Material assistance to military pensioners. What is material assistance. Housing Right

In 2018, the military retired military years can receive a number of preferences from the state. Benefits of military pensioners concern housing, medicine, education and transport. We list the grounds for obtaining benefits and tell me how and where to get discounts on various services.

Who can receive benefits?

  • military having officers;
  • consisting in the service under the contract (army and fleet);
  • served in border and railway troops;
  • retired employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSIN, MES, FSKN, fire service;
  • persons engaged in intelligence, civil defense;
  • fSB officers, governmental communications, state protection and national certificates;
  • the nearest relatives of the listed categories of employees.

The status of a military pensioner and the accuracy of the benefits are issued under the observance of two conditions:

  • sailing years - from 20 in the marked troops and structures;
  • the overall work experience is 25 years old, while more than half of the term are given to military service.

Legislative acts

The regulatory framework for servicemen retired is contained in the federal. It not only regulates the rights and obligations of military pensioners, but also establishes the norms of social and legal protection of citizens.

Pension payment for former military is regulated. This document covers the categories of citizens who have the right to receive a pension, the conditions for its issuance and responsible authorities.

Privileges of the military retirement determine the regional legislation. Thanks to this, pensioners have the opportunity to receive additional subsidies and discounts in various public services.

Monetary payments and pensions

The size of the pension and one-time cash payments, which are made by the military retirement, determine regional governments and federal laws. Former employees can count on pensions and assistance from the state.

Additional payments rely on the following conditions:

  • railing for long service of 20 years;
  • when dismissing to reaches a retirement age or a state of health;
  • disabled injured during the service;
  • acting servicemen in hot spots and localities with extreme climatic conditions (extreme north, etc.).

Tax breaks

Military pensioners in 2018 have the right to a discount in the payment of taxes, and in some cases the liberation from them. Conditions vary depending on the region. They apply to the following types of taxes.

  • Property. All pensioners are exempt from paying for a living space, provided that only one apartment or house is located in the property.
  • Land. Military retired people have the right to complete exemption from the payment of land tax or reducing the annual pay rate.
  • Transport. Benefits are provided at the place of residence of the pensioner, may differ in size depending on the region.
  • Income. NDFLs are not subject to military pensions, additional cash payments, gifts up to 10,000 rubles.
  • Discount on the payment of state duties in various institutions. For example, when submitting lawsuits, receiving services in the traffic police, migration service and other instances.

To get these benefits, you need to write a statement to the tax inspection, supported by a military retirement certificate. Depending on the region and the type of serving tax, retired can be completely released from its payment or reduce the rate.

Benefits on housing housing

The most favorable conditions in the program for military retirees provides the sphere of housing and communal services. Here the beneficiaries receive a discount from 30 to 50% for utilities. At the same time, it is not only a pensioner himself, but also its closest relatives living with him on the same living space can be issued with a reduced value.

For registration of benefits, you need to contact the Office of Social Protection of the Population at the Registration Place and provide the following package of documents:

  • original and copy of the passport;
  • certificate of the composition of the family living with a pensioner in one apartment or house;
  • military retirement certificate;
  • document on the rights of ownership of real estate or lease agreement;
  • certificate of the absence of debts for utility bills.

The setting of documents requires an application with the presentation of a request for the appointment of benefits. It indicates the number of the document providing the right to receive a discount (certificate of military pensioner).

In some regions, a discount on housing utilities can be obtained directly to the HCEK, in the Pension Fund or MFC.

Educational services

Military retirement occurs in adulthood, so many servants are trying to find a new job for themselves. However, the education obtained during the service is often not enough for employment to highly paid positions.

Resigning servicemen can count on benefits when receiving higher education for subsequent employment in other areas of activity. They are established depending on the method of admission to the training institution:

  • if the pensioner has a finished school or secondary education, it is credited to the university on a budget basis;
  • if the resignator has an unfinished higher education or wants to master the second specialty, it can enter the university on a budget basis according to the results of the USE points (will need to pass before admission).

It is important to emphasize that training in the university for former servicemen is produced only on a free (budget) basis. Graduatement graduates are supported by employment at the end of study.

Medical services

After the end of the service, pensioners can use various benefits in the field of state medicine. Unlike other categories of the population, the military retired will receive the right of free maintenance in any clinic, regardless of the place of registration or residence.

In addition, military pensioners receive the following benefits:

  • free issuance of drugs on the instructions of the attending physician;
  • obtaining medical devices and tools;
  • service in specialized clinics for military personnel;
  • free dentistry.

One of the most sought-after benefits in the field of medical care is the possibility of obtaining sanatorium-resort treatment at the expense of the state. Monetary compensation for these purposes is issued once a year. You can get it after passing a medical school. At the same time, the budget also pays to travel to the place of recreation and expenses for the support of the pensioner (if available and necessity). Monetary compensation in most cases is 100% of the cost of the voucher, however, it may be smaller.

Benefits Wives and families of the Military retired

Spouses of the Military retired can count on benefits designed to compensate for the traveling nature of the service. So, the wives of pensioners receive an employment experience during the time they could not get a job, being in military towns.

The calculation of the work experience is limited to three periods:

  1. until 1992 - the entire service life is taken into account;
  2. 1992-2014 - Included those years in which the wife could not find a job due to her husband's service;
  3. from 2015 - no more than 5 years of additional employment experience.

Wovers, widows and children of military pensioners have the right to benefits in the field of payment of utilities, taxation, education and medicine. To do this, when applying for certain services or discounts, a document confirming the relationship with a military pensioner, as well as a common recruitment, should be applied.

Benefits Military retired in Moscow

Many benefits for military pensioners are governed by local authorities and vary depending on the region. In Moscow and the Moscow region, in addition to the standard benefits, the military retired is provided:

  • material aid;
  • participation in social programs;
  • benefits on the payment of transport tax;
  • compensation for telephone communication and radio;
  • discounts on the payment of land;
  • free medical care and surveillance at home for health;
  • rest in sanatoriums;
  • discounts for dental services.

Benefits for rent in Moscow

Benefits for military pensioners of the capital in the field of housing is regulated. It sets 50% discount on the following payments:

  • the rent calculated in the size of the housing occupied;
  • payment for housing and communal services (light, heating, water and gas supply).

You can get a discount both at the place of providing these services and through the Pension Fund or social assistance branch.

Public transport

Public transportation costs occupy a significant part of the budget from the residents of the capital. The preferential categories of the population can receive discounts on the passage.

Military pensioners have the right to free use by any public transport:

  • metro;
  • buses;
  • electric trains;
  • trams and trolleybuses.

To get free of charge on transport, you need to make a military pensioner certificate at the checkout when buying tickets or control.

The state provides military support both during the service life and at its end. Pensioners retired additional payments and benefits, designed to compensate for the increased danger and traveling nature of their work. Knowing all the benefits in its region, they can save on daily costs and services in the field of housing and communal services, medicine, education.

Get compensation and benefit

Former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, having a service for more than 20 years, are entitled to: - providing medical care in medical institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; - benefits for paying treatment in sanatoriums and recreation homes system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; - Annual monetary compensation for rest in the amount established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The benefits are relying officers dismissed from service with the "military" experience in a preferential calculation of 20 years and more years (with the experience of 25 calendar years and more medical benefits are given independently of the foundations of dismissal), as well as ensigns and Michmans, dismissed during the experience of 20 and more calendar years.

  • disabled children;

28-42 of the law.

The following order works:

  • period from 1992 to 2014

RF from 12.02.1993 N 4468-1. Depending on the resulting group and circumstances (injury or disease), they range from 30 to 85% of the monetary content of the employees (Art. 43).

Benefits of military retirees on sanatorium resort treatment in 2018

Benefits for military pensioners who are disabled, provide for a premium in the form of a 100% minimal social pension when achieving women and men 55 and 60 years, respectively.

It is unlikely that someone will argue that the military is a completely special category of citizens. Singing system in the system. On the one hand, subordinate to its own hierarchy, its laws and rules. And at the same time, absolutely dependent on the decisions of state authorities.

I solved the government to delay the indexation of monetary content - please. The military indexing is waiting for two years. Probably, therefore, the military and "state employees" more often than other Russians turn to legislation and carefully monitor changes in it. About what benefits to the servicemen will be available in 2015 this article.

By contract

Actually, the servicemen are different: the recruits on the urgent compulsory service, dismissed into stock, military pensioners and directly those who made the service in the armed forces of their profession. Most of the rights and benefits of military personnel are determined by the Federal Law No. 76 of 27.05.98, the amendments to which are not less than two times a year. The latest dated April 20, 2015.

Here are the benefits of servicemen on a contract in line with the designated law:

  • monetary compensation instead of an additional day of rest for the service at extra-hour time, for example, in the preparation of any internal organizational measures (paragraph 3 of Art. 11 of the Law);
  • the right to add 5 days to leave for each next five years of service, starting with 10 years of service, and the undergoing service in the extreme north - additional 15 days of leave regardless of the length of the experience (paragraph 5 of Art. 11);
  • the right to get a semiconductor of a housing subsidy or residential premises in the presence of such a need and timely registration in the queue of needing (clause 1 of Article 15 of the Law);
  • in the event of a reduction in states or deterioration of health status, a soldier in line at housing and served for more than 10 years, without consent and without the simultaneous provision of residential premises cannot be dismissed from service (clause 1 of article 23);
  • the right to receive and live in the service residential premises during the entire service life (clause 1 of Article 15);
  • consideration and receive medical care in public health care facilities for free (paragraph 2 of Article 16);
  • free to study in civil universities and suns in the presence of military service experience at least 3 years;
  • the right to unpaid travel by all types of transport, except for private commercial, during travel time, rehabilitation and treatment (clause 1 of Article 20), and servants-Northerners can travel on vacation and back (paragraph 1.1 of Art. 20);
  • when moving to the new place of service, the military is provided a railway container for things and property with filler 20 tons. (paragraph 1.2 of Art. 21);
  • receive compensation for the use of personal vehicle in service (p.

    Is compensation for resort sanatorium treatment by the military at the end of the year

  • the right to compensation for moral and other harm in unlawful dismissal from the service (paragraph 2 of article 22);
  • the output allowance in the amount of 2 salaries at the dismissal of the military, who served less than 20 years, and in the amount of up to 7 salaries when the military, who served 20 years and more.

By call

Despite the fact that the obligatory service life in the army (that is, on the call) is only 1 year, conscripts, like other servicemen, have a number of benefits due to their position, namely:

  • the service experience is counted by a citizen in proportion 2 to 1, that is, 2 days of experience for each day of service (paragraph 3 of Article 10 of the Law);
  • during the passage of the service is provided with free medicines and receive free medical care in the departmental medical institutions, as well as for free are sent to therapeutic institutions and sanatoriums in the presence of testimony of the Special Commission, while they pay monetary compensation in the amount of 400 rubles. (paragraph 6 of Article 16);
  • conscripts have the right to recover at studies at the university and the SuzE, with which they were called to the service (claim 5 of Article 19), and having a higher education without a queue are credited to advanced training courses and additional education programs;
  • free travel by all types of transport when repaid from the service, as well as during the passage to the place of additional leave or treatment (clause 1 of Article 20);
  • obtaining and sending parcels with personal belongings at the expense of federal funds (paragraph 8 of Art. 20).

In stock and retired

Servicemen, dismissed margin due to state reduction or when achieving the maximum age service, retain such rights and benefits as:

  • the right to receive housing at the expense of federal funds at a service duration of at least 10 years (paragraph 2.1 of article 15 of the Law);
  • the right to consist in taking into account and be treated in departmental medical institutions even after dismissal (clause 5 of Article 16);
  • free travel to the place of residence during dismissal and the right to transport personal belongings of the railway container weighing up to 20 tons. (Article 20).

Former servicemen, dismissed in connection with the achievement of the necessary driving services, and retired, in addition to the privileges listed above, benefits were made when buying trips to sanatoriums and resorts, as well as free travel once a year to the place of treatment with any transport for themselves and one accompanying.

Rights of relatives

Special benefits according to the law are put on family members of the military personnel. For example, the military spouse, if it cannot be employed at the place of service by the spouse, has the right to count on the period of such living, but not more than 5 years a total. Close relatives of the military living with him are involved in determining the regulatory size of the provided residential premises.

They remain the right to receive medical care in the same medical institutions in which the serviceman is registered. And the children of the military without a queue are accepted into kindergartens and schools at the Father's site.

Parents, wives and children of the dead servicemen have the right to live in official residential premises, receive compensation for utility payments, the guarantees for medical and sanatorium-resort service and travel benefits are preserved.

To whom the sanatorium resort treatment of military pensioners

In the case of treatment of the diseases of the disease or the consequences of the spinal cord injuries, the period of such sanatorium-resort treatment on a ticket can be increased to days, in accordance with the conclusion of a military-medical commission. Benefits for a military sanatorium for civilian personnel of the person who are civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have the right to receive vouchers to military sanatoriums on conditions that are determined by the agreements between the Federation of Workers' Trade Unions and employees of the Russian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation concluded in the prescribed manner for each specific case. Depending on the conditions of these agreements, privileges are determined by a military sanatorium for such persons and the conditions for payment of vouchers. At the same time, special marks are affixed on the trips for people of civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Get compensation and benefit

Former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, having a service for more than 20 years, are entitled to: - providing medical care in medical institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; - benefits for paying treatment in sanatoriums and recreation homes system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; - Annual monetary compensation for rest in the amount established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Compensation for unused sanitation pensioners

The benefits are relying officers dismissed from service with the "military" experience in a preferential calculation of 20 years and more years (with the experience of 25 calendar years and more medical benefits are given independently of the foundations of dismissal), as well as ensigns and Michmans, dismissed during the experience of 20 and more calendar years.

Compensation of sanatorium-resort treatment by military pensioners in 2017

Family members of servicemen have the right to medical care in institutions of state or municipal health systems and are subject to compulsory health insurance on general reasons with other citizens. In addition, family members of the officers are entitled to receive medical care in military medical institutions in the manner prescribed by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Members of the officer family members include: - spouse / spouse; - juvenile children; - children over 18 years old who have become disabled until they reach the age of 18; - Children under 23 years old, studying in educational institutions for full-time learning. The direction of military personnel and their families for treatment outside the Russian Federation is carried out on the general basis with other citizens in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Benefits for military pensioners and their families

These marks are made by the main military medical department of the MO or medical service of the type of aircraft, the military district, the fleet, the kind of troops of the Sun, railway troops, the Ministry of Defense for the direction of civilian personnel in the subordinate sanatoriums and holiday homes on preferential terms. If the persons who are civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are aimed at the sanatorium on the conclusion of the hospital military-medical commission to continue hospital treatment, they receive free vouchers.

Medical support for military personnel and military retirees in 2018.

As in other cases, the surcharge system provides. Their receipt is entitled:

  • disabled children;
  • a child who has lost both parents.

The rules for establishing pensions for family members of the military personnel are set out in Art.
28-42 of the law.

There are a number of advantages regarding government aid for wives of employees. In situations where they could not work in connection with the lack of part of the respective vacancies at the location of the dislocation, this time is counted in their insurance experience.

The following order works:

  • the period until 1992 is taken into account entirely;
  • period from 1992 to 2014

Also, the effect of this benefit is applied to persons who are dependent on military pensioners and living together in military medical institutions in the manner prescribed by the Government of the Russian Federation. It is also provided for providing sanatorium to resort treatment and organized rest in sanatoriums, holiday homes, boarding houses, children's health camps, on the campgrounds of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Military pensioners pay 25 percent, and their family members are 50 percent of the cost of a ticket, with the exception of cases, in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, other terms of payment are identified.

To whom the sanatorium resort treatment of military pensioners

Comment: Military pensioners with a service life of less than 20 years on a preferential calculation and with an employment experience of less than 25 years have the right to acquire vouchers completely at its own expense. Answers to common questions about the benefits of military retirees on sanatorium to resort treatment Question # 1: Can a relative of a military pensioner who does not live with him, claim to pay 50% of the cost of a voucher to a sanatorium-resort institution? Answer: No, the joint accommodation is a prerequisite for granting a subsidy for sanatorium-resort treatment.

Question number 2: Can a relative of a military pensioner, who is not a dependent, apply for 50% payment of a ticket to a sanatorium? Answer: No. References of benefits can only be dependents living together with a military pensioner.

Who is the sanatorium-resort treatment of military pensioners

The following foundations exist at the attention of this:

  • obtaining injuries or disease during location in the ranks of the power structure;
  • offensive disability within 3 months after dismissal;
  • if the disability is associated with injuries or diseases obtained during the service, regardless of the date of its establishment.

Sailing years does not affect the final amount of benefits. Payments in favor of military retirees for disability are established in Art.

RF from 12.02.1993 N 4468-1. Depending on the resulting group and circumstances (injury or disease), they range from 30 to 85% of the monetary content of the employees (Art. 43). Benefits for military pensioners who are disabled, provide for a premium in the form of a 100% minimal social pension when achieving women and men 55 and 60 years, respectively.

If it is necessary to relevant treatment, on the conclusion of the medical commission or to continue the hospital treatment, such military personnel are eligible for a free triumph of a sanatorium. Moreover, not only officers, but also ensigns, cadets, sergeants and ordinary, undergoing contract service.

In other cases, servicemen of the ordinary composition serve under the contract from January 1, 2004, as well as the cadets of military schools pay 100% of the cost of vouchers to a military sanatorium, but are eligible for such vouchers. For free of charge to relax in military health resorts and representatives of dangerous delivery of troops Pilots, paratroopers, rackets, submariners - after performing combat tasks, as well as participants in the fighting in hot spots. The duration of treatment in sanatorium-resort and wellness institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for servicemen on the trips is up to 24 days.
The Russian Federation "Pensions are recalculated from 01/01/2012 by pensioners dismissed from the criminal executive system, tax police, the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Feldgerer service, the Federal Migration Service. The law also preserves the right of pensioners for reimbursement of expenses to pay for the direction of the Sanatorium and recruitment institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Such right has employees dismissed from service in the internal affairs bodies, having a service experience of 20 years and more (including in conclusion), and one of the family member jointly with him, as well as dismissed from service in the internal affairs bodies and disabled due to injury or other damage to the health obtained in connection with the performance of official duties, or due to the disease obtained during the period of service in the internal affairs bodies.

The "Military Pensioner" section will help to understand all the questions of pension provision for pensioners and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to find out all the news and changes.

Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSIN, MES, FSKN, FCS

On the pension provision of persons held military service, service in the internal affairs bodies, and their families

Law "On Social Guarantees by the staff of the ATS of the Russian Federation and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation"

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the establishment of salary of the monthly monetary content of the staff of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation"

Types of pensions of employees of the Department of Internal Affairs

How to make a pension

Dumping a pension for dependents


Compensation to rest

Payments due to death

Reimbursement for the installation of the monument

Return compensation to the site of sanatorium-resort treatment

Land tax compensation

Social surcharge to the level of subsistence minimum pensioner in the subject of the Russian Federation

Medical service

Payment and delivery of pensions

On the cancellation of benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, receiving a retirement

The Pension Service Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs informs

Calculation of pensions of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, FSKN, FCS

Calculation of pensions of employees of the FSIN

Sanatoriums of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

On the weekend personnel of the Department of Internal Affairs

Changes in terms of rapid years, appointment and payment of pensions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The procedure for calculating the pension to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The procedure for providing sanatorium-resort service

Expenses for the manufacture and installation of monument to pensioners of power departments

Pensioners MO

Federal Law "On the monetary content of military personnel and the provision of individual payments"

On the change in individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law "On the monetary content of military personnel"

New law of MO "On monetary content and individual payments to military personnel"

Monetary content and individual social guarantees of military personnel and police officers from 2012

Civil or military pension that is better

Fitting part of the labor pension for old-age servicemen

Payment of military pensions in the CIS

The GD Committee on Defense responded to questions of military pensioners

On the establishment of salary of the monetary content of military personnel undergoing military service under the contract

Rest at your own expense

About new pensions

Benefits of servicemen C 2012

Increased retirement age for citizens rolling on the army

Second pension for military pensioners

About the monthly supplement to pensions to certain categories of pensioners

Indexation and recalculation of pensions of military pensioners

2011 - 2012

Recalculation of pensions

Increased monetary content and pensions in 2011

About recalculation of pensions in January 2012

Social guarantees of ATS staff since 2012

Monetary content of the employees of the ATS since 2012

Monetary content of military personnel since 2012

What awaits military pensioners in 2012?

On the payment of pensions of military pensioners for January 2012

2013 - 2014

Military pensions in 2013 index twice

Indexing is canceled

Indexation of military pensions

Will the indexation of military pensions in 2013

Raising pension to disabled due to military injury

Indexation of military pensions.

The game is not according to the rules

Recalculation of pensions of military pensioners in 2014

2015 - 2016

Military pensions from 2015 "freeze"?

Improving monetary content and military pensions in 2015

Officers are not indexed

Indexation for question

Military pensions will grow by 7.5 percent

Poster from October

Raising military pensions and monetary content in 2016

Fighting for the indexation of military pensions in 2016

The authorities for three years will refuse indexing pensions of the military

2017 - 2018

Indexing pensions of the military in 2017

The Ministry of Defense refused to increase complaints by the military

Indexation of military pensions in 2018

A lowering ratio of 0.54% for military pensioners

Coefficient 0.54.

All you wanted to know about 54 percent

Calculus of a military pension without a yield of 0.54

0.54 - Fool coefficient

Cancellation of the lowering coefficient of 0.54 when calculating pensions of employees of power structures

On changes in pension funds from January 1, 2012

Adopted a bill on new salaries and pensions in the MIA system

Conversation with the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation R.

Compensation sanatorium resort treatment retirees


Policemen raised retirement promises

The State Duma approved in the second reading a bill on social institutions to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Conclusion of the GD Committee on Safety on the draft Law on Social Guarantees to the Ministry of Internal Affairs

In the Ministry of Internal Affairs sled

Civilian personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs raised wages

Ministry of Finance does not want to raise salaries

Viktor Zavarzin commented on the draft law on monetary content of military personnel

Appeal to the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

Hospitals, lips do not roll

Future new military pension

Passion around a military pension

Deputies discussed the law on monetable content

The Constitutional Court defended military pensioners

Monetary displeasure

Enhancement of monetary content - again discontent

A decent pension of the military promise after a quarter of a century

The State Duma took in the first reading the bill "On the monetary content of the servicemen"

The first reading of the law on monetary content of military personnel

To the veterans of the army and fleet, pensioners of the Ministry of Defense and their family members

Military pensioners are dissatisfied with the law on monetary content

Shameless Military Pension Novations

Raissed officers decided to "export"

Money allowance. Smoothly only on paper ...

President of the Russian Federation signed a law violating the International Treaty

The Kremlin underestimated military pensioners

Movenances - whether they are equal before the law

New pensions of Silovikov

Retired military found mistakes in pension calculations

Military pensions: what will happen tomorrow

War pensioners 2012-2013

Monetary content and pension of military personnel. Results of 2012.

On the infringement of the rights of military personnel, military pensioners and their families

Letter to Front

Serve fool - get icon ...

Retributions a little naughty

Pension discrimination

Appeal to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation of Military Pensioners MO and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Military vellenged to stay

Important: To the Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs now equal to those who have served in:

  • feldoteger units;
  • criminal executive system;
  • tax Police.

Saving families of the died officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Widow and Dependents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs receive guarantees from the state. In particular, the amounts of compensation are saved for payment for utility services in the same sizes that they were previously provided.

Material assistance to military pensioners

Inforation is made whether the financial assistance of the Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of May 27, 2005 is compensation and manual Table of contents:

  • Benefits of widows of pensioners servicemen in 2018
  • Forum of legal mutual assistance of military personnel
  • Help military pensioners
  • What benefits and payments are put on military pensioners and wars veterans
  • Is the financial assistance of pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Benefits widows of pensioners' servicemen in 2018 Since the military is assumed to be allowed for the experience, salary and for the position, and for the title, his pension will probably be higher.

After conducting miscalculations, the widow chooses its option for accrual. If the experience of the military mixed, he must have a minimum of 12.5 years of military and twice as much - to achieve 45 years.

Payment of material assistance to military pensioners

Let's figure it out that they can count on both in 2018. Legislative base The main benefits for military pensioners are laid in the federal law "On the status of military personnel."

They are divided into several large groups. The part is provided at the expense of the federal budget, the rest relate to the competence of the regions. Consequently, some preferences may vary in different subjects of the Federation.


However, such differences are minimal. Rather, some regions provide beneficiaries with additional guarantees due to the relevant budget. For example, in the capital, military pensioners and their widows have been established for the main payment.

Benefits and privileges of military pensioners in 2018

They are required to provide a different convenient room for accommodation.

  • In addition, these persons persist preferences of the military associated with the improvement of housing conditions.
  • Widow have the right to apply for the repair of the house in which they lived together with the dead husband.
  • These citizens provide housing first priority, if the breadwinner did not have time to get it in accordance with the current regulatory acts.
  • IMPORTANT: The described types of state support of the widow can only receive before re-marriage. Compensation payments to widows after losing the breadwinner, all those benefits that they used in his life are preserved for the families of the victims.

Cancellation of state duty when submitting lawsuits.

Benefits of military retirees in 2018 - a list of laid material assistance and subsidy size

4. Transport tax benefits (in some regions).

Cancel income tax on:

  • pensions;
  • gifts obtained up to 10 thousand rubles.
  • received insurance and accumulation payments;
  • compensation.

Specifically, the laid tax privileges should be recognized at the place of residence. Automatically benefits are not provided. It is necessary to contact the tax inspection personally to a citizen or with the help of a trustee.

The manuals servicemen who do not have pensions in this category of former military also have their own preferences. They are not as wide as pensioners, and depend on the experience.

(Stansun V.N.) ("For the rights of servicemen", 2006) Text of the document

About medical support of citizens dismissed from military service

V. N. Stansun

Startsun V.N., Lecturer of the Department of Military Law of the Military University, Candidate of Law, Lieutenant Colonel of Justice.

All military reforms of recent years were accompanied by a phased reduction in the number of army. Apparently, the further transformation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will not be an exception. As part of the development of the military component of the country until 2015 and the new construction plan for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for the period 2006-2010. It is assumed to reduce the number of troops for 500 thousand people in the next 5 years.<*>. For this reason, former military personnel form today in the population of the country a special, significant socio-legal group. The formation of this socio-legal group is due primarily to the specifics of the legal status of citizens dismissed from military service. The basis of the legal status of former military is constituted by the guarantee of their social protection provided for by the current legislation. -----------<*> Bog's O. Credit Program // Moscow Komsomolets. 2005. March 14.

In art. 3 of the Federal Law "On the status of military personnel" Social protection of military personnel, citizens dismissed from military service and their families are defined as a state function that provides for the implementation of their rights, social guarantees and compensation by state authorities, military management bodies and local government bodies. Social protection of military personnel, citizens dismissed from military service, and their families are recognized as a complex multifaceted phenomenon, which combines social, political, economic and legal aspects in unity. The complexity and multidimensionality of the concept of social protection predetermine the diversity of its species and forms. However, the circumstance is indisputable that the system-forming element of social protection of military personnel and citizens dismissed from military service is their social security. Social security system of military personnel, citizens dismissed from military service, and members of their families, being an element (part) of the overestimate system of higher order - the social protection of these categories of citizens, is the form of distribution of material benefits to meet the vital personal needs of members of society In a difficult life situation, in order to protect their health and reproduction of labor. The basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of citizens' health, disclose the concept of health protection as a set of all measures aimed at preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of a person, maintaining its long-term and active life, providing him with medical care in the event of health loss. Unfortunately, according to the annual monitoring of the socio-economic and legal status of military personnel, citizens dismissed from military service, and their families (hereinafter referred to as the text - monitoring)<*>, 12.6% of citizens dismissed from military service rated their health as bad or as very bad. The number of military retirees of the elderly and senile age, in need of a long and expensive specialized treatment, is growing. Not only the consequences of intense, but sometimes extreme conditions of military service, but also a low level of quality of life after dismissal of the reserve (resignation) affect the health of the former personnel soldiers. Based on a number of statements of monitoring respondents, if they remain without medicinal support and opportunities of hospital treatment, it will cause acute social tensions among the indicated contingent. -----------<*> Conducted in accordance with the requirements of Art. 29 of the Federal Law "On the status of military personnel" and paragraph 2 of the Government Decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 27, 1999 N 232 by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation together with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and other federal executive bodies, in which the legislation provides for military service .

Thus, medical support is one of the main types of social welfare, especially in demand in the medium of citizens dismissed from military service. Social guarantees in the field of medical support of military personnel and citizens dismissed from military service are provided for by federal legislation on the protection of the health of the citizens of the Russian Federation, the provision of medical and medicinal care. All citizens of the Russian Federation guarantee the right to protect health in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, generally accepted principles and international norms and international treaties of Russia. One of the guarantees of this right is to provide the population of accessible medical and social assistance. In relation to certain categories of citizens dismissed from military service, and their families, the peculiarities of medical support are governed by existing military-social legislation. The federal law "On the status of military personnel" belongs to the relevant laws<*>, specifying the rights of citizens dismissed from military service, and members of their families for medical support and sanatorium-resort treatment. It should be borne in mind that the right to medical support of this category of citizens The law on the status of military personnel directly connects with the length of service and the foundations of dismissal from military service. -----------<*> Next - the law on the status of servicemen.

So, in accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. The 16 law on the status of military personnel of law and social guarantees in the field of health and medical care defined by the law applies to the following categories of citizens dismissed from military service: - on officers dismissed from military service upon reaching the maximum age at military service, health condition or in connection with organizational and staff activities, the total duration of military service of which in a preferential calculation is 20 years and more; - on officers, the total duration of military service of which is 25 years and more - regardless of the foundation of the dismissal; - On ensigns and Michmanov, dismissed from military service to achieve their limit age at military service, health state or in connection with organizational and staff activities, the total duration of military service of which is 20 years and more. In accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. The 16 law on the status of military personnel on these categories of citizens dismissed from military service is subject to social guarantees for health protection and medical care defined in paragraph 2 - 4 Article. 16 of the named law for existing servicemen. The main ones are: - the right to free medical care, including the manufacture and repair of dentures (with the exception of prostheses of precious metals and other expensive materials), free provision of drugs, medical products for medical prescriptions in medical, military medical divisions, parts and institutions of the federal executive bodies, in which the Federal Law provides for military service (military medical institutions). In the absence of military medical institutions or the relevant departments in them, at the place of military service or the relevant departments in them, or special medical equipment, as well as in urgent cases, medical care is provided in institutions of state or municipal health systems (clause 2 of article 16); - the right to provide sanatorium-resort treatment and organized rest in sanatoriums, holiday homes, boarding houses, children's health camps, at the tourist bases of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (p.

4 tbsp. sixteen). These benefits are provided to citizens dismissed from military service, on the basis of marks and stamps made in pension certificates (Directive of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of May 12, 1993 N D-48). The law on the status of military personnel (clause 5 of Article 16) also determined that citizens dismissed from military service to achieve the limit age at military service, a state of health or in connection with organizational and staff activities - war participants have a preferential right to Obtaining medical care and sanatorium-resort treatment. Citizens dismissed from military service are entitled to medical care in institutions of state or municipal health systems and are subject to compulsory health insurance in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. Citizens dismissed from military service due to injury (injury, injuries, contusion) or diseases obtained by them in the performance of military service responsibilities, family members of military personnel under the contract, as well as citizens dismissed from military service due to individual diseases obtained in The period of military service can be accepted for examination and treatment at military medical institutions in the manner determined by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (another federal executive body in which the Federal Law provides for military service), without prejudice to citizens who enjoy the right to receive medical assistance, in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. More complicated in the law on the status of military personnel, the issue of social guarantees for medical support for families of former servicemen are settled. So, in paragraph 5 of Art. 16 of the named law contains a direct indication that members of the officers' families, the total duration of military service of which amounts to 25 years or more, have a full amount of rights and social guarantees in the named sphere, which are defined in paragraph 2 - 4 Article. 16 of the mentioned law. However, in paragraph 3 of Art. 16 of the law on the status of servicemen separately enshrines the right of family members<*> officers (without guidelines) for medical care in military medical institutions in the manner prescribed by the Government of the Russian Federation. According to the meaning of the combination of paragraph 3 and paragraph 5 of Art. The 16 law on the status of servicemen can be stated that members of the families of officers dismissed from military service on "preferential" grounds for medical care in military medical institutions, which is 20 years old and more. -----------<*> In accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 16 of the law on the status of military personnel to family members of the officers include spouse, minor children, children over 18, who have been disabled until they reach the age of 18, children under 23 years old, students in educational institutions for full-time education, as well as persons who are on their dependence and living together with officers.

According to the Main Military Medical Administration of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, 6.241 million people today have the right to medical support in military medical institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation today, including: 0.912 million military pensioners (14.6%) and 2,653 million . Members of their families (42.5%). The activities of military medical institutions were regulated by the Guidelines for Medical Support for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for peacetime, approved by order of the head of the rear of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of January 15, 2001 N 1. Rules for the provision of medical assistance to military personnel, citizens dismissed From military service, and their families were approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2004 N 911. These rules identified that persons from among the former military personnel and their families having in accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. 16 of the law on the status of military personnel right to medical support in a manner-mentioned law, medical care in military medical institutions is provided at the expense of funds allocated from the federal budget with relevant federal executive bodies for these purposes. Attaching the former military personnel and members of their families to medical care to military medical institutions is carried out according to the territorial principle on the basis of documents confirming their status (certificates of pension bodies, military commissariants on belonging to the officer's family for dependent persons, as well as a document confirming the document confirming Cohabitation). The direction of members of the officers' families on the planned treatment in the nearest to their place of residence stationary military medical institutions is carried out by outpatiently polyclinical institutions of the relevant federal executive authorities. The direction for treatment in military medical institutions that provide specialized and high-tech (expensive) medical care is carried out by medical institutions of federal executive bodies in coordination with the territorial bodies of federal executive authorities. The direction of family members of the former servicemen for treatment for medical institutions of other federal executive bodies is carried out in coordination with the federal executive bodies, which are subject to these medical institutions, subject to the work of these institutions in the system of compulsory medical insurance. Commandments for the provision of medical assistance to military personnel between military medical institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and other federal executive bodies, in which the Federal Law provides for military service, are carried out in the manner determined by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 26, 1994 N 1093. To Measures Social support for the former military personnel - participants in the Great Patriotic War, war veterans and their families in the event of their death (death), as well as other federal law "on veterans" of citizens' categories of citizens: the maintenance of services in clinics and other medical facilities to which these persons were attached during the work period before retirement, and for family members - during the lifetime of the deceased (deceased), as well as the extraordinary provision of medical care for state guarantees programs to provide citizens of free medical care in federal Health's health care (including in hospitals of wars veterans) in the manner prescribed by the Government of the Russian Federation. The rules of extraordinary assistance to these categories of citizens approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2004 N 646, provide for medical assistance to these categories of citizens in federal health care institutions regardless of their departmental affiliation in the presence of medical testimony. Their direction for the extraordinary acquisition of medical care is carried out by therapeutic and prophylactic institution at the place of residence. According to monitoring data, the relatively significant proportion of the family budget of citizens dismissed from military service is spent on the treatment and purchase of drugs (up to 9%). The current legislation provides for the guarantees of the drug provision of the specified category of citizens. Medicinal products and medical products are released by members of the families of citizens dismissed from military service, with an outpatient treatment pharmacies of military medical institutions located in garrisons, in the absence of pharmacy institutions of the state or municipal health system for a fee for retail prices, except in cases When, in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the fee is not charged. Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ, which made fundamental changes to many laws whose norms regulated public relations to provide certain categories of free medicinal care citizens, proceeded from the fact that this type of social security is nothing more than a benefit which should be replaced by cash compensation. This law has been made to such laws as "about veterans", "On the social protection of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation", "On the basics of social services in the Russian Federation", "On State Social Assistance" and in some other laws on social security of citizens . The essence of the changes made to these laws is to replace such "natural species" of social security included in the set of social services, as additional free medical care, drug assistance, free travel to the place of treatment and back, etc., monthly monetary compensation. Citizens who have the right to receive state social assistance in the form of a collection of social services, which includes free medicinal assistance, in accordance with Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ, in particular, the following categories of former servicemen: disabled and participants of the Great Patriotic War; Veterans of hostilities from among those specified in the sub.

Benefits of a military pensioner on sanatorium treatment

1 - 4 p. 1 Art. 3 of the Federal Law "On Veterans"; servicemen who have become disabled due to injury, contusion received during the passage of the service; Family members of the dead (dead) disabled people, war participants and fighting. A single regulatory legal act, which enshrines the circle of persons who are guaranteed free medicinal assistance, does not exist in domestic legislation. The right to such assistance is provided for by various acts. Describing the content and effectiveness of modern state policy in the field of medical support of citizens dismissed from military service, a number of problems requiring operational permit can be distinguished. According to the monitoring data, the available network of military medical institutions is able to really provide in full only operating servicemen. Part of the beds in recent years is highlighted for servicing "commercial" patients. The possibilities for the provision of medical assistance to the retirees of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, other "power" structures of the state and members of their families are limited (according to official data, medical assistance can be provided with only 30% of needy military pensioners and 10% - 15% of the number of people in need members of military personnel and persons dismissed in stock). According to many respondents, for many years and conscientious service in the Armed Forces, other troops associated with large physical and psychological loads, risk for life and health, complex climatic and socio-living conditions for the lives of their families, officers, ensigns (Michmans) of stock And retired deserved from the state they defended, greater care. But it is precisely the implementation of additional rights and guarantees of former active defenders of the Fatherland most often acts as an object of restrictions. The practice shows that, despite the state guaranteed, the legal status of this category of citizens, their rights are constantly violated. The main reason for such cases is the insufficiency of financing individual articles of the law on the status of servicemen, which is why numerous subtitles are issued in the field, infringement of the rights of soldiers of the reserve (retired). As a rule, the recovery of justice occurs in court, but not all military service veterans are ready to achieve this in this way. In conclusion, I would like to note that citizens dismissed from military service, with anxiety respond to the low availability of medical support in military medical institutions. This requires constant attention of both the relevant authorities of military management and their officials and from military legal science in order to improve the legal framework for medical provision of former military personnel and members of their families.


Document's name

Important: To the Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs now equal to those who have served in:

  • feldoteger units;
  • criminal executive system;
  • tax Police.

Saving families of the died officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Widow and Dependents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs receive guarantees from the state. In particular, the amounts of compensation are saved for payment for utility services in the same sizes that they were previously provided.

