. She always cared about others, allowing everyone to use her. Grandfather in this case may be, for example, an alcoholic and a heavy smoker.

Then your mother's energy, which she received from her mother, turns into self-sacrifice. This can manifest itself in unfocused attention, lack of love for yourself or your children. These features are conveyed in the same way that oppression, hierarchy, and "false" truth work. This perpetuates the system and keeps the mass consciousness low.

Miscellaneous karma

You, as the child of your parents, are the carrier of the DNA of the karma of what has been passed on to you. It could be something very good, or extremely dangerous, or just plain bad. This is very specific to each of us.

You can do a simple diagnostic exercise to demonstrate that gender has a huge impact on us. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, let your breathing become even and calm.

Remember your feelings. Imagine now that your parents are behind you. What did you feel? Now imagine the parents of the mother and father behind the backs of each of them. Did you feel something different? And now, for each of the grandparents, "put" their parents, it doesn't matter, at the same time, whether you know them or not.

Now you can turn around and look at them. Behind you are 4 generations, and only 31 people! Just think that the existence of each of these people determined your existence, each of them contributed to the fact that you are now living in the world. Feel the energy that comes from the depths of centuries.

Remember your feelings. If they are pleasant, you felt warm, bright and joyful energy, which means that the strength of your Family is with you, and all the people behind your back are helping you. Your kind is the bearer of huge resources and abilities. It is perfectly.

However, the sensations can sometimes be very different after this exercise. If they are unpleasant, then most likely you should work out your own family history.

Birth Karma

Here are some signs that indicate that the family system is destructive and in trouble.

1. Syndrome of repetitions

Carefully study the dates of the most important events in your life (birthdays, dates of weddings, births of children, diseases, deaths, etc.) for repetitions.

2. Greater significance of a particular name

The name of each of us is one of the most important foundations of human identity. Surname, name and patronymic of a person can reveal the position of a person in a three-dimensional coordinate structure (time, space, history).

If the same names are found in several generations, then it is worth considering and analyzing the reasons for choosing this name, as well as what expectations are associated with it. As Sigmund Freud wrote, the names of children make ghosts.

3. Models of relationships and role expectations from each family member

Analyze the relationships between people within the family, study the patterns of relationships in several generations, you will probably find similar ones.

4. Family secrets

If there are unspoken and shameful secrets in the family (rape, mental health problems, incest, imprisonment, etc.), this is not obvious, but it has a devastating effect on descendants.

The influence is manifested in inexplicable actions, unexpected attacks of anxiety and fear, and other oddities that come out of the family members.

5. Family traditions

When there are customs and rituals in the family, it usually holds the family together, gives a sense of belonging, helping to feel safe in a familiar environment. However, sometimes a rigid family framework does not allow family members to develop, and can even adversely affect psychological health, showing itself in the form of various symptoms.

6. Tragic events repeated from generation to generation

If accidents, miscarriages, the same diseases, premature deaths, etc., constantly occur in the family, then this can most likely indicate a transgenerational transmission or a transgenerational repetition.

7. There is unfinished mourning in the family.

These are family members who left but were not buried or mourned.

8. Dead Mother Syndrome

This happens when a child loses its mother at a very early age, or when the mother becomes depressed in the first year of her baby's life.

9. Substitute baby syndrome

If a new person is perceived as compensation for the loss of another loved one, husband, child, brother, then this is also a reason to study your family.

Karma of life

It is important to add that the above signs are not diagnostics of the problem, they only help to determine the circle where you can find the thread that will allow you to unravel the tangle that prevents a person from living peacefully.

Good time everyone!

Hello, dear women, mothers, grandmothers ...

We are women!!! And in our body, according to the Creator’s idea, there is a female life-giving reproductive energy as a generating matrix of constant radiation of energy sources that the cosmos passes through the lunar cycles, a woman needs it more than air, water, sun, earth and everything that grows on it combined.

This is the universal cosmic planetary principle of the universe.

It is the female reproductive matrix, as the life-giving reproductive energy, unconsciously induced in the matrix of the female body by lunar cycles, that is the fundamental principle of all other energy-exchange processes. It is this energy that induces in a man all kinds and types of potencies - to live, develop, love, give birth to children, work, bring money in his teeth and everything else. In general, without this nourishing energy, a man is not able to step even a step. And a woman should know this.

As the energy of fertility - the Earth is primary for everything that grows on it, so the female life-giving childbearing energy is primary for all other energies that the human body produces, transforming this energy into all the variety and variety of forms and types of human manifestations in this world.

