Is Benedict Cumberbatch Gay? The beginning of a career in the theater

British actor Benedict Cumberbatch appeared on the cover of the latest issue of a gay magazine. It will go on sale on October 21, and readers will be able to read Benedict's interview with the famous mathematician Alan Turing in the biopic "The Imitation Game". Like us, the tape won the top prize at the Toronto International Film Festival, and this may well mean that Cumberbatch will become one of the contenders for the Oscar for the main male role, which we sincerely wish him.

The interview touched on a lot of topics, including what Cumberbatch thinks it's like to be openly gay in today's Hollywood. "I think if you're going to pitch yourself as a leading man in Hollywood movies, 'I'm gay' will still be a huge hurdle. Unfortunately," Benedict said. "We all know [homosexual] actors who don't want to talk about it or deny it. I really don't know how they deal with it. The human rights movement and the sexual and gay rights movement has made tremendous progress over the last 40 years - no doubt about it - but very "There's a lot more to be done. I think it's a strange situation that whenever it comes to any kind of trouble in society, people are very, very, very quick to find a scapegoat."

“In [some] countries, people are beheaded because of their beliefs or sexual orientation,” the actor argued about religious intolerance. “It’s terrible. what they believe, or they'll kill me. They're the ones I'd fight. They're the ones I'd fight to the death. And I also feel like the older you get, the clearer your idea of ​​what's right should be, and what - no. There cannot be one-sided tolerance. You must have an ultimate goal towards which you are moving: religious fundamentalism is evil. "

Russian-language publications are already relishing the details of the "most erotic Sherlock" having a homosexual experience, which Cumberbatch also told the magazine about. In adolescence, the actor studied at a prestigious school for boys, where everything happened. “True, the actor emphasized that at the same time he did not have an attraction to the opposite sex and same-sex sex,” writes MK, referring to the revelations of Cumberbatch himself (as far as we understood, the author of this note still meant “attraction to one’s own sex”) .

"It was just boys and their penises, just like girls have breasts and vaginas. It was not out of strong desire, Cumberbatch emphasized, explaining his experiments with the interest of a naturalist."

"In general, talk about Cumberbatch's homosexual orientation began after his participation in the film "The Imitation Game". In this film, the actor played the role of British cryptographer Alan Turing, who during the Second World War cracked the famous Enigma code of the Third Reich, and was later prosecuted for his homosexuality," the newspaper reported.

On our own, we add that "in general, talk about Cumberbatch's unconventional orientation" did not begin at all after his participation in this film. For some reason, some fans of the actor (and their name is legion) periodically begin to suspect him of homosexuality, and this has been happening for more than a year. However, if you "suspect" everyone who has ever played a gay role, then almost the entire current line-up of Hollywood will have to be recorded in LGBT, and the song "gay-for-pay" ("play a gay for money") in the West is already so irrelevant that even mentioning it in a decent society is bad manners.

Not long ago, Cumberbatch talked about why the film "The Imitation Game" scenes of same-sex love would be superfluous. In an interview with The Wrap, the actor said that in the tape his character once asks a young man to touch his penis - and this is more than enough for the audience to understand that Alan Turing was gay (if suddenly someone didn’t know about it yet) . “If someone needs explicit scenes to understand that he is gay, he will be disappointed,” Cumberbatch said, adding that when reading the script, the thought of the possibility of two naked men on the screen did not occur to him.

Ukrainian trailer for the film "The Imitation Game"

Benedict Cumberbatch, the chief detective of the millennium and gentleman, turns 40 today. Probably, you yourself will easily find a couple of reasons to love him, but on such a day we simply cannot be silent.

The Cumberbatch mystery is one of the weirdest in today's film industry. To put it bluntly, it didn't work out. Yes, we are for the fact that beauty can be different, but even if we take into account the relativity of “absolute beauty”, most people agree that an actor became an actor not because of a good appearance, but in spite of its presence: after all, characteristic types are often found on the screen . It turns out that this movie character is popular thanks to his charisma, well-chosen roles, noble communication with fans, and... What else? Let's try to figure out what his "fifth element" is.

1. Benedict Cumberbatch is a blue-blooded man. AKter turned out to be a descendant of King Richard III, as became known to the British professor Kevin Schurer. He, digging up the royal family tree, came to the conclusion that Benedict and Richard III are separated by some 16 generations, and the actor is a relative of Elizabeth II. Irony:Cumberbatch is far from the only relative of the king - there are from 1 to 17 million such people in the UK.

2. He is also a knight: last year, Queen Elizabeth awarded the actor the Order of the British Empire. We'll turn a blind eye to the pranksters who say that just being British is enough to get this title. We retort: ​​a talented and famous Briton.

