When they celebrate the day of the oil worker. When is the oil and gas industry holiday? Congratulations on the day of oil and gas workers

In the modern world, oil is an indispensable raw material for most chemical industries. It serves as the basis for the production of not only fuels, but also plastics, fertilizers, textiles, synthetic materials, pharmaceuticals and even cosmetics. Natural gas is used as a source of heat and energy. It is safe to say that oil is our everything!

The entire territory of Russia is rich in minerals, and in terms of the amount of oil production, our country occupies one of the leading places in the world. Therefore, oil and gas fields bring huge income to the country. It is not surprising that a separate holiday is dedicated to people engaged in the development of fields and the production of oil and gas - the Day of the Oilman.

When celebrated in 2018

In Russia, the professional day of workers in the oil and gas industry is celebrated every year on the first Sunday in September. In 2018, the date falls on September 2. The Day of the Oilman was approved at the official level by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 01.10.1980 No. 3018-X "On holidays and memorable days."

Who is celebrating

Everyone involved in the industry is participating in the celebrations. These are workers of various laboratories, drilling rigs of distribution stations, pipeline communications, engineers, designers, and service personnel. Also, students, teachers of specialized educational institutions and residents of settlements where oil fields are located and produce oil are considered their professional holiday.

History and traditions of the holiday

In Russia, oil has been produced and used since tsarist times. In 1745, the merchant Fyodor Pryadilnikov built the world's first oil refinery, the processing product of which was kerosene, which was used for lighting. Fuel oil production was launched later, in 1823 in the vicinity of Mozdok. Then, in 1864, in the Kuban, they began to drill through holes mechanically, reinforcing the walls with metal pipes. And it is this year that is considered to be the date of the birth of the oil industry in our country.

The history of the holiday dates back to the times of the USSR. For the first time this holiday was established in 1965 in honor of oil and gas workers who developed deposits in Western Siberia. The official date for the day of the oil worker was acquired on October 1, 1980. The decision to celebrate Gas Workers Day was made by the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet and was dedicated to showing respect and recognition for the contribution of employees of this industry. The collapse of the Union did not in any way affect the tradition of honoring gas and oil workers, and to this day the date remains unchanged.

How they celebrate

Oilman's Day is celebrated with massive festivities. Major oil companies organize entertainment venues for local residents, invite famous artists and even stage pyrotechnic shows. In less narrow circles, oil and gas workers congratulate each other and wish each other success and new achievements in their professional field.

Local and national TV channels broadcast films dedicated to the pioneers and heroes of the industry. The newspapers publish materials about outstanding honored workers. The best employees are awarded with certificates of honor, medals, valuable gifts, prizes and simply commemorate their merits and contribution to this difficult undertaking.

Themed events are organized in galleries and cultural institutions. Students who do not study at the faculties of oil and gas specifics often gather for picnics in nature, combining them with an active pastime.

About the profession

Oil workers are engaged in the development of oil and gas deposits, monitor the uninterrupted operation of the infrastructure, provide field development areas with equipment and additional materials. Other employees provide processing, transportation and storage of the extracted raw materials, from which the finished products are later made.

How to get the profession of an oil worker? To begin with, take a course at a specialized educational institution. If there are plans to take a leadership position, you must graduate from an oil university. Working conditions on the development of deposits in Russia are rather harsh, because some of them take place in the Urals, in the Arctic, Siberia and offshore shelves, so the profession can be classified as hazardous to health


The annual holiday of workers in the gas, fuel and oil industries is traditionally celebrated on the first Sunday in September. In 2017, this day falls on September 3. Everyone who has decided to connect their lives with this difficult area will accept congratulations on their professional holiday.

Nowadays, along with Russia, the holiday of the oil worker is celebrated in some countries in which gas communications were created within the framework of the Soviet Union.

The history of this holiday is rooted in the distant 1964, when the Soviet people celebrated the centenary of the founding of the gas and oil industry. A year later, on August 28, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was first established as the Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers. The status of a public holiday was received by the decree of the same Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1980 on October 1.

