Summer applications from colored paper. Application on the theme of summer from colored paper in kindergarten

Applications on the theme of Summer should be as warm and sunny as the word itself. And we tried to pick up just such applications about Summer - kind, cheerful and colorful. And they wrote exactly how they can be done.

Application on the theme of Summer "Chickens"

To make this voluminous application you will need:

a sheet of thick green velvet paper, thick yellow paper, red paper, sunflower seeds, black felt-tip pen, 4 small black buttons, cotton wool, scissors, glue.

The background of the application will be a sheet of green thick paper. The application on a velvet background will be very beautiful.

To make chicken applications, cut out four yellow circles of approximately equal size and redraw the circles of the same diameter on the background of the application. We'll stick them there later.

Glue scallops to the yellow circles, - three red circles - and eyes - buttons. Let it all dry.

And at this time we will prepare four lumps of round-shaped cotton wool with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the yellow circles.

When the yellow circles dry up, turn them over, generously grease them with glue and glue the prepared pieces of cotton wool to them.

Then we smear thickly with glue the mugs drawn on the background and glue the yellow mugs to them on the side where the cotton wool is located. We get voluminous figures of chickens, in which white tummies peep out behind their yellow backs.

It remains to draw the beaks and paws of the chickens with a black felt-tip pen and glue the sunflower seeds. Let the chickens peck the bugs and not starve.

Cotton appliqué "White cat".

For this application you will need: a sheet of thick blue paper, cotton wool, green paper, pieces of red and black paper, scissors, glue.

First, glue white cotton clouds to the blue background. To do this, draw them against the background with a simple pencil, grease the drawn places with glue and put cotton balls there. Gently press the cotton wool with your fingers, especially well process the edges of the clouds. Let's let them dry.

Then draw a silhouette of a cat with a simple pencil on a blue background.

Cut off a strip of green paper. Let's make cuts on one side of it and glue a strip at the bottom of the background. This will be green grass.

Let's prepare a ball of cotton wool, spread it along the silhouette of the cat. Let's try. Then we will remove the cotton. Lubricate the silhouette of the cat with plenty of glue and glue the cotton wool to the background in the drawn place, give the shape of a cat. Press the cotton to the background with your fingers.

When the application dries, the cotton wool can be fluffed up a little with your fingers so that the cat looks fluffier.

It remains to glue the paper cat's eyes (it is better to make them green), a mustache and a red mouth. The application is ready. The kitty turned out to be flirtatious and graceful.

Application "Aquarium and its inhabitants".

We will need a set of colored paper, colored markers, seashells, beads, glue and scissors.

The background of the application will be a sheet of blue thick paper.

Cut out the details of the application from colored paper - fish, octopus and other marine life, green algae.

First we will make the bottom of the aquarium. To do this, glue a brown trapezoid-shaped quadrilateral at the bottom of the appliqué background. Glue shells and green algae on it. And then we will stick the inhabitants: an octopus, fish and other bugs and worms.

Glue the edges of the background with a darker color, give the aquarium a three-dimensional look. Shells can be cut out of brown paper.

With a felt-tip pen, draw some small details: mouth, eyes, scales, decorate fins, tails and other parts of the bodies of marine life.

Volume application "Summer"

Prepare colored paper, scissors, glue and a clean cloth for work.

The background of the application can be a sheet of thick paper in light colors. The application made of velvet paper looks more beautiful.

Let's cut out blanks of appliqué details from colored paper: green leaves and grass, red and yellow flowers, white stripes for the fence, brown tree trunk. To get blanks for a flower, cut out several circles of different diameters and make cuts along their outer circles. Lay the circles on top of each other and glue their middles.

First, glue the tree trunk to the background of the application and wait until it dries.

And at this time, you can glue the white fence.

In the meantime, the trunk is dry, and leaves can be glued to it. To do this, with a simple pencil, lightly draw the outline of the crown of the tree and grease this place with glue. Glue the leaves carefully. Carefully smooth the glued parts with your hands and remove excess glue with a clean cloth.

While the left part of the application dries up, we will work on the right. Glue the grass, and then the flowers. When gluing flowers, we glue only the middle of the flower, and the petals will not be glued to the background. The flower will appear as a three-dimensional figure.