Why are these processes directly related to the lunar cycles?

On our planet, out of our 12 planets, it is the lowest vibrational, everything is created on the basis of "duality". Our planet is a school of artful creation. And reincarnation is passing exams... and if you don't complete the task, then you stay for the second "coil" at the same level... or maybe lower... or as you stay at school (for the second year). And you repeat everything again ... hence the "insights", fragments of "déjà vu" and connection to the memory of past incarnations.

"Duality" is not only white and black... day - night..., the most important thing is the separation of genders and polarities.

And why is the female organism the carrier of the matrix of childbearing? Interest Ask. Let us turn to the ancient scriptures - the Slavic Vedas ...

Primal Divine Essence. The essence is a matrix or a set of programs according to which all the formations of the manifested plan take place. This is the design of the Supreme Mind. Let's remember how the son of God appeared - from the Holy Spirit.

So it was at the beginning of evolution, our ancestors were Beings of Light, and Light is monogamous - it is white. And only in refraction it colors - this is already a distortion of Light. These are already colors ... - vibrations of the spectrum of a lower order.

Our planet was created in these vibrations, and we incarnate here until we distort the Light of the Holy Spirit. The spirit of creation is the male solar energy.

And the Essence of the incarnation is the lunar female energy. The matrix of childbearing is built into the female body. A woman is "information", she creates everything in this world, information on our planet is primary. And today it is no longer necessary to prove it. We all know that it is possible to take genetic material, place it in an informative environment - the ovaries, fertilize it, and the matrix itself will begin to form the physical processes of a new life. Completely independently - without the act of intercourse. Those. without a man.

You can also clone the genetic material ... and twins, triplets, etc. are born.

And here, look what's going on. Children born by artificial insemination are a consciously created "program". No negative emotions, no fears, no emotions. Pure material. These are not children burdened with generic distortions, gifted, indigo children. And only in the process of the perinatal period there is a distortion in the informational parameters of the fetus. These are the emotions and "vibration background" of mommy. But if we had known this at the time...how important it is! Form a new life. What a responsibility it is!… But ignorance of the laws does not relieve one from responsibility.

Now let's see how things usually go.

Two solitudes met. Well if love and positive emotions.

Well, if the pregnancy proceeded calmly and competently ... with all the emotional, hormonal and physiological norms - this is nutrition, and reasonable exercise and spiritual work. Such a child will be born without the negative start codes of mom, dad and grandparents. And it will develop and fulfill its task for the chosen incarnation.

And if not... If not everything proceeded like this... if experiences, illnesses, tears, hassles, showdowns, etc. Then, immediately at the moment of intrauterine development, a program of generic distortions is built into the child. As we say "ancestral programs". And by the time of incarnation, the events of the corresponding vibrations are formed. Personal space is structured according to the given parameters. A bad doctor delivers, no more, no more, all sorts of complications and more and more. Plus fear of birth and much more. And the child resonates with these vibrations to a conscious state. The conscious state is the right to choose.

Here you can talk a lot about guardian angels and how the soul chooses the place of incarnation and parents, from which information packages and energy packages are formed, and according to the gradation of the blood type, because blood is a local information system and very powerful!

Today's topic is karma and sick children.

Karma is the experience of past lives with lessons not learned, but lessons can always be learned and mistakes corrected. Which is what we are trying to do. After all, in fact, no parent wants their child to suffer.

The soul of a child itself chooses its parents seven years before the incarnation and looks ahead to see if they are suitable for it or not. After all, with the right choice, only in this family will the soul of the child be helped to develop. And the diseases with which he was born is also not a punishment, but help in his development, the mother's love is immeasurable and unconditional. The mother's love is needed both by the child and by the mother herself for her development.

This is the most important thing to understand when a child is sick or starts to get sick.

Our souls move along the "tree of life" developing, showing feelings of love, care or degrading, showing feelings of irritation and selfishness.

Don't blame everything on karma, disease has the ability to test souls for maturity, and tests also pass through disease.

And if a child was born healthy, and then diseases began to appear, then nutrition, ecology and parents are to blame.

Thank God! We have "IS" and we can free our children from their birth programs. And this is also not just given to us. Working with "IS" - we work out karma.

And you need to do it constantly! How constantly the moon is born and wanes! The moon is the source that influences karma! The moon governs all fluid on the planet. Including blood… Blood is a binding to the whole family. It is necessary to constantly clear and be released from "bindings". Because the "bindings" did not work out ... what are "bindings"? This is not love - this is the fear of losing. This is the restlessness of the imagination.

