Best means suitable: how not to make a mistake in choosing a day cream for different types of facial skin. Causes and consequences. Moisturizers for dry skin

The ability to keep the skin fresh and supple largely depends on what kind of nourishing face cream a person uses. When choosing this necessary cosmetic product, it is important to take into account many subtleties, such as the purpose, type of cream, the age of the buyer and the characteristics of his skin, as well as the ratio of chemicals and natural substances. But when buying any cosmetics, special attention should be paid to its composition, since many substances can accumulate in the body and be unsafe for health.

The main indications for the use of a nourishing cream is the appearance of changes in the condition of the skin of the face, namely its dryness, which can be determined by various signs. As a rule, the reason for this is insufficient function of the sebaceous glands and dehydration. Even normal skin loses firmness and elasticity with age, and dry or too oily skin undergoes undesirable pathological processes even earlier, being irritated, various rashes or peeling. To prevent premature fading of the skin of the face, to get rid of the early appearance of wrinkles and to maintain its freshness, it is required to pay special attention to it and carry out the necessary care.

The following reasons can cause unwanted changes in the condition of the skin that will require the use of nourishing creams:

  • non-compliance with the rules of nutrition;
  • treatment with antibiotics;
  • disorders in the state of the gastrointestinal tract, such as, for example, a chronic form of inflammation of the gastric mucosa;
  • features of the profession that require the application of makeup, a long stay in a stuffy hot room;
  • adverse weather conditions, prolonged exposure to the sun or at low temperatures.

All these factors inevitably cause undesirable changes in the skin, especially in the skin of the face, since it is this part of the body that always remains open and is most exposed to the adverse effects of the environment. If improper facial care is added to this, then overdrying of the skin, the formation of early wrinkles and other problems inevitably occur. It is necessary not to use cold hard water when washing, cosmetic care products containing alcohol and not to wash the skin too often. And most importantly, to give a special place in the face care measures to properly selected nourishing creams and use them correctly, not abusing them, but not ignoring them either.

Side effects

The functions of nourishing creams differ from moisturizers, as they are assigned more complex tasks. Therefore, the choice of a cream designed to nourish the skin of the face should be approached especially carefully and not ignore the basic rules, otherwise you can get the opposite effect.

It is necessary to select a cream taking into account the type of skin, it should saturate the skin with vitamins, improve its color, increase elasticity, reduce wrinkles and eliminate skin tightness and dryness. It is also important to change the nourishing cream in a timely manner, as over time addiction occurs and the effectiveness of the cream decreases.

Among the side effects of nourishing creams, the following are most often observed:

  • an allergic reaction to one of the components in the cream;
  • the possibility of influencing the hormonal system (with the hormonal nature of the drug);
  • development of dermatitis or comedones;
  • premature aging processes;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • the appearance of unwanted facial hair.

If the first symptoms of trouble are found, it is necessary to abandon the skin care product used and consult with specialists.

Mode of application

When using a nourishing cream as a facial skin care, certain recommendations should be followed, which are easy to follow, but at the same time they will increase the effectiveness of the product. The cream will bring more benefits if applied to cleansed, damp skin, as this contributes to its better penetration. It is distributed evenly and in small portions in accordance with the massage lines, usually located from the bottom up, and in the forehead, nose and cheeks, you can lightly tap the cream with your fingertips. It is not recommended to use a cold cream as this will invariably cause vasospasm and make penetration more difficult. If it is stored in the refrigerator, it is better to pre-warm it in the palm of your hand.

The use of the cream largely depends on its type, so the night ones have a more oily consistency, so after holding it for an hour, the excess is removed with special napkins.

If the skin is oily, the cream is applied for no more than thirty minutes, after which it is removed with a tissue with acidified water. If it is left overnight, then the breathing of the skin will be disturbed and in the morning you can get quite noticeable swelling of the face.

It is not recommended to apply a nourishing cream just before going to bed or just before going out, it is necessary to keep it on the face for a certain period. A few simple facial self-massage techniques that are easy to learn and use daily will speed up the process of cream absorption.

Review of the best funds

Nourishing face creams are very diverse, each of them has its own purpose and composition, which must be indicated on the packaging of each cosmetic preparation.

Its purpose depends on the set of ingredients that make up the cream, it can have the following effects:

  • be used as a moisturizer;
  • nourish and soften the skin;
  • have an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, calming effect;
  • act as a healing, tonic, disinfectant and protective agent;
  • exhibit rejuvenating and tonic effects.

Nourishing creams are also distinguished according to their mode of action, they can be day or night, each of them solves various problems, therefore, when choosing a remedy, it is necessary to take into account all their characteristic features and choose the right one among the variety.

The most popular among creams with nutritional properties are the following types of these products:

  • Libriderm;
  • Vichy;
  • Lumen;
  • Creams of the series "One Hundred Recipes of Beauty";
  • Amway;
  • Nivea;
  • Loreal.

Each of these creams, in addition to nourishing the skin, has a number of additional properties, with the help of which a regenerating and restoring effect is exerted on problem areas of the skin, inflammation is removed and the skin is saturated with moisture. What is the best face cream? For this case, it is worth considering the ranking of the 15 best nutrients in this category.

Libriderm aevit

Cream Libriderm aevit is one of the most popular products for nutrition and facial care.

Due to its properties, the skin has the following effects:

  • tissue repair and regeneration occurs;
  • the skin under the action of the active substances of the cream acquires a fresher look;
  • the surface layer of the skin as a result of cell renewal is rejuvenated, aging processes are suspended in it;
  • due to the content of extracts from medicinal plants in the form of rosemary, raspberry, edelweiss and vitamins, processes occur in the deep layers of the skin that help restore skin elasticity and elasticity.

This cream can be used for any type of skin, it contains only natural ingredients, including the presence of a pleasant smell and color, it owes only to natural extracts. Apply Libriderm in the usual way, applying to a clean face in the morning and evening, an hour before bedtime. The economical use of the cream with the help of a dispenser contributes to its rational use.


Cream Macademia produced by Oriflame is not yet so popular, although its effectiveness is confirmed by a number of advantages, including:

  • it is perfectly absorbed and does not leave a greasy sheen on the skin;
  • has nourishing and moisturizing properties, does not cause a feeling of a mask after application;
  • has a pleasant smell and beautiful packaging, easy to use;
  • affordable.

The cream looks like yogurt, has a pastel shade, contains macadamia oil and a whole complex of vitamins that are beneficial for the skin. Literally from the first minutes after application, there is a noticeable smoothing of wrinkles, the skin is moisturized, becoming smooth and silky. The tool is suitable for any type of skin, however, with very dry and irritated skin, a more oily cream may be additionally required.

The name of the Yves Rocher cream "Nutrition and Comfort" speaks for itself, nutrition is provided by ash juice, which can increase the activity of natural skin processes, thereby eliminating external signs of violations of its condition. With the help of this cream, the skin begins to actively produce its own fats, which returns it to a healthy appearance, delicate color and velvety, and this happens constantly and for a long time. The product is well absorbed, does not shine and does not create a film on the surface of the skin.

The great advantage of the cream is the absence of chemical additives and the rich composition of natural substances, which explains its high price.

In facial skin care, it is important that during sleep the metabolic processes in the skin cover are especially active, which contributes to rapid recovery. Therefore, a night cream should provide all the needs and bring the maximum amount of benefit at night with relaxed skin. Vichy cream meets all the requirements for a night cream in its qualities, it provides active nutrition and hydration for dry skin, and due to the content of unique sphingolipid molecules, it increases the production of its own fats, which cannot be replaced by any agent, obtained artificially.

The cream is recommended to be applied an hour before bedtime, on cleansed skin, with light massaging movements. This tool is well absorbed by the skin, and with its regular use, it is guaranteed to increase elasticity and provide it with sufficient moisture and freshness.

One hundred beauty recipes

The entire list of cosmetic products from the "One Hundred Recipes of Beauty" series provides care for the face, hair, body with the help of natural ingredients that serve as exceptional substances for the creation of these preparations. All the recipes that cosmetologists use to create their cosmetics are approved by specialists and are made according to improved formulas provided by women who care about their appearance.

To date, "One Hundred Recipes of Beauty" has become a well-known brand that has gained great popularity due to the effectiveness of the products created and their wide range. Among the variety of products that provide care in various directions, a nourishing face cream occupies a special place, since it is this part of the body that is most susceptible to age-related changes and both mood and general well-being largely depend on the external condition of the skin on the face.

Skin nutrition products are available in a wide variety of options, and anyone can choose the most suitable for themselves, namely:

  • "Olive nourishing cream";
  • "Lifting and nutrition" in the form of a cream-mask;
  • "Lifting and moisturizing" - a daily remedy;
  • "Polyushko" - nutrition with natural oils;
  • Tenderness is a completely natural cream containing milk, honey and lavender oil.

Olive nourishing face cream is quite popular among buyers, as it has a number of undeniable advantages and has a low cost. It stands out against the background of other cosmetic products with its absolutely natural composition and the predominance of a large amount of olive oil in it. With this oil with moisturizing and regenerating properties, Olive Cream is actively used as an anti-aging agent. In addition to its main purpose - to provide the skin with nutrients, the cream is used as a comprehensive care and serves as the basis for applying makeup.

When applied to the skin of the face, the cream gives a pleasant feeling of comfort, the skin seems to be reborn, does not shine and does not cause a feeling of tightness. The cream is universal, can be recommended for any type of skin and can be used at any time of the day.


A company such as Natura Siberica also specializes in the production of natural cosmetics. In her face and body care products, she strives to minimize the use of artificially created substances, using modern production methods, the strictest control and compliance with European standards. Using environmentally friendly raw materials harvested in the reserves of Siberia, the company manages to create creams that are unique in their effectiveness, helping to restore the lost healthy appearance of the face and preserve its natural beauty.

Siberica offers night and day creams as nutritious regenerating agents for the face, which include the following types of medicinal plants:

  • sophora japonica;
  • Kuril tea;
  • ginseng and lemongrass;
  • aralia manchurian;
  • radiola pink;
  • sea ​​buckthorn and several types of other medicinal plants and herbs.

As a day care for the purpose of nourishing the skin of the face, customers are offered creams in the form of "Nutrition and Moisturizing", "Protection and Moisturizing", "Care and Moisturizing" - each of them is designed for a specific skin type. For nighttime skin nutrition, creams with other properties are used, namely: “Nutrition and Recovery”, “Protection and Recovery”, “Rejuvenating”. Each of these products can be used both for individual care and as complex methods with other cosmetic creams.


Amway is considered to be one of the largest in terms of direct sales, with the production of cosmetics not being its main activity. No less important role in its developments is assigned to decorative cosmetics, the production of household chemicals, hygiene, and all of them are based on the use of natural raw materials, which are processed in accordance with the latest developments of scientists. One example is the ARTISTRY YOUTH XTEND premium skin care cream, which effectively repairs and nourishes the skin at night.

Due to the fact that the skin is most relaxed during sleep and it is easier for nutrients to penetrate into its deeper layers, the use of the cream brings the following results:

  • there is a restoration of the epidermis, which has lost its qualities as a result of the stresses received during the day;
  • normalizes water balance and has a softening effect;
  • increases the processes of protein formation;
  • smoothes fine wrinkles.

The effectiveness of the cream is given by vegetable oils from wild herbs, as well as peptides and proteins, which contribute to the regenerative processes in the skin. After waking up, the skin looks more toned, rested, fresh and smooth.

As a nutrient, this company offers Nourishing Cream-Gel. Due to its properties to maintain the optimal amount of moisture in the skin, this tool continues to work effectively throughout the day. The disadvantages include the high price of this cosmetics.


Nivea also offers a wide variety of facial skin care products, all of which are designed for different skin types, which should be considered when choosing a cream.

Nivea Nourishing Day Cream has the following effect:

  • nourishes dry and soothes sensitive skin;
  • provides a long-lasting feeling of softness and freshness;
  • nourishes the epidermis layer due to the content of mineral oils;
  • softens rough and weathered skin and saturates it with enough moisture;
  • relieves dryness and tightness.

Each of them contributes to the saturation of the skin with moisture, softens and strengthens it, and also acts as a protection against the effects of adverse environmental conditions.


Bioderma - a cream designed for dry skin and sensitive to adverse effects, belongs to the category of therapeutic cosmetics and is able to cope with the most serious violations in the condition of the skin. Influencing changes in the skin at the cellular level, the cream relieves the feeling of tightness and suppresses inflammation, and is also used as an effective remedy that protects against aggressive environmental influences and adverse climatic conditions.

Thanks to the specially developed Toleridine complex, which is one of the main components of the Bioderma cream, it has a calming effect, and penetrating into the deepest layers, restores their elasticity, nourishes and preserves youth. The cream is applied to the face and neck area in the morning and evening; as a complex care, it is recommended to supplement the cream with cleansing with a special milk of the same company and the use of a cream mask.

Cream DOVE

Russian buyers have long been familiar with DOVE cosmetic products, as among the various products manufactured by this company, there are creams, lotions, shampoos, that is, everything that is necessary for the care of the skin of the whole body. The effectiveness of the proposed products is achieved with the help of active active ingredients that have moisturizing, nourishing and smoothing properties.

DOVE Nutrient has a thick consistency with an unobtrusive odor. After application to the skin, it is instantly absorbed, while delivering the maximum feeling of comfort, and the impression of this does not disappear even after washing. The cream is applied only on clean skin, using light massage movements in the form of strokes. As a result of applying the DOVE nourishing cream, the skin is saturated with moisture, becomes well-groomed and elastic.

Regular use of the cream eliminates areas of peeling, improves its appearance after prolonged exposure to cold. One of the many positive qualities of the cream is the ability to quickly absorb, the absence of oily sheen and the absence of marks on clothes in case of accidental contact.

Cream Green Mama has long been interested in buyers as a representative of natural cosmetics, the creation of which uses only natural high-quality raw materials. The composition of the creams includes substances that are useful for any skin, even those that undergo changes as a result of an allergic reaction or have a tendency to irritate. The products of this series are also attractive for the price, which despite the fact that all cosmetic products are not considered cheap, however, they are quite affordable. The author's design of the design of all products of the Green Mama series favorably distinguishes it from the background of the usual cosmetic preparations, even those included in the extra group.

As the main active ingredient in the nourishing cream from Green Mama includes oils obtained from pine nuts and sea buckthorn, as well as from sesame and almond kernels. Thanks to these natural oils, the skin is saturated with the fats, minerals, proteins, antioxidants and vitamins necessary for it. Under the influence of these substances, significant changes occur in the skin, regenerative processes are activated, water balance and reliable protection from ultraviolet radiation are provided.

The use of the cream is especially recommended for women with aging, fading skin prone to dryness. The method of application is no different from the usual, the cream is applied to pre-cleansed skin, easily rubbing with circular massage movements.


The Decleor company strives to deliver with its cosmetics not only a visible effect as an image rejuvenation, but also internal satisfaction from the procedures received. Therefore, in addition to the effectiveness of the use of nourishing creams, they receive sensual pleasure through the professional use of aromatherapy methods.