Then glue the grass and flowers on the left.

Blot the application with a clean cloth and let it dry.

We will place the finished application in a frame. The frame can be bought at the store. And you can do it yourself.

Fabric applique "Love"

In general, they can be quite original. To work on this, you will need scraps of fabric, scissors, pieces of cellophane, an iron. All fabrics are well ironed before work.

For the background of the application, we use a flap of dense monophonic fabric.

We will make patterns of all the necessary details for the application. Each part must be glued separately.

First we glue the bee, then the grass, the flower and the mouse.

Glue like this. Let's put newspapers on the table, on them the background of the application, then put a piece of cellophane, on it - only one detail, then - a blank white sheet of paper. Iron on top with a hot iron. Cellophane will stick fabrics to each other. Remove excess pieces of cellophane.

In this way, we glue all the other parts, each separately.

We will place the finished application in a frame.

What applications about summer do you know and know how to do?

Summer application for preschoolers

Summer is the time for the sun, greenery, insects and, consequently, bright and unusual applications.

The smallest inhabitants of the forest hid in the thick grass. Who is hiding there? These are a ladybug, a butterfly, a snail and a bee. How elegant they seem against the backdrop of dense greenery!


For the background - blue cardboard 15x20 cm.

Green, dark green, yellow, white, orange, blue, black, red corrugated paper.

Plastic eyes. Beads.

Glue stick. Scissors.

Work sequence

From green and dark green paper, cut 4x13 cm strips. Cut the strips diagonally - these will be the parts for the grass. Fix the prepared details on the background. Twist a few strips in the form of flagella, secure with glue.


Cut out a 5x15 cm square from red paper. Fold the paper in the shape of a circle (gradually, bending the edges, give the paper an oval shape), fix it with glue on the background. From black paper, prepare details for the legs and antennae (flagella), head and dots (circles). Fix parts and plastic eyes with glue.


Cut a 1x20 cm strip from orange paper. Roll the strip into a flagellum shape. From the flagellum, prepare the wings for the butterfly (two large and two small). Fix the details with glue on the background. Thin orange flagella will become the outline of the wings for the butterfly. From white paper, cut out four strips 2x3 and 2x5 cm. Twist the strips into leaf shapes. Glue the resulting leaves inside the orange outlines of the wings.

Twist the flagellum from red paper - this is the belly of a butterfly. Secure the part with glue. From black paper, twist the flagellum - the antennae for the butterfly. Secure the part with glue.


Cut a 3x30 cm strip from yellow paper. Roll the strip into a flagella shape. Twist the flagellum in a spiral - this will be the snail's house, fix it with glue on the background. For the body, twist a 3x6 cm strip with a flagellum, secure with glue. Prepare the details for the head and antennae (circles and flagella), fix them with glue. Make eyes out of beads.


From yellow paper, make the body of a bee (abdomen - flagellum, head - circle), fix the details with glue. Make wings from flagella and leaves, fix the parts with glue. Small scraps of black paper - stripes on the bee's abdomen. Make eyes out of beads.

Summer application "Swans". Master Class

Summer application "Ship". Master Class

Summer application "Hedgehog". Master Class

Do-it-yourself summer applique for kindergarten

Master class "Let's sit and talk"

Practical task for children: Creation of applications with origami elements.
Pedagogical tasks:
1. Develop the child's fine motor skills.
2. Develop the child's creative abilities through the creation of applications with origami elements.
3. Strengthen the technical skills of cutting.
Description: The master class will be of interest to educators. The work can be done by children of the second younger or middle group. Before doing the work, you can have a conversation with the children about insects, make riddles about the ladybug. The work is aimed at developing the creative abilities of children and fine motor skills.
Everything around is green
Reddened, blued!
Here comes the summer!
Here comes the summer!
With the warm sea
With bright light.
(G. Lagzdyn)

Came from the sky to visit.
My mother sat on a flower.
Polka dot wings.
Six beautiful legs.
black head -
(T. Eidenson)

You already understood that today we will make a summer application with ladybugs.
To do the job we need:
1. Color double-sided paper.
2. Glue.
3. Scissors.
4. Black marker or felt-tip pen.
5. ½ landscape sheet for the base.