Worried about their child, adults often draw scary pictures in their imagination. The son is hit by a car. Here the daughter is in wait for bandits on the street, etc. The imagination of parents is truly inexhaustible. But every such thought is energy. Freud once said that mothers are the main killers of their children, because no one invests as much energy as they do in terrible pictures of the death of their precious babies.

Your child walks to school, crossing the street with a lot of traffic, and for many years you, worrying about getting hit by a car, paint a terrible picture in your imagination. This is programming. And the more nervous you are, the greater the flow of your forces fills the program. Finally, it becomes so powerful that it materializes and your child actually has an accident.

How to drive away negative thoughts from yourself? How to save a child from such programs?

We already know - at least twice to structure the personal space with "IS-om".

And every time a terrible thought crosses your mind, do the following exercise.

Transformation of negative energy:

1. As you inhale, collect a frightening thought into a tight ball. An unpleasant sensation will be a heavy clot to collect in the chest.

2. With a slow exhalation, let the pressing lump, like a dark ball, go up through your head and imagine how high above your head it explodes, turning into sparks of light, into flower petals.

Here you have calmed down. You transformed the negative energy, destroyed the bad program, and it did not enter the field of your child.

Such work, which transforms everything unfavorable, can even serve to overcome karma, if each time you supplement it with the work of creating a positive, favorable program. There is another exercise for this.

Creating an enabling program:

1. While inhaling, turn to God with a request for good for your child. Imagine that you are drawing in the sunlight.

2. Gather a clot of light in your chest into a dense golden ball.

3. Slowly exhaling, imagine the child in a good, favorable situation for him and, moreover, shrouded in sunlight, your protective parental energy.

By doing so, you attract creative energy into your child's life. Thus, parents are able to help a little person, overcome his own karmic problems or mitigate them as much as possible.

However, make sure that your programming is not intrusive, that it exactly coincides with the personal desires of your child, and is in harmony with his internal states. Otherwise, your energy can enter the lives of children in an alien, destructive wave and thereby bring evil, even if your intentions are the most positive. This is where the law comes into play. Do no harm!".

Therefore, it is better to avoid specific imaginary pictures, and simply give the energy of light, thereby protecting yourself from the danger of being an obstacle in the free manifestation of the inner capabilities of the child himself, and also so as not to be an obstacle in his happy fate. A pure stream of light always unequivocally works for a creative program, and let's leave its concreteness to the will of God.

How to overcome the karma of a child

No matter how you take care of your child, trying to protect him from all adversity, do not forget that he has his own karma, that is, his obligatory debts to the World. You can not save from all adversity.

But you can give the skills of independent decision-making, overcoming difficulties, the skills of perseverance in achieving what was planned and the ability to retreat, put up with fate, accept life as it is. A parent can teach all this only in the process of joint activity. Any activity is not only energy and information that an adult gives a child, it is also an opportunity to overcome karma, pay off one's debts.

Life lessons

Karma is not only repayment of debt. In the course of solving his karmic problem, a person learns that "lesson of fate" that everyone needs to go through in their life in order to acquire the missing qualities of the soul and find harmony in the personality.

The child is kind and sympathetic, but he lacks the will and strength of mind to repulse the insolent, stand up for his dignity, protect a good deed, opposing the forces of darkness with the power of light. And life puts him in situations where he is forced to gain strength. Note: not aggression, but fortitude!

The light only shines - and the darkness recedes

The other child is assertive and aggressive. He lacks sensitivity to the people around him, the ability to empathize, to be gentle and kind. Fate gives him the opportunity to feel what it means to be suppressed, humiliated, endure injustice and swallow tears of impotence.

"For one beaten two unbeaten give"

But fate does not predetermine exactly when this or that lesson should occur. Astrology indicates critical moments in a person's life path, when his karma is able to manifest itself most clearly. But this is not fatal. This does not mean that, no matter what, at some point your friends will cheat on you or you will lose money. It is only a problem that you (if you wish and with diligence) are able to solve, thereby avoiding possible suffering.

An astrologer, drawing your attention to the peculiarities of the arrangement of stars, softens the blows of fate to those who seek to competently solve their problems. By warning of danger, it sets you up for appropriate behavior under the circumstances. Turning to an astrologer for advice or clarification, you turn yourself on at the moment of conscious overcoming of karma. This is the lesson you want to learn intelligently and voluntarily.

When we do not give ourselves the trouble to analyze the course of our life and understand the guiding hand of fate, it mercilessly "beats us with sticks" in the most painful places. What else is there for her to do!?

Sensitive parents from a very early age notice what qualities their child lacks, what is most difficult for him, where are the weak points in his personality. The lessons of fate can and should be learned in childhood (of course, only what is possible!). Then the young person will be better prepared for the karmic trials of adulthood, since our whole life is a lesson.

The child is overly mobile and restless. The parent will be patient and will give him the energy of patience and concentration on positive impulses. How will he do it? In joint business.

You are going to sculpt from plasticine together. " Look, you say - how will I sculpt, and guess what it will be". You sculpt and talk with the baby, commenting on your actions: " This needs to be smoothed out well, but here you need to be careful to make it look beautiful.".

It’s as if you are teaching yourself, but the kid didn’t even notice how he sat for half an hour, looking, not looking up at your work, helping you in word and deed. Here he rolled a small ball, here he helped to hold it so that it would not fall, there he pressed it harder with his finger so that everything would turn out well. And if something didn’t work out for him, you don’t get angry, you say: “D well, something here is not quite beautiful, come on, we'll tweak it a little".

What happened in those half an hour? You helped a child take a small step towards overcoming his karma, towards learning life. A lot of energy and a lot of patience is necessary for every parent who wants to help their beloved baby!

But a non-working mother constantly does homework with her son. Yes, she feeds him with energy, yes, she gives him confidence and security, but what will happen next? Will he be able to show initiative, independence, creativity? Will he be able to take responsibility for his own problems, can he solve them himself? But this is perhaps the most important thing that he will need in his adult life.

The main task of an adult is to teach them to live without themselves, to be independent, not to always rely on a supporting parental shoulder.

As soon as the child has done a good job with you, it is necessary to put him in conditions when he does this work on his own. He didn't do very well. " Do you study you tell him, and you'll do better next time". And then you will imperceptibly suggest how to do it more correctly, direct his thought, his action in the right direction, and he will get the impression that he himself did it more successfully than last time.

Never tell a child that he cannot and cannot do anything, that he is worse than other children, that he is helpless without you - do not aggravate his karma! " Yes, you didn’t succeed, because you didn’t train enough, worked a little, tried a little. Let's try together". As soon as it starts to work out, let him try further himself. But your support should always be there until he becomes confident in his abilities.

If a child is not given sports, he must be allowed to find himself in music, mathematics, drawing. Take the time and energy to find something that can awaken his creativity.

"Dad, I'm the best math in the class", - says the son. A reasonable parent will surely stop this arrogance gently and kindly, with a positive energy impulse: " Good, but do not brag: those who stop working, failures begin to pour in". The son, of course, will not believe, but nevertheless he will remember these words. And the first four or three will make him learn the lesson:" Dad, you are right. Only when you work hard does success come.".

But if the lessons of childhood are learned poorly, if no one helped the baby at the beginning of the path of knowledge, it will not be easy for him in adulthood. For some reason, the simplest truths are the most difficult to digest! Under the sticks of fate, you will have to learn what the parents did not bother to convey to the children's mind.

To be honest, some parents not only do not help the child with his karmic problems, but also stimulate the negative destructive qualities of his personality, and also pass on their bad habits to the children, loading them additionally with their problems.

"You are the best, you must be the first", - the grandfather says to his grandson. And the grandson goes out of his way to get the coveted five. Is everything all right here?

The spirit of competition is a good incentive, but only when a person knows how to lose. The soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad. But only if he does not despise his soldier's uniform and does not betray his comrades, climbing up at any cost. Generals like Peter the Great lost battles in order to win wars later.

Why is your child doing well? In order to be the first, to please his mother, or because he is afraid of punishment, or maybe he is still interested? Depending on what you, the parents, have made the driving force behind his activity, the direction of his fate will be formed. Will it be the fate of a careerist or the fate of a sycophant, the fate of a lazy person who shifts his work onto someone else's shoulders, or the fate of a hard worker who honestly performs work even when it is hardly paid for?

Good education in and of itself doesn't mean anything. Does a good person grow or not? Does the child need serious adult support or is he well enough?

positive example

Your child must work and study in order to acquire the missing personality traits in work. But it's hard for him to understand. This must be understood by an adult.

To recognize the karma of a child, to see the features that are missing for the harmony of the personality, only an adult can, who himself has a fairly harmonious state of mind and strives for harmony with the world. Not every parent is like that.

Lack of parental support is also a karma for the soul that came into this world. Rejecting the negative image of a parent who is a drunkard or a parent who is a self-satisfied bureaucrat, the little person seeks support in some other positive example. What will play its decisive role here is unknown.