Night nourishing cream contains marjoram oil, is available in the form of a balm that nourishes dry skin. After application, it is instantly absorbed by the skin, leaving no oily sheen, while nourishing and saturating dry skin with a sufficient amount of moisture. With regular use in the evenings, a few hours before bedtime, the skin changes for the better, saturated with moisture, the qualities of the cream enhance the protective properties of the epidermis, rejuvenating the skin and protecting it from early aging. Beauticians advise, before applying the product to the skin, hold a small amount in the palm of your hand and breathe in a healing smell.

Himalaya herbals

A cream designed to saturate the skin with nutrients - Himalaya herbals, produced in India, is a truly universal cosmetic product that can restore lost attractiveness to the skin in the shortest possible time. It can be used as a base for daily make-up, as well as a source of skin hydration and nourishment. This tool is recommended for women of mature age, it is very economically consumed and quite affordable.

Due to its effect on the skin, the following changes occur in it:

  • skin prone to dryness becomes softer and saturated with a sufficient amount of moisture;
  • normal - thanks to nutrition and vitamins, it becomes younger and fresher;
  • combination skin evens out areas of peeling and with increased fat content, bringing them back to normal;
  • sensitive - becomes protected from adverse effects.

After application on the face, due to the content of aloe extract, a feeling of comfort is maintained for a long time, and hydration is maintained throughout the day, even when applied under makeup. Apply Himalaya herbals cream twice a day with light patting movements.


From the French nourishing cream from Loreal breathes luxury, only a woman who loves herself can appreciate it. This day cream, also referred to as the Luxury of nutrition, has a characteristic silky texture, is well absorbed by the skin, leaving no shine, tightness or mask on it.

French experts involved in the production of this cosmetics declare several stages of its effect on the skin:

  1. Immediately, after application to the skin, its dryness is eliminated, the skin becomes more hydrated and elastic.
  2. In the future, you can observe getting rid of peeling, the skin becomes more radiant and rested.
  3. A month after the start of using the cream, the changes that have occurred with the skin of the face become more obvious, the complexion becomes even, and the skin becomes velvety and tender.

As additional benefits, the cream has a pleasant aroma, and as a daytime cream it provides effective protection against stressful influences, external and internal negative influences. The company also offers other variants of this line in the form of a daytime transforming cream Luxury and Nourishment, containing an extract of jasmine flowers, peony petals, and a neo-calcium complex, with which it prevents the processes of early skin aging.


This company Garnier produces several different creams with nutritional properties, such as:

  • blue - nourishes and moisturizes normal skin and combination skin;
  • yellow - causes a radiant skin color and its renewal;
  • pink - food for very dry skin types.

Thanks to these features, everyone can choose the right skin care product for him, according to his needs and following the need for nutrition, hydration or rejuvenation.

Moisturizing Nourishing Cream

Moisturizing types of cream consist of components that have a moisturizing effect and from a large amount of water. They contain hyaluronic acid and glycerin as the main substances, and as a supplement, a variety of substances in the form of vitamins, fats, extracts of medicinal plants and fruits. The purpose of these funds is to replenish the skin with the necessary amount of moisture and prevent its loss.

Nourishing creams nourish the skin while moisturizing it, they contain a large amount of fat - more than 70%, and only a small part is allocated to the content of water, vitamins, and in the case of anti-aging cosmetics - also hormones.

Therefore, any type of cream is able to moisturize, and nourishing - additionally supplies the skin with the substances it needs. The harmonious combination of these two qualities is represented by the cream "Revitalizing Moisturizing" by Garnier. This product simultaneously nourishes and protects the skin in the cold season, has a calming effect, relieves irritation and provides the skin with the necessary amount of moisture.

Cream for combination skin

Combination skin is characterized by the presence of different areas with dry and oily skin at the same time. The cream used in such situations must also meet two requirements at once, that is, it must have universal qualities and provide nutrition with moisture, as well as protect, prevent the development of infections and eliminate excessive sweating.

The driest areas of skin with peeling are usually located on the cheeks and temples, while the forehead, nose and chin suffer from increased oiliness with enlarged pores. Essential oils and extracts from plants are introduced into creams as the main active substances, and their components in the form of glycerin, panthenol, collagen, minerals and vitamins are supplemented. Even for such combination skin, more oily creams are required in winter, and with a lighter texture in summer.

In this capacity, creams have proven themselves well:

  • Nivea;
  • cream from the company pure line "Cornflower and barberry";
  • "Japanese Sophora" - from the company Siberik.

Some women use two different creams, but more often than not, both problems can be solved with the same product.

Cream for problem skin

Under the type of problematic skin, a variety of disorders can be implied, manifested as a result of insufficient care or be symptoms of any painful conditions. Light changes can be eliminated by a cosmetologist with the help of the right cosmetic preparations; in case of diseases, dermatologists or other specialists will be required. Skin problems can be expressed by acne, vascular dilations, scars and scars, excessive pigmentation, peeling, dermatosis and areas with eczema.

With minor problem skin conditions on the face, they can be solved with a cream, depending on what imperfections it can get rid of. A well-chosen cosmetic product, along with the rejection of bad habits, various abuses and with the help of proper nutrition, can relieve many problematic conditions.

Cream for sensitive skin

To some extent, the owners of dry skin benefit, with sufficient care it looks velvety and without shine, it does not develop acne and inflamed acne. However, it is precisely such skin that is more likely to be irritated, and this may be a reaction to washing, cold weather, wind, and much more. Yes, and such skin ages earlier than oily and wrinkles faster.

Therefore, when caring for such particularly sensitive skin, special cosmetic creams are required:

  1. One of these is the cream of the Belarusian company Bielita "Chamomile", and it is produced both as a night and day remedy. The purpose of this cream: nutrition, further moisturizing with recovery, and elimination of irritations. The cream owes its remarkable properties to the favorable content of natural substances in the form of chamomile extract with arnica oil in the day cream, and allantoin in its night version.
  2. Dzintars Revitalizing Cream is also designed for sensitive skin, it provides softness, elasticity, restores youth and freshness to it.

There are other creams designed for sensitive skin, as well as various nourishing emulsions, milks and much more. On which of them to stop, it is better to consult a specialist.

Day nourishing face cream

The cream differs in its use relative to the time of day for night and day remedies. Each of them performs its own functions, so the day cream has a lighter texture, must reliably protect against ultraviolet rays, moisturize, smooth out fine wrinkles, hide other flaws and eliminate oily sheen of the skin. The daytime type of cream is well absorbed and immediately begins to act, it can be applied under daytime makeup and does not have a strong smell.

Night nourishing face cream

Night creams are designed to nourish the skin, their function also includes moisturizing and restoring it at the time of sleep. This type of cream should not have protective properties and matte, it contains more nutrients, and they are able to easily reach the deeper layers of the skin. You need to apply a night remedy a few hours before bedtime, and most often the cream is not able to be absorbed completely, without residue. Therefore, before going to bed, you need to get your skin wet with paper napkins, otherwise edema cannot be avoided in the morning.

Which face cream in winter is better nourishing or moisturizing?

In the winter season, the skin of the face needs especially careful care, frequent temperature changes, cold, sharp wind, frost - all this negatively affects the surface layer of the skin of the face, it flakes, turns red, irritation appears, and the skin becomes dull. The cream at this time must meet special requirements, creating a thin film on the surface of the epidermis that can reliably protect against all adverse weather conditions. Moreover, the skin of the face receives an adverse effect not only from the cold on the street, but also from a long stay in rooms with dry air.

You can allow a fatter cream than usual in the winter season, as this will improve the nutrition of the skin and increase its protective properties. During this period, you should not apply a daytime moisturizer, especially before going outside. Moisturizers contain a large amount of water, and at low air temperatures, it can turn into microscopic ice and damage the upper layers of the epidermis.

Overview of creams for the winter

The nutritious type of face cream in winter should provide protection from low temperatures and wind, from lack of vitamins and dehydration, so it should consist of more than 70% fats and oils. Also, as mandatory components in winter skin care products, vitamins, plant extracts and various useful additives should be contained.

The following nourishing creams are most popular in winter:

  1. The Aevit series is for any skin type.
  2. Avene is a French nourishing cream for dry and sensitive skin.
  3. L'Oreal "Luxury nutrition" - for dry skin.
  4. "Ultra-Nourishing Cream-Comfort Shea" is an all-natural remedy for combination and dry skin.
  5. Protective cream Doctor Nature - for all skin types.
  6. Oriflame is a protective winter cream that provides nutrition.
  7. Zima from Faberlic, an excellent tool for the winter season.
  8. Anti-stress cream from Kora can also be used as a night remedy.
  9. Avon "Cold Protection" is a universal cream for the whole family.
  10. Cream "Nivea" - an effective tool with reliable protection against frost.

Regular use of these creams will reliably protect the face from winter troubles, eliminate the resulting violations and keep the skin soft and velvety.

Nourishing face cream for men

Men's skin also suffers from an unfavorable environment, at any time of the year it is constantly injured from frequent shaving and becomes thinner and more vulnerable. A cream designed for men takes into account all these features, and also provides nutrition, hydration and protection from frost, ultraviolet radiation, precipitation and wind.

The Israeli Dead Sea Nourishing Cream for Men from Premier, used for moisturizing, is very popular among men. It contains healing substances derived from the salts of the Dead Sea, natural oils and vitamins. The application of Dead Sea Nourishing Cream provides reliable protection, restores the elasticity of the skin of the face, evens out the structure and relief. It is used for any skin in the form of an aftershave cream.

The following nutritional products are most popular with men:

  1. Organics Nourishing Cream For Men by
  2. Excellence ATP Energize by
  3. Sante Creme.
  4. Cream F of the company Svoboda.
  5. Line-Control Men by

Nourishing face cream helps maintain freshness and improves the external condition of men's skin. It saturates with vitamins, essential minerals and prevents the formation of wrinkles and premature skin aging.

Baby nourishing face cream

Baby nourishing creams should contain natural components in the form of fats, products obtained from beekeeping, infusions of medicinal plants and other components that exclude harmful effects on the child's body. Various artificial additives in the form of flavors, preservatives, parabens should not be in them.

The following types are offered as the most popular baby creams:

  • "Casper" with chamomile content;
  • "Tik-Tak" production Svoboda;
  • "Cream" Alice ";
  • "My Sunshine";
  • "Baby";
  • "Mom and kids";
  • "With a string";
  • "Baby" company Nivea;
  • "Careful care" manufacturer Johnson baby.

The nutritional properties of baby cream allow you to protect the delicate skin of the child not only from adverse weather conditions, but also from external irritations, manifestations of diathesis, diaper rash and redness.

Nourishing face cream after 25 years

The processes occurring in the skin by the age of 25 begin to slow down, and it needs to be restored. Of course, this happens slowly and is not always noticeable, but if you do not start intensively caring for your face, then the appearance of early wrinkles and loss of youthfulness of tissues is guaranteed. To preserve the natural state of the skin for a longer time, it is necessary to use a cream that provides nutrition, is able to give the skin cells the necessary substances and provide sufficient moisture. The cream intended for this age period should contain components in the form of natural oil, sorbitol, panthenol and fruit acids, it should contain vitamins and hyaluronic acid.

Popular products in this area include Clean Line, Basic Care by Garnier, Lumene.

Nourishing face creams after 35 years

At the age of 35, there is a more urgent need to fill the lack of nutrition of the skin and repair damage in it. The main task of cosmetic care in this period is to preserve the youthfulness of the skin, as the skin begins to fade with more obvious signs of aging. Creams that are most effective at this time should nourish, moisturize and protect, if this is not done, then it will be difficult to eliminate traces of age-related changes in the future.

When choosing a cream, it is necessary to take into account the type and characteristics of the skin condition, as well as the presence of necessary substances in it in the form of hyaluronic acid, coenzyme Q10, collagen, vitamin E and A.

Nourishing face creams after 50 years

Care at the age of 50 provides for intensive nutrition of the face, and daily application of cream becomes a necessity. Many modern cosmetics can delay the onset of changes in the skin for a long time, the main thing is to follow the instructions and apply them correctly. Age creams can have a day and night purpose, contain extracts of medicinal plants, as well as substances that increase the production of elastin.
Some products designed specifically for this age may contain hormonal supplements, they must be used in strict accordance with the recommendations.

Homemade nourishing cream recipes

Many women use time-tested homemade cosmetics recipes for better facial skin care. There is nothing complicated about this, and if desired, anyone can prepare for themselves a nourishing mask and even a cream from improvised products. So:

  1. Cream with gelatin, contributing to the return of skin elasticity: 0.5 tbsp. l. gelatin is mixed with two tablespoons of honey, 0.5 tablespoons of water and glycerin are added, after which everything is melted with low heat. Cool and beat, use as needed.
  2. Olive cream, nourishing and intensively moisturizing the skin: take 2 tables. lies. olive oil, 1 tbsp. cocoa, 1 tbsp. apricot oil and beeswax. Everything is brought to homogeneity by heating and removed from the fire. Apply to damp clean skin.
  3. Cream sour cream: 0.5 table. l. homemade sour cream is mixed with yolk, 1 tsp. lemon juice and cucumber juice, at the end add a tablespoon of any lotion. All are knocked down and used in the form of a cream.

Storage conditions

Nourishing cream should be stored in accordance with the terms indicated on the package. The main thing is not to expose them to high temperatures and keep them away from direct sunlight. The cream can be stored in normal room conditions, it is not placed in the refrigerator.

Best before date

The expiration dates and use of the cream are often indicated on its packaging, those that are packaged in tubes are stored longer than jar options. Those creams that are made independently, as a rule, are stored no longer than 14 days and in the refrigerator.

Any modern woman wants to be beautiful, well-groomed and eye-catching. This largely depends on the condition of the skin of the face, which daily takes on an invisible blow from external and internal factors: poor ecology, stress, overwork, malnutrition containing excess fats and preservatives, etc. Dry and sensitive type of skin is especially affected. To protect it and maintain youth, comprehensive care is needed: deep cleansing, restoration of damaged areas, intensive nutrition and hydration of the deepest layers of the dermis.

To solve these problems, cosmetologists offer a huge range of different products, including a face cream designed specifically to solve a whole range of problems specific to this type of skin.

Features of the skin

Beauticians and dermatologists divide the skin into several types and subspecies. One of the most in need of care and protection is dry sensitive skin, which reacts sharply to external stimuli (water with impurities, cold air, snow and wind) and to internal changes (stress, poor-quality food, hormonal surge, etc.). This is due to a disturbed hydrobalance in all layers of the skin, as a result of which the cells lose a large amount of moisture and cease to function normally. Also, such a skin has improper functioning of the sebaceous glands, which destroys the natural protective barrier. The consequences can be the most unpredictable: from excessive dryness and flaky epidermis to incessant itching.

Thin sensitive skin prone to redness, irritation, swelling and excessive dryness is usually found in women of the winter color type with a fair complexion and requires increased attention in the form of nourishing and moisturizing creams and masks.

Causes of dryness

Sensitive skin can be the result of one or a symbiosis of factors. Consider the most common:

  • aggressive weather conditions (excessive dryness or humidity, low and high temperatures, wind, snow);
  • insufficient water intake;
  • negative impact of UV rays;
  • side effects of taking medications;
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • the state of beriberi - a lack of vitamins is typical for many regions of our country;
  • skin-friendly cosmetic procedures (cryotherapy, peeling, scrub, etc.);
  • allergic reactions;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • "unhealthy" food in the form of semi-finished products and fast food;
  • hormonal age or periodic changes in the body.