3. He is a diligent family man. Their union with obscure actress Sophie Hunter is impossible to criticize. They are, perhaps, the second after Kate and William the British, causing only tenderness with their appearance in public, the degree of which increased with the birth of a son to the couple. By the way, the actor also has a fairly close relationship with his parents: they (both actors) even took part in one of the episodes of Sherlock, playing essentially themselves - the father and mother of the main serial detective of our generation. And they also say he has four godchildren.

4. Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hiddleston are best friends and we really think this is a reason to fall in love. Tell me who your friend is and I'll tell you who you are, remember? Apparently, that is why Guillermo del Toro replaced one with another without regret (they originally wanted to give the role to Benedict) and did not lose at all.

5. And finally, he is a true romantic and gentleman. In obedience to an old secular habit, Benedict announced his engagement to Sophie Hunter on a special strip of The Times. Traditions are sometimes so important, aren't they?

We won’t be surprised, of course, if one of these guys in ten years, having retired, writes a shocking biography about how he hid his true orientation all these years. But this is unlikely! Most of these artists have girls, and even wives, but the glory with a blue tint is still not washed away.

1 Benedict Cumberbatch

Now it has let go a little, but earlier this actor with a non-standard surname was seriously suspected of non-standard orientation. The reason was banal - he preferred an evening with beer in the company of Michael Fassbender or James McAvoy to a noisy party. Or with the two of them together, which in the eyes of the public was tantamount to a crime. For Martin Freeman after Sherlock, Bene also got it: they say, all these pussy-musi of the detective and Dr. Watson in life also have a basis.

The artist’s mother, the famous (in the past and in England) actress Wanda Ventham, who was desperately trying to find a respectable wife for her son and get long-awaited grandchildren, also added fuel to the fire. And when Ben played in the film "The Imitation Game", the journalists even stopped making bets: it's obvious that the guy who was nominated for an Oscar and a Golden Globe for his role as a gay is one! Fortunately, in Cumberbatch's personal life, an old acquaintance Sophie Hunter happened at the right time. In less than a year, they completed the maximum program: they got engaged, married and celebrated the birth of their first child.

2. James Franco

James says he is straight but would not mind being born gay. It's so cool: you can come out and get the respect of colleagues. Moreover, homosexuality, in his opinion, is not just a choice of a partner, but also a certain behavior. “It seems to me that right now it’s time for a really big star with a big name to come out and confess. Now is the right time. I am not an expert, of course, in this matter, but if there is someone who is very respected and values ​​​​his career very much, then when this happens, everything will happen positively, ”the actor once said.

In the meantime, Franco hints that he knows a bunch of celebrities hiding their true orientation, journalists suspect him of secrecy. Firstly, he constantly acts as homosexuals in films of his own and others' production (Harvey Milk, My Name Is Michael, Interior: BDSM Gay Bar) and really kisses guys in them. Secondly, earlier this year he published a collection of poems featuring dialogues between a Franco-gay and a Franco-straight man. And this is very, very suspicious.

3. John Travolta

Travolta was a traditional family man until 2010. Then a lot of complaints began to pour in his name from men whom he allegedly tried to persuade to have sex. They confidently called their 25-year marriage to Kelly Preston a front.

Writers, masseurs, pilots, waiters admitted that they, of course, did not respond to the actor's tenderness, but they know for sure that he seduced more than a dozen youthful souls. Moreover, some of them even sued the artist for a tidy sum: there is nothing to insult them for free! Travolta, in response, found a good lawyer who challenged everything and left star money in the family.

4. Jared Leto

It seems that Jared does not care at all what rumors are circulating around his person on the Web.

Depending on his mood, he either denies the "gay" gossip, or says that he is still too young to determine his orientation. Previously, he could at least hide behind the presence of relationships with the ladies (Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Ashley Olsen, Cameron Diaz), but now that only tumbleweeds are walking in his personal life, there are reasons to attribute him to non-traditional guys. even more.

5. Kevin Spacey

The chain of ambiguous messages that it would be time for Kevin to tell the world that very secret has been going on since the late 90s. There were plenty of reasons for this: too intimate hugs with men, and participation in gay meetings in a London park, and a sudden photo in which Kevin holds a friend with bare buttocks in his arms (yes, we ourselves don’t know what this could mean!) .

The celebrity accuser is TV presenter Andy Cohen, who in his biography advises Kevin to finally confess everything. Although, perhaps gay Andy is just hitting on the actor in this way?

Ever since the first season of the series, there have been rumors among Sherlock fans that the famous detective is gay. And even the appearance of Irene Adler did not make them doubt this statement. However, the creators of the series decided once and for all to stop such conversations. Moffat claims that the protagonist of his film has no sexual preferences at all. He is neither homosexual nor heterosexual, indifferent to both women and men - the hero of Benedict Cumberbatch is not interested in sex at all.


