Print New Year's stencils for windows. Fabulous and festive stencils for window decorations for the New Year

The advent of the new year always brings with it a huge amount of joy and a sense of a fairy tale. But, the holiday is felt much stronger if everything around has the same wonderful and unusual look. Street decoration for the New Year 2017 plays a big role in the mood of ordinary citizens. However, this is not always enough. Recently, the trend to decorate your own windows with various snowflakes and whole fairy-tale compositions is back in fashion, which makes every single house, and even every window, joyful, festive and makes passers-by smile.

Templates for the New Year 2017 for cutting on the window: pictures

One of the easiest ways to decorate your own windows for the New Year holidays is with paper crafts. Its color is not particularly important, however, white snowflakes look much more realistic than multi-colored ones.

But, you should not be limited to simple snowflakes, the manufacturing technology of which is quite old and known to every schoolchild. A sheet of paper is folded in a certain way, small curly pieces are cut out according to the pattern with sharp scissors, then the sheet unfolds and a beautiful symmetrical snowflake is obtained.

Modern window cutting templates are a much broader concept than simple snowflakes. People interested in the holiday make whole fabulous decorations on their windows with only a couple of tools, paper and, of course, a little of their own efforts.

How to decorate windows for the New Year 2017?

First you need to decide on the general concept of the composition, which will be located on one window or on a separate sash. It can be related decorations.

Or certain elements of the symbols of the new year 2017, for example, a rooster, a bell, a Christmas tree, a star, a ball, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, etc.

Templates for New Year 2017

What is the overall concept for? - To make the decorations look harmonious and beautiful. Templates for cutting on the window for the new year 2017 can be made independently, found on the Internet or bought at a bookstore.

Let's consider the first option in more detail. You can choose a picture for the future template in any book, newspaper, magazine. Having chosen a drawing, let it be a rooster, it must be transferred to white paper in any way possible. There are many tricks on how to do this: put a white sheet under the picture, trace the outlines by pressing the pencil hard, then find the barely visible outlines on the white sheet and trace. You can also scan the image and then print it so as not to spoil the original. One of the most famous methods is to place the picture under a white sheet, attach it to a bright window and circle the translucent contours of the image.

Then the resulting template is subject to revision. The outer boundaries must be clear, without unnecessary protrusions and points, otherwise it will be very difficult to make a high-quality stencil. The inner area is divided into parts, on which separate elements are evenly (or optionally in one place) that complement the image. For example, if this is a silhouette of a Christmas tree, you need to place several simple toy shapes over its area, for example, balls, if it is a rooster, we boldly draw several feathers in place of the wing, also a couple of large feathers in the tail and large round eyes. These little things in the future will give the work originality and richness.

Is the drawing ready? Now let's move on to the most difficult part - cutting. There are also several options here - the borders of a fabulous silhouette can be cut out with ordinary scissors, but the internal elements (the smaller they are, the more interesting the work looks later) cannot be easily removed. Using scissors when working with small details, you can only spoil everything by wrinkling the paper. An ordinary stationery knife comes into play, the blade of which must be recently changed and sharp. With a knife, carefully draw along the contour of the internal parts, and then, with the help of fingers and tweezers, slowly remove them. Through curly holes are obtained, by correctly arranging which you can make a fluffy rooster a beautiful tail, strong wings and a kind smile.

The next option for cutting on a window for the new year 2017 is to search for the right templates on the Internet. Fortunately, there are a lot of them in the public domain. The essence of the work does not change - we save the picture, print it out, cut it out, pay attention to the little things and here it is - the finished decoration.

It’s even easier to work with a purchased set - you don’t need to print or draw anything. Templates for cutting on windows are sold ready-made, it remains only to place them correctly. By the way, this is one of the easiest ways and laborious - cutting out the smallest details requires utmost attention, caution and a huge amount of time, and here everything is ready.

Whichever option is chosen, there remains one more important event - to stick all the pictures on the windows, and not just stick them, but correctly position them. This is where a concept thought out in advance comes into play - large detailed characters are placed in the foreground, small and secondary ones - on the sides or on top. In order to make sure that your placement is correct, you can fix the decoration with a small piece of adhesive tape, go outside and see with your own eyes what happened, then, if necessary, make adjustments.

