Survey of housing conditions of family residence. Sample Housing Verification Act


Director of MBOU "C (K) Oshâ„–16"

S.Yu. Weredesh

surveys of housing and living conditions aboutstudent _____ class

20 ____ year

(Child name, completely, date of birth)

from _____-________________ - 20 ___

Commission within(FULL NAME ):_________________________________________________________________

conducted a survey of housing and living conditions and conditionseducation learning living at:________________________________________________________________________________


As a result of the survey, it was established:
1. Family as part (FULL NAME ):
Children (Fi, year of birth) _____________________________________________________________________
Other family members living at this address(FULL NAME ): _____________________________________
2. Child in a difficult life situation ( based on SPC â„–75 )

    children left without parental care;

    disabled children;

    children with disabilities,that is, having disadvantages in physical and (or) mental development;

    children - victims of environmental and man-made disasters, armed and interethnic conflicts, natural disasters;

    children from families of refugees and forced migrants;

    children in extreme conditions;

    children - victims of violence;

    children living in poor families;

    children with behavior deviations;

    children, the livelihood of which is objectively violated as a result of the circumstances andwhich cannot overcome these circumstances independently or with the help of family (neglect);

3 . Accommodations:

Accommodation is private, municipal, removable.

Number of rooms ___

Home quality: in normal condition, veterinary, emergency

Improvement: - plumbing: cold, hot, lack of water; bath;



Heating: Central, Chimney, Other (_____________________________);

4. Sanitary state of housing – good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory
- observe (not observe) sanitary and hygienic standards;5 .Student : - It has (not) his room;

Has (not) his workplace;

- the presence of personal belongings necessary for academic work.

6.Roders: - pay (do not pay) due attention to the child's studies;

Attend (do not attend) school;

Control (do not control) learning process.

7. Family relationships: the atmosphere in the family friendly, warm, between family members closetrusting relationship; Relationships are alienated, the mutual understanding of the child is not with their parents.

8. Features of family education : parents strictly control the behavior of the child, collaborationtea with teachers; Limit the child's independence, conflict with teachers.

9. Family material situation:

With high material sufficiency;

With medium material supply (secured);

With low material sufficiency (low-income);

In need (below the poverty line).

Father does not work; - Mother N. works

10. What help is a minor (family) (social, legal, pedagogical, psychological, material) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Conclusion: 1. Household living conditions are satisfactory, good, bad.

2. Relationships with family members are good, satisfactory, bad.

3. The family is prosperous (unfavorable family, The family is alarm)


Commission members:


(Full name) (position) (signature)


(Full name) (position) (signature)

I got acquainted with the act_____________________________________________________________________

Full name, date, signature

Act is compiled in the presence________________________________________________________________


There are many families who are incapable of a number of reasons to provide a minor child with everything necessary for normal life and learning. The act of examination of housing and living conditions of the student, completed by all generally accepted standards, is intended to control such families, and parents responsibly refer to the fulfillment of obligations assigned to them.

Checking the material living conditions of the family is carried out in order to reduce the likelihood of offenses in relation to a minor. It contributes to the direction of parents on the path of a healthy lifestyle, refusing to harmful habits, improving the material conditions and the sanitary condition of the apartment.

The completed act of survey of housing and living conditions of the family is necessary for a clear definition of parent's ability to satisfy the basic needs of the student.

Based on this document, a decision is made on the need to improve the housing conditions of the family, deprivation or restoring parental rights, determining the place of residence or during the adoption procedure.

Important! The reason for the procedure can not serve as not only the material disadvantage of families, but also the likelihood of a negative impact on the emotional and mental state of the student (frequent quarrels, prohibitions that do not allow the young person to develop and contribute to the manifestation of aggression), which are observed in secured families.

The basis for checking may serve:

  • discrepancy between student behavior by generally accepted standards;
  • consumption of alcohol, narcotic and other substances minors;
  • statement of the child in law enforcement agencies;
  • the appeal of third parties with a complaint about the inappropriate implementation by the parents of their obligations;
  • moving, which could affect the deterioration of family residence;
  • the emergence of a child with injuries, in an oppressed physical or emotional state.

With the help of verification, all circumstances are detected that served as one or more cases above.

In addition, it is determined:

  1. state of the apartment and another place of stay of a minor;
  2. the number of residents of citizens;
  3. actual financial condition;
  4. the state of the health of all people living with the child, as well as compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards;
  5. status allocated for games, study and leisure places for a schoolboy.

Important! Often, the act is drawn up in the adoption procedure or deprivation of parental rights, as well as their recovery in order to obtain reliable information on this effort from parents.

Who participates in the compilation of the act

The inspection followed by the drawing of the Act is carried out as part of a special commission. It may vary depending on the purpose of checking.

It may be attended:

  • law enforcement officer, if the child was attracted to administrative responsibility or registered;
  • representative of guardianship and guardianship bodies;
  • school teacher, as a rule, class teacher;
  • employee BTI.

The composition is approved without coordination with parents or guardians. Check is carried out without prior warning, most often in the evening when the child's relatives are at home.

Important! If the check is carried out in a disadvantaged family or relatives of the child impede her, the teacher or other member of the Commission may apply for help from the district.

Features of the survey procedure

Among the characteristics of the procedure there are several nuances that must be taken into account when checking. The nuances include not only the main check of the housing, but also the actual security of the child. That is, the entire rhythm of the child's life in aggregate is visible.

Be sure to be checked by a sleeping place of the child, as well as the availability of household chemicals for him and other substances. The presence of animals and their influence on the sanitary situation is carried out.

The whole procedure is carried out by a group of verifying together.

The act of examination of housing and domestic conditions of a minor, the sample of which is filled in free form, is signed by all participants only after the completion of the entire process.

The act of survey of housing and living conditions of the family, the form of which is compiled in free form, must include the following items:

  • the date of testing, which can, as the coincidence, differ from the date of verification;
  • the name of the act, the date and the full address of the place in which it was compiled;
  • surnames and initials of all members of the Commission;
  • the purpose of the inspection;
  • family accommodation address with the complete characteristics of the occupied housing;
  • signatures of the Commission members and one of the parents.

When conducting verification, members of the Commission must pay attention and fix:

  1. who is engaged in actual education and supervision of the child, the presence of relatives living near the relatives who assist in the content and development of the child;
  2. family financial condition, security security by all the necessary things, food, educational equipment and toys;
  3. the presence of a minor one's own place for sleep and rest;
  4. state of health of the schoolchildren, the presence of chronic diseases, the need to assist in conducting medical examination or treatment, a general psychological state;
  5. availability of all necessary personal hygiene products, the overall appearance of all family members, the state of clothing, its compliance with the season and the parameters of the child;
  6. the behavior of family members, the nature of communicating with the members of the Commission, attitudes towards the child;
  7. the overall level of child development, visiting additional sections or circles that contribute to the development of mental, physical condition, leisure;
  8. accessibility for a child of means and medicines capable of harm to its health (medicines, chemicals, electrical appliances, bare wires);
  9. availability of domestic animals and their condition;
  10. method of joint pastime in the family circle, the availability of family values \u200b\u200bor traditions.

At the end of the document, general conclusions may be made about the inspection and the state of living conditions in which a minor person lives. After complete filling, the ACT is transferred to the storage of a teacher or a different person, on the initiative of which a check was carried out.

Sample filled act

A sample of an act of examination of housing and living conditions of a minor can be found on our website. The sample of the filled type should also be stored in BTI.

Despite the fact that the document is filled in free form, it should have several mandatory conditions for obtaining legal force. Signatures of the head and familiar person are obligatory. It is also affected by the date and all factors identified during the inspection. These moments are considered mandatory.

For a person who is checked, it will be necessary to provide additional documentation in the form of characteristics from the place of residence and work. Such information affects the final decision of the Commission.

If desired, additional subsidies from the state can also be independently asked to hold a commission that will reveal the need for improving the housing situation. In this case, you will need to immediately assemble a full package of documents on all living.


The act of examinations is filled in the commission, which reveals all the negative aspects of the life of a minor. The main bias Commission will do on housing conditions, but also check the availability of asocialism in relations with parents and their characteristics.

A specially assembled group of people is conducted. It is she who will further procedure.

Filling out an act of examination of housing and domestic living conditions of a minor is included in the competence of a special pedagogical commission, which, if necessary, may include a psychologist, a social teacher, a school inspector, and even district precinct.

The purpose of this act is not to look into the refrigerator of a separate family, "as some citizens assumed at one time, and to explore, in what conditions the student lives and raised. The need for a direct visit has occurred since the cool leader of contact with parents and guardians: very often they do not attend special meetings, do not respond to individual invitations, do not respond to records in the diaries of children.

Usually, the generated commission does not prevent a visit for the purpose of the survey, dwells at the place of residence of the child in the evening, when parents are at home, and is an act in their presence. If the family, being disadvantaged, prevents the execution of the act, the teachers are entitled to contact the district district to get help in solving the issue.

Nuances of document design

The act of survey of housing and living conditions is a ready-made form approved by regulatory acts, but many administrative institutions contribute to non-essential changes.

If there is a survey of the living conditions of first-graders, it is necessary, in addition to the general data on the quadrature, the number of tenants and the availability of the student, note the presence of toys, children's books, baby bedroom equipment.

Filling this document, pay attention to the following points:

Where the baby sleeps (if he has a separate bed, room);
- condition and appearance of the child and parents of the house;
- the presence of a corner in which the child is engaged in training lessons playing, resting;
- bathroom (hygienic condition, availability and inaccessibility for the younger student of household chemicals);
- the presence in the house of animals, the sanitary condition of their content;
- the state of exiting the room (it should be free, not cluttered);
- A set of baby food (age matching).

At the end of the document, the signature of one of the parents, all members of the Commission, the Director of the educational institution must be established. The act is kept in a class teacher or a person initiated a survey.

One of the objectives of the state is to monitor and monitor the conditions in which minors live. In order to ensure safety and acceptable conditions for the normal life, growth and development of the child, authorized officials have the right to check at home or apartment, where the child lives together with parents / guardians, for compliance with the conditions of existing standards. According to the results of the visit, the social service officer must compile an act of the survey of the living conditions of the family in the apartment. In normal circumstances, the teacher's visit, under whose leadership there is a student, social worker or a representative of guardianship bodies, law enforcement agencies or other categories is carried out with consent and by prior agreement with parents. However, in some cases, it is necessary to do without consent and even contrary to the desire of adults.

Grounds for checking the living conditions of the child

Under normal conditions, the content of children from social services employees there is no reason to check how the child lives in the family. If parents / guardians are socially adapted, they work and are able to materialize the needs of the child, with a stable psychological and material environment in the family there is no need to check. Most often, the grounds for the survey of housing and living conditions of the family arises with an obvious or indirect factor of violations of the child's rights. The grounds for verification are the complaints of neighbors, teachers or educators on the fact that the family can be the inadequate state of the apartment for the maintenance of children. Check is performed if:

  • there is a suspicion that the child is brutally treated (do physical, sexual or psychological violence);
  • do not provide him with the living conditions necessary for life and development, including high-quality and full nutrition, living space, toys, textbooks, etc.;
  • the minor committed an administrative or criminal offense, consumes foaming substances, behaves as socially, etc.

Socio-unfavorable families are becoming a priority object of attention from public services and school employees responsible for compliance with the rights of the student. If it is known that parents of a minor alcoholic or drug addicts, immoral or antisocial personals, mentally ill or unbalanced people, then follow the content of children by controlling authorities accounting for carefully and, if necessary, send an application for deprivation of parental rights.

What should be contained in the document

The act of survey of housing conditions should be filled, including such information:

Socially disadvantaged families are not the only case when acts of checking the housing and domestic conditions of the student are drawn up. During the adoption procedure, social workers should also inspect the place of the future child's stay to make sure that future adoptive parents are able to provide normal conditions for the child's life. In this case, the act of surveys of the residential premises must necessarily be present in the package of documents required in court to legalize the adoptive parenthood. Otherwise, when depriving people of parental rights regarding the child, a certificate of checking housing conditions compiled by an authorized officer of the social service is required. To fill out an act of a residential premises, a sample is provided at the place of operation of the verifier (at school, social service, militia). You can also download it here.

What do you pay attention to

When making an act of examination of a residential building, where a child is contained, social workers or teachers pay special attention to:

  • the sanitary and hygienic state of the apartment and the room of the child (in normal circumstances an apartment or privatized private house, an apartment where there are children should be kept clean, to be heated, there should be no access to pets of pets, chemicals and other potential in the house should not be kept -standing for the life and health of the child substances);
  • the presence of the necessary food and / or medicines necessary to maintain the health of the child with a medical prescription;
  • social, moral and appearance of parents (they should be provided with work, not to use drugs and alcohol, be mentally stable);
  • the appearance of the child (in the act of housing and living conditions it should be indicated that the child is well maintained, in clean clothes, not hungry, there should be no traces of violence on his body).

The inconsistency of at least one of these requirements is a reason for the appeal of an employee who verifies the compliance of the living conditions of a minor to the established standards, in the guardianship and formulation of the family.

Illegal actions with housing objects

In addition to the maintenance of a child, employees of authorized services have the right to inspect the housing where the family lives, in the event of its move to a new place of residence. Often there is an intentional worsening of housing conditions, when owners for the purpose of setting the apartment for the issuance of municipal housing make their own real estate. Example: A person who already lives in his apartment intends to get an apartment from the state on the basis of a shortage of quadrature on all family members (depending on the region, the minimum metrar is 18 square meters. M. Per person). To do this, he exchange his own two-bedroom apartment for one-room, as a result of which the new housing does not meet the established standards. If the intentional exchange of housing will be revealed, then the applicant's actions are regarded as intentional worsening housing conditions. On this basis, a citizen who worsens its own living conditions may receive a refusal to formulate a queue for the improvement of housing conditions for five years.

At the same time, the intentional worsening of housing conditions is not regarded as illegal actions in the establishment of children, a spouse, parents to the specified living space. However, such actions, as a divorce with the allocation of apartments, as well as non-compliance with the requirements of the social contract, the exchange rate and change of the procedure for the use of premises are regarded as an intentional worsening of housing conditions. It does not matter what the applicant belongs to which category: it can be beneficiaries, recipients of social benefits, military, civil servants. The deterioration of the housing conditions of military personnel, in accordance with the actions described above, deprives the rights of apartment records as needing improvement in housing conditions. In other circumstances, if the applicant for the municipal living space was not owned by his housing, in most cases the certificate verification of the applicant's housing conditions is not required.