Muslim wives are required to do this for their husbands. Muslim wedding night

Published/updated: 2006-04-03 11:50:33. Views: 153916 |

After sexual intercourse, it is advisable for the husband and wife to immediately bathe, if there is no opportunity for this, then they need to at least perform ritual ablution (wudu). Eating, drinking and sleeping without it is extremely undesirable.

Abdullah bin Qays (may Allah be pleased with him) said that he asked Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her), the wife of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him): “How did the Prophet behave after marital intimacy, did he bathe before going to bed or after it? ". Aisha said, “He did this and that. Sometimes he would bathe before going to bed, or take a bath and sleep.” However, it should be noted that in the morning, after a night bath, bathing is still mandatory.

Desirable actions on the wedding night

    - put your hand on your wife's head and say: "Bismillahi (in the name of Allah)" and ask for His blessings in marriage.
    It is reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “When one of you marries, let him put his hand on the forehead of his wife and say “Bismillahi. Allahumma inni as'aluka min khairiha wa khairi ma jalabtah 'alaihi, wa 'auzu bika min sharriha wa sharri ma jalabtah 'alaihi. (In the name of Allah. O Allah, I ask You for the good of her (wife), good offspring, protection from her evil and from impious offspring.

    After that, it is advisable for the newlyweds to perform two rak'ahs of namaz-nafil and read after it the following dua: “Allahumma barik li fi ahli wa barik lahum fi, allahumma ijma' baynana ma jama'ta bihairin, wa farriq baynana from farrakta ila khayrin (O Allah, bless me in my life together with my wife, and her with me. O Allah, establish good between us, and if we are divorced, then divorce us in good.

    It is advisable to set the table with food and drinks on the second day of living together and call relatives, relatives, Islamic scholars.
    It is reported that when the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) got married, he was given a cup of milk, he drank from it, and then handed the cup to Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her), his wife, and she lowered her head in embarrassment.

    In order to overcome feelings of modesty, embarrassment of a girl, a young man should talk to her, joke, caress her when they are alone. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is reported to have said, “Don’t pounce on your wife like an animal, let there be a message between you.” “What is the message?” – they asked him. “Affectionate conversation and kisses,” answered the Prophet. In general, on the first night of their life together, it is desirable for the newlyweds only to get to know each other better and communicate, and to begin their married life the next night.

    Before marital relations, it is advisable for the husband to read the dua: “Bismillahi, Allahumma janibna shshaytana, wa jannib shshaytana ma razaktana (In the name of Allah. O Allah, they gave away the shaitan from us and from those with whom you give us)”. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever reads this dua before intimacy with his wife, as a result of which a boy or a girl is born, then the shaitan will never harm this child in the future.”

    All types of sexual intercourse are allowed in any position, provided that it happens in the vagina. The Qur'an says: "Your wives are a cornfield (field) for you, go to your cornfield when you want, and how you want." However, it is still desirable that it be decent and not too defiant.

    During repeated sexual intercourse, it is advisable for spouses to perform ritual ablution (wudu) or bathe (ghusl). The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “When you want to repeat sexual intercourse, perform ablution, for it increases sexual activity.”

Article Source: Huda Khattab, The Muslim Woman's Handbook


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A Muslim wedding, like all other weddings, is full of traditions that must not only be followed, but also observed. All guests at a Muslim wedding have a carefree rest, which cannot be said about the bride, because she has her first wedding night ahead with her husband. What are the newlyweds experiencing, and especially the newly-made wife? Let's try to consider and feel the sacrament of the wedding night among Muslims.

Of course, a man, having taken possession of his wife, wants to deprive her of her virginity. But, first, in order to liberate your now legal wife, you need to talk about something pleasant for her in order to try to relieve her stress.