During the Russian Empire, the oil industry developed very rapidly. Russia accounted for 30 percent of world oil production.

Events dedicated to this professional holiday are usually organized everywhere at enterprises and production teams, in organizations and institutions of the oil and gas complex. The builders of enterprises of these industries, workers of logistics organizations also join the celebration. At solemn meetings on the occasion of the holiday, reports of heads of enterprises on the activities of collectives for the past period are read out, new goals and objectives are put forward, government awards and prizes are presented to the foremost workers.

On the Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers, I would like to congratulate you on your professional holiday and address the warmest wishes. May work bring joy and income. Let there be good health and optimistic mood. May every day be joyful, every business successful.

Colleagues! With all my heart I would like to congratulate us on our professional holiday! No one in the modern world can do without oil and gas, which means that our work is very important, which means that we are the most valuable workers in the whole world! Let then luck accompany us, health does not let us down, troubles and troubles will bypass us, salaries will increase, bonuses will be as often as possible, and in general, everything will be just fine. Happy Holidays!

I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers. I wish that it was always light in the soul, and warm and cozy in the house. I wish you prosperous activities and success, wonderful opportunities in life and great chances for good luck. I wish you health, happiness, love and prosperity.

I congratulate you on your professional holiday, the Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers! Oil and gas are the wealth of our country. May they make you rich too! Successful and profitable professional activity for you, prosperity and prosperity!

On the Day of the Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Worker, I would like to wish you inexhaustible reserves of important resources from nature, rational and unique ideas for the processing and use of cherished raw materials. I wish you excellent work without incidents and interference, I wish you diligent efforts for the good of society and for personal benefit.

For the second century now, oil and gas have been helping us to keep warm and cozy in our homes, provide fuel for machines and units, provide raw materials and open up wide opportunities for us in various areas of our activity. The workers of this oil and gas industry, so necessary for all of us, deserve our deep respect and respect. On the Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers, we is in a hurry to join in the congratulations addressed to all those who have linked their labor activity with this hard work and wish them good health, confident success and achievements in the professional field, great happiness and irrepressible energy!

Happy Oilman Day
I want to congratulate
Congratulations in the shower
Leave warm!

Safety to you
I want to wish
So that any difficulties
Were on the shoulder!

To bring good luck
Every drilling,
To make oil flow like a river
Coming in motion!

To whatever you want
It turned out right away
So that happiness is near
So that it doesn't end!

This "gold" is not visible to the eye
And in his hands, do not hold
But there is no way for a country without gas,
And there is no escape from this.

And thank you very much
For warmth, for light, for this gas,
Let the salary, double, even triple
They are raising it right now!

And let you be your job
Pleases, and every new day,
Even if tomorrow is not Saturday
It would not be too lazy to go here!

You produce gas, which means you bring heat and fire to our homes.

May there always be a fire of love and a flame of passion in your life,

let all troubles disappear from you as easily as gas.

We wish you that not only on holiday,

and the government constantly appreciated your work

and sang it like the feat of Prometheus.

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Oil and gas are very important minerals for us. They not only become raw materials for the further production of various items. This is one of the instruments of the international market that directly affects the state of the country's economy. Russia is a country that has quite large reserves of natural resources, such a scale cannot be developed without a sufficient number of specialists. All of them should have their own holiday, thanks to which people will know more about the event. This celebration is celebrated on the first Sunday of autumn.

history of the holiday

This celebration became a memorable date back in 1980. It happened on the first of October. The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet decided that people related to gas should be honored additionally. This holiday was intended to enhance the prestige of the work. When the USSR collapsed, in Russia the day remained on its original conditions.

Industrial oil production in Ukraine began in the 18th century, and already in 1909, 2 million tons of oil were produced in the Carpathian region. The gas industry dates back to the commissioning of the Dashava gas field and the construction of the first Dashava - Stryi gas pipeline in 1924.

It is a special occasion for those villages where oil or gas is produced. For such places, this is one of the main holidays, because small settlements are almost completely involved in such work. A similar celebration is celebrated in Belarus on the same day, but the Belarusian people add fuel workers to the number of those involved. The people also call this holiday the Day of the Oilman.

In early September, Russia and other post-Soviet countries celebrate one of the most popular professional holidays - Oil and Gas Industry Workers Day, which for brevity is also called Oilman's Day(Gazprom employees naturally call their professional holiday Happy gasman).

When is Oil and Gas Workers Day

Oilman's Day and Gasman's Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in September, that is, in 2016, the professional holiday of those who work in this most important industry for Russia falls on 4 September... In addition to Russia, this holiday is celebrated in Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova and Ukraine, the gas communications of which were created within the framework of the unified gas transportation system of the USSR.

history of the holiday

The Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers was established by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on August 28, 1965. The holiday became an award to Soviet oil and gas workers for the successful development of the oil and gas potential of Western Siberia, in addition, it was timed to coincide with the centenary of the domestic oil and gas industry, which was celebrated in the USSR in 1964.

On their professional holiday, oil and gas workers receive congratulations and monetary awards, concerts and receptions are held for all employees of the industry.

History of the domestic oil industry

Oil has been known to mankind since ancient times, at first it was used as a fuel, but gradually they found more beneficial applications for it - from medicine to construction and the chemical industry. In ancient times, people used oil that independently came out to the earth's surface from the depths, but gradually they learned how to extract it.

In Russia, oil was used for various purposes even in pre-Petrine times. In 1723, by order of Peter I, Baku oil was distilled in the main Moscow pharmacy for the manufacture of medicines. In 1745 the Arkhangelsk merchant Fedor Pryadunov built the world's first oil refinery, where kerosene was obtained from oil, which was used for lighting.

In 1823, in the Caucasus, near the Mozdok fortress, serfs brothers Dubinins also built an oil distillation plant, for the first time in Russia setting up the production of fuel oil.

It is believed that the birth of the domestic oil industry is associated with the beginning of mechanical drilling of wells, the walls of which were fastened with metal pipes. Such drilling was first started in 1864 in the Kudako river valley in the Kuban. Therefore, 1864 is considered to be the year of birth of the Russian oil industry.

The oil industry is one of the main sectors of the domestic heavy industry, it includes the exploration of oil and oil and gas fields, well drilling, production of oil and associated gas, as well as pipeline transportation of oil and gas. Oil and gas are the most important minerals for our country, the sale of these raw materials is one of the most important sources of budget replenishment. The national currency is also tied to the price of oil, so the country's well-being depends on how modern and efficient the Russian oil and gas industry is. The work of oil and gas workers is difficult and often dangerous, requiring serious knowledge, skills and experience, but prestigious and quite highly paid. The industry employs hundreds of thousands of people, many of whom work on a rotational basis in the difficult conditions of the Far North and Western Siberia.

Congratulations on the Day of Oil and Gas Workers

Your day has come today.
All wishes of fulfillment to you,
Sufficiency in the house, love and strength.

Let not anxiety touch you
Let joy and laughter surround you.
Let the road be bright
And may you succeed in business!

Let every drop be gold
Once mined in the bowels of the Earth.
Do you know how to force nature
Give their wealth to people.
Intelligence is always as accurate as possible to you,
And the wells are especially rich and full,
Let your salary grow constantly.
We remember you with gratitude,
When we fill our car.
Let your path be smoother and easier.
Good luck on it, you can't turn anywhere!

Congratulations to you today,
And with all our hearts we wish:
Oil poured so that, like a river,
Bringing profit to all of us.

Let the gas rush through the pipes
And so that there was a reserve of it.
So that the factories do not stand,
So that the houses do not freeze.

To rush into the distance cars,
Both the bus and the subway.
So that everyone, everyone appreciates you,
So that you live happily.

Congratulations on the oil worker's day, guys!
You are the pillar of our valiant country.
You are the earners of untold wealth,
And they are always faithful to their profession.
We wish you promising new wells,
Pipelines for hundreds of thousands of miles.
Your hard work, believe me, is very important.
Be happy! Patience and strength!

Happy oilman's day
We will consider you, friends, an honor.
What to say here, what to add?
We are glad that you are!
Black oil mark
You are marked forever.
The sun is over your head
New wells and victories!

Today the oil and gas industry in Russia can be called one of the most important sectors of the economy. The economic potential of the country and the lives of many people both on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad depend on its development. Those who work in this area have their own professional holiday - the Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers. Who is it and when is it celebrated?

The oil industry and the advent of the holiday

The emergence of a holiday for workers in the oil and gas industry is preceded by a difficult period in the country's economy. Until the second half of the 70s, the USSR successfully solved all its foreign policy problems by exporting "black gold". However, the government did not see (or did not want to see) the obvious problems in this industry.

From the first crisis that overtook the industry at the end of the 70s (in Western Siberia, oil production dropped sharply), the oilmen got out by joint efforts, but, unfortunately, the crisis was far from the last. However, this short-term success served as the impetus for the establishment of a special holiday, the Day of the Oilman. The decree was issued in October 1980, and from the next year (and until today) the holiday began to be celebrated on the first Sunday in September.

Who celebrates the holiday

Many young people dream of a career in the oil or gas industry, sometimes without even knowing how far away their dreams are from reality. Alas, not everyone succeeds in becoming the owner of a well, moreover, not everyone gets the post of director of the company that owns this or that field. Basically, people do not even work at the main oil and gas producing enterprises, but at their subsidiaries. Therefore, only those who really dream of becoming can enjoy the work itself:

  • geologist,
  • geophysicist,
  • process engineer,
  • well drilling engineer,
  • technical and repair workers,
  • pipeline maintenance specialist,
  • a safety specialist, etc.

These are just a few blue-collar occupations whose representatives are related to the Day of Oil Industry Workers in Russia. But we must not forget that there are office professions: manager, operator, accountant, etc. All of them, if they work at an oil and gas enterprise, congratulate each other on their professional holiday on the first Sunday of September.

You can also congratulate those who are just about to build a career in the oil or gas industry, i.e. students. There are several leading universities in Russia where future oil workers are trained: Russian State Geological Prospecting University, Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, etc.

In many such educational institutions, the Day of the Oilman is celebrated - it does not matter what date it falls on, because this is the first holiday after the start of the school year, which means that students will have fun with pleasure.


Legends are made about modern corporate parties of oil workers. It is believed that every self-respecting corporation, in order to celebrate a professional holiday, takes its employees to the most expensive resorts, invites world celebrities to participate in a concert, etc. Perhaps this is partly true, but not for ordinary workers. Many will simply gather for a solemn event in the city where they work and spend time with colleagues.

Event scenarios can be very different. Since at the beginning of September in most regions of Russia there is still dry and warm weather, it is reasonable to go out into nature and hold a themed party there. It is not at all necessary to link the topic of the event with the main activity of those present at it.

  1. Celebration in the Arabian style. For at least one day, you can feel like sheikhs (who, by the way, often own oil and gas fields) at a party where oriental music will sound, and guests will sit in a tent on pillows and have leisurely conversations.
  2. Harvest Festival. A very hot topic for September. Dress for such an event in the appropriate style: suits of fruits and vegetables, as well as straw and canvas outfits, will do.
  3. On Oilman's Day, congratulations can be received not only at a picnic. The café or restaurant organizes wonderful awards-style parties. In order to somehow connect such a celebration with the profession, the Golden Tower is awarded for a variety of achievements in different nominations.

Not only colleagues congratulate each other on the first Sunday in September. Relatives and friends of oil and gas workers should also remember their professional holiday. The best gift for such an occasion would be, perhaps, - to treat with understanding the possible difficulties associated with work, because this work is far from the easiest.