Skin care rules according to age. What does the skin need at different ages Skin care for different ages

Those who argue that young skin does not need care are wrong - you need to start taking care of your skin from a very young age, practically from childhood, and then with age you will have to spend much less effort and money on it. But if young skin is timely enough to cleanse and moisturize (of course, if there are no special problems with it), then at an older age the skin needs more and more additional nutrition, it will need tonic, anti-aging, restorative care.

In order to properly care for the skin of the face at a particular age, it is necessary to understand what changes are characteristic of it at 25, and which at 50. Shall we figure it out?

After 25 years.

What's happening?

It is sad to admit that it is after 25 years that the aging process begins in a woman's skin. This is primarily reflected in the fact that its ability to retain moisture is deteriorated and it becomes drier. Of course, this process is not as intense as at 40, but it is at 25 that you need to start supporting procedures that will help in the future to avoid (or delay as far as possible) the appearance of wrinkles, peeling, thinning of the skin. As a result of some hormonal changes, at this age, the structure of the skin may also begin to change: it becomes more oily in the T-zone, begins to lose elasticity and firmness. Traces of youthful acne (post-acne) can also cause trouble, and you also need to know how to deal with it correctly.

What to do?

In order to maintain a young, fresh look as long as possible, you will have to try. So, it is extremely undesirable to stay in the sun for a long time without special protective cosmetics (and it is better not to sit with it in the sun for a long time). This advice applies to all women (not only twenty-five years old) - after all, everyone knows how negative ultraviolet light affects the skin! Proper cosmetics (more on that below), daily use of thermal water, as well as drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day and a "healthy" diet will help maintain a normal water balance.

At the age of 25, you already need to start monitoring your facial expressions: too frequent and intense stretching of the skin will inevitably lead to its sagging, wrinkles will appear. An excellent option is to start doing special gymnastics for the face, apply contrasting washes, and light massage.

Some cosmetologists advise starting from the age of 25 to think about serious salon procedures, such as injections of hyaluronic acid or mesotherapy. Do not rush - up to 30 - 35 years, the skin is able to "work" on its own resources. The same applies to cosmetics with an "anti age" effect. In terms of salon procedures, while you can limit yourself to peels and cleanings, moisturizing masks and massages.

Correct care.

The skin, of course, must be cleansed. By the age of 25, you need to completely abandon washing your face with soap - there is no need to dry out the skin again. Various cleansing foams and gels containing natural oils and plant extracts work well. It is also worth giving up alcohol tonics - it is better to tone the skin with natural, natural remedies, make compresses from decoctions of medicinal herbs, wipe your face with ice cubes from them. Check that your moisturizer contains beneficial vitamins (C, E, A, P), phytoestrogens. You can enhance the care with the help of serums that stimulate the production of collagen in the skin, a couple of times a week you should please your face with moisturizing masks. It is imperative to find a good cream for the skin around the eyes - its aging occurs most rapidly.

After 30 years.

What's happening?

Regeneration processes in skin cells after 30 years slow down sharply, an insufficient amount of collagen and elastin is produced, the lipid layer becomes thinner, while the horny layer, on the contrary, becomes denser. Due to the deterioration of the supply of blood and oxygen to the tissues, the complexion deteriorates, and due to a decrease in muscle tone, the skin sags and wrinkles appear. In general, the skin can become even drier, more porous, dull, almost inevitably crow's feet appear near the eyes.

What to do?

The main thing is not to get upset and not give up. Comprehensive, thorough care will help you look great! Not to repeat the sun protection advice - it is suitable for all ages. After 30 years, it is very important to adhere to a correct balanced diet, consume enough liquid (but not abuse it so that there is no edema), minimize alcohol consumption and, of course, not smoke (and not even be in a smoky room), get enough sleep. After 33 - 35 years old, it's time for anti-aging creams to appear on the shelf with cosmetics.

After 30 years, it is very desirable to visit a beautician once every couple of months, at this age it is already quite possible to resort to the first serious salon cosmetic procedures. Lymphatic drainage massage, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, ozone therapy, deep peeling - the cosmetologist will advise which of the procedures will best help to deal with existing problems. After 35 years, you can think about injections of Botox and / or hyaluronic acid. By the way, some cosmetologists believe that at the age of 30 - 35 it is worth giving up mimic gymnastics and self-massage, or, at least, doing them as carefully as possible.

Correct care.

The traditional stages of skin care - cleansing, toning, moisturizing - have not been canceled, but now you need to add nutrition to them. Creams - both day and night - should become more intense, in addition to vitamins, they should include coenzyme Q10, biostimulants, amino acids. You can add a lifting serum to your daily skincare routine to help boost collagen production and refresh your skin. After 30 years of age, nourishing and moisturizing masks can be done twice a week, after 35 - up to three times.

After 40 years.

What's happening?

At the age of 40, physiological aging of the body becomes more and more clearly visible on the face. Cellular activity slows down even more, the processes of destruction of the structural elements of the dermis are accelerated, decay products are slower and not completely removed from the body, the skin does not receive nutrients. As a result, the skin loses its elasticity even more, sags, becomes flabby, in addition to wrinkles, dark circles appear under the eyes, nasolabial folds appear, the porosity of the skin increases, pigmentation and spider veins may appear.

What to do?

According to cosmetologists, by the age of 40 a woman gets the skin she deserves, that is, her condition depends on the quality of previous care. But even the most well-groomed facial skin after 40 years needs even more attentive, more intensive care. Proper nutrition becomes even more important, fish and seafood, fresh fruits and vegetables must be introduced into the daily menu, and it is also very desirable to regularly drink a course of vitamins, breathe more fresh air.

In addition to the standard cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nutrition, for which it is now definitely necessary to use only high-quality anti-aging cosmetics (possibly including hormones), after 40 years it is absolutely impossible to do without a constant visit to a beauty salon and intensive cosmetic procedures. RF-lifting, contouring with fillers, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, photothermolysis work miracles. The only disadvantage of these effective procedures is that their effect does not last very long (up to 8 - 12 months), but they cost a lot.

Correct care.

By the age of 40, every woman clearly shows her weak spots: someone has more pronounced nasolabial folds and sagging lower part of the face, someone suffers from age spots and rosacea, for someone the main problem becomes wrinkles around the eyes and overhanging eyelids ... Naturally, in addition to full-fledged basic care, additional attention should be paid to your problem areas.

Do not neglect a variety of cosmetics: use a variety of creams (moisturizing, nourishing, tightening and restoring), special serums, masks, compresses and rubbing (from medicinal herbs). The composition of anti-aging cosmetics must necessarily include fruit acids, hyaluronic acid, herbal extracts, whitening ingredients. Perhaps (after consulting a beautician) it is worth paying attention to the means, which include stem cells. Preparations with snail secretions have also proven themselves excellent.

After 50 years.

What's happening?

Irreversible hormonal changes occurring in the female body at the turn of 40 - 50 years (menopause) lead to the fact that all the destructive processes described above are even more activated, acquiring an avalanche-like character. To wrinkles, flabbiness and dullness of the skin, to increased porosity and rosacea, are added age spots, the appearance of facial hair, excessive dryness of the skin (parchment skin). In addition, the cosmetics that were previously effective and brought immediate results are now less intense.

What to do?

Even if up to 50 years old you somehow miraculously managed to maintain an excellent appearance without the help of a beautician, then at this age, alas, it is almost impossible. On the other hand, one should be glad that modern cosmetology quite allows even at 50 to look no worse than at 35 without surgery! RF-lifting, biorevitalization, mesotherapy, various fillers, mesothreads, photorejuvenation, deep peels and other procedures come to the aid of aged women. Naturally, meticulous daily care, proper nutrition and an active lifestyle are also important. But self-massage is now contraindicated - only a beautician can perform this procedure, otherwise there is a risk of finally stretching the skin. Instead, it is worth paying more attention to daily (maybe even twice a day) compresses based on medicinal decoctions.

Correct care.

After 50, you should definitely forget about using ordinary tap water for washing - for this, herbal teas in liquid or frozen form are better suited. Creams used every day should contain a maximum of active substances, retinol, hyaluronic acid, amino acids, polysaccharides, elastin, vitamin complexes, etc. It is also imperative to use serums with a lifting effect, and a variety of masks (some can even be done every other day).

Who: Stanislava Artemova, 1st category cosmetologist at Articoli Salon & spa
True to the profession: 9 years
Age: 25+

The regeneration processes slow down, the first mimic wrinkles appear, the complexion fades - unfortunately, all these are physiological norms. If the client lives in stress, the autonomic nervous system may malfunction, which is also responsible for the production of estrogen, a female hormone that has a great effect on skin condition. Therefore, even at 25, a girl may face dark circles under the eyes, acne, and dehydration. I have clients who pin up hyaluronic acid not because they don't know what else to do - they really need it.

How do you take care of yourself?
I change brands and cosmetics based on how my skin feels. I devote great attention to cleansing, prefer the texture of the mousse: I have narrow pores, I exercise a lot, and sebum is secreted very actively. So that it does not remain in the ducts and does not provoke inflammation, you have to absorb it all the time. This is exactly what mousses do. I love Chanel products for sensitive skin and La Mer. I remove the product with plain tap water. Its quality, of course, leaves much to be desired, but otherwise there is no feeling of purity, the face is as if covered with a film. I prefer tonics without alcohol, they both soothe the skin and do not dry it.

I rarely change brands, because in order to understand whether a product works or not, you need to give it time - 3 months. The first results can be assessed after 28 days - this is the cell renewal cycle. I have been using moisturizing serums since 23... I do not apply it to the area around the eyes, but to the auricles - I must. I often see mature women with perfectly groomed skin, but with loose lobes. I don’t want something like this to happen to me.

Often, once a week, I go to manual cleanings, although, of course, I don't like them. In my case, because of the narrow pores, they fit better than hardware. Ultrasound does not take pollution, it only sloughs off the top layer of keratinized cells. Yes, frequent manual cleaning is a serious effect on the skin, and if done by a non-professional, pigmentation may appear on the face, but I don't see any alternatives for myself yet.

I try injection techniques, without them nowhere. I did biorevitalization a couple of times, botox once. I also went to photoepilation - I recommend: this method of hair removal is good for the face, as it is effective and not too painful.

At the age of 27-30.

AHA acids.

For light textures and refined formulas of creams that will instantly start regeneration processes.

You are 25 to 30

  • Thoroughly, 2 times a day, cleanse the skin. If it is prone to dryness, use milk, if combined or oily, choose gels and mousses.
  • Always ask your beautician to include face and décolleté massage in the procedure.
  • Cleaning is your everything. Manual - if the pores are narrow, ultrasonic - if you see them with the naked eye.

1. Cream Nectar Bright, Melvita
2. Moisturizing cream Steam Cream, Lush
3. Soothing mask Masque Sensitif, La Biosthetique
4. Growth Factor Serum, Medik 8
5. Night face cream 04, Balance Of Power, My Blend
6. Means for smoothing the first wrinkles Techni Liss First, Payot
7. Anti-aging care for the skin around the eyes "Radiance of youth 25+", Garnier

If you are 30 or more

Who: Natalya Savitskaya, beautician at Dessange beauty salon
True to the profession: 15 years
Age: 30+

What happens to the skin at your age?
Skin turgor is actively reduced. For this reason, previously small mimic wrinkles - nasolabial, forehead, and around the eyes - become more pronounced. After thirty, many of my clients complain of swelling in the morning: at this age, lymph and blood flow slows down.

How do you take care of yourself?
I am convinced that the skin should rest from cosmetics, it should be given the opportunity to work on its own. I somehow figured out: if you buy a cream for each zone, as the manufacturers recommend, you need to apply 15 products at a time, or something like that. It's a nightmare. Therefore, sometimes I cleanse the skin well, tone it, and refuse serum and cream.

I cleanse my face with milk, as my skin is thin, with a tendency to dryness. As for creams, I like universalthat can be applied to the eye area. These are often produced by Japanese brands, it is not customary for them to divide products by zones - for the face, neck, eyes. The texture depends on the season - in winter I prefer the classic Crème de La Mer, although many consider it a little heavy. My favorite serum from the Cellcosmet brand with elastocollagen gives a good lifting effect.

I believe that after 30 years you need to pay more attention to exfoliation - regularly do mechanical peels at home, chemical peels at the beautician... I often go to salons in autumn and winter: after summer, especially if age spots appear, I conduct a course of chemical peels, then several mesotherapy procedures with hyaluronic acid (once every three weeks). And, of course, I always protect myself from the sun, because ultraviolet light ruins the skin, as does smoking.

The most effective anti-aging ingredient available today?
Hyaluronic acid

When should you start fighting aging?
At 30, not earlier. Up to this point - thorough regular cleansing, but no aggressive anti-aging products. The other day one client, who is a little over twenty, asked to beat her meso, to do some kind of intensive care. I had to refuse: the girl's skin is in perfect condition, and I believe that until a certain moment the epidermis should satisfy its needs on its own, without active intervention.

What is the future of anti-aging cosmetology?
For injection techniques. I think the formulations of drugs and the methods of their administration will be improved.

You are between 30 and 35

  • Chemical peels should appear in your care. Let the abrasive ones remain, use it once a week.
  • If you have nothing against the injection, try to beat vitamin cocktails, hyaluronic acid. Are you afraid? Make sure your care products contain these ingredients.
  • Let your face rest: once every 2 weeks, only cleanse the skin, and do not apply serums and creams.

1. Fluid for the face Le Fluide, Orchidée Impériale, Guerlain
2. Revitalizing anti-wrinkle fluid Ideal Resource, Darphin
3. Cream - activator of youth Génifique, Lancôme
4. Eye cream serum Suprema, Sisley
5. Day firming cream, Carita

If you are 35 or more

Who: Elena Belyakova, dermatosurgeon of the clinic of aesthetic medicine "Klazko"
True to the profession: 14 years old
Age: 35+

What happens to the skin at your age?
It becomes thinner and less hydrated, firm and elastic. The dermis actively loses hyaluronic acid and synthesizes it more slowly, the skin is covered with a network of superficial wrinkles, it becomes thinner and dries up, cosmetologists call it "parchment". Care does not have to be targeted anti-aging action, more importantly - seasonality. In winter - protective and nourishing agents; in the spring it is necessary to restore the face after cold weather - vitamins go well; in summer, a moisturizer with SPF is enough; and in autumn it is high time to remove the signs of sun damage and prepare the skin for frost - to pay attention to regenerating products that restore tone.

How do you take care of yourself?
In the morning and in the evening I wash off the cosmetics with a foam for washing, after that I apply the cream in accordance with the season - I distribute it over the area around the eyes, lobe and auricle (a big mistake if someone does not do this), then I go down the neck, and that remains on the hands, I smear over the neckline. I don't put any funds on the lips themselves, but around them I must. Once a week I find time for a mask guaranteed - I always take the same series as the face cream. By the way, I have a dense texture even in summer, since my skin is dry. Exfoliate my skin about once every 2 weeks, that's enough for me. I choose a scrub with abrasive particles. I do not visit a beautician: starting from the age of 25, I inject myself with Botox once every six months.

The most effective anti-aging ingredient available today?
Hyaluronic acid With age, the skin actively loses it, namely the hyaluronic acid affects the "fullness" of the face. At 25 years old, it can be acid creams, at 30 and beyond - injections and food supplements.

When should you start fighting aging?
If you want to look 30 at the age of 40, you need to start taking care of yourself at 20. And train yourself, even at a very young age, to visit a beautician at least once a year so that the specialist tracks changes and selects the right products.

What is the future of anti-aging cosmetology?
I suppose that creams will be created individually for each person in accordance with his genetic analysis. Cosmetology will take into account the rate of metabolic processes of each organism and hormonal levels.

1. Cleansing Foam, Wamiles
2. Day moisturizer Vinexpert, Caudalie
3. Anti-aging care Sublixime, IXXI
4. Dietary supplement Hyaluronic Acid, Solgar
5. Cream with hyaluronic acid Hyaluronic Cream, Thalgo
6. Roller for the skin around the eyes Elixir 7.9, Yves Rocher

If you are 40 or more

Who: Marina Devitskaya, cosmetologist at the Profil Professional salon
True to the profession: 14 years old
Age: 40+

What happens to the skin at your age?
All the processes taking place in the skin cells do not benefit its condition, the traces of age become obvious. And, as experts say, the face begins to sink down. Due to the inability of the skin to retain moisture as before, the hydrolipid layer is disturbed, and this leads to its thinning. Spider veins are shown due to microcirculation worsening every year.

How do you take care of yourself?
My favorite brands are Ultraceuticals and Rexaline. Every cleanser I use has an acid of some kind, most often glycolic. This allows you to remove makeup and impurities from the skin, remove and loosen horny scales. Further - be sure to tonic. In summer, it is played by micellar water or green tea products, in winter - products with 5% lactic acid. After toning - serum. I take foods with B vitamins (B3 and B5): they restore the hydrolipidic film and work with fine wrinkles. In the morning I apply a serum with vitamin B, and in the evening - with retinol (aka vitamin A. - Approx. WH). The face must be accustomed to the last component: first, apply the product twice a week, then three, and then switch to daily use.

I do peelings once a week. My favorite is the unusual HydroPeptide® two-stage scrub. The first phase is mechanical exfoliation. I apply crystals to cleansed skin, inside of which vitamin C is hidden, I massage my face with them for several minutes, then I distribute the gel-like activator with my favorite 5% lactic acid. The trick is that it releases vitamin C from the crystals and, along with it, penetrates the skin, where it starts the regeneration process.

I do thermolifting myself. This procedure should be carried out once a year, not more often. I love microcurrents, I go to them to the master for about 7 years... I trust the same specialist with the biorevitalization procedure.

The most effective anti-aging ingredient available today?
Retinol. It removes wrinkles well and stops inflammation - in adulthood, acne may appear due to changes in hormonal levels.

When should you start fighting aging?
At 20. From now on, cleansing your skin should be the main focus of your skincare routine.

What is the future of anti-aging cosmetology?
For retinol, vitamin C, peptides and fruit acids.

You are 40 to 45

  • Use creams aimed at restoring the contour of the face. Look for powerful ingredients like retinol in the composition.
  • Regular cleansing and toning has not been canceled. Even mature skin can look good with a lot of attention.
  • The time has come for hardware techniques. Laser dermabrasion, photorejuvenation, thermage, bipolar lifting - finally you can try all these things in practice.

1. Serum "Facial MicroSculptor", Regenerist, Olay
2. Serum Forever Light Creator, Yves Saint Laurent
3. Restoring complex Advanced Night Repair, Estée Lauder
4. Lotion Divine, L "Occitane
5. Massage anti-aging cream Massage Cream, Pola

And how she looks depends, first of all, on how a woman takes care of her appearance, in a word, how she loves herself.

Facial skin requires significant care at all times in life. It is necessary to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the environment, moisturize and nourish. According to experts, at the age of a woman there are five main stages when the skin needs different care. Facial skin care in adulthood is the key to beautiful skin without wrinkles and visible signs of aging.

The first stage is up to 25 years old.
At this time, the skin does not need any special care, it only needs cleansing, moisturizing and toning. Since skin cells are flexible enough, the skin looks great. It is smooth, velvety, firm and elastic. If acne appears, it is best to visit an endocrinologist. It is advisable to use lotions for problem skin several times a day. Nowadays there are many different products for problem skin care. You can choose the most optimal option for you and start “treating” problem skin. You can also visit a beauty salon, if there are funds, specialists will help you cope with this problem there.

Don't forget that living the right lifestyle is just as important. If you eat right, give up bad habits, and your sleep will last at least 8 hours, then you will maintain a young and blooming appearance of your face for a long time. Observing these simple truths, in adulthood, you do not have to use special products so often to return your skin to youth and freshness.

The second stage is 25 - 30 years old.
At this age, the skin of the face begins to age: the first small wrinkles appear. The skin is still producing many young cells and therefore needs protection. You will need products that contain minerals and vitamins to help your skin produce the most young cells and collagen. It is also necessary to drink a lot of mineral water - this will remove toxins from the body.

The third stage is 30-40 years.
We start to deal with wrinkles as soon as they appear. Do not wait until they become deeper and, naturally, more noticeable to others.
Scientists have developed special anti-wrinkle products that contain hyaluronic acid. This acid is produced from natural materials. The process of filling the skin with hyaluronic acid is called mesotherapy. To do this, you need to contact the salon. This is a very effective method for fighting wrinkles.
You can choose either a slightly unpleasant and painful method, or a painless one. In a painless method, the drugs are injected into the skin with oxygen pressure, not needles. But keep in mind that the painless method costs a little more.

The fifth stage is 50 years and beyond.
The skin loses its vitality. At the same moment, the body is hormonally rearranging, and means are needed that are adapted to these changes. Mesotherapy and photorejuvenation with laser devices will also help here.

Let's take a closer look at mature skin

A woman's age is "given out" by her hands, neck, and most importantly wrinkles. It is very important to what extent the care of the skin of the face in old age is. In old age, the structure of the face changes, the skin of the face has such imperfections as "bags" under the eyes, wrinkles in the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyes, lips and forehead, as well as sagging, flabby skin. Even if you closely followed your skin all the previous time, these signs will still be present in you to one degree or another (see)

But why, you ask.
Firstly, the sebaceous glands can no longer work, as before, and a gradual decrease in rates leads to the deprivation of the natural protection of the skin.
Secondly, there are collagen fibers inside the skin that helped you to naturally moisturize our skin. Over time, they lose their ability to absorb large amounts of moisture, which means that your skin loses moisture.
Thirdly, the blood supply to the skin decreases and the number of new cells produced by the skin decreases. As a result, your skin becomes thin and dry, and, therefore, you have to moisturize it and protect it from harmful environmental factors more thoroughly.

There are several negative factors that affect the appearance of our skin.

Smoking, as you know, does not lead to anything good. This is most detrimental to the skin, since the blood vessels are narrowed by nicotine. This affects the color and the formation of new skin cells.
You should stop smoking altogether. Unfortunately, not everyone can do this. Those who cannot, should at least limit their cigarette consumption to five a day.
And it is imperative to increase the amount of vitamins C, since they are the main builders of collagens - proteins that will allow your skin to stay young and fresh.

It will also bring you nothing good ultraviolet... As you know, ultraviolet light destroys components
cells, dry collagen and elastic fibers. This means that we get wrinkles and dry skin. To avoid this, apply a special protective cream with a high SPF before going out into the sun.

Also an important factor is the fact how much liquid do you drink... With its lack, our body begins to take it from the skin cells, thereby destroying them. Thus, contributing to the appearance of wrinkles. To prevent this from happening, drink at least three liters of water per day.

Sport also has a beneficial effect on your skin. Experts advise to play sports in the fresh air. Spend three hours a week exercising to keep you toned and oxygenated to keep your skin firm and youthful for a long time.,

- ~ - Facial skin care at different ages "What a woman looks like at 20 depends on nature; how she looks at 45 is only of herself." Coco Chanel.
It's easy to be a beauty with fresh, radiant skin at 20 - nature has taken care of it. But in order to look good at both 40 and 50, it is better to start caring for your skin from a young age, even if the mirror does not yet indicate visible problems. But even at a more mature age, contacting a beautician can work a real miracle.

The main components of proper care are: cleansing, nutrition, hydration. And cosmetic products intended for these purposes must be age-appropriate, because each period has its own needs.

20-25 years old

Young skin does not yet show signs of "fatigue" and does not suffer from wrinkles. The most common problem at this age is usually acne and acne caused by increased sebum secretion. Therefore, cleaning products must be bactericidal. Moisturizer or makeup base used - be non-comedogenic, regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands and be sure to protect from ultraviolet rays. Face creams designed for young skin (Nivea Visage "Active Moisturizing", "Happy Skin" by L'Oreal Paris, Aqua Fusion by Lancome) are usually not divided into day and night. They are simply moisturizing, because the skin does not need any special nutrition at this age. The main thing at this stage is regular cleansing and replenishment of lost moisture.

As for professional care, it consists in taking courses of moisturizing masks twice a year (after winter and summer) and periodic face cleansing. In this case, it is important not to overdo it, since the skin at this age is very vulnerable and thin. It is better to prefer or, and at home once a week, exfoliate dead cells with a scrub.

The use of anti-aging cosmetics at a young age is not just undesirable, but contraindicated. The concentration of active substances in such cosmetics is very high, which can cause premature skin addiction and allergic reactions.

25-30 years old

Unfortunately, already during this period, the very first signs of aging appear on the skin, due to unfavorable environmental factors, including high air pollution. Therefore, cleansing the skin does not lose its relevance and it becomes even more necessary to moisturize and protect it from free radicals.

In terms of cleansing, preference should be given to less aggressive cosmetic products than those intended for adolescent and young skin with increased sebum secretion. Cleansing with milk will be optimal; for mixed type and oily skin, you can choose a gel for washing. At the end of the cleansing phase, you need to rub the skin with a toner to restore the pH level.

Face creams used during this period should protect the skin from the aggressive effects of free radicals (for example, care products containing vitamins C and E), actively moisturize, it is imperative to have an SPF-protective filter of at least 15 (for example, a moisturizer containing antioxidants and protection against UVB and UVA rays Youth Surge Cream SPF 15 Age Decelerating Moisturizer from Clinique). During the same period, you can start using night nourishing creams, excluding anti-aging ones, since your own collagen fibers are still quite elastic.

The area around the eyes should be moisturized with light cream gels with plant extracts: algae, chamomile, parsley, cornflower and others.

It is useful to take courses of moisturizing treatments three times a year using light modeling masks (for example, using algae) to maintain clear facial contours. Well, light superficial peels, 1-2 times a year, will help keep the skin clean and the complexion healthy.

30-35 years old

The aging process in the skin is intensified, since it is from this moment that active production stops, which maintains the water balance in the skin cells and prevents its aging. Disruptions begin in the structure of collagen and elastin fibers that make up the deep layers of the skin, which leads to a decrease in its firmness and elasticity, and wrinkles become more and more noticeable.

During this period, nutrition is added to the mandatory program of cleansing with toning and moisturizing. It is better to give preference to creams containing panthenol and retinol, which stimulate collagen production (for example, Precision Rectifiance Intense Nuit Repair Cream from Chanel). In addition to using a nourishing night cream, it is useful to do vitamin regenerating masks at least 2 times a week. They usually contain collagen, elastin and antioxidants - vitamins A, E, C. Lifting creams are suitable for caring for the area around the eyes.

Deep cleansing of the face at home is best done not with scrubs, but with more gentle means, for example, with the help of clay-based cleansing masks.

To salon procedures, in addition to courses of moisturizing masks, you can add (injection of special drugs) and. With the help of the latter, it is possible to even out the top layer of the skin and stimulate the growth of collagen and elastin fibers.

After 35 years

For cleansing the skin, it is better to choose soft cosmetic products: milk or cream. The nourishing cream must contain active biocomponents such as retinol, antioxidants, firming and moisturizing components or an oxygen complex (firming cream by Christian Dior Capture Lift Nuit, detoxifying cream LiftActiv Nuit by Vichy, "Ultra-lifting proxylan" by Garnier). The fact is that the skin at this age is noticeably thickened and its upper layer is less conductive to nutrients, therefore the composition of nourishing creams for "adult" skin contains stronger components. It is also helpful to use nourishing serums at least twice a week (for example, Dior's Concentre Multi-Perfection Capture Total). In addition, masks with anti-aging complexes should be added to the mandatory care program. They should be done at least once a week.

You should pay more attention to salon procedures; mesotherapy is already a direct indication, at this age the result from the course of mesotherapy is immediately visible. It is good to combine skin cleansing at this age with rejuvenation, choosing peeling and microdermabrasion procedures. With the help of these procedures, dead cells are removed from the surface and the growth of new, young ones is stimulated, which allows you to achieve a quick rejuvenating effect. Usually there is already a need for, elimination of nasolabial folds, swelling under the eyes, the corners may already go down, giving the face a displeased and tired look. All this is corrected with the help, without plastic surgery. Perhaps it makes sense to think about and: vertical wrinkles on the bridge of the nose, horizontal wrinkles on the forehead, crow's feet in the corners of the eyes lend themselves well to elimination.

And most importantly, regardless of age, for a good complexion and a healthy look, you need to take care of yourself, and home care, starting from the age of 30, can only be considered as auxiliary, supportive. Effective, noticeable help to skin that is losing its youth and freshness can only be provided by a specialist cosmetologist.

As you know, a woman is as old as she looks. And how she looks depends, first of all, on how a woman takes care of her appearance, in a word, how she loves herself.

Facial skin requires significant care at all times in life. It is necessary to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the environment, moisturize and nourish. According to experts, at the age of a woman there are five main stages when the skin needs different care. Facial skin care in adulthood is the key to beautiful skin without wrinkles and visible signs of aging.

The first stage is up to 25 years old. At this time, the skin does not need any special care, it only needs cleansing, moisturizing and toning. Since skin cells are flexible enough, the skin looks great. It is smooth, velvety, firm and elastic. If acne appears, it is best to visit an endocrinologist. It is advisable to use lotions for problem skin several times a day. Nowadays there are many different products for problem skin care. You can choose the most optimal option for you and start “treating” problem skin. You can also visit a beauty salon, if there are funds, specialists will help you cope with this problem there.

Don't forget that living the right lifestyle is just as important. If you eat right, give up bad habits, and your sleep will last at least 8 hours, then you will maintain a young and blooming appearance of your face for a long time. Observing these simple truths, in adulthood, you do not have to use special products so often to return your skin to youth and freshness.

The second stage is 25 - 30 years old. At this age, the skin of the face begins to age: the first small wrinkles appear. The skin is still producing many young cells and therefore needs protection. You will need products that contain minerals and vitamins to help your skin produce the most young cells and collagen. It is also necessary to drink a lot of mineral water - this will remove toxins from the body.

The third stage is 30-40 years. We start fighting wrinkles as soon as they appear. Do not wait until they become deeper and, naturally, more noticeable to others.
Scientists have developed special anti-wrinkle products that contain hyaluronic acid. This acid is produced from natural materials. The process of filling the skin with hyaluronic acid is called mesotherapy. To do this, you need to contact the salon. This is a very effective method for fighting wrinkles.
You can choose either a slightly unpleasant and painful method, or a painless one. In a painless method, the drugs are injected into the skin with oxygen pressure, not needles. But keep in mind that the painless method costs a little more.

The fifth stage is 50 years and beyond. The skin loses its vitality. At the same moment, the body is hormonally rearranging, and means are needed that are adapted to these changes. Mesotherapy and photorejuvenation with laser devices will also help here.

Let's take a closer look at mature skin.

The woman's age is "given out" by her hands, neck, and most importantly wrinkles. It is very important to what extent the care of the skin of the face in old age is. In old age, the structure of the face changes, the skin of the face has such imperfections as "bags" under the eyes, wrinkles in the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyes, lips and forehead, as well as sagging, flabby skin. Even if you closely followed your skin all the previous time, these signs will still be present in you to one degree or another.

But why, you ask.
Firstly, the sebaceous glands can no longer work, as before, and a gradual decrease in rates leads to the deprivation of the natural protection of the skin.
Secondly, there are collagen fibers inside the skin that helped you to naturally moisturize our skin. Over time, they lose their ability to absorb large amounts of moisture, which means that your skin loses moisture.
Thirdly, the blood supply to the skin decreases and the number of new cells produced by the skin decreases. As a result, your skin becomes thin and dry, and, therefore, you have to moisturize it and protect it from harmful environmental factors more thoroughly.

It is possible to completely eliminate these disadvantages only by a surgical method. But not every woman can afford expensive surgery, and there is no need for it. After all, there are simpler ways to care for your skin in old age.

Of no small importance in adulthood for the skin are proper nutrition and sleep... You need to sleep at least eight hours. During this time, the skin rests and gains strength for a new day.

Eat more to maintain skin freshness and elasticity vegetables and fruits, as well as nuts and fatty fish - they contain essential vitamins and minerals.

Drink not less than 1.5 liters of water in a day. This will remove harmful waste and toxins from your body.

In any case, it is necessary additional moisturizing for the skin... There are many creams available to help the skin in this case.
It is necessary to use the cream in the morning and evening. Pay the most attention to the cheek and forehead areas.

To remove cosmetics do not wash with soap and water. It is generally better to refuse soap. Use special milk and mild eau de toilette for your face. Make sure that the eau de toilette does not contain alcohol, otherwise the skin will become drier.

Using simple masks will allow you to refresh and smooth your skin.
I’ll tell you about some of these masks. You don’t have to do anything difficult, and devoting 15 minutes a day to your skin will make it softer and more attractive.

For a moisturizing mask required:

  • one teaspoon of cream
  • one teaspoon of carrot juice
  • one teaspoon of cottage cheese.

All components are mixed and applied to the skin of the face. Leave for 15 minutes and then rinse off.

Will help just as well apple and carrot mask ... To prepare this mask, mix the grated carrots and apples in equal proportions. Apply on the face for 15 minutes, and then rinse with water.

If you have inflamed skin, then two masks will help well.
For the first mask, you must take

  • 250 grams of onions
  • 200 grams of sugar
  • two tablespoons of honey
  • half a liter of water.

Finely chop the onion and mix with sugar. Add water and cook over low heat for about 1.5 hours. Then cool and add honey. We filter and now our first mask is ready.

For the second mask we need

  • raw onion
  • milk.

Rub the onion and mix with flour in equal amounts, then apply the mixture on the face and cover with a napkin soaked in onion juice. We keep it for 15 minutes, and then wash it off with milk, which we first dilute with water.

For a mask that will refresh and smooth the skin , required:

  • three carrots,
  • one tablespoon of mashed potatoes
  • half an egg yolk.

Grate the carrots, then add the puree and yolk. We mix everything thoroughly. Apply on face and leave for 15 minutes. After that, wash off.

It is necessary to repeat the procedures 2 - 3 times a week and your skin will retain its excellent appearance for a long time.

Very beneficial for aging skin daily morning washing with cold boiled water with the addition of lemon juice: 15-20g per glass of water.

Rubbing the face with ice cubes made of water or milk diluted with water 1: 1 .

A good effect on skin care is given by contrasting washes and lotions , and they start with warm procedures, end with cold ones (only 5 alternations).

In old age, to activate blood circulation, improve skin elasticity, and also to prevent the appearance of new wrinkles, it is good to use lotions prepared from medicinal plants:

Pour into a liter of white wine

  • 20-30g mint
  • 40g chamomile,
  • 10g rosemary
  • 20 grams of marigold.

Leave for two weeks. Then strain. In the evening, wipe your face with this lotion and lubricate with a greasy cream.

In 500 g of good vodka, grate 400-500 g of cucumbers. Add 20g white lily petals, 30-40g rose petals. Mix. Insist for three weeks and then strain. For 200 g of tincture, add 200 g of boiled water and 30 g each of glycerin and lemon juice.

Creamsproviding facial skin care for older women you can also cook at home:

  1. Pour the zest of three medium lemons with a glass of boiling water and leave for up to 12 hours. We filter through cheesecloth and squeeze well. Combine the infusion with 1 teaspoon of honey and 20 g of olive oil. Add 100-120g of lemon juice, 20-30g of cream, 40-50g of cologne and 100g of rose petals. You can use jasmine or white lily. We mix well. This liquid cream is rubbed into the face at night.
  2. Dissolve 15 g of beeswax and 30-50 g of bone marrow in a water bath. Mash a piece (about the size of a little fingernail) of red chilli with 20 g of vegetable oil. Combine both mixtures. This cream is for pale, dry, aging skin. It promotes blood flow to the skin of the face.

To cleanse and nourish the skin of the face of elderly women, cosmetic masks should be done 2-3 times a week:

  1. Lettuce, burdock, radish, olive oil, a teaspoon of lemon juice. The leaves are finely chopped, mixed with the rest of the ingredients, mixed thoroughly and applied to the face for 20 minutes, after which the mask is washed off with parsley extract.
  2. 1 banana, 1 teaspoon of milk or cream. Mash banana, mix with milk. Apply to previously cleansed face skin for 20 minutes. The mask is washed off with warm boiled water. To get the greatest effect from the use of creams and masks, they should be alternated.

Also, in addition to masks, you can use special cosmetics for facial skin.
For example, ampoules. Scientists have developed special ampoules that contain biohyaluronic acid... It helps to retain moisture.
After cleansing your face, apply a few drops of the liquid to the skin, rub in gently, then apply a nourishing cream.
Rememberthat ampoules should be used in extreme cases - when the skin looks loose and a network of wrinkles appears.

Creams are best used fortified with vitamins ... They make your skin smoother, firmer, fresher and more elastic.
You can also use creams once a week that contain vitamin E... Thanks to its mild action, it stimulates the growth of new skin cells.
Remember, that creams must be used after cleansing procedures.

Facial massage is also essential for your skin. ... It should last 3 to 5 minutes.
Massage should be started from the center of the forehead to the temples and from the nose to the cheeks. Movements should be smooth. Do not apply too much pressure to the skin, as this may affect the result. With the right massage, the skin of the face will become firmer and more elastic.

Also effective hydromassage procedure. It can be done while showering. With a strong stream of water, you need to massage the lower part of the face to eliminate sagging on the cheekbones.

With vertical wrinkles around the mouth and on the bridge of the nose in older women, it is useful to use such self-massage techniques: you should place your fingers parallel to each other and perpendicular to the wrinkle.
You need to squeeze the skin with your fingers, while the fingers should not touch. Then, moving your hand from the bottom up, you need to press, bending the wrinkle to the other side, thereby smoothing it.

There are several negative factors that affect the appearance of our skin.

Smoking, as you know, does not lead to anything good. This is most detrimental to the skin, since the blood vessels are narrowed by nicotine. This affects the color and the formation of new skin cells.
You should stop smoking altogether. Unfortunately, not everyone can do this. Those who cannot, should at least limit their cigarette consumption to five a day.
And it is imperative to increase the amount of vitamins C, since they are the main builders of collagens - proteins that will allow your skin to stay young and fresh.

It will also bring you nothing good ultraviolet... As you know, ultraviolet light destroys components
cells, dry collagen and elastic fibers. This means that we get wrinkles and dry skin. To avoid this, apply a special protective cream with a high SPF before going out into the sun.

Also an important factor is the fact how much liquid do you drink... With its lack, our body begins to take it from the skin cells, thereby destroying them. Thus, contributing to the appearance of wrinkles. To prevent this from happening, drink at least three liters of water per day.

Sport also has a beneficial effect on your skin. Experts advise to play sports in the fresh air. Spend three hours a week exercising to keep you toned and oxygenated to keep your skin firm and youthful for a long time.,