Perhaps it will be a kindergarten teacher who treats the baby with sincere kindness and affection, or a grandmother reading books with positive images of fairy-tale characters. Perhaps he will be lucky with a teacher at school or with a coach in the sports section, and they will give him an example of perseverance and fortitude. Maybe a passer-by who talks to a teenager on an equal footing will give him hope for the best and faith in himself. Any person is able to give a positive energy impulse.

Beware of a negative attitude towards teenagers smoking in the stairwell, do not cast glances in their direction, charged with energy impulses of suspicion and condemnation. How do you know if your negativity will not become a drop that outweighs the scales of their destinies in the direction of hatred for the World and aggression.

Try to be kind even to those children and adolescents who are clearly hooligan, thieves and other negative inclinations. Perhaps one word of yours, spoken in a neighborly, kindly way, will kindle in the soul of a child deprived of pure energy a spark of hope for the possibility of a bright turn in his fate. He will believe that the world can be kind to him, that there are good people in the world! How important it is to be warmed by a spark of hope!

Child's illness is your karma

Illness is always karma, always an obstacle to happiness. It's hard to feel happy when the body doesn't feel complete. There is karma to be a sick child. A monstrous injustice at the beginning of the path to be infringed and limited in its manifestations, to experience pain and fear, barely getting to know this world. Nothing else, only the energy of adults can help the baby overcome such karma and feel complete.

The woman had a daughter, a terminally ill girl. Mom, lively and cheerful, could not believe that her child could die. Together they spent a lot of time. We walked a lot, played, traveled, watched nature, laughed a lot and enjoyed every day of life. From the point of view of doctors, the mother behaved criminally, she did not leave the child alone in the hospital, she violated the bed rest and the strict diet prescribed for the girl. However, a miracle happened - the child recovered. And this miracle was created by the infinite energy of parental love.

But, unfortunately, we meet something else. A child with frequent colds is diagnosed with asthma. Mom quits her job, but instead of taking the child out of the city to clean air to her grandmother in the village, she attacks the doctors, demands the appointment of procedures. At home, the child is not allowed to jump and run, he goes out into the street only to reach the next doctor.

The main thing in their family is illness, but not health, for which, it would seem, the mother is fighting. Most often, the baby hears: " Don't take it, don't run, don't do it, be careful, you have asthma!"The poor boy is doomed to remain seriously ill for the rest of his life, unless one day he gathers strength and throws off this energy bag of the karmic burden of the disease, so carefully packed by a caring parent.

What should a parent do if a child is sick?

  • Firstly, to believe that any disease can be, if not completely cured, then weakened so that it allows you to live a full life.
  • Secondly, whatever the disease is: whether it is a common cold or a serious violation of the immune system, the main thing that a person needs is finding harmony. For this, it is very important to communicate with nature, physical exercises that harmonize the energy flows in the body, as well as the adult’s appeal to his soul: what is wrong there, what deserved such a misfortune in it - to have a sick child. Harmony implies healthy emotional relationships in the family, as well as a creative life attitude. In addition to relying on doctors, a person must definitely do something himself, monitor his condition and strive to improve it.But the most important thing is the energy of love. Whatever a mother does for a sick child: whether she takes her for a walk in the forest, massages her, gives her herbs to drink, she must spice it up with a positively charged impulse of her energy. It should not be the convulsive energy of fear, pity, despair. It should be an impulse of love, dedication and optimism.
  • And finally, thirdly, it’s good when we turn to the Higher powers, we know how to pray, believing in God’s love for us and our child. Relying on the protection and help of the Higher Forces, we gain peace of mind and "absorb the energy of the heavenly spheres", feel their "light in ourselves". Only with such a state is it possible to find harmony.

In addition, there are energy exercises that allow us to acquire the energy of health. One of them - "Yin-yang pumping of the body" - is given in the book. "Medicine for the Soul"

In our opinion, a serious disease of modern children is "life in the negative", when everything around is seen in black and gray. Children feel lost and defenseless in this world. No one cares about their needs and problems, no one is interested in their life. In such a world, it's every man for himself. The world is seen as indifferent and cruel, incomprehensible and alien. The child himself becomes cruel and distrustful, tense, prickly "hedgehog". It is difficult to negotiate with him, his actions irritate adults.

In adolescence, almost all children slide into a state of "living in the negative." It takes a lot of effort so that this does not become habitual, so that the child can see the bright and reasonable side of life. A teenager in a family always creates a tense situation. This corresponds to his inner tension. Often he does not want to listen to the reasonable arguments of his parents, avoids conversations, is rude. How to help a child in such a situation?

It is necessary to transfer your energy, your love to children in an energetic way. Here are exercises to help you do just that.

Exercise 1

1. Rub the palms of your hands, massage your fingertips, knead your joints, rub your wrists. Feel that your hands have become soft, warm and slightly heavy, relaxed.

2. Feel in your chest your love for the child. Collect all your tenderness for him or her, the desire to help, support, give strength. Feel your love as light, as warmth filling your chest. At this moment, you should think only about the good. You should not have a painful or sad mood. Otherwise, this is exactly what you will pass on to a teenager. Your attitude should be optimistic.

3. Sit next to the bed of a sleeping teenager and breathe evenly, calmly, deeply. Your hands are on your knees, palms up. Inhaling, you mentally say something like this: I want to help you, my baby, I'm with you, I love you ...".

4. As you exhale, you feel how the warmth from the chest flows directly to your son or daughter, and also flows through your hands and surrounds with a hot stream from the palms, nourishes the whole being of the sleeping person with the pure fresh power of your love. Imagine how everything dark and gray in him and around him is displaced by the light of your love. The whole body, like a vessel, is filled with golden solar heat.

5. Finishing, make a few circular movements with your hands in a clockwise direction, as if wrapping it in a warm cocoon of your energy.

Exercise 2

1. If for some reason it is not possible to sit by the bed of a sleeping teenager either in the morning or in the evening, then at any other time put his photograph in front of you. Well imagine the child as if he is next to you, feel his warmth, his breath.

2. Prepare for work in the same way as in the first exercise: prepare your hands and focus your love and desire to help in the chest with a “bunch of sunlight”.

3. Put your palms to the photo at a distance of 10-15 cm. Breathing calmly and deeply, direct the flow of light and warmth to your child, displacing all the negative from his moods and feelings. Make movements with your hands, as if you are stroking his head, stroking his back, chest, wrapping his whole body in a warm cloud, protecting him, "wrapping him in a cocoon" from your energy, filling him with a golden color.

But, if you cannot feel the joyful positive energy in your soul, or maybe you cannot feel love and endless tenderness for the child, and also if you have no desire to give all your strength to help him, then exercises 1 and 2 are better not to do so as not to convey a negative state and not cause evil.

Exercise 3

You can give energy to a child through prayer. It is necessary to do it when your soul is overflowing with love and tenderness for him, when you understand his condition and his spiritual problems. The meaning of the prayer should be reduced to the words: " Let him be all right, I'm ready to put all my strength into it".

Prayer should not sound like an admonition: " Let him be polite, hardworking, let him not offend his little sister ..."After all, this is already a prayer for us, and not for the child, thus we ask ourselves for additional strength, and do not take care of his soul. Then you need to do it differently (see chapter 4). Prayer should be about him and for him, only then do we give him energy.

If you are a believer, kneel before the icon. Well, if at the same time you can imagine how a stream of pure white light pours from heaven on your child. This means that your prayer has been heard and the Higher powers will help your son or daughter.

Exercise 4

You can do the same with photography. At the same time, it is good to light a church candle or lamp.

The icon will stand in front of you. The photograph lies in front of the icon.

After praying, put the photo in a nice, clean place where it won't be seen by everyone. Each time you take it out, pray again, and a stream of fresh cleansing forces will fill your child.

Give everything to someone who owes me nothing

Doesn't it sound absurd from the point of view of logic and pragmatic intelligence? But the soul grows only in such states.

The Lord endowed man with the animal instinct of boundless love for his cub, so that in this love a person understands what it means to love endlessly, regardless of whether they give him something in return. Only in such love does a person realize the Divine happiness not of acquisition, but of bestowal. The highest happiness is the happiness of giving and giving. It is well understood by great singers and musicians, artists and artists, scientists and poets, as well as any creative person.

Love equals creativity. And in relationships with children, people are given an invaluable opportunity to show all their talents and abilities. When you raise a child, you want to give him the best that you have. How can you teach him to be a creator and a worker? Only by demonstrating these qualities by their own example.

You can only transfer what you have. Therefore, children are our best teachers! Feeling their gaze, we try to be better, cleaner, smarter, stronger. This is wonderful, because we teach them earthly life, and they teach us "cosmic laws." They recently came from the "subtle world", and they understand well the energy laws of the Universe, therefore they often know the truth better than we do, they just cannot express it in words, but they always feel it well.