Due to these reasons, inflammatory reactions begin in the skin in the form of redness, rash, itching or swelling. The skin capillaries increase along with the thinning of the walls, so the network of subcutaneous vessels becomes visible (rosacea). The natural protective barrier ceases to function normally, so the skin becomes more vulnerable to external stimuli. Transepidermal water loss increases, as a result of which all layers of the integument become withering, dry and prematurely mature.

What should be in the funds

Shop windows and pharmacies are full of offers of various cosmetics, including creams from world-famous and not-so-famous brands. To choose the best cream for dry and sensitive skin, you need to carefully read the composition. A tool designed to solve cosmetic problems will contain the following ingredients:

  • hyaluronic acid- this substance is famous for its moisturizing, rejuvenating and tightening properties;
  • collagen- a component for the active fight against the processes of withering and aging: activates metabolic processes, has antioxidant properties, improves blood circulation;
  • glycerol- famous for its moisturizing effect. Since ancient times, our grandmothers have used this substance to combat dry skin;
  • panthenol- restores, soothes, heals, relieves inflammation and protects against excessive evaporation;
  • various extracts and extracts of useful plants, which penetrate into the deepest layers of the epidermis, saturate the cells with various acids and nutrients, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, make the skin soft, but firm, elastic and velvety.
  • vitamins- are necessary to activate the local immune system and intensive nutrition.

A cream for dry skin should not contain overly aggressive chemicals that can aggravate the negative impact of irritating factors:

  • alcohol;
  • salicylic acid;
  • silicone;
  • matting agents, etc.

How to choose cosmetics

Owners of dry and sensitive skin need to follow some recommendations when choosing cosmetics.

  • Follow the golden rule about shelf life: "the less, the better." Products with a large amount of natural substances are not subject to long-term storage, but are optimal for dehydrated skin.
  • If possible, use testers. This is a good way to test the body for an allergic reaction and compatibility with this cream.
  • Do not buy a cream that contains beeswax, as it can cause an allergic reaction on sensitive skin in the form of many unpleasant symptoms.
  • It is better to choose a hypoallergenic cream of a popular brand that has been tested by time, experience and has many positive reviews.
  • When choosing, it is necessary to read the instructions or instructions on the package, where a certain type of skin is prescribed, for which this cosmetic product is intended.
  • It would be optimal to purchase a cream for hypersensitive skin in a pharmacy kiosk, where the products undergo dermatological control.
  • The texture of a day cream applied under make-up should be quickly absorbed and not leave a greasy or sticky feeling.
  • As part of a nourishing night cream with a denser oily structure, there should be various nourishing, caring and regenerating substances.
  • An excessive amount of flavors can cause an allergic reaction, so preference should be given to products that have a delicate, subtle aroma.
  • During the period of excessive sun activity (spring and summer), it is necessary to choose a cream with high UV protection (SPF factor must be at least 8).

Rating of the best brands

As a result of extensive monitoring of reviews from grateful users and recommendations from dermatologists and cosmetologists, a rating of the best brands of creams for sensitive and dry skin was compiled. Let's take a closer look at some of the tools.


Aqualan is a line of Finnish-made creams developed by scientists for sensitive, dry, psoriasis and dermatitis skin. These creams are very popular among the population of the whole world and are suitable for consumers of any age, including newborns. Sold exclusively in pharmacies.

The composition of these funds does not contain fragrances, flavors and dyes, but is rich in moisturizing ingredients. The cream is easily absorbed, does not leave greasy marks and a sticky film on the surface of the skin. Depending on the type of skin (oily, sensitive or dry), the manufacturer recommends different compositions of this cream.

  • Aqualan Plus Designed for dry and very dry skin, it is instantly absorbed, actively moisturizing the deepest layers of the dermis, restoring after phototherapy procedures for those suffering from psoriasis and protecting the epidermis from UV rays.
  • "Aqualan L" recommended for dry and sensitive skin, contains up to 65% water. Natural ingredients nourish, restore and normalize intercellular metabolism and hydrobalance in all layers of the skin.

Natura Siberica

The products of the domestic brand Natura Siberica quickly won the trust of Russian users and continues to gain popularity already in the consumer market of the CIS countries and Europe. The creams of this company are developed using trendy and latest technologies using components of natural herbs growing in Siberia.

Cream for application to dry skin during the day "Nutrition and Moisturizing" contains an extract of Manchurian aralia and does not include harmful parabens, silicones, fragrances and mineral oils.

Hyaluronic acid and vitamin E moisturize, nourish and fight signs of premature aging of the skin, making it supple and firm. SPF 20 creates an effective barrier against solar radiation. Herbal ingredients retain moisture, normalizing metabolic processes.


Physiogel cosmetic products contain a "smart" formula that restores the protective barrier with the help of a lipid layer on the skin, retaining moisture inside and activating the process of self-hydration in cells. The composition contains ceramide3, squalene, glycerin, shea butter and other useful substances.

The light consistency is quickly absorbed without clogging pores and moisturizes for a long time, giving a charge of vivacity and good mood.


Cream-gel "Aisida" of a Russian company specializing in the production of cosmetics for problem skin, effectively affects the dry and sensitive type, helps to get rid of many obsessive problems of the epidermis. The non-hormonal agent consists of natural ingredients and has an anti-allergic, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. It also helps to increase metabolic processes, rejuvenates and has antioxidant and antiseptic effects.

Nutritic Intense

Nutritic Intense Nourishing Cream contains La Roche-Posay Thermal Waters and lipids, which have a beneficial effect, moisturize and restore even the most dry and sensitive skin. The tool fights against the unpleasant sensations of tightness, burning, itching and the feeling of "dry shell". Works great as a daily make-up product.


"Losterin" is a non-irritating cream that fights skin diseases and improves the condition of the epidermis. It does not contain hormonal substances, fragrances and dyes, therefore it is suitable for the most sensitive skin. Natural ingredients moisturize, nourish, restore and improve complexion.

Already after a single application, positive changes can be noted: the skin becomes smoother, toned, radiant with health and vitality.

For an overview of creams for very dry skin, see the following video.

homemade recipes

Currently, various products that care for dry and sensitive facial skin, made independently at home, are considered trendy. Let's get acquainted with the most popular homemade cream recipes.


It is necessary to pour dry chamomile flowers with boiling water (a spoon for half a glass) and insist for an hour. Combine the strained infusion with a spoonful of glycerin, melted butter, castor oil and a few drops of orange or geranium ether.

This tool is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days. Leaves skin incredibly soft and radiant from within.


Mix a spoonful of butter with a small amount of grated apple and a teaspoon of honey heated in a water bath. It is stored for only a few days, but it has an amazing effect: the face becomes moisturized and velvety. The product is applied to cleansed facial skin for 30 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

Thinking again about what kind of cream to buy in order to get rid of problems with dry skin, age wrinkles, nourish and moisturize the face, one should remember not only colorful jars from cosmetic stores, but also pharmacy products.

It is clear that pharmacy creams are subject to stricter quality control than even the most widely advertised cosmetic preparations.

Yes, and there are many other advantages of pharmacy cosmetics - we will consider this issue in more detail in the article. We will find out which pharmacy creams are suitable for various skin problems, get acquainted with the most popular brands and brands.

The main value of face creams from the pharmacy is that this cosmetics have passed all possible tests and checks. That is, the quality in this case is on top. Note that the effectiveness of pharmacy cosmetics is confirmed by various certificates, licenses and other documents.

