What hand is better to wear a wedding ring. What hand is the wedding ring in different countries is worn. On the nameless finger of the left hand

Ring on the finger - it is almost always a symbol. It tells a lot about tastes, the prosperity and status of your owner.

Special attitude to the ring wedding.

Let us give proper globalization: modern wedding rings in Russia are no longer the simple gold stripes, as on the fingers of our grandfathers and parents.

Modern marriage symbols are much more diverse, interesting and, if you can put it, expressive. Today they are able to tell much more than just to tell about the social status of their owner.

Status, traditions and modern fashion in Russia

Let's start with the status. The wedding ring means that you have a married man or married woman.

And if earlier, such a symbol of marriage could be seen only on the nameless finger of the right man of a person, in recent years, the wedding ring in the same finger and left hand is often worn.

So often that they involuntarily ask for a question, what hand are wedding rings in Russia? We answer. According to the Russian tradition, it is still worn on his right hand!

On the Unnamed finger of the left hand, it is more often worn after a divorce or in case of widowing to demonstrate those surrounding their social status. Also on the left hand Wear a wedding ring catholics And representatives of some other religions, about this in another article.

It should be noted that in recent years, increasingly wedding rings are worn in Russia on a nameless finger along with another rings, which is suitable or, on the contrast, is very contrast.

This tribute fashion is not Nova: so we wore wedding rings in medieval Europe, where it should have been the second on the finger.

How and what are worn

As we said, the design of this timeless marriage symbol in our time has changed much.

First, recently, the rings from white gold or platinum are popular, which looks not so catchy as familiar, but at the same time they are much more expensive.

Secondly, even more common fashion for steam ringsWhen the wedding decoration of the bride and groom is the same, unique design, the difference is only in size.

It can be the same diamond facet on products or the same ornament - the main thing is that people in the wedding rings can immediately understand that they are husband and wife. There are more and more such in jewelry stores.

Today, the most popular patterns on Russian wedding rings are ancient Celtic ornaments.

But at the same time smooth traditional rings From red gold, they do not lose their relevance, according to statistics, they are still leaders of sales in this category of jewelry.
For example, the most popular (despite the huge range) are simple, smooth models from the Lucida series.

Their main plus - affordable compared to other price and traditional.

However, perhaps that their newlyweds are guided by traditional believe that with a smooth ring and life will be smooth.

In recent years, in Russia, more and more often a woman as a wedding ring chooses a jewelry with expensive, sometimes quite large stone.

He is also worn on the nameless finger of the right hand, but it is perceived as a normal decoration and is unlikely to clearly tell others about the status of the hostess.

The wedding ring symbolizes the marriage. A kind of indicator about the family position of man. On this decoration can always be determined by a married girl or not. Just just look at the finger, where the wedding ring is worn. But, of course, not all peoples have a common tradition, to allocate marriage in one particular way.

What finger we carry a wedding ring in Russia

Such decorations look very beautiful and original. It is only necessary to remember that it is better to choose rings with a channel leaf so that the stone is attached in the recess, and not on the surface. Such rings are ideal as a wedding decoration. They externally smooth and the likelihood of a stone is very low.

When choosing stones, the bride and groom are usually focused on their tastes, but more often prefer white color - fianits or real diamonds. There is nothing surprising in this, because wedding rings are constantly worn, and they must be well combined with other decorations or clothing.

Much less often acquire wedding rings with other gemstones. It is not entirely practical, it is not always easy to combine them with clothing or accessories. But this is not the only reason. Some stones later can change your color. For example, blue sapphire sometimes darkens. And the green emeralds that are not at all are cheap, very fragile.

In the West, the rings with stones for engagement are very common. Most often it is a subtle ring with one precious stone, in fact, the classic option. Romantics prefer to buy decoration with a pebble in the form of a heart. A very impressive rings with a large central stone, which surround small crystals.

What finger is the Women's Wedding Ring, if the engagement took place before? On the same - nameless. Such a decoration is put on top of the wedding, if its appearance allows. Otherwise, the bride itself decides, whether to put it on another hand or put in the box at all. After all, she changed the status, became a married woman and now another ring symbolizes marriage.

Wedding rings - a symbol of marriage and marital loyalty.

Therefore, many people give them mystical meaning. Different peoples with them are associated with various traditions.

Today, the custom wearing wedding rings exists in almost all countries.

However, various peoples are largely distinguished by wearing methods and wedding signs associated with them.

Even scientists did not come to a certain opinion about when the first rings and the causes of their occurrence appeared.

What does the ring symbolize?

According to one of the versions, in ancient times, when the presence of any rings: gold, silver, iron, - indicated the well-being of their owner.

The future spouse brought them as a gift to the parents of his bride as a sign that he is able to keep his wife and she will not need anything.

According to another theory, in antiquity ring symbolized infinity, therefore, putting on this symbolic decoration, newlyweds gave vows of limitless and immortal love.

The third version states that rings are the chain links that joined her husband and wife. Spouses wore them as a sign of unreasonability of the bonds, which were connected.

How to wear wedding rings?

On the left hand

As a result of archaeological excavations, scientists managed to find that the first wedding rings appeared in ancient Egypt.

Noble spouses wore gold and silver rings, poor - copper and iron.

It is known long before our era, Egyptian Lekari possessed a good knowledge of human anatomy. They believed that there was a nerve that comes from the heart to the nameless finger of his left hand. Therefore, wedding rings began to wear on this finger.

True, in some parts of Egypt and Ancient Israel, the wedding rings were put on the middle finger of the left hand. That is how, according to the legend, holy Joseph with the Virgin Mary was engaged.

During the Middle Ages, the openings of the doctors were prohibited, as a result of which all knowledge of the anatomy was drawn from ancient manuscripts. The nerve, allegedly connecting his left hand and the heart, was poetically called the "artery of love".

However, at that time, a way to wear a wedding decoration completely depended on the decree of the ruler. Many kings, dominal dukes and graphs published decrees about how to wear wedding rings. There were exactly ten options: in some countries, the rings were worn even on thumbs.

Over time, there was a historical tradition, according to which wedding rings are worn in Catholic and Protestant countries on the nameless finger of the left hand. So started in England, France, Germany, Austria, USA, Canada, Spain, Mexico, Brazil, Australia. Catholic theologians explain this to the fact that the left hand is closer to the heart.

Muslims also adhere to custom wearing a symbol of marital loyalty on the left hand.

However, in many Muslim countries, such rings are only women, because for men it is considered a bad admission to wear gold jewelry. Therefore, Muslim Men is usually or not at all put on wedding rings, or are silver.

Gypsies generally prefer to wear them on the neck, on gold chains.

On the right hand

In Orthodoxy, everything connected with the right side of the body is considered correct.

Accordingly, wedding rings in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, in Greece, Serbia, are put on unnamed finger right hand.

The widows and widows wear their rings on the nameless finger of the left hand (in the Catholic and Protestant countries - on the nameless finger right).


So there is a man that even in chance he sometimes searches for secret signs of fate. And it would be strange if with wedding rings - a symbol of married bonds, a variety of subject and superstition were associated.

It's believed that your wedding ring in no case can no one give anything to try.

If there is an unequivocal of the person who does not want to offend at all with such a request, then you can put the ring on the table, so as not to pass it out of hand to hand.

Returning the ring follows the same manner - through the table, and even better - before you wear it, hold a little under running water or in salt solution.

A happy notice is considered if newlyweds are engaged in the same rings as their grandmother's grandmother, who lived in peace and harmony for many years, and by the time of the wedding of grandchildren is still alive. Use the rings of divorced or dead people - to the thin.

In many northern countries, there was a custom before the wedding frosting both rings in a small amount of water: thawing, they allegedly remember that they were once uniform, and they will always reach each other.

Custom to wear a wedding ring is one of the most ancient. There is no definite answer to the question, on which hand you need to wear a wedding ring. To a greater extent, it all depends on religious beliefs, from traditions and from the desire of the youth themselves. From a long time, this decoration is considered a symbol of happiness and well-being of the young, attribute of loyalty and family hearth. Determines all the same hand for the wedding ring commitment to a certain denomination.

In Russia, Orthodoxy prevails from all denominations. Orthodox is customary to wear a wedding ring on the right hand. From a long time, the right hand is considered a more powerful, strong, which is the truth, is based on it. Right hand baptines.

Wedding rings - the necessary attribute of church wedding. Since a long time, the rite of engagement and wedding were completely different sacraments. Young acquired special rings for these ceremonies. As a rule, it was different and metal for the manufacture of such rings: the bride needed to make a silver wedding ring, the fiance is gold. Today, the borders between rites are erased, and newlyweds for wedding and registration buy one pair of rings. They can be made of various metals and have a different design.

It is believed that the ring as a symbol of loyalty should be smooth, without reliefs and precious stones. There is a long-standing proverb: "How smooth will be a ring, the life of young will be the same smooth." Today, this proverb is not so relevant and many consider it a superstition. The newlyweds make engraving on the rings, use the imputies of precious metals. The main thing is that the ring like it, it was nice to wear.

However, the above answer to the question of what hand is covered with a wedding ring in Russia is not limited. Widgets and widows are made to change the wedding ring on another hand or wear on the right two rings together. But there is nothing reprehensible that the widows and widows refuse to wear the rings at all.

Another situation with the wedding ring at Catholics. There, the left side is considered closer to the heart, closer to the feelings. Therefore, the engagement ring in Catholic countries is put on the left hand. The left side of the left side with a heart is determined when choosing a hand, on which the symbol of loyalty to Catholics should be worn. They also believe in the protective function of the ring as a family chamfer, transmit to generation from generation.

There are branches of religions that do not recognize wedding rings, counting this fetish. This, for example, includes Baptists.

In addition to a confessional affiliation, the choice of hand for carrying a ring can be the territorial affiliation. For example, the wearing rings on the right or left hand depends on the territory of the residence of some nations.

Muslim rings do not attach such importance as other denominations. But wearing the rings and is not reborn. Gold is mostly women. Men are larger than silver decorations, copper.

Armenians, for example, in most cases confessing the Christian faith, also put on rings. But for wearing a symbol of loyalty, they choose left hand, since they got this tradition from Egypt. In addition, they are baptized from left to right, which can also be the cause of the wearing rings on the left hand.

There are other, more rare options wearing wedding rings. For example, Jewish women wear rings on the index finger, and the gypsies are put on the chain on the neck. In any case, no matter how you wore the wedding ring, the main thing is what you invest in this tradition. The main thing in this custom is the preservation of the well-being of the family and the home focus, and what a finger and what kind of hand the wedding ring is not so important.

Among all other male accessories, the wedding ring occupies a special place. Its wearing is mandatory and even necessary. And, in addition, it is of great importance, on what hand the man wears a wedding ring. After all, there are certain rules on this. Moreover, they are dictated not only by the requirements of modern etiquette, but they are rooted in the depths of centuries.

Wedding Ring as a marriage symbol

It is known that the wedding rings were used in ancient Egypt. In the period of the Middle Ages, among the aristocrats, it was also accepted as a sign of maternity rivers to transmit each other expensive family rings. They put them on the left hand on the ring finger, but not in all countries, for example, on a foggy Albion, it was a thumb, but in Bavaria - a little finger. Why is the ring chosen to confirm the fact of the marriage? This is due to its shape: a circle is a symbol of infinity, which means the "heated" man and a woman, according to the requirements of the wedding oath, have more chances to stay together "until death cannot be separated."

The answer to the question of which hand is the ring married men at present, ambiguous. Because the place may vary depending on the traditions of one or another religious and state tradition.

What hand is the Wedding Ring Slavs?

In Russia, newlyweds were exchanged rings that were not always made of precious metals, and could be made even from thin spots or a red thread. The ring should be put on the ring finger of the right hand. This was due to the Orthodox religious tradition. After all, it is believed that it was on this hand and this finger dressed the ring Joseph, when he married Mary. Therefore, the answer to the question, which hand is put on the wedding ring Russian men today, is quite obvious - on the right. As a sign that a man Engaged, it is sometimes worn, although this custom is almost forgotten now.