How to fix the work to the glass is also an individual matter. One of the best ways is soapy water, which is easy to make (soap some soap into the water) and very easy to wash off afterwards. But, this solution is able to hold only small parts, while large figures should be fixed with adhesive tape or a drop of glue. Do not forget that glue and adhesive tape residues are then very difficult to remove from the glass. The last and most original way is to glue a few threads to the top of the window frame with adhesive tape, and then attach decorations to these threads. Fixed in this way, they will move from the draft, creating the illusion of a real fairy-tale life.

Templates for Christmas decorations can be very different, however, do not forget that every person is pleased to see congratulations and happy wishes. It is much easier to cut out letters or whole words than a picture, it will be a wonderful addition to any decoration and will bring a little more joy to the New Year's mood.

Pictures for cutting on windows for the New Year 2017. You can download and use all these pictures as a template.

Stencil - house

On the eve of the New Year, I want to touch on such a topic as holiday decorations on the windows. Any decorations bring the atmosphere of a holiday to our house, and elegant windows bring a holiday to our streets, to our cities. They attract the eyes of passers-by and invite the New Year to come into our house.

DIY glass stencils

The most common material for both New Year's crafts and crafts for other holidays is paper. It is such a good and convenient material that for centuries there have been various schools for making paper crafts. Take at least the same origami.

But today we are interested in New Year's stencils. The manufacture of such crafts came to us from the depths of centuries from China and, as you can see, has taken root. Although in Ancient Rus' they were fond of such creativity.

In the beginning about the necessary tools.

To make stencils, we need:

  • scissors,
  • stationery knife,
  • flat place - a table or board,
  • And, of course, paper. (Paper can be colored, and even wrapping.)

The easiest thing to do is traditional snowflakes. It is not difficult to make them, the main thing is to fold them so that you get an interesting figure later. Here you can go two ways. Take a paper square or rectangle and bend it six to seven times.

You can put a sheet of paper on the table and draw a large circle either with a compass or using a plate. After that, fold in the same way.

By the way, the paper folding technique is a classic example from origami.

After we folded the paper and got a triangle, we take a pencil and draw patterns along the edges of the triangle. Then carefully cut out the drawn places with scissors and unfold the snowflake. We will get the following products:

In more detail each:

You can just take these templates,

print or draw and cut out

Patterns can be different - it all depends on the imagination. These same snowflakes can not only be hung individually, but also make whole compositions out of them.

Looks pretty interesting and impressive. This is of course a fairly simple option that is available to everyone. However, there are more artistic works that not everyone can do.

Therefore, it is better to copy them

download to your computer and print.

If you are an artist, then drawing your own idea will not be difficult for you. And what about the rest?

But nothing is impossible, and the Internet comes to the rescue. We find the template we like the most, download it and print it. After that, carefully cut out, using a clerical knife for small parts.

The template is ready. It remains to stick it on the glass. You can, of course, “stick” on glue, but then it will be difficult for you to tear off your craft.

In order to make everything easy to clean after the holiday, we use laundry soap, with a solution of which we smear the product and then stick it on the windows.

How to make stencils for the New Year 2019 (video)

In the description under the video, as well as in the next part of the article, you will find templates for download, but for now, watch and choose:

and another good video with stencils:

By the way, in the era of plastic windows, hardly anyone already remembers that in the not yet very distant times, when window frames were very often wooden, they were sealed for the winter with rolls of special paper or simply newspaper ribbons using all the same soap.

Pig paper templates

The upcoming new year 2019 is the year of the pig. All preparations, both in clothes and in the interior and festive menu, are associated with this symbol. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to decorate our windows with stencils of this wonderful little animal.

Below are some great stencils.

Feel free to download them:

Print and use to decorate:

Cutting with a child will be both easy and fun!

Use to decorate windows or mirrors.

You can decorate pillows))

These templates are also suitable for cabinets.

Cut and decorate doors!

If the walls are painted, you can use for walls. We do not recommend for wallpaper.

The first way to apply a pattern using a stencil: You can not only glue the cut out stencils, but also use them to apply a pattern to the glass. To do this, we cut out a stencil from cardboard so that it does not wrinkle and apply it to the glass. After that, we take the toothpaste squeezed out on a saucer, diluted in a small amount of water and foam rubber rolled into a tube. Dipping the foam rubber into the toothpaste solution, we stencil the pattern onto the glass.

