Flu shot during pregnancy. Is it possible to get a flu shot for pregnant women and what are the contraindications

During this important period of life, a woman has a double responsibility for the state of her health. Therefore, there is a lot of doubt about any medication, in particular about the flu shot during pregnancy.

After all, on the one hand, the immunity of the expectant mother decreases and is more often exposed to viral attacks. On the other hand, the use of any medication can affect the health of the baby. There are several opinions of experts about the dangers of vaccination and its consequences.


Influenza is a disease of an infectious nature, which, depending on the level of the woman's immune system, can proceed without consequences, and can lead to serious complications. According to statistics, pregnant women are more likely to develop complications of the disease - pneumonia, pneumonia, bronchitis, otitis media.

As soon as a woman finds out about her interesting position, she begins to worry about the health of the unborn baby. And it is quite natural that she is concerned about the question of whether pregnant women can be vaccinated against the flu.

Important factors in favor of vaccination:

  1. If a virus enters the body, without vaccination, the disease can be more difficult and with more serious consequences.
  2. The body's defenses after the procedure increase, protecting the expectant mother and child. Antiviral antibodies are transferred to the fetus through the placenta. Thus, the baby after birth is protected from viruses for at least six months.

Pros and cons

There are many scientifically proven opinions and simple myths for and against flu shots for pregnant women. Many women are frightened by the fact that there is no full guarantee of the safety of the procedure. The opinions of experts also differ: some advise their patients to be vaccinated, while others, on the contrary, do not recommend it.

Arguments of doctors "for" vaccination:

  • antibodies that enter the body will protect the baby for another 6 months after birth;
  • among the most dangerous consequences of transferring influenza by a future mother are a lag in the development of a child, infection of the brain;
  • modern vaccines are thoroughly researched and are safe;
  • if a woman has chronic diseases, the disease may lead to additional exacerbations.

Arguments of doctors "against" vaccination:

  • there is no full guarantee that the virus will not enter the body, and the vaccine can harm the fetus (provoking pathological developmental abnormalities);
  • no one is immune from complications after the procedure - an allergic reaction may occur;
  • there is no exact certainty that the fetus will normally respond to a medication entering its nutritional environment (as a result, allergies, developmental delay may appear).

If there are no contraindications, experts advise all expectant mothers to be vaccinated, but such a vaccination is still not included in the mandatory list. The decision entirely depends on the mood of the woman.

Doctors identify a number of mandatory factors for the procedure:

  1. A weakened immune system is more at risk of catching the flu, especially during virus season.
  2. The acute course of the disease or serious complications after it can lead to a deterioration in the condition of the woman, a miscarriage, or pathologies in the development of the baby.

To get the opinion of gynecologists about the flu shot during pregnancy, check out the video:


Before vaccinating, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications. To detect their presence, it is necessary to undergo examinations. It is forbidden to vaccinate with:

  • allergies to egg white;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • elevated temperature;
  • acute phase of the course of any disease;

It is almost impossible to determine exactly whether any complications may occur after the procedure, since such cases are rare. Pathologies found included:

  • severe allergies;
  • disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular system, which as a result can lead to oxygen starvation of the fetus;
  • different allergic reactions in the baby after birth.

In order to avoid such consequences, it is necessary to take into account contraindications and carefully familiarize yourself with the composition of the vaccine.


Experts advise getting vaccinated at the beginning of the 2nd trimester, especially if the pregnancy takes place in the autumn-winter period. It is preferable to carry out the procedure a month before the activation of the virus, as a rule, this is the end of September-beginning of October. This is due to the fact that the formation of the immune response takes 2-4 weeks.

Influenza vaccination when planning pregnancy must be done a month before the intended conception.

Important! The duration of the drug is one year. Therefore, for long-term protection, revaccination should be carried out annually.

There are rare cases when the components of the drug cause allergies. In order to protect yourself from the occurrence of reactions of any severity, you must follow some rules:

  1. The woman must be completely healthy. If viral or bacterial diseases have been previously transferred, the vaccination can be done no earlier than 14 days after recovery.
  2. Any pain, feeling unwell, fever are the reason for postponing vaccination.
  3. 3 days before, on the day of the procedure and 7 days after the procedure, it is necessary to exclude unusual foods and drinks from the diet, do not use previously untested cosmetics. This will keep you safe from potential allergens.

All vaccines have a different composition, the number of preservatives, the focus of action on one or more strains of viruses. But all drugs to increase the level of immunity are inactivated (a live infection does not enter the body of a pregnant woman).

List of the most popular vaccines that experts advise:

  • "Influvac";
  • "Begrivak";
  • "Grippol";
  • "Grippo Plus".

The most common are the last two drugs of domestic production. "Grippo Plus" is the safest for women during the gestation period, since it does not contain preservatives.

I read your opinion vaccination. My problem is this: I did flu shot, not knowing that pregnant about 3-4 weeks. Now I am 10 weeks old. What is the likelihood of miscarriage or malformation? Does it need to be interrupted?

Answered by Komarovsky E.O.

I am very sorry that my answer upset you so much. I spoke out against vaccination because the use of any vaccines- potential risk. We are talking about the risk of complications - non-standard, sometimes dangerous reactions associated with any vaccination. In your case, as far as I understand, there were no complications, and there is no question of any miscarriages and defects precisely in connection with the vaccination and should not be discussed in principle. Accordingly, there can be no question of any interruption. I emphasize for the future: during any vaccinations risk must always be weighed. Flu gives complications and affects the fetus much more dangerously than graft From him. But the whole point is that influenza may not be, but we consciously instill, consciously risk. If the probability influenza high due to the way of life and work of a pregnant woman (teacher, trade or healthcare worker, entertainer, etc.), so be vaccinated very necessary, because to find virus, constantly communicating with a large number of people - very easy. But if pregnant can afford not to communicate with the broad masses of workers, so it is better to focus on prevention. But one of the most effective ways of prevention is to prevent influenza in those who can infect a pregnant woman, at least it is more advisable to vaccinate the husband and older child, although more expensive.

Every mother is concerned about the health of her child. It begins in the womb, from the very first days after conception. Some diseases suffered by a woman during pregnancy can adversely affect the further development, well-being and life of the baby. You need to prepare for pregnancy in advance. Be sure to visit the doctor, get individual recommendations, take tests. Be sure to learn about dangerous infections that you need special protection against.

Pregnant women also get the flu shot.

Every third woman in an interesting position asks the question: is it possible to get a flu shot for pregnant women? This anxiety is entirely justified. New mutations of the virus can cause irreparable harm to the human body. Influenza often leads to disability, and can even be fatal. Expectant mothers are at risk, so they need to know how the flu shot is given to pregnant women and what it gives.

What is so dangerous infection during gestation? The fact is that with the birth of a new life, the protective functions of the female body are somewhat weakened. Every second representative of the fair sex at least once in 9 months, but endures a cold. If the banal SARS may seem harmless, then the situation with the flu is more complicated. The consequences of the disease can be very different. In the early stages, the infection provokes detachment of the fetal egg, the threat of interruption, and hormonal imbalance. In the future, the virus can cause premature delivery of the placenta, miscarriage, affect the placenta, or contribute to fetal hypoxia. All this is fraught with congenital pathologies for the baby.

Protection and prevention measures

There are many ways to protect yourself from a viral infection. Everyone knows that you need to wash your hands more often, use antiseptics, personal hygiene products. During epidemics in crowded places, the expectant mother must wear a protective mask, which will have to be changed every two hours. If possible, you should refuse to visit shops, markets and other crowded places. Strict observance of these simple rules is already good. But this may not always protect against infection. As you know, you can catch the flu through the air or through direct contact. The infection is highly contagious, it spreads over tens of meters.

Vaccination remains the most effective prevention option for pregnant women

Vaccination is recognized as one of the best and most reliable protection against an acute viral disease. The flu shot during pregnancy is one of the most discussed topics. Do you want to know more about it?

Vaccination: is it possible to vaccinate pregnant women?

Can pregnant women get the flu shot? If there are no contraindications, which you can find out about today, then vaccination is successfully carried out. Foreign doctors say that it is permissible to carry out manipulation at any gestational age. It is important that the injection is not carried out during a raging epidemic, as it reduces the woman's immunity, and the protection begins to work only after 3-4 weeks. It turns out that all this time the expectant mother runs the risk of getting seriously ill.

Domestic experts differently look at this picture. The flu shot for pregnant women - reviews of doctors say - is given from the second trimester of pregnancy. During the first 12-14 weeks there is an active cell division of the embryo, the formation of its organs and systems. If you get vaccinated now, it can affect the baby in the most unexpected way. Perhaps there will be no consequences at all, but why take the risk? So, when asked whether pregnant women can be vaccinated against the flu or not, doctors answer in the affirmative.

Specialists especially recommend the procedure for expectant mothers with chronic diseases of the lower and upper respiratory system, pathologies of the kidneys and heart, as well as diabetