Husband constantly insults his wife, or is it worth saving the family boat? Husband constantly insults and humiliates - psychologist's advice on what to do

Your beloved husband begins to hurt you: insult, scream and humiliate. Is it possible to fix this, and return everything to normal?

The dream of every woman is a friendly family, a loving husband and happy children. Every woman wants her husband to be not only a support, a protector, but also a best friend, a person who can be trusted with absolutely everything.

A woman wants her husband to become the closest person in her life, whom she will never doubt, and who will support her in any circumstances.

But, unfortunately, not always all our dreams come true. And sometimes the unexpected happens...

What to do if the husband insults and humiliates?

If your husband began to behave in such an inappropriate way, then you need to find out what caused this. Ask yourself questions: how long ago did the abuse start, how long did it last, and what could have caused it?

  1. If humiliation and screaming began spontaneously, then think about what could affect his behavior. Maybe he has problems at work, with friends, colleagues? Or perhaps some unpleasant events occurred? Remember everything to the smallest detail, or try to find out somehow, because this will greatly help you understand the situation.
  2. But if you couldn’t remember, and you yourself understand that all this arose a long time ago, then try to bring your husband to an honest and frank conversation. During this conversation, you need to find out what is the reason for his behavior, and why he became so rude to you.

Perhaps the husband was waiting for this conversation and will answer you honestly, explaining what really happened.

TOP 6 possible reasons: why did the husband start yelling and threatening?

It happens, it happens that the husband does not tell what happened to him, which contributed to his aggression towards you. Instead of a confidential conversation, you observe only the cries and irritability of the spouse. If the husband offends, you must first think about the reason for the occurrence of such behavior.

The causes of this behavior can be classified in several positions:

  1. Husband's Feelings, in relation to you, have cooled down. This can happen in every married couple. Indeed, in a series of everyday worries and problems, the couple begins to forget how much they loved, how good it was together. The husband may not understand what is really happening, and instead of rekindling the fire of love for his wife, he begins to aggress against his wife and blame her for everything. He may be dissatisfied with the appearance of his wife, her behavior, the loss of passion and tenderness, so he splashes out his discontent through insults, yelling and humiliation.
  2. He got a mistress. The man does not dare to tell you about it. It's shameful and disgusting. He himself understands this. Yes, and courage is not enough. Therefore, the husband can begin to bring his wife out with screaming, eternal discontent and humiliation. Thus, he achieves that the wife herself decides to leave him. And he, as it were, was not guilty of anything, and to whom he remained free in the end.
  3. Your husband becomes disgusted. Due to the fact that you always grumble, saw, bother. And most importantly - you launched yourself. He then fell in love with the girl he saw for the first time: inspired, light, beautiful and well-groomed. And now they have become a simple housewife, and have probably already forgotten when they bought a sexy dress for themselves. Therefore, the husband loses respect and interest in you, and may even insult you, and shout and humiliate you. He does not understand where the girl he fell in love with has gone and why now he is forced to live with a completely different person.
  4. Peacock man. If a man is handsome and arrogant, then there is a great danger that he will always humiliate and insult his wife. After all, she is not good enough for him, not smart enough and beautiful enough. And who can compare with him. Such husbands basically have gray mice wives. After all, such women have low self-esteem and are constantly silent, and this provides excellent opportunities for a husband to mock his wife with impunity.
  5. A man feels a woman's dependence on him. If the wife constantly looks into her husband's mouth, is silent and indulges his every word, then she automatically becomes his victim. In this situation, the husband can constantly insult and humiliate his wife, knowing that she will endure everything. After all, his wife is in a position that needs him. She tries not to annoy her husband once again and swallows all the insults.
  6. He is annoyed by your total control. The husband is not a child, and your control is not clear to him and causes irritation. Especially if you encroach on his personal space: look at the phone, look for information on the computer or his notebook. Respect the privacy of your loved one. Do not follow him, and try to control everything. After all, such behavior can end in a quarrel, screaming and insults.

After you have found out the cause of the aggression towards you, you need to start taking action.

