Start of contractions what to do. Differences between real contractions and false ones. Opening the cervix

Most of all, pregnant women are afraid of contractions, and especially those who have not given birth before and know about contractions only from the stories of “experienced”. And what do women in labor usually tell about this phenomenon (or, most likely, what all the ladies in the position willingly and undeniably believe in)? Firstly, contractions are the beginning of labor - and this is a correct statement (although not completely, since there are so-called "false contractions"). Secondly, almost all women in labor remember the incredible pain during labor (although in fact, few people remember this pain, since it is forgotten and it is impossible to compare it with anything) and most importantly, all pregnant women in the last trimester of pregnancy ( and even much earlier ”!) Expect painful contractions. And try to tell them that your contractions were almost painless and that in fact everything is not so scary - they will never believe it. Moreover, already at the beginning of pregnancy, they will agree with the doctor about pain relief for childbirth.

Fortunately, there are few such pessimists, and most expectant mothers still tune in to “tolerable” pain, although they fearfully expect contractions before childbirth. Ignorance is always scary, and, as a rule, contractions come certainly not of our will (unless, of course, we resort to labor induction). So, how do these fights start? How not to miss them from the field of view? And what is really hidden in this "terrible word"?

What does it feel like when contractions start?

Contractions are called contractions because they cause a feeling of grasping, a sharp contraction. When it comes to the upcoming birth, then cramping sensations naturally arise in the area of ​​​​the hip joints.

In fact, contractions are a very complex "biochemical process", since they involve the child's pituitary gland and the placenta itself, which begin to produce special substances, and they, in turn, contribute to the opening of the cervix, which is accompanied by contractions.

During contractions, the uterus contracts, its muscle fibers thicken and shorten, which contributes to the opening of the cervix to the extent that the baby's head can squeeze through it. Full disclosure is fixed when the cervix is ​​opened by 12 cm, while intrauterine pressure also increases, as a result of which the fetal bladder bursts and amniotic fluid leaves.

How to know that contractions have begun

When should a pregnant woman expect contractions? We have all heard about the threats of preterm labor, which also begin with contractions, but along with these signs of an upcoming birth, a woman also has other symptoms. In any case, cramping pains require special attention from the expectant mother. Practice shows that the contractions themselves and the sensations during them are different for all women. Even false contractions, which doctors love to talk about so much, are not noticed by all pregnant women. Moreover, even a future mother can find out about real labor pains only when she has a desire to push. We have also heard about rapid childbirth, when contractions can no longer be confused with anything.

Ideally, everything happens like this: starting from the 20th week of pregnancy, the body begins to “rehearse” the upcoming birth, contracting the muscles of the uterus. The woman feels that something is wrong with the uterus: she stiffens and relaxes with chaotic periodicity. So, a woman can “grab” for a whole minute, then the pain subsides and disappears without a trace, and soon resumes, but at the same time, the regularity of such contractions cannot be noted. We are talking about false contractions - harbingers of the upcoming birth. But not all women are faced with this condition, and their births begin on time with real contractions.

How to recognize them? Again, ideally, the first contractions go unnoticed by a woman, except that there is very little discomfort in the abdomen or lower back, and a strong premonition that the birth is about to take place (it’s hard to find an explanation for women’s intuition, but almost every woman subconsciously knows : it's time!).

Gradually, the second, active, phase of contractions begins, when they proceed with an exact interval, which is shortened all the time: cramping attacks are repeated more and more often, last longer, not only the frequency and duration, but also the degree of pain increases. So it comes to the time when one contraction lasts more than two minutes, and the second comes after 60 seconds. At this time, you should already be in the hospital, because in 30-40 minutes the birth itself will begin. The last stage of contractions is the most painful, as the woman has an irresistible feeling of going big. But if the uterus is not open, she will have to restrain her attempts so as not to harm herself and the baby.

What to do if contractions start

With the onset of the first contractions, you should stop any activities and try to rest. Walking around the room helps a lot, someone sits down and gets up. As soon as the contractions intensify and become more frequent, immediately go to the hospital. Particularly suspicious can go to the hospital earlier.

Don't worry about anything: the doctor who takes delivery knows exactly what to do and when. If it is still too early to push, he will certainly notify you of this.

The main thing now is to relax as much as possible. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but try to let go of all anxieties and fears. Panic will not lead to anything good, and, in fact, there is nothing to be afraid of. The birth that you have been waiting for so long begins. There were only a few hours left until the meeting with the baby. Will you be able to help him overcome the difficult path to this world, now depends on you. Breathe evenly and deeply, trying to relax and let go of the pain. Excessive tension in the muscles will increase pain, and therefore it is important to relax them as much as possible now.

Listen to your body, remember the breathing techniques in childbirth - apply them as different periods of the birth process begin. Superficial "dog" breathing will help to renew strength and not harm the child between attempts. At the doctor's command, slowly take in a full chest of air so that the next minute you can push productively.

Think about the child, you just have to calm down, tune in to a productive birth and listen carefully to the instructions of the medical staff.

Is pain during contractions terrible?

So we ourselves scared you, describing the “most painful” last stage of contractions. I myself was waiting for him and was more afraid than the birth itself, but I still couldn’t understand why the women in labor were sobbing and screaming, because it turned out that the pain was tolerable, moreover, even pleasant. You may not believe it, but the pain during contractions was quenched by the thought that this is how a little man, my little blood, is born.

It turns out that my feelings were scientifically confirmed. In fact, labor pain is not hidden in the uterus, since its contraction is a natural process, which means that pain receptors (and there are very few of them in the muscles of the uterus) do not send a signal to the brain about any violations (the meaning of any pain is precisely consists in "notifying" the body about "malfunctions"). But the real feeling of pain occurs in the muscles that surround the uterus, and in order to overcome it, it is only important to learn how to control their relaxation, since muscle tension interferes with the normal physiological course of childbirth. Moreover, fear, anxiety and anxiety exacerbate muscle tension. Hence a simple conclusion: a pregnant woman who is afraid of childbirth experiences great pain from the very first contractions. But many women do not know at all what labor pain and pain during contractions are, so learn how to properly set yourself up for the inevitable process - childbirth, namely, be able to relax; do not waste your strength in vain, as you will need them during the period of expulsion of the fetus; talk to the baby; do not try to overcome the pain, but simply take it for granted.

I think if you consciously prepare for the birth process, then you will not need information about the epidural, nitrous oxide with oxygen, promedol and other ways to anesthetize contractions and childbirth.

If contractions don't come

As always, there is a reverse side of the coin: a woman is waiting for contractions, waiting, but they never come, even after the expiration of the pregnancy. You have to stimulate them. By artificial means, you will cause contractions if they still do not appear at 41-42 weeks of gestation, and any violations that threaten his life are found in the fetus. The most common ways to stimulate labor: the introduction into the cervical canal of Cerviprost (a hormonal drug that softens the cervix); intravenous administration of a hormonal drug (also contributes to uterine contraction); opening of the amniotic sac (after which contractions begin).

Do not rush to "try on" all the worst. Believe that everything will happen naturally for you, without pain, without complications, and most importantly - without fear. A woman ready for childbirth will immediately understand: here they are, contractions! A little more - and the most desired treasure will appear!

Specially for Tanya Kivezhdiy

It's hard to put into words what contractions are like. But if you carefully listen to your feelings, then determine when and how the contractions before childbirth begin under the power of each.

Most women are afraid of pain, they say it can seem unbearable. But it is important to remember: the stronger the fear, the more painful the contractions will be felt. On the contrary, a positive attitude and the expectation of an early meeting with the baby will make it easier to survive the first stage of childbirth.

The nature of contractions

Every pregnant woman, especially a primipara, wants to lift the veil of secrecy and find out what awaits her during childbirth. Nature arranged everything so that the pregnant woman prepared for the upcoming test - they appear for half the term.

It is difficult to compare false contractions with real ones - they are painless, irregular, and the intensity and duration do not increase over time.

Many women feel pain during training contractions, somewhat reminiscent of those that will then manifest themselves in childbirth. But it is almost impossible to confuse them.

Both the expectant first-born and the multiparous mother almost immediately understand what is happening. Finally, a walk or a warm bath helps to dispel doubts, in such conditions the body calms down.

Often the birth process begins at night. By the beginning of the fights, you will wake up anyway. An inner voice will tell you right away - the long-awaited moment is near. Shortly before the onset of contractions, you may have been worried about other signs of an approaching birth:

  • aching pain in the lower abdomen
  • long "silence" in the tummy - the child hardly moves
  • painful pulling sensations in the lower back
  • sanious secretions

We conduct observations

It is customary to call contractions involuntary regular contractions of the uterus, which, in conjunction with attempts, lead to the expulsion of the fetus from the uterus.

Most often, childbirth begins with contractions, and not the outpouring of water, which marks the beginning of the first period of labor. Thanks to painful contractions, the cervix opens completely (we are talking about 10-12 cm).

In this state, the neck is ready for the baby to pass through it. The contractions will stop after the appearance of the child, and at the second stage of childbirth, attempts will also be added to them.

It is important to record the time when you felt the first contractions, especially if labor activity began with them, and not with the outpouring of amniotic fluid.

Immediately arm yourself with a pen and paper, note the time and duration of each contraction. Ideally, contractions should gradually lengthen and intensify, but the time intervals between them should be shortened.

Primiparas should not neglect the fixation of data. Recording and analysis will help you concentrate and distract from the pain, sometimes severe even in the first period.

And with the help of records, the doctor will understand at what stage the birth is and whether there are reasons that can interfere with the normal course of the birth process.

There are three stages in the period of contractions:

  1. Initial or hidden stage.
    • The duration is on average eight hours, the interval between contractions is 5-10 minutes.
    • Opening up to three centimeters.
  2. active phase.
    • The duration is from three to five hours, the interval between contractions is 2-4 minutes.
    • Opening up to seven centimeters. During this period, the duration of the contraction increases to a minute.
  3. Transition or deceleration phase.
    • The shortest stage, from 30 minutes to an hour and a half, the interval between contractions is up to a minute.
    • Continues until full disclosure.

In the second and subsequent births, the time of each stage is likely to be less.

Irregularity is a sign of pathology

The duration of contractions can vary, and the "distance" between them is often the same. At the beginning of labor, contractions are mostly short, no more than 30 seconds, and happen every half an hour - a sign that enough time will pass before the baby is born.

For nulliparous, the best solution is to spend some time at home. Contraindications: bleeding will not join the process, you are not pregnant with twins and there are no various pathologies.

When the difference between contractions reaches 10 minutes, it is better to be in the hospital. Do not pull to the last - in the hospital you will have to fill out a number of documents, undergo preparation for childbirth (hygienic shower and enema, examination by a gynecologist on a chair).

It is better to undergo procedures being in a sane state, which severe pain will definitely not contribute to.

Keep in mind that if the contractions are very different in intensity and come at different intervals, it is possible that labor has not yet begun, but you just felt the Braxton Hicks contractions.

Another reason for the absence of all sorts of patterns is that labor activity is slowed down, and thus the first symptoms of pathology appear. Moreover, weakness is more often manifested precisely in primiparas - then mandatory stimulation will be required.

Otherwise, in such situations, childbirth does not occur soon. In anticipation, you can spend up to three days - the pain will exhaust the woman and she simply does not have enough strength to try.

First discomfort, then pain

Let's try to understand the feelings of a woman during contractions. Many mothers talk about their first sensations of contractions that have just begun - they can’t even really be called pain.

The contractions are more like a strong tension of the abdominal muscles with a periodically occurring pulsation - the tension gradually increases, and then everything calms down. Sometimes you just feel some discomfort, gradually developing into something painful.

The centers in which the first pains occur are different parts of the body. Some begin with lower back pain, while others primiparous or multiparous pain is felt first in the abdomen.

At this stage, almost all women easily tolerate these signs of labor that has begun. Most mothers, describing pain during contractions, compare them with pain during menstruation, increased tenfold.

But time passes - contractions intensify and become more frequent. Now the pain occurs in the upper abdomen, capturing the lower back, and at the peak it can even “get” to the fingertips, passing through the legs.

Sometimes there will be confidence that at the moment when the fight reaches its peak, the whole body hurts. At this time, most women in labor require drugs to relieve pain.

How to ease the pain

Remember: it is best not to take drugs while you are able to do without painkillers.

Still, childbirth is a natural process, the body releases its own painkillers.

Yes, and it’s not so long to endure - the long-awaited child will appear soon. Don't forget, most public maternity hospitals simply won't give you pain medication. An anesthesiologist is required only when they are going to do a caesarean section.

Pain can be reduced in several ways.

  • Look for positions that can ease the pain of contractions.
  • Sometimes pregnant women are given IV drops before giving birth - then you will not be able to take full advantage of this advice.
  • If you have the opportunity to move freely along the generic, try to tilt the body forward and lean against the wall at the time of the fight - it helps a lot.
  • Try to breathe according to the methods from the childbirth preparation courses - this method is one of the most effective. Your loved ones or doula can give you a lower back massage.
  • A bath or at least a shower helps many to relieve pain; they have begun to be installed in modern maternity boxes.

When attempts begin, the pain will move closer to the perineum, as the child moves directly through the birth canal. All these signs indicate the imminent birth of a baby - no more than 40 minutes are left.

Most women have long been in a special chair surrounded by doctors. It will seem that there is no strength - in this case, try to use the intervals between attempts for maximum relaxation.

Childbirth: the baby also works

The duration of the periods of childbirth in primiparous women starts from several hours and reaches up to three days. For those who are expecting a second baby, childbirth is usually fast, since the body acts according to a well-known pattern.

And only at the third stage of the process you will not feel contractions.

By that time, childbirth is already taking place, now the placenta and other parts of the “house” in which the child lived for nine months will have to be born. Perhaps this moment in childbirth is one of the calmest.

The woman is resting after the work done, and the baby, tired from vigorous activity, may have fallen asleep. During childbirth, the baby also has a hard time - he does a serious job helping his mother.

At each contraction, the child rests his head on the pelvic floor - he does this thanks to his repulsion reflex from the support. It will remain with him even after giving birth for a while - put your hand on the little heels and you can easily feel how the baby pushed off her.

Another reflex needed by the baby during childbirth is called the postural reflex. It enables the baby to turn the body following the turn of the head or the pelvic end.

This skill is very important precisely in the process of childbirth, since the child, passing through the birth canal, which has an irregular shape, is forced to turn around several times.

As a rule, during childbirth, the mother does not feel how the baby moves. Firstly, the movements overlap the sensations of contractions, and secondly, the baby also rests in moments of “calm”.

If you feel that he is actively moving during or between contractions, then there are signs of fetal hypoxia. Be sure to tell your doctor about your feelings.

Contractions during pregnancy are the main means of moving the baby through the birth canal. There are several types that differ mainly in terms of gestation and the strength of the contractile reaction. Most women give in to panic, there is a fear of the unknown, in addition, the question arises, what sensations arise in the process.

What are contractions during pregnancy?

Primiparous women always worry about how to find out that the baby is ready to be born and is it possible to skip this period? Women's nature is arranged in such a way that it is almost impossible to miss the onset of childbirth, especially for the first time. Intuitively, the body itself knows what to do, how to behave at this stage, but still it is worth familiarizing yourself with the basic concepts about the onset of labor.

Contractions during pregnancy are contractions of the uterine cavity that occur involuntarily with a certain frequency and gradually increasing strength. The uterus comes into tone under the influence of the hormone oxytocin, which, as the birth progresses, increases its production.

With contractions, painful sensations arise, the body tries to push the fetus out, which actually happens. The frequency may be different, but over time, the process increases along with the pain syndrome.

Contractions in pregnant women can vary depending on the gestation period, so there are true contractions and training. At the 9th month, after 37-38 weeks, together with contractions of the uterine cavity, the cervix begins to open, providing the fetus with a path to birth from the womb. After that, attempts are added to the process of delivery, which the woman is more or less able to control.

Acute cramping pain in the early stages is a sign of the presence of pathology. At the same time, there are sensations of constant, regular contraction, the presence of bloody discharge from the vagina is possible. Such a process requires the immediate intervention of doctors, because. this indicates the development of a miscarriage or premature birth.

When do training contractions start during pregnancy?

Not all women have false or training contractions; many simply do not notice them due to weak uterine contractions. Training contractions begin during pregnancy, mainly in the later stages, they are typical for 35-37 weeks, but they can also appear at any gestation period.

During the first pregnancy, such unusual sensations are somewhat frightening for a woman. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how to recognize and distinguish the symptoms of false cramps from true ones.

First of all, training bouts appear irregularly, i.e. the periodicity of the tone of the uterus is random and has no system. For comparison, you can calculate the interval of action, if the duration is less than 20 seconds, and the period between them is about 20 minutes, then most often this indicates a false process.

The training process occurs under the following circumstances:

  • during a strong physical load of the body:
  • with sudden movements of the body;
  • if the bladder is full for a long period;
  • during intercourse or after it;
  • with increased activity of the fetus inside the womb.
The training processes during the gestation period look just like the real ones, but at the same time the cervix does not open, chaotic, not very painful contractions are observed. Women are already more calm about false contractions during their second pregnancy, without undue panic. Therefore, primiparas, when there is a feeling of contractions, should be patient and calm down, because. Extra stress will only make things worse.

Contractions - how to understand the sensations during the first pregnancy?

The onset of contractions involves the passage of a mucous plug from the cervix, which for the entire 9-month period prevented the involuntary opening and release of the fetus. In the future, sensations and symptoms go on increasing.

The first signs of contractions in pregnant women are felt mainly as the beginning of the menstrual cycle. There are symptoms with some soreness in the lower abdomen - these are contractions that differ in the exact frequency and increase in pain as labor progresses.

You can understand the sensations during the first pregnancy by the duration of the contractions. Mostly in primiparous women, they last up to 12 hours. Over time, the intensity increases, the symptoms become more obvious, the interval between them decreases.

There are several stages of contraction of the uterine cavity:

  • the initial period is characterized by a contraction of up to 45 seconds. with an interval of up to 5 minutes. At this stage, the cervix slightly opens - no more than 3 cm;
  • the active stage includes a duration of about a minute, while the interval is up to 4 minutes. The neck opens in diameter from 3 to 7 cm;
  • the transitional stage is considered the shortest, lasting up to 1.5 hours. Contractions in this case appear every minute and last up to 90 seconds.
It is quite easy to understand when the first stage ended and the attempts began. With contractions of the uterus, pain occurs, and with attempts, there is a desire to push the fetus out. Therefore, before the start of attempts, you should have time to contact the maternity ward for qualified help at the birth of a child.

Contractions - how to understand the sensations during the second and third pregnancy

The first signs of contractions during the second pregnancy, as well as during the third, practically do not differ from the first gestation. The only difference may be the speed of labor activity. The intervals between contractions of the uterine cavity are significantly reduced, the cervix opens faster.

To understand the sensations during the third pregnancy, it is enough to recall previous births. When the contraction involves the muscles of the lumbar region, the abdominal wall and the groin area, a so-called uterine spasm occurs, which leads to the opening of the cervix and gradually pushes the baby out.

The description of the contractions suggests that the soreness largely depends on the ability of the pregnant woman to relax and calm down between intervals. Therefore, you should attend prenatal courses that help you master the technique of proper breathing and not succumb to panic during childbirth.

Many expectant mothers are worried that they will not be able to recognize the onset of labor in a timely manner. Therefore, they are worried about what sensations arise at this moment. How not to confuse false contractions and incipient labor? What pains arise at this most cherished moment of the birth of a child?

The expectant mother should know the answers to all questions.

Before you start describing contractions, every mom should know what it is all about.

Contractions are a kind of contraction of the muscles of the uterus with its further relaxation. At the very beginning of labor, contractions begin to intensify, which makes it possible for the baby to move through the birth canal.

Every woman's body is unique. Therefore, all the sensations during the period of contractions will differ. Also, feelings during the birth process, of which contractions are a component, are different for each organism. But they are united by a wonderful result - this is the birth of a new person into the world.

The contraction begins at the upper point of the uterus and gradually spreads through all its muscles. In general, such sensations resemble the tension of muscle fibers, which gradually begin to weaken. At the very beginning, the appearance of a contraction rarely brings pain. Rather, to a greater extent for a woman in labor, this is a feeling of discomfort.

In some pregnant women, it accompanies feeling of contractions pain in the lumbar region. Most often, this is caused by the fact that the child is turned to face the spine and moves with the back of the head.

For a woman who gives birth for the first time, such sensations are unfamiliar. But pregnant women who have already gone this way will not confuse this state with anything. As already noted, each woman has contractions in different ways. Some feel the relaxation of the muscles, someone pain in the lower back, while others have all the symptoms and sensations, as during menstruation.

During this period, contractions do not cause a woman much anxiety, so it is better to relax and try to rest before the upcoming birth. For the quick and correct birth of a child, the mother will need to give maximum strength. After all, the speed of flow largely depends on the woman herself.

But what unites them all is regularity. The first contractions can be with an interval of half an hour or more. Gradually, the gap between them will decrease.

  • Regularity of occurrence;
  • Constant decrease in the interval between each contraction;
  • There is a gradual increase in pain.

Marriages just before childbirth gradually become much more intense and longer. At first they are mild and last for a short time. The pain increases and is felt stronger, and the contractions are longer and more painful.

Just before the birth, the contraction lasts about a minute, and the intervals between them become short.

Almost every woman periodically begins to feel attempts She wants to go to the toilet all the time. As many mothers say, you can’t confuse this feeling with anything, you always get the feeling that a watermelon will appear as a result.

Many mothers who have given birth say that during the contractions their uterus turned to stone. It is easy to feel if you put your hand on the surface of the abdomen. Before the onset of the birth process, pain is felt, mostly in the lumbar region and lower abdomen.

Contractions during childbirth are very rapid and most painful. Even though some claim that there was no severe pain for them, just a feeling of discomfort, like during menstruation.

But still, one or another painful sensation will be present in everyone, this is natural and normal. Only during childbirth can pain be aggravated by improper preparation of the mother and her behavior.

During childbirth, the contractions become as intense as possible. With the full disclosure of the uterus, the contraction begins to be replaced by one another. The relaxation period becomes almost imperceptible. Under the influence of emotions, often, a woman can no longer simply notice him. It seems to her that a new fight begins immediately after the end of the previous one.

Most often, with strong contractions, a woman gets a desire to push. Such attempts in response to contractions, they speak of the final process of contractions - expulsion. Pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen begins to recede. And all painful sensations move to the perineal region.

Throughout pregnancy, a woman may feel light contractions that occur during physical exertion or sudden movements. Closer to childbirth, they can intensify.

Also, shortly before giving birth, a woman may experience training contractions. They are often called false. Many are afraid of not distinguishing them from the real ones. But do not panic, as such concepts are difficult to confuse.

From the reviews of women who have already given birth, for example, relatives or acquaintances, one can draw up an approximate picture of sensations with false contractions. During the appearance of such contractions, discomfort may be felt in the lumbar region and lower abdomen. As many say training bouts very similar to the symptoms that are present during menstruation. Gynecologists very often warn women during consultations that false contractions can also appear during sleep. The child is usually calm in such situations and his activity is not felt.

Maternal instinct in most cases tells a woman that she should not worry. And the fights themselves last no more than a minute. Most often they occur about a month before the upcoming birth.

More details description of sensations You can learn about each type of contractions by watching the video:

In conclusion, I would like to note that the expectant mother should not get too carried away with especially terrible options for describing the upcoming birth. As experienced obstetricians say, severe pain occurs in women who are clamped, are in constant fear and do not adhere to previously received recommendations for behavior during childbirth.

It is necessary to go to give birth in a good mood, emotionally tuned in, because the birth of a child is a great joy.

Do you understand what contractions feel like? You can read the experience of others on the forum. Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone.

The approach of childbirth can not only be a source of joyful anticipation from an early meeting with the baby, but also cause some anxiety. This is especially true for the first pregnancy. In anticipation of the appearance of the baby, the expectant mother is increasingly wondering how to understand that contractions have begun. It also happens that at the first urge, a woman hurries to pack things for the hospital, but then the discomfort disappears and causes bewilderment.

Let's talk about how to distinguish real contractions, whether you should be afraid of them, and when you really need to hurry to the hospital.

What are contractions

What happens to a woman's body before giving birth?

The uterus is a smooth muscle organ in which gestation occurs. When the time comes, the muscles begin to contract, providing the opening of the cervix for the passage of the child. It is these contractions that a woman feels when she says she is in labor 1 .

Contractions: how to understand that they have begun

When contractions begin, a woman may feel them differently.

Feelings can be of three main types, which are often described by women in labor:

  • Pain in the lumbar region.
  • Pain like menstruation.
  • Cramping pains that spread throughout the abdomen.
    • It is impossible to predict how much a woman will be disturbed by contractions. Much depends on the physiology and position of the child in the womb. But, despite the different nature of sensations, each woman goes through three natural phases of the process:

      1. Initial. Pain is mild. The contractions are short, and there are quite long breaks between them. This state can last up to 8 hours. At this time, the expectant mother can take a warm shower or start to gradually get ready for the hospital. It is advisable to start marking the time intervals of contractions so as not to miss their transition to the next phase.

      2. Active. The time of contractions increases, the breaks become shorter. A woman may feel discomfort for up to 1 minute, after which a new contraction begins after a short period. The condition lasts from 3 hours. By the time when only 5 minutes pass between contractions, it is highly desirable for a woman to already be under the supervision of a doctor.

      3. Transitional. This phase is easy to skip on your own - it takes from half an hour to 2 hours and helps the cervix to open up to a state of full readiness (7-19 cm). At the same time, the woman notices the discharge of the mucous plug, which at other times “closes” the cervix. The time of the birth of the child is approaching 2 .

      false contractions

      Above, we gave an example of how prenatal contractions begin. However, in obstetrics there is also the concept of false contractions.

      False contractions are exactly the same process of contraction of the uterus. However, they do not lead to the opening of the neck, therefore they are considered “training”. False contractions can cause the expectant mother to rush to the hospital, although in fact they are not difficult to bring to light. First, a woman, as a rule, does not experience pain. Secondly, the intervals between "training" contractions are not reduced, and their amplification does not occur.

      Usually, starting from the end of the second trimester, a woman begins to feel uterine contractions, which become stronger and longer as the baby grows. If such contractions do not cause pain or increased discomfort, then this is an absolute norm. Shortly before childbirth, such uterine contractions intensify, gradually developing into real contractions.

      What to do when contractions start

      When the interval between contractions becomes less than 5 minutes, a woman needs to be under the supervision of a doctor as soon as possible. Until that time, if the mother is not worried about severe pain, it is enough just to relax and calm down, keep track of time intervals and get ready for the hospital. Calmness and proper breathing play a big role in how easily discomfort will be tolerated. Fear of pain can only increase spasms - this has long been a known fact.

      But you do not need to take painkillers on your own. The very first piece of advice for a woman giving birth is to "breathe deeply." Proper breathing and focusing on exhalation not only reduces stress, but also relaxes the muscles of the pelvic floor. A light massage of the lower back also helps. And most importantly, don't overdo it. It is important to use the time between contractions to rest before the most important thing - childbirth 3.

      How to relieve pain when contractions start

      To date, there are relatively safe ways to save a woman in labor from severe pain during childbirth. However, many doctors are wary of these events. The point is not only the risk of side effects (which, although not great, but still exists), but also the fact that drugs can lead to a weakening of generic functions.

      If the doctor nevertheless decides on the need for anesthesia, the choice is given to one of the groups of drugs:

      1. Medicinal anesthesia. This includes various analgesics, taken mainly orally (with water).

      2. Epidural anesthesia. An anesthetic (lidocaine, ropelocaine, etc.) is delivered under the membrane of the spinal cord using a thin needle that the doctor inserts between the vertebrae. The method is effective (after the introduction, the sensitivity below the back disappears completely), but due to a number of nuances, it is used only in exceptional cases. For example, as a result of such anesthesia, a woman can no longer push effectively, so instrumental intervention may be required.

      Preferably, when childbirth takes place naturally, without medical intervention 3 .

      What to do if contractions do not start?

      It also happens that the term of childbirth has come up, but the contractions have not begun. This phenomenon is not necessarily a cause for concern, but it needs medical supervision. The reasons for the decline in labor functions may be previous inflammatory diseases, menstrual irregularities or hormonal disorders.

      Usually, childbirth occurs at 37-40 weeks. If this did not happen, but the doctor does not detect pathologies of the placenta, the child has enough oxygen and nutrients, and the amniotic fluid is clean, then natural stimulation of labor will do. Women are shown light walks, being in an upright position. Sex can also have a positive effect on the induction of labor: substances contained in semen have a softening effect on the cervix, and sexual arousal and orgasm are natural muscle stimuli. The main thing is to take precautions.

      What you should not do unequivocally is to indulge in folk methods of stimulation. Especially when it comes to herbs. They have a strong and not always controlled effect, so it is generally better for women in a position to protect themselves from using any infusions and decoctions.

      If a decision has been made on medical stimulation of labor, one of the following methods is selected:

      1. Reception of prostaglandins (if the cervix is ​​not ready for disclosure).

      2. Amniotomy (opening of the amniotic sac) - is used to reduce the contractile functions of the uterus.

      3. The introduction of oxytocin (intravenous or in tablets) - to stimulate the process of contractions 4.

      Childbirth is an exciting and responsible event. And the best thing that a future mother can do in this situation is not to be afraid of the accompanying manifestations. You need to try to perceive contractions not as a source of pain, but as a natural process that contributes to the birth of a tiny beloved baby.

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      • 2. Obstetrics: national leadership / ed. E. K. Ailamazyan, V. I. Kulakov, V. E. Radzinsky, G. M. Savelieva. - M. : GEOTAR-Media, 2014. - 1200 p.
      • 3. Velvovsky I. Z. The system of psychoprophylactic anesthesia in childbirth. - M.: Enlightenment, 1986.
      • 4. Baev O. R. Basic protocol for the management of childbirth / O. R. Baev [et al.]. - M.: RAMN V.I. Kulakov, 2011. - 20 p.