Congratulations on February 23 to a virtual friend

True friends are known not only in joy and trouble, but also on holidays! After all, how can a friend or girlfriend not congratulate everyone involved in today's celebration, on Defender of the Fatherland Day? Indeed, remember your friends and make them happy by picking up a congratulation and sending after e-mail. Or maybe the congratulations will be written into the postcard and read out, or even memorized and read! Well, it remains for us to wish you and your friends to perfectly celebrate the coming holiday - February 23rd.

Congratulations to a friend on February 23 from a friend

We all think we deserve glory
What if February 23, so everyone rightfully
If you are male, celebrate the holiday
Accept poems and congratulations!
Let my thought not be to everyone's liking,
But this holiday, for the defenders for me!
Who is not a dude in life, who served,
He took the oath and kept his loyalty to his homeland!
Who did not seek cover in graduate school,
I didn’t buy a military man on a hack job.
Who trampled at least a couple of kirzaches,
Here I want to congratulate them soon!
Friends, you with your Men's Day,
Health, happiness and more strength to all of you! ©

When you live in calm and peace,
Do you often think about the bad,
You do not know at this moment that everyone is happier,
Who allows himself to forget about that!
And if you think about it, take a closer look,
You understand that all this is not casual,
That there is anxiety in the defender's heart,
Who is on duty around the clock!
Of course, we will not forget on Defender's Day,
Congratulations to everyone who has defended at least once,
In fairness, in conscience, we will judge,
Praise to all those who did not "let us down" in a difficult hour! ©

It was hard and not easy
It was not sweet and far away
We are in fate in different ways, the map lay down,
But only the strong road is always!
But only for those who are not broken, not wilted,
We will dedicate this verse in February!
Who with courage, strength and faith always,
Helped himself and others with a bang!
Defenders of the Motherland, dear, relatives,
We send congratulations on their holiday! ©

This day is a holiday for men,
Who served in the native army,
Who is brave, assertive, fair,
Smart and also patient!
You since February 23,
Congratulations to everyone!
Smiles, congratulations, looks,
Gifts and cards in a row,
For you on your February holiday,
All the best to you, friends! ©

Congratulations to a friend (boyfriend) from February 23 from a girl

I don't care, you know
You evoke feelings right
And on the day of the defender, which is yours,
You are not calm at all!
After all, how can I be calm,
When you want to love!
Well, then we always have
So let him give the best
Destiny now and always
Right from February 23rd! ©

Funny congratulations to a friend on February 23

I am a friend on the day that he came to us,
I wish you the best and the table.
Covered with the best food,
Which would he with friends,
On a February day, I would divide
Well, in general, I would treat everyone!
And we would praise him
And congratulations on 23
Which good friend we have,
How right friendship succeeded! ©

Winter is still in its own right,
And a winter holiday on the paths,
No, it's not New Year's
Although he will gather friends!
And this is the feast of February,
Defender's day here it is!
And with him I zealously congratulate
And I wish you the best
So that everyone is afraid of us at once,
See at your war! ©

Not a working day at work.
Ask, who needs it!?
I will say: "Everyone needs it!"
Without naive however those.
Yes indeed now
The holiday just happened to us.
Today is the day of the defender,
So that we do not know in sight,
What is war anyway?
And other nonsense...
So that the border is locked,
For me to sleep peacefully.
So that the enemy always trembles,
Just seeing you, friends!
However, I have no doubt
I scare you sometimes!
Since February 23, dear ones from me! ©

Friends, today is the holiday of the troops,
Defender and all heroes,
What is in the history of the country,
What should we all celebrate?
But to be more precise,
That holiday is all friends,
After all, you are the one who protects,
Who protects the homeland!
You since February 23,
Happy Men's Day friends! ©

From February 23
Congratulations, friend, you
Be brave, strong, dexterous,
Don't forget to relax
Achieve your goals
Never give up
So that you are lucky in everything
Your house was a full bowl!

Be nice girls
Don't forget about your friends.
Be always so cheerful
May the day not be hard.

At work to be lucky
Happiness to live in the soul.
You stay successful
And don't doubt yourself.

congratulations friend
Happy Defender's Day!
I want to wish you
May the days be full of joy.

Courage, kindness, and happiness,
And always good luck in everything.
Be interesting in communication
Every day richer in soul.

And also let you
There will be true friends
And easily leads through life
friendly, a strong family.

Friends like you can be counted on the fingers.
It's nice to know that we're friends.
And on this holiday, exclusively for men,
Please do not forget that I am always with you.

Be strong and don't forget to be brave
But if trouble suddenly, please do not become limp.
In everything, let you get lucky more often,
Well, health, of course, an endless limit.

My friend, on the twenty-third of February
I congratulate you with all my heart,
May everything be fine with you
I wish you success, happiness, health.

Let wishes and dreams come true
Let them wait at home and appreciate at work,
And you were just happy with life
And so that time does not change you.

Friend, congratulations
I wish you everything
Health, strength, warmth,
And also good.

Let happiness knock on the house
And joy will come
Love, important deeds,
You always be brave!

A little cold outside the window
And February is shaking right
Let with love and warmth
Your loved ones welcome you.

You are a defender, you are a fighter
For the country of his support,
Hundreds of girlish hearts
You will conquer very soon.

Be, my friend, always like that,
Powerful, strong and brave,
Fight back any enemy
So that the country sleeps fearlessly!

Outside the window, winter and blizzard,
But congratulations again friend
Happy Defender Hero Day
How glad I am that you are with me!

I want to wish you -
Take care of what you have!
Be healthy and don't be shy!
Never hit first!

Happy Fatherland Day to you
Be brave, my friend
Don't risk yourself in vain
Be good at business.

And when the trumpet calls
Rush into battle
Die on the fronts of love
Sacrificing myself.

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
Happy big holiday
Hurry up to celebrate
I congratulate you on it.

Always be a strong man
Strong, brave, strong-willed,
For love, for a tenacious family,
And the joy is not stingy.

So that he does not know worries, sorrows,
To have a sincere smile
So that they would give medals for courage,
A career uphill to go.

Happy Defender's Day, my friend!
I wish you a thousand bright days,
And health and wellness.
And I shout to you: "Hurrah!".

Since February 23!
And let your fate
He will hide you from all troubles.
Congratulations! Years!

You are a real man, a devoted and faithful friend.
You will not find a replacement, no matter how much you look around!
Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day - from February 23!
Congratulations and I wish you happiness in life!
Always be sure of yourself, don't give boredom a chance,
Be cheerful, positive, never lose heart!

Dear (name)! Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day to you! Let it not dry out your heart courage and determination. Always and everywhere show perseverance and zeal to achieve goals. You are a man, which means you are a winner. Conquer all life's difficulties easily and naturally.

Defender's Day in Russia!
I want to congratulate you, friend.
In my heart I wish you faith, strength,
And always near close circle.

Lots of health and luck
Happy events for you.
All desires of fulfillment,
All the best in destiny!

Happy Defender's Day, I congratulate you,
I'll sign a card for you.
I wish you courage and strength.
And love, and joy in fate!

From people - heat, from the sun - light,
Help friends, great love
And in the winter of spring greetings.
Rejoice and have fun!

So that everything is always in order,
Conscience and soul were pure,
Life flowed in contentment, prosperity,
To come true cherished dreams!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland!
Let dreams come true
Let each of the men
Dreaming of being like you!

Strength, courage to you, success
And a sea of ​​joy and laughter.
So that happiness is always there
Well, love is your reward.

Today is February 23rd.
I want to congratulate you on the holiday.
I want true, devoted friends
And so that any business is on the shoulder!

Still, my friend, I wish you
Good luck to meet on your way,
Never have a problem with money
And all misfortunes, troubles to get around.

Since February 23, my friend!
I congratulate you on the holiday
I have a thousand chances of success in life
I sincerely wish you now!

May you be surrounded by good luck
And there will be no shortage of money
Solve complex problems easily
May everything be alright with you!

I wish you health on a February day,
So that you celebrate the holiday from the heart!
And so that all goals can be easily achieved,
I wish you great success!

I want to wish only true friends,
May there always be peace and harmony with my wife,
As well as healthy, obedient children,
And money, so that you are immensely rich!

Today is the holiday of all men.
We want to congratulate you.
We wish you happiness, peace and love,
Take care of yourself, my friend.

May all plans come true
Health, strength, luck and wealth.
May heaven keep you
And they will bestow earthly blessings.

Today is the holiday of all men,
And you are my protector!
I have a thousand reasons
To congratulate you!

I just wish from the bottom of my heart
Health, money, and victories,
And let dreams come true
Believe that there is no better than you!

I hasten to congratulate a friend,
Since February 23,
Wish you great happiness
Peace, joy, kindness.

You accept my dear friend,
My congratulations from me
So that everything is good luck
God helped all the time.

Friend, I congratulate you
On this holiday, I wish
Become a protector for everyone
Know luck and success!
February 23
Celebrating is not in vain.
We owe you
Keep people safe!
You can protect their life and honor -
This is not flattery!
Congratulations, brother
Accept my congratulations.

February 23 -
red calendar day
So it's a day off
So the holiday is yours and mine!
We have been friends since childhood
They served in the army together.
We celebrate today
You accept my congratulations:
Be happy, be healthy
Never be discouraged!
Let every day be new
Happiness will be over the edge
Be loved and love!
It will be difficult - call!

Happy twenty-third of February
I congratulate my friend
And I wish you
Peace, joy, kindness.

Came to you, so that on time,
My sincere congratulations
I'll drink to your health
I take a sip of champagne

And I still wish
There was happiness, so that always,
For more laughter
And family warmth.

Well, happy holidays, friend!
Congratulations in short - less words!
We have more events to come...
Luck waits and waits... the catch!

We are men! And the force is with us
And if necessary, we will protect!
And if a woman is beautiful,
With the help we are already flying!

I congratulate you, friend, with a smile
Today on February 23,
May all your mistakes be corrected
After all, you were not born a man in vain.

Let female hearts fight with love
And there will be a battle of hearts in your honor, friend,
Let the enemies laugh with envy
People like you can be counted on fingers.

Happy Defender of the Fatherland
Congratulations friend!
We are lucky in life
What do we have each other!

I trust myself
And I want to say
What can you expect
On my shoulder!

Never you my friend
Let troubles not touch!
I wish on the life front
Win only victories!

My friend, let me congratulate
Happy February day to you.
And the wishes of the soul for you have long been burning with fire.
You are a man from A to Z
Worthy of the most flattering words,
I wish you not to live in vain,
And I'm always ready to help.

Congratulations on the holiday dear friend,
Let difficulties escape from the fighting spirit,
Stay a man no matter what happens
So that a happy life is reflected in a smile.
Be a support and support for family and friends,
Human happiness and low bows.

You are a man and a protector
Strong, brave and funny.
We are friends with you for a long time,
Many years since high school.

You already made a career
And I bought a car, a summer house,
In life top choice did -
And married, oh well.

Let the house be a full bowl
I want in years
You received congratulations
Elderly, rich, fashionable.

If grandfather is a kitil today
Pulled on, and dad helmet,
So there is a holiday today
So we don't have any problems.

So today is men's day
Defender's Day.
Here it is - the day of gluttony!
Let's celebrate guys!

2. Congratulations on February 23 to friends

brave soldiers,
adult men,
All those who fought
They served in the army.

Protected us
Defended the city
whole country
Under your supervision.

We are proud of you
To have enough strength
Go through the school of courage
No matter how life beats!

The deeds of the gods cannot be compared,
Greek Olympics,
While ours are alive
Defenders of the Fatherland!

3. Congratulations on February 23 to friends

For two years "citizen",
What he wore so stylishly
You changed to a uniform
Boots and earflaps.

But the duty of a man
You decided to fulfill
I didn’t wag, I didn’t “mow”,
Writing reasons.

And now you are a soldier.
From military science
Strengthen the mind and hands
There are no barriers for you.

You will return as a fighter
Bold and bold,
And a skilled man
Not a bad boy.

And you will celebrate.
Defender's Day is yours!
We are proud of you,
Our former classmate.

And now in your honor
We want to sit together
Write you a message
That we are waiting for you here.

4. Congratulations on February 23 to friends

You are my best, faithful friend,
With you my leisure time is interesting.
I congratulate you on February 23,
And I say wishes, appreciating you.

Be strong, be brave too
So that luck was entered into fate.
And your every step became bright,
I wish you, friend, I wish you many blessings.

There are so few friends in the world
Everyone has their own path.
But I've been lucky in life -
We've been friends for a long time, to spite everyone.

I wish you on a man's day
Live with a smile, do not lose heart.
Always love your family
Be happy and content!

5. Congratulations on February 23 to friends

Only the man who is fearless
Who is not afraid of anything
Everywhere he dared, always brave -
They are afraid of him!

My friend, worthy and serious,
I wish you happiness
Live confidently, calmly,
May the whole family prosper!

6. Congratulations on February 23 to friends

On the twenty third of February
I wish the best for my friend
May the whole earth today
Knows only one thing
I have a wonderful friend
He will support and help
Both work and leisure
Everything can always decorate!

7. Congratulations on February 23 to friends

Men's suit, men's passion,
Men's perfume and pranks
Let may call
A man only out of pity ...

Here you are, my friend
Rightfully without foolishness
I hasten to congratulate on men's day
For all male qualities!

Faithful, devoted friends
Very little in this life
You are my idea
Light up to start

And support, friend, always,
On our holiday I wish you -
Never be sad
And live without knowing worries!

8. Congratulations on February 23 to friends

What do you want, my friend?
Do not hang your nose and do not lose heart,
And even if friends let you down -
Remember, you always have me.

You remain a man everywhere
And according to your deeds, God will reward you.
I wish you much happiness and love
On the February holiday, a true masculine.

9. Congratulations on February 23 to friends

Friend, today is our holiday again!
It is celebrated by all the men of Russia.
Although we both did not serve in the army,
This is no reason not to walk today!

And it doesn't matter if he served or not,
The main thing is to be brave
Could defend and strike back
Get out of any trouble whole.

10. Congratulations on February 23 to friends

On the day of your protector
Congratulations to all friends!
And wish with all their heart
Be the way you are known!

Don't be proud, don't be a bore!
Don't shoot off your shoulder.
Let all the girls dream -
Life is so hot.

Be happy, kind, brave,
Be the best friend!
Let sadness and grief go away
Forget about the bad!
We will always support you
Just be with us!

11. Congratulations on February 23 to friends

There are so few friends like you -
I want to wish you good luck
To always have enough
Do not even think to be discouraged.

My friend, today is the twenty-third!
Today is the holiday of all men,
Live for at least a century
And good luck sir!

12. Congratulations on February 23 to friends

Twenty-third came to us -
It's a cool number
May you always be lucky
Friend, success will not fail!

If there are those who believe
That the doors are always open
For people like you -
So dreams come true!

13. Congratulations on February 23 to friends

We are men, we are millions,
Today is our holiday!
And let us not wear shoulder straps,
No one has stopped being a protector.

All the best to you, my friend, I wish
Let everything in your life be good
That it will be, I know for sure
You - great guy, see you again!

14. Congratulations on February 23 to friends

February brings our holiday, male,
So let, my friend, you are immensely lucky!
Let adversity pass by
Stay true to our friendship.

Great friend, great person
Ready to provide any support
Believe me, I will not forget a whole century,
Male friendship - such a strong one!