Honeysuckle face mask: how to cook? Honeysuckle Berries: Benefits in Face Masks Honeysuckle Face Mask

Few people know what honeysuckle is edible and what it can be used for. As a result, this perennial plant is used in the field of cooking for the preparation of desserts. But, this is not the only area where you can benefit from honeysuckle. Cosmetology - here the plant can serve as an excellent basis for creating a unique skin care product

In the people, this plant is nicknamed the berry of beauty. And this name honeysuckle was not without reason. Due to its composition, the berry has a beneficial effect on the skin. Prepared products based on it are used as a tonic and anti-inflammatory agent.

In addition, honeysuckle-based masks have antioxidant properties. This is explained by the content of rutin and ascorbic acid in it. Also, honeysuckle contains tannins, which act as the strongest natural antiseptic. Therefore, prepared honeysuckle products can be used as a regenerating agent for healing injuries and relieving the inflammatory process.

It is worth noting that not only the fruits of the plant are beneficial, but also flowering, leaves and branches. For those who want to quickly get rid of wrinkles, it is necessary to prepare a cream based on honeysuckle flowers. Well, if such a problem as acne or acne is tormented, then it’s just right to use a decoction of the leaves of the plant.

Indications and contraindications

Honeysuckle is a unique plant that can be taken as a basis for the preparation of products for all types of skin. The finished composition can be used for the following problems:

As for contraindications, but, oddly enough, this plant has no prohibitions even for use. With extreme caution should be used by young children. And in other cases, honeysuckle can be used as a product for a cosmetic product, if there is no individual sensitivity to it.

What are the masks?

By supplementing the action of berries with other ingredients, you can achieve a different effect - eliminate acne, smooth wrinkles, tone and nourish the skin.

Moisturizing mask

To prepare the mask, you need an egg yolk, half a glass of honeysuckle berries and, of course, cream. A puree is prepared from the fruits, which is then mixed with the rest of the ingredients. The finished product is applied to the face for twenty minutes, and then removed with warm water (in the presence of rosacea - cold).

From blackheads and acne

To combat acne, prepare a remedy from honeysuckle puree, yeast and a few drops of lavender essential oil. The prepared slurry is applied in a thick layer on the skin and left for half an hour. Then it is removed with warm water.

Peeling mask

A remedy based on honeysuckle and essential oils is being prepared. To create a mask, honeysuckle is first crushed, then, and are added to it. This whole composition is supplemented with sea salt.

This mixture is rubbed into the skin with light, slightly massage movements. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to damage the integrity of the upper layer of the epidermis.

flower lotion

The tool is used in case of irritation or to relieve the inflammatory process. The lotion is prepared simply: vodka, honeysuckle blossom, yarrow and chamomile are taken and the usual tincture is prepared.

The lotion should be infused for a week in a dark place. Then the resulting infusion is used twice a day.

homemade cream

To make your face always well-groomed, you can prepare a universal cream. You will need honeysuckle puree, butter and rosemary oil. All components are mixed and applied to the skin. Such a cream is stored for no more than five days.

Please note that all recipes call for the use of an edible type of honeysuckle. When using a wild plant, you can get a strong allergy.

- a wonderful shrub, the fruits of which are equally tasty and healthy. The berries of this plant contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that allow the use of honeysuckle as a medicine.

The amount of vitamin C in honeysuckle is the same as in a lemon or strawberry, it also contains vitamin A, potassium, iodine, manganese and a host of other useful elements. The initial composition of the berry depends on the variety and the place where the bush grew. The properties of honeysuckle in any case remain similar.

Allows you to use them everywhere. This plant is used in many areas, it is common in folk medicine, cosmetology. Honeysuckle has tonic properties, it has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, normalizes liver function, helps to cope with headaches and endure hot weather.

Honeysuckle is good for children. Allergic reactions to this berry are rare, a huge amount of vitamins and pectin will strengthen the child's immunity. You can use fresh berries and compotes.

In oncology, taking shrub berries and products based on them will help increase the body's resistance, which will increase the likelihood of a successful outcome, it will become easier to deal with such an ailment. With the same success they are used in the treatment of many other chronic diseases that take a lot of strength from the body.

During the bearing of a child, with various diseases that exclude the use of many medicines, honeysuckle also often comes to the rescue, since it has almost no contraindications.

Important! You should know that only blue or black berries can be eaten, red varieties of honeysuckle are poisonous.

Medicinal properties

Most often, honeysuckle is used in the treatment of diseases of the heart and circulatory system as a whole. Substances contained in the fruits of the shrub, reduce blood pressure, treat hypertension, high iron content helps to cope with iron deficiency anemia. They also improve digestion and normalize the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Flowers and leaves of honeysuckle are used to prepare remedies for edema, cystitis, respiratory diseases and skin diseases.

The berries of the shrub contain an element useful for men - selenium. This element is necessary for the normal functioning of the male reproductive system and the full production of sex hormones. Periodically including honeysuckle or any products based on it in your diet, you can protect yourself from many problems with men's health.

Honeysuckle is extremely useful during pregnancy. During this difficult condition for the female body, it is important to maintain immunity, prevent strong weight gains, swelling and problems with blood vessels. A medicinal plant can protect the expectant mother from such problems.

The easiest way to use honeysuckle is to eat it fresh. One handful of berries contains the daily requirement of vitamin C and many other elements. However, the shrub bears fruit only at the beginning of summer, and many recipes require not only berries, but leaves, flowers and bark.

  1. Infusion of honeysuckle berries. It is used for cardiovascular diseases for pressure, cystitis, it is useful for the stomach with. It is necessary to pour 50 grams of dried berries with half a liter of hot water, insist for several hours. Take this infusion should be half a cup half an hour before meals three times a day.
  2. With edema, a decoction of honeysuckle helps. You need a dried shrub root, one tablespoon is boiled in a glass of water at a low temperature for ten minutes. You need to take two tablespoons before meals.
  3. The same decoction will help with a sore throat, but in this case you need to take three glasses of water per tablespoon of honeysuckle root.
  4. During pregnancy, the infusion recipe is as follows. One tablespoon of dried and grated bark is taken in a glass of hot water, insisted for several hours. You need to take this infusion three times a day, eating is not important.

Fresh berries or infusion help to cope with most of the unpleasant manifestations of the disease, they say that honeysuckle can completely defeat the disease.

However, the best way to consume honeysuckle is fresh berries. Therefore, if possible, you should use it for the sake of your health.

Important! Allergy to honeysuckle is rare, but if it is present, the use of berries and shrub-based products should be avoided.

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, honeysuckle is widely used as an anti-inflammatory and soothing agent for the skin. Cosmetic preparations prevent the appearance of vascular "asterisks", give the skin a fresh and healthy look, which is important for women. Honeysuckle extract is often included in various anti-aging products.

Plant-based products are often used for skin, skin treatments, allergies, and acne. Honeysuckle is often used as a naturally occurring preservative in many cosmetics. Shampoos and hair balms based on this plant help get rid of dandruff and gently cleanse.

cosmetic recipes

Honeysuckle is able to act from the inside, regular intake of berries will improve the condition of the skin and hair in general. However, there are many different prescriptions for topical use.

Important! You can fearlessly apply masks based on honeysuckle berries on your face, the juice, despite the brightness, does not color the skin at all.

  1. With single painful rashes, wounds, mechanical injuries of the skin, you can gently wipe the affected area with half a berry. Wash off the fruit juice 20-30 minutes after application.
  2. Face mask based on honeysuckle and oatmeal. Suitable as a soft natural scrub. Berries should be mashed in a mortar and add a tablespoon of oatmeal. Apply to the face with massaging movements, hold for 10-15 minutes, then rinse slowly.
  3. Mask based on fermented milk products. Improves skin tone, gives a healthy look, helps fight the effects of a rash. You can take any fermented milk product, for example, sour cream or yogurt. For one spoonful of berries, two tablespoons of the selected product are taken. Everything is thoroughly rubbed and mixed, applied for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Hair conditioner. Honeysuckle leaves need to pour liters of boiling water, leave for about 40 minutes, cool. This infusion can rinse weak hair after washing. Nettle or chamomile can be added to the leaves of the shrub.
  5. For the treatment of dandruff and against oily scalp, such a decoction is used. Half a liter of boiling water pour 200 grams of dry leaves and boil for 20 minutes in a water bath, strain. This remedy is used after shampooing.

Also, ready-made shrub-based pharmaceutical products would be a good choice, the likelihood that they will be allergic is extremely small.

In cooking

Honeysuckle has a rather interesting tart and fresh taste, so it is widely used in the manufacture of desserts and other dishes. Many of them are not only tasty, but healthy dishes. Drinks and jams based on this berry are widespread.

Since honeysuckle in the diet is a means of preventing many problems, it is worth mentioning some recipes based on it, in which the berry does not lose its beneficial properties.


Compote is the easiest way to preserve the beneficial properties of the berry. It can be prepared from fresh or frozen fruits. You need to take the washed berries, fill them with two-thirds of the container, the jar in which the drink will be stored. Next, sugar syrup is boiled - 1 kilogram of sugar is needed for 2.5 liters of water, bring the mixture to a boil, cook for about 10 minutes.


For 1 kilogram of berries, you need 1 kilogram of sugar and 1 glass of water. A hot thick syrup is made from sugar and water, washed berries are poured over it, they wait for about 4 hours, then the mixture is brought to a boil. Then you need to stand the future jam again, this time up to 8 hours, then bring it to a boil again. Now the jam is ready.

Jam goes well with cottage cheese and yogurt, it turns out an extremely healthy breakfast or afternoon snack that can be given to children.

Important! More acidic berries are more suitable for jam.

How to prepare honeysuckle

It is also convenient to store honeysuckle in a frozen or dried form, so the useful and flavoring properties of the berries will be preserved.

  1. For freezing, you need to rinse the berries well, peel them from the stalks, and dry them. Then fold in small portions into plastic bags, it is better to use special ones for freezing food, and put them in the freezer.
  2. Usually slightly unripe berries are dried, so that later they can be used for decoctions or infusions. The berries need to be washed, dried, then put on a baking sheet and placed in the oven for 7-10 hours, depending on the size of the fruit. The temperature should be no more than sixty degrees Celsius.

Keeping the berries dried or frozen, they can be used at any time. Benefits and pleasant taste will remain.


There are almost no contraindications for honeysuckle. It should be used with caution in children, despite the safety. Quite babies should not be given fresh berries, but compotes or juices.

Also, do not forget that honeysuckle can provoke allergies. The probability is small, especially when you consider that it is used to treat the effects of individual intolerance.

It is worth remembering that the shrub is a diuretic, so it is not recommended to use it at night and in large volumes.

In general, edible honeysuckle is an extremely useful and effective product for many diseases. It is recommended to include it in the diet just because of its powerful preventive properties. According to the content of useful substances and a minimum of contraindications, this shrub overtakes many other medicinal plants.

Honeysuckle is the earliest of the Ural berries. Already in mid-June, the first tasty, sweet and healthy berries appear. What is the use of this early berry? I will tell you about this in the publication “Honeysuckle - useful properties”.

Honeysuckle contains vitamins (A, B, C), glucose, fructose, various organic acids. At the same time, the amount of vitamin C in honeysuckle is the same as that found in lemon and kiwi.

The composition of honeysuckle includes various minerals: such as potassium, magnesium, copper, iodine, manganese, sodium.

The unique composition determines the various beneficial properties of honeysuckle.

Honeysuckle in folk medicine

Honeysuckle berries are good to use for mental and physical exhaustion, to strengthen the immune system, to fight various diseases, with fevers, edema.

Honeysuckle is also useful for the activity of the cardiovascular system. Honeysuckle strengthens the walls of blood vessels, is useful for the prevention of atherosclerosis, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, and stabilizes blood pressure.

Honeysuckle berries are an excellent remedy for the prevention of scurvy.

Scientists have proven the benefits of honeysuckle to combat cell neoplasms, so it can be used to prevent cancer.

Fresh berries are an excellent remedy for colds. They have antipyretic properties. Infusions of leaves and flowers of honeysuckle have anti-inflammatory properties.

Honeysuckle infusion : 3 tablespoons of dry crushed leaves, pour water (200 ml), boil for 3-4 minutes, leave for 2 hours and strain, use the resulting infusion for sore throat and inflammation of the gums.

Honeysuckle restores the digestion process, has a positive effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, improves appetite. Regular consumption of berries (can be dried or frozen) prevents the appearance of gastritis.

Honeysuckle can be used for weight loss, as its calorie content is small (only 30 kilocalories per 100 grams of berries). In the summer, you can arrange fasting days. These days, you only need to eat honeysuckle berries.

Honeysuckle in cosmetology

Honeysuckle is a wonderful remedy for your beauty. It has a cleansing effect, can slow down the aging process, restores skin elasticity, restores its healthy appearance.

Honeysuckle has a rejuvenating effect.

Mask for the face

Mix 2 tablespoons of honeysuckle berry puree with 2 tablespoons of sour cream and 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply the resulting mass for 20 minutes on the décolleté, neck and face. Then remove with a cotton pad, which must be moistened in warm water, and wash with cold water.

Mask for aging skin

Mix 2 tablespoons of honeysuckle berries with 1 egg yolk and add heavy cream. The resulting creamy mass is applied to the skin of the face for 15 minutes. After the specified time has elapsed, remove the mask with a cotton pad, which must be moistened in a solution of warm green tea, after 5 minutes wash with cool water.

To strengthen hair and improve their growth

With 1 liter of hot water, brew one handful of dried honeysuckle leaves, let it brew for 40-50 minutes, strain. Rinse the washed hair with the prepared solution, wring it out a little and dry it.

Baths with honeysuckle leaves

Baths with the addition of a decoction of honeysuckle leaves strengthen the capillaries, make the skin smoother, and give it a radiant appearance. The bath should be taken for 15-20 minutes at a temperature not exceeding +37 degrees. You should not dry yourself after taking a bath.

Today you learned about the beneficial properties of honeysuckle, its use in traditional medicine and cosmetics. Honeysuckle is widely used in cooking. They make compotes, pancakes, casseroles from it. You will learn about it on the pages of my blog.

The life-giving properties of honeysuckle have become the main reason for the appearance of bushes of this amazing plant in many gardens. But not only exceptional unpretentiousness and frost resistance attract gardeners edible varieties of shrubs. It is difficult to find a plant that can cure all diseases!

Many people have to live in environmentally hazardous areas. Landfills of construction waste, industrial waste can become a source of an invisible enemy. Heavy metal poisoning is becoming more and more common. Recent studies have proven that honeysuckle is more effective than all existing means to cleanse the body, and even from radiation exposure.

Tops and roots of honeysuckle

The uniqueness of honeysuckle is that the whole plant, from roots to flowers, can be used in treatment. The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of the bark, branches, flowers are indispensable for indigestion, headaches and sore throats. A decoction of leaves and flowers can be used to wash the eyes. Even gout and rheumatism are treated with baths with the addition of a decoction of twigs. But such raw materials are best harvested during flowering, it is during this period that the plant accumulates the most useful substances.

You are my berry ... wolf

This can be said about honeysuckle with red and orange fruits. Poisonous berries are unsuitable for treatment. You can only admire them and leave them to bees and birds (they taste bitter). In addition to decorative functions, ordinary honeysuckle bushes serve as an excellent first honey plant and excellent food for birds, which respect these berries very much! Wanting to feed the bees in early spring, beekeepers surround apiaries with such a hedge. Honeysuckle, like - is a very hardy shrub, therefore it is ideal for landscape design (climbing plant for the garden).

Honeysuckle for dandruff

If a decoction is made from the leaves and berries of the plant, then such a compress will relieve dandruff for a long time. Usually, 2 cups of water are taken per 100 g of raw materials. It is enough to cook a vitamin potion for 15 minutes - the best natural remedy for dandruff is ready! It can be added to rinse water, or even better, soak a towel with warm broth and wrap your hair with it.

Honeysuckle rejuvenating (neck care)

The skin of the neck is the most demanding and capricious in care. A simple cream is unlikely to make her happy. But the mask of berry pulp can even tighten the skin and give it the right tone. To do this, you need to mix:

  • honeysuckle,
  • yogurt,
  • some yeast;
  • a couple of vitamin E capsules.

Honeysuckle peeling at home. Secret revealed!

The high cost of anti-aging peeling with the help of a honeysuckle scrub-mask in beauty salons is explained by the incredible benefits of the components. The effect is achieved by a combination of almond oils, grape seeds, wheat germ and honeysuckle pulp. As abrasive particles, you can choose sea salt or medium-ground coffee. Massage with a natural mixture, 10 minutes under a honeysuckle "thermal blanket" - and renewed skin breathes with health!

Vitamin storage

In early spring, honeysuckle berries are the best vitamin store. They normalize blood pressure, strengthen blood vessels, treat anemia, stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and remove salts of heavy metals. The powerful antioxidant effect of berries is used as the best prevention of cancer. Medicinal fresh juice treats psoriasis, eczema and even trophic ulcers.
Try to use the fruit ripening season to good use. In addition to compotes, fruit drinks and fruit puree, berries can be frozen, dried, made into jam, and made into marshmallows. Such a vitamin reserve for the winter will provide a natural and healthy diet!