Unbeknownst to her, start kissing and caressing the body. Try to do everything so that such actions are mutual and on the part of the spouse. Their joint excitement will become a strong foundation for future intimacy, as well as for procreation. Having received a lot of pleasant touches on her body from her husband, a Muslim woman also needs to express her feelings for him, and show that she also wants intimacy, because they have been waiting for this for so long.

When a man sees reciprocity, he needs to continue to act more confidently, because the wife must see that he really wants the same thing as her. In general, intimacy should not only be mutual, but they also need to help each other if something does not work out for one of the spouses.

Of course, intimacy may not happen on the first night after the celebration of marriage. But this is not a tragedy. This can happen because of the excitement that was during the wedding ceremony, as well as already during the "festive" foreplay. Such a ridiculous situation that has developed can always be corrected later. You can often see in films when the groom brings out the sheet, which shows the result of the fact that the bride was really a virgin. Such a tradition, fortunately, has already become obsolete, and more often it has become taboo.

First wedding night in Islam

Islamic nights are full of sacraments and temptations for both spouses. This is a special time that will be remembered for a lifetime by the newlyweds.
Firstly, this night will be remembered by the girl because she was out of the house for the first time, and will spend the rest of her life with her husband.
Since the wife is innocent, the husband should not forget about the special tenderness with which he should approach his chosen one.
But how is such an "innocent" night supposed to begin and take place? The so-called Islamic prayer is a successful beginning of the intimacy of young partners.

Beauty in clothes should be an essential attribute of such a foreplay. Newlyweds cover each other with sweet honey or juice, as well as all sorts of sweets. And then they ask Allah to give them the same sweet life, in which love prevails, as well as prosperity. Such a procedure described above relaxes partners before intimacy, and gives them special tenderness.

Some of the reasons why the first wedding night is postponed for another time is the presence of critical days for the spouse.
Well, if there are no such restrictions, the husband still needs to behave delicately and gently, also carefully during such a process, because the first night for a Muslim woman can be painful for her untouched body. You should not undress your wife yourself, because her constraint can affect future intimacy, in which she will not be able to fully liberate herself.

If she does something not the way he would like, you should not use rudeness here. The main rule for a man here is to give more on the first night, you will receive more in the future from your beloved. It is also necessary to ask for blessings from Allah himself. He must send them a strong union, in which there is a place for a large number of children, and universal love for everyone. To do this, the spouse touches the wife's forehead and asks for it. There should be a place for love games. Well, if they are confirmed by delicacy, in which the wife feels relaxed, such a mysterious night will be successful and truly consolidate their union.

Wedding night in the Caucasus

Muslim nights also exist in the Caucasus. Islam is the main religion there, which confirms both the external and internal beauty of a person. Of course, the Caucasian wedding nights are significantly different from the nights of Orthodox Christians. Although the meaning is the same - the virginity of a young wife. As a rule, before the wedding celebration, the young people absolutely do not know each other, although they could see each other by chance.

As noted earlier, the bride should be untouched by anyone. After the wedding, there is also a ceremony with sweets, in which the husband himself presents them to his wife. Consider how the newlyweds need to behave in order to successfully conduct the sacrament of such a night in the Caucasus.
The main thing here, as in other religions, is a man. Since the newlyweds see each other for the first time, there is a place for embarrassment. Therefore, it is better to get used to the partner first, and then conduct the ceremony of the first night. Although if everyone is liberated, there is no need to postpone such pleasure for later. Of course, outsiders are not welcome here. If there is a holy book of the Koran in the room, it must be wrapped or simply removed from the room. Neither children nor pets should be present at the sacred rite of the newlyweds. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, so the wedding night mostly happens in the way that is comfortable for the young themselves.

Tips on how not to screw up at a Muslim wedding

In addition to the fact that all guests at a Muslim wedding are divided into two halves, the first of which is men, and the second is women. Ethics comes first here. Morality here is understood as the unacceptable rapprochement of male and female guests.
Also, there is no place for excessive drinking here, as well as loud music with a drunken brawl. Of course, such a wedding will seem very boring to us, but it is a lot of fun, and you must definitely come to it, because by doing this you will show your respect for the young and their parents. Tips on what to give and read in a separate article.