Psychologists advise:

  1. Do not yell at your husband in response and be aggressive. Keep calm. Don't be like his behavior. It’s better to tell him that you are very hurt and offended when he does this. Let him be ashamed that he offended you.
  2. Don't talk about your husband's behavior to everyone. Do not take quarrels out of the hut. After all, if you make up soon, then these rumors can reach him, and he will again begin to aggress on you.
  3. Get yourself in order. Both externally and internally. Become more confident, bolder, more graceful and more beautiful.
  4. Invite your husband to visit the places where you started it all which are very dear to you. Let them remind you of your tender feelings, your quivering dates and first kisses. Thus, you can calm your husband and return him to his former feelings.
  5. Review your wedding photo album, your favorite movies. Go to a concert together, unwind. Fill your relationships with positive emotions so that insults and shouting have no place in your life.
  6. Talk to your spouse about how to root out the causes that cause such negative reactions. Together, try to find a compromise so that this does not happen again.
  7. Try to calm your husband with your tenderness and affection. Say that you understand him, that a lot has fallen on him, that he no longer has enough strength and patience, and therefore he has become like this. Ask how you can help him, what can you do for him? Then, perhaps, the husband will understand that you are not his enemy, but you are on his side. In this way, you will calm your husband and be able to return a trusting and harmonious relationship with him.

If a man does not stop humiliating you, then perhaps he feeds on your energy, and it gives him pleasure. There is nothing to help here. One piece of advice - get out!

What to do if the husband beats?

The worst thing that can happen in a relationship is assault. But, alas, this also happens. What to do in this case?

  • You must immediately show your spouse that this is unacceptable for you! Explain to your husband that you are not going to tolerate this.
  • In no case do not find an excuse for him. After all, by forgiving him, you will only untie his hands even more.
  • After this act, threaten him with the police or say that you tell your loved ones everything, you have someone to blunt for you. And kick your husband out of the house. Or leave yourself. The husband must realize all the bitterness of his deed. He must understand that you can not do this!
  • If the husband beats constantly, then he just needs psychological help. After all, this is a tyrant man. He has a lot of complexes and a huge lack of self-confidence, in the first place. To help him figure it out, in this case, only a psychologist will help. But he must come to this consciously!

If the husband is not going to change, then there is only one way out - to run away from him as soon as possible. And do not put yourself or your child at risk anymore.

What to do if the ex-husband humiliates?

It also happens that you seem to be already divorced, but your ex-husband humiliates you ...

There may be several reasons for this:

  • He's been mad at you since you were married.
  • There are many things left unsaid.
  • Perhaps he regretted that you broke up, and wants to return you. But you do not take him back, so he is aggressive.
  • If you forbid him to see the child, then the ex may begin to insult you.
  • He found out that you speak impartially about him.

When you see that the ex-husband wants to communicate with the child, and you forbid him, you cause another scandal. Why do you need it? Understand him too! And give a chance to build a relationship with the child.

Do not tell anything bad about your ex-husband, because these conversations will soon reach him and cause a wave of indignation. He was once your spouse, respect your choice. If you said something bad about the ex, and he found out about it, sincerely apologize to him so that he has no more reasons to insult you.

If the husband is angry about something for a long time, and there is a lot of things left unsaid, then bring him to a calm conversation. Discuss everything that worries you both, and this may be quite enough to maintain peaceful civilized relations.

Well, when you can’t come to peace, then try to reduce your communication to a minimum. Or stop talking altogether.

How to protect yourself and children

Huge harm from the humiliation of her husband gets your child. Children are very sensitive to the conflicts of their parents. They pass everything through themselves, and remember it for the rest of their lives.

We think that the child does not understand anything yet, and is removed from conflicts. But in fact, it is the mother who is the protection and support for the child, and when she is insulted, the baby does not feel protected either. He begins to feel fear and irritation. Subsequently, the conflicts of the parents have a very negative effect on the psyche of the child, violating it.

Therefore, in a situation where a husband humiliates his wife with a child, the psychologist's advice is unequivocal - stop it immediately!

You can take the child to the grandmothers and talk with her husband alone. Find out the reason for this behavior, explain your point of view, and promise each other: do not raise your voice and no longer insult each other!

If, however, this cannot be done, then it is possible to seek help from psychologists, visit psychological trainings. But this can only help if the husband also wants to improve. And if he doesn’t really care, and he doesn’t want to change and continues to humiliate you, then don’t injure yourself, not the child - leave!


It is necessary to understand a simple truth: the situation cannot change on its own. You should ask yourself questions:

  • How can I influence the situation?
  • What exactly can I do to make my husband stop humiliating and insulting me?
  • Is this my fault?

When you sincerely answer these questions for yourself, you will have the opportunity to change everything and get on the right path. Yes, crying to your girlfriends, complaining about your husband, and insulting him in response is much easier, but completely to no avail.