Material assistance to military pensioners

Whether the financial assistance of the Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of May 27, 2005 will receive compensation and manual Table of contents:

  • Benefits of widows of pensioners servicemen in 2018
  • Forum of legal mutual assistance of military personnel
  • Help military pensioners
  • What benefits and payments are put on military pensioners and wars veterans
  • Is the financial assistance of pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Benefits widows of pensioners' servicemen in 2018 Since the military is assumed to be allowed for the experience, salary and for the position, and for the title, his pension will probably be higher.

After conducting miscalculations, the widow chooses its option for accrual. If the experience of the military mixed, he must have a minimum of 12.5 years of military and twice as much - to achieve 45 years.

Payment of material assistance to military pensioners

Let's figure it out that they can count on both in 2018. Legislative base The main benefits for military pensioners are laid in the federal law "On the status of military personnel."

They are divided into several large groups. The part is provided at the expense of the federal budget, the rest relate to the competence of the regions. Consequently, some preferences may vary in different subjects of the Federation.


However, such differences are minimal. Rather, some regions provide beneficiaries with additional guarantees due to the relevant budget. For example, in the capital, military pensioners and their widows have been established for the main payment.

They depend on the category of the recipient.

Benefits and privileges of military pensioners in 2018

They are required to provide a different convenient room for accommodation.

  • In addition, these persons persist preferences of the military associated with the improvement of housing conditions.
  • Widow have the right to apply for the repair of the house in which they lived together with the dead husband.
  • These citizens provide housing first priority, if the breadwinner did not have time to get it in accordance with the current regulatory acts.
  • IMPORTANT: The described types of state support of the widow can only receive before re-marriage. Compensation payments to widows after losing the breadwinner, all those benefits that they used in his life are preserved for the families of the victims.

Cancellation of state duty when submitting lawsuits. 4. Transport tax benefits (in some regions).

Cancel income tax on:

  • pensions;
  • gifts obtained up to 10 thousand rubles.
  • received insurance and accumulation payments;
  • compensation.

Specifically, the laid tax privileges should be recognized at the place of residence. Automatically benefits are not provided. It is necessary to contact the tax inspection personally to a citizen or with the help of a trustee.

The manuals servicemen who do not have pensions in this category of former military also have their own preferences. They are not as wide as pensioners, and depend on the experience.

Since the military is assumed for the surcharge for the experience, salary and for the position, and the title, his pension will probably be higher. After performing miscalculations, the widow chooses its option for accrual.

If the experience of a military mixed it is necessary to have a minimum of 12.5 years of military and twice as much - in general until it reaches it for 45 years. If a citizen has discovered a deterioration in health or he fell under the reduction, it is subject to "violent" dismissal and payments are appointed social if the experience is insufficient. In addition, a woman can receive a benefit in the loss of the breadwinner.

Forum of legal mutual assistance of military personnel

Jaba wrote (a): For reference: I was fired, but not excluded from the lists, there is no order for the disposal - therefore I won. But I refused to me a QC! I sued him. I won, but he was not in a hurry to accomplish the decision, waited until the transfer of us to EERC, so he made the order draft and sent a team.
But the minister of a positive decision on the inclusion of me in order for the payment of MP did not accept (from the words of Yershshnikov) so there was not the order of the commander, but the commander presented a draft order to a higher personnel body, and those in the GUK.

So, faces, the period of passage, whose services on the day of dismissal is at least 20 years, have the right to receive a retirement for long service. on him personally and each family member; when granting the right to housing in the Widow VP, the area is calculated taking into account the deceased; for additional living space 15-25 sq.m.

may claim the VP: in the rank of colonel; in the post of commander HF; who is assigned a honorary title; Teacher of the military department of a civil university or a military educational institution; Researcher with a degree or scholars; The extension rate of the housing can increase if this is due to the constructive features of the real estate at the disposal of the authorities, but the excess should not be more than 9 square meters.

Types of pension Military: for long service; for disability.

In the event of the death of a military personnel / military pensioner, family members will receive a pension on the loss of the breadwinner. Payments to military pensioners and their families: Monthly payments: Pension; surcharge to labor pension; veterans of war, persons who received disability due to military injury and for special merits, additional funds are paid; lifelong monthly payments; Surcharge to state.

Help military pensioners

in the field of medical care (free medical care); Labor (priority employment), for relatives of military pensioners, compensation of land and property tax.

guaranteed employment, first priority to children of pensioners in all preschool and sanatorium institutions, discount when paying vouchers, benefit from paying utilities. Free movement around the city.

Hello. please tell me.

my sister, the wife of a military pensioner of the lieutenant colonel, is very sick with the diagnosis of brain ischemia.

it has the right to examine in the hospital in Moscow, for example, if we live in Saratov. or at. Stock officer, overall service 23 years old.

Today I received a new pension duty of the Russian sample. In the medical support in the departmental clinic of the FSB, I was denied, allegedly need 20 years of calendar service.

What benefits and payments are put on military pensioners and wars veterans

V. R. - According to the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1 for the accrual of pensions to persons dismissed from military service, salaries were taken into account by post, military or special rank (excluding increasing salary for the service in remote, highlighted localities and In other special conditions) and the percentage allowance for long service, including payments due to the indexation of monetary content.

Is the financial assistance of pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of May 27, 2005
"On approval of the instructions on the organization of work on pension provision in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation"
(with changes and additions) Appendix N 9 to the instructions on the organization of work on pension provision in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation The procedure for making the pension affairs on the front of the cover of the pension case is indicated by the issue of the case, the title, surname, name, the patronymic of the pensioner, and its Position before dismissal from service.