Funny riddles. Riddles with meaning. Puzzles for adults, feast riddles riddles for adults on the anniversary

You look timidly:
What is this box?
Forgiven here a bow of a born,
Because in it ...

Delicious, sweet it taste,
But I will tell you - not a watermelon ...
His holiday is cut,
Happy birthday congratulate.

Nice birthday holiday,
Rises mood.
Make a desire you
And everything will be fulfilled ...

All colors and different shapes.
They are tightly tightening.
Cost only to go
They will flee into the sky.

On the cake flames are burning
Joyful eyes shine.
You wish forgive,
And faster to bloom.

Beautiful cake on the table,
Eat his hunt to me
Birthday, do not yawa
Pour rather ...

All today congratulate
Birthday wish:
Happiness for the soul of Razdol
And excellent ...

Everyone knows him -
In the language he melts.
Anyone will be happy to eat
When will give ...

At the table we are all sitting,
Delicious dishes Eat.
Here will congratulate the person
And starts ...

He will be born under a glass.
And beautifully says.
In it, everyone wish
Every holiday happens.

Today is your holiday!
And we all congratulate!
Health, Joy, Love -
We wish from the heart!

We wish, just, get -
Great pleasure
Everything, because you have today ...

When there is a holiday in full swing,
But eat more reluctance,
It's time to gather together
And make a memorable ...

This is a treat, friends,
We know from childhood you and me.
In dresses bright dressed
Holiday sweetened ...

Without any doubt
Today is a cool birthday!
Enough joy at all
Wear cheerful ...

Without her, there is no festival,
Does not glitter from happiness eyes,
There are no topics for conversation,
Bored all and ceremonially.

Only worth it
This thing on the table,
All the people are transformed,
Will be immediately fun.

He meets in the doorway
And gifts take.
He and holiday filling!
Who is it? ...
birthday boy

It is very modest,
Or indecently, bark.
But for the birthday of the birthday
Be sure to ...

She is bright
With sparkles, color.
There are congratulations and poems
All wishes are yours.
She is given from the soul,
Guests are generous.

Once a year he comes
Wishes - Million,
The holiday is very bright
Give you gifts.

Congratulations we are heartily
Happiness let last forever
Only joy and laughter
And accompanies ...

Their number is growing
Steadily every year.
And without them not interesting
It will not be the same.
Candles for cake

Let there be a holiday today
There will be fairy tales magic,
And the desire will be fulfilled,

Riddles love to solve not only children, but adults. Especially if good friends gathered, with whom it is pleasant to be nearby. Then the quizzes are held, contests, riddles for a fun company.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with smart, cheerful and cool riddles that will make your friends pretty to dry before giving the correct answer.

Cheerful riddles

Adults love to have fun, like children. Therefore, they are happy to solve riddles in a good company. The mood rises from them.

  1. I went raining, the hare sat under the tree. He is waiting for the weather to improve. Question: What kind of tree sits under what tree? (under wet).
  2. When is a comfortable black cat get to the house from the street? (When the owners opened the door).
  3. On the table lie stationery. This is a ruler, pencil, circulation, eraser. Task: It is necessary to draw a circle on the A4 sheet. Question: Where do you need to start? (Get a sheet).
  4. Can the Ostrich say what is he for a bird? (Of course, no, he does not know how to talk).
  5. Where does the cat go, turning the road? (on the other side).
  6. Hanging on the wall, crying and afraid. (Inexperienced climber).
  7. It happens blue, red, yellow or white. He has a big mustache, and many hare sit in it. (Trolleybus).
  8. Only you belong to you, and all familiar, friends, colleagues often use it. (Your name).

These cheerful riddles for funny companies will raise the mood to each person. They will help you get close to others and argue on any topic. Thanks to them you will hang out from the soul.

Funny riddles with humor

This is not only cool, where humor is present. They are perfect for any contest, in which some adults participate.

  1. Do you know what 90 * 60 * 90 is? This is not the figure of the model. (The driver drives past a traffic cop).
  2. At first, one nail fell into the water, then the second. As a result, two nails in the water. Who will say what the surname is Georgian? (Rusted).
  3. At night flies, bites, buzzing and shines. (Komar, who has a golden tooth).
  4. How many corn is entering a glass? (Nonestly, because they have no legs, and they cannot enter and go out).
  5. She is small, all white, very quickly flies, disgusting disgusting. The letter B begins. (Fly. Why on B? After all, it is a natural blonde).
  6. Does you think how old is he? (18 years old. Just hesitated him to pick up in the army).
  7. What happens to the ball if you drop into the Red Sea? (The ball will be wet).

Such cool riddles for funny companies will like all adults. They not only raise the mood, but they will make it think.

Logic riddles

This is also cool riddles for a cheerful company, but they have non-standard answers. Sometimes it seems that the author came up with them not quite right. If you think logically, then you will understand that all the answers are faithful.

  1. This mystery is decided not more than five minutes, the student will think about it for about an hour, but the adult will never decide. And what do you think? Can you? Task: Decry the letters: CATPSSWDD. (Answer: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten).
  2. The young man went to the sea to travel. He failed the shipwreck and got on the island, where we lived alone girls and women. They decided to kill him, but he said that he was given by the ship and let go back to the sea. Question: What did he say to him? Answer: I am ready to die from my hands
  3. Horse - 5, goose - 2, rooster - 8, cat - 3, donkey -? Answer: Horse - and-go (5 letters), goose - ha (2 letters), rooster - ka-ka-ku (8 letters), cat - meow (3 letters), donkey - IA (2 letters ).
  4. Two people approached the river. They needed to swim on the other side. However, the boat does not withstand more than one person. How do they smear to another bank and not drown? Answer: These two people were on different shores.

These cheerful riddles for a cheerful company on the smelter. They will help you think logically and invent different options. However, there may be only one answer correct.

Riddles with foaming

Play in which will cheer your company and help get closer. To do this, try to make riddles in which some trick is hidden:

  1. There are women who rub near every person, and then demand money. (Conductor in transport).
  2. What is common between the words: day and night? (Soft sign).
  3. Why does the German lady ever open the door in a bathrobe? (and what, in a coat is there any doors?).
  4. What do you think, how many eggs will eat a person on an empty stomach with a strong hunger? (Just one thing, because the second eaten egg is not an empty stomach).

With a trick will help you relax and laugh to laugh. They are faithful, only with an unexpected answer. Sleep, think and raise your mood and others.


Cheerful riddles for an adult company are an interesting entertainment that will not leave anyone indifferent. You will raise your mood, take off your smell, logic, fantasy and imagination.

Thanks to the mysteries, even people who do not know each other are getting closer, becoming more friendly. Have fun, break the riddles, interest your friends with an interesting and uncommon.

Puzzles for adults (a lot!) Jokes
In the teeth, the board, in the eyes of the longing.
(Man fell into a rustic push.)

How many blacks are required to bury a person?
(Five. Four carry a coffin, and the fifth goes in front with a tape recorder.)

Slice with a slide, in a slide run.

It will get up, it will get to the sky.

Hanging pear - you can not eat. Why?
(Boxers can fill the face.)

What can not eat for breakfast?
(Lunch and dinner.)

Jumps deftly and eat carrots?
(Bubka on diet.)

Who will not wet her hair under torrential rain?

One wheel is a thousand wings - what is it?
(Wheelbarrow with manure.)

What is blue gold?
(Favorite wife got drunk.)

The desert is a dead man. Behind the shoulders bag, on the belt flask with water. There are no single living souls around many kilometers around. What did a man die and what is in his bag?
(A person died from hitting the Earth, and in a bag - a parachute, which did not open.)

With onion with eggs, but not a pate?
(Robin the Hood.)

Ride in the coupe of Buratino, Malvina, an honest customer and cop. Play cards, a bunch of money in the bank, the train enters the tunnel. After leaving the tunnel, money disappeared. Who stole money?
(Cop, because the first three in nature does not exist ...)

Where does Snow Baba come from?
(From Zimbabwe.)

What country is the most armed?
(Israel, ... there is all the male population with cuttings goes.)

What it is - the colors of Lilac, then sees the same as ahead, and jumps above the bell tower?
(White blind horse, because Lilac is white, and the bell tower does not jump at all.)

Little, yellow under the bed lies, on "z" begins.
(Penny. Why on "s"? Coming ...)

What is: the most kind of in the world bringing a motor?

What is: there is a head, no head, there is no head, no heads?
(Chrome behind the fence.)

What is it: flies and glitters?
(Komar with a golden tooth.)

What is: 90/60/90?
(Speed \u200b\u200bat traffic cop.)

Stop log in case of emergency braking.

Earrings for spaces.

Average arithmetic between bike and motorcycle?

Hanging on the wall, green and fries.
(Selenka. Hanging on the wall because I hung it there, green because I painted her, but begging, so that no one would guessed.)

Between the legs dangling, stinks and yells?

That a woman is on the body
In the Jew on the mind,
Used in hockey
And on a chessboard?

What question no one will ever answer "yes"?
(Sleeping to the question: "Do you sleep?")

When does a person be in a room without a head?
(When it gives it out of the window to the street.)

Which social group has critical days twice a year?

Can a man marries his widow's sister?

Why do a hat wear?
(Because it does not go.)

Small, yellow, in the ground picks up.
(Vietnamese Ma is looking for.)

Small yellow in the sky tumble.

Why when you want to sleep, go on the bed?
(On the floor.)

Can an ostrich call himself a bird?
(No, he does not know how to talk.)

What should be done to four guys stay in one boo tree?
(Remove from each boot.)

What is it: power lies, and water runs?
(The deputy put the enema.)

What is green, press the button - red?
(Frog in a mixer.)

Area, small, in white fur coat, in boots?
(Chukotka Santa Frost.)

What is: Fall from the branch of gold coins?
(Normal phenomenon in the country of fools.)

Dry-wedge, wet-pancake?
(Wet wedge, damn!)

What is: two abdomen, four ears?
(Cat wedding.)

What is: walks on the wall and plays?
(Fly with a player in the ears.)

How fast should the dog run, so as not to hear the sovereign of a pan, tied to her tail?
(The dog should stand. This task in the company immediately identifies physics: the physicist replies that she needs to run with supersonic speed.)

There is a bald hedgehog - how old is he?
(18 - His army is taken.)

With claws, not a bird, flies and shared.

You remember him a little, it will be solid, like potatoes.

Small, sulfur on an elephant look like.
(Baby elephant.)

What is: sitting on the ceiling, the light bulb is gnawing?
(Ceiling Lampogroke.)

One hundred clothes and everything without fasteners.

She walked a hunter past the clock tower. Got a gun and shot. Where did he get?
(In the police.)

In the fall, it feeds, winter warms, in the spring it is fun, in the summer there is a cold.

Where does chicken go, turning the road?
(On the other side of the road.)

The boy fell from 4 steps and broke his leg. How many legs break the boy if falling from 40 steps?
(Just one, because the second he has already broken.)

What is: little bald in the forest runs?
(Hedgehog. Why bald? From Chernobyl escaped.)

Not barking, does not bite, but does not let into the house.
(Wife does not allow drunk husband.)

What kind of dishes are impossible to eat anything?
(From empty.)

Four brothers under the same roof are standing.

Who is the small, live in the ground, is it starting to "u"?

What word always sounds wrong?
(The word "incorrectly".)

Ivashka is on one leg.

By which tree sits the hare when it rains?
(Under wet.)

What is common between money and coffin?
(And the other is first pinch, and then descend.)

Two ends, two rings, and in the middle of the carnation.
(Manyaka victim.)

What wheel does not spin at the right turn?

How many babies fit into a double baby stroller?
(And this, depending on how to nourish ...)

What is: hanging on the wall and crying?

Delicious treats at the table are only one part of a successful feast. Evalnamed is the organization of entertainment events. Funny contests for adults will discard the situation, they will raise the mood, allow people at one table to get to know closer. Riddles, games, funny quiz - all this can be used to make sure after the delicious meal.

Choose contests for a small company at the table easier than for a large company.

So everyone will take and show yourself. In addition, it is possible to choose the appropriate option faster, because you do not need to take into account the opinion of a large number of people.


There are a lot of cool contests who will win the company at the table. For example, you can play in "I look like ..." - Merry and original game.

Its essence is that there are two types of cards in front of the players: some should include a phrase "I look like ...", and various animals, famous personalities, etc. must be drawn on others.

The player pulls alternately cards and should show gestures without words to the rest of the playing, for whom it looks like a specific situation. For example, the cards were elongated "in the morning I look like ..." and "Giraffe." This is what you need to show, without saying a word.

Examples of cards:

  1. "When I call me the boss, I look like ..."
  2. "When I sick, I look like ..."
  3. "After a party, I look like ...", etc.

Characters and situations need to choose funny, then resting at the table will definitely be sincerely shake. One who is ridiculous to cope with the task receives a prize.

Second Cool Option - Competition "Surprise" .

To implement it, you need to prepare funny accessories in advance (glasses with a nose, cap, overhead mustache, etc.). Fold all this good in the chest, box or package.

One of the players must perform the role of DJ: include music and after a while it is suddenly turned off.

At this time, the trunk "walks" in a circle, moving from hand to hand.

When the music suddenly stops, the one who in his hands he was, should not looking pulling out something from the chest and put on himself. Merry mood and laughter is provided. The general photo will leave a cheerful company in a new image.


Znorly laugh at the entire company, if you spend some fun competitions. It is important that they do not move the feature of the permitted, were not hurt and did not suffer from the interests of someone from the players.

Excellent option - competition called "I" .

Conditions are very simple:

  • the first player says "I", and everyone else should be repeated for him;
  • at first, this seems easy to occupy, but then the leader begins to utter "I" with a different intonation (a squeaky or gross voice, a - la in Germany or Chukotka);
  • then the conditions are complicated: some noun ("I am a squirrel", for example), is added to the "I";
  • one who is knocked down or laughing is punished. He is assigned to a nickname, based on the phrase with which he did not cope.

In the process, the competition is very cheerful, because it is ridiculous when an adult man says a squeaky voice: "I am a squirrel." Anyone who lasts fully and does not shine, receives a gift or applause players.

You can also entertain the audience if you choose competition "Toast" .

Its essence is that you need to come up with the most original toast on a given topic. But these topics will be difficult: to associate a toast with pension reform, to say that every word began to be on the same letter, toast in a foreign language, etc.

Won the one who will say the most beautiful and original speech.


Fabulous options for contests for gatherings at the table will also be surprised by a variety and originality.

The most popular one is competition "In the image of a fabulous hero" .

Conditions are simple: each participant receives a card with a name of a fabulous hero (Ivan Tsarevich, Ivanushka - a fool, blasting immortal, etc.) and should show it with gestures. It is impossible to use.

For the show of each hero should be left no more than a minute.

If the audience did not guess, it is believed that the participant did not cope with the task. Then he leaves. Win the one who will remain the last.

Another worthy option - "Songs - alterations from fairy tales" .

Sitting at the table must be divided into commands.

Each is issued to the task - to remake the song from a fairy tale to modern way.

For example, in the card can be written: At the base, the song "Good Beetle" ("Stand up the children, stand up in a circle ..."), the topic is "how to get up early in the morning." The group will win, which will come up with the most original and funny song.

new Year's

To have fun to celebrate the New Year, you should take care of the entertainment program. New Year competitions for a small company at the table are distracted from salads and will give a great mood.

"New Year's drink" - competition where the real taster will win.

Participants need to tie their eyes, and offer a cocktail on a sample. His task is to guess the ingredients of the drink.

And they should be the most diverse. Win the one who gave all the components.

Competition "Jelly" It will require considerable effort, because you need to eat jelly or souffle with the help of toothpicks. Who will do it faster, he won.

Funny riddles for the company at the table, with answers

Interested in those present will be able to cool riddles for the company at the table. It is also the opportunity to show your erudition, shine knowledge and sense of humor.

Puzzles - Excellent option, if the company is tired of active games and wants to do a breather.

Riddles can be like on a smelter and humorous. Ideal to alternate them to answer all participating.

Below are options for riddles with answers:

Even who gave the mystery can be presented with souvenir for memory.

Funny funny games at the table for the company

In the company of good friends and acquaintances you can relax and laugh in plenty. When jokes and funny stories from life will end, you can proceed to funny, fun games at the table for the company.

You can sincerely laugh with the game "Associations" .

The rules are as follows:

  • the first player speaks the ear to another word;
  • he also transmits a whisper on the ear to another player, but not the very word, and the Association with Him;
  • when all the players listened to the Association, everyone expresses its opinion, what word was made initially.


Another cheerful option - the game "Jadda" .

It comes out very funny, because players need to pull coins from the common plate to themselves on a saucer with the help of Chinese sticks.

It seems that it is easy? No, it is not easy, but it's very fun when everyone in the turmoil is trying to give more coins.

Cheerful game for an adult company, whose members are not afraid to be injured, is "Intuition" .

To play it you need:

  • one player turns away or comes out of the table;
  • meanwhile, 3 glasses are put on the table: only in one of them is vodka;
  • the task is to guess with the help of intuition, what a glass of "alcoholic".

Questions for a funny company at the table

When the company is already in high spirits, he has fun and is ready to further towards entertainment, you can take more fun entertainment - to ask each present question with humor. Such a drinking game will help you find out the players closer, will show who has any sense of humor. It is from this quality "will" go "whether fun. It is advisable to answer in a joking form, then the degree of fun will increase significantly.

Questions for a funny company at the table can be accommodated in the list of 20 options. Replies to them will be described in the next paragraph.

The presenter may ask:

Some questions are very compromising. This should be accent. Everyone must understand that this is a joke and not to be offended. The answer in the same humorous spirit will allow you to laugh from the soul of the entire company.

Answers to questions for a funny company at the table

You can answer the lead questions at your discretion, but you can inspire from the options presented below.

Answers to questions for a funny company at the table in the form of a list of 20 options:

  1. I do it regularly, and I advise you.
  2. I happened once - in my wife.
  3. Not yet, but as they will be taken to the nursing home, I will definitely hide.
  4. I plan to try for the first time today. You treat me, friends?
  5. Can I answer this question alone?
  6. These are all my designer talents. Nothing will not hide from them.
  7. Sometimes it happens.
  8. It all depends on public space. Today I promise not to debark.
  9. Of course, I also love to descend in the bathroom.
  10. No, my refrigerator has a sleeve mode after 18-00.
  11. This is a dream of childhood, and such a need to implement.
  12. Of course, for! But without me.
  13. Forgotten underwear in the bath is considered?
  14. It is better to ask my friends.
  15. Not. My "autopilot" will always lead me home.
  16. Pasha, you have one foot shorter than another! Ha - Ha !!!
  17. Dear, close ears and I will answer.
  18. Not only I follow, but I still think in the mind of calories.
  19. Where are my 16 years old? Not anymore.
  20. Eggs? Well what are you. But the packages with water are cute.

This is an approximate list of answers. They can easily be replaced by their options.

Quiz for the company at the table

You can demonstrate your intelligence without getting off the place. This will help the quiz for the company at the table. You can select two versions of such a game: stick to one direction (for example, if tourists gathered at the table, ask questions from this area) or tasks may be versatile.

Questions need to be thought out in advance. It is better that serious options alternate with joking. The quiz format is: the leading asks a question, and players must give the correct answer. The task is facilitated by the fact that you can choose the correct answer from several above options. Who did it first and not mistaken, won. You can also base the famous game "What? Where? When?".

You can offer companies to play in "Fishing".

Three men should get out of the table. They are invited to portray that they catch fish.

Then the lead says that the tide began and they need to roll pants.

Then the presenter says: "And now a competition for the most beautiful men's legs is announced."

Another option is a game "Kisli cocktail" .

Cocktails are put in front of the players.

But they are specific - inside the glasses of thick kissel. You need to drink it with straw. It is quite difficult to do this in sober form, but in the duplicate state - fun and fun.

Games, contests, quiz - All this will make simple gatherings at the table with a cheerful and memorable occupation. Such a program can bring together guests, will allow you to learn a lot about them. Most of these games do not require special preparation, and the impressions will leave a great set.

Yet you can make it possible joke riddles.Printt. their A4 and guess in the breaks of the feast. You can choose to your taste.
Grandmother Dashi grandson Pasha, cat gun, dog friend. How many grandchildren have grandchildren? (One)
The thermometer shows plus 15 degrees. How many degrees will show two such thermometers? (15 degrees)
Sasha spends on the road to school 10 minutes. How long will he spend if he went with the other? (10 minutes)
The child of my father, I do not brother. Who is this? (My sister)
In the park 8 benches. Three painted. How many benches became in the park? (8 benches)
O t ch e r o duck floats? (From the shore)
My name is Yura. My sister has only one brother. What is your sister's brother's name? (Yura)
Baton was cut into three parts. How much did the cuts made? (Two cuts)
What is easier - 1 kg of wool or 1 kg of iron? (Equally)
Truck drove to the village. On the way, he met 4 passenger cars. How many cars drove into the village? (One)
Two boys played checkers for 2 hours. How much time did each boy play? (2 hours)
The man turned off the light and managed to get to bed before the room was plunged into the darkness. Like this? (He went to sleep during the day)
Melnik went to the mill and saw in every corner of 3 cats. How many legs on the mill? (3 * 4 * 4 + 2 \u003d 50)
What is a hunter caring a gun? (By shoulders)
The famous magician says that can put a bottle in the center of the room and crawl into it. Like this? (Having crawled into the room each)
One chauffeur did not take a driver's license. There was a sign of one-way movement, but he moved in the opposite direction. The policeman saw it, but did not stop him. Why? (Driver walked on foot)
Can the rain pour 2 days in a row? (No, between them - Night)
What will happen to the raven when she is 7 years old? (Go eighth)
When is the stork standing on one leg? (When it presss the second leg)
Z a ch e m in mouth language? (For teeth.)
Where do you not find a dry stone? (In water)
How to bring water in a leak bucket? (Freezing it)
What dinner is needed? (Mouth)
What kind of dishes are impossible to eat from? (From empty)
Will the water in a glass? (Behind the glass)
What tree usually sits a crow during a torrential rain? (On wet)
Without which it does not bake bread? (Without crust)
You can jump on the go to it, and you can not jump on the go from it. What is it? (Plane)
What from the floor behind the tail you do not raise? (Tangle thread)
Who walks sitting? (Chess player)
What always increases and never decreases? (Age)
To the edge of the table was put a saucepan, tightly closed with a lid, so that two thirds of the pan hung off the table. After some time, the saucepan fell. What was in her? (Ice.)
The more you take it, the more it becomes ... what is it? (Pit)
The girl fell from the second floor and broke the leg. How many legs break the girl if he falls from the fourth floor? (Maximum one, since the second leg is already broken)
The boy goes from the school home 30 minutes. How many minutes later the same way 3 boys will be held? (30 minutes)
Where was Moses when the candle went out? (In the dark)
The 9-storey building has an elevator. On the first floor 2 people live, on the second - 4 people, on the third - 8 people, on the fourth - 16, on the fifth - 32 and so on. What button in the elevator of this house is pressed more often than others? (First floor button)
When is the black cat best get into the house? (When the door is open)
Why do the military go to boots? (On earth)
She walked soldier past the Eiffel Tower. Got a gun and shot. Where did he get? (In the police)
When build a house, the first nail in what is driven? (In a hat)
Can a cat get out of the cellast with two heads? (Yes, if you caught a mouse)
What goes to the mountain, then from the mountain, but remains in place? (Road)
On the tree sat 7 Sparrow, one of them ate the cat. How much sparrow remains on the tree? (None: Lost Sparrows scattered)
What is the most like a half orange? (On the second half of the orange)
Two went - three nails found. Next, four go, how many nails will find? (No one)
In a box of 25 coconut nuts. The monkey pulled all the nuts, except 17. How many nuts remain in the box? (17 nuts left)
Guests came to you, and in the refrigerator - a bottle of lemonade, a package with pineapple juice and a bottle of mineral water. What do you disable first? (Refrigerator)

What city flies? (Eagle)
What is the most terrible river? (Tiger)
What kind of scallop can be combed? (Petushin)
In which month 28 days? (In all months there are 28th)
What are the raw do not eat, but boil - throw away? (Bay leaf)
It is thrown when it is needed, and raise - when you do not need. What is it? (Anchor)
What can be prepared, but to eat - it is impossible? (Lessons, homework)
What node can not be unleashed? (Railway)
What teeth do not chew food? (Saw teeth)
What wheel does the car be spinning while driving? (Spare)
What hours do the exact time show twice a day? (Stopped)
One person lived on the eighth floor. Every morning he was part of the elevator, pressed the first floor button, descended and left home. In the evening, he returned, went to the elevator, reached the seventh floor, left the elevator and one floor (from the seventh to the eighth) rose on foot. Why? (The man was a little growth and did not get to the buttons of the eighth floor)
Everyone loves him, but as will be glanced at him, it is frowning. (The sun)
1. What month is shorter than everyone? (May - in it only three letters)
2. What is worth between the mountain and the valley? (Letter "and".)
3. What will happen to a red ball if he falls into the Black Sea? (He worsens)
4. What hand is better to stir tea? (Better still stir the spoon.)
5. What question cannot be answered "yes"? ("Do you sleep?")
6. What question cannot be answered "no"? ("You are alive?")
7. What nose does not feel the smell? (Shoe or boot nose, kettle spout)
8. When does a person be a tree? (When he "pine" - from sleep)
9. How many eggs can you eat an empty stomach? (One. Everything else will be eaten no on an empty stomach)
10. You are given, and people enjoy. What is it? (Name)
1. Can the ostrich call himself a bird? (No, as he does not know how to talk.)
2. The man was driving in the car. Headlights he did not turn on, the moon was also not, the lanterns along the road did not shine. Before the car, the old woman began to move, but the driver slowed down on time and the accident did not happen. How did he manage to see the old woman? (Last day)
4. How does summer ends and autumn begins? (Letter "O")
5. Will we eat? (At the table)
6. What can be seen with closed eyes? (Sleep)
7. What is not in America, there will be in Moscow, no in St. Petersburg, but can be seen in the Neva? (Letter "B".)
8. How long can you go to the forest? (Until the middle of the forest, then you already leave the forest)
9. Son of my father, and I did not brother and not sister. Who is it? (I myself)
10. P about ch e m when you want to sleep, go on the bed? (On the floor)
1. Where is the water to the post? (In the well)
2. How does day and night ends? (Soft sign)
3. What is visible only at night? (Stars)
4. What is harder: kilogram of iron or kilogram of wool? (Equally)
5. What is in the middle of Paris? (Letter "R")
6. A flock of ducks was flying: two ahead, two behind, one in the middle and three in a row. How many of them are all? (Three)
7. They walked the son of the Son with his father, and grandfather with grandson. How many of them? (Three)
8. She walked husband with his wife, brother and sister yes Shurin with son-in-law. Are all everyone? (Three)
2. What is not in the river, but there are in the lake, and in the sea, and in the ocean? (Letters "O")

3. Freed a flock of birds, got along two on a tree - one tree remained; Sakes one - one lack. How many birds and how many trees? (Three trees and four birds)

6. Seven brothers on one sister. How many children in the family? (Eight)

7. On what expensive half a year go and go to six months? (Down the river)