Of course, it is necessary to speak out, but only to a close person whom you trust and who will not tell your problems to others. Yes, you can cry. And sometimes it is necessary, but only for a short time. After all, any situation must be corrected with concrete actions.

Therefore, pull yourself together, even though it will not be easy, and start taking action. It is necessary to plan everything to the smallest detail, you can even write down a detailed action plan. You must clearly understand and be aware of how you will behave in the event of another inappropriate behavior of your spouse.

If, however, you give up and put up with such behavior of the spouse, then everything will become much worse. And you will not only lose a lot of time, but you may not be able to return the old relationship. The situation will worsen at times. He will understand that no one is stopping him, everything is permissible for him, so he will continue to insult and humiliate you, it is already possible even in public.

To endure and suffer is not an option! Is this how you want to live your whole life?

No, you deserve better! Therefore, fully realize your responsibility and begin to act in the right direction. And perhaps soon, your situation will change for the better, or completely resolved.

The situation when a husband calls his wife names happens quite often. And this often happens when the wife is in a good mood, she has achieved success in something. Suddenly, the phrase dropped by her husband descends from heaven to earth. In this case, the mood deteriorates significantly. And so I wanted to get support, to hear kind words. Not getting what he expected, it seems that the husband does not love his wife.

Husband calls his wife

  1. For example, the wife dressed up, put on makeup and is in a good mood spinning in front of the mirror. Hearing a phrase from her husband that her outfit is only suitable for scaring people can lower her mood to zero.
  2. Or the wife is trying to implement some of her ideas, wants to consult with a specialist in this field. The strange reaction of the husband to this is very surprising. He tries to prove to her that her idea is no good and will not interest anyone.
  3. Having invited guests, the wife busied herself all evening in the kitchen, served, served on the table. As soon as it's time for her to relax and go dancing, laugh at the jokes of the guests, have fun, her husband's remark is heard that she is behaving indecently.

Why does a husband call his wife names?

Does a husband deliberately humiliate his wife? Such cases occur in almost every family. The spoken words may well replace a slap in the face. It seems that these are not curses, but these phrases are unsettling and debilitating. Disappears mood, self-confidence.

Is it necessary to react so painfully to this? Well, that's his opinion.

  • But why does it gnaw from the inside?
  • Perhaps the reason is in character?
  • No wonder the husband says all the time that his wife has a bad, quarrelsome character and she needs to change.

Well, he has achieved that his wife begins to lose self-confidence and depression develops. Why is this happening? Why does a husband call his wife names? Perhaps he wants to be better?

From the life examples of acquaintances and friends, there are many such stories. Many wives hide their feelings in order to increase the authority of their husband in the eyes of other people, whether they are colleagues, relatives, or neighbors. But is it necessary to sacrifice yourself? Moreover, such a family life will not bring happiness to anyone.

Usually, men behave this way because of their complexes, which have been grown in them since childhood. If a wife is a cheerful, purposeful, self-confident person, she is a competitor for her husband. When a wife achieved something in life, for her husband it was perceived as a blow below the belt. He suffered from the success of his wife, sometimes even applied to the bottle.

When the husband was in a sober state, he was a cheerful and calm person, but as soon as he took a degree, he turned into an animal. And then he could afford everything, including rude insults and curses.

Situations when a husband calls his wife names are completely incomprehensible to normal perception. And this usually happened at those moments when it would be better to rejoice at the success of the spouse. It would never occur to anyone that in this way he avenges his successes. The reasons for everything are jealousy and envy.
He did not manage to achieve any success on his own. And when his wife demonstrated her achievements, he was filled with anger and panic. Hence the scandals and insults.

If you often have to deal with such relationships in the family, the conclusion is that such a man has strong feelings. After all, a truly loving husband will not allow dirty insults and swearing to take precedence over feelings. Isn't it time to turn to a psychologist?

After all, psychological support in this case is indispensable.

In this case, a woman has a choice: to come to terms with this situation and endure humiliation all her life or try to fix something.

You need to talk to your husband and explain that there is no desire to endure insults, despite all the feelings for him. Explain that the wife loses all desire to live with a person who constantly offends. You will have to give your husband an ultimatum so that he changes his idea of ​​​​family life.

As soon as he starts to raise a cry, you need to stop communicating with him and leave the room. Try not to start conversations until he understands that in such a tone there is no desire to communicate.

Psychologists describe the situation this way. The word can be a manifestation of aggression. Although the fault of the wife in the failures of her husband is not, he will make the woman extreme. It may be work related. Thus, he shifts failures and problems at work onto the shoulders of his wife.