First of all pharmaceutical creams are used to eliminate any skin problems: they are very effective in the treatment of acne, acne, age-related skin changes. Thus, pharmacy cosmetics cope with serious skin problems much more effectively. It often happens that cosmetics from the store can only mask the problem, but cannot eliminate it - pharmacy products do the job.

As a rule, pharmaceutical products have more balanced, thoughtful and safe composition. Often creams contain new developments, formulas, innovative components: this approach helps to eliminate the existing problem in the shortest possible time.

Note that pharmacy creams are aimed at treating, and not masking the problem. It's more of a medicine than a makeup accessory. Drugs from a pharmacy solve a specific skin problem, so the buyer has the opportunity to choose the necessary cream, and a positive result with the right choice is guaranteed. In addition, therapeutic creams simultaneously protect the skin, preventing the appearance of certain problems.

Preparations from the pharmacy do not contain: they do not contain fragrances, allergic components, dyes and similar substances. Pharmaceutical products often have the best balance of price and quality.

As you can see, pharmacy cosmetics have a lot of advantages. If there are serious skin problems, then medical preparations should be preferred - a positive result will be more likely.

Pharmacy brands of face creams

Consider the most popular brands of pharmacy face creams today, and find out what skin problems they solve.


Pharmacy luxury cream.

Creams of the French brand Vichy are sold exclusively in pharmacy chains, so how they are more medical products than cosmetic.

The products are developed mainly to solve age-related problems and serious skin defects: acne, pigmentation, etc.


The brand develops creams with hypoallergenic properties and 100% tolerance for any facial skin. Careful control of products allows the brand to create products that are effective and safe at the same time. Bioderma creams fight wrinkles, eliminate skin dryness, and restore epidermal turgor. Some types of drugs are aimed at eliminating skin diseases.

La Roche Posay

The company specializes in the development of products for problem skin. Creams contain water from thermal springs, which increases their positive effect.

Pharmaceutical cosmetics

The German brand launches creams with innovative formulas. The composition of the preparations includes a lot, which increases the effectiveness and safety of products.

In addition to creams, the brand also produces milk, lotions and other facial care products.

Preparations of this brand solve many cosmetic problems with the skin: protect against aging, moisturize, improve metabolic processes in the deep layers of the epidermis.

In addition to these drugs, modern pharmacies can offer other effective skin care products. There is a cream for any wallet size, and for solving any skin problems.

We apply in practice


To cope with dry skin problems, you can use a pharmacy moisturizer such as F99 cream.

The direct purpose of the drug is the treatment of eczema, however, it is also good as a moisturizer.

The cream remarkably eliminates skin flaking, at the same time it fights against minor defects: pimples, blackheads. In addition, after using the cream, the skin will become much more elastic, the pores will be cleansed, and the activity of the sebaceous glands will become less active.

Cream able to cope with the consequences of even severe sunburn of the skin, will be useful when weathering in the winter.

In addition, the price of this drug is much cheaper than advertised creams - only about 150 rubles.


In this segment, the palm has long been won and is held by Vichy. According to marketing research, the company sells 55% of all anti-aging cosmetics in the world. Creams of this brand eliminate, with regular use, age-related changes in the skin of the face: wrinkles, pigmentation, ptosis.

Also pay attention to the Thiogamma.

In general, in traditional medicine, Thiogamma solution is used as for droppers: usually when the body is intoxicated. However, the tool is also the strongest antioxidant owing to which it has found application in cosmetology.

Thanks to the use of Thiogamma, there is a noticeable regeneration of the skin of the face, and at the cellular level. In fact, the composition of the product is the purest alpha lipoic acid: valuable and rare antioxidant.

It is difficult to call this drug a cream: it is very liquid, the consistency is more like water.

Attention: the product should not be used if the skin of the face is dry.

For sensitive and dry skin

Creams in this category brand La Roche-Posay, which in the segment of products for sensitive skin reached 11.3% of all global sales.

The products of this brand do not cause allergies, are easy and pleasant to apply, do not clog pores.. The products are based on water from the company's own thermal springs, which allows cosmetics to achieve quick and noticeable results.

You can also mark products companies Avene (Aven). The composition of creams includes thermal water, and is able to carefully care for even ultra-sensitive skin.

Preparations of this brand have simultaneously moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.


Note in this category pharmacy cream brand Lierac (Lierak). As part of the preparations, natural ingredients, extracts from medicinal herbs and flowers. Cosmetics are extremely effective, because for its manufacture, parts of plants with the highest concentration of nutrients are used.

For problem skin

To cope with the problem of acne, pimples and acne, you can use a pharmacy remedy such as Apilak. The product contains natural royal jelly and other valuable components. The price of the cream is inexpensive - about 100-150 rubles, and the effect of the application is amazing.

Pharmacy creams from Galenic They are also great for treating problematic skin. The preparations are created taking into account all the latest innovations, therefore they are considered “smart”: the active components independently find the cause of the inflammatory process and eliminate it.

The best pharmacy face creams

Consider the most popular pharmaceutical skin care products, and find out why they are so in demand.

Lift active from Vichy

As already mentioned in the text more than once, today, perhaps, there is no equal to this company in terms of the quality and effectiveness of cosmetics for the skin.

The Lift Active series is especially popular. aimed at combating wrinkles and toning the skin.

Note that the creams of this series are able to successfully cope with both shallow mimic and noticeable senile wrinkles.

Ideal from Vichy

This cream with a gel consistency contains the rarest kombucha extract, a full complex of vitamins, as well as fruit pilinoic acids. Thanks to the effect of this miracle remedy, it is possible to restore the epidermis, even out the skin, and eliminate even fairly deep wrinkles.

Cream Idealia is designed for a wide age audience - from 30 to 60 years, which partly explains its popularity.

As a result of the use of this drug, it is possible to achieve, indeed, visible rejuvenation and healing of the skin of the face.

Cleansing series of creams from Vichy Purete Thermal

Creams and other products of this series are great for problem skin: prone to inflammation, acne, acne.

Preparations gently and thoroughly remove all impurities from the surface of the skin, with regular use, bringing its surface to perfection.

Note that the composition of the funds in this case includes soft fruit acids removing impurities from pores.


The tool was originally designed to combat acne. But at the same time as improving the skin of the face, the drug still remarkably moisturizes the skin. The gel contains hyaluronic acid which explains its irresistible moisturizing effect.

We note the inexpensive cost of the drug, as well as a wonderful result after application: the skin becomes noticeably younger, wrinkles become smaller, the overall turgor of the epidermis is tightened.

Many compare the impact of the product with the best salon procedures.


If you want to eliminate puffiness, remove bruises under the eyes, small wrinkles appear, you can use such a popular remedy as Enterosgel. Note that in addition to efficiency, the cost of the tool is also quite affordable.


This remedy is used to treat certain eye diseases, but at the same time it can also be used as a lifting cream. Under the influence of the active components of the drug wrinkles are smoothed out and the skin of the face and eyelids is noticeably tightened.

The gel contains hyaluronic acid, which explains the rejuvenating effect.

Useful video

What inexpensive preparations from a pharmacy can be used for face care?

Precautionary measures

When using pharmaceutical preparations for skin beauty, it is necessary to carefully and carefully approach both the choice of the product and the observance of the instructions for use. Before buying, be sure to read the recommendations for using the drug, find out if the product has contraindications.

It should be borne in mind that many anti-aging creams contain components that are not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

It is recommended that before using this or that pharmacy, visit a dermatologist or cosmetologist to get professional advice on the condition of your skin. The specialist can also competently advise the drug and avoid it for the skin of the face.

So, we have learned what benefits pharmaceutical creams have, and which ones are most effective for skin problems. As you can see, it is best to deal with various skin defects, as well as age-related changes in the epidermis, with the help of pharmaceutical products. A positive result in this case is more likely, long-term, moreover, drugs that have passed all kinds of clinical trials are safer and more environmentally friendly.

Dryness on the skin of the face and body gives women a lot of uncomfortable sensations, such as itching, tightness, peeling. Excessively dry skin undergoes aging earlier and is overly sensitive to external stimuli. However, with proper daily care for dryness and flaking, there will be no trace left, and a healthy appearance of the skin will resume.

Dry skin is the result of a decrease in the efficiency of the sebaceous glands. This happens due to disruption of the functioning of metabolic processes, changes in hormonal levels, lack of vitamins and trace elements.

To remove dryness and peeling, you must first figure out how to moisturize very dry skin.

With dryness and peeling of the skin, you should take a closer look at your environment and your own body. Adverse factors affecting the skin can be contained in some cosmetic products, or be the result of excessively dry indoor air.

How to choose the right cosmetics for facial skin?

Important! In order to use only the best face moisturizers without harmful effects, before purchasing, you need to familiarize yourself with the constituent components on which the healthy look of your skin depends.

Active components of cosmetics that have a positive effect:

  • acids: hyaluronic 1%, glycolic 15%, salicylic 2%, ascorbic;
  • glycerol;
  • animal fats;
  • zinc;
  • tocopherol (vitamin E);
  • herbal supplements (calendula, chamomile, celandine and others);
  • SPF (ultraviolet protection);
  • collagen and elastin (to smooth wrinkles)

But also, in addition to useful properties, some substances in the composition of cosmetics have an extremely negative effect on dry skin type.

These include:

  • alcohol additives;
  • seaweed;
  • mint;
  • lavender;
  • tea tree;
  • triethanolamine;
  • mineral oils.

A careful study of the constituent elements of various cosmetics will help to avoid the harmful effects on dry skin type.

What pharmaceutical products will help moisturize the skin?

To moisturize the skin of the face, some pharmacy products are used that effectively cope with dryness and are quite affordable in price categories. The most popular are:

  • aevit: contains vitamin components - retinol palmitate and tocopherol acetate, which interact with the oil base; capsules are able to smooth the skin, have a rejuvenating effect, the product nourishes well and is a good moisturizing component for dry skin; capsules are used as follows - squeeze a small amount of the contents onto the fingertips and rub into the skin with massage movements; let it soak in and after half an hour the face should be blotted with a napkin to remove excess oil;
  • various herbal-based creams with moisturizing ingredients are considered quite popular pharmaceutical products for dry skin of the face; one of these is Boro Plus; the tool will help to cope with peeling and will please with its affordable price;
  • Dardia cream: belongs to the more expensive category, but it has a quick moisturizing effect, it is well absorbed without leaving greasy marks and stickiness.

Pharmaceutical products will help get rid of dry skin and maintain healthy skin. It remains only to choose the most suitable and not be lazy to take care of the skin daily.

How to prepare remedies for dry skin at home?

Today, the use of various recipes in the composition with natural ingredients is very popular. Facial skin products based on folk recipes well relieve dryness and flaking, giving a healthy look and dullness. In addition, there are no chemicals found in purchased cosmetics in the composition of masks, scrubs and decoctions for washing.

For washing, herbal products for dry skin are suitable. They will relieve inflammation, they can be used at night before applying the cream. It can be a decoction of chamomile flowers, calendula and other herbs.

Natural scrubs for dry and sensitive skin

For gentle cleansing of the skin of the face, scrubs from the remnants of drunk coffee, as well as based on oatmeal, are perfect:

  • honey scrub: ¼ cup of oatmeal, pre-crushed in a blender, 30 g each of May honey and olive oil; thoroughly grind all the components in a bowl until a homogeneous mass is obtained, then apply the mixture on the face with a thick layer and make massage movements for one minute, leave the scrub for 5-8 minutes, then rinse the face with water;
  • coffee-based scrub: apply 30 g of coffee sediment (after drinking coffee) to the skin of the face with massaging movements, rinse with warm purified water.

If you are still worried about the question of what helps with peeling skin on the face, we can say with full confidence that homemade scrubs will remove the top dry flaky layer and improve blood circulation.

The main rule is to apply a moisturizer after cleansing the face with a scrub, so that the cleansed pores can fully open to moisturize and retain moisture.

Nourishing face masks for dry skin

How to moisturize the skin of the face instead of a cream? This is often of interest to proponents of natural recipes. Existing masks based on natural ingredients are an excellent tool that can moisturize the skin of the face better than creams.

Butter mask

To make a mask, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. butter 73%, liquid honey - 1 tsp, lemon juice - ¼ part tsp. The butter should be soft, at room temperature; after pouring into a bowl, it should be softened and add the rest of the ingredients. Having thoroughly mixed everything to the desired consistency, you can begin to apply the mask on your face. It is necessary to hold the mask on the face for 20 minutes to saturate the skin with beneficial substances, then rinse with slightly warm water.

All products prepared with butter are good for moisturizing the skin of the face.

How to prepare an olive oil mask?

To obtain a homogeneous mass, you will need the following ingredients: olive oil -5 g, May honey -5 g, chicken yolk - 1 pc. Combine and stir everything, use a cotton pad to distribute over the face, avoiding areas near the eyes. The mask is applied in a thick layer and allowed to soak for 15 minutes, washed off with warm mineral water. Such a natural mask is something that can moisturize the skin of the face from the first application, relieve the state of tightness.

Compress for dry and flaky skin

What will help get rid of peeling skin on the face during the winter frosts and cold weather? Compresses with hot boiled water work quite effectively.

Soak a clean towel in hot water and apply to the face until it cools. This will greatly improve blood circulation, remove impurities and help relax the facial muscles.

Having figured out how to moisturize dry skin, you just have to listen to the tips and use them to improve skin health, and, accordingly, appearance.

The right choice of cream determines the condition of our skin, whatever type it may be. Girls under twenty often face the problem of oily epidermis. They fight acne and greasy shine with the help of alcohol-containing products. And the skin takes revenge on them in due time. After twenty-five or thirty years, when hormonal activity subsides and the sebaceous glands stop secreting fat, these women face the opposite problem.

The skin becomes dry and devoid of moisture. Its color fades, irritations, peeling appear. And the frosty climate and unfavorable ecological situation in big cities, stress and bad habits only add to this additional problems. And it doesn't matter if it's a congenital defect or acquired with age - we need to find an effective face cream for dry skin. Feedback from women for whom the hydration of the epidermis is a top priority helped us rank these caring cosmetic products.

How to distinguish from bad

Stylish cut glass jars still do not make the product more effective than that contained in ordinary plastic tubes. The latter are even more hygienic, since we do not put microbes into the cream with our fingers. But it is better to choose a cream that has a pump with a dispenser. Many women think that a high price is a guarantee of a product's quality. But it's not. Reputable beauty firms have made their name on advertising, which is expensive. And the price for videos and flyers was reflected in the final product. Cosmetic companies claim that innovative technologies have affected the quality of care products for dry skin. Some brands of creams are sold only in pharmacy chains. This marketing ploy is aimed at assuring the buyer of the medicinal effect of the drug. But how do you spot a good face cream for dry skin? Reviews of cosmetologists assure that the effectiveness of the product depends solely on its composition.

What substances should a cream for dry skin contain?

After twenty-five years, the epidermis begins to lose moisture. Free radicals begin their destructive effect on tissues. To prolong youth, we need to moisturize and give the necessary nutrition to the skin. Of course, there is no one universal substance that would drop as if by magic in a dozen years. But creams for dry skin after 30 should still contain a set of ingredients that are recognized as effective and beneficial. The composition of such cosmetics often contains allantoin. It soothes irritations and moisturizes the skin. The presence of bisabolol provides anti-inflammatory and softening effect. Lactic acid and panthenol are natural humectants that act like rain on dry skin. And the last substance also regenerates peeling and protects the epidermis from harmful ultraviolet radiation.

Bioflavonoids are antioxidants that fight free radicals. Salicylic acid, which cleanses the pores, and vitamins will not interfere with the cream. If you have very dry skin, you will need a hyaluronic acid cream. This component not only nourishes, but also retains moisture in the upper layers of the epidermis. Do not forget about the ingredients designed to deliver healing substances deep into the skin. These are sorbitol, essential oils and others. After forty years, it is worth paying attention to such effective substances as retinol and azelaic acid. If you are looking for a face cream for dry skin, reviews recommend sticking to your age category.

Rating of the best moisturizers

If your skin is so dry that it leads to dermatitis, you need serious treatment. In such cases, hormonal drugs, antihistamine tablets, and the like help. But if the problem is flaking, redness and mild itching, a good and effective face cream for dry skin will save you. The rating starts with the product description Mizon Hyaluronic Ultra Suboon. As the name suggests, this South Korean cream contains hyaluronic acid. This substance is not absorbed, but forms an ultra-thin protective film on the skin, which prevents moisture from evaporating.

The consistency of this cosmetic product is average - between a light cream and semi-liquid jelly. Color - white, slightly transparent. There is almost no smell. On the skin, this cream is instantly absorbed, or rather, begins to act, forming a thin film. From this, the face seems velvety and smooth. The cream perfectly and permanently moisturizes the skin. At a price of four hundred and seventy rubles per tube, this tool is just a godsend.

XeraCalm A.D Lipid-Replenishing Cream by Avene

Face cream "XeraCalm A.D." developed by the French company "Aven" specifically to restore the hydro-lipid balance of dry skin. It is sold in pharmacies because it treats manifestations of atopic dermatitis. The cream has a dense consistency of ointment. When applied to the skin, it forms a lipid barrier that protects against irritation and drying. This tool regenerates, saves from itching, relieves inflammation, treats peeling.

Like all caring products of the company for the face "XeraKalm A.D." contains thermal water from the healing spring of Aven. Reviews note another product developed by a French brand for people suffering from atopic dermatitis (pathologically dry skin). This is Sicalfat Repair Cream. It is designed to protect and treat damaged and very thin epidermis. Reviews say that the tool copes with its task perfectly. The only downside is the price. On the Russian market, funds from Aven cost at least a thousand rubles.

"Hydra Kuench" from for the face)

One application in the morning on cleansed skin is enough, and the feeling of tightness disappears for a long time. The face looks like it is getting younger. The skin becomes fresh, radiant, smooth, soft and well-groomed. This cream is also suitable for those who have especially for the winter. In a cold climate, the product seems to create a protective film that does not allow harmful environmental factors to irritate the epidermis. And for those who have very dry skin, Clarins Hydra Quench Rich can be recommended. This brand of face cream has a thicker texture and should be applied at night. It not only moisturizes, but also nourishes dry skin. This tool has prolonged action. It not only cares, but also really eliminates dry skin. Looking for a daytime make-up product? Choose Clarins UV Plus HP with +40 sun filters.

Cream "Moisturizing Expert" from "L'Oreal Paris"

The French company L'Oreal Paris produces relatively inexpensive products in the mass market category. For dry skin, you need to choose a face cream from the Moisturizing Expert line. We have already said that it is not the price that makes the remedy effective, but the composition. Cream "Moisturizing Expert" contains active ingredients that literally saturate every cell of the dermis.

Valuable essential and roses help the healing substances to get inside the skin. They nourish them and prevent moisture loss. From the application of the cream, the face becomes smooth, radiant, young. People with dry skin know the feeling of tightness and discomfort after removing makeup. Cream-gel "Absolute tenderness" from l'Oreal Paris can get rid of these problems. This tool gently removes makeup, removes toxins from the pores.

"La Roche Posay Hydren Rich"

If you are looking for a cream to eliminate dry skin, then this product will definitely suit you. In order for the healing substances to penetrate deep into the epidermis, the manufacturer introduced thermal water enriched with selenium from the source of La Roche Posay. This cream has a thick consistency. It should be applied in the morning and before bed. The tool, as the manufacturer claims and confirms the reviews, not only saturates the skin with life-giving moisture, but also nourishes it with useful substances and vitamins. The cream contains hydrolipids, which have a surprising resemblance to the cells of the epidermis. Thanks to this, the product is instantly absorbed, and moisture is retained inside the skin. If you use the product for a long time, then, as the reviews assure, irritation and peeling will disappear.

Cream "Hydra 24" from "Payot Pari"

French brand Payot Paris carefully approaches the development of products for all skin types. For overdried dermis, a product such as Hydra 24 is suitable. The manufacturer claims that this cream will not only perfectly moisturize dry skin, but also tighten the contour of the face. Reviews note a light texture, unobtrusive and pleasant aroma, quick absorption.

The cream really moisturizes, even in frosty winter it removes peeling. At the same time, it does not leave a greasy sheen, but slightly mattifies. The only negative is the high price of two and a half thousand rubles for a jar of fifty milliliters. But this cream is used very sparingly. After all, one drop is enough for round-the-clock moisturizing.

Eye care product

Eyelids are dry even in people with oily skin. What then to say about people with atopy? The area around the eyes is the most vulnerable spot. Scales on the upper eyelids prevent the application of decorative cosmetics. The skin looks irritated, with redness. What to choose for the area around the eyes? Users recommend a 15-ml tube of "Cicaplast Baume B5" from the already mentioned French company "La Roche-Pose". This face cream for dry skin reviews is called salvation for the eyelids. In addition to thermal water, which has a calming effect, the product contains panthenol and a whole range of special healing substances. The narrow nose of the tube allows you to apply the cream on the eyelids pointwise. Peeling from the application disappears, redness brightens. The price of the product is three hundred rubles per tube.

BB for dry skin

BB (Blemish Balm) is a masking healing balm that has the color of a foundation. It was invented in Germany so that patients after deep peelings or plastic surgeries would go through rehabilitation faster and could show themselves to people. Very quickly, BB products began to be used as decorative cosmetics - like foundation creams. And who better than people with dry skin to know how noticeable peeling compact powder is!

Among tonalnikov, BB-cream "Garnier" has proven itself well. For dry skin, this product is a real life saver! The cream not only masks peeling, it also carefully cares for the dermis, nourishing it with moisture. The texture of this tool is liquid, like a fluid. Therefore, it is very well distributed and shaded over the skin without creating a mask effect. The cream reliably hides redness, leveling the tone of the face.

"Baby Milk" from "Baby Line" (Germany)

Children's caring cosmetics, unlike adults, undergo additional quality controls. Therefore, you can be sure: soaps, shampoos, creams and even washing powder designed for babies will not cause an allergic reaction. The baby milk from the German company "Baby Line" perfectly moisturizes the thin skin of newborns. It seems to envelop in a gentle cloud of care, and this effect lasts for a long time. The milk does not roll down, does not stain clothes, is quickly absorbed, does not create a feeling of a greasy film. It has an appetizing smell of baby powder. If you are looking for a body care product, Baby Line milk will help you out. It perfectly moisturizes dry skin and relieves itching.

Russian care cosmetics

In the lower price segment, Natura Siberica is the leader in terms of efficiency. Face cream for dry skin contains a complex of medicinal herbs, as well as, importantly, hyaluronic acid. This last substance creates an invisible film on the surface of the dermis, which prevents moisture from evaporating. The cream improves skin tone. The tool helps to resist the effects of an aggressive environment. The skin becomes supple and soft upon application.