An abstract of classes (directly-educational activities) "Journey through the fairy tale" Gus-Swan. Integrated journey-journey in the Gus - Swans' fairy tale (according to the educational areas "Communication" and "Socialization")




Stove, apple tree with emotion pictograms (apples), plank, river fabric, hut, audio recording with stove voice, apple trees, rivers, tape recorder, apples treats for children.

Travel course:

Sounds melody from a fairy tale.

Q: Do not happen in our days in the world

For those who do not believe in miracles!

No wagon - even children know it!

And tales live here and there.

This surcharge is not a fairy tale.

The tale will be ahead.

PS: Let's take hands and say words:

(At this time, put a chair with a doll Masha)

In the circle rather become

Hold on your hands hard

One, two, three, four, five

We will start a fairy tale.

Masha runs out, crying. (Doll voiced by a teacher psychologist)

M: Hello guys! How good I met you. Help me, please, took Ivanushka Gusi-Swed, went, look for him and did not find it.

Q: Guys, and from what fairy tale came running to us Masha?

D: from the fairy tale "Gusi-Swan"

Q: Let's help Masha find her brother? And you, Masha, go home and wait for the parents. Come guys.

Q: P / game "On a roving track"

In pebbles, in pebbles,

On bumps, on bumps

We approached the stove.

Q: Guys, look, on our path the stove. Masha also met the stove, but only she did not help her. What do you think why?

D: -----

Q: How did Masha appealed to the stove? What words did you say and what voice?

D: -----

Q: And how was it necessary to ask the stove?

(children demonstrate how it was necessary to turn to the stove)

(The tutor opens the stove)

PS. N / game "On a roving track"

On a roving track, on a roving track

Our legs are walking, our legs are walking,

In pebbles, in pebbles,

On bumps, on bumps

We came to the apple tree.

PS: Guys, see what beautiful apple tree, but the apples are not simple on it, but magicians. I will solve the magic, then we can go.

Emotional etude

Guys, as hard on our apple tree. What do you think why? Because in addition to her, in addition to joyful apples, evil and sad. Let's help the apple tree to get rid of bad, negative emotions? (Children show emotions)

Come on one and remove the evil or sad emotion, show her, please. So there were alone joyful emotions, our apple tree became easily and fun. (Children show emotion of joy)

Look at how easy it was our apple tree.

Fingering gymnastics "Jablock"

At the road Jablock stands, Hands weave over your head, fingers okay

On the branch of the apple hangs. Fold wrists together

Strongly branch I shook Hands over your head, moving forward-back

Here is an apple with us. L. adoni before breasts, imitate that they keep apple

In a sweet apple yelling Connect the wrist, palm dilute

PS. Guys, geese swans flew. (We go in a circle to the center, the educator is suitable and conducts physical attacks)

Fizkultminutka "Geese"

Geese flew to mahut the wings

Near the sea satiest squat

Swim in the sea blue geese wanted Swimming moves

The paws were washed Palms alternately rub hands

Wings rivets Mahi below hand

And salty wiring geese did not drink Head turns to the sides

Fly to the house to the coast. Mahi hands

Q: Look, in front of us, the hut, where the goose-winches Ivanushka.

And on our way the river broke.

Who knows how you can move to the other side?

D: -----

Q: We will build our bridge of "Polite Words" . Each of you will take a plate and before putting it calls a polite word or expression.

Children build a bridge.

Q: And here and Vanya, we found the brother, it's time to go home.

(Go in a circle to the center)

N / game "On a roving track"

On a roving track, on a roving track

Our legs are walking, our legs are walking,

In pebbles, in pebbles,

On bumps, on bumps

We approached the house.

Masha meets. (Doll voiced by a psychologist)

M: Thank you very much!

Why did you have a stove, apple tree and river, and I do not?

D: -----

M: Mom and dad returned from the fair and send you the living rooms for your good hearts!

PS: It's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

Exit a fairy tale.

We are fun guys

We guys - reached

Everyone was bothering today

Again in the group found yourself!


Thank you! Let's praise into your hands and stand yourself on your head. What are we well done.

Video class

Samoenalysis teacher

Purpose: Through gaming, problem situations to educate positive relationships, responsiveness, feeling of empathy.


1. Secure the presentation of children about emotional states: joy, anger, sadness;

2. To bring to the ability to intonate the replicas of heroes in problem situations (request);

3. Enrich and intensify a dictionary of polite words;

4. Develop the coordination of movements, general and small motility;

5. Promote psycho-ethiation voltage;

6. Rail the ability to listen to the speaker, do not interrupt, empathize the heroes of the fairy tale.

Form organization class: Group

Form of holding: Game journey.

Using the method "Entry into a fairy tale", pupils included in educational activities.

Gaming technologies were used to solve the tasks. Introduction to the game, a fabulous situation intensified the attention of children, raised interest in the lesson.

To activate attention, surprise moments were used (the appearance of fabulous heroes);

- to maintain the interest of children attended technical means (recording of votes);

- for the satisfactory motor activity of children, the pupils carried out the transition from one group zone to another, accompanied by poetic text, was carried out by physkultminutka;

- for the development of shallow motility, finger gymnastics was used;

For dating children with emotions - pantomime etude and pictograms. The emotional background in the lesson was positive.

Through the problem situation, children developed the ability to intonate the spells of heroes, politely handle the heroes, developed a dialogical speech of children and a dictionary of polite words was enriched.

As a result, the goals were achieved, the tasks were solved.

Objective: Improve the phonderatic hearing.



Secure the ability to find a sound place in words;

Consolidate the ability to determine the place of words in the sentence;

Secure the ability to divide words to syllables;

Consolidate knowledge of vowels and consonant sounds, about their difference;

Improve dialogic, oral speech.


Develop logical thinking, attention;

Develop a phonmematic rumor of children.


Bring up a feeling of goodwill, responsiveness, the desire to help comrades;

Rail interest in fairy tales bearing kindness, justice.

Travel course:

On the carpet.

I suggest today to travel on a fairy tale. And for what fairy tale - guess yourself. Only the answer is Tihonechko say to me. Agreed?

In the fairy tale sky blue,

In the fairy tale birds are scary.

Apple tree Save me

Ratchwise save me

Help the stove!

(Swan geese ).

That's right geese - swans.

Who did the trouble happen in this fairy tale? (With Ivanushka).

Why did this happen? (Alyonushka began and not heard).

Want to help Alyonushka look for Ivanushka? (Yes).

Just keep in mind that for this we will have to get into a fairy tale and perform there are not simple tasks. Are you ready? (Yes).

So, now we will deliver magic words, just saying them by a different voice. Listen:

-Read - waiting for wonders (quietly).

Safety - a starting game! (loudly).

Remember? Now let's go together.

Children repeat, the educator proposes to take places behind the tables.

Well done. Broom sits in his hut and thinks: "No, I will not find me Alyonushka. And if you find, it will not cope with my tasks and will not save Ivanushka. Do you help Alyonushka to cope with the tasks of Baba-Yaga? (Yes).

Just know that the power of Baba-Yagi in the Swans and as tasks are fulfilled - the swans will disappear. There will be no swans - you will not catch up with Yaga Alyonushka and Ivanushka.

So tell me, the children where Baba Yaga lives? (In the dense forest). And what is happening there - learn, having listened to a small poem. Only I need your help - I read the start of the line, and agree.

Phonetic charging.

In the forest wolves u-ya

Rustle leaves sh-sh-sh

Crawl and whistle snakes s-C-s.

What did you say? (Sounds).

What are sounds guys? (We hear them and pronounce).

What are the sounds? (Vowels and consonants).

And how do I find out - vowel sound I now said or consonant? (Vowels can be stretched, singing, does not interfere with nothing, and with consonants - there are obstacles - lips, teeth, language).

Well done, with the first task coped. ( Clean the first swan ).

So, Alyonushka goes through the forest and sees - it is worth ... (apple tree). And on the apple tree grow ... (apples). True, well done. Alyonushka approached the apple tree and she asked something. What? (Where the geese swans flew ...... ..). Right, eat my apple - I will say. Many apples scored a lot of apples, and the apples are not simple, with words. And while she collected them - in words, the first letters disappeared, crumbled under the tree. Poor Alyonushka does not know what to do, she did not go to school, the letters do not know. Let's help her pick up the first letter in the word? (Yes).

The teacher distributes to everyone on the table with words, the children pick up the first letter (the letters are cooked in advance).

(I clean the second swan ).

Says the river:

I go there for so many years, people come, reappear, come with my milk and go. No one plays with me. Play with me, then I will say where geese flew.

Let's play guys? (Yes).

In the river, I drag the words, read, and children define a solid or soft first sound, respectively, show a blue or green check box.

Thank you for playing with me. Go now everything is straight and straight until you see the third helper.

What guys? (Stove).

(Clean the third swan ).

And the stove baked patties, but not ordinary with cabbage and mushrooms, but with words. From these pies stove, the offer was trying to collect, but all the pie was confused, the words were stirred and the offer near the stove does not work.

Let's read what words our stove baked. Will you help you collect a sentence? (Yes).

One causing to make a proposal from pies with words, the remaining lay on the tables using the scheme.

(I clean the fourth swan ).

There was an Alyonushka pies - tired, she wanted to sleep, and she could not sleep, you need to go further, Ivanushka to help. It's necessary to cheer up Alyonushka. Let's and we get quietly at your chairs, also cheer.


In the dark forest there is a hut (stepping)

Stands back in advance (turn)

In that hut there is an old woman (slopes)

Grandma Yaga lives (slopes)

Nose crochet (show nose)

Eyes big (show your eyes)

Like coals are burning

Wow, what an angry! (threatens with a finger)

Standing hair.

And here is the house of Baba-Yagi.

Baba Yaga came out and says:

We coped with all the tasks, all my helpers Geese - Swans disappeared. But with my tasks definitely do not cope. Listen to the riddle:

On the edge

On the track

Stands house

On cooking legs.

Copened. But you can not write this word. ( Children overlook one, write). Well, not to eat on the syllables. (Children share cotton). The last task is the hardest thing - you will never be able to make a sound analysis of the word. (Can).

Wow, what a good one, no more tasks for you, I can't think of anything else, I coped.

I had to Baba - Yaga to give Ivanoshka Alyonushka, and she herself flew into the distant edges to never meet with such smart children, as you never saw her anymore. And Alyonushka and Brothers returned home, they had time, before the arrival of their parents and they told, what tests passed, as Alyonushka tried to save Ivanushka, and Ivanushka told him how he was not afraid of Baba - Yagu, he was not afraid. The end of our fairy tale.

Did you like the tour of the fairy tale? What did you like most? And what was the most difficult, what is the test? What did you experience when Ivanovka saved? You all tried, everyone was well done, thanks. You can go to relax.

Department of Education

Administration of the Krasnokutsky Municipal District

Saratov region

Abstract classes

(directly educational activities)

"Journey in the fairy tale" Gus-Swan "
(senior group 5-6l.)


MDOU "Kindergarten №24

"Sunny" Krasny Kut

Saratov region

Altynbaeva Mahoud Fayzievna

year 2013

View:integrated travel-journey to familiarize themselves with the outside world (based on the Russian folk fairy tale "Gus-Swans").

Integration of regions: Health. Cognition. Communication. Reading fiction. Artistic creativity. Socialization. Music.

Purpose:Education of spirituality, moral and patriotic senses in children and the formation of ideas in children on the generalizing concept of "family".
Software content:

1. Educational task: Consolidate the submission of children about the family, family relationships, develop a sense of unity, emotional support

2. Developing task: fasten the ability to find objects in the nearest environment on the verbal instruction of the teacher; Fasten the account skills using the correct accounts of the account: to be called numeral in order to develop logical thinking, memory

3.Toist task: continue to work on the formation of a friendly relationship, to bring up a sense of empathy, mutual assistance to the people around him.

4. Recognizing task: Development of positive emotions, alternation of static and active movements during the entire classes.

5. Thenching task: continue to develop children's dialogical speech; Enrich the sensual experience of children and the ability to fix the experience gained in speech.
Technologies: TRIZ, healthy-saving technology (fizminutka, finger gymnastics), ICT, Project technology, Gaming technology.
Methodological techniques:
1. Visory(use of demonstration and handouts, display illustrations, cards,

2. Wonderful(Proverbs, sayings, questions aimed at the activation of mental activities, problematic issues, reminder, indication of action, modeling method, promotion, evaluation of children's activities)

3. Game(Game exercises and tasks)

4. Practical(Pattoching pies from salted dough, dance performance)

Preliminary work:explosion of proverbs, sayings, lyrics "grandmother"

Materials and equipment:

Demonstration: oven, apple tree, 1 fresh apple, basket, tree, diagram; flower, fungus, scenery "River", "House", baking sheet,

Distribution: Salty Dough, Improke Boards, Napkins, Baked Pie, Apples (Plane 8 Pieces), Modeling Cards;

TSO: Music Center, audio recording.

Travel course:

Organizing time:

Children are located in a semicircle near the tutor.

Hello children. I want to get acquainted with you closer. I stretch my palm and call my name, and you in turn on top. Put your palm and name your name. So we met.

Educator b: - Guys, I saw a miracle today in a dream:

The heroes of all fairy tales came to me!

As if Malvina and modest Piero, Yaga and Kashchi -

All worked good!

Seven gnomes magic and nice Ivan

Save Tsarevna from Western countries.

Fox, Viny - Pooh and Konk - Gorbok

Dancing all together, bake delicious pie!

And asks Emely, lying on the furnace:

You are the book open, and all the tales read!

Educator : - What do you think I saw sleep ? (Listens to children's answers: about fairy tales) right, about fairy tales! Remember, and what words do fairy tales start most often? ( responses of children: "In some kingdom ...", "lived - were ...", etc.). Of course, the guys, and as soon as these words are pronounced, we are in the amazing world of fairy tales, where animals are able to talk, and the items help the main characters to perform good acts.

Guys, do you want to be in a fairy tale? Now we all say together the magical and mysterious words "lived, were ...", and maybe you will get into some fairy tale.

Part 1 -4 minutes

(Children and educators utter words, quiet crying is distributed in silence, Shirma opens, children see the girl sitting in the hut).

Educator: - Guys, in my opinion, did we find yourself in some fairy tale? Let's find out what the name is this girl, and why does she cry?

(I offer children to find out what happened, encouraging children to keep a dialogue with a fabulous character)

Children: Hello, girl!

Child : What is your name, and why are you crying?

Girl tells :

My name is Masha. The father and Mother's father left for the Bazaar, and I was strictly tuning to look at the brother of Vanya, I planted it on the grass, myself played with my girlfriends, they hit the geese here - swans, picked up, and they took my brother Vanechka (crying).

Questions to children: Well, what guys remembered from what fairy tale Masha? (Swan geese)

- Who should she have a vanya? (Brother)

- What happened to him? (Took the geese - swans)

_- What do you think, When parents return and see that there is no Vanyushi, what will they feel? (I encourage children to empathize the heroes of the fairy tale)

Children's answers: Parents will worry about Vanechka, worry, cry, etc.

Educator: Guys, we need to reassure Masha and offer your help. I am sure that Masha can help you, because you have a good heart and fearless character.

Child: - Masha, do not cry, we will all go together to look for your brother Vanechka.

Educator : - Well, that, guys, in a good way.

(We consider "tracks")

Guys, what do you think whose tracks are? (Children).

How to decompose them? (Couples)

Task: Girls decompose on the right side - right.

Boys - on the left side.

Question: How many pairs of traces laid out? (five).

(Children take place in the footsteps right. There is a stove on the way)

Part 26 minutes

Educator: -- Guys, and here the stove met on the way. Maybe she knows where the geese swans flew? (Encouraging children to keep a dialogue with a stove )

Hello, Mother-oven! (all children)

Child: -Wellite us please where the geese swans flew? They took the Vanechka.

Bake: - I will help you, the children, but first and you help me: the dough is ready for baking, you need to make patties, lay them on the baking sheet and put in the oven.

Educator: - Let's help, stove? (Yes) (I invite children to the table)

Lift the sleeves. Wash the napkin wipe hands. Sculpt need clean hands.

Finger gymnastics:

"I know that I have a friendly family at home.

This is mom, it's me, it's my grandmother,

it is dad, this is a grandfather, and we have no disaster.

(Show and explanation of the reception of the puppet modeling)

Questions for children during the sticky:

What do patties bake? (From flour)

And flour from what happens? (From wheat grain)

Who is in your family bake patties?

What filling do you like patties?

(After the end of the modeling laying the pies on the baking sheet and put in the oven. Wipe your hands with a wet cloth)

Bake : - Thank you guys for help. To return the brother Ivanushka, here's a plan - a scheme, on it and go, she will bring you there, where the geese swans flew.

Educator : Guys, let's thank the oven for the help.

Children: - Thank you, the stove.

(According to the scheme, we find a flower, fungus, tree, apple tree)
Part 3 -8 min

(They offer to appeal for help to an apple tree, paying attention to the polite appeal, greeting).

Children: - Advance, apple tree! Tell me where the geese swans flew, they took Vanya. Just the family without it.

Apple tree (in record):I will help you, children, and you help me please. Apples did not ripe on my apple tree. Help return them

(In the basket we find one apple).

Educator: Apple is a fruit or a vegetable?

What can apple tree grow? (From the seed)

And where to be at the apple seed? (Inside an apple)

Task: - Share Cards - Apples on the Easel, with a sequence of an apple tree growth. (Seed --- Extension - - Blooming apple tree --- Apple tree with fruits)

Question:-What favorable conditions are needed to grow an apple tree? (light, warmth, water).

And now you need to raise the apples on the apple tree (the children with an inverted side hang apples).

Educator: - We now consider the apple (modeling method).

1. What helps us to see an apple, its color, shape, magnitude? (Eyes)

We looked and saw that it was red, in form - round, largest - large (children find the corresponding card designation and lay out on a magnetic board)

Conclusion: Apple - Red, Round, Big (2 times)

2. "Possess an apple with hand. What did we know about the apple? What is it? (Smooth) - And if you press him with your hand? Soft or hard?

With what we learned that the apple is smooth, solid?

(Children placed cards denoting: hand and symbols denoting signs: smooth, solid.)

3. What should we do to find out what apple is the taste? (Overlook, try)

What are apples taste? (Sour, like lemon. Sweet, like candy)

(Children placed cards: Roth-lemon-candy --- juice.

(Apple tree indicates the path to the river. Gives pictures from which the path to the river must be folded)

Educator: - What is shown in the picture? (Creek)

In the word stream where is the sound of P? At the beginning, in the middle or in the end of the word?