Moffat recalled that the author of the character, writer Arthur Conan Doyle, spoke about Sherlock's asexuality. “We get asked this question all the time. It’s funny, considering that the character has been saying for more than a hundred years:“ I don’t do this. For more than a hundred years! He is indifferent to sex, ”the co-creator of the series emphasizes in an interview with Entertainment weekly.

"He takes this line of action to keep his mind clear. But everyone wants to believe that it's because Sherlock is gay. But he's not gay. And Doctor Watson Prefers Women. People like to fantasize about it, and that's fine, but the show doesn't talk about it," Moffat added.

Sherlock is a British television series produced for BBC Wales. The plot is based on the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle about the detective Sherlock Holmes, but the action takes place in the present day. The authors of the series are Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat, known for their work on the television series "Doctor Who" and "Jekyll", and the main roles of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson are performed by Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, respectively.

The project received positive reviews for three seasons and was nominated for several awards. In 2011, Sherlock won the BAFTA Television Award for Best Drama Series. The new season of Sherlock will premiere in early 2016.

Ian McKellen, it can be assumed that next year representatives of same-sex sexual orientation will be favorites (or at least nominees) for the coveted film award. Today, Titre has compiled a list of 14 possible candidates for the coveted statuette next year for you.

Ian McKellen

Source: For the first time in his "unconventionality", Sir Ian McKellen announced during the debate on "Radio Four" about the British bill to ban the propaganda of homosexuality in 1988. Today, the venerable elder actively fights for the rights of sexual and gender minorities.

Stephen Fry

Source: British comedian, famous for his duet with Hugh Laurie, came out in 1997 when he was 40 years old. His experiences in the autobiographical book "Moab - my washing bowl". Since then, Fry has advocated for the rights of the LGBT community, and in 2013 he met with the initiator of the law to ban gay propaganda. “Everything is very sad,” Steven tweeted after the meeting.

Neil Patrick Harris

Neil Patrick Harris, in a photo shoot for The Hollywood Reporter magazine Women's favorite, actor and singer, told People in 2006 about his orientation: “I am happy to dispel any rumors or misconceptions, and I am very proud to say that I am completely satisfied with the lifestyle I am gay and feel great pleasure from the fact that I got to work with wonderful people on a common cause that I love. Now Harris and her husband David Burtka are raising twins, Harper Grace and Gideon Scott.

Zachary Quinto

Zachary Quinto for The Hamptons Star Trek”, Quinto announced his orientation in an interview with New York Magazine in 2011. When the U.S. Supreme Court allowed gay couples to get married, Zachary expressed his gratitude to the court and respect for LGBT activists for their courage on his Instagram.

Matt Bomer

Matt Bomer in a promotional photo shoot for the series "American Horror Story" Bomer was first asked about his orientation in 2010, but the actor evaded answering. Two years later, accepting the Steve Chase award, he thanked his wife Simon Halls and their three children for the victory. “I felt a responsibility to Simon and to our children, so that they live in harmony with themselves and do not experience psychological split - my dad is like this at home, but different at work.”

Luke Evans

Source: The actor came out when he was playing in the theater. From a 2002 interview with The Advocate, Luke said: “At the time I got into Taboo, I realized that although my role was straight, everyone knew me as gay and, living in London, I never tried it. hide". However, recognition did not prevent him from starting to get roles in large projects, from the latter - “ Dracula », « hobbit », « fast and furious 7 ».

Jim Parsons

Jim Parsons in a photo shoot for The Hollywood Reporter magazine In 2012, Jim Parsons, the winner of the Golden Globe and Emmy awards, known for his role as Sheldon Cooper in the comedy series, told the authoritative New York Times about his ten-year relationship with a man. The Big Bang Theory". Jim later admitted that he was happy to reveal his secret - he had long wanted to take his partner, Todd Spivak, with him to all sorts of events.

Andrew Scott

Source: Unlike most of the men on this list, Scott never made a secret of his orientation. In 2013, he told the Independent newspaper how happy that people do not see anything wrong with his homosexuality: “Of course, you have to understand that it doesn’t make me better either. I would compare it to kindness or talent or ability to play the banjo - just a fact."

Mark Gatiss

Mark Gatiss in a promotional photo shoot for the series "Sherlock" In 2008, the star of the series " sherlock entered into a civil partnership with artist Ian Hallard. The Independent magazine twice included Mark in the list of the most influential representatives of the UK gay community in 2010 and 2011.

Ben Whishaw

Ben Whishaw in a promotional photo shoot for the film "Cloud Atlas" Whishaw has never hidden the fact that he is gay, but like many stars, he preferred not to discuss his personal life. In August 2012, the Briton entered into a civil partnership with composer Mark Bradshaw. A classic office romance happened - Mark wrote music for the film " Bright Star', with Wishaw starring in it.

Xavier Dolan