A girl found a dead bird in the forest and brought it home. She told her mother that she would take care of the bird. Mom explained to her daughter that it was already impossible, it was too late, the bird was gone. " But I will take very, very good care.", - the girl said. Mother and daughter taught each other. The adult explained the finiteness of earthly existence, the child tried to explain that the possibilities of the energy of love are endless, but the adults did not learn the lesson, they were already "too adult."

We cannot help but love children, because they are us, only better, cleaner and smarter. We try to give everything to children, their happiness becomes the meaning of our life. And when the children grow up, we want them to at least thank us. However, they are not required to do so.

Our children don't owe us anything! We don't owe our parents anything. If a parent taught a child to be sensitive, attentive and caring, then he taught to give, to be generous, to open his soul towards other people. Having received an example of energy care from their parents, both the daughter and the son will never leave their old people, they will warm them at the end of their days with the warmth of a kind word, the energy of heartfelt love and affection. If the parent could not teach this to his child, then a piece of bread will seem stale, and water given out of duty will be salty from tears.

Of course, an adult son who refuses to take care of a sick mother, or a daughter who sends her father to a shelter for the elderly, thereby acquires destructive karma for herself. For this callousness, they will still receive a serious lesson of fate, they will still have the opportunity to understand how cruel a thing they have done.

But a person receives the same lesson in any other case, when he shows the callousness of the soul. Therefore, a parent for a child is no more than any other adult who provides support on the path of life! And only if the child bears the karma of the family, his relationship to the parent becomes special. We talked about this when analyzing karmic relationships with parents.

The parent, on the other hand, always treats the child in a very special way, because it is the children who teach us the main property of our soul - the ability to love absolutely.

The primordial impulse, the matrix, is born as a "creative project of the Universe". The universe and the "Akasha archives" store complete information about everything. The energy parameters are set by the solar eclipse. Informo-parameters - lunar eclipse. How to understand it?

The mother is in the dark during the first lunar month, and the conceived baby already chooses the conditions for development. The soul of an infant controls the situation and demonstrates confidence in its own capabilities... Strange taste preferences and whims of a pregnant woman are dictated by the will and needs of the fetus. Subtle-sensory perception changes not only in the expectant mother, but also in the father. Phenomena similar to toxicosis are also observed in men in anticipation of a baby, a sure sign of a strong energy and karmic connection with the fetus. The soul of a child orders the social and material conditions of life for future parents, as a guarantee of its successful development, or vice versa ... the passage of lessons related to limitation and suppression. Parents pass on programs of creation and creativity to their children. Negative programs through the "family egregor".

The "family egregore", uniting seven generations of living people related by blood, performs the "role of energy gates" through which an energy essence enters the world of people, materializing in the image of a person. The stock of psychic energy, the energy of fulfillment, is determined by the tasks of the development of the species. It is the genus that calls the soul for incarnation, and the Cosmic hierarchs decide when this request of the genus can be satisfied.

The woman-mother is a physical "capsule" for the evolutionary development of the fetus and a "gate" through which a person is physically incarnated. The "order" of the family cannot be executed through any woman. The criteria of the genus must be taken into account by the "Supreme Curators". As a rule, a creatively gifted child will be born through a spiritually and morally gifted mother, who is able to notice and stop the germs of evil when raising a genius. The human body orders the genus. Attractive or repulsive appearance, body type, other bodily indicators fully correspond to the tasks of the earthly incarnation not only of the personality itself, but also of the tasks of the family.

The birth of an unhealthy baby, who has shortened his evolutionary development, rather speaks of the maturity of the soul that wants to incarnate, agreeing to the detriment of the physical flesh in favor of intellectual or creative priorities.

The very process of birth takes place with pain and blood... The soul itself chooses the tactics of entering the world of people. The elements of fire and the elements of air govern the process of childbirth. The Sun and Moon bless the first breath and the first cry of a newborn baby - the starting point of the earthly incarnation. The child, as the fruit of creation, belongs to the gods, but education, development and relationships are associated with earthly people.

Each of us, our destiny is affected not only by the consequences of our sinful deeds, but also by the sins of our ancestors (ancestral karma), which lead us to suffering. A lot is said about ancestral karma or the influence of the genus in various sources of information. The Bible says in this regard that "you will suffer for your sins, as well as your children up to the fourth generation." And as another proof that children suffer for the sins of their parents, let's take another example from the Bible: approaching the temple, Jesus Christ and his disciples saw a blind man begging for alms, and the disciples of Jesus asked: “Why is this man suffering, for his sins or for the sins of the parents?