Aggression must be given an outlet, otherwise it will eat a person from the inside. Being in society, a man restrains himself with all his might. In the family, he gives vent to all his emotions. At the same time, he doesn’t care that he hurts his wife’s feelings, his feelings are much more important to him.

One more example. The husband is not restrained in his language. All the time makes some unfounded claims. We must try to endure his grumbling as long as possible. Or answer that his claims will be taken into account.

Of course, it is very difficult to restrain and endure. Therefore, when the cup of patience overflows, with a clear conscience it will be possible to express all your thoughts. Let him not think that his wife is not able to fight back and stand up for himself. It must be explained that the reason for patience is not fear of it, but a way to maintain peace in the family. A calm atmosphere in the family was achieved only thanks to the efforts of his wife.

We'll have to try to appear before him as an equal partner. That in this way his character can be corrected, one should not hope. But this way you can ensure that he at least restrained his emotions. And he will learn not to quarrel over trifles and choose expressions.

Wise women say that the leader in marriage is the one who knows how to manipulate scandals.

Hello dear readers! “Every day is not much better than the previous one. Much easier when the husband is at work. You look forward to the evening with a certain shudder. Oh, it's better not to come home at all. How much longer am I going to endure all this? - that's what a third of women on the planet think. The situation is not so rare.

When asked why a husband insults and humiliates his wife, psychology gives many disappointing answers, but you need to understand them. Since, I am sure that 99.9% of women have ever experienced this phenomenon. Many of them came out of the situation not always proudly throwing their heads up and closing the door behind them.

Are you all right

If a husband constantly insults and humiliates his wife, finds a reason to get to the bottom of the fact that she is a “terrible mistress”, “a disgusting mother”, “no lover” - it is unlikely that he wants to correct a woman and make her in all respects.

The reason is never so simple and obvious. You won't be able to fix everything. It won't help pay off. Just think, most likely, you are not married for the first day, you have not become worse, you have not forgotten about the children. Most likely the reason is not in you, but in your husband.

What is wrong with him? There is a possibility that he is dissatisfied with himself. It is he who does not have a high salary, he has not achieved success in business, he is not appreciated at work. He does not want to do something with himself, correct the situation and even look at real problems. Much easier to correct you.

Pointing out to a man about his own failures is not an option. He knows about them, but does not even think about deciding something. You will only aggravate the situation, make him more angry. The only way out is to leave or wait until he understands the true reason for his discontent. The latter option can take years, someone takes less.


In a state of intoxication, men become more relaxed. No wonder they say that the sober in the head, then the drunk on the tongue. Women who live with husbands who only abuse them when he's drunk console themselves: "It's not him talking, it's all alcohol."

In fact, there is a problem even when he is sober, although in this case he can suppress his own thoughts,.

If a man has reached the point where he insults and humiliates you in front of strangers, in the presence of children, it is not necessary to wait for the situation to change and suddenly he will turn from a toad into a prince. He is already used to treating you this way, he is comfortable in this way to solve his problems.

It is likely that the situation will soon spill over into a sober life. If a person once crossed some line, he will be able to do it in a sober state. This will take some time, but it will definitely happen again.

By the way, some women themselves provoke men to such behavior. It lights up, the woman adds fuel to the fire, and as a result, a quarrel flares up. It is not necessary to immediately start sawing your husband. For the sake of experimentation, I would suggest that you try not drinking with him and see what happens. Perhaps the real problem is you? Maybe you are making him react that way.

Another woman

Another reason for constant conflicts may be that he does not stop comparing you with another: she cooks better, understands him, cares. With her he feels

True reason

The most important moment for a woman is to understand the true cause of discontent. In each specific situation, it can be different.

For example, in families with a small child, the young man ceases to feel the care of his wife. He does not want to share his wife with the baby, but he cannot say this. She can object to this with quite adequate arguments or simply bulge her eyes in condemnation.

He himself understands that. However, he can't help himself. His dissatisfaction is expressed in those moments to which he can get to the bottom and be right.

I would like to recommend the book The Secret of Successful Families» Artem Tolokonin. The author talks about mature love, about how to improve or. You will learn a little more about your husband, understand whether you need such a marriage and, if you want, find harmony.

See you soon and don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter.

Every girl, having married, dreams of a happy marriage, in which love and mutual understanding will reign. And certainly, not a single representative of the fair sex suggests that her husband can be reincarnated as an ever-screaming monster. What to do if the husband constantly insults and humiliates, the advice of a psychologist will give the answer.

