Gifts for people with disabilities

Even a full-fledged man dreams of strong health. What to say about people, in the possibilities of limited. Of course, not any gift to us, including health, but to ease and brighten up serious weekdays of disabled people is quite possible. For this, just and was invented a holiday - day of disabled. On this day, as a rule, organize some events, in the completion of the people are given gifts. Therefore, today we will find out that you can give a disabled person.

What gifts is appropriate to give disabled

Orthopedic pillow and mattress.

If your friend is a man who is forced by a lot of health to lie, then such a gift will be as impossible by the way.


This is at all times the best and useful gift, a good artistic book can be in seriously and for a long time, in connection with which the person will finally distract from his state, and virtually goes to search for treasures, adventures, exotic countries, etc.

Children may be interested in encyclopedias, or any informative editions. Suppose a subscription to a favorite magazine is also a decent holiday gift. If you definitely do not know book preferences, it is better to find them unnoticed shortly before the festive date.


Nowadays, it is not a problem to call a specialist at home, paying immediately the course of the necessary medical massage. For lying patients, their condition brings a lot of problems and inconvenience, so such a gift will certainly appreciate.


There should be a passage between massage courses. At this time, it will very help, replacing the skillful hands of a massage therapist, a home massager. Now their range is very wide, for any part of the body you can find your own, and there are universal. Electromassagers can remove fatigue and voltage in the complex.

Pajamas / Robe.

From this article you can find out what to give a disabled person on the day of the disabled. Since low-modular people spend a lot of time at home, comfortable, comfortable home clothing and sleeping clothes - an integral part of their lives. In high-quality branded clothing, you can even look elegant at home and all 100.

A computer.

This will be a real surprise, moreover, it can be useful not only for communication and entertainment, but also for work. The computer will help an unhealthy person to feel like the right and useful member of society, be aware of news and events, and maybe a penny will help earn money, bring the family favor. Of course, it is better to throw off the whole team on such a gift.

Toilet water / razor.

Anyone, regardless of the state of health and opportunities, should look good, in no case to launch yourself, lowering his hands. And this will be helped by such gifts as good toilet water, it can be given to men, and women, and any man will appreciate the branded razor to appreciate.

Home Medical Apparatus.

Pressure meter is especially useful for older people. Now it is a device that you just need to put on your hand, everything else will do it myself.

Disabled carriage.

Such a gift will give new features, for example, a person can not only move around the apartment, but also go for a walk near the house, you can expand the horizons if the city has a corresponding environment in which you can move on the wheelchair and transport, to any meetings and events. Of course, the prices of them, of course, are not cheap, but you can postpone some amount over a few years, attracting interested friends and colleagues at work, but you can try to contact charitable foundations.

Surprise for a holiday in the form of a thematic party.

Sometimes people are so accustomed to loneliness, which is starting to get into themselves, gradually die. In order to avoid such negative, you can try to arrange a party - surprise, gather a birthday, friends - acquaintances, ask them to dress up with the appropriate general theme of clothing, and arrange a home holiday with thematic attributes.

Some gadget.

Do not fall behind life, and feel like a modern man will help the gadget donated for the holiday. Moreover, they are now for every taste and wallet, the same book can be electronic, for example. And the tablet will replace the TV, telephone, book and player.

Set of special types.

Such a set is specially adapted for people after stroke, or there is no one limb. Made of light materials and when it is used, physically weakened people will not have difficulties.

A gift from the jokes store.

Such a gift will be cheating and delight, a person with a sense of humor must appreciate it. It seems, a trifle bauble, but on the other hand, for example, a dressing golf, makes you forget everything in the world, and will give a good mood. Do not forget when choosing a gift to be, first of all, delicate, because people with disabilities may have reassessment of values, and in some, by virtue of physical characteristics, a change in marsholes and psyche.

Let's sum up

We hope that you have learned what gifts is appropriate to give a day of disabled. When choosing a gift, it is worth counting on its financial capabilities, as well as select only what can be useful.

Why do I love New Year's holidays? Behind the smell of trees, Santa Claus, in which I still believe, Bengal lights, tangerines and confetti are all entrusted to the brain from childhood and becomes like a conditional reflex. If you suddenly bring me fate to Africa, I will still begin to decorate palm trees on December 31, I will open the Soviet champagne and I will look at the Blue Okonok on the RTR. But, probably, most of all I love the New Year for the atmosphere of the holiday, which is felt long before the battle of the chimes. Already in early December, we start to invent original recipes for the New Year's menu and torturing yourself to the question that give to relatives and friends ... By the way, about gifts. This year I had to participate in the choice of a gift for a person with disabilities, and, as it turned out, it is more than a difficult task.

In the spring of this year, one of my acquaintances, let's call him Andrei, falling from the horizontal bar, he received a heavy injury of the cervical vertebrae. Now, in family circumstances, he is forced to spend most of the time at home. His parents can afford to hire him a nurse, but Andrei categorically refuses, insisting that, despite physical restrictions, it will be able to take care of himself. Naturally, not very much it turns out.

Therefore, friends decided for the New Year to give Andrey, in addition to traditional souvenirs, anything practical, some devices that will help him in the desire to live independently. Knowing that I have a similar injury and a great experience of wheelchair life, his comrades turned to me for advice. I started telling them about different types of strollers, about anti-harden pillows, but all this from Andrei was already: an electrocoolic, Roho pillow, a specialized three-section bed, a house equipped with wide doors and ramps. It was necessary to find something that would compensate for its weak hands and non-working fingers, devices that would provide him with help in ordinary for normal human operations - wash, dressing, nutrition. And something for assistance in study, as Andrei is a university student.

I began to remember that once in the rehabilitation center I saw several devices (from the Netherlands) for writing and work on the computer and suggested that we could find them in some online medical outlets. Alas. After spending almost an hour on the Internet, we did not find anything that I would suit Andrei, nor in one Russian or Ukrainian site. The range and fantasy of our online stores are limited to wheelchairs, ships and urinary, that we absolutely not satisfied.

Friends are completely desperate when I decided to repeat our search on foreign sites. When typing in the browser line "Independent Living Devices" (devices for independent life), I pressed the "ENTER" key. Seeing the search results, we felt probably the same thing that the gold kits that reached the fairy-tale country of Eldorado were feeling. Hundreds of stores offering auxiliary devices for every taste and for people with any kind of injury or disease, ranging from vision and hearing problems and ending with Parkinson's disease. Having coped with a pleasant shock, we limited our search among the myriad offers only goods for water procedures, personal hygiene, dressing, nutrition and equipment for writing and work on a computer.

The price question was not stood, and we could choose what was considered necessary. The only problem is delivery - it decided pretty quickly. Through the Internet, they contacted common familiar in the United States, who found people going to visit their former homeland for the New Year and agreed to convey shopping. Truly, do not have a hundred rubles. Here are the goods (from the shops and, which were selected and who will receive Andrei today.

Body wash mittens. Firmly fixed on the brushes and have a mount for soap ($ 14.30 - steam).
- Nail guns for nails on a plastic platform, which is very conveniently fixed on the table ($ 13.45).
- A set of devices for dressing of socks and shoes ($ 32,75).
- Device for staging buttons and lightning ($ 19,69).
- Comfortable mug with two handles and drink tube ($ 8.10).
- Spoon with a special attachment on the brush ($ 8.40).
- A knife with a T-shaped handle ($ 24.50) and a kitchen knife with a handle that is delivered to a brush ($ 47.50), a cutting board with a knife ($ 39.95).
- Device for opening covers of cans ($ 11.70) and a universal bottle opener, tin cans, packages, etc. ($ 9.50).
- Ergowriter ($ 16,40) and for printing on the keyboard ($ 34.86 - on the left and right brushes).

Total - less than 300 dollars, without taking into account delivery, for which the above-mentioned people money to take refused flat. For five friends, this amount is a day trick, and for Andrei - a gift that he will not forget soon.

Do not forget to make a gift to relatives and friends on this holiday day, and remember that the value of the gift is determined at all of its money value. Happy New Year!

Even a full-fledged man dreams of strong health. What to say about people, in the possibilities of limited. Of course, not any gift to us, including health, but to ease and brighten up serious weekdays of disabled people is quite possible. For this, just and was invented a holiday - day of disabled. On this day, as a rule, organize some events, in the completion of the people are given gifts. Therefore, today we will find out that you can give a disabled person.

What gifts is appropriate to give disabled

Orthopedic pillow and mattress.

If your friend is a man who is forced by a lot of health to lie, then such a gift will be as impossible by the way.


This is at all times the best and useful gift, a good artistic book can be in seriously and for a long time, in connection with which the person will finally distract from his state, and virtually goes to search for treasures, adventures, exotic countries, etc.

Children may be interested in encyclopedias, or any informative editions. Suppose a subscription to a favorite magazine is also a decent holiday gift. If you definitely do not know book preferences, it is better to find them unnoticed shortly before the festive date.


Nowadays, it is not a problem to call a specialist at home, paying immediately the course of the necessary medical massage. For lying patients, their condition brings a lot of problems and inconvenience, so such a gift will certainly appreciate.


There should be a passage between massage courses. At this time, it will very help, replacing the skillful hands of a massage therapist, a home massager. Now their range is very wide, for any part of the body you can find your own, and there are universal. Electromassagers can remove fatigue and voltage in the complex.

Pajamas / Robe.

From this article you can find out what to give a disabled person on the day of the disabled. Since low-modular people spend a lot of time at home, comfortable, comfortable home clothing and sleeping clothes - an integral part of their lives. In high-quality branded clothing, you can even look elegant at home and all 100.

A computer.

This will be a real surprise, moreover, it can be useful not only for communication and entertainment, but also for work. The computer will help an unhealthy person to feel like the right and useful member of society, be aware of news and events, and maybe a penny will help earn money, bring the family favor. Of course, it is better to throw off the whole team on such a gift.

Toilet water / razor.

Anyone, regardless of the state of health and opportunities, should look good, in no case to launch yourself, lowering his hands. And this will be helped by such gifts as good toilet water, it can be given to men, and women, and any man will appreciate the branded razor to appreciate.

Home Medical Apparatus.

Pressure meter is especially useful for older people. Now it is a device that you just need to put on your hand, everything else will do it myself.

Disabled carriage.

Such a gift will give new features, for example, a person can not only move around the apartment, but also go for a walk near the house, you can expand the horizons if the city has a corresponding environment in which you can move on the wheelchair and transport, to any meetings and events. Of course, the prices of them, of course, are not cheap, but you can postpone some amount over a few years, attracting interested friends and colleagues at work, but you can try to contact charitable foundations.

Surprise for a holiday in the form of a thematic party.

Sometimes people are so accustomed to loneliness, which is starting to get into themselves, gradually die. In order to avoid such negative, you can try to arrange a party - surprise, gather a birthday, friends - acquaintances, ask them to dress up with the appropriate general theme of clothing, and arrange a home holiday with thematic attributes.

Some gadget.

Do not fall behind life, and feel like a modern man will help the gadget donated for the holiday. Moreover, they are now for every taste and wallet, the same book can be electronic, for example. And the tablet will replace the TV, telephone, book and player.

Set of special types.

Such a set is specially adapted for people after stroke, or there is no one limb. Made of light materials and when it is used, physically weakened people will not have difficulties.

A gift from the jokes store.

Such a gift will be cheating and delight, a person with a sense of humor must appreciate it. It seems, a trifle bauble, but on the other hand, for example, a dressing golf, makes you forget everything in the world, and will give a good mood. Do not forget when choosing a gift to be, first of all, delicate, because people with disabilities may have reassessment of values, and in some, by virtue of physical characteristics, a change in marsholes and psyche.

Let's sum up

We hope that you have learned what gifts is appropriate to give a day of disabled. When choosing a gift, it is worth counting on its financial capabilities, as well as select only what can be useful.

The best gift for the disabled person is health. Sitting in a wheelchair is impossible not to dream of the morning jog in the fresh air. An ordinary person who perceives his health as a matter of course, will never be able to understand a person with disabilities.

But brighten the heavy weekdays is quite possible, presented a great gift.

1.Topedic mattress and pillow

Many people with disabilities spend most of the time in bed, so it is wise to take care of a comfortable dream. In such cases, a good orthopedic mattress or pillow will be an ideal gift.

The price of mattresses begins with 3000 rubles, and the pillow will cost a minimum of 1,000 rubles.

2. Book

It is unlikely that there is a more versatile gift than the book. If ordinary people often have no time to spend time reading, disabled people can afford to spend time with a book.

It is advisable to find out in advance what a person is fond of, and then choose. Otherwise, you can "not guess", and the gift will become disappointment.

Someone loves detectives and will be delighted with the classics of the genre of Agatha Christie. And the children with disabilities will be interested in the same books as ordinary peers. Therefore, when choosing a book for a disabled child need to be taken into account, first of all, age.

Gift price is more than a democratic, and will be an average of 200-300 rubles.

3. Massage

For a close relative, the best gift will be a massage course. Today, many specialists work at home, so "deliver" a gift will not be any difficulty.

On average, massage session is from 1000 rubles. To get the result, it is advisable to conduct a course of several procedures.

4. Massager.

An excellent alternative to massage from a professional will be a home massager. A very convenient device that is always at hand. The range amazing imagination. You can buy a massager for neck, back, legs. The electric massager will help to relax muscles and relieve fatigue.

There are contraindications.

The price of massagers - from 1000 rubles.

5. Robe or Pajama

Which of us does not like to soer in your day off in a beautiful road to a coat for a cup of coffee? For disabled, such a gift will certainly be pleasant, because if you spend at home most of your time - this does not mean that I do not want to look good.

Price - 2,000-3 000 rubles.

6. Computer

Without a computer today, no modern person do. For those whose opportunities are limited, the computer is an opportunity to be aware of all events, communication and entertainment.

If your friend has a disabled computer, then the gift will be as impossible by the way. You can create and donate from the whole team of a monoblock or laptop.

One good gift is much better than a dozen unnecessary baubles.

The price starts from 14,000 rubles.

7. Razor or toilet water

Standard set in the form of razor accessories every year acquires its man.

For a disabled person, such a gift has a completely different meaning. His plus is that, unlike gifts, designed to emphasize limited opportunities, the toilet water will be able to give a feeling "I am the same as everything."

The price is more than affordable, when buying Gillette you can make 500 rubles. And if you want to present a good perfume, then Hugo Boss for 4,000 rubles is always a pleasant present.

8. Medical apparatus

For an elderly person with disabilities, a good gift will be a pressure measurement device.

The price of the BREMED BD8600 Tonometer is 1 500 rubles.

Diabetics constantly need to measure blood sugar.

Bionime GM300 glucometter will cost 1,400 rubles.

The desired gift is at an affordable price!

9. Wheelchair

The stroller is a completely indispensable thing for many people with disabilities. True, such a gift is suitable, rather, for close relatives, because you need to know the features of a person who give him. Yes, and the price is not suitable for foreign people.

When choosing a wheelchair, you have to navigate the budget, since the simplest mechanical chair costs 86,000 rubles.

The electric drive, no doubt, is much more convenient, but the price of it starts from 100,000 rubles.

10. Surprise Party on December 3

It is known that disabled people suffer from lack of attention. Permanent isolation from public life inevitably leads to loneliness, so a great gift will be congratulated on International Disabled Day.

To do this, you can organize a thematic party by choosing the most interesting idea.

11. Modern gadget

Today you can choose the device almost for every taste and wallet.

The tablet for 4,000 rubles will become a more versatile gift. With it, you can listen to music, play games or just view the pages on the Internet.

12. Set of dishes

A special set of dishes made in Germany is ideal for rehabilitation of disabled. In a set of 10 items designed for people after strokes, weakened physically or with the absence of one hand.

Total weight 1.5 kg.

Price 8 200 rubles.

13. Gift-joke

For people with a good sense of humor, any gifts-jokes are suitable.

On the one hand, the trifle and unnecessary trinket. And on the other hand, such a minor gift will raise the mood and will allow you to dissolve from pressing problems.

Toilet golf will produce a real furyor on a holiday.

You can deliver the joy of a disabled person or an older person very easily by choosing a gift from our catalog. You can make a surprise to some memorable date or give just like that, of love and respect. Among the useful gifts for the elderly, pay attention to your mobile phone with large buttons, fur slippers or vest. The choice of gifts is very large and it all depends on your imagination. For example, good gifts for older men can be board games - dominoes and lotto with a large terrain or a portable radio. A warm woolen golf, belt, beautiful vests, or massagers for every taste are suitable as a gift as a gift. Travel bag on wheels will be a good gift for older parents for transporting country products or shopping purchases. A wrist watch with speech yield can be a wonderful gift to the elderly man. All items in our catalog can be useful not only as gifts for the elderly, but will come to taste and give the joy to all age categories.

Gifts for the elderly

Older people, like no other, need care and attention. It is not at all difficult to make a close man who has reached old years old, happy. Show participation, to pay time for communication and finally make a small but nice gift. In our catalog gifts for the elderly there are many not only pleasant, but also very useful gifts. For example, a speaking mobile phone will become a very good and functional useful gift to the elderly. Warm vests and fur socks will help to warm up long winter evenings. And medical devices - tone meters and glucometters at home will allow control of changes in health. Taking care of the health of an elderly person, you can choose as a gift belt-corset for the loin, a massager or a tablet. By choosing a gift to an elderly person from our catalog, you will give your love, kindness and positive emotions with it.

For men

An old age is not yet a reason to abandon communication with friends. To have a pleasant time for the intellectual game in a circle of friends, the useful gifts of older men will be chess, checkers, backgammon or dominoes from our catalog. Such a gift to the elderly man, as a two-level or quenching cane, will wear a spring park slowly, enjoy fresh air and communicating with nature. The radio, speaking clock or mobile phone with large buttons will also become useful and pleasant gifts to the elderly man.

For women

A woman always remains a woman, even if she is a little more ... to choose a gift for an elderly woman from our catalog will not be difficult, especially with such a wealth of choice. All sorts of massagers, bright and beautiful, acupuncture rug will become very useful gifts for the ladies behind their health, and neat applications will streamline the reception of the necessary drugs. A beautiful, stylish combined vest with patterned inserts will allow a lady to look good and not to freeze. As a gift, an elderly woman will suit almost the entire range of our catalog, in which there are so many useful and necessary things.


Older parents should always feel the love and support of their children. In the catalog of our online store there are many items that can be useful as gifts to older parents. Taking care of their health, you can give a convenient tonometer on the wrist, allowing you to easily independently measure blood pressure. Tablets will help streamline the reception of drugs, and the mobile phone is to always be in touch with their parents. Good gift to older parents - warm vests, healing fur belts or golf. A comfortable shopping bag on wheels will make it possible to easily go for products to the store or market. And the orthopedic pillow under the back and the seat on the seat will help you sit comfortably in front of the TV. The choice of gifts in our catalog is wide enough, choose with love and concern about your elderly parents.