(The same questions with the words of Lake, Pond)

Conclusion: These are reservoirs.

Part 4-2 minutes

Suitable for the dairy river - fermented coast.

Educator: - River on the way, where to go further? Maybe the river will ask? (I encourage yourself to contact the river to find out how to find the road).

Baby: - Dairy river - sour shores, tell us, please, where are the geese swans flew?

River (Audio recording) - I will, but first I want to listen to the proverbs and sayings about the family.

Children: "In the native family and porridge sweeter."

"Family in a heap is not terrible and cloud"

"The family is strong - when there is one roof over it."

"Everywhere is good - but at home is better."

"In the friendly family and in the cold warmth"

"When sunshine - warm, with mother - good"

"Sorry Father and Mother - I will not find others"

"In the family friends - do not live toughe"

(The river praises children and points the way)

River : - Go along the coast and find yourself in the forest, there and look for a Vanechka.

(Children thank the river and go on the specified path)

Fizminutka: "We went to the forest edge, raising the legs above.

Through bushes and bumps, through branches and penets.

On the socks you are walking, your back straightened.

Left - right turned, and smiled with flowers.

Along the path we stepped, and never fell.

Part 5. - 5 minutes: tutor: "So we went into the forest. And how to behave in the forest? " (do not shout, not trample and tear flowers, do not break the branches of trees, do not break the nest of birds, do not pull the mushrooms with the root, do not shoot down poisonous mushrooms)

Educator: - A, here is the hut. Recall who lives in a forest hut? Who sent Gusey Swan for Ivanushka? (Children's responses)

Educator: Guys, Baba - Yaga removed us. But you do not be afraid of it. If we turn to her affectionately, we will greet it, then she will be good to us.

Baba Yaga (comes out of the hut): - Someone, the human spirit smells. Who are they? Why did they come? Why did you please?

Educator : Guys, you need to politely ask the Babo - Yagu to bring us a vane.

Child: Hello, Baba Yaga, Return us please Ivanushka. His sister Masha cries, mom with dad twitched, and there will be no, they will be chewed.

Baba Yaga : - Vanechka give you? And why should I give it to him, I need it myself!

Educator : Guys, let's explain the Baba Yaga, why do you need to return the Ivanushka in the family, parents? What do parents feel when there is no child? And what is the sister Masha? And how is Ivanushka himself without a family will live? ( the teacher listens to the answers).

Baba Yaga : Family, family, and what is a family?

The educator offers children:Guys, explain the Baba Yaga what a family is. Vika, tell me, please, who lives in your family? And how family members belong to each other (I offer children explain the Baba Yaga, who is a family member (mother, dad, children, brother, sister, grandparents, etc.), and what are their relationship with each other, (I ask the leading questions, I clarify. Let's bring children to a summary conceptual The word "family").

Baba Yaga (Listens to the explanations of children, crushes):A family! Love! And here I live alone, alone I live in the forest, no one's kind word says ( crying).

Educator : And right, guys, the grandmother lives alone in the forest, nobody will come to visit, no one will regret, but she so wants warmth, love. Maybe you will regret, tell her gentle word? (encourages children to sympathy) I have an idea, but let's we, Babu Yagu we will invite you to visit your kindergarten. After all, we live together, fun, as in one big family (children invite Babu Yagu to visit).

Baba Yaga (joyful): - Thank you, your kids. Now I will have a family. I will go to visit you, and you come to me. I will give you Vanya, let him go home, it returns to the family. After all, it loves everything and wait (Returns the boy Ivanushka, children thank it, they are once again invited to visit).

Educator: Baba Yaga, and the guys goodbye want to sing a song and invite you to join them. (Song "Grandmaker")

Educator: Thanks for the Baba Yaga. It's time for us to go back. Soon the parents of Masha and Vanechka will return.

(Returning from a fairy tale on the same road, with children summarize the classes.)

Educator: Guys, if we were not polite with B. Yaga to happen?

Would she return Vanya?

What kind of task was fulfilled at the request of the river?

What path did she point us? (Children thank again thanks to the river)

What did the apple tree asked about? What path she pointed? (children thank and apple tree)

What did we help the stove? What path she pointed? (The furnace treats children with patties. Children thank the oven. I draw the attention of children to the fact that the pies will treat in the group, first wash your hands at first).

(Masha thanks children for the help). Everyone is rejoiced that the family recovered.

Educator: Put your palms on my palm. Well done boys! I am very glad for you, you showed your courage, hard work, attention and kindness,

Let's say goodbye to our fairy tale "Goodbye, a fairy tale!" and losing her hand.

page 1

Darbishova Sanyat Kurbanalievna
Position: Educator
Educational institution: MKDOU "Kindergarten number 11" Pine "
Locality: Republic of Dagestan, Unzuculsky district, p. Ashil
Name of material: Methodical development
Subject: "Journey to the tale of the Gusi-Swan"
Publication date: 12.05.2017
Section: preschool education

Municipal state preschool educational


"Kindergarten № 11" Pine "

An abstract classes in the older


"Traveling in a fairy tale

swans! "

Prepared: educators

Darbishova Sanyat K.



develop speech, observation, mental activity, skill

express and justify your judgments

develop auditory and visual attention, memory, logical thinking

develop the ability to clearly, quickly respond to the questions raised.


educate friendly relationships between children, habit

engage together, willingness to come to the rescue to the one who is in it


their requirements.


Continue learning to solve arithmetic tasks for addition and


fasten the names of the days of the week and their quantity and sequence,

fasten a quantitative account within 10,

fix the order of 10,

fasten the ability of children to perform movements in accordance with the text,

exercise in the ability to make up the number 8,

clarify the knowledge of children about the properties of water.

Estimated result: Creating conditions for cognitive

development by the formation of mathematical representations and

bring up respect for parents and the desire to perform

their requirements.

Types of childhood activities: Game, communicative, productive,

music and artistic, reading fiction,

cognitive-research, motor, labor.

Individual work: Ilya Z., Angelina Z.- continue to teach children clearly and

accurately respond to the question, Maxim R., Tanya B. - Active


Wordwork: Passive - Golubushka, spoil, tests,

acquaintance, please, good people, crochet, coal, dumping, days

weeks, Pon., Wt-K, Wednesday, Chett, Spa, Surb, Sunday.

Preliminary work: Reading Russian folk fairy tales, viewing

illustrations in the book, listening to audio recordings and viewing

cartoon "Swan geese", prepared a presentation for the lesson, learning

songs and fizminutka, conversation on the topic.

Materials and equipment:

Demonstration material: ICT with a tale presentation "Swan geese",

presentation to fairy tale "Swan geese", Slides, glasses with water (4 pieces),

green and blue paint, brush, unpleasant with water.

Distribution material: paper leaflets with tasks (game "Find

missing digit "), pictures of sun and sad, pebbles of 8

pieces for each child.

Participation of parents: Reading children fairy tales, conversations with children about fairy tales,

heading good greetings and dance songs.

OOD move:

Organizational stage. (Children stand in a semicircle)


Guys, we have guests today. Say hello to guests and

give your smiles (children greet).


Good afternoon and good hour.

Good morning for you.


Your good eyes are a good sign.

Good friends - heart rejoices.

We are glad to you - good people.


You wonderfully greeted the guests, because more expensive awards and everything

the rest is a hearty kind word.

I want everyone to be good morning, good afternoon, and especially you,

guys, because you came to kindergarten to learn to think, learn a lot of new things.

Guys, I received an invitation to an unusual journey into a fairy tale.

But how do we get to the fairy tale? (Children express their


1 slide. Music "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds.


There are many fairy tales in the world,

Tales love children very much

Everyone wants to visit them

And play a little

We close our eyes,

We present miracles. (pause)

And now open your eyes,

We all turned out to be in a fairy tale.

2 Slide

Illustration from the Gus-Swan fairy tales.

Speed: Guys from what fairy tale is an illustration?

Children: "Gus-Swans"

Educator: - Well done here we are in a fairy tale. (sit on the carpet)

Pro: - Which of you will tell the beginning of the fairy tales?

Reb: -"Lived, there were a man da Baba. They had a daughter yes son small.

Daughter, "said Mother," we will go to the city, and you take care of the brother. Not

go from the courtyard, be a clever. Father with mother left, and his daughter forgot that she

ordered, put the brother on the grass under the window, and he herself ran to

street. Played, thickened ".

3 Slide (Masha and Geese)

Educator: When the girl played, remembered the brother. She ran

Reb:- "The geese swans flew, picked up the boy and took it on

wings »

And all this happened on that day, what today.

What is the day of the week?

What day of the week was yesterday?

What day of the week will be tomorrow?

How many days in the week?

Name all days of the week ...

Then in the way

4 Slide

(Masha runs through the forest)

Along paths and forests,

We need to wade to us.

All soon get up

Step me fun!

Only, Chur!. Keep!

We need to catch a geese!

5 Slide


And I will show the way.

Only follow my tasks.

Did.Igra "Find the missing figure"(Children perform tasks on leaves)

Educator: - Molders guys helped the stove and the stove pointed us the way

Educator: Guys ran Masha further. On the way met

to her? (Answers)

6 Slide

(Apple tree)

Dynamic pause

Jablodka, Jablodka grew up in the forest. (Go in a circle)

I will come to the apple tree to the apple tree to visit. (Go to the educator)

The breeze shakes her branches. (Raise hands up. Shack)

And whispering leaves: "How good we are!" (Hands at the top. Catch out with fingers)


(Masha and Apple Tree)

Jablock, you will tell us the way.

8 slide. Solving tasks.

1 goose flies over us

1Pod clouds

2 descended on the stream

How many people were all geese? (four)

9 slide.

On the road, 5 cars were driving, they caught up with another 1 car. how many

car became on the road? (6)

10 Slide

3) 7 butterflies flew in the glade, 2 butterflies flew away. How many butterflies remained on

Thank you guys! You fulfilled my task correctly, Geese - Swans


(Masha Berez, playing music birds, forests)


To the river quickly hurry.

On the track, along the track

We are on the right leg.

And on the same track

We are on the left leg.

Stop a little rest.

12.Slide "Woodpecker" (Dyatla's knock is heard)

. -Balalar, Bu Narse?

Children: -This.

Speed: Let's remember the poem "Tukyran"

- "Tukiran"

----- Tuk, Tuk, Tukiran,

tukyldatyp coat

michte Baylesh Peshme?

-Whirk Kotpurates.

Tuk, Tuk, Tukiran.

tukyldatyp coat

Agachtagy Bar Cortlarna

ashap Beatherm.

- Delighted to the river:


River (playing the song River)

River, river, help, tell me where the geese swans flew?

Of course, I will help, but first play the game .

The game "Wonderful bag" (composition of the number 8).

Educator: - Guys, what do you think in this bag? (children answer

educator shakes)

- "Pebbles"! Calculate how many pebbles: 8. Now each of you will be

the number 8 of these pebbles. Who will answer correctly, the winner!


(Hut, Baba Yaga)

See the house in front of us.


- in the dark forest there is a hut (stepping)

Stands back-on-thread (turn),

In this hut there is an old woman (slopes).

Grandmother Yaga lives.

Nose crochet (show nose)

Eyes big (show your eyes).

Like coals are burning

Wow, angry what (threaten a finger)

Standing hair.

Look at Babu Yagu! (Picture) What is she? (Answers)

Children: - Hello, Baba Yaga, Vernel, please, Ivanushka. His sister

Masha cries, mom with dad twitched, and it will not be worried.

show experiments with water.

Educator: - Guys what you need to do? (Answers) -Kable Baba Yaga Experts

The educator invites children to the table for experiments with water.

Guys, look attentively, what color water in a glass? (child response).

Do you know that water can be solvent for other substances?

For example, water dissolves sugar and salt. (Shows). And now we will do

another little experience and see how water dissolves paints.

You, water, water!

Friend you are my jetty!

Become water, water,

Not simple, green!

(to dip in the water with a brush with green paint).

You, water-water!

Light as frost.

Water-Water Water

Not simple, but blue!

(to dip a brushes with blue paint).

So, the children, what color have our water become? (Answers).

True, why did it happen? (Answers).

That's right, well done!

Here we are with all the gurb

Got acquainted with water

From transparent and colorless

Made it color!

15 slide. Baba Yag funny.

Educator: Well done boys! Look at Babu Yagu! (Picture) what

she is? (Answers), why did she become kind and fun?

16 Slide

(The book is in her Baba Yaga, Masha with Wanney)

Baba Yaga:

Therefore I was evil

That one I lived in the forest.

You forgive me, old,

You can't harm you

And I will not be angry anymore,

I want to make friends with you!


We Babu Yagu for goodbye,

Let him come! We invite!

Thank you guys, you helped Masha fulfill the tasks and find brothers, you

real friends. Masha and Bratz ran faster home to mom with

pope did not worry.


Well, it's time to say goodbye,

Waiting the kids house native!

We will meet again in a fairy tale

But now in another!

17 Slide

(Book) Music closing fairy tales.


And now close your eyes

We visited you in a fairy tale.

Open eyes

And we returned from the fairy tale.

"Tale, book closure! In kindergarten let us leave us! "

18 Slide


Reflection: Guys, you are well done, I liked how you coped with

tasks today you are just heroes. Guys what do you think Masha

i had to go through all these tests?

Children: Because Masha did not obey his parents, did not watch his

bratz. Yes, guys, you need to obey your parents.

19 Slide

(Sunny and cheerful sun)

Guys who were interested in the lesson, and who easily coped with the tasks,

take a funny sunshine.

Guys, to whom it was difficult, take the sad sunshine.

I am very glad that you liked the trip.

A flock of birds flies south,
Sky is blue around. (Children make hands, as if wings.)
To fly rather,
It is necessary to wave wings. (Children make hands more intense.)


Swans fly, mahut wings (children make hands)
Flashed over water, swing heads (swing heads)
Straight and proudly know how to stay (straighten the back)
Very silently on the water sit down (sit)

Fizkultminutka migratory birds

Birds jump, fly (children jump)
Chips birds collect. ("Pee")
Pynes cleaned,
Claws cleaned (depict)
Birds fly, sing (they make hands)
The pieces are peeling (leaning)
Further flight
And at the place of the village (fly away, "sit)

Fizminutka Rides Shopping Tit

Rides Shuster Tit, (jumping on the spot on two legs.)
It is not sitting on the spot, (jumping on the spot on the left leg.)
Jump, jump-skok, (jumping on the spot on the right leg.)
Photographed like a top. (Twisted in place.)
Here sat for a minute, (sat down.)
Scratched the beak breast, (stood, head slopes left-right.)
And from the track - on the woven, (jumping on the spot on the left foot.)
Tir-Tiri, (on-site jumping on the right leg.)
Shadow-shadow-shadow! (Jumping on site on two legs.)
(A. Barto)

About birds

We smeared the feeder.
We opened the dining room.
Sparrow, bullfinch - neighbor,
Will you have a winter lunch!
On the first day of the week
Two tits flew
And on Tuesday - Snegiri,
Brighter Morning Dawn!
Three ravens were on Wednesday
We did not wait for them to dinner.
And on Thursday from all edges -
Ten greedy sparrows.
On Friday in our dining room
The pigeon was rummed by porridge.
And on Saturday to the cake
Seven forty arrived

Fizminutka Gymnastics for Eye

Bird flew up (kids raise eyes up)
The bird flew to the right (look to the right)
The bird flew to the left (watch left)
And hid on the floor (looking at the floor)

Finger gymnastics "Little birds"

Little birds
Birds are small
In the forest fly
Seeds are assembled
Here's a violent wind flew
Birds wanted wanted
Birds hid in the hollow
There and dry and warm
(Children perform actions according to words)

Fizkultminutka "Snegiri"

Snegiri fly, mahut wings.
They are not sitting on site,
Spinning like a top
Jump - Skok, jump.
Fly dine
But there is only snow and snow.
Well, that they have a feeder,
Did a good man!

Fizkultminutka Aist
(Back straight, hands on the belt. Children smoothly and slowly raise the right, then the left leg, bent in the knee, and also smoothly lowered. Keep your back.)
- stork, stork long-legged,
Show home the road. (Stork answers.)
- Tops of law,
Tops left nagu
Again - the right nag
Again - left nagu.
After - the right nag
After - Left Nego.
And then come home.

Released clarops on the meadow
Released clarops on the meadow,
Varya-Varya-Kry! (Stepping.)
Flying cheerful beetle,
Gh ...! (Masha hand-wings.)
Geese neck strifting
Ga-ga-ha! (Circular rotation necks.)
The beak feathers straighten. (Tilting turns left-right.)
Wind branked? (Swing up with hands.)
The ball also buried,
R-R-R! (Hands on the belt, leaned forward, look in front of them.)
He whispered in the water of reeds,
Sh-sh-sh! (Raised up hands, stretched.)
And again came quiet,
Sh-sh-sh. (Sat down.)


Heron gray nosed (hands to the nose)
All day costs how the statue (hands on the belt, blades reduce)
On one leg waiting, (hands on the belt raise the left leg)
If you are a solid soldier.
Now, wait for the right, (hands on the belt, raise the right leg)
If you are brave soldier.
Heron gray nicked, (on two legs, hands to the nose
All day costs how the statue. (Hands on the belt)


Here on the branches, gri! Do not shout! (index finger on the lips)
Black sit graphic (sat down)
We are located in the nestschka, (show the nest arm in front of you)
Fucking the dogs, (stand up, hands on the sides)
Heat in the sun, (stroke yourself by hand)
Head vertyat, (turns head to the right, left)
Flying want. (Hands on the sides - wave)
Kysh! Kysh! Fuck! (Cotton, hands on the sides, running on the socks)
Flew, flew (fly)
And again everything in the nests sat down. (sat down)


Birds began to descend
In the meadow, everyone sit down.
Will have a long way to them,
We need to relax the birds. (Children sit in a deep cried and sit for a few seconds.)
And it's time to go on the road
We need to fly a lot. (Children get up and mashed "wings".)
So south. Hooray! Hooray!
Time to land.

Birds in the nest sit down

Birds in the nest sit down
And look out on the street.
They want to walk
And quietly all fly. (Children "scatter", make hands like wings.)

Well, birds, flew

Well, birds, flew,
Flew and sat down
Broke the grains,
Played in pelle
Drove water
Pries were waved
On the sides looked
Away flew away. (Walking, turning into running.)

Fizminutka swans

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Swans fly,
Wings are mashed, (smooth movements with hands with a large amplitude)
Flashed over water
Swing your head, (tilting forward, rushing)
Straight and proudly know how to stay
Quietly quiet on the water sit down (squats)