Causes of crying baby 1 month. Why your baby is crying: quick help for a little man

A newborn baby does not yet know how to communicate, and so far he can only declare any change in his condition by crying.

Of course, the mother first of all needs to learn to understand her baby. None of the babies scream just like that. But it happens that the baby cries for no apparent reason, and the parents no longer know how to calm him down.

What to do first

You need to try to act according to the algorithm:

  • Mom or another person caring for the baby needs to pull himself together, calm down. You can temporarily transfer the child to another family member.
  • Find out why the baby is crying.
  • Eliminate the cause of the anxiety.

Peace of Mind for Mom, Peace of Mind for Baby

Infants are very sensitive to the mood of adults. The baby can be nervous when he feels that his mother is restless. Therefore, it is impossible to calm the child, being in a state of stress.

A baby's cry can be long and exhausting. Not every mother will be able to remain calm in such a situation. In this case, you can resort to the help of loved ones and ask one of the relatives to replace the mother.

And mom will have time to rest and gather strength. It is very important to remain calm, noticing that a tantrum has begun in a baby. A baby can only be reassured by someone who radiates calmness and confidence.

Why do babies cry

A baby never cries for no reason. Even if at first glance the essence of the problem is unclear. There are several main reasons why a baby cries:

  • Hunger.
  • Cold or heat.
  • Feeling of discomfort.
  • Fear.
  • Boredom.
  • Overwork.

If it is not clear what specifically caused the crying, you can try to eliminate each one in turn.

The baby cries when he wants to eat. Even if he has recently eaten, it is likely that something distracted him, and the baby looked up from food before he was full. The baby may swallow air during feeding and experience a false sense of fullness. When excess air burps, the place in the stomach will be freed up, and the baby will again feel hungry. In any case, it will be useful to offer the child to eat.

The body of young children has difficulty maintaining a constant body temperature. Any changes in ambient temperature are hard to perceive by the baby. Mom must examine and touch the child.

If the top of the baby's back is hot to the touch, the baby is overheated. If it is cold, and at the same time the child tries to move a little, he is cold. Next, you need to create comfortable conditions for the baby - either warm him up, or undress him, or replace clothes with lighter ones.

When dressing a child, it is important to choose things that are comfortable for the baby. Any fasteners located on the back or on the tummy, when the baby already knows how to roll over, can cause him discomfort. Sloppy seams, tight elastic bands - all this will not go unnoticed by the baby. Perhaps he cries because of the discomfort caused by clothing.

Any sharp sounds or bright lights can scare the baby. If the mother noticed something like this, it is necessary, first of all, to eliminate the source of fear of the baby.

Perhaps the child is crying because he is bored. The kid is tired of being alone, he requires the attention of an adult. At first, the baby begins to groan softly, giving signals. If they are left without attention and the mother does not come soon, the child may begin to become hysterical. Do not delay and wait for the child to scream. It is advisable to approach him when he is just starting to act up.

Overwork is a common cause of whims. Tantrums happen at the end of the day when the child is tired. His day was long and eventful, he got a lot of new impressions. The nervous system, unable to cope, gets rid of stress in this way. For children, an established regimen is important, timely going to bed, the correct alternation of activity and rest. Children who live according to the regime are more calm and self-confident.

Crying can be caused by pain

All these reasons are taken into account provided that the child is healthy. If none of the methods helps to calm the baby, perhaps something hurts him.

There are some physiological conditions that are not associated with the disease: indigestion, infantile colic. These conditions cause discomfort and pain in the child. It is advisable for mom to examine the baby: whether his tummy is swollen, whether there is a rumbling.

If the child is breastfed, it is advisable for the mother to monitor her diet. Perhaps the baby reacts to certain foods.

If colic is the cause of concern, the baby can be offered fennel-based tea, which has a calming and digestive effect. Sometimes the child may refuse to take the medicine. Then a nursing mother can include this tea in her diet. Chamomile tea is good for digestion. Before using any means, you should consult your doctor about the methods, duration of administration and dosage.

With colic, it is also important to establish feeding, make sure that the baby takes the breast correctly, does not swallow air when feeding from a bottle, does not overeat and burps excess air in time.

If redness, a rash is noticed on the baby’s body, he has a fever, he spits up profusely, refuses food, while screaming heart-rendingly, you should see a doctor or call an ambulance as soon as possible. Perhaps the reason for crying is in the disease, and the baby needs treatment.

0 to 3 months

For infants, there are several ways in which they can be easily soothed. The baby, living in the womb, is used to certain conditions. The memory of this state is preserved for up to three months. Some actions will remind the baby of his intrauterine life. This will give him a sense of confidence and calmness.

What are some ways to help your little one calm down?

  • Swaddling.
  • wiggle.
  • Monotonous hiss.
  • Side laying.
  • Sucking on a pacifier or breast.

Trying to calm the child, you can alternately use all the techniques. Careful swaddling reminds the baby of his stay in the womb in the last months of pregnancy, when he no longer had enough space for free movement. When the mother moved, the baby experienced swaying throughout the pregnancy.

Monotonous hissing is the sounds that reach the baby: maternal breathing, food moving through the esophagus. The position on the side with legs tucked in resembles an intrauterine position. Sucking is one of the first reflexes that wake up in a child. While still inside the mother, the child actively begins to suck her thumb. Then this skill helps him get food from his mother's breast or with the help of a pacifier.

From 3 months to 1 year

Methods that work for babies under 3 months old are no longer suitable for older children. From three months old, the baby is interested in the world around him with might and main, this can be used for his benefit. The easiest way to save a baby from a tantrum is to abruptly switch his attention to another subject.

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of crying. But if it came to hysteria and the baby does not want to calm down, you can suddenly interest him in something. Mom, watching the baby, will definitely notice what objects, sounds or situations can capture his attention. For example, a baby fascinates how the light burns.

At moments of crying attacks, you can bring the baby to the included lamp, which he will examine with curiosity.

These situations are individual. There is no universal recipe. All children have their preferences. For the mother, the main thing, studying the interests of the baby, is to offer him at the right time something that will distract him.

It will be easier to calm the baby before bedtime by following a ritual that will symbolize the baby that it's time to sleep. Soothing baths can be one of the ritual items. Warm baths taken at night help to relax and tune in to sleep.

You can take baths with soothing herbs. Melissa, chamomile, sage, valerian, motherwort are suitable for children. Dry herb tea is pre-brewed and added to the water before taking a bath. Herbal tea, absorbed through the skin, has a relaxing effect. Baths with infusion to improve sleep must be used in a course.

Excessive use of the infusion can cause the opposite effect, before any use of medicinal herbs, you should consult your doctor.

On sale there is a special children's collection - herbal tea that helps the baby calm down before going to bed. In pharmacies, children's drops of natural or synthetic origin, which have a hypnotic effect, are common.

Before using herbs, medicinal tea, drops that have a hypnotic effect, you should consult a specialist. All these drugs can not be prescribed independently. Any of them has contraindications, side effects and must be dosed correctly.

After the bath, the child should be put to bed immediately. It is necessary to lay the baby at night no earlier than three hours after daytime sleep.

A crying baby is always trying to signal a problem. The first thing parents should do is to understand the situation, find out the reason why the baby is crying. Perhaps, after the elimination of the cause, the hysteria will immediately stop.

Some babies, due to their temperament, find it difficult to calm down. They are active during the day and hardly go to sleep. A certain ritual can help mothers, symbolizing the baby that the night has come and it's time to fall asleep. Soothing baths taken before bed can become part of such a ritual.

When all else fails, pharmacies offer a large selection of remedies, such as soothing teas, drops, and other medications. Do not forget that any medicine must be prescribed by a doctor. And even harmless herbal tea can cause the opposite effect or allergy. Therefore, any medicine can be used only after consulting a specialist.

Finally, you returned from the hospital with a baby in your arms. You are calm and happy, prepared for a new life. But something went wrong. The kid burst into tears from scratch. And nothing affects him. What to do!? Let go of panic. Better arm yourself with calmness and knowledge. And then, having found out why a month-old baby is crying, do as experienced mothers and specialists advise. Moreover, all this is done easily and simply!

Why is the baby crying - how to guess?

It is on the first day after the hospital that the baby comes in tears? For what reason? This is easy to understand. Here are a few main reasons why, upon arriving at his native walls, he constantly cries:

  1. Way of communication. The kid does not know how to talk, he must somehow declare himself.
  2. A change of scenery. There were greenhouse maternity hospital conditions. Here even managed to work out its own regime. And in a new place, everything is new - and people, and noise, and mother's excitement is felt.
  3. Breast milk "burned out". Yes, alas, this happens against the backdrop of mother's experiences in connection with the arrival home, receiving guests. That's why the child screams, trying to get through to his mother.

What to do?

First of all, calm down. Learn to understand what a newborn wants when he cries a lot. If the baby is not bothered by anything, he will instantly stop shedding tears.

Do not believe grandmothers that crying trains the lungs, makes the child more hardened. No, if you do not pay attention to him, the nervous system of the crumbs will gradually loosen, and he will grow up convinced that everything around is unreliable and bleak. Well, don’t forget about the fragile navel - no one has canceled a hernia at such a tender age!

Baby 1 month old - causes of crying newborn

So, not calmed down? It fills up even more. The next day - the same story. Do you know how women used to recognize why a baby at 1 month old could cry? If he did not have any signs of illness (more on that below), then he:

  • hungry, and therefore fed him, giving breasts;
  • tired of wet diapers (there were no diapers before), and they urgently swaddled in dry;
  • his mouth was dry, so they urgently gave him water.

There is an opinion

In principle, the crying of a child should be rejoiced. After all - this is a natural way for a newborn to talk. And also - to report about your unwillingness to part with your mother, about your attitude to the new environment, to your condition and preferences. And over time, you will learn to recognize why he is crying this way now, and not otherwise.

Why else can a month old baby cry?

But, if he is dry, and fed and drunk, but cries without ceasing, it is necessary to urgently understand. So, the child is a month old, and he screams endlessly before sleep, after sleep, during feeding or wakefulness. Why?

  • He fell ill, he has a temperature, something hurts, stomach cramps.
  • Hungry or need to satisfy the sucking reflex - the most common cause of persistent roar.
  • Overfilled diaper. Less often, but it happens. The baby squeaks plaintively at the same time and twists its legs.
  • Wants to sleep. At these moments, the baby whimpers, and then he can fall asleep on his own, if everything is in order and you have not yet managed to spoil him with motion sickness.
  • Discomfort (cold, heat, loud noises, bright lights, uncomfortable bed or clothes). It can be very strong until you take action and eliminate the irritant.
  • Fear - there is no mother nearby. The cry is strong, but pitiful.
  • Reaction to the weather. Yes, at this age it may well happen that he is sensitive not only to atmospheric phenomena, but also to the phases of the moon, magnetic storms and other manifestations of the environment so new to him.

What to do so that the newborn does not cry?

Before we talk about what to do when the baby cries endlessly, let's talk about something else. About what to come up with so as not to bring him to tears. In addition to what has already been said above, we must try to make it a rule:

  1. Always inspect the skin of the baby: note any pimple, redness, the situation with the healing of the navel, looking behind the ears, between the fingers.
  2. Listen to his breathing: here the nose is sniffling or the voice is hoarse, mark everything, up to keeping a diary, so that later you will know what to do.
  3. Provide him with proper care in terms of wiping, and then bathing (as recommended by the doctor), trimming nails, cleansing milk scabs on the hairs, as well as good sleep, regular feeding, hardening, and so on.

Well, if the baby did sell out in earnest, let him know that he was heard. Why gently and calmly talk to him. If you calm down, you can watch further. If you fell asleep, then the little one simply missed you. Did you cry again? Touch your forehead, arms, legs. Everything is fine, but crying? Take it in your arms, shake it, gently pressing it to your stomach. It usually helps. Finally, look at the clock - perhaps the feeding is closer?

In a word, exclude in turn all the most terrible and urgent, remaining calm. After all, gradually, recognizing the baby, you will learn to distinguish why a child at 1 month is crying heavily and without ceasing, and provide him with timely assistance.

And now - in some detail about how to calm the baby when he cries without ceasing.

Why is a one-month-old baby crying: how to calm a crying baby

Baby crying in or before sleep

Decide on the time of day. Day? Perhaps the noise from the street or in the room disturbs him? Turn off the TV or turn off the sound, close the window, cover it with a curtain, stop talking on the phone and any other communication. Night? Here, not only extra noises can frighten the little one, but also your absence nearby. After all, until recently he did not part with you.

The baby can cry at night, during the day, as he was overexcited and tired during the day, or maybe he had a terrible dream. Calm down, give a breast, drink some water. If he is healthy, full and dry, he will calm down instantly. But do not put it next to it - you can accidentally block his breath with your chest.

Colic in a 1 month old baby

This is a common reason for crying in a baby. And here everything is simple.

The gastrointestinal tract of the baby and his whole body is actively improving, not keeping up with the consumption of food.

Or maybe there is a problem with your milk, which is to blame for anxiety, hormonal imbalance, eating everything that causes gases in the baby (beans, vegetables rich in fiber, and much more).

Perhaps you are taking the wrong position when feeding, or there is a large hole in the nipple, the baby sucks eagerly - there are many options. Or a problem in another - in a gastrointestinal tract of the child.

What does colic look like?

The baby sharply straightens his legs, clenching his fists strongly, his face turns red, and he himself screams constantly.

What to do with colic?

Try all the ways. Warmth helps. So, you can put the baby on a warm diaper lying on your lap. Or put a warm hand on his tummy, press him to your stomach. Make a light massage clockwise, a warm bath, put a gas outlet tube for the baby, give the baby to drink dill water. Learn how to properly apply crumbs to your chest or formula bottle, eat right, quit smoking and don't be nervous.

Speaking of water

This is a separate issue. There is a misconception among mothers that it is not necessary to give water to a newborn. Meanwhile, it is necessary from the first days to accustom him to the liquid. How much water to give a newborn? The proportions should be set by the pediatrician.

Newborn crying - how to soothe a crying baby

During feeding

Not only an uncomfortable position at the breast, but also bitter milk (the baby takes the breast, and then throws it, takes it and throws it again, bursting into tears at the same time) can cause crying, and when there is too much milk, and the child, not having time to suck it out, chokes . During sucking, crying can cause both otitis media (severe pain in the ear), and stomatitis (a white film has formed in the mouth), and a runny nose, and pharyngitis. Worse, the child may develop neurological disorders (eg, hydrocephalic syndrome) when swallowing. What to do? Treat the disease urgently!

When peeing

As a rule, mostly boys suffer - the head of the penis does not open, and the mother (especially the primipara) does not notice. Urination is painful, the child is torn from a piercing cry. What to do? It is better to go to the surgeon than to rudely tear the foreskin while bathing or washing, as advised by all and sundry.

If there is diaper rash in the anus or genital area

And in this situation, girls are more likely to suffer. How can I help you? Strict hygiene rules must be followed. That is, provide constant washing, do not abuse diapers, iron underwear and undershirts, dress the baby accordingly (according to the weather outside, according to the temperature at home). And if diaper rash appears, you need to rinse them well with warm water, dry this place and sprinkle with baby talc

Discomfort and inconvenience

A tired back or side is a common cause of heavy crying. What to do? More often shift from barrel to barrel, look more often at the skin of the child. Or maybe the baby is cold or sweaty. Cover warmer, or vice versa, lighter. If prickly heat is noticed, wipe the skin with a warm, damp cloth and let it dry. Check if the button or button on the sliders is pressing on the body, if the elastic band on the overalls is tight, if he is comfortable at all in clothes or in his bed.

  1. Let's breastfeed - it almost always helps.
  2. For colic, some recommend wearing a baby in a sling.
  3. Distract the baby's attention with something bright and sonorous, or with your own voice.
  4. Turn on some nice music.
  5. Speak with the baby, changing intonation.
  6. Sing and walk rhythmically while doing this.
  7. Soak a tampon in your milk and place it next to your pillow.
  8. Give a pacifier if the child likes it.
  9. Change hands by giving the baby to dad or grandma.
  10. Dress it up and take it out to the street or balcony.
  11. Buy a hanging mobile with spinning toys.
  12. Turn on a lamp projecting pictures onto the ceiling.

So, if the child cries constantly, the main thing is to pay attention to him. If, after feeding, swaddling, drinking water, checking the rest of the points, you see that nothing helps, the only thing left is a visit to the doctor. Maybe you just need urgent help!

At first, the baby is constantly crying, this does not mean that everything is bad in their life, it's just that the little one has no other ways to communicate. Therefore, they can cry for completely different reasons: when they are hungry, wet, did not get enough sleep, when something hurts or there is discomfort.

Of course, the baby will not cry just like that, so the question arises of what to do if a newborn baby cries. You can calm the baby by solving his problem, but first you have to figure out the reasons for crying.

And now let's dwell on this in more detail.

The main reasons for the crying of the child

There are a lot of reasons for crying in a newborn, in fact, he cries for any reason:

A newborn baby cries for any reason.

Why the baby is constantly crying - alarm signals

You should contact your doctor if you have any of the following symptoms while crying:

  • high temperature (above 37 ° C);
  • redness on the skin;
  • the child does not eat, refuses to breastfeed;
  • crying accompanies coughing;
  • the little one has a wet nose, there is snot;
  • frequent regurgitation is observed,;
  • the little one cries loudly and constantly.

If the child is crying heavily and constantly, then it is better to consult a doctor, even if there are no other alarming symptoms. At least it will help you calm down.

In any case, the doctor will tell you what to do if the newborn cries all the time.

What to do if the newborn cries periodically and after feeding?

First of all, don't be nervous. If the mother is afraid, then her anxiety is transmitted to the baby, as a result, their anxiety and discomfort only intensify. By the way, it is precisely because confidence is transmitted to little ones that they quickly calm down in the hands of their father.

Try the following:

  1. Give him breasts even if he doesn't want to eat. Breast in mouth conveys confidence to babies. This is the right remedy, as it helps in 80% of situations.
  2. Rock in your arms or in a stroller. Uniform motion sickness affects the vestibular apparatus, thereby distracting the kids.
  3. Lay him in a sling. An effective remedy that helps not only with fatigue or fright. Babies calm down even if they have colic or teething. The sling will also help the baby fall asleep faster. If you don’t know how to make a do-it-yourself sling for a newborn,.
  4. Take the baby in your arms and put it in a vertical position. This will help get out the gas that has accumulated in the intestines. The baby will calm down in 15-20 minutes.
  5. Talk to baby, sing a lullaby, while it is advisable to change intonations, since in this case the baby will be more distracted. You can growl, the sound "rrrr" greatly surprises the little ones, distracting attention.
  6. You can try to distract with quiet music(preferably a classic), a toy, a bright object. Flowers, indoor plants, pets help to distract.
  7. Give a pacifier. The method is especially good if the peanut is teething. The pacifier can be moistened with a special anesthetic cream.
  8. give water. With or colic, water will help the little one, relieve discomfort. About when you can give water to newborns.
  9. Cheer the little one. The method helps for older children. Almost everything will do: bunny jumping, growling and antics, unusual sounds made by mom or dad.
  10. Stomach massage helps with colic. Done with one hand. Apply light pressure and massage clockwise or counterclockwise.
  11. A warm bath may help. This is especially helpful if the baby is tired, wants to, but cannot fall asleep. You can add sedatives to the bath.

Tip: talk to the child, tell the baby that everything is fine, he will not understand the words, but he will feel the intonation.

Parental Mistakes

While many parents know what to do if a newborn cries after a feed or in other situations, many make common mistakes:

An expert mom will tell you about the reasons for crying a newborn baby in this video:

A newborn cries for many reasons. He may not be satisfied with wet diapers, noise in the apartment, colic or hunger. The best remedy for crying is mother's breasts, they satisfy hunger and give a sense of security. If the baby does not calm down, then you can try to cheer him up, divert his attention, shake and lull. Just do not panic because of crying, anxiety is easily transmitted to the little one.

How to find out what exactly worries a baby when he cries? How to calm him down and give him exactly what he needs. In our article, in a convenient table, information is provided to help the mother recognize the causes of baby crying.

Every parent should understand that until a child can speak, crying is the only way he can get attention. You must tell yourself once and for all that baby crying is a huge help to parents. And how else could you know about the needs, well-being and bad mood of your baby?

Treat crying as normal, natural. It is difficult to keep calm and composure in a situation where the baby is restless and crying. But how quickly you find the cause of crying and the child calms down directly depends on the calmness of the parents.

Often, children's crying has no purpose, but indicates emotional overload and exhaustion. During the day, the child, like any person, accumulates stress. And it must find a way.

To find out the reasons for dissatisfaction, just be attentive to your child and soon you will learn to understand him.

For more on this topic, read the article on our website. It describes some of the causes of crying in more detail.

What's happening?

How to find out what is bothering the child?

What to do?

Baby wants to eat

Hungry crying begins with a call (from alternating periods of crying and pauses). But if the baby does not receive food, the cry becomes angry, and then turns into a choking cry.

This reason is easily eliminated: give the baby a breast or formula.

Lack of milk

The baby shows anxiety towards the end of feeding, twists its legs, turns its head, sucks greedily at the breast.

After making sure that there is no milk left in this breast, you can try to attach the baby to another breast.

Baby is hot

Touch the baby's nose (in such cases, you need to touch the baby's skin with the back of the hand, since the skin there is sensitive). In case of overheating, the nose is hot, the baby's skin is red, sweaty.

One layer of clothing must be removed from the child. If you are at home, undress the baby, give him a drink.

Baby is cold

If the baby's nose is cold, then the baby is cold. In case of hypothermia, the child may hiccup.

A frozen baby should be covered or dressed warmer.

Wet and dirty diapers

Usually, before the very moment of urination or defecation, the child makes a sound similar to a squeak or whimper, and after the action itself, if the mother does not provide assistance, such sounds of displeasure can turn into a cry.

You need to change the diaper or diaper.

Skin irritation

Redness, the appearance of a rash on the skin of the buttocks, perineum of the baby. The child becomes irritable, cries, especially when changing diapers.

It is necessary to thoroughly clean the skin of the child, wash the newborn at least 8 times a day. Before putting on a diaper, lubricate the affected skin with cream BEPANTEN or other means as advised by your pediatrician . In cases of severe irritation, consult a pediatrician.


The age of the baby is 4-6 months. The child is naughty, cries, saliva constantly leaks, the baby takes fists and rattles in his mouth. The temperature may rise, loose stools may appear.

You can use special teething rings with coolant. You can stroke your gums with your finger. If this process has led to an increase in temperature and a violation of the stool, gum gel can be used on the recommendation of a doctor.

Inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media)

Crying during feeding (swallowing provokes pain), piercing crying can occur suddenly, the baby is worried when pressing on the tragus.

You should immediately consult a doctor. Before the doctor arrives, put a cap on the child, press him to you with a sore ear. Without a doctor's prescription, put a compress, etc. do not do it!

Boredom, loneliness, need for physical contact with mom

Take the baby in your arms, pat on the back, on the head, smile at him, talk. You will immediately understand that this is exactly what your baby was waiting for.

Bloating and abdominal pain (colic)

Most often occur before 3 months. The baby cries, kicks his legs and pulls them up to his stomach, his sleep is disturbed.

If intestinal colic is daily, prolonged, resumes even after passing gases and feces, if the child's stool is changed (how to "recognize" it, read the article Child's stool: norm and pathology) or colic occurs at an older age (after 4 months), it is necessary start with a doctor's consultation.

During and after feeding, hold the baby upright to give him the opportunity to burp air. If your baby is bottle fed, make sure the nipple is firmly on the nipple and the hole is not too large. If the child is breastfed, dairy and gas-forming products should be limited or excluded from the mother's diet - cabbage, especially sauerkraut, onions, tomatoes, apples, pears, watermelons, mushrooms, black bread, kvass, etc.

If the baby receives mixtures, then you should check whether they are diluted correctly. When the baby begins to worry, it is necessary to give the opportunity to move away the gases: massage the stomach in a circular motion clockwise; put the child on the stomach, bend the legs at the hip and knee joints (frog position). You can put a soft warm cloth on the baby's stomach, take him in your arms and press him with your stomach to yourself - the heat will relieve colic. You can use children's tea based on dill, which promotes the release of gases.

Headache or infantile migraine

It occurs more often in newborns with the syndrome of perinatal encephalopathy (PEP), in which there is also an increase or decrease in muscle tone, increased excitability. Such children often react to changes in atmospheric pressure, changes in the weather. They behave restlessly in windy, rainy, cloudy weather. With a headache, a general malaise may occur: nausea, vomiting, indigestion.

You should definitely contact a specialist who will select the right treatment. Children with increased excitability can be given a pacifier before falling asleep, but after the onset of sleep, it must be carefully removed from the child's mouth.

Violations of the daily routine, changes in the usual course of life, the baby wants to sleep, violation of the principles of care, negative, conflicting atmosphere

These reasons can be identified by analyzing the baby's daily routine, changing the situation in the family.

Sometimes you need to change the situation, move with the baby to another room. The bath has a calming effect on babies.

Try playing melodic, calm music.

Perhaps the cause of crying is some disease.

If you can't stop crying within a few hours, see your doctor.

In any case, keep your composure, try not to get annoyed.

A child appeared in the house: cute, smiling and so small! You involuntarily want to protect and protect him from everything in the world, but sometimes it is difficult for a mother to help a baby, it is especially difficult to figure out why a baby is crying. Some grandmothers say: “Let him scream - he develops his lungs!”. But this approach is by no means correct. It is imperative to understand the cause of children's crying and find a solution.

Children's cry as communication

A child's cry broke the silence - a new man was born. All expectant mothers are looking forward to the first cry and rejoice when they hear it. And the absence of a cry, on the contrary, makes you worry and wonder if everything is in order. Screaming means everything is fine: this logic only works at the birth of a baby. Healthy young children whose needs are fully met do not cry for no reason.

Young children cannot talk, and crying is often the only way to express their needs. But how to understand what exactly the child wanted to “say” with the help of crying? An interesting way to understand why a baby is crying was proposed by Spanish scientists. They advise looking into the baby's eyes. If they are open, then the child is angry or scared, and if the eyes are closed, then it hurts.

Also, experts advise to look at the facial expressions of the baby and the nature of crying. An angry child cries loudly and sobbing, gradually calming down. When sick, crying can drag on for several hours. The child will not only not calm down over time, but will start crying more.

Objective causes of baby crying

A child may cry for various reasons. Some of them are easy to "calculate", others need to be guessed. But every mother should know what baby crying can mean. Here is a list of the most objective causes of baby crying:

  • Hunger. The crying of a hungry child is accompanied by special movements and grimaces: he pulls his hands to his mother, smacks his lips and turns his head from side to side, looking for breasts.
  • The child wants to sleep. relatively few. Basically, he sleeps - this is necessary for the development and processing of the information received. If the baby's mood changed dramatically, and he began to cry, not responding to attempts to distract and cheer him up, it is worth putting the child to bed.
  • Wet diaper. Even disposable diapers sometimes cause a lot of anxiety in children when they get wet, not to mention reusable gauze diapers. Crying because of a wet diaper is accompanied by leg movements, so the baby is trying to get rid of it (knocking legs).
  • Overwork. If the child began to cry for seemingly no reason, it is possible that he received too much information and was overworked. Crying, he signals the desire to rest. This often happens after the arrival of guests.
  • The child is sweaty or cold. If the baby is crying, check if the ambient temperature is comfortable for him. If the nose and hands are cold, the baby is cold. And if he blushed, he had sweating - it means that he overheated. This discomfort can also cause children to cry.
  • Colic. Colic is caused by gas in the intestines. A characteristic feature of crying due to colic is pulling the legs to the tummy. Also, as a rule, colic occurs at the same time. Then the baby starts crying.
  • Teeth are cutting. Teeth begin to erupt at the age of 6 months. In some children, this unpleasant process is painless, in others, on the contrary, it is accompanied by severe pain. At the same time, the child shows anxiety, constantly cries, pulls everything into his mouth and loses his appetite.
  • Uncomfortable clothing. The crying of the baby may be due to the narrow elastic band on the sliders, bulging buttons, hard seams, lightning, which can pinch the baby's delicate skin. It is necessary to check whether all things are comfortable and whether they cause discomfort to the child.
  • Weather change. Young children are exposed to weather anomalies: magnetic storms, sudden changes in temperature and pressure, and others.
  • Lack of attention. Sometimes children just want to feel that their mother is there. Their crying is a kind of call. Crying due to lack of attention disappears as soon as the mother takes the child in her arms. Attempts to put him to bed are accompanied by new crying.
  • Pain. The crying of a child caused by pain is the most dangerous. A sick baby cries constantly. Because of the pain, the child often wakes up at night, shuddering sharply, and crying loudly. It is advisable to contact a pediatrician, especially if the parents can know the reason why the child fell ill (cold, fell, poisoned).
  • Inflammation in the urinary tract. In this case, the child cries before peeing. An increase in temperature can also be an indicator.
  • Irritation of the anus. In this case, the child will cry during bowel movements. The reasons for this may be improper or insufficient hygiene, inaccurate insertion of a gas outlet tube or suppositories into the anus.

Why does the baby cry during feeding?

Separately, I would like to consider the crying of the child during feeding. As a rule, such behavior of a newborn often scares the mother. She fears that he will refuse to breastfeed altogether. Moreover, the well-established process of breastfeeding is extremely important both for the health of the baby and for the health of the mother.

Consider the reasons for the crying of the child during feeding:

  • Pain in the mouth. It occurs due to stomatitis (thrush) or pharyngitis. Thrush can be identified by the white film that appears in the baby's mouth. With pharyngitis, the baby has difficulty swallowing due to a sore throat and cries.
  • Otitis. This disease is accompanied by pain in the ears when swallowing. Therefore, a hungry little child literally pounces on his chest, but at the first sips he starts crying.
  • Hot milk. For this reason, the child can take the breast, then throw it, cry, take it again, throw it ... Milk becomes unpleasant in taste if the mother has eaten onion, garlic or spicy food.
  • "Rapid" milk. When milk fills the breast, its flow becomes too strong. The baby is choking and for this reason is crying.
  • Lack of milk. If there is not enough milk, the baby sucks hard at the breast, but does not gorge. This makes him angry and he cries.
  • neurological disorders. One of them is hydrocephalic syndrome. In this case, when swallowing, the child experiences headaches. You should immediately consult a doctor.

In order for the child to calm down, you need to find out the reason for his crying - that is, what he asks for - and eliminate it. It is clear that if the baby is hungry, he needs to be fed, if the child cries before sleep or is overtired, put him to bed. A wet diaper should be replaced with a dry one, and the baby should be washed and smeared with cream on the ass. A frozen baby will fall asleep as soon as it warms up: change clothes or lie down together under the covers and warm the baby with the warmth of your own body. If the child is sweating, wipe it with a damp swab and change into lighter clothes.

To save a child from colic, several measures should be taken to prevent colic and prevent their occurrence:

  • Adjust ;
  • It is correct to give the baby a breast;
  • After feeding, hold the baby in an upright position: "gopher" or "column";
  • Help your child cope with pain. To do this, you can attach a warm diaper to his tummy, put the baby with his tummy on your chest, or massage the tummy clockwise.

When teething, pain can be reduced with the help of teethers or special gels. So that a month-old baby does not worry about uncomfortable clothes, choose seamless options or with seams outward. Rubber bands should not be tight. It is better to replace buttons with studs, and do not use zippers at all. Very comfortable slips that combine a blouse, panties, socks and "scratches".

If the child does not have enough attention, put aside all the affairs and caress him. The same should be done when the weather changes. Rock the child, sing him a calm song, tell rhymes or nursery rhymes. When crying caused by unidentified reasons, you need to seek the advice of a doctor and immediately begin the prescribed treatment. In the meantime, show your child how much you love him and how dear he is to you.