If the drawing is complex and needs to be wetted for a long time, you can glue the template (made of thin paper) to the window with soapy water, and when all the work is dry, remove it from the glass.

Small parts can be scratched with a thin stick.

The second way: fix the stencil on the window and use a toothbrush dipped in toothpaste or paint to spray the mixture around it onto the glass. Remove the template, and the picture on the window will remain.

It will turn out as if covered with snow

Stencils for windows for the New Year - can be printed for cutting

Here are some more stencils that you can print out and use to decorate your Christmas windows.

Santa Claus and bells

Elegant Christmas trees

Angels, bells, deer

More tree options

Snowman and Santa Claus on a sleigh

Christmas tree, boots with gifts and a happy Santa Claus

Snowman, deer and house

Angel and Santa Claus with gifts

Another version of the Christmas tree and Santa Claus

window decorations


Snow Maiden

Father Frost

Festive house on glass

House with candles

And such a composition

There are many stencils for every taste. So choose, print and use to decorate your home, at school, kindergarten or at work. Festive mood guaranteed 🙂

How to decorate glass and wardrobe (video)

Unusual and original window decoration ideas

There are so many ideas for decorating windows that it’s quite difficult to name them all somehow. Every more or less creative person has his own approach. But often, even in search of inspiration, we are looking for ready-made original ideas. Let us not use them, but they will give us a reason for our own no less interesting finds.

Tree with toys

For example, snowflakes not glued to the window, but hanging like blinds look quite interesting.

Can be used for decoration and natural material - cones

And here, look, a whole composition of paper crafts

How do you like this composition? After the holiday, you won’t want to disassemble it.

So there are no limits to creativity!

DIY 3-D snowflakes (video)

And finally, a short video on how to make not flat, but voluminous snowflakes. Also interesting and unusual.

Happy New Year and Christmas holidays!

For decorating windows for the New Year, it is better to use not purchased decorations, but original ones - made by yourself

Sticker for decorating the window "Christmas balls"

Decorating windows for the New Year with vytynankas is today a separate trend in the handmade technique. A large number of forums, master classes and videos are devoted to this topic.

How masterpieces are created on the windows

With a little imagination, you can make a real masterpiece on the window.

How to make vytynanki for the New Year? Window decoration is a creative process in which all family members can take part. As a rule, plain A4 paper is used for the manufacture of stencils. But people with a creative approach choose other materials:

  1. Tracing paper.
  2. Foil.
  3. metallized paper.

A stylish New Year's composition on the window will delight you, your guests, as well as passers-by.

Snowmen and snowflakes on the windows are already pretty boring, so it’s better to come up with a whole composition on a winter theme, where the main characters will be Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden, a Christmas tree, handsome deer, bells, forest animals and gifts.

To create New Year's stencils for windows, you can use pictures on the Internet that you need to print. The master will need a standard set of tools, which includes:

  • sharp manicure scissors (it is better to stock up on two options - with smooth and rounded ends);
  • stationery knife;
  • simple pencil;
  • ruler and patterns;
  • eraser;
  • plasticine glass board or other hard surface that will protect the table from cuts and scratches.

You can buy ready-made vytynankas or make them yourself

Festive window decor will give a New Year's mood

All large parts are cut with a clerical knife, and small elements are cut with scissors.

Advice! You can draw pictures yourself, because not every Internet user has a printer. In extreme cases, you can zoom in and, by attaching a sheet to the screen, simply copy the picture.

Ways to use stencils

The easiest way to create a New Year's mood is to decorate the windows.

Stencils for can be used in different ways.

To fix the stencil on the glass, some decorators use thin transparent tape. When creating a large composition, you need to follow some rules. For example, all volumetric details (Santa Claus, Christmas tree, houses, snow-covered glades) are glued below. A flying reindeer team will find a place in the middle of the ensemble closer to the left or right side.

Here you also need to take into account the direction of movement of the deer. The noses of noble animals should not rest against the frames of the window structure. The remaining elements of the picture (stars, snowflakes, garlands, angels, spruce branches with balls) will be quite appropriate at the very top.

Sticking a stencil on glass

Advice! It is better for a novice designer to take simple stencils. When a person gains experience, it will be much easier for him to cope with high complexity protrusions. Using materials of different texture and texture (postcards, jewelry), you can create a real work of art.

Winter landscape with toothpaste on the window

A winter landscape made on the window with toothpaste looks very beautiful

Decorating windows with bulges for the New Year is a process that can captivate people of all ages. Creating snow patterns on windows using a toothbrush and paste is a fairly simple procedure, but the effect is amazing!

To implement the idea, you will need the following materials:

  • finished vytynanka;
  • toothpaste (white or blue);
  • Toothbrush;
  • pure water.

Decorating windows with vytynanki for the New Year will be an exciting activity for all family members.

To begin with, it is recommended to choose simple stencils (snowflake, candle, angel, Christmas tree). All internal elements with sharp corners are cut with a clerical knife. The vytynanka soaked in plain water or in a soapy solution is applied to the glass, the excess water is blotted with a sponge or soft cloth.

Squeeze out a small strip of toothpaste on a saucer and add a little water. You can stir the mass to a homogeneous consistency with a toothpick. The toothbrush is dipped in the resulting substance, brought to the glued stencil and quickly run with a finger over the bristles - small splashes are obtained, which need to fill all the free space of the window.

When the white mass dries, the stencils are removed by prying them with the tip of a knife. As a result of such activities, an amazingly beautiful snow-covered landscape looms on the wall.

Creative ideas for the holiday

What else can you think of window decoration for the New Year? Stencils are not the only solution, there are other equally entertaining and attractive decorations.

This method is the easiest and is suitable for very busy people, as well as people who are not prone to creativity. You can decorate windows with ready-made stencils, which are sold in a wide range on New Year's Eve in hypermarkets and stores specializing in decorations.

These stickers are very easy to stick on glass and other smooth surfaces. You can decorate the entire window with a finished composition, or you can decorate only a small part, for example, corners. When the holiday is over and the emotions associated with it subside, the stencils are quickly removed, and not even a trace remains on the glass.

Similar stickers depicting New Year's characters and decorations can be made independently.

To work, you need to prepare the following:

  1. Drawing.
  2. transparent file.
  3. Polymeric universal adhesive.

Ideas for window decoration for the New Year, you can come up with your own or use the Internet

The sheet with the picture must be attached to the file and glue should be applied along the contours of the image. It will take about 10 hours for the glue to dry completely. After this time, the finished polymer sketch can be removed from the file. There will be no difficulty here, you just need to pry off the hardened substance by one edge and pull it slightly. The result was a pattern with a convex relief. To fix on the wall, you only need to moisten the smooth side of the sticker with water.

Garlands of paper, cotton and light bulbs

If for some reason the idea of ​​​​sticking protrusions on windows does not work, you can decorate window openings with all kinds of garlands - both purchased and. The main thing is that the pendant is beautifully fixed and in harmony with the rest of the jewelry.

To make a cheap but pretty garland, you need a fishing line or nylon thread, white cotton wool. First you need to roll a large number of cotton balls, and then string them on a fishing line, leaving a small gap and a knot between each.

There are a lot of such ribbons up to the window sill or a little shorter. They are fixed on one long fishing line, which is attached between the slopes or directly to the eaves. You can diversify the garland with colored threads of New Year's rain or light Christmas balls. The people in the room will have the illusion of falling snow.

Snowflakes intended for sticking on windows are also used to create garlands. You just have to be patient and time, because you will need a lot of such snowflakes. It’s good if all family members are involved in the cutting process, so the work will go faster, and time in a big fun company will fly by. Snowflakes are attached, like cotton balls, to a fishing line or thread.

Advice! It is better to hang such garlands at some distance from the glass. Then a shadow will fall on, which will create a panoramic effect and a sense of mystical presence.

Sticking stripes on paper cups

Garlands of multi-colored electric light bulbs are a classic. Fortunately, today you can buy not just tape copies, but also garlands in the form of a luminous grid, which stretches across the width of the entire window. The decoration will be clearly visible from the street, but in the New Year this phenomenon is quite natural.

Other options for decorating a window opening for the New Year

Illuminated paper panoramas are a relatively new way to decorate window space on the eve of the New Year. Amazing panoramic compositions are born right on the windowsill. However, such decoration will require a margin of time and a standard set of tools from the creator:

  • scissors;
  • thick sheets of paper;
  • PVA glue or any polymer composition.

Continuous ornaments with a New Year theme (Christmas trees, houses, bunnies) are applied to sheets of paper. You can get ready-made printouts from the Internet. Several sheets are glued together so that the length of the strip is equal to the length of the window sill. For one window you need 2-3 strips.

3-5 cm recede from the bottom edge of the paper and make a fold, which is needed to give the figures a vertical position. The strips are placed on the windowsill in length, parallel to one another. Between them lay or a garland with small bulbs.

When evening comes outside the windows, and it becomes dark in the room, the paper figures, illuminated with colored light bulbs, will turn into a real winter fairy tale. The effect of the play of chiaroscuro is amazing!

Paper fir trees, illuminated by light bulbs, will be an excellent window decor.

If there is no time to create complex stencils and compositions, but you still want to decorate the room in a New Year's way, a window sill and any materials at hand. For this, a small artificial Christmas tree, a branch of a natural spruce or pine tree, a candle, a figure of Santa Claus will fit. All you need is desire and a little imagination.

If you look closely, then all the templates for the new year 2017 contain large or small details for cutting. It is worth remembering the scheme that large parts are cut with a clerical knife on a special protective board, and small elements are cut with scissors.

We also separately draw your attention to the fact that at this link you can download New Year's templates 2017 completely free of charge. But, as an option, if you wish, you can draw such pictures for cutting yourself. To transfer the finished image to paper, it is not necessary to use a printer (although, without a doubt, this is the best option).

You can make a large size and enlarge the image on the screen, make the screen brightness high, and then just carefully transfer it onto a loose sheet of paper, attaching it to the screen. It is easy to translate with a pencil, and then put a sheet of paper on the table and circle the selected stencil with a pencil with clear and even movements. About, .

Don't have time to cook? Follow the ideas of quick recipes on Instagram:

How to attach a vytynanka to the window for the new year:

  1. When vytynankas are ready to decorate windows, there are different ways to attach them to the surface. For example, you can stick a figurine just at the desired point in the window using laundry soap.
  2. If desired, you can use flour and water as a paste (but this mounting option after the end of the holidays will be quite difficult to remove from the window).
  3. Window decoration for the New Year can be attached simply with soapy water. Many sources write that this is the most convenient way. It will be necessary to moisten the stencil in soapy water and simply attach it to the glass. You can correct the drawing on the window so that it is evenly distributed with an ordinary toothpick.
  4. Another original option is how to attach the protruding templates to the glass. First, you will need to draw the main composition with gouache paint, when the paint is already dry, a carved New Year's vytynanka will complement the fabulous plot.
  5. Another original option on how to attach cut-out pictures to windows for the New Year is to use toothpaste. You will need to make a brush out of a sponge for washing dishes and a toothpick. Dilute the paste with water, it will be used as a paint. As a result, the dried and translated drawing will look like it was drawn on the window with real snow.
  6. From this material, you can download New Year's vytynanka for free directly from the article or from the link given at the very beginning. The simplest mounting option, how to attach stencils to windows for the New Year 2017, is to use adhesive tape. In order not to spoil the windows, you just need to take very small pieces of adhesive tape and fasten everything carefully. With this approach, even the A4 format can be attached beautifully and imperceptibly without negative consequences on the window.

Rules for creating a composition

When the templates for the New Year 2017 are already cut out of paper, the country of masters draws attention to the fact that the final compositions must be compiled in accordance with all the rules and not postpone this important process until the last day, otherwise you can wait until summer comes. At the bottom of the window, you need to glue three-dimensional details, it can be a Christmas tree pattern or an openwork angel, a big Santa Claus, Christmas trees and snow-covered glades, balls.

For the middle of the window, it is better to print stencils of the deer team's protrusions. It will look nice in the center, but closer to the left or right side of the picture. It should be borne in mind that the paper version of the deer still creates the illusion of movement, so you should not interrupt the entire main plot with such pokes. The remaining elements should be printed, cut out, and then attached at the very top. Garlands or spruce branches with balls will look stylish there, for example, the symbol of 2017 is a rooster.

You can create a New Year's atmosphere with handicrafts cut out of paper. They are called vytynanki, which means "cuttings". Here you can find silhouettes of New Year's heroes: Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, snowmen, gnomes, various Christmas trees, balls and bells, snowflakes, snow-covered houses, figures of deer and cute animals.

Today we offer you stencils of New Year's vytynanok of various subjects. Let's be inspired by the actions of the masters and ready-made works to decorate windows, Christmas trees, postcards, New Year's scenes. These templates are easy to print on a sheet of white paper, cut out and stick on the window with soapy water, or fixed in other corners of the New Year's interior.

Small bulges can decorate a window or create a composition on a windowsill or table, larger cutouts can decorate walls in a room or on a stage.

These are the images you can get:

Stencils for vytynanok for the silhouette cut of the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus:

Choose your favorite stencil with the image of Santa Claus and his granddaughter. As a tool, you can use thin scissors, stationery knives, you will definitely need a lining board so as not to scratch the table.

Vytynanka tree

You can cut a Christmas tree using a stencil as a silhouette, or you can make a symmetrical cutout by folding a sheet of paper in half. We make a standing Christmas tree in one of the ways: we glue two symmetrical Christmas trees on an oval paper stand, or we fold each Christmas tree in half and glue it together.

Snowflakes and ballerinas

Snowflakes are very different. Especially if the master will apply all his imagination. So, you can cut out a symmetrical snowflake by folding the paper several times. See what pattern was applied in the form of a stencil and what an unusual tip the snowflakes have.

Inside the snowflake there can be a completely independent composition. For example, a New Year's snowman or a snowy forest.

Snowflakes can take the form of light snow ballerinas. To do this, we cut out the silhouette of a ballerina separately, put an openwork snowflake on it and hang it by a thread. It turns out a very delicate air decoration.

Christmas balls

Christmas decorations can be cut both in a symmetrical pattern and in an individual stencil. These decorations can be added to the composition on the window, dressed up for the Christmas tree, attached with threads to a chandelier or curtain.


We make carved bells on a stencil. If translucent paper, such as tracing paper, is glued on the inside of the cutout, then such a bell can be used with a backlight effect.

Reindeer, sleigh, wagon

Another fabulous New Year's hero is a deer. The delivery of the wizard Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden is connected with him. We offer stencils for carving deer, carts and sleighs.


Charming good-natured snowmen must decorate the New Year's house. Their figures are simply cut out symmetrically, or you can make a “family photo of Snowmen” or a composition with a Christmas tree and children.

Numbers of the New Year

You can cut out beautiful numbers for the upcoming New Year using these templates:

Animals, signs and symbols

You can make a custom Christmas decoration. To do this, cut out paper silhouettes of your favorite pets, heroes of fairy tales and cartoons, birds and animals in a fabulous winter forest.

Cut out the figures of the sun and moon using stencils, complete your composition.

snow covered houses

It will be very cozy if there is a snow-covered house in the New Year's picture on the window. It can be a small hut or a whole palace.


Who is waiting for the New Year and Santa Claus the most? Well, of course, children! With the help of silhouette paper cutting, we make figurines of kids near the Christmas tree, with gifts, singing and dancing, in a word, we bring the true atmosphere of the holiday!


We offer options for vytynanok - candles. They can be independent or combined with balls, bells, branches and bows.


By Christmas, you can cut out thematic vytynanki dedicated to the events and circumstances of this event. It can be the silhouettes of Jerusalem, images of angels, shepherds and magicians. And don't forget the Star of Bethlehem!

You can separately cut out the silhouette of the Star of Bethlehem:

The central place among the Christmas vytynanok should certainly be given to the Nativity crib - the cave in which the Savior was born. The nursery of the Divine Child is comfortably surrounded by hay and domestic animals.

Illuminated composition

Openwork paper cutouts can decorate not only the window, but also create a three-dimensional panorama on the windowsill. It will be especially effective if you put a garland or a small backlight inside the box.

Engage in the design of New Year's decorations - vytynanok from paper with the children. This is not only useful for developing imagination, training fine motor skills of the hands, but will also give you a lot of pleasure from joint creativity, and then from contemplating the resulting beauty!