First, we will make blanks: strips of paper for making flower petals 1 cm wide, a circle for the middle of the flower, two petals, a green strip for the stem, a red semicircle to create a ladybug.

We make loops for the petals. You can offer children stripes of different colors.

Glue the petals to the middle.

Here's what happened.

We make ladybugs. To do this, we outline the middle of the workpiece and bend the “wings” to the middle.

We collect the whole picture. Glue the stem, flower and leaves. We place ladybugs on the leaves. With a felt-tip pen we draw a head, antennae and paws.

Because of the wings, it seems that the ladybugs are about to take off. We have already sat down and talked.

That cow doesn't moo
No horns, hooves, tail,
Doesn't give us milk
Lives under the leaves.
Red cloak with black dots
wears a beetle. Plants - the guardian.
Deftly fights with harmful aphids
this ... (ladybug.)
V. Anoshina

My kids and their parents really liked these applications.
I wish you all a summer mood.

Summer is a wonderful time for children's creativity. Cheerful mood, warm sun, bright colors of nature inspire children to a very exciting activity - do-it-yourself summer crafts. Making a funny little thing from improvised and natural materials together with parents is a great joy for a child.

Do not forget that summer crafts contribute to the development of children, improve their motor skills and reveal their creative potential. Teachers have noticed this for a long time and it is not without reason that they believe that the most interesting and useful hobby for a student is children's crafts. Summer provides a huge number of opportunities for their manufacture.

On holidays, as well as in kindergarten or school, it is always good to devote time to creativity with your own hands. And clear, detailed and inspiring master classes will help you create real masterpieces.

Having spent a vacation at sea with children, we bring with us a lot of impressions and a large number of shells. They can be used in a variety of summer-themed crafts, such as these cute turtles that remind us of an unforgettable vacation. For work you will need: plasticine, shells, stack.

Step one. We make blanks from plasticine: torso, head, tail and 4 legs.

Step two. We form a mouth with a stack so that the turtle smiles. The eyes are made of white and black plasticine. You can use ready-made plastic eyes.

Step three. We collect all the details together, thus fashioning a turtle. We fix the shell on the back.

Funny turtle is ready! So that it reminds us of a summer vacation at sea for as long as possible, instead of plasticine, you can use polymer clay.

Flower arrangement with ladybugs - master class

This colorful craft from improvised materials on the theme of summer can be made with school-age children. We will need: plastic spoons, yellow straws for cocktails, CD, self-adhesive paper, leaves from artificial plants, scissors, acrylic paints, glue gun.

Step one. We take the number of plastic spoons we need to create ladybugs and a flower and cut off their handles. We paint 8 spoons with red and 4 spoons with black paints. The red parts will be the wings, and the black parts will be the ladybug's body. As a head for an insect, you can use a black button on a leg. Some of the spoons remain white - these are flower petals.

Step two. We glue the CD on both sides with self-adhesive paper and cut it in a circle. After the painted wings for ladybugs are dry, take black paint and draw dots on them.

Step three. Using hot glue, we assemble ladybugs from parts in such a way that two of them are with folded wings, and the other two are open. Let's start composing. We glue artificial leaves on the disk, and on top of them we form a flower from white spoons, attaching the details in rows. In the center of the flower we glue the stamens from the tubules, cut into a length of 1.5-2 cm.

Finally, we attach ladybugs - our summer composition is ready! It can decorate not only a school class, but also a playroom in a kindergarten.

Volumetric application on the theme of summer "Flower with butterflies" - master class

Do-it-yourself summer crafts like appliqués are perhaps the most favorite pastime for children in kindergarten. After all, with their boundless imagination, you can create very interesting summer stories on a regular sheet of paper. Our three-dimensional applique with beautiful fluttering butterflies made of paper folded into an accordion belongs to the same type of applied art. We will need colored paper, glue and scissors.

