Short statuses about wedding anniversary. Statuses about the wedding anniversary are cool and romantic: we connect social networks

“... Cinderella and the prince got married and began to live happily ever after,” - this is how the fairy tale ends, because then reality begins. And what it can be after the first year of family life? Very varied, of course!

The palette of all feelings boldly reveals its colors during these very first 365 days. The chintz patience of the newlyweds is hardened by tests: “who is in charge in the family”, “whose mother gives better advice” or “I get tired more at work”.

Here is the arrangement of family life, the delimitation of personal territory, getting used to a new status. These are the exams, after passing which it becomes clear that the first wedding anniversary is not just family gatherings with memories of last year's celebration, but a real holiday, the first step on the high ladder leading to happiness and love.
Guests can say this in their congratulations - parents, witnesses, friends, even the spouses themselves.

Congratulations in verse

If only newlyweds celebrate their first anniversary (it’s chintz, gauze) at a romantic candlelight dinner, then lyrical congratulations for spouses will suit festive dishes and mood.

wife from husband

"I love you! I love you!!!
It's been a year since you became mine.
You are my light, you are my world, you are a wife, you are a family!
I am sick of you, as before.

If you take off your makeup, it's still good.
In the morning you - with disheveled bangs.
In the evenings I run from work, breathing a little:
You are as pretty as a girl!

We are brought together by family comfort, cuisine, life,
My floor, sometimes the dishes.
I love to breathe, think, be with you!
And I will be happy with you.

All our problems are rainwater,
The sun of our love will dry them out.
And thank you for telling me “yes” at the registry office.
You, my love, are the best in the world!


“We have a calico wedding today,
My dear husband, my beloved hero.
And a year ago Fate knitted
Two life paths - both yours and mine ...

We grew up, the time for carelessness has passed,
Where there were only two different "I".
Now entered the era of infinity
Under the touching name "Family".

I'm sorry that sometimes you get burned
About my morning hot coffee,
And you resent me a little
How do I change the channel.

And know that I want my life together
With you by the hand to step over
So that we live our fate like a song,
Where you can laugh and cry.

I want children so that they are all beautiful
And good - like copies of yours.
We were created to be a happy couple.
May the star of our love keep us!

Quite sincere and memorable are anniversaries celebrated in a narrow family-friendly circle. Here, as a rule, congratulations, toasts, wishes are pronounced according to seniority.

From parents

It is possible for one “delegate” from the company of mothers, fathers and matchmakers to read, or you can break the poem into lines and read it all together:

“What is this year?
Calico cycle!
It flew by, it flew by
Boiled, subsided ...

Like pebbles, got used,
You opened like a castle.
May you rub your calluses
But happiness is a whole stack!

Our children are dear
You've been through a lot in a year.
Other tests
They will be waiting for you ahead.

But don't let that scare you
Where there is love, everything is easy.
We parents want
Happiness to you for a hundred centuries!”

And now, finally, it's time for congratulations from friends. Here you can wish for more, but start immediately with a toast. Why not? That's what happened at the wedding!

Toast from friends

"Dear newlyweds,
Has the second year already begun?
Your union is like a burnt pot,
Standing up no matter what!

So we'll get together again
Celebrate more anniversaries.
Keep falling in love with each other
Let's keep your children account!

You got used, we just want to say
That love is a mystery word.
Let our glasses be "bitter!"
And in your soul and your lips - sweet!

Congratulations from friends in a philosophical way

“The year has passed jointly - thin, gauze,
But colorful, motley, like silk!
You learned a lot about the satellite,
Have a good look!

Take care of your love and trepidation,
Being husband and wife.
Let all problems be carried away by windiness,
Stand up for each other like a wall!

And do not be afraid of difficulties and disasters:
All sorrows can be overcome.
Your marriage is an example for us, or rather, a consequence.
Keep on loving like this!"


And now congratulations of a more cheerful nature. It can sound like from parents, brothers, sisters, friends ... In a word, universal:

“All good things are created in pairs:
Two arms, two legs, two eyes.
A whole year - you are like a married couple.
Someone is the neck, and someone is the head.

You are inferior to each other in everything,
Remaining yourself.
You are like two tsunami hurricanes, but
At the same time - universal peace.

You are one organism, which is natural
Like the Moon, you are alone with the Earth.
In the year of chintz you are closely brought together,
So keep under the flag of Love!”


In addition to cheerful, a little sad congratulations, prosaic wishes, spoken both directly and in sayings, rhyme and not really happen ...

Truth is born in a dispute

Once, two sorcerers argued about who knows how to love more - women or men?

A young, ardent, newly married magician proved that men love more, because princes in all fairy tales go to look for princesses, knights perform unthinkable feats in the name of a Woman, and spiderman and batman - so at all! - during all their adventures they are afraid to disappoint their beloved girlfriends, so they wear uncomfortable tights and masks, catching the last villains.

The old, lonely, wizard answered that women love more: Juliet decides to be the first to leave the world, which does not promise a meeting with her young husband; the little mermaid gives the guy she saved to her long-legged rival; and the frog princess goes out of her way for her future father-in-law to either cook food or weave a shirt ...

The wizards argued for a long time, about a year. Behind this stupid occupation, the sorcerers forgot to help people, they stopped thinking about loved ones, they only knew that everyone was right to prove their case.

And at one not very beautiful moment, the young magician's wife went to the old one, because the girl was tired of being married to a magician who was confident and obsessed with his love.
Then the young sorcerer changed his mind and realized that it is not so difficult to earn a woman's love, it is much more difficult to keep it.

Well, the old magician made two conclusions: first, that husband and wife should always share a common point of view; and second: it is advisable to prove your feelings not with words, but ... take a bucket and take out the trash. Loving people from their halves need action!

Everything ended well: an elderly sorcerer gave an abandoned young husband and his wife a potion to drink, which erased everything bad from memory. The young family was reunited. The husband began to love his wife even more, the wife surrounded her husband with even more care.

What does marriage do to us?

Once God created Man and Woman. They were beautiful, but what's there - perfect! They lived, minding their own business. Then they met, the Lord rewarded them with Love.

They legalized their relationship so that the whole world would know that they are now together. The wife had to spend a lot of her time on maintaining family life, and the husband began to forget all of himself, all his interests, in order to devote every free minute to providing for the family, because more money is needed to maintain it than for one.

Once a Man and a Woman quarreled so much that the wife began to throw sparks at her husband - and he crumbled into small pieces, and before that the husband showered his wife with hail, so that she also shattered into pieces.

God looked at it, saddened ... How is it? And by themselves, a Man and a Woman are good people! And they have an unearthly love - a real gift! And what do they need?

Thought and thought and decided to try again. I assembled them from small fragments, everything turned out just as well as the first time.

The Man and the Woman woke up, came to their senses, looked into each other's eyes, held hands - and went through the whole family life path with Love and Gratitude.

So what happened?!

During the first year together, the couple underwent changes, because the young people learned to live together. Quarrels and petty squabbles broke the Man and the Woman, but after God brought them together again, He mixed up some parts, giving the husband's wife and vice versa, and the spouses became an integral part of each other! They have learned to understand their companion and cherish him.

And so it is today: newlyweds after the first, cotton, year become real Husband and Wife, passing the baptism of fire domestic disagreements and the first crisis.
So let your Love live forever! Take care and respect each other!

You can congratulate the newlyweds and ditties. As the wolf from the cartoon "Once upon a time there was a dog" said: "I'll sing right now!"

“The spouses spent a year together -
Here's the dinner party!
Love bound you tight
Don't get out, no!

The first year melted like a fairy tale:
It's easy, it's hard.
But eyes sparkle with happiness -
Olya/Katya/Masha and her husband are lucky!

Tea is brewed, soup under the lid
And the socks are all right!
Toddler or baby
It's time for you to buy!

We wish you inspiration
Well, we want joy.
The second year is like jam,
Lost without love!

You are newlyweds again
The year has flown by - it's time.
But love is everything.
Have you learned your lesson?

Those who have a range can please the young with a reworked song based on the tune from The Bremen Town Musicians.

“The first family year you lived
Experience further will help you now
Get around all the troubles and misfortunes,
Well, we wish only happiness!

Husband this year has become a prominent guy,
His status is now solid,
Though all the women sigh after him,
He goes to his wife - everyone knows this!

And the wife is getting slimmer, prettier,
The husband does not spare money for this,
Marriage suits her
Husband in love with her eyes does not take her!

Living in love is a lottery
You hit the jackpot, we believe you!
Let the cupids sing along to the trills,
There will be anniversaries in this pair!

In fact, you can come up with congratulations on the first anniversary, sing, dance, draw, embroider, even bake in the form of a cupcake! The main thing is to remember this very first anniversary. Options, as noted - no less.

This is a romantic dinner for two (at home, in a cafe or restaurant), a picnic, watching a wedding video with a large bucket of ice cream, or you can try on wedding dresses every year and take memorable photos.

It’s good if you manage to gather all the relatives and friends who were present at the wedding a year ago. But, if it still doesn’t work out for everyone to get together, you can just go to the cinema or save up for trips abroad.
In a word, options - the darkness is dark! A little effort, and the first anniversary of marriage will be no less wonderful than the wedding itself!

Rida Khasanova

Original Anniversary Statuses

No need to write banal things like "We have a wooden wedding today." And, for example, you can write the status in a playful or poetic form

Examples of original anniversary statuses:

  • – Do you have a dream?
    - Was.
    - And now?
    “Now you are next to me. Happy wedding anniversary, love!
  • Happy Anniversary
    beloved man.
    Kind, smart and sexy -
    you are perfect for me!
  • Here we are for a year
    no hassle and no worries.
    No "mine" or "yours"
    for two we share everything.

Cool statuses about the wedding anniversary:

  • Our wedding anniversary passed in silence as the restaurant had free internet.
  • We are celebrating our first wedding anniversary and by this time my eyesight has deteriorated! I don't see money!
  • Someone wants to stay forever in the heart of a man, in his thoughts and memory. And for 5 years now I have been on page 14 of my husband's passport.
  • A year ago, we were not afraid to take risks, and now we will be happy all our lives!
  • I won’t leave you, but you have to be patient with me - after all, we have a golden wedding ahead!

Wedding Anniversary Quotes

To tell all about your happy day - about your wedding anniversary, you can use well-known sayings famous people about family life.

Honore de Balzac said: "You need to believe in marriage as well as in the immortality of the soul"

Great words for those spouses who want to emphasize that their love for each other will never die.

You can just original declaration of love to a spouse using a quote Paul Sweeney: "I love being my husband's wife." Or, in the words of Martin Luther King Jr., to emphasize that marriage is the daily work of two people: “Chains will not hold a marriage. It will be held by many tiny threads that people have been sewing for many years.”

Other wedding anniversary quotes:

  • Real happiness is when, 5 years after the wedding, butterflies in the stomach are still fluttering even from one of his glances.
  • Why is a wedding ring worn on the ring finger? Because it has a vein that leads to the heart. So you - for a whole year in my heart.
  • Life is like a sensual dance lasting 15 years!

Our feelings are unchanged, like a bouquet of red roses.

Interesting hashtags and posts about the anniversary of living together

Anniversaries of married life are usually celebrated more widely and more festively than intermediate dates. These include:, pink (10 years), silver (25 years), gold (50 years) and others.

On such days, you can congratulate your loved one not only with a gift and warm words, but also by posting a touching post about the wedding anniversary on your page on the social network

Examples of such posts:

  • We are celebrating the anniversary of the wedding - this is a real celebration of sincere love, happiness and mutual understanding. May all the next years of our life pass in the same atmosphere of calmness and serenity as the previous ones. Our feelings are getting stronger and stronger every day, and we wish everyone in their lives to experience true love - the kind that we have.
  • My dear husband! I am happy to be with you for almost 30 years now. May God keep our family and our feelings. And I will always be by your side, giving you my love and gratitude.

Such words about love can be backed up with hashtags to emphasize the individuality of the couple. For example, these hashtags:

  • #25 years together;
  • #SolovievsGoldenWedding;
  • #10 years of love.

How to come up with hashtags for your wedding anniversary

Social media users have been using hashtags for a long time, placing them under their posts. But creating an interesting, vibrant wedding hashtag is still in demand. This is explained by the fact that a personal hashtag will emphasize the individuality and creativity of the person who posted the post.

So that the hashtag about the wedding anniversary does not get lost among the many similar ones, you need to try to make it as original as possible. You should not be limited to just names, for example #PashaMasha.

It is better to combine both the names and the date being celebrated in one hashtag. To make the phrase readable, you can highlight the words in capital letters. Examples:

  • #July 21Lena Zhenya CalicoWedding;
  • #WoodenWeddingIvanov17;
  • #1 Anniversary of the Kuznetsov Family.

The more complex the phrase in the hashtag, the fewer people will see this photo or post.

Don't use underscores or too many numbers. It is also not recommended to use words whose meaning changes if you put the letter ё instead of the letter e

Hashtag in Latin you can write only if friends and guests of the holiday know the keyboard layout in English. If most of those invited to the anniversary do not have such knowledge, then it is better to leave captions for the photo only in Russian.

Good wedding anniversary hashtag examples:

  • #GoldenWeddingIvanova;
  • #MashaMaxForever;
  • #husbandwife5 years;
  • #RomancePaperAnniversary.

Despite the fact that it is chosen to mark an important date for congratulations on social networks: a cool status, a quote from a famous person or a post about love in prose - the most important thing is that all this comes from the heart, sincerely and with the best feelings about who these are dedicated to words. Be sure to personally congratulate your soul mate on the family’s birthday and spend this day without the Internet, but enjoying each other’s company.

February 19, 2018, 09:19

funny messages

On a holiday, the mood of loving spouses simply must be upbeat. And frivolous. And playful! Moreover, neither the husband nor the wife is forbidden to slightly raise his friends and acquaintances by posting a funny joke or a short anecdote on the topic of marriage on their page. They are especially appropriate in statuses pro, 2 or 5 - in a word, for a young family taking the first steps on the path of family life. While both spouses are young, perky and love to have fun, it's time for good jokes.

An interesting idea - to post on a page in a social network playful timer, which will tell the curious how long you lived together down to the second:

“Our family is already 365 days old! 8760 magical hours! 525600 fabulous minutes! 31536000 unique seconds! Thank you for them, honey (sweetheart)!”

It is quite appropriate to beat common stereotypes about married life:

  • “Guys! Guard! It was worth getting married, problems with the eyes began! I don't see the money!
  • "Bunny", "bird" and "kitten" after the wedding begins to turn into a larger animal ... "
  • “If you want to live happily ever after, don’t argue with your wife.”

Such remarks look cool and completely inoffensive, for example, in pro status. By this time, a rare wife manages to acquire a dozen extra kilos or turn into a grumbler, and her husband becomes a miser, so others are well aware that this pebble is by no means a happy couple's garden. However, you still shouldn’t expose risky jokes about the appearance or nature of the second half to the public, otherwise there is a great risk that in the status about the wedding anniversary of 4 years you will have to write “Still in disgrace” or “We broke up”. Cheerful self-criticism is welcome, criticism is not! Even funny.

On the other hand, everything is individual. It happens that both spouses have a sense of humor, do not have the habit of pouting for any reason, and are well aware of which joke will offend a loved one, and which one will make them laugh heartily. It is not forbidden here to complain about your soulmate:

    • "Girls! I thought they were offering me a hand, a heart and a golden ring, but it turned out that they were talking about a stove, a vacuum cleaner and a washing machine!
    • "Guys! Know that in family life everything is divided equally! Socks and shaving foam for you, a fur coat for your wife and a trip to the Canary Islands.

If you can get into trouble with “dangerous” jokes, then publicly praising your life partner is never harmful:

  • “Young ladies! Do not look for the perfect man, you are late! He has been with me for 5 years, and I am in seventh heaven!”
  • "Darling! Happiness is falling asleep and waking up next to you ... Well, and the borscht that you cook. For him, I am ready to marry you a second time.
  • “They say that over time, feelings fade, and passion goes away. Nothing like this! We've been together for half a decade, but we don't make our beds on weekends!"

Of course, praise and spicy "secrets" are suitable not only for pro statuses, but also for later dates. An affectionate word, like passion, will always find a place in the life of loving people.

romantic notes

Not everyone will like cool statuses about the wedding anniversary. Many consider even cute jokes about love inappropriate. If your anniversary is a time of lyrical confessions and lofty words, turn to romance. For example, a pro status might look like this:

  • “They say that relationships after six years of marriage are cast iron. No, love! For me, they are stronger than steel, more precious than gold, and more beautiful than a precious diamond.”
  • “Someone calls the anniversary cast-iron, and I call it spring. Because in my soul now butterflies are fluttering and flowers are blooming, because you are near.

Romance is primarily poetry. And it doesn't matter if they are naive. How do you like this status about:

  • “Let our house become a full bowl at our Copper Wedding. If there are two of us, we will get to Krasnaya.”
  • “For 7 years I have been kept by two rings: gold, on my finger, and another, warm and reliable - your hugs.”

Even pro statuses, which has received one of the most unromantic names in the "folk" calendar, can be made gentle and exciting:

  • “They say the Tin Jubilee is unromantic. But in my soul on this day, fabulous elves rap out melodies on tin bells, which cannot be compared with the music of harps with golden strings.
  • “It's a miracle! We have been together for 8 years, and every day I fall in love with you again.

And how not to play with the theme of a happy couple, which fits so well into the status of a pro - Faience holiday?

  • “You and I are a tea pair made of the finest faience. Separately - just a cup and saucer, together - a work of art that came out from under the hands of the master and withstood the test of time.
  • “We have been together for 9 years, and I am not happier. Let the whole world now know how dear you are to me.

There is no date more romantic than Rose Day. Statuses are deservedly filled with quivering confessions, frank messages and affectionate, sensual, sublime epithets. It's hard to overdo it with romance, everything will be in place.

Has the Rose Anniversary come yet or has it already passed? This is not a reason to save enthusiastic confessions for your soul mate. Moreover, with age, the need for them grows, because it is important for a loved one to understand: he remains desired, needed, the only one! Use romantic statuses pro, 12 and beyond ad infinitum:

  • “He is there and I am happy. He smiles and the sun begins to shine brighter. If I am sad, it is enough to be in his arms, and the soul is filled with warmth. He is brave, strong and wise. My husband!"
  • “11 (12, 15.20) years ago I was lucky to marry the most charming, smart and caring girl on earth. Beloved, our meeting is the best thing that happened to me in my life.

None of the suggested options worked for you? Search among, and you will surely find a suitable quatrain about a wedding anniversary for a beautiful status.

Or refer to high literature. Russia is generous with brilliant poets, and they, in turn, wrote billions of beautiful lines about love. The creations of the classics are still relevant today - it is not for nothing that they are called immortal.

telegram statuses

It just so happened that the older the couple becomes, the more restrained she is in showing feelings in public. Many are initially not set up to pour out their souls in front of unfamiliar people: after all, not only friends, but also strangers come to the page in Odnoklassniki, Contact and other social networks. Are you also not prone to colorful expression of feelings? Then your 11 year wedding anniversary status might look like this:

  • “So we got to the Steel Holiday! Honey, our main anniversaries are yet to come!”
  • “We have been together for 11 years! Happy holiday, my sun! Your wife".
  • “If love is stronger than steel, then 11 years of marriage is just the beginning. We are waiting for the 111th anniversary!

By the way, you can safely write the same status about the wedding anniversary at 13 (nickel), 22 (bronze), 25 (silver), 50 (gold), 65 (iron) and other relevant dates. It is enough to change the number and name of the metal.

But for Lace, Linen, Muslinova, Satin, Cashmere and other “soft” dates, it is worth choosing other analogies:

  • “13 years ago we started weaving the lace of family life. For me, it turns out great!”
  • “You and I are two threads in a lace pattern - intertwined once and for life.”

Naturally, the status of a pro does not have to contain a reference to lace, as for all subsequent ones, it makes no sense to select comparisons strictly according to the topic given by the name. Briefly and concisely:

  • “14 years old, normal flight!”
  • “And we have an Agate (Chintz, Coral) anniversary!”

- and the guests of your page will be aware of the significant event.

Serious marital experience allows you to give advice to "beginners" of family life. Feel like a smart couple by posting a status like this:

  • “Love and take care of each other, everything else will follow!”
  • “If two people in a love boat cherish each other, they are not afraid of rocks.”
  • “Love is not enough for happiness. You need to meet someone who loves you with all his heart.
  • “In order to walk hand in hand to the 15th anniversary, the relationship must be crystal clear, love is pure, and trust is immeasurable.”
  • “If my husband and I break dishes, then only crystal glasses are for happiness. It works!

Or you can do it quite simply and, without breaking down the statuses about wedding anniversaries by year, declare: "It's our anniversary today! We plan to get to the Red Wedding. Who is with us?

Perhaps it is no secret to anyone today that social networks occupy a huge place in our lives. Along with this, traditional ideas about romance are also changing. A love song, a beautiful bouquet in a photograph are replacing traditional forms of courtship. Statuses take a special place. Someone likes to put quotes of the sages there, someone simply describes their feelings and impressions. But what to put in status when your wedding anniversary is 1 year old? How to congratulate your loved one in an original way, remind your friends about this holiday, or, conversely, congratulate your friends yourself?

  • “May God keep your marriage and your feelings for a long time. Always be happy next to each other and give each other love!”
  • “Let your hearth not go out, flaring up brighter, we wish you all possible blessings, and at home - a full bowl!”
  • “When girls ask the question “Where did the real men go?”, I usually answer: “They went to real women.” Therefore, my husband and I have been together for a year!”
  • "Together 1 year, 365 days, 8760 hours, 525600 minutes and 31536000 seconds..."
  • “When I think of you, I smile. The last year the smile never left my face.
  • “I used to wake up and fall asleep with the thought of you ... And it was terrible! Because now I know what it's like to wake up next to you every morning.
  • “A year ago we decided to bind our fate, and this year we lived happily, without trouble!”
  • “My soul is full of you alone, my friend, my husband and my hero. I'm behind you, like behind a wall, you'll always be with me.

  • “Someone wants to stay forever in his bed, in his heart, in his memory. And I've been on the 14th page of your passport for like a year!”
  • “Two rings tied together these fabulous people, I will distort you without flattery, this couple is not sweeter!”
  • “A year ago we took a chance, and now we are happy for life!”
  • “He (a) gives me happiness every day ...”
  • “The best morning in the world is a sunny warm Sunday, the sup of a loved one and a cup of strong coffee with the anticipation of a loving breakfast...”
  • “True love is when a husband and wife call each other every day and talk for hours!”
  • “Happiness is when, a year after the wedding, butterflies still flutter in the stomach from one of his eyes.”
  • “The wedding ring is worn on the ring finger of the right hand because it is the only finger in which there is a wreath leading directly to the heart. You have been in my heart for a year now.

We have compiled for you a small selection of statuses for the wedding anniversary of 1 year. We used the user statuses we liked and a bit of inspiration for this. But, in fact, the ideal status for you may not be here. Because the most beautiful and sincere thing you can say to your loved ones on an anniversary is what lies in the very depths of your heart and makes you live and enjoy every new day!

We have been a family for a year now, what happiness!
I love you more and more every hour
The flame of joy and passion does not go out,
I hope we will be together for many days!

After all, you are my husband, soulmate,
I am a wife, today is exactly a year!
Let there be life - a beautiful picture,
And love will save us from adversity.

A year has passed since we were married,
I sincerely thank you
For the fact that day and night, you give me only the best.
I don't go all this year - soar!

I am happy with you, my love.
I want to live my whole life like this
It doesn't matter if you're poor or rich,
After all, the main thing is to believe in each other and love!

My husband is beloved, beloved,
Beautiful, stylish and pleasant,
Such a strong man and just a darling,
And warm, soft, like a pillow,

How good it is to be with you
And nothing else is needed
Congratulations on our wedding day
And I always want to be together

We have been married for exactly a year,
But he flew by like a moment.
Probably Cupid himself once
Blessed the birth of the family.

And a canvas of colored chintz
Our whole road is creeping.
After all, this is how you need to fall in love -
So seriously and for so long!

You, my husband, I wish
Live another two hundred years together
On gold at our wedding
To be like a bride and groom again.

Today is exactly one year old
How did we become a family?
And it's been all year
You call me wife.

And I'm so happy
that together we are with you,
We live like in a dream
In love, big-big!

Let us have everything
Good with you!
each other every hour
They gave it to be warm.

Our first year has flown by.
Like one moment!
You are my sunny flight
Life inspiration!

We are the confluence of eternal souls,
A whole two parts.
The best husband in the world -
My. What happiness!

You are near, and I am flying,
You are my heart friend.
I want to share my life with you
Just endless!

We lived with you for a year
My beloved husband.
You are the same, you are all the same -
Kind and handsome.

You are the only one I need
And others would not know.
Congratulations on our day!
Happy cotton wedding!

Our anniversary with you...
Many, many happy days.
You are still the best man
I fall in love with you more and more.

You and I will never be separated
Our happiness with you cannot be broken,
Well, if it brings evil clouds ...
Together I am ready to drink grief!

Let nature and people rage
Let them prophesy us quarrels and darkness.
I smile at the vicissitudes of fate,
I'll just squeeze your hand tighter.

My beloved, my own man
You are the best reason for happiness.
It's been a year now as a whole family
You, my strongest, and me.

Our light chintz happiness is hidden
From prying and prying eyes.
The morning is washed with tender kisses
A cobweb of light, gentle phrases.

I want it to be like this forever
So that you feel my love with your heart
Bright stars path in the milky sky
Luckily he showed us the way.

Like a chintz, the first year was creeping.
It was different, but we are together.
I'm happy that you married me
What, I became your wife.