The problem of women's fears associated with the onset of sexual activity has always existed, regardless of time, place and other related factors. However, if in some societies marriage to a virgin is considered almost a special favor of Fortune, then in others the beginning of sexual relations has always (with rare exceptions) been and remains associated with mandatory marriage.

One of these is the Arab society, in which young girls still experience fear of the beginning of the physiological side of married life. Therefore, it is not surprising that among the questions addressed by the fair sex to the famous Egyptian specialist in the field of marital relations, Hebe Kotb, one of the most common is the one that in one form or another concerns the problem of fear of the wedding night.

I'm getting married soon, writes one of the visitors to Heba Kotb's website. - However, the first wedding night seems to me something unknown and maybe even dangerous. I am afraid of sexual contact with a man and the pain that comes as a result of this. What and how should I do to satisfy my husband and myself?

First of all, I would like to note that your words that contact with a man brings pain are wrong, - says H. Kotb, doctor of sexology, a graduate of Maimonides University (USA). - You must understand that the relationship with your husband on your wedding night is nothing more than a wonderful romantic relationship, crowning a complex of warm feelings that arise between a man and a woman. This is the tip of the iceberg, in which there is a place for compassion, sympathy, affection, and, of course, love and desire. Sexual contact with a husband is by no means an obstacle for girls, as some believe. Of course, it will entail certain physiological changes in the genitals of the girl. However, this does not mean that the wedding night will bring her unbearable and acute pain.

According to the specialist, the cause of such fears is largely a phenomenon that she calls "fear of the body."

After the wedding night, - says Heba, - the girl cannot tell others about her successful experience. If she wants to do this, then her mother or other relatives forbid her from doing so. Therefore, in the minds of girls, contact with a husband on their wedding night seems to be some kind of obstacle that is difficult or even impossible to overcome. But, as I said, the truth is fundamentally different from these words.

From a physiological point of view, everything is also quite simple. It takes some time for muscle tissue to get used to processes that have not happened to it before. And I assure you, there is no problem in this.

Speaking about the method that will allow you to satisfy your husband, a sexologist from Egypt conditionally divides it into two types.

The first can be called spiritual, she notes. - He is represented in the fulfillment of the provisions of the Sunnah throughout married life. The second type is scientific. Its meaning lies in the skillful use of certain scientific techniques during the wedding night and life together in general. The most important components of this type are the absence or elimination of fear during the first contact with the husband and certain flirtations between the spouses, which guarantee the correct functioning of the genital organs during sexual contact and exclude the appearance of any painful sensations ...

Such questions, by their very presence, involuntarily suggest that they are a kind of indicator of the moral health of that society in which natural anxiety about the beginning of marital and sexual life arise inseparably from each other. Isn't this the key to solving many problems of Russian society, primarily the problem of demography?


The problem of women's fears associated with the onset of sexual activity has always existed, regardless of time, place and other related factors. However, if in some societies marriage to a virgin is considered almost a special favor of Fortune, then in others the beginning of sexual relations has always (with rare exceptions) been and remains associated with mandatory marriage. One of these is the Arab society, in which young girls still experience fear of the beginning of the physiological side of married life. Therefore, it is not surprising that among the questions addressed by the fair sex to the famous Egyptian specialist in the field of marital relations, Hebe Kotb, one of the most common is the one that in one form or another concerns the problem of fear of the wedding night.

“I am getting married soon,” writes one of the visitors to Heba Kotb’s website. “However, the first wedding night seems to me something unknown and maybe even dangerous. I am afraid of sexual contact with a man and the pain that comes as a result of this. What and how should I do to satisfy my husband and myself?