In the old days, people had knowledge about the karma of the clan and its influence, and everyone tried not to drop the honor and dignity of their clan. There were all believers in the family, all the traditions of their people were obligatorily observed, there was discipline, respect, the younger ones respected the elders, all decisions were made by the elders of the family, mutual assistance flourished, and each member of the family was consciously afraid, like fire, to disgrace and burden his own with his deeds. genus. If someone in the family got married or got married before starting a family, the parents asked each other about the family and considered the family line of several generations of the bride and groom. If it turned out that someone in the family had a lot of unpleasant events: murder or suicide, recurring serious illnesses, frequent accidents, many people in the family do not have a successful life, there is no procreation, frequent scandals with fights - these are all signs the presence of the influence of tribal karma, then one of the parties, without offending the other, could refuse such an alliance. During marriage, two clans merge into one, and if in one clan there was a strong negative influence of tribal karma, then it also falls on the shoulders of another clan.

Why do our children, grandchildren and future generations suffer for our sins? And the bottom line is that we are all united in our family, clan, country, on the planet. All humanity is interconnected. And at the level of the soul, we are all united by a single energy-informational structure or the totality of our individual subtle fields form a common field of all mankind. That's why wisdom says: "If I don't get free, you won't get free, and if you don't get free, I won't get free." We all influence each other, making our contribution to the common field of humanity with our deeds, good or “hellish”. And a lot depends on us, there will be a "paradise" on earth, we will all be happy. On the subtle plane, each family has a close relationship, and all members of the family are connected by their fields into one common field - the field of the family. If parents offend each other, then this affects the children, at the beginning in the form of weakness, exhaustion of the child, and then illnesses come. Because during a quarrel, parents throw out negative emotions: irritation, anger, aggression. And this is the loss of vital energy from the common field of the family, and resentment hinders and to some extent closes the filling of energy from space into the common field of the family. So it happens that a child or an adult is exhausted, and a lack of energy leads to diseases. The child is still a weak, less protected being, and the whole blow during a quarrel falls on him. And what is the worst, in case of a quarrel, adults burden the karma of the family with their actions. And not only our children will suffer, but also grandchildren and great-grandchildren. And all kindred families, on the subtle plane, at the level of the soul, are interconnected by a common field - the clan, in which all the information of our deeds of all families of the clan is stored. This field also stores information about the actions of all living souls, members of the genus, which has an impact on the present and on the fate of the future generation. Let's take, for example: if someone sins, then he brings heaviness into the common field of his kind, thereby worsening the fate of all members of the family, and if a person has performed a good deed, then light comes into the common field, and the fate of all in the family improves .

The genus is like a living organism, if a separate organ falls ill, then the whole organism suffers and gradually collapses, because all organs are interconnected.

If in the family the parents often quarreled and sinned, due to their blindness, they accumulated a large karmic burden, and this burden is heavy for them and beyond their strength, and after death they will experience very strong torment. In this case, the Law of Mutual Assistance and the Law of Self-Sacrifice are activated, acting at the level of the soul, according to the Will of God. The children and grandchildren of the clan, subconsciously take on the sins of their parents and distribute among themselves who and what they can bear. And if the parents deliberately and soberly did this in order to humiliate, annoy each other, then the law of Mutual Assistance and Self-Sacrifice is inactive, silent, because the hearts of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren are not affected. This is another facet of tribal karma, why our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren suffer.

How to get rid of the influence of negative tribal karma

If one of us has a problem due to the influence of tribal karma, then in most cases this means that God gives us the right and the opportunity to cleanse ourselves and our family from suffering, such is our fate. And in order to be freed from suffering, a person first of all needs to turn to God, come to terms with his problem and not blame anyone for what happened. Then come to an understanding of your sin and confess to God in this and sincerely repent, because our deeds did not remain without participation in burdening the ancestral karma. And then take any penitential prayer for the forgiveness of the sins of the family and carry this prayer to the Merciful God several times a day until the problem goes away. During prayer, ask the Most Holy Theotokos to pray to God for us sinners. If grandfathers, grandmothers, mothers, fathers or one of the family members are believers, then ask them to do the same. And if someone is no longer alive, then turn to them with this request, mentally, even if they were not believers, because there they already believe, because invisible things have become visible to them. Each of us will join some religion, and we can still use the knowledge that is present in each religion to deliver the race from sin. But we should not rely on outside help, but should make every effort and spend a lot of time praying to God for mercy on our family. And you need to believe and wait, without losing hope, and the door is always opened to those who sincerely knock.

I wish you good luck on your life path!!!

Svetlana Zaretskaya

Skype: svetlana.ukr.net

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