The onset of childbirth. By what signs you can understand that the birth has already begun? Ceiling changes

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Each woman at the most extreme pregnancy term begins to think about what exactly indicates the beginning of the generic activity, what they are, these first signs, and that it should feel.

At the highest point I want to be in a specialized medical institution under the supervision of competent personnel. That is why signs of childbirth are very important for pregnant women and their loved ones, when 39 weeks are completely close.

Harbingers of birth

The period of harbingers of generic activity begins for one or two weeks before the onset of generic activity. These include the following changes in the body:

  • The woman feels that the stomach "descends" the book. This is due to the fact that the bottom of the uterus under pressure is omitted. At first particular, this is manifested in 14-30 days before delivery, and in repeated women - only the day before.
  • Mussels begin with vagina, associated with an increase in the secretion of cervical glands on the mucous membrane of the cervical cervix. Over time, they become less transparent.
  • There is a rather noticeable relief of breathing, also caused by the movement of the fetus into the lower part of the abdomen and the release of the diaphragm. But besides this, heartburn often arise and unpleasant sensations for the seat.
  • The characteristic forerunner of childbirth is back pain. The kid presses on a small pelvis, and the iliac-sacral junction tissue is more and more stretched.
  • You are increasingly becoming a urination because of the strengthened with the growth of the fetus pressure on the bladder. In addition, many hormones in the body of pregnant women begin to work just like laxatives, causing diarrhea.
  • The increase in the mass of the fluid emerging from the body leads to a decrease in the weight of pregnant women on one or two kilograms.
  • The fruit begins to move more chaotically: the lulls are more often replaced by sharp active movements.
  • Even more changes occur in an emotional background of pregnant. All-based neuroendocrine processes occurring in the body in front of childbirth are activated especially. Often, the "nesting" instinct manifests itself: the future mother is not sitting on the spot, constantly want to do something on the house or cook.
  • It decreases or is completely absent before the beginning of the generic activity appetite.

Such signs of emergence practically do not differ from primary and repeated women. Unless repeatedly, they cause less fear and panic, although they can sometimes be expressed to a greater extent.

False fights

A few days before the start of childbirth (most often in two weeks), women appear harbingers. Their signs differ from generics: false contractions are irregular, last long, rather weak and do not lead to the disclosure of the uterine. Nevertheless, "training" contractions before childbirth is not just a physiological process. When they are accompanied by 39 weeks of pregnancy, the uterus passes a kind of preparation and softened.

To avoid discomfort and pain in the last weeks of pregnancy during false fights, it is not recommended to engage in too active physical activity. It is better to lie down in bed or quietly and shortly stroll. Sleep and leisure of pregnant women must be full, but do not need them and abuse. The early offensive of the "training" bouts can occur due to smoking, alcohol or some types of drugs. It is also no need to limit yourself in food, even despite the decline in appetite.

In the occurrence of kits, first of all it is necessary to determine their frequency. If time intervals do not become smaller, it means that the fights will soon end and will not bring any harm to the body of the mother and child. But in the case when they continue for several hours, you need to consult a doctor. Most often, false contractions are manifested at primordin women.

39 week - the onset of childbirth

The long-awaited 39 week of pregnancy has come, and the baby will soon have to be born. Evidence of emergence may be several processes. Not all of these signs should manifest itself, especially in repeated women, but at least one will definitely feel.

The first signs of childbirth:

  • Fights - periodic cuts in the uterus, the interval between which tends to reduce, and before the start of the generic activity lasts no more than a minute. They are always accompanied by sharp pains at the bottom of the abdomen, but the adoption of painkillers is not recommended to exercise until 48 hours from the beginning of the first bouts.
  • Blood selection from the vagina. They indicate the movement or thinning of the uterus before childbirth. The entire 39 week of pregnancy can be accompanied by the discharge of the mucus, these signs are normal and do not speak any threat to the health of the child.
  • Fast or slow separation of ammunition. Usually this process is occurring simultaneously with the fights: an urban bubble burst from the linens. As a rule, from the moment the water moved away, no more than 24 hours passed before the start of labor.
  • Strong pains in the lower abdomen and back, which are a consequence of bouts.
  • Nausea and too frequent urge to urination. Of course, toxicosis usually torments pregnant women at the very beginning, but childbirth is a huge stress for the whole organism, and in front of them all the internal organs begin to "rebel", so that 39 weeks of pregnancy becomes the same heavy as the first.
  • The output of the mucosa, accumulated in the cerviff cavity. He can occur both in a couple of days and two weeks before the start of the generic activity.

But the fact that the woman is already ready, and childbirth will soon begin, the gynecologist is determined when the uterus is inspected: it should be located on the main axis of the pelvis and be soft, and the neck is quite shortened.

Premature birth

When the 39 week of pregnancy has not yet come, premature childbirth may occur. The first signs of the occurrence of birth timely from them almost do not differ, just softening and shortening the cervix can be observed from 27 to 32 weeks. The fetus at this time, as a rule, is weakly moving, the accumulate waters leak or completely depart, and all this is accompanied by grapple-shaped pains, as before timely childbirth.

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Birth - the inevitable process of ending pregnancy. As they pass, depends on many factors. The closer to the finish, the more the worries are experiencing a woman. There are categories of dubious and reliable signs of giving birth. The future mother is important to know about the basic precursors of the emergence of the child to light.

Determine the approach of childbirth

When a pregnancy proceeds without pathology, a female body a few days before delivery will definitely give signals about the outcome of the process. In very rare cases there are no signs. For a woman, it is important to learn about them in advance, it is possible to prepare and carefully observe the manifestations of the body.

The harbingers of childbirth at the primordin and repeatedly the same. The difference lies only in the fact that with the first pregnancy, signs of ambulance may appear in 1-2 weeks. Subsequent children are usually born faster and symptoms are noticed 1-2 days before the start. However, despite the statistics, everything is individually.

In the pathological course of pregnancy, the generation process is unpredictable.

After 37 weeks, a pregnant woman should be very careful to watch the manifestations of the body in order to go to the maternity hospital

Subjective signs

Since each organism is individual, a woman can notice both all signs of the nearest delivery, and their absence. Even if any of the subjective symptoms does not appear, you need to know about them to prepare for the main event. We will highlight the most common precursors of childbirth:

  1. Outstanding the abdomen. When a woman notices that it became easier for her, heartburn disappeared, the digestion was improved, which means the fetus head approached the exit. Related can notice that pregnant has changed the gait. She became more like "duck". Because of the displacement of the uterus, the future mother is hard to fall asleep, as it is impossible to find a comfortable posture. The stomach can fall in 1-4 weeks before childbirth or per day. Everything is very individual, so the sign is not reliable.
  2. Put pump. The uterus is lowered down and speaks a little forward, so the navel can turn out.
  3. Reduced fetal movements. Sometimes there is some decrease in the activity of the fetus before childbirth. And it happens, on the contrary, women celebrate the increase in the movements of the child before the appearance of the light.
  4. Pulling pain at the bottom of the abdomen, lower back. Having awe has a good character as during menstruation. If the pain acquires a grapple-shaped rhythm at certain intervals, then it's time to go to the hospital. A frequent sign of the beginning of childbirth, but can also talk about the pathological conditions of neighboring organs.
  5. Reduced appetite, weight. A minor decrease in the number of food consumed and the yield of extra liquid contribute to weight loss to 1-2 kg.
  6. Frequent urination and diarrhea. Since the fetal head fell into a small pelvis, it presses on the bladder, and the urge to the toilet increases. Before childbirth, spontaneous intestinal cleansing occurs, as the production of progesterone hormone decreases, and oxytocin starts to be produced, which increases the peristaltics.
  7. Instinct "nesting". In a few days or weeks before childbirth, the future mother there is a desire to bring order in the house, create a comfort, prepare things for a newborn, etc.
  8. Change of mood, fear. That explosions of emotions, then the depressed state is characteristic before the start of the process. Very often the woman begins to pursue the inexplicable anxiety. The reason for such reactions is hormonal restructuring.

The two last points are related to the psychological state of the woman. It is impossible to determine the beginning of the birth, relying only on the emotional component. The remaining signs are reflected at the physiological level, therefore, to some extent, they can designate the likelihood of the fast appearance of the baby. Subjective signs cannot be considered 100% reliable precursors of immediate delivery.

Objective signs

Objective signs relate to the category of reliable and are considered an explicit signal to the beginning of childbirth. When the first two symptoms of the future mother must be asked for medical help.

  1. Fight. The process is characteristic for the first period of childbirth when the cervical disclosure occurs. It is impossible to determine the disclosure yourself, it is only available to the gynecologist when inspection on the chair. Fights begin with small painful sensations for 10-15 seconds with a break of 10-20 minutes. Gradually, the interval is reduced to 2-3 minutes, and the battle time increases to 60 seconds. It is noticed to strengthen pain. With the first pregnancy, the fights can delay before the day. If necessary, doctors use drugs to quickly disclose cervix, as this period is very painful and greatly tires the woman. Repeated childbirth flows with a reduction in the sampling period 2-3 times. Some pregnant women have false contractions, which, unlike real, do not lead to the disclosure of the cervix. A distinctive feature of false fights is their irregularity and lack of increasing power.
  2. Pullen oily water or leakage. Often childbirth begin with a premature fluid yield. Water can stand out by minimal portions or immediately in a large amount, and then gradually. Options may be different. The main thing is that the aircraft water can not be confused with other discharge, they are very difficult not to notice. The liquid must be clearly odorless. A greenish or other color of water with an unpleasant smell speaks about the intrauterine suffering of the fetus.
  3. The discharge of the mucosa is considered a relatively objective feature, since its output does not always guarantee the immediate origin. Cork can move out for 1-2 weeks or a day before the birth of a child. When the generic process begins with an influence of spindle water, the cervical mucus can remain unnoticed. As a rule, the plug comes out within 1-3 days in parts. The mass of the mass can be different: white, yellow, brownish, with strengths of blood - all this is the option of norm.

The mucous plug is similar to the jelly-shaped mass, so it is impossible to confuse with ordinary discharge

It is necessary to urgently go to the maternity hospital only with regular fights and / or influence of accumulating waters. The separation of the mucosa is a sign that is not the cause of rapid hospitalization.

Does the presence of signs of approaching labor

Every childbirth takes place according to an individual scenario. The body of any pregnant before childbirth is rebuilt. Someone may not be noticed, and the other feels minimal changes. Subjective signs may not be completely, but without objective childbirth will not begin.

Fights are the main sign of the beginning of the generic activity.

In the case when the process passes rapidly, the fight and / or the extinguishing of water occurs in a few hours, and even minutes before the birth of a child. In some cases, against the background of active fasteners of influence of the oily water, it does not occur, which forces the doctors to make a bubble puncture.

If a woman is in doubt about the diagnosis of harbors of childbirth, you can always call the attending gynecologist and get advice.

Video: doctor obstetrician-gynecologist about the forerunners of childbirth

Birth and maternity hospital

If a pregnant woman is attentive to signals of his body, she will never miss the harbingers of childbirth, as a sign of emergency with a favorite baby.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, a smooth change in the hormonal profile of a woman occurs. As the placenta is regularly decreasing the number of progesterone produced by it, and the relative amount of another female hormone - estrogen - on the contrary, grows. Progesterone "reigned" in the body throughout the entire period of nursing the fetus, ensuring pregnancy, the effects of estrogen are directed opposite to prepare for childbirth. When the concentration of estrogen in the blood reaches the maximum, the brain receptors will perceive it as a signal to childbirth and generic activity will begin. Those changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman under the influence of the change of hormones and are preparing generic paths to the appearance of a baby on the light, and are called - harbing childbirth. This is the logical final stage of pregnancy, which in obstetrics is often referred to as a preparatory period of labor, the purpose of which is to provide a soft, as little traumatic advancement of the fetus by the generic paths. According to literary medical data, this process takes place on the 38-39 week of pregnancy, but many women have some of the harbingers may appear per day or two to childbirth. If for you it will be second childbirth, the forerunners are likely to begin a little later, closer to the moment of the appearance of your baby.

9 harbingers of childbirth:

1. The people known in the people of fast birth - "the omission of the abdomen" is absolutely true and is based on the anatomical changes at the end of pregnancy. If the baby is located down his head, then in this period its head is lowered even lower and now it is slightly fixed. I am expressed by a medical language, inserted into a small pelvis. The upper part of the uterus is also lowered and no longer squeezes the lungs and stomach, so women rarely leave this harbing of childbirth, because it becomes a little easier to breathe. Sometimes the navel protrusion appears, the belly skin is even more stretched.

2. A slight increase in the amount of selections from sex tract as a result of the fact that the lower part of the fruit bubble peelled from the walls of the uterus. This sign of an emergency meeting with the baby sometimes suggests the idea of \u200b\u200bthe possible afteration of the accumulating waters and is very concerned about future mothers. To clarify the situation, you can use a special test for rapid diagnostics, which will reliably show whether in the separated amniotic fluid.

3. Changes of the cervix. At the state of women, this is not reflected in any way, such anatomical harbingers of fast births are noticeable only to the doctor with a vaginal examination, but perhaps pregnant will be interested in learn about this process. If earlier the cervix, according to which the baby will move during childbirth, was, figuratively speaking, a pipe, about 4 cm long, with a narrow point opening on both sides, now it looks different. From the inside, where the baby's head is adjacent, it is revealed quite strongly, and the rest, its narrow part is now only 1-2 cm and still resembles a pipe, but with an extended hole passable for one finger. Frucent shells are now very close and easily accessible to infections, which is why the woman, closer to the end of pregnancy, is not recommended to take baths, limited to a shower with a mandatory daily toilet genitals.

4. If you are often weighed, you will probably notice that in the last weeks of pregnancy weight has dropped sharply by 1-1.5 kg. This occurs as a result of a decrease in tissue edema. Pay attention to your feet - if before the gum from the socks left a pronounced trace on them, and now it is not so noticeable - childbirth is not far off and is time to start morally prepare for a meeting with the baby.

5. Selection of mucosa plug. This forerunner of childbirth is probably the most famous and enveloped by myths. It is very important to understand what is a mucous plug. This accumulation of mucus, usually a little more dense daily vaginal discharge, colorless or with insignificant streaks of blood, with a volume of about 2-3 ml. If you notice bloody or abundant watery allocations, consult a doctor, it can be a dangerous symptom.

6. Changing posture. As a result of the omission of the uterus, the center of gravity is shifting. A woman acquires a characteristic proud view, and her head is usually somewhat trapped back, and the gait becomes duck.

7. Increase the frequency of urination and the relief of the chair, which occur due to the compression of the fruit bubble of the organs of the small pelvis. It should be noted that, according to some experts, the discharge of the chair occurs under the influence of sufficiently high, close to the peak concentrations of estrogen, so this feature can be considered a precursor of highly childbirth, unlike previous ones, which can continue weeks.

8. The emergence or strengthening of "training" battles. Unlike true, these contractions are irregular, painless and different duration. Thus, the muscles of the uterus, which will soon have a lot of work, are preparing, if you can put it, warm up, train.

9. Discomfort at the bottom of the abdomen and back. This refers not to acute pain, but pulling and smearing sensations, as a result of a regular stretching of ligaments. In that case. If this is not the first, and the second birth, the forerunners of this nature may not disturb.

Harbingers of birth at primible

Since the symptoms described are mostly subjective in nature, that is, a woman is felt, pregnant women without the experience of genera often interconnects as ailment. A special role is also played by the fact that the harbingers of childbirth at the primordial are usually more smooth. They can begin in two weeks, and a week before delivery and therefore serve as a very conventional temporary reference. It is important to know the fundamental differences between false and real fights, since a woman unfamiliar with sensations in childbirth, training fights may seem strong enough and cause excitement. It is worth noting that the harbingers of childbirth at primible often remain unnoticed at all or include 2-3 of the listed features.

Harbingers of childbirth in repeated

Anatomical difference of already giving birth to women is that their cervix has a wider lumen and reacts faster to hormonal incentives. Therefore, some harbingers of childbirth in repeatedly are more pronounced and begin at earlier deadlines. Thus, there are observations that the mucous plug in women who give birth repeatedly, as well as liquid allocations, increasing by the end of the expansion period of the fetus. Training contractions during the second pregnancy begin to disturb earlier, however, most likely, this is due to the fact that the woman clearly differentiates them. It should be paid to the fact that in the second and subsequent times, not only the generic process itself occurs rapidly, but also the time between the harbingers and childbirth is often reduced. Sometimes the harbingers of childbirth in repeatedly appear per day, two before delivery. It is characteristic that usually the omission of the belly of these women takes place not 1-2 weeks before delivery, but almost immediately before them. Carefully listen to your well-being throughout the pregnancy, if you are coming second childbirth, the forerunners can be interpreted, as a signal to collect bags in the maternity hospital and prepare for the fights.

In the first pregnancy, a woman is always waiting for the beginning of childbirth with special excitement. Despite the descriptions of giving birth friends and stories of doctors, a woman sometimes it is difficult to determine the signs of the sore birth of the baby. This is not surprising, because the signs of childbirth are completely new sensations and impressions. Also affects strong excitement and hormonal changes in the body.

All this leads to the fact that in the late pregnancy changes the slightest changes in the body, a woman regards as the beginning of childbirth, raises to the feet of all others, is taken to hospital, where it turns out that it is still far away. It is important to understand that no woman in the world has yet slept childbirth and not to notice their beginning is simply impossible. At the same time, in the overwhelming majority of cases, with the first pregnancy you have a huge reserve of time to quietly get together and get to the maternity hospital.

Let's consider the main signs of the beginning of childbirth and find out which of them they only say that childbirth will occur in the coming days, and which indicate that childbirth has already begun and should appeal for help from a specialist.

For a start, consider signs that suggest that childbirth will occur soon, usually within 1-2 weeks. With the manifestation of these signs, you should not panic and even more so to go to the hospital.

These features include:

  • false contractions;
  • harbing contractions;
  • secretion of the mucosa;
  • omitting the bottom of the uterus;
  • an unpleasant feeling at the bottom of the abdomen.

Let's start with the mention of the so-called false fights, which are also called Brekston Hicks fights. Strictly speaking, they do not talk about anything at all, and their nature has not fully studied. In some women, they can manifest themselves at the 20th week of pregnancy and in no case talk about loved ones. Nevertheless, giving birth for the first time can incorrectly interpret false contractions and start worrying.

Breckstone-hicks are painless, arise without any system and are expressed in the abdomen and pulling sensations. Often false contractions occur during exercise or laughter and quickly pass. You should not pay attention to them, they have nothing to do with childbirth.

Unlike false fights, harbing contractions may occur since 36 weeks of pregnancy and say that before childbirth, it remains, as a rule, from 1 to 14 days. The harbingers contractions coincide with the generic, but have less intensity, are characterized by tension at the bottom of the abdomen and subsequent relaxation. They can be painful and have some frequency. At this time there is a change in the structure of the uterus and its preparation for childbirth, but the separation of the uterus does not occur.

You can distinguish precursor contractions from the generic interval between them. The interval should not decrease over time. Fights are temporary and usually pass within a few hours. If the interval between the fights is more than 20 minutes, then nothing to worry about, you need to try to relax and sleep. You can also take a warm bath, it will contribute to the relaxing of the muscles and the cessation of precursor bouts.

During pregnancy, the cervix is \u200b\u200bsealed with a mucosa, which prevents the microflora of the vagina into the uterine cavity. When a few days remains before delivery, in the process of changing and softening the cervix, the mucous plug comes out of it. In this case, a number of mucus is distinguished from the vagina, which can be transparent or have a yellow or pink shade. The plug may be highlighted by small parts within a few hours or stand out completely at a time.

Do not be afraid of these discharge, they are absolutely normal and mean only that the uterus is practically ready for childbirth, which, nevertheless, may remain a few more days, up to a week.

After the release of the mucosa, it is forbidden to swim in water bodies or pools, as well as taking a bath. Water should not fall into the vagina, as it increases the risk of infection.

In some cases, the separation of the mucosa does not occur and it exits simultaneously with the accumulating waters, this is a completely normal situation and should not worry about this.

Outstanding the bottom of the uterus

Shortly before delivery there is a slight change in the position of the fetus inside the uterus. The prerequisite part of the fetus moves closer to the small pelvis. This is accompanied by a change in the pressure of the uterus on the diaphragm and the stomach. The woman passes shortness of breath, the feeling of breathing with full breasts appears, heartburn disappears and the feeling of gravity in the stomach after meals. A slightly changing the shape of the tummy.

Limits of extending the external ocean
cervical cervix (diameter), see
Time interval, hour *

* Median, (5th; 95th percentile)

Expansion speed, see / hour
2-3 3,2 (0,6; 15,0) 0,3 (0,1; 1,8)
3-4 2,7 (0,6; 10,1) 0,4 (0,1; 1,8)
4-5 1,7 (0,4; 6,6) 0,6 (0,2; 2,8)
5-6 0,8 (0,2; 3,1) 1,2 (0,3; 5,0)
6-7 0,6 (0,2; 2,2) 1,7 (0,5; 6,3)
7-8 0,5 (0,1; 1,5) 2,2 (0,7; 7,1)
8-9 0,4 (0,1; 1,3) 2,4 (0,8 7,7)
9-10 0,4 (0,1; 1,4) 2,4 (0,7 ; 8,3)

Discomplete sensations

When days are left before childbirth, most women experience discomfort in the abdomen and just below the lower back. Feelings are similar to menstrual pains. This is due to the restructuring of the pelvic muscles, as well as with a high influx of blood into this part of the body.

These signs indicate the approach of childbirth, but do not speak of their start, should not be treated with this to a specialist. These are quite normal phenomena and all pregnant women through it pass.

Signs of the origin of the birth

These signs say that childbirth has already begun and the child will appear in the coming hours. Nevertheless, you should not panic, you have a sufficient stock in order to calmly gather and get to the hospital.

The right signs of the start of birth are only two:

  • deploy-free waste;
  • fight.

This is a faithful sign of the beginning of childbirth, if a woman has moved away the water, then there can be no doubt that the child will appear in the coming hours. From the vagina, a sufficiently large amount of transparent or a little yellowish liquid is distinguished. This means that the cervix has already opened enough and it is completely ready for childbirth. Usually, the accumulate waters depart either immediately before the start of the bouts or after the bouts have already begun. In any case, after the departing of the waters, he should not be hung up with a trip to the hospital.


Most likely, until this point, a woman has already experienced harbing contractions and represents what it is. Generic contractions differ much greater intensity and increasing periodicity. Over time, they do not pass, but, on the contrary, enhanced, become more often and longer.

It is necessary to measure the interval between the fights and if it decreases, then you should go to the hospital. If you give birth for the first time, you do not need to hurry, in stock you have a few more hours. However, if the interval between the fights is less than 15 minutes, it is not worth tightening with the trip. Also worth hurry, if the oral weather has already occurred.

Video - Signs of childbirth at first pregnancy

This question, perhaps, worries any pregnant woman, and the closer the hour x, the more this anxiety. Listening to your feelings, catching any symptoms, pregnant spend the last weeks of pregnancy.

Many curiosity to how childbirth begins, wakes up almost with the first positive test for pregnancy, and he does not let go until the birth of a child.

Let's figure out what the harbingers of childbirth, false contractions, and when you can say that it is the beginning of childbirth.

Harbingers of birth

Already from the 18-20 weeks of pregnancy, women begin to note that the uterus periodically comes to the tone. This is a painless sensation of the stress of the uterus, while when feeling it can be noted that the belly hardens and strains. It is not even contracted ...

Signs of approaching births usually appear about a month - 2 weeks before the event, and there may be a lot of concern. The primible, they usually appear earlier than during repeated births, but they are less pronounced, in repeated women, they may appear only in a few days, almost immediately before childbirth.

The harbingers of childbirth are a complex of symptoms, which is a kind of playing the events and establishing the necessary connections in the body of the future mother, which will ensure the normal course of childbirth.

In many respects, the nervous system of the woman is responsible for the development of childbirth, and in order for everything to be completely safe, it is necessary that the corresponding nervous connections have been established, the so-called dominant of childbirth has been formed. It is clear if the woman has already gave birth, it happens faster, on the previously spent scenario, and the shorter the gap between birth, the easier it happens. That is why repeated births are shorter, and the warning about childbirth also takes less time and brighter expressed.

When do harbingers begin? They usually arise at 37-38 - 39 - 40 week of pregnancy.

How much harbingers of childbirth? Usually they continue up to the beginning of childbirth, and this can happen in a month, and after 2 weeks, and after a couple of days.

So what does the birth say soon? What are the harbingers of childbirth?

Weight loss before childbirth

Women can lose up to 2 kg of weight 1-2 weeks before delivery. This is due to the hormonal perestroika of the body, the amount of progesterone in the blood decreases and the amount of estrogen increases. Progesterone promotes fluid delay in the body, and when its level falls, the liquid is output, the woman loses weight. These are the earliest signs of childbirth.

Lowering belly

The lowering of the abdomen during pregnancy is a symptom that is not always noticed. In recent weeks, the baby occupies so much space in the uterus that his ass can literally rest in the ribs, having to breathe mom, bend, and even causing pain. But a few days before the birth, his head presses the pelvis bones, which causes the lowering of the belly before childbirth. Especially these signs of childbirth are noticeable at primible, at the second and third birth, the child can go down immediately before the event itself.

Signs of lowering the abdomen are to relieve breathing, the feeling that it has become below and interferes is less, and at the same time it can cause a certain discomfort of another plan. The head presses on the bladder, and you constantly run to the toilet, at the same time it can be difficult to go large, constipation can be disturbed.

If you notice these symptoms, it does not mean that the childbirth will begin tomorrow, the lowering of the belly can occur even a month before the event itself, these are the first signals about the approximation of a significant date, from those that appear before all.

Changing mood

For most women, the appearance of apathy, feelings of fatigue, the desire to sleep before childbirth. Some ladies on the contrary, are too active and for the tenth time smooth diapers and go through the contents of the bag for the maternity hospital (nesting syndrome).

Both options are normal, it is better to submit to their desires. If you want to sleep - sleep, gain strength, they will need quite soon.

Selection, test tube before childbirth

During pregnancy, the cervical channel is closed with mucous plug, it is a thick mucus, a closing of the cervix and preventing the penetration of infections to the fetus.

The opening of the cervix before childbirth begins in advance. At first she is shortened and smoothed, gradually its channel is open, it is called the ripening of the cervix. It will become quite mild and smoothed to childbirth, it is a preparatory opening of the cervix during pregnancy, it is provided with just training fights, and only the mature neck of the uterus will be able to develop normally.

It must be said that re-pregnant women discovery occurs literally before the births themselves or even with their start. At first-hand opening of the cervix on 2 fingers may be by the time of arrival in the hospital, in advance, even before the start of active generic activity, they will stretch this process over time and begins in advance.

Signs of the opening of the cervix - selection from the genital tract. Allocations are due to the disorder of the mucosa. Even if the mucous plug has moved when it is impossible to predict. The plug before childbirth is a lump of mucus, up to one and a half or two centimeters in diameter, it can be different colors, and transparent, and yellowish, and brown, and even with alcoholic bends. All these are normal options.

The plug is moving differently, someone takes this for several days, and then the mucous-bleeding is coming, someone has been moving at once. Most often, childbirth begins over the next week after the appearance of these discharge.

Disruption of appetite

More often appetite is broken 1-2 days before delivery, nothing wants to eat. This is normal, and do not force yourself.

Empty of the motor activity of the child

The child in front of childbirth in two - three weeks moves less and less. Sometimes there are no movements for 6-7 hours in a row, which makes mom worry, and whether everything is in order with the child. The lack of movements is due to the fact that the child is simply nowhere to turn around, it becomes quite close in the uterus.

Overly restless child before childbirth - a reason for consulting a gynecologist, intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus is possible.

Diarrhea, vomiting, nausea

Nausea harbing childbirth is not the most pleasant, and the happiness that it comes literally before the very kind and far from everyone. But some women are not only nausea, but also vomiting.

Diarrhea meets somewhat more often and maybe a couple of days before delivery.

All these are not the most pleasant symptoms of a kind of liberation of the road to the baby, the intestine before childbirth should be empty not to interfere with the child go through the generic paths, and nature took care of it.

Pain in the crotch, pain in the sacrum and pubis

The lowering of the child's head down, the discrepancy between the pelvis bones cause painful sensations in this area.

False fights

Training fights before childbirth, or false contractions, these are cutting uterus, very reminiscent of real contractions. Quite often at first kinds, they introduce a pregnant misleading and make urgently contact the maternity hospital.

Even before the childbirth will begin, false contractions can exhaust the nervous system if they perceive their seriously. Yes, this is a signal of rapid childbirth, but not yet childbirth, it may take two more weeks before you give birth.

What are they, training fights before childbirth?

These are cuts in the uterus, somewhat painful, pain resembles the one that is sometimes worried about menstruation, this is not the feeling that the belly pulls, which happened before, and the real pain coming to the attacks, the pain at the bottom of the abdomen and the lower back, the growing wave and release.

But it is not so strong and lasting that you have experienced real discomfort, you may well continue to engage in your affairs, despite its presence.

If this is only a warning about speedy childbirth, the fights are inconstant and not regular. They can disturb with different intervals (5-15 minutes) for several hours and stop completely, as if nothing was.

To understand, the fight is or not, it is enough just to settle the time between them. If they do not grow on duration and gaps and remain disorderly and durable - this is not childbirth.

If this is your first pregnancy and do not need to go to the maternity hospital for more than an hour, you should not go there immediately. Birth for the first time lasts long enough, and even if you are mistaken, the catastrophe will not happen. Try to take a warm bath, drink the tablet with the nos-attachment and go to bed. Most likely, you calmly light up.

Sometimes false contractions go into real delivery. The gaps are shortened, the contractions are enhanced and lengthened, and then accurately - it's time in the maternity hospital.

What harbingers give birth talk about danger and require immediate contact with the hospital?

- forerunners of premature births are similar to those described above. The development of such symptoms was previously 35 weeks a reason to urgently turn to the gynecologist. Premature opening of the cervix and generic activity can develop in the middle of pregnancy when it is not consistent due to injuries during abortion, operations and previous births.

The appearance of the genital paths of pure scarlet blood, on any term - the threat of the child's life.

The appearance of the leakage of the oily water. This is a feeling of damp, watery discharge, increasing when moving. If a similar one has noticed - to the doctor you need to contact immediately, the risk of infection of the uterine cavity and the fetus. Water leakage helps wearing a white tissue gasket, it is easy to evaluate the character of the selection, the oily water waters do not smell, usually transparent. May be brown (very bad symptom) or green from impurities of meconia (also very bad).

Signs of rank began

But how do births themselves begin? Then you will smile, remembering how they were afraid to miss this moment, but not now, now it is probably one of the main fears, so it seems that you can skip childbirth. Do not worry, childbirth is that you definitely can't sleep.

What does the beginning of childbirth depend on?

Of course, from whether you are ready for a child to them. The ripening of the cervix, the formation of the necessary nervous bonds and the hormonal background leads to the fact that the symptoms of beginning childbirth appear.

The first signs of beginning childbirth may appear on a period of 37 to 42 weeks, if childbirth does not begin on time, doctors try to speed up the beginning of birth.

Usually the second birth begin before. If childbirth does not begin, measures are being held to prepare the cervix. Very often great benefits brings sex, cases when childbirth began after sex more than enough.

What time do the birth begins?

Oddly enough, most children are chosen to appear on the night. This is due to the daily fluctuations in the hormones in the blood of a woman, the optimal level is usually in the preliminary clock, which is why childbirth begins at night.

Is there any differences in how generic activities are developing in different kinds? Yes there is. And it depends on many factors, for example, how much time passed between birth, at what time they began.

How do premature childbirth begin? Usually, the first symptoms of the early premature genera are fighting, and if the woman is drawn in the hospital in time, it is regarded as a threat to premature births and in most cases it is possible to stop childbirth if the cervical disclosure has not come too far.

Much sadly, if premature genera begin with an influence of spindlewater waters. With pronounced prematurity, pregnancy can be prolonged for several days and even weeks, but in most cases the child is born.

How and when are the first birth start?

The first births often begin on the period of 40 or more weeks, and they preceded quite a long warning period. Most often, the forerunners smoothly go into generic activities, having time to spoil the nerves of the future mother before that and forcing themselves to appeal to gynecologists with suspicion of the beginning of birth.

How do the second, third childbirth begin?

Usually on an earlier period than the first, 38-40 weeks, and develop more violently. The period of precursors or bright short, a few days, or there is no one.

How to recognize the beginning of labor usually before the future mom, the question is not even worth it, she remembers how it happens. Fight is not the only possible option of the beginning of childbirth. The beginning of childbirth may be different ...

Transition of harbingers of childbirth into generic activities. The frequency of kits before childbirth increases, their strength increases, the gaps are shortened and become rhythmic.

Independent emergence of generic activity. Fights begin regular from the very beginning and gradually enhanced.

Premature oral influence. It must be said that the beginning of the birth. Usually a woman is easily recognized, and at the same time there is always a large emotional ascent, there is a collence and willingness to fight, you will experience joy and relief at the same time. And of course, there will be a feeling of anxiety and fear, as otherwise? Even the beginning of the second birth is a step in the unknown.

Let's consider all signs of the beginning of childbirth.

Transition of harbingers of childbirth, false battles, in real contractions

Perhaps you experienced false contractions for a week - another, but they never became regular, passed completely. But this time everything will be wrong. The first signs of the start of birth is the reduction of the gaps between the fights and the strengthening of them, they become longer. If with false battles you could go to bed and calmly fall asleep, could distract from them by business - if this is the beginning of childbirth - the fights will take all your attention.

If it is the beginning of childbirth, how is the development of bruises? If, with training fights, they are difficult to call painful, how to understand that childbirth began not difficult: the pain becomes strong. This pain is no longer like a menstrual. This is the pressure in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt, spreading to the bottom of the abdomen, with stupid, sensations that are enhanced and then released. In the intervals there is no pain. First, such contractions are short, 10-15 seconds, but with the development of childbirth, they are becoming increasingly and longer.

When the gaps between them do not exceed 10 minutes, and they themselves are 40-50 seconds, it is already active generic activity, you definitely need to be urgently to the doctor.

Although the first births are usually not less than 12 hours, agree, it is better to come before being late, it's time to cause ambulance and go to the hospital.

Independent emergence of generic activities

Most often, with repeated birth, the period of the harbors of the birth is very short, and childbirth can begin literally immediately. The body is ready, the reasons for the start of childbirth - the generated generic dominant in the brain of the woman, and when repeated childbirth, the memory of it is still alive after the first birth when there is a scenario, the performance is developing quickly.

Yes, and the task of how to determine the beginning of childbirth during re-childbirth is no longer worth it, the woman is familiar with all the sensations, she perfectly remembers the symptoms.

Fights begin at first not strong, but very quickly grow up, it is impossible to miss the beginning of birth, and it is necessary to go to the maternity hospital as soon as possible, often such births are very fast. If childbirth starts suddenly, if the birth began at home, this is an occasion to quit all things, you have time to do everything later. Take with you documents, a bottle of water (simple, without gas), and urgently in the maternity hospital, without waiting for her husband from work, etc.

Things for the first time you will not need, they can be brought and tomorrow.

Premature oral influence

If the water begins to leak or strengthen before the start of the battle, such an extension is called premature. Even if you have a dead pregnancy, the beginning of childbirth with an influence of the oily water is not very good, especially if the birth is the first. The gap without water is more than 6 hours called a long anhydrous period, in such a situation the child is at risk of intrauterine infection. Thus, even the leakage of arrogant water is urgently apply to the hospital, even if the water flowed down, and there is no fights.

At the end of pregnancy, the fetus head lowers in a small pelvis, and presses on the bladder, liaison with this, many women arises with urination. Not only you want to run to the toilet often, there may also be incontinence of urine. In such a situation, how to understand, the beginning of labor is and the leakage of water or just incontinence?

Everything is very simple, you need to wear a daily gasket. It should be either a simple white fabric or gasket with a non-mesh surface, then you can easily appreciate the character of the selection. The oily water from urine is very easy to distinguish.

How to waste water? There may be two options.

They can move away, 150-200 ml of liquid will turn into your legs. Your task is to assess their character to say about this to the doctor. Normally, the oily waters are light, there are no smell. In the presence of green fermentous waters, the unpleasant smell from them, their brown painting, to say this doctor must be necessary, you may not doubt what you will be asked about it. The departure of the accumulating waters may be accompanied by grapple-like pain at the bottom of the abdomen.

How to find out about the start of childbirth, if the water just leak, and there is no fights? Is it or just a allocation? Strain stomach, slightly sleep. If at the same time felt the enhancement of the discharge, do not doubt, these are oily water, and it is necessary in the maternity hospital.

When the term of pregnancy is already big, passed over 40 weeks, but there are no harborers of childbirth, impatience, fatigue and irritability appear. I really want a childbirth to start faster, and women begin to use different methods of their acceleration, for example, underdeveloped at home the permutation of furniture, develop violent activity in physical plane, lead active sexual life. It all helps bring the start of childbirth, but at the same time tires, the best thing you can do before childbirth is to sleep more. It is not necessary to stimulate the beginning of childbirth, the term will come, and they will begin, no one has left more pregnant.

If you are bothering why childbirth does not begin, ask the gynecologist about it. It is quite likely an error in time, for example, especially if the first ultrasound was only in the second trimester.

If you need to accelerate the approach of childbirth, it is necessary from a medical point of view, it will make physicians with medical methods, and your task to know signs of the beginning of childbirth and to determine in a timely manner that they started, and in time to get to the hospital.