“First of all, I would like to note that your words that contact with a man brings pain are wrong,” says H. Kotb, doctor of sexology, a graduate of Maimonides University (USA). “You must understand that the relationship with your husband on your wedding night is nothing more than a wonderful romantic relationship, crowning a complex of warm feelings that arise between a man and a woman. This is the tip of the iceberg, in which there is a place for compassion, sympathy, affection, and, of course, love and desire. Sexual contact with a husband is by no means an obstacle for girls, as some believe. Of course, it will entail certain physiological changes in the genitals of the girl. However, this does not mean that the wedding night will bring her unbearable and acute pain.

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According to the specialist, the cause of such fears is largely a phenomenon that she calls "fear of the body."

“After the wedding night,” says Heba, “the girl cannot tell others about her successful experience. If she wants to do this, then her mother or other relatives forbid her from doing so. Therefore, in the minds of girls, contact with a husband on their wedding night seems to be some kind of obstacle that is difficult or even impossible to overcome. But, as I said, the truth is fundamentally different from these words.

From a physiological point of view, everything is also quite simple. It takes some time for muscle tissue to get used to processes that have not happened to it before. And I assure you, there is no problem in this.

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Speaking about the method that will allow you to satisfy your husband, a sexologist from Egypt conditionally divides it into two types.

“The first one can be called spiritual,” she notes. - He is represented in the implementation of the provisions of the Sunnah throughout married life. The second type is scientific. Its meaning lies in the skillful use of certain scientific techniques during the wedding night and life together in general. The most important components of this type are the absence or elimination of fear during the first contact with the husband and certain flirtations between the spouses, which guarantee the correct functioning of the genital organs during sexual contact and exclude the appearance of any painful sensations ...

Such a concept as the wedding nightin the twenty-first century, it has gone from being traditional to being purely symbolic. After all, premarital sexual relations are now very common and almost no one is surprised. And this is understandable: many, before playing a wedding, prefer to get to know each other better, both sexually and in everyday terms. Thanks to democratic principles, the beautiful half of humanity is now entitled to make its own choice, including in matters related to the loss of virginity.

However, girls from all countries do not enjoy such freedom. In Arab countries, things are different. In these countries, a wedding is one of the most important events in life. All relatives, without exception, take part in this wedding. The first wedding night they pass in compliance with all the rituals and according to the rules. In Islam, as you know, everything is strictly regulated by religious canons. Usually, when discussing something about Islam, the majority of people have a lot of questions in their heads. If we consider this topic, then most likely now many people are interested and the question arises: How should the first arabic wedding night? According to the Qur'an, the first Arabic wedding night takes place on the basis of the following rites:

1. So, if you follow what is written in the Qur'an, then on the wedding night, the spouse must put his hand on the head of his wife and say certain words that will contain a request for the blessing of their marriage:« in the name of Allah. May Allah make us blessed for each other!» Only after this, the husband and wife perform two other ritual prayers together. After the husband reads another prayer, where he asks to bless him and his wife and their family life, and in the event of a divorce, to maintain good relations.

3. According to the traditions of Muslims, a bride who gets married must be a virgin, but at the present time such a requirement is extremely rarely observed and is considered quite acceptable.

4.According to the Koran, the husband is obliged to treat his wife kindly and tenderly on their wedding night, in order to overcome her stiffness and timidity. It will also be quite nice if the young people just talk that night, so they can get to know each other better.

5. If you look at the Koran, then obscene and indecent intimate relationships are extremely undesirable.

6. Also, according to the Koran, it is forbidden for a wife to show her indifference and coldness. In no case should you push your husband away from you, as this may well cause negative consequences.

7. In the morning, after the wedding night, the young must perform the ritual of washing. Only after this procedure can they start eating.

8. On the next day after the marriage, in the morning, the spouses set the table, after which they invite friends and relatives to it. That's all.

It does not matter in which country you live and what faith you profess, the main thing is not to forget and honor the traditions of your homeland and your ancestors.