You are a loving wife, a good housewife and a caring mother, you are respected by work colleagues, you are always well-groomed and do not give rise to jealousy. He is always unhappy. Any little thing causes him an attack of aggression, resulting in a stream of abuse and insults. Neither tears, nor persuasion, nor reciprocal abuse not only change nothing, but also aggravate the situation even more. Why does a husband insult and humiliate his wife, it will help to get to the bottom of the truth

  1. His parents had a similar relationship.

A child who grew up in a family where there is no mutual understanding, and the father is constantly rude to the mother, is very likely to choose a similar behavior model. You can’t blame him for this, because he had no other life experience.

  1. Blame his complexes or jealousy.

Notorious men, with low self-esteem, are trying to assert themselves in this way. Experts explain that by morally suppressing his wife, telling her that she is ugly, a cow, a brainless chicken, and so on, a man becomes more perfect in his mind. Such types tend to speak in a similar way about other people from his environment. The situation is aggravated if the spouse is successful at work. To lower her self-esteem, as if bringing it closer to his level, the aggressor resorts to insults.

  1. Problems not related to the spouse.

The trouble of a man is that, pursuing a good goal, not to dump his difficulties on loved ones, he eventually unconsciously splashes out the accumulated negativity on his loved one. This also happens because the husband believes that the spouse, instead of supporting him, will begin to condemn him, or simply, her opinion is not authoritative for him.

  1. Out of love.

The prerequisites for this may be different, but it all comes down to one thing, life with an unloved person turns into hell. Why does a husband call names to his wife, instead of sitting down at the negotiating table and calmly discussing everything, psychology explains this behavior with an individual feature of a person, laid down in childhood.

  1. There is a comparison with someone:
  • this happens in families where the husband is a sissy, he believes that you should do everything the same way as his mother;
  • another option is, of course, the comparison is not in your favor;
  • the third option - he has a second marriage, and he compares you with his predecessor.

The husband calls names and humiliates, because, in his opinion, you do not correspond to the ideal invented by him, the psychologist's advice is not to take what was said personally, this is only his subjective assessment.

  1. You provoke him.

Yes, dear ladies, you are not angels either. Perhaps, instead of paying attention to your spouse, you watch TV shows for hours or chat on the phone with your girlfriends. Or you have a constant headache, you know what I'm talking about. Such behavior can be provoked by unflattering comments about his relatives or loved ones, defiant clothing or arrogance towards him. Lacking communication skills, men scream trying to get what they want.

Disagreements happen in every family. This is understandable, we are living people, with our own character and mood. But if, and there are no visible reasons for this, the advice of a psychologist will help you understand what to do in each case.

Analyze the circumstances under which an attack of aggression occurs:

  • the spouse is under the influence of alcohol or other psychostimulants;
  • he is sober;
  • it only happens in private with you;
  • it allows you to be insulted in front of children and in public.

How to behave if a husband constantly insults and humiliates his wife, you will understand by delving into the psychology of relationships.

  1. Of course, it is difficult to understand in a state of constant ora whether you love your spouse, but you need to admit to yourself that there is something to maintain relationships for or constant negativity crosses out all the good.
  2. How do you respond to aggression in the current situation: respond with aggression or withdraw into yourself.
  3. How often do such scandals occur and what provokes.
  4. What state is the spouse in during a quarrel: drunk or sober.
  5. Does he have complexes, perhaps this is an inherited behavior pattern.

In what case will love and patient work on relationships save?

If you realize that it provokes your husband to inappropriate behavior and there is a strong desire to restore, experts advise:

  1. Say, "Stop, I don't intend to keep talking loudly," and don't continue talking until the decibel level drops to normal.
  2. Don't be like a screaming spouse. When, in response to insults, the husband hears how wonderful he is and sincerely surprises you how such a strong person is able to show weakness by raising his voice to a defenseless woman. The absence of a backlash will nullify attacks of aggression.
  3. Stop provoking if the faithful do not like some actions or appearance, and it is in your power to correct this without prejudice to your interests and not to the detriment of health, make such indulgence.
  4. Be tactful. If your husband is jealous of your success, present it in such a way that only thanks to his support you managed to achieve something.
  5. Do not criticize his tastes, do not speak badly about his loved ones, do not emphasize the mistakes made.

Point out to him that his aggressive behavior hurts you. If he is annoyed by your behavior or appearance, tell him that you are sorry and that you did not mean to provoke such a reaction.

What should not be allowed?

Not allowed:

  1. To fight in front of the children.
  2. You can’t bring yourself to a state in which you can’t cope with such a mental load on your own.
  3. Do not put up with circumstances if the boorish attitude of the husband is the way of his life.

What to do if the husband insults: psychology and action plan

You conducted an analysis of what was happening, did work on the mistakes, patiently performed. He believes that everything that happens between you is the norm, they say, the dear ones scold, they only amuse themselves. What to do if the husband insults and humiliates, how to bring relations back to normal - we apply the advice of a psychologist:

  1. Leave the house. Even if you haven't made the decision to end the relationship yet, your departure may sober him up. Cut off communication for a week, do not answer calls and attempts to see each other. Upon your return, make it clear that a peaceful life without his participation suits you more. And whether you stay together depends on how willing he is to change. If you are ready, do not give concessions, but do not reproach the past either. First of all, treat yourself with respect, show nobility, helping your husband overcome negative qualities.
  2. Try to ignore the attack of aggression. Go to another room, and when the flow of insults dries up, calmly but confidently say: “I don’t take offense at you, because I know for sure that the abominations you shouted out reflect only your internal state and have nothing to do with reality. I am sure that if you take it out on me, then you yourself need help. I am ready to support you and overcome your weakness. But in the future, I don’t want to see these tantrums, otherwise it will end in the breakup of our marriage.”
  3. When you are in a crowded place, but without children and acquaintances, ask him some hard-hitting questions. A crowded place will keep him from an outburst of anger, usually domestic despots in public behave with restraint, fearing a negative assessment of others.

Ask your spouse:

  • About children: does he understand that looking at his behavior, children will perceive such relationships as normal and, becoming adults, will resort to the same behavior model. Does he want his son to humiliate his wife in the same way and live in an unhappy marriage. Does he want his daughter to be abused by her husband. Does he realize that his children are not only afraid of him, but also feel hatred towards him. That they are intimidated and all the time are in Do you know that in order to form a normal psyche, they need a balanced mother and an example of respectable relationships. How does he think the kids respect him.
  • About your relationship: what needs to be done to make the relationship calm. Is there someone who replaces you. Does he enjoy his behavior? Can you fix the situation. Is he himself the ideal man to demand this from you. Does he love you and if so, why can't this be done without scandals.
  • About him: why did he choose such a method for self-assertion. Is he ready to change with your help. Can someone else help him from your environment.

This conversation should get through to his mind and reconsider his views on your relationship. It is important that you remain calm and confident in what you are saying during the conversation.

  1. Unfortunately, not all problems can be solved on your own and then you will need the help of specialists:
  • the husband is addicted to psychotropic substances, after the use of which aggression is manifested;
  • moral violence is accompanied by beatings;
  • there is a serious mental disorder, resulting in attacks of aggression;
  • spouses want to solve the problem, but due to lack of experience, they do not succeed.

Working with a psychologist-hypnologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin will help you cope with the problem that has arisen.

  1. Save the relationship does not make sense:
  • the husband no longer loves and speaks openly about it. The reasons are different, including the appearance of another woman. It is unlikely that it will be possible to save a family, and sacrificing oneself and children is a huge mistake;
  • more than one wife suffers from the abuse of the aggressor, but the children also have mental problems;
  • The wife dislikes her husband.

In some cases, the husband constantly insults and humiliates, if the actions or inaction of the wife allow him to do this, the advice of a psychologist will help to sort out the relationship.

The husband constantly screams and insults his wife: we understand systematically

There is another kind of aggression. Usually, young spouses with a vulnerable psyche experience anxiety: my husband calls me a foul language, how to behave, the advice of a psychologist will help.

Reason 1: for a husband, this is a normal style of communication, he does not understand how unpleasant this is for you.

What to do: methodically convey to your spouse that this style of communication does not suit you.

Reason 2: Husband defends his personal space.

What to do: respect the boundaries of personal space.

Reason 3: initially there was a disrespectful style of communication. Perhaps you yourself provoke such a reaction from your husband by your communication, but you do it without obscene expressions.

What to do: analyze your communication style, change behavior.

Reason 4: in this way, the husband quickly achieves what he wants.

What to do: think with your spouse how, without resorting to obscene expressions, to achieve what he wants.

Whether your marriage will be happy and long depends on daily work on relationships, mutual love, tolerance and respect for each other.