Edible honeysuckle is a fairly common perennial shrub from the Honeysuckle family. Its blue-violet, waxy berries have a very pleasant aroma and high palatability: they can be sweet and sour or sour, with or without bitterness, depending on the variety and place of growth. Honeysuckle is widely used in cooking: it is used as a filling for sweet pastries, as well as for the preparation of sauces, jams, confiture and various drinks - compotes, fruit drinks and dessert wines. But from the berries of this wonderful plant, you can create not only culinary masterpieces - they can also serve as the basis for various cosmetic products designed for facial skin care.

It is not for nothing that honeysuckle is called the berry of beauty, because it contains a lot of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the skin. In cosmetology, honeysuckle is used as an anti-inflammatory and tonic. The fruits of this plant contain a large amount of ascorbic acid and rutin (vitamin P), which reduces capillary permeability and has antioxidant properties. The tannins (tannins and catechins) that are part of the berries, being powerful natural antiseptics, help to stop various inflammatory processes on the skin, reduce rashes and promote wound healing. Organic acids (succinic, oxalic and citric) stimulate the regenerative functions of cells and increase their resistance to pathogenic bacteria.

Useful properties have not only honeysuckle berries, but also flowers, as well as leaves and branches of this plant. Honeysuckle flower extract is one of the important components of anti-wrinkle creams and cleansers (lotions and tonics), and a decoction of the leaves is used to eliminate acne and acne.

Indications for use

Honeysuckle for the face is most often used as the main component of masks and creams. The main advantage of such products is that they can be used for all skin types, not only for preventive purposes, but also to eliminate the following problems:

  • increased dryness;
  • dysfunction of the sebaceous glands;
  • acne;
  • rosacea (spider veins);
  • loss of elasticity;
  • small wrinkles;
  • hypovitaminosis.

Honeysuckle for the face: homemade recipes

Rejuvenating honeysuckle mask

For the preparation of masks, fresh or frozen honeysuckle berries are used. Contraindications for the use of such drugs are individual intolerance to the components and skin diseases of unknown etiology.

  • 100 g of fresh honeysuckle berries;
  • 20 g honey;
  • 50 g sour cream.


  • Grind the berries in a blender until puree.
  • Mix berry puree with honey and sour cream and apply the resulting slurry on your face.
  • Wash off with water after 20 minutes.

Honeysuckle Moisturizing Mask

  • half a glass of honeysuckle berries;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 50 g heavy cream.


  • Puree the berries using a blender.
  • Add the yolk and cream, mix thoroughly and apply the finished mixture on your face.
  • After 20 minutes, remove the mask with a swab dipped in green tea.

Honeysuckle mask for acne

  • 50 g honeysuckle;
  • 20 g of "live" yeast;
  • 5 drops of lavender essential oil.


  • Pound the berries with a pestle until pureed.
  • Mix the resulting slurry with yeast and lavender oil.
  • Apply the prepared mass on the skin of the face and leave for 30 minutes.
  • Wash off the yeast mask with warm water.

Honeysuckle Peeling Mask

  • 50 g of fresh honeysuckle berries;
  • 10 ml of almond oil;
  • 10 ml grape seed oil;
  • 10 ml of wheat germ oil;
  • 20 g sea salt.


  • Grind the honeysuckle in a blender and mix the resulting slurry with the rest of the ingredients.
  • Apply the mask on your face and gently massage for 7-10 minutes.
  • Cover your face with a napkin and lie down for about 20 minutes in a comfortable position, then rinse off the cosmetic composition with water and apply a nourishing cream to your skin.

Honeysuckle flower and medicinal herb lotion

This lotion will help improve complexion, soften the skin and relieve irritation.

  • 30 g fresh honeysuckle flowers;
  • 20 g of chamomile flowers;
  • 20 g dry herb yarrow;
  • 100 g of vodka.


  • Place vegetable raw materials in a glass container and fill with vodka.
  • Infuse the lotion for a week in a dark, cool place, shaking the container occasionally.
  • Strain the resulting solution through cheesecloth and wipe your face with it 1-2 times a day.

Homemade honeysuckle cream

Such a tool is considered universal - it can be used for any type of skin, but the main advantage of honeysuckle cream is a powerful anti-aging effect, which can be noticeable after just a few applications.

  • 100 g of fresh honeysuckle berries;
  • 80 g butter;
  • a few drops of rosemary essential oil.