Catalog of women's haircuts. Name of haircuts, description, photo. Women's haircuts and hairstyles

Many trendy hairstyles were invented in the 70s and 80s. Since that time, having fallen in love with women, they do not lose popularity. Having undergone changes, classic models gain new life and fans.

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The heroine of the article has the same fate - the “Festival” haircut or, as we now call it, “square on the leg”! Look at the photo to find out in a modern and fashionable haircut the “Festival” styling, popular in the 80s!

Festival as we can

A woman, choosing a haircut, has a strong and independent character, because the hairstyle will not leave the owner without attention. Here is a classic hairstyle silhouette: a voluminous “hat” on the top of the head turns into elongated strands near the face, and ends with a shortened nape. Bangs are optional, but there is a place for it in this option.

You can perform a bob haircut on any hair, but it will look perfectly straight and smooth hair. With the help of hairdressing techniques, a haircut will suit other types of hair - curly, thin, very thick.

It's no surprise that styling never goes out of style, because it suits any type of face. You need to decide on the shape of the model - take a look at the photo to see the variety of hairstyles:

  1. In the classic version of the "square" it is better to do girls with sharp and prominent facial features, because. framing strands will help smooth it out and add grace. Owners of other types should take a closer look at the haircut, because. caret - a diverse form of hairstyle. Experiment with the length and bangs and you'll get what works for you.
  2. For women with a rectangular type of face, a “bob-car with a leg” is suitable. The elongated temporal part will smooth out the oval, and the asymmetric fuzzy bangs will enhance the correction effect.
  3. Ladies with a round face should abandon the bangs, but pay attention to the volume in the crown area to stretch the face. In this variation, as in the photo, the hairstyle is called "shortened square on the leg."
  4. Young ladies with a square face type will suit a square for medium hair length, but you should add a soft oblique bang.
  5. Girls with a narrow, “triangular” face should pay attention to a bob with elongated strands or an asymmetric bob - the silhouette will smooth out sharp cheekbones and make facial features harmonious.

Readers of our portal advise and.

As you can see from the photo, "Festival" has variations. Kare leaves the owner a field of action for experiments with styling and hairstyles:

  • you can “play with volume” - bouffant or basal corrugation, add curls or a wave;
  • highlight with color several strands or all the tips along the length - a spectacular nape makes the hairstyle interesting in front and behind;
  • use any hair accessories;
  • there is a desire for a radical change - curl your hair away from your face. Take the iron and when ironing, move your hand away from the face, curling the tip. You will love the wave framing the open face. Styling will make the caret look like an American hairstyle.

Instructions for execution - scheme

To perform the “Festival” haircut according to the scheme, prepare:

  • straight scissors;
  • thinning scissors;
  • clamps;
  • trimmer;
  • spray.

The execution technique is as follows:

  1. Wet your hair before cutting.
  2. Divide the hair with partings from the forehead to the back of the head and from ear to ear into 4 zones.
  3. Start the haircut from the back of the head. Peel off the bottom layer and cut into a cape shape.
  4. Cut the next layer at 45 degrees. Continue to the line of the ears: the angle of the strands should increase.
  5. Having reached the upper edge of the ear, determine the line of the future caret. Select the bottom layer from the temporal zone, cut it out and make the transition from the back of the head to the temples.
  6. Cut the temporal zones in the direction from the back of the head. Cut each layer at the same angle as at the back of the head.
  7. Drying. Finish the ends. If you need a soft effect, then use thinning scissors, if you need a clear border, then you can take a trimmer.
  8. If provided, then issue a bang.

This “festival” haircut scheme is simplified. It is better to understand how the “festival” haircut is done, a video tutorial for beginners will help. Watch a video about men's haircut and learn from there.

Is it suitable for men

Perhaps, speaking of haircuts, "festival" comes to mind. But in vain! If a man seeks to stand out from the crowd and is not afraid of experiments, then a square will suit him.

A lush crown and a shortened nape with a chaotic and asymmetrical bangs are an option for a confident city man. As you can see from the photo, a men's haircut can be asymmetrical, with a slouchy face - there is room for imagination.

The man has a narrow face, straight hair and a sharp nose, as in the photo - think about the "festival". The model does not require styling and men will love it.

Let's trust professionals

When choosing a "square", contact the hairdresser. The result can be worn up to 6 weeks, with little styling time. You can compare the range of prices for a “festival” hairstyle in different regions using the table:

Ironing and styling

In addition to the advantages, a haircut has the advantage of being easy to care for. Wash your hair and dry it with a hairdryer on a round brush - there will be an excellent result.

If you have time and desire, add an iron to the styling - an elongated caret looks perfect! You can add a wave or root volume - it will take little time and effort.

Spectacular, elegant and versatile "Festival" has not gone out of fashion for several decades. Women of different ages and professions choose a model, appreciating the convenience and beauty. Try it and maybe you will forever prefer an exquisite hairstyle.

It would be nice to first revive and “feed” them with masks, and only then rush to the salon to make a new trendy haircut.

The choice of length in the 2018 season is not relevant, since haircuts are presented in a wide range - it can be smooth long strands or tousled careless "feathers", gentle waves and bouffants, layering and play of lengths.

Also, a wide variety of bangs are supposed for each image: torn and neat, super short and long - up to the very eyes, oblique and straight.

The most fashionable women's haircuts photo

Today, women no longer sit at home, as they did in the past. An active lifestyle is now in fashion: business, sports, and other things that require constant haste. In such a frantic pace, there is simply no time for hair care, which forces many of the fair sex to switch to short haircuts. This article will list the most fashionable women's haircuts of 2015.

Fashionable haircuts for short hair photo for women over 40

1. Haircut cascade– This type of haircut is gaining more and more popularity. Recently, not only even strands have been made, but also asymmetric ones. Styling may not be perfect, hair can even be a little disheveled.

2. Bob- A popular short haircut. There are many varieties of this haircut for short hair. You can make soft contours or make the hairstyle more geometric.

3. Haircut "hat"- a hairstyle that is relevant for the 2015 season. Although this one requires frequent adjustments, it pays for it with more than an indelible effect on others. When choosing this haircut, pay attention to the shape of the face, the cap haircut is only suitable for a classic oval face.

4. Kare- known as a simple haircut. However, she has many variations: elongated, on a leg, with torn strands, and a short bob goes well with straight bangs. However, this type of bob haircut is suitable for owners of straight hair. But for girls with curly hair, it’s better to opt for a slightly careless square, when separately knocked-out strands will not look out of place

5. Pixies- This hairstyle is incredibly stylish and can easily hide age. Any woman with such a hairstyle turns into a kind of tomboy, but without losing the image of a delicate and fragile creature. Great for fine hair. This haircut has already been tried by many Hollywood stars, such as Rihanna, Natalie Portman, Anne Haytway, Halle Berry, and others. It is equally well suited for women of any age and any face shape. Pixie haircut does not need to be carefully styled, slightly tousled hair is not only allowed, but also welcomed.

6. Garson- This hairstyle is ideal for business women whose hair is not very obedient. In the process of creating a hairstyle, the strands are milled on the back of the head, temples, and bangs.

7. Open ears is the trend of the season. When creating this hairstyle, the hair near the ears is cut off or pawned behind them.

8.Shag- a rather creative hairstyle, creating which you need to cut your hair in sections, stretching it as much as possible. This results in a rather original, careless image, full of expression. This haircut gives the look a stylish and sexy look, styling is effortless, as the cutting technique will always make your hairstyle look a little messy.

The most fashionable haircuts 2015

9. Asymmetrical haircuts for short hair - these haircuts perfectly emphasize all the advantages of classical type faces. Such hairstyles are quite bold and bold, which is perfect for creative natures.

Everyone has their own individual characteristics and style, but when you come to a beauty salon or a hairdresser, you have to choose words that are understandable to the master in order to indicate your own wishes. The names of haircuts help to understand each other: square or cascade, pixie or short flight of stairs, garcon - and so on. The Village editors decided to conduct an investigation among well-known salons and find out which haircuts are most popular in Moscow.



Women's hairstyles

Egor Ryabushko, owner: If we divide women's haircuts by popularity by percentage, then 10% is for short haircuts, 30% for medium haircuts and 60% for long hair. One of the most popular haircuts - a cascade - goes specifically for long hair. The advantage of such a haircut is that it does not require special care and you can try different hairstyles in the future.

Chopped hair is considered the most fashionable haircut - this is the average length of hair and coarse heavy bangs. It looks a little hooligan and many people like it. It is clear that on a girl in ripped jeans and New Balance sneakers, this will look organic and modern. If a girl adheres to a more classic look, this haircut will not suit her.

Of course, the square, like a classic, does not go anywhere. There are several types of them: there is, for example, a bob-car, which, in my opinion, is more suitable for fairly adult women, and there is some average length, which I advise young girls to stick to. We mainly do coloring, but six or seven people do caret a day.

The most difficult haircut to perform is short. It will always be more difficult: the accuracy of execution is important there, and any mistake will be noticeable.

Svetlana Morozova, art director: Toni&Guy release new haircut collections every year - and we, of course, try to be in trend. But perhaps the most popular haircut is Natural Inversion for long hair. It does not require special styling: a haircut gives the hair volume and texture, and the hair itself curls into curls thanks to a special graduation. Such haircuts in the salon are done five to seven times a day.

Next in popularity is the Square, a textured mid-length haircut. This is a movable haircut that also does not require styling. It is suitable for both curly and straight hair. Such haircuts are done per day by five to six people.

The shortest haircuts have the advantage that they emphasize facial features. Clients are very fond of the so-called pixie. Best of all, it suits the correct symmetrical features of the face. With its help, you can radically change your image, making it rebellious or, conversely, more feminine.

The classics are always relevant, including the bob haircut. Here, the trends of the 1960s are taken as the basis, with a special emphasis on bangs, and the main one on straight, strict lines. This is a neat and comfortable haircut for everyday wear. We cut them five or six a day.

Diana Duban, art director: I can say with confidence that lately the most popular haircut has become a bob in its various variations. Many combinations of length and texture allow any oval face to choose the right option. In addition, the bob is suitable for almost any hair structure - it is simply important to choose the right length here so that the hair looks good both with styling and without. From the earlobes to the length that just touches the shoulders, for straight or curly hair, with or without bangs, straight or extended, these are the wishes that girls come up with every day. There were days when I could cut seven squares, and they were all different.

Gleb Gatsyuk, top stylist of "Persona" Artplay, teacher of the "Persona" School: Talking about popular haircuts is not entirely correct, because all people are different: they have different skull shapes and lifestyles. Your haircut will be with you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Therefore, an individual approach is important, and consultation before a haircut is especially important.

But, in principle, with the help of statistics, one can still distinguish leaders among haircuts. Conventionally, they can be divided into three lengths: short, medium and below the shoulders. Short - pixie. It looks spectacular both smoothed (for going out) and disheveled, a sort of rock and roll. Short haircuts a la pixie are 30% of all salon haircuts.

The average is a bob-car, which, perhaps, is on everyone's lips. This form opens the shoulders, makes the silhouette longer and does not require long styling. Suitable for both straight and curly hair. The average hair length is the most popular: 50% of all salon haircuts are made up of them.

Long - a one-length haircut using the "line" technique. The line can be square (when the client asks to simply cut the hair under one line), round (suitable for a small face, so that the face is more open, gives femininity, softness) and triangular (more dynamic, covers the face, it can, if necessary, correct facial features) . Long haircuts make up about 20% of all haircuts in the salon.

Men's hairstyles

Vlad Pokrovsky, art director of the Moscow chain Chop-Chop: We practically do not change our signature haircuts, and how can you change the men's classics? It's like making adjustments to the golden ratio. However, once a year we add something - just to keep up.
This year, for example, we are wildly into long hair. But the most popular men's haircut right now is the Draper, named after our favorite TV character, Don Draper. It is difficult to find a person who does not suit such a haircut. In addition, it is very easy to install.

The next most popular is Wall Street: two of our other favorite heroes wore this haircut - Gordon Gekko and Patrick Bateman. It is good because it keeps its shape for a long time and does not require monthly correction. In addition, it can be styled in many different ways, from tight, slicked back, to tousled and informal.

And finally, the third haircut - Rebel. We chose this name because James Dean wore this haircut and his main movie was called Rebel Without a Cause. (" Rebel without a reason", 1955. - Approx. ed.). This is such a short semi-sporty haircut with a disheveled top. However, it can be laid in such a way that you will look quite formal.

In the upcoming fashion season, fashionistas have dynamic, airy haircuts in their arsenal, the main goal of which is to emphasize the vigor and naturalness of their mistresses.

Fashionable caret - 2019: current models

A bob haircut will never go out of style. Thanks to the stylists every year it is transformed.

Fashionable pixie - 2019 for short and medium hair

The pixie cut is on the runway. Thanks to new solutions, fashionistas are guaranteed a unique style.

Haircut "Cascade" for medium and long hair

Cascade is the favorite haircut of most women. It is able to hide the flaws of any type of face and create volume.

Asymmetrical haircuts: who suits, photo

Asymmetry successfully corrects the square and round shape of the face, and also looks great on full girls.

Bob haircut: fashion models

Haircut Bob for short and medium hair Bob has many options, it can be adapted to any type of face. This haircut is very practical.

"Pixie": popular models

Pixie is a bold choice for business, self-confident women. She is able to rejuvenate the face and refresh the image. Perky "feathers" emphasize the style

Video: names and descriptions of women's haircuts

Haircut "Hat"

The cap looks gentle and feminine. This is a great choice for romantic girls with short hair.

"Bob-car": a stylish symbiosis

A bob haircut is an impeccably stylish and original "symbiosis" of two famous haircuts.

"Page" for short and medium hair

The page will favorably emphasize the correct oval of the face and will focus on your eyes. This haircut is already considered "retro", but the modern graduation gives it a novelty.

Haircuts on the "leg" for short hair

Short haircuts "on the leg" can have a variety of forms - straight, oblique, with milling, with a "torn" structure, or, conversely, in the form of a puffy "helmet" in the style of Cleopatra.

Fashionable short haircuts

Women's haircuts for short hair allow you to create the most daring image, emphasize the dignity of appearance.

"Aurora" - a guest from the 80s

Aurora came to us from the distant 80s, but still does not go out of fashion. Modern designers have updated it and the hairstyle "played"

"Ladder" for medium and long hair

The ladder creates flirty steps on the hair that frame the face and give you a feminine look.

Haircut Debut, photo

A distinctive feature of this hairstyle is that the curls frame the face in the shape of an arc. Haircut gives volume.

Haircut Sesson, options

She surprises with her versatility and will look equally harmonious on short and medium hair.

Women's haircut Gavroche

Gavroche provides short strands at the back of the head and temples. Going down, the length of the hair increases slightly.

Haircut "Rhapsody"

Rhapsody is performed by applying one strand to another, while all the hair is combed back and milled.

Haircut "Caprice"

It was created for slender, sophisticated ladies, as well as owners of a "swan" neck.

Shoulder length haircuts

Shoulder-length hair for women will never go out of fashion, because they are very comfortable and feminine.


The versatility of this hairstyle allows you to style your hair in both a classic style and fashionable styling.

french haircut

The main difference between French hairstyles is the volume in the back of the head. And bangs are a must.

Perky "Italian"

The Italian is very similar to a regular cascade, so only a master can immediately distinguish one haircut from another.

Haircut "Fox tail"

This haircut will emphasize the beauty of long thick hair. She looks very fashionable, natural and natural.

Pixie bob haircut

Combining two fashionable haircuts into one, the stylists delighted fashionistas. The elongated strands look original.