Operating procedure:

  1. First, we make blanks for the petals and leaves of the flower. To do this, we cut squares from sheets of colored paper, and from them, cutting diagonally, 2 green and 5 orange triangles. We fold each triangle with an accordion along the lines, as shown in the photo. We bend the triangles folded into an accordion in half and glue their tips. We got corrugated petals and leaves.
  2. To make fluttering butterflies, cut out rectangles of paper of different colors and round off the corners with scissors. We corrugate them and put two parts together, dragging them with a colored paper strip and fixing it with glue. Butterflies are ready.
  3. Having folded a strip of green paper along, we make a flower stalk. From paper of the same green color, cut out a rectangle and corrugate it to create grass.
  4. We assemble the composition on a plain colored cardboard, glue all the details and admire the bright colors of summer with the children.

Summer crafts in kindergarten for the little ones - "Sunflower"

Do-it-yourself summer crafts performed by children from the younger group in kindergarten should be simple and fun. The creation of the application "Sunflower" is within the power of children from the age of three years, it develops them and accustoms them to conscious activity. Working with seeds and other small objects develops the child's motor skills. For creativity, we need: colored cardboard, seeds, glue and scissors.

Operating procedure:

  1. We cut out the middle, petals and stem of the sunflower ourselves from cardboard, if the baby does not yet own scissors. He can be trusted to glue the parts and attach them.
  2. We glue the petals on the white circle, then pour glue into the middle of the flower and put the seeds there. Don't forget to glue the green stem. Our sunflower is ready! Having made more of these crafts with the children, you can place them on a large sheet of drawing paper, “growing” a whole garden of sunflowers.

Summer craft "Sheep in the meadow" - master class

Another kindergarten-themed craft that kids can do with a little help. We will need cardboard, colored paper, felt-tip pens, glue, scissors and white paper napkins.

Operating procedure:

  1. Together with the baby, we cut out the ears and muzzle of the lamb and draw eyes and a nose on it. We glue the parts on colored cardboard.
  2. We tear the napkins into small pieces and twist them into balls. We outline on the cardboard with a pencil the contour of the body, as well as the hair on the head of the animal. We paste over the space of these contours with prepared balls. The kid will surely cope with this work himself.
  3. We cut out the grass, paste it on the bottom of the picture of the summer garden and complement the landscape with clouds, butterflies, flowers and other details that fantasy tells us.

More summer ideas

The spinner is a favorite summer fun for little kids. Made by hand, it will turn out to be original and unique in its own way. You can easily make it according to the schemes.

Summer is in full swing, it's warm and sunny outside. Walking in the fresh air brings a lot of pleasure, and I want to keep these warm memories. Decided today with my daughter make an applique, capturing insects in the meadow.

Daughter always loves do crafts with mom or dad so today we have teamwork. The creation of the craft was divided equally: the daughter makes a ladybug out of colored paper, and she entrusted me with making a bee or a wasp.

How to make a bee or wasp out of paper with your own hands?

For work, we need: a square of yellow colored paper (preferably double-sided), a piece of film (for wings), scissors, a black felt-tip pen.

1. We fold the square diagonally, iron the fold line well, and unfold it.

2. Then we fold the square along the other diagonal, iron it and unfold it.

3. Now fold the square in half, iron well and unfold.

4. From the square we form a triangle, filling the folds along the fold lines inward (see photo).

5. Cut off the excess to get a rounded body of the insect.

6. Using a black felt-tip pen, draw the head, eyes and stripes on the body.

7. Cut out two circles from the film. We used film for wrapping flowers.

8. Fold the circle in half, cut off one edge a little and fasten the wing with a piece of adhesive tape to the body of the insect. We do the same with the second wing. Our dragonfly bee is ready!

How to make a paper ladybug with your own hands?

For work, we need: a square of red paper (preferably double-sided), scissors, a black felt-tip pen.

I repeat, my daughter made the ladybug, so the photo is a master class from her 😉 The principle of folding is the same as that of the wasp bee, I won’t repeat here, see the photo 🙂

Our insects are ready, we decided to plant them on leaves, therefore, using symmetrical cutting, we cut out leaves from green colored paper.

Taking a sheet of cardboard, and arranging the insects and leaves, the daughter said that there was not enough flower meadow, so we took the hole punching flowers and began to glue our voluminous application. Here's what we got: