Practices for the accumulation of female energy. Feminine energies. Filling with the energy of the Cosmos and the Earth

Some information that is extremely useful for girls, girls, women, I decided to collect in one place.

1. From AAUUM: Ancient yoga technique.

“The exercise was taught to me a long time ago by my first yoga teacher. I wanted to find a description on the Internet, but I didn’t find it. I’ll tell it in my own words :)
Lying, sitting, or standing (at the bus stop:)… We begin to monitor our breathing… We breathe evenly, a little slower than usual…
On the inhale:
- we squeeze the muscles of the perineum. In yoga, this compression is called mula bandha. In Sanskrit, the word mula means “base”, and the word bandha means “clamp.” While we inhale, we try to hold the mula bandha. .

On the exhale:
-we relax the muscles of the perineum and direct our attention to the uterus. We imagine how fresh energy fills the lower part of our abdomen, how the uterus is filled with strength, blooms like a flower. We imagine how beautiful our flower is, how fresh, how much beauty and strength it contains. Do not forget about the smell. The flower exudes a delicate fragrance and shines

We do 10-15 such breaths-exhalations. But do not strain. You can start with a smaller amount and gradually increase.
Do at least once a day.
After the exercise, a pulsation and a feeling of warmth may appear in the lower abdomen. This is good, the energy moves, nourishes. This exercise fills us with female energy, heals our female organs. In my opinion, it is not necessary to describe how a woman’s happiness depends on the health of her genitals :).
A healthy happy woman = healthy children, a loving husband, well-being at all levels of being.
A long time ago I read yogic texts (no exile, they were paper books) about how mula bandha is useful for women. Strong perineal muscles make a woman beautiful and charismatic. And a woman with a strong healthy uterus is generally a goddess :)
In the course of classes, we remember that this is only part of the work on our improvement. We gain strength not for curiosity, not for narcissism and increasing pride, but to use it for peaceful purposes :) ... To LOVE the world, people, ourselves, and accept everything and everyone as manifestation of God.

2. Women's Energy Center. How to find it? How to fill with energy?

Close your eyes and relax. I do this exercise while sitting, but it is quite possible to lie down - the main thing is to achieve the position of the body that does not distract you from the exercise. When you feel ready, imagine a stream of pure white light entering your crown - the energy of love (you can call this stream energy of joy, energy of a smile - whatever you need right now). Start "breathing" this light, feel how it fills you from your heels to the top of your head. Breathe slowly and deeply. Finally, focus your attention on your female energy center and imagine that you are breathing into it. Inhale - and a stream of light entered your uterus, exhale - out. If you can’t imagine, you can help yourself by putting your hand on your stomach and “breathe” with the place that feels the hand.
Once you get comfortable with this breathing, you need to move on. Now we imagine that when we inhale, we absorb energy from the uterus, and when we exhale, it fills our uterus, expanding it. Imagine how energetically our uterus grows. Enter / exhale and the uterus becomes the size of the entire abdomen, inhale / exhale and it is already like our body. Gradually, it reaches the size of the room, the house in which we are. We do all this slowly, slowly, easily and freely inhaling and exhaling. Next, we imagine how the uterus covers our region, city, country, continent, the globe. With each inhalation and exhalation, it is more and more filled with energy, until, finally, it becomes the size of our Galaxy, and then the entire Universe. Feel how the whole world fits in your energy center, you know everything that happens anywhere in the cosmos. Stay in this state of fullness, and then gradually begin to return “to your size”: inhale / exhale - and the uterus has decreased to the size of the Galaxy, then the Globe, then the continent, etc. Do not rush, do it gradually so that your imagination has time to imagine everything you need. And now you have already returned to the size of your body, belly ... and the usual size of your uterus. But the state of fullness remains with you. Try to feel how the uterus pulsates (this does not work right away, but it comes with time). Stay in this state and come back.

By the way, you can breathe through the heart in the same way, “embracing the whole Universe with Love”. It’s also a good practice – there can’t be too much Love in this world, so don’t be afraid to share it.
Yes, and one more thing... At Mantek Chia and at Alla Sakaeva's trainings, I came across the advice to "pack the energy" gained during the exercises. For me, this expression causes a strong association with "salting for the winter." Those. the purpose of "packaging" is to keep the energy in the center, turning it into a more subtle one, to prevent it from "weathering" to trifles.
So how to do it .
Imagine that your energy center is the center of the dial, in which the number "3" is on the left hand, and "9" near the right hand. Scroll the energy that fills your center counterclockwise 36 times, and then clockwise 24 times (36 - symbolizes the movement of the Earth around the Sun during the year, and 24 - the movement of the Moon). You can help yourself with your hand, and then move the energy only mentally. Mantek Chia advises to make these movements spiral: “First, unwind the spiral counterclockwise from the center out. Then change direction by spiraling the energy towards the center in a clockwise direction. Your spiral should not extend below the pubic bone and above the ribcage. In general, try to make these circles as small as possible.

3. Healing sounds. The sound of the uterus and ovaries

In Taoism, the uterus and ovaries are considered Yang organs that are associated with the kidneys (Yin). Therefore, the same sound is pronounced for the uterus and ovaries as for the kidneys. Traditionally, in the practice of Healing Sounds, the uterus and ovaries are not considered separately from the kidneys. But there is a special exercise in Taoist Secrets of Love for Women by M. Chia and R. K. Abrams, because these organs are of particular importance to women.
Place your hands on your thighs with your palms up (starting position). Feel your uterus and ovaries. Then take a deep breath and place your hands on your pelvis, or place them directly across from your pelvis, palms facing you. With each exhalation, draw in the lower abdomen, as if pulling the navel towards the spine.
This will shrink your genitals. As you exhale, make the sound “Cheeuuu”, as in the case of the Sound of the kidneys. Imagine that dirty purple comes out of you and any fear of pain, our feminine fears. Do not forget to “close” the space behind all this “disgrace”.
On the inhale, we “scoop up” the pure purple color and fill our uterus and ovaries with self-confidence, femininity, and creativity.
Repeat two more times.
Helps with menstrual pain, with painful memories associated with the genitals.
In the general cycle of Healing Sounds, we perform the Sound of the Womb after the Sound of the Spleen before the Triple Warmer.
Do not forget about the Inner Smile - we smile at our uterus and feel how it smiles back at us.

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Women's practices

Women's practices

Tantra is like a female deity. All teachings say that in every person there are two essences, male and female. Just like everything in this world is divided into dualities (black and white, good and bad, fear and courage), so that from these, at first glance, opposites, unity and harmony arise. And if the male half is the engine, the generator, then the female half serves to direct this energy to creation.

In fact, a man is the body and mind, and a woman is the heart and mind. What does the mind do? Controls the mind. Therefore, the function of a woman is to lead a man. And nature gave the woman everything for this, intuition, sensuality, kindness. And if a woman wisely uses these qualities, then she will always be in love and harmony with her man. She will guide and inspire him. Unfortunately, in our society, due to upbringing and a hypocritical environment, most women lose their abilities, or rather, simply do not know what to do with them. Men don't match, why should we? That's right, we are developing together, and the task of each of us is to become better every day.

You ask, where are the ideal men, but where are the ideal women. As soon as people reach a certain level, they simply have no chance not to meet each other, unless, of course, there is such a goal. Any of us becomes ideal when he is in harmony with himself and the world around him. If a person strives to become better, and not to make the world a better place, as he wants, then he acquires this harmony. It can arise between his inner woman and inner man, which requires long-term practices. Then this person does not even need a couple to feel whole. This is an ideal option, and such a person is completely self-sufficient, and can live both in a happy marriage and a bachelor life. Whoever is next to him, he will gradually acquire the same balance.

But unfortunately, the system of education, relationships, family institutions, etc. They destroyed the possibility of mass development of harmonious personalities in our people. The relationship turned into buying and selling, mutual demands, lack of respect. Most of the problems in the life of each of us are mainly related to the opposite sex. Why is that? We are created to help, complement each other. This suggests the conclusion: As in the dawn of mankind, in order to learn this harmony, people need to study the art of relationships. The art of harmony with yourself.

Tantra teaches a woman to discover divine qualities in herself. Women have five of them: Wife, Mother, Sister, Daughter and Mistress. And with the help of them, she can completely control a man. But, this management should not be guided by the base interests of the woman herself, this is not how it works. The two halves can only act in symbiosis. And if the spouse gently manages her husband, caring only about his goal, she gets everything in full, and a strong family and harmonious relationships, love and attention. If she thinks about her own interests, nothing will work. This is the essence of Tantra, to forget about your ego, to dissolve in another.

The same applies to men, but the signs of divine development look different: Purposefulness, Courage, Kindness. Naturally, all of them should be aimed at the benefit of the people and the partner. Unfortunately, in our society, most men do not interfere with practicing the art of love, relationships and sex, it is even more difficult to get them to think about it, but that will be a separate topic. Note that Kindness is present in all feminine qualities, just like love, it is already in a woman, she does not need to practice love, only relationships. If a woman wants to find her man, to become his only and beloved. She just needs to master these five qualities, and apply these roles in a relationship with her man. But they do not just need to be learned and known, they must be learned to turn on in time. Imagine that you are playing in a movie, and no matter how much you want to continue the scandal, smear it on the wall of your beloved, you remember that you are an obedient daughter, and the word of your father is law for you. Do you think your ego will suffer? No, it's just that your husband will love you even more and will never leave you. Let's look at examples of female qualities separately:

Spouse. In other words - a faithful partner, husband and wife, one Satan. She must be faithful and support her chosen one in everything, even if it contradicts the opinions of others, and often her own opinion. If you have decided that God has connected you, then God is for you now. Love is a divine act.

Mother. This is the highest standard of love and fidelity that does not require an answer. Unconditional love and compassion. And for her man, a woman will always be a mother to some extent. She will always console, understand, justify, and will wait as long as she wants, keeping unconditional fidelity.

Sister. Indulgence and family closeness, acceptance of mistakes, sins and vices, willingness to help and sincere joy for success.

Daughter. Obedient, loving as the first and main man in her life. Accepting everything as education, listening to teachings, even if she does not agree, and obediently nodding. Thanksgiving.

Mistress. This quality of a woman, we do not yet consider within the framework of tantric education, since the perception of sex in Tantra is very different from the generally accepted one. The only thing I want to say is that the satisfaction of a partner is not a synonym for his ejaculation.

No one in this life has achieved anything more or less progressive, demands on others.

But we can achieve anything we want with the demands of ourselves!!!


The female energy is revealed through the female body.

Beauty, relaxation, trust, intimacy, contact, freedom, emancipation, expressiveness, naturalness, lightness, enjoyment of oneself - all this can be reached through the Body.

From how much you are connected with your body, we feel it, enjoy it, we are able to hear the signals and respond to them in a timely manner - it also depends on how harmonious your female condition, the general feeling of satisfaction with yourself and relationships with the outside world. There are special techniques and practices that help you open up your body and its energies. And also be in the right state at any time when you need it. All practices are based on the Yin approach to the body and energy structure of a woman.

The daily deficit of a modern woman is a deficit of vitality, and specifically female, thanks to which a woman “shines”. Exorbitant workloads, the fast pace of life in the city, different life roles and tasks lead to the fact that women try to "be everything for everyone and do everything in time."

Body-oriented practices and meditations help relieve tension in the body in vital places for a woman; learn to relax; remove the state of chronic fatigue, stiffness, stiffness in movements; get rid of excess control; clear energy channels. Promote healing, cleansing and rejuvenation of the body as a whole. Strengthen women's health. And, most importantly, they help to gain a truly FEMALE STATE: lightness, relaxation, openness, trust, fullness of energy, joy and pleasure from the sensations of your body, sensuality and natural beauty.

feminine energy

On the agenda are the continuation of such topics as female energy and female energy practices. Below is a meditation aimed at revealing precisely the female energy.

We will work with three chakras, which, ideally, for a woman work for bestowal, i.e. the energy of these centers must flow freely, filling the space around with a certain quality.

And so, it is:

1. The second chakra (svadhisthana). The pleasure center, both sexual and generally responsible for the ability to enjoy life. The center where the uterus and ovaries are located, which are directly responsible for female energies.

2. The fourth chakra (anahata). The chakra is responsible for the ability of unconditional love, compassion and the ability of a woman to experience various feelings and emotions, regardless of their nature (pain, joy, anger or pleasure), because Love is all-encompassing.

3. Sixth chakra (ajna). Clarity, when this chakra works cleanly and the energy flows freely, then a woman has the very ability to see clearly, which our great-grandmothers witches had. To see objectively the versatility of the world, not to evaluate, all this together gives rise to acceptance.

Women's power is stored in these three components: pleasure, love and compassion and acceptance.

Meditation - Feminine Energy.

1. Sit comfortably so that your uterus and abdomen are above your knees, for example, if this is a half-lotus or lotus position, then sit on a cushion. Put both hands on the area of ​​the uterus and ovaries, start at first just to feel, to feel this place in the body. Direct all your attention to the second center and begin to breathe through the perineum, inhaling and exhaling through the uterus (i.e., stretching your attention with each inhalation and exhalation from the perineum to the uterus and back), squeezing and relaxing the perineum region accordingly. At the same time, even, deep and calm breathing through the nose. The eyes are closed.

Time: 5-10 minutes.

2. Now, we direct the collected energy in the uterus up to Anahata. Using your attention, with each inhalation, begin to draw energy from the second chakra to the fourth along the spine, and as you exhale, allow it to spill into the chest area inside the body and beyond. Keep your tongue pressed against the upper palate, eyes closed.

Time: 5-10 minutes.

3. Gather all your attention in the area of ​​the third eye (between the eyebrows). Just keep your attention in ajna for a few minutes. After slowly and gently begin to slightly open your eyes, a slightly defocused look. Consciously begin to shift your gaze towards one or another object that grabs your attention. At the same time, when you look at this or that object, try to let go of any thought about what it is, what it is called, what it looks like. Any knowledge, any thought - let go, just contemplate, without interpretation. Linger on the chosen subject for half a minute and follow on, moving your gaze and attention to the next object (it can be something big or a dot on the wallpaper), it is important to move away from knowledge to non-judgmental contemplation.

Time: 5-10 minutes.

4. Completion. Close your eyes and stay in silence for some time, the tip of your tongue rests on the sky. Move your attention from the lower abdomen to the forehead: while inhaling - up the back of the spine, and exhaling - down the front of the body.

Time: 5-10 minutes.

Meditation is good in the morning, before the start of the day, in order to be filled with feminine energies and be ready for pleasure, love and acceptance.

Orgasmic reflex. Women's practice

The orgasm reflex for women is an energy meditation exercise aimed at opening, liberating the hip area and abdomen and, as a result, releasing energy and maximally relaxing the main energy center of a woman - the uterus.

And this exercise is somewhat different, in the dynamics and order of the stages, from the well-known "Reichian" exercise of the orgasm reflex.

The exercise includes 5 stages. The music is soft and flowing: the rustle of an ox and the sound of the surf.

First stage: 10 minutes.

Relaxation of the sacrum. Lie on your back, bend your knees and begin to gently pulse as you lift and lower your pelvis up and down just a few inches. Keep all your attention in the area of ​​the sacrum. Spread and relax the body with each subsequent pulsation.

Second stage: 10 minutes.

Lift your pelvis up and pull it up, up and up again. All attention is collected in the uterus, breathing is free through the mouth, arms along the body or on the stomach in the area of ​​the second chakra.

Third stage: 20 minutes.

Gather all your awareness, all your attention in the area of ​​the uterus, visualizing a white transparent light that is getting stronger. Start slowly spreading and bringing your knees together. Do it as if you are giving yourself to this life and the world, revealing yourself, being in the receiving position of a woman with wide knees. Each time, starting again and again to spread the knees, going through the process of birth and saying to life - YES. Important: movements from side to side should be imperceptible (microscopic) to the eyes, trembling may occur during movements ... This is exactly what we were waiting for, we pass this segment very slowly, the body may throw up a little or make some kind of sound. There may be many such areas.

Also remember about breathing at all stages, breathe through your mouth as if you are a child who has just been born and enjoys every inhalation and exhalation. Direct all your attention to the area of ​​the uterus and the second chakra, move completely to this center, become it.

Fourth stage: 5 minutes.

Start as slowly as you spread your knees while lowering your pelvis down. Slowly going nowhere.

Fifth stage: 10 minutes.

Lie down, do nothing. Relax and dissolve in this relaxation, feel your body and the fullness of the uterus.

Taoist women's gymnastics

Morning female gymnastics from a series of Taoist practices for women. The article uses materials from the book Sister Fu Lecture Course, or the Secret Women's Doctrine.

The gymnastics and exercises described below are designed to tone, awaken and fill the female reproductive system (womb, ovaries and mammary glands) with strength and energy.

Women's practice:

1. Start the morning by squeezing and unclenching the muscles and perineum while still lying in bed.

2. Starting position: sit on your knees with a straight back, palms on the hips behind. We iron the thighs on the outside to the knees and then on the inside to the stomach, squeezing the thighs a little (light effort). We repeat 9 times. Pay your attention to the message of the movement of the hands, let it come from the lower abdomen, let it be there that the impulse to the movement of the hands is born. This exercise is also called "warming the oven."

3. We put our hands on the stomach, one hand on top of the other. We make 36 movements counterclockwise and 24 - clockwise.

4. We put our hands on the chest, so that the centers of the palm coincide with the nipples. We establish a connection between the nipples and the centers of the palms - 3-4 minutes. We feel warm warmth.

5. Then we put our palms on the outside of the chest so that the base of the palm is below the armpits. And we do 24 quick movements up and slightly diagonally so that the chest begins to shake.

6. Again we return the palms to the nipples for 2-3 minutes.

7. Hands in the "kitty" (uncompressed fist) and make circular movements around the chest. 9 times one way and 9 times back.

8. We return the hands to the chest again and move the palms away from the chest, holding the connection between the centers (palm-nipple) like strings. And we make a circular motion 9 times in one direction and 9 times in the other.

9. We put our hands on our chest for a few minutes.

10. Then we lower our hands to the stomach.

Good morning Woman. Have a nice day, strength, energy and inner peace.

Energy Conservation Practices for Women

Simple basics of women's practice for the conservation and sublimation of energy.

Saving a red drop for women.

It is important for women to preserve not only the energy of orgasm, but also the energy lost during menstruation. It is believed that at this time a woman loses her even more than with uncontrolled sex. Rajas, which is always present in the genitals of a woman, like a red drop, should be preserved during menstruation, like bindu in a man.

“Let the woman perform vajroli first and then draw up the rajas.” Hatharatnavali

When ovulation is suppressed in a woman's body by the practice of vajroli, energy management techniques (prana vidya) or amaroli, the energy of the red drop is preserved and there is no loss of vitality.

Prana Vidya: sublimation of sexual energy for women.

It is important for a yogini to master the method of reducing monthly secretions before classes in energy management.

Every day, for several minutes a day, you should massage the breasts with circular movements inward and outward in such a proportion - 9-36 times outward, 9-36 times inward. It purifies the prana, improves blood circulation and reduces monthly secretions. Periods of secretions become shorter and less frequent, and with further purification of prana, menstruation disappears. Although at the beginning, when performing this exercise, the discharge will even increase, but then there will be a decrease in their number and frequency.


1. Enter the contemplation of peace and rub your palms. Perform moola bandha three times.

2. Place your palms on your chest, massage in a circular motion using your index, middle and ring fingers. Circle them around the nipples, first outward 9-36 times, then inward 9-36 times. Then the hands change in the opposite direction. Pause with your palms on your chest.

3. Inhale, then exhale completely and hold the exhalation, draw in the stomach, feel those as the vagina and uterus are pulled up.

4. Inhale again and relax, even out your breath.

Repeat the previous exercises 3-7 times, keeping your hands on your chests.

1. Relax again, keeping your hands on your chest, bring your attention to the ovaries and uterus. Using your eyes and mind, make the energy in the ovaries rotate in a circle.

2. Feel the hot energy of the fire in the yonisthan, in the heart, in the navel and imagine how the fire descends to the genitals. Feel how, under the influence of fire, sexual energy is purified and rises up like a vapor.

Another more difficult method for reducing discharge for women is the practice of vajroli mudra using water drawn in by the muscles of the vagina with the help of a tube and the practice of uddiyana bandha.


space of love 14.01.2018

Dear readers, in previous articles of the rubric we have already talked about how to unleash the feminine energy in yourself. The columnist Irina Romanova calls it the ability to be loving pleasure. But how can you develop this ability in yourself so that you are constantly filled with the energy of love, in order to charge not only yourself, but also those around you? This is what we are going to talk about today. I give the floor to Irina.

Hello, my dear. I am glad to welcome you to our space of love and again to talk about a woman, her vibrations and female energy. After all, when the female circle gathers, we are all filled, we draw from each other the qualities we lack, the lack of strength. Each at the same time gets something for herself and at the same time shares with her friends.

Even now, when we are in different cities, in different countries, we share our feelings, experiences, stories with each other and this helps to become stronger as a woman, both for ourselves and others. Be sure to write in the comments your impressions, your thoughts and feelings after the practice. Share your practices and ways of filling with feminine power.

The space of love is created by women. Because it is they who fill any space and fill it with their vibrations. As a rule, a man brings a woman to his house, and her task is to fill it, decorate it, create comfort. A man builds a house, and a woman ennobles it. It has always been and always will be, because the nature of a woman and the nature of a man cannot be changed.

But if in the nature of a woman to be filling, loving, giving, then why are there so many lonely and unhappy women in our time? Why do women feel empty, tired, energetically depleted? How can they fill their home, the space around them, if there is emptiness inside?

We live in a world of men. A man's world is built according to men's rules. And we, completely forgetting about our natural instincts, about our natural abilities, begin to adapt to these rules and de-energize ourselves.

A man lives with his mind - this is his strength. The strength of a woman in her body is her heart and in the bottom of her belly. The more a woman thinks, worries, solves complex life problems, the less her strength becomes.

A woman needs to return her lost energy, to fill herself. And there are different ways to do it. Now we will consider them in more detail.

natural silence

Loneliness and silence is one of the simplest and easiest ways to restore your strength. If you feel tired, just leave all your worries and affairs and take a walk in the park alone, sit on the banks of the river or the sea. And at the same time, try not to let your thoughts be occupied with calculating the annual balance, worries about your husband, children, parents, money. Walk as if all your worries were somewhere far away.

The place of female energy in the body, in the lower abdomen, in the region of the heart. If we constantly think about something, then our energy center shifts to the head, leaves our natural place of power.

When we stop thinking about pressing matters, when we simply observe the beauty of nature and absorb it into ourselves, we are filled, charged with the natural power of the Earth. And then we can already, fully charged, return to our business. Believe me, the benefits will be much greater.

Communication with other women

Remember the main thing - women are not rivals. These are the closest companions. In a female circle it is very easy to be filled with energy. You don't need to do anything for this - it happens absolutely naturally.

You can communicate, or you can just be in a women's society. If an anecdote about a turtle and a snake that swim across the sea immediately comes to mind, and the snake thinks: “I’ll bite, throw it off,” and the turtle’s thoughts at the same time: “I’ll throw it off, bite it,” then remember what I said - we live in the male world. And such jokes are invented for us by men.

We ourselves choose our roles in the social world, we ourselves choose whether to compete with men in strength and intelligence, we ourselves choose whether to compete with women. You can compete, or you can understand that other women are the same flow of energy as you are, and that by interacting with each other, you can fill up and restore your strength.

How exactly this interaction occurs, I will write in the next article.

Hobby or favorite activity

Here I do not discover America, they talk about it, they talk and will talk about it, because a favorite thing is always a source of strength and inspiration.

Every woman will have her own. Someone is inspired by knitting, someone by drawing, and someone by compiling complex algorithms and tables. The main sign that you are doing what you love is that after completing it, you feel a surge of strength and energy.

Meditations and practices

Every meditation and every practice is an opportunity to slow down a bit and be alone with yourself.

Nature, like a woman, is slow. Its strength lies in fluidity and smoothness. Any meditation is a deep, slow breathing, stopping the internal dialogue, which means it is a great way to recover.

There are a lot of practices for restoring female power. In this article, I will talk about some of them. You will have the opportunity to turn to your source of energy and restore your strength.

In search of the lost pearl. Practice

Take a few minutes right now. Take three deep breaths in and out and focus your attention on your breath. Maybe at some point you want to take a deep breath and relax.

During the day we are constantly in tension, we are constantly in our thoughts. And now - a deep breath, and let all this tension go through the feet into the ground. Now your breathing is calm, even, and we can begin the practice.

Pearls are never found on the surface. He always hides in shells on the sea or river bottom. And now close your eyes and be transported to a beautiful oasis. Warm white sand caresses your feet. You are walking along a deserted beach, dressed in a light chiffon, almost imperceptible cape. The sun warms you with its warmth, exotic birds fly in the sky, the sky is light blue and very clear. Its reflection can be seen in the clean, transparent sea surface.

You walk along the coast and see a path that goes inland and beckons you to follow it. You boldly walk, because this is your island, it is absolutely safe here. This is your place. The path leads you to a small lake surrounded by trees. The water in the lake is so clear and inviting that you dive into it without hesitation.

This is an unforgettable feeling - coolness, freshness, purity and transparency. You feel so good, water cleanses and fills you not only from the outside, but also from the inside. It becomes easy for you, you yourself become as transparent and pure as this water. The heart rejoices like a child's, you laugh and splash, enjoying every moment.

And then you notice that something glitters at the bottom. You become interested, and you dive into this depth to bring to the surface this small bright star that you saw through the water.

To get it, you have to dive deeper and deeper, but it is so easy for you, as if you were doing it all the time. You easily reach the bottom of the lake and pick up this light that attracted you so much. It turned out to be a gem. It lies without a shell, just like that, on the seabed and as if waiting for you. As soon as you touch it, inside you, in your uterus, the same star - a pearl - lights up, and you feel its light inside you.

Holding the pearl firmly in your hands, you emerge to the surface and inhale deeply the clean, fragrant air. In the hands - your found pearl. Carefully consider it - what it is, what size, what color.

You apply this pearl to your belly, as if feeling the need to do so, and see that your pearl dissolves and penetrates through your skin and into you. Your lower abdomen is filled with light and warmth. And in this general light and warmth, one point is most clearly felt, this is the place where your pearl settled.

Now she is always with you, she is a part of you, she fills and revives the place of your power, she always burns with a bright star inside you.

This visualization exercise can be done at any time. The more often we remember our star, our pearl in the lower abdomen, the more joyful and happier our life will be. It is like a saving spring for a weary traveler.

Dance of feminine energies. Practice

And now that you have found your pearl, you need to start its movement. Yes, dear ones, in the world of nature - and this is the true world of a woman - there is no static, everything is in motion. And our task is to return the movement to our main center.

And if the world of men is a world of clarity, rhythm, action, then the world of a woman is a world of smoothness, harmony and wave. Women's waves are very different and our task is to learn how to create them. Therefore, let's not postpone this sacred action and start right now.

Close your eyes, restore the evenness of your breathing - take a few deep breaths in and out. And focus all your attention on your pearl in the lower abdomen. See how she shines and shimmers, how her light fills you from the inside.

Now imagine that she, your pearl, began to rotate around its axis. And the faster it rotates, the larger the waves of light diverge around it. First, these waves fill the lower abdomen, then rise higher, and the pearl continues to rotate.

Feel how your body begins to repeat the movements of this rotation. It can go completely different. It could be a spiraling spiral to the left, or a spiraling spiral to the right, or it could just be a wave going up. Just watch these waves and follow their movement with your body.

Breathing is relaxed and easy. Do not pinch your cheekbones, you can exhale the sound "ha". Feel how these waves cover your body completely, and it itself begins to move to the beat of them. It can be internal movements, or maybe you want to get up and move to the beat of these waves.

Do not restrain yourself, surrender to the feeling of this process, enjoy these movements. You can do this exercise for as long as you want. And when you're done, pay attention to your inner state. What changed? How does your body react to the environment now? Did you feel energized after doing this exercise?

With love in my heart
Irina Romanova

I thank Irina, after all, it is always a joy to speak on such topics. We really forget sometimes about our nature, but how useful it is to slow down, breathe, just be with yourself. And even just this is how much life-giving energy gives us. But of course, it is worth striving to always be filled with feminine power.

And for the soul, we will listen to the amazing composition of Ernesto Cortazar - Thanks To Life.

see also



All energy flows of the Universe are divided into two types: female and male. One of them prevails in each of us, and, depending on this, attitude, character, destiny are built. Both men and women can control and saturate their own in different ways. Let's take a closer look at how to be filled with feminine energy in order to become a happy and successful wife and mother.

Types of energies

Men need a minimum of time to saturate their energy reserves. A woman easily loses energy and accumulates it for a very long time. And, according to the law of conservation of energy, male energy comes to an empty place, the excess of which negatively affects the female body.

It should be remembered that female energy is always directed at a man. Her main task is to build and maintain a faithful and long relationship with her beloved. Therefore, everything that interferes, makes you waste energy in nowhere.

Let's name three main reasons due to which a woman can lose her strength:

Filling with female energy: 5 ways

The patroness of the female essence is the Moon. It is on the new moon that you need to start all the main things. The waning moon is a time of prayer for healing, protection from evil people, the health of children and spouse. It is also useful to choose clothes or at least red underwear.

The feminine energy is very malleable and will give way to the masculine if its bearer takes on a lot of responsibility, belittles her husband or assigns headship in the family. Usually such women have some problems with the birth of children or their marriage is short-lived and shaky.

In today's fast-paced world, it is difficult to always remain full of strength, ideas, inspire your man and loved ones. Therefore, every woman needs to know how to be filled with female energy. This will allow you to live and become an example for your children and grandchildren.

A sexy woman enjoys everyday activities, she is interesting to people, attractive, everything is easy for her, she is more open, sociable, people trust her and are drawn to her, her sex life is exciting and diverse.

Any woman needs to love her body, admire yourself in front of a mirror, stroke your body, enjoy its appearance. If you constantly praise yourself - others begin to see more and more advantages in you, if you criticize yourself - others begin to pay attention only to your shortcomings.

Women's practice "Volcano of Passion"

This female practice is intended for activation of the second chakra, for filling with sexual feminine energy.

Do it sitting or, if necessary, standing. Relax, lower your attention down the abdomen, into the area of ​​the uterus and imagine that red and warm lava from the volcano is pouring there, squeeze the intimate muscles several times. Imagine your uterus, she is smiling, being in this warm lava - she is pleasant and comfortable and the uterus says “Yes” (say the word “Yes” out loud).

Then mentally draw a golden thread from the uterus to your lips and say “Yes” out loud. Notice how your sound has changed.

Perform this exercise before a date, a meeting with a man, try to speak during a date, as if directing your speech from the uterus, thereby filling your voice with sexuality and you will feel the power of feminine energy.

How to ask for gifts?

Preliminarily do the exercise described above, speak from the uterus (imagine how from the uterus filled with energy, energy flows through the golden thread to your lips in sexual speech). Imagine the erotic phallus of the man you are asking for a gift from, and additionally you can imagine how you indulge in passionate love with him (do this while talking with him).

Radiate and give love!