The main signs of an unkempt girl. Three obvious signs of a woman's neglect that turns men off

Do you remember the anecdote about a husband who looks at his wife, who has put on a gas mask, and tries to guess: “What, you plucked your eyebrows”? Representatives of the stronger sex do not like to take care of themselves and, it seems, do not notice at all changes in the appearance of their halves. Or does it just seem to us? Maybe they, too, immediately see all the flaws in the manicure, and unsuccessful epilation, and disheveled hair? We decided to find out and asked the men what, in their opinion, a well-groomed woman looks like, what details they notice. And how important it is for them that a woman is well-groomed.

“For some, a well-groomed woman is simply neat, but for others, depilation is a must, manicure and pedicure by itself, and so on on the list. And so that the hair is styled - hair to hair, and a French manicure, dear. And so that on such a woman not only the clothes were gorgeous, but also that the linen is pleasant to the eye and to the touch. I personally relate to just such men: a woman should be a woman in everything. I would like to have a well-groomed companion next to you, whom I am not ashamed to show my mother and friends. "
Evgeniy, 35 years old

“I think that a woman simply must be well-groomed. The grooming criteria are the same as the criteria for female beauty: clean skin, well-fitting clothes, well-groomed hands, hair, nails. Unkempt nails enrage: peeling varnish, crooked shape, poorly extended, if even extended, burrs. Clothes are unkempt or inappropriate. Hairy armpits, legs with hair. Enrages if there is facial hair. I don't like it when the hair on the head is bad, for example, damaged by paint, yellow, or bright red, almost red, even when the ends are very split and separate hairs stick out in different directions. But this is more common in women over 35 years old, for some reason they are too lazy to look after themselves.
Alexander, 26 years old

“A priori, a woman should be well-groomed, she is created by a woman. She is the best thing in the world. But some are too well-groomed. Well-groomed must be necessary, but in moderation.

Excessive care is annoying: heavily plucked eyebrows, when not eyebrows, but some hairs are left, bleached teeth, when their color resembles more porcelain, looks unnatural, even children have a slight yellowness in the color of their teeth, hair extensions (outwardly nothing, but you run your hand through your hair, and it seems that your head is covered with a scab). I like it when grooming is similar to naturalness. This is when you understand with your head that a girl is not so well-groomed and beautiful by nature, but it still seems that God created her so lovely. "
Andrey, 43 years old

“Men are pleased to deal with a well-groomed woman, it lifts them in their eyes - if such a woman is with me, then I deserve it. And grooming gives a woman self-confidence always and everywhere, she knows that she looks her best, is appropriately dressed, combed and made up and may not think momentarily about her appearance, leaving time to think about some more important things, according to the situation. "
Alexey, 31 years old

“Of course, a well-groomed woman is very, very attractive! It can be disheveled, disheveled, made different, this is a very interesting and pleasant process. "
Ivan, 18 years old

“Well-groomed means smoothness and purity of the skin, moderation and appropriateness of cosmetics, clean hair, hairstyle, gentle hands, nails in perfect condition. And smell, smell is also important. For me, grooming is also associated with slimness and fitness. And - taste in clothes. "
Vladislav, 34 years old

“I like grooming, but when it is in moderation, I like it when a woman has a beautiful complexion, well-groomed skin, but I really don't like it when they get tanned or smeared with self-tanning in tanning beds, or when there is a lot of foundation, powder, blush, and so on. Do these girls do not understand that such "grooming" is striking with its unnaturalness and repulsive ”.
Valery, 24 years old

“Well-groomed is beauty. When it is pleasant to look at a woman, it means she is well-groomed, and everything is in moderation, no frills. "
Vladimir, 26 years old

“For me, a well-groomed woman means cleanliness in clothes and a little chic in everything, in little things: in brooches, for example, or even cufflinks.

If the makeup is not putty, but an attractive male look. If the smell of perfume, then a subtle, light such charm in everything. Well, for example, a manicure: it is better to be good, simple and discreet than an expensive one with drawings and rhinestones, but at the same time shabby. And it is not necessary to say that these are excessive or difficult to fulfill requirements. "
Sergey, 27 years old

"A real well-groomed woman is unobtrusively striking and stays in memory for some time, forcing a comparative analysis with others."
Andrey, 38 years old

"Well-groomed woman - well rested and no fads."
Roman, 29 years old

“For me, the first criteria for a woman's grooming are her hands. First of all, I pay attention to the hands. The face can be from sleep and the lady is unwell, the clothes can be casual, for example, just from the barbecue, and the hostess is given hands. Not only grooming is important, but also the signs of taste in clothes, makeup, manicure and hair color. "
Sergey, 35 years old

“For me, grooming is something ephemeral and should correspond to my momentary mood. But in general terms, a well-groomed woman is clean, neat, athletic, elegant, something like that. "
Anton, 21 years old

“Well-groomed means neat, neat, tastefully dressed and tinted, but not made up. Grooming is needed for the woman herself, not for men! It's my opinion! When a woman realizes that she looks good, that she has the perfect manicure-pedicure, a good hairstyle, she exudes confidence, which in turn is so attractive to men. As they say, you may not be a beauty, but you must be washed with your head ”.
Valentine, 49 years old

“For me, grooming is, first of all, an appearance, a figure. And the criteria are: clean hair, clean skin, clean nails, clean shoes, clean clothes. It's minimum.

In general, you will look at a well-groomed woman, and even the question of grooming will not come to mind. It all shines and shines. "
Nikolay, 31 years old

“A well-groomed woman is dressed with a pinch, all the elements of her clothes are tastefully selected and go well with each other, she has clean hair, styled, her makeup is discreet, but emphasizes her natural beauty, she smells good - the smell is subtle, but sensitive - I want to get closer To her".
Grigory, 28 years old

"First of all, grooming is a figure, style, charm, haircut, manicure, makeup."
Dmitry, 27 years old

“Well-groomed means taking care of herself. And this: hairstyle, manicure, pedicure, well-groomed skin, good discreet makeup, stylish neat clothes. But what is also important - they take care of those they love. If a woman is well-groomed, it means that she loves herself very much, and she is doing the right thing, because if you don’t love yourself, then others will not love you ”.
Timofey, 22 years old

It is not profitable to be an unkempt woman. How not to be among them? We have compiled a rating of common mistakes: check yourself right now point by point and take a mini-test.

Beautiful means well-groomed!

From early childhood, girls observe with interest the beauty rituals of their mothers - and catch the moment to steal something valuable from the cosmetic bag. So the little ones try to take care of themselves.

What can we say about adult ladies! But, unfortunately, panties and beads are not enough for them to look perfect. And the correct facial features too.

Stylish well-groomed women who easily present their dignity are reputed to be beautiful - and masterly play around with flaws in appearance.

Video: What are they - well-groomed and unkempt women?

The one that is looked after! And no one can cope with this task better than she herself.

A woman who takes care of herself is looked at in a completely different way: men have a sparkle in their eyes, they immediately find a reason for a compliment and wait - they will not wait for the opportunity to courteous and help with something.

By neglecting the appearance, ladies risk burying their attractiveness alive. Yes, being busy at work, caring for children and a cycle of other affairs can lead to the fact that the once very effective young lady does not immediately understand that something went wrong ...

We believe that this is certainly not about you, but still - let's check with the compass. Below are 9 signs of an unkempt woman. Keeping fists not to find ourselves on this list!


We will not discuss isolated cases when excessive excess weight is due to serious malfunctions of the body. Do we show at least elementary love for our body, keeping it in good shape?

In order not to catch sympathetic glances after the trembling portions of jellied meat on the sides, not so much is needed. Home workouts, healthy eating, active lifestyle. Such manipulations are inexpensive, do not require a lot of time, and the result will please.

Start with the minimum, strive for the maximum! Because a fitness center, massage, morning jogging, quality food is very good! And replacing a trip to a pizzeria for a session in the pool is a great solution.

And every time, so as not to get bored in the queue at the checkout in the supermarket, check to see if you have "thrown" chips, buns or sausage into your cart.

Such is the little life hack!


Beautiful shiny hair is an undeniable sign that their owner is taking care of herself.

In general, unaesthetic hair can not only spoil the external impression, but also become an obstacle in communication. This can affect your personal life, and even employment. Don't turn your hair into a greasy loofah!

Regrown unpainted roots, split ends, dry, unwashed - or even unwashed - hair will not add beauty to you. Keep your hair always fresh - even if you're out of luck with.

And make sure your hairstyle isn't from the last century. Getting into the trend without blindly following fashion trends will be more than enough.


This, it would seem, is a relatively small area of \u200b\u200bthe body, but it requires so much attention, including in self-care.

Problematic skin, bad teeth, chapped lips, unkempt eyebrows, inept makeup - or no makeup at all. All these moments cannot be hidden from prying eyes. Therefore, we take care of the skin, eliminate, if necessary, dryness, flaking, dehydration, and fight rashes.

It is more expedient to change the war paint to an elegant nude, especially in summer. Clumps of mascara, smeared arrows, an unevenly distributed tone over the skin - and, in general, the make-up that floated towards the end of the day - will make a laughing stock of any beauty. Therefore, we study the subtleties of competent make-up and choose moderation as a motto.

We do not "plaster" problem areas, but apply a corrector locally. And we are attentive to the choice of tonal: the ridiculous contrast of the neck and face is not about you, is it?

For owners of combination and oily skin, a make-up base and matting wipes in a purse will come to the rescue. But nobody canceled the appropriate cosmetic care: you need to work with problem skin constantly. This rule is also true for dry, dehydrated skin.

In addition to cosmetology, help your skin to be beautiful from the inside. Love the water! The cherished 8 glasses a day will pleasantly surprise you.

And give the green light to vegetables and fruits.

A fashionable trend among supporters of proper nutrition is fruit and vegetable smoothies. Try it - it's delicious!


Progress does not stand still. And, if before the top of the ugliness in the manicure was peeling varnish, now it has grown overgrown gel and fallen off crystals. Looking at such nails, only one thought comes up: it's better without a manicure at all. We hope that such miracles of nail design are unfamiliar to your hands.

Nail extension technologies have become a salvation for girls living life to the fullest. Long-term manicure makes it possible to be at the same time a busy business woman, an active mother, a neat housewife, a spectacular wife, an easy-going friend - and just a beauty. Use this secret, just do not forget to visit the master once every 3-4 weeks.

I must say that the "lady" emerging from the nail salon with huge claws of a flashy color looks more like a vulgar cheap thing than a well-groomed lady. If today is not Halloween, and you are not a gypsy there, then refrain from shocking.

Ideal for well-groomed hands, when it is not clear from the outside whether you have natural nails or not.

Moisturized hand skin, nails of equal length, well-groomed cuticles, fresh coating.

Smooth Skin - Or Three-Day Stubble?

Despite the photos of Madonna with “fluffy” armpits that have spread all over the world, this can hardly be considered aesthetic. A well-groomed girl always keeps her legs and armpits smooth.

If, in a fit of passion, a man runs his palm over your unprepared leg, then the thought that he is on a date with a hedgehog will diminish his ardor. This isn't your goal, is it?

Moreover, there are a lot of options: from a disposable machine to a salon.

This is not the case when naturalness is better.

Negligence in clothing

And now the manicure and depilation are done, the light makeup is also done, the hair is in order.

But even with such readiness, the picture can be ruined by a torn button, pellets on clothes or deodorant stains.

Stretched clothes or the wrong size, a dirty collar or frayed elbows scream about the sloppiness of their mistress.


Broken heels or worn out socks are striking. Disguised scratches on the shoes will make even not a new pair neat.

Well, and cleanliness! Lumps of dirt adhered to spectacular stilettos are a sad sight.


It is a big mistake to ignore foot care in the hope that it will not be noticed. Noticeable! Even if you are wearing closed shoes.

Knowing that you have a great pedicure and well-groomed heels, you carry yourself in a different way. Self-esteem rises significantly. And those around you, not always understanding what the matter is, catch the vibes of your self-confidence.

Express option for foot care - pumice stone and moisturizer.

From time to time, make homemade masks from steamed apple or potatoes in milk, or pamper yourself with paraffin therapy.


Magpie-crow ... No, this is not the beginning of a nursery rhyme. Such associations cause lovers of artsy cheap jewelry.

Huge shiny plastics will not seem like diamonds to anyone. And they look even more ridiculous than three chains on one neck. Leave this beauty for the games of five-year-old fashionistas.

Not only jewelry can look exquisite, but also laconic high-quality jewelry. Experiment - and you will find "your" jewelry.

Check the condition of your sunglasses as well. Scratches and finger stains are not acceptable there.

Don't let these items seep into your reflection in the mirror.

Mini test

As a cheat sheet, we want to offer you a quick test:

  • Are you ready to receive unexpected guests instantly, or do you need time to clean up yourself? (This is not a full dress, of course).

If the answer is yes, then we congratulate you!

Otherwise, go over each point in this article again.

But! It is important that the desire to take care of oneself was caused not by external circumstances, but by internal motivation. Learn to do it for yourself. Then your grooming will eventually become a matter of course, beyond doubt. And those around you will notice it.

Knowing how to dress stylishly and apply makeup professionally is not enough to look like a well-groomed woman. Invisible small details can make the simplest image either unique or completely ruin it. We have compiled a list of the main signs of an unkempt woman, so that you can check yourself and correct the shortcomings faster.


Hair is the first sign of a well-groomed girl. They should be shiny, washed and always styled. Styling does not have to be complicated, it is enough to dry your hair with a hairdryer so that it does not stick out in different directions.
Colored hair should also be monitored more vigilantly, avoiding overgrown roots. And don't forget to trim the split ends regularly.

Hands and manicure

Hands are the second face of a girl. Without a manicure, with overgrown cuticles and hangnails, they look ugly. In addition, peeling varnish and regrown gel varnish should not be allowed.

Crumpled clothes

“I will wear whatever catches my eye first in the closet” - a well-groomed girl will never dress like that. Neatness is the main rule.

Unclean shoes

Unclean and dirty shoes also testify to a girl who does not care what they think of her, she feels comfortable in trampled shoes. Take care of your appearance and always carry a shoe sponge in your purse.

Excess makeup

Naturally, few can afford to look beautiful without makeup. And makeup is always good. But it should be dosed and appropriate in order to only emphasize the image, hide flaws and emphasize the merits. You should watch out for excess cosmetics and low-quality decorative products.

Ugly skin

Dry and oily skin, especially with acne, is also one of the points of a groomed girl. Of course, there are problems, and sometimes it takes a long time to fix them, but you should strive for this. Do regular procedures, use decorative products and good cosmetics - and everything will be in order.
If such skin problems exist, and you are fighting with them, then use the secrets of makeup - apply a well-defined layer of foundation.


Yellow teeth are always ugly. Visit your dentist at least every six months for hygienic cleaning and dental treatment as needed. This procedure should become a habit.

Chapped and dry lips

Many had a similar problem. In such cases, it is not even possible to use lipstick. In addition, it looks like it is 16 years old! Therefore, always watch your lips to keep them moisturized and soft: use oil or lip balm.

Lack of depilation

Never allow excess hair on your body, even if it's winter outside. Depilation, like regular visits to the dentist, should be an ongoing habit. Your body should always be perfect, even if it rains, even when it is hot, even when it is cold.

Unkempt eyebrows

Natural wide eyebrows are in fashion now. However, this does not mean that you can not take care of them. Even models have wide eyebrows expressive, and the line is perfectly straight. The eyebrows should be tweaked regularly to shape them. Take tweezers every 3 days and pull out excess hairs.

Lack of pedicure

Of course, this is especially true in the summer when you wear open sandals. Rough skin and unkempt nails on them can disfigure the entire appearance.

Every woman wants to be beautiful and constantly improve her appearance. On this desire, many have made fortunes for themselves, coming up with new cosmetics, clothing styles and other ways to improve. And it seems that with such a variety of choice of outfits, cosmetics, both decorative and medicinal, both cheap and expensive, it is easy to be beautiful. But it’s not that simple. Often, one small detail gives the appearance an untidy look, only one flaw immediately negates all efforts. Signs of unkempt women - what belongs to them? What is grooming? The meaning of this concept consists in neatness, cleanliness, elegance, some sleekness. Consider the main seven signs of an unkempt woman in order to prevent them from appearing in her appearance.

Problem skin

Acne, comedones, peeling, oily sheen ... Many women face these problems throughout their lives. However, it can be solved. The skin becomes ugly due to unhealthy diet, addictions like smoking, improper care of it. The key to beautiful skin is taking care of its condition. For every lady, the goal should be to get rid of imperfections on the face and body, and not to mask them with tinting agents. Although this type of cosmetics was created to improve the appearance and really help to give the skin a more attractive appearance, it should not be overused. Another important point is This area of \u200b\u200bthe body needs the most moisture.

Bad teeth

A woman's smile is the main weapon of seduction. Yellow teeth, bad breath - these are clear signs of unkempt. Oral hygiene includes regular visits to the dentist for the prevention and treatment of dental diseases, as well as daily brushing your teeth at least 2 times a day. Nowadays there are dental floss, oral sprays, and gum. Stop indulging in cigarettes and overusing coffee, otherwise you will have to regularly spend money on professional cleaning. Bad breath is often the result of gastrointestinal problems, so if you have such a problem, see your doctor.

Cracked varnish

This is a clear sign of unkempt women. Especially if the varnish has a bright color. If you don't have time to refresh your nail color regularly, then it is better to make friends with a colorless coating. Remember: you can always correct the situation using only nail polish remover. Do not assume that artificial nails do not need constant care. If you know that you will not financially pull a regular correction from a professional master, then it is better not to extend your nails. In addition, you need to ensure that there are no burrs. Remember to regularly apply moisturizer on delicate skin of your hands.

Sloppy eyebrows

Don't be confused by fashion trends. Sloppy eyebrows are a clear sign of unkempt women. It has been and will always be so. Despite the fact that now it is not thin, overly plucked "strings" that are in fashion, but wide and natural eyebrows, you should still take care of them. They should have a perfect bottom line, so every 3 days you still have to pick up tweezers and get rid of unnecessary hairs. To add beauty, you can use special pencils, shadows, shape-fixing waxes.

Regrown roots

It is better not to dye your hair at all than to bring it to this careless state later. If you decide to radically change your natural color of your curls, then be prepared for the fact that about once a month you will need to update the color, as well as bring in line the regrown roots. If you do not have the time, funds or desire to complete this procedure, then it is better not to start. Signs of unkempt women are also split ends, dry or greasy hair. You can take care of the beauty of your hair using natural masks based, for example, on kefir or castor oil.

Lack of depilation

This is one of the 7 signs of an unkempt woman. And do not justify yourself by saying that it is warmer this way - this is a delusion. Excessive hair on the body is always ugly and non-sexy. There are a lot of means for removing excess hair now. Just choose the one that suits you best. Consider the fact that intimate life is not a seasonal phenomenon, so do not forget to get rid of unnecessary vegetation all the time, regardless of the season and the clothes you choose. Remember that almost all of the signs of unkempt women are based on inconsistency, irregular self-care. If you want to look beautiful, then you need to take care of yourself every day.

Unkempt outfit

Reference young ladies always think in advance what they will dress up in. Signs of unkempt women are wrinkled wardrobe items that have not been washed for a long time or unnecessarily worn out. Many justify their untidy appearance by the fact that they only meet by their clothes, see them off in their minds ... But this does not mean that you can afford to look untidy. One of the 7 signs of an unkempt woman includes wearing dirty shoes. Carry a special sponge or brush in your purse to always be able to make your clothes look proper and attractive.

What's in the article:

The situation is familiar when, at the sight of some persons, only one thought spins on my mind: "What an unkempt woman!" How often, in our persistent striving to be closer to the concept of "the standard of female beauty", many of us forget banal little things.

But one small defect in the image and that's it! - you are branded with a madam with a swollen make-up or with a manicure that has been seen. The site has compiled its own list of signs that can easily ruin your whole image.

And what, strictly speaking, is meant by the concept of neglect?

This is a lot of small details that give the general image of a woman carelessness, deprive femininity and attractiveness, and act repulsive. So, what betrays an unkempt woman? Each of us should know these signs if he wants to look spectacular and attractive to others, even in ordinary jeans. After all, you can spend half a day to look great, but you should skip one little thing with regards to clothes or a face, and this little thing can form a negative opinion of you.

Signs of an unkempt woman

Signs of unkempt women: careless details in clothes and shoes

Signs of neglect can be seen on many individuals and the way they dress.

  • Clothing. An overly stretched jacket, a ridiculous stain on the sleeve, an arrow on the stockings, a carelessly ironed blouse - all this can not only repel, but also create a persistent negative opinion of you.
  • Footwear. Broken rhinestones, untied lace, abrasions, dirt on the shoes. And there is no need to make excuses that it is raining and slush outside. Every woman should have wet wipes in her purse, which can be used to clean the shoes of dust or dirt at any time.

Signs of an unkempt and cheap woman

How not to automatically fall into the cheap category?

  1. Too much perfume. Give up the habit of drowning in a cloud of perfumes, especially those that age you or have an overly strong scent. Remember, only a slight hint of your scent should flow after you so that the interlocutor wants to come closer to you.
  2. Eye-catching makeup. Uneven arrows, crumbling mascara and rolling shadows look very untidy. But this is still nothing compared to bright lipstick and blue eyeshadow paired with turquoise mascara. A well-groomed woman differs from an unkempt woman in her ability to look beautiful and expensive, even without any makeup.
  3. Blush on the apples of the cheeks. If you don't have these very cheeks, then the blush will create the effect of even more hollow under the cheekbones. As a result, instead of a rosy-cheeked beauty, you risk ending up in a madame with an unnatural complexion and a vulgar look.
  4. Brown tan. It doesn't matter if you sunbathe in the sun or put on a self-tanner all over your body - don't overdo it with a tint.

Signs of a scruffy woman through the eyes of a man

Oh, how wrong those women are who believe that men do not notice the little things in our image. They notice. And how!

What does it mean to be unkempt in the opinion of men:

  • Dirty, unstyled hair. A man should want to run his fingers into your curls, and not urgently wash or repaint them.
  • Excess makeup on the face. More naturalness when applying makeup - and a man will certainly pay attention to you.
  • Chapped lips. Use a balm to soften the skin on your lips, otherwise the man will get sandpaper instead of soft and sensual lips.
  • Spoiled manicure and unkempt hands. Most men attach great importance to the beauty of a woman's hand. What can attract them? Soft gentle hands with discreet neat manicure and beautiful nail shape.
  • Lack of pedicure. The phrase “you can't see anything there anyway” will become irrelevant if you wear open shoes or a romantic date smoothly flows into the bedroom.
  • "Kucheryashki" on the legs and in other areas. Of course, in the fall and winter, our legs are mostly hidden from the public eye, but still there are ladies with growths on their legs, visible even through very tight tights. Probably, there is no need to talk about intimate relationships: a hairy woman in bed can turn on few people ...

And most importantly, being well-groomed does not at all mean dressing like a needle or chasing fashion trends. Always being clean, tidy, dressed in clothes of your size, taking care of the health of your skin, hair and nails - this will be enough to always look attractive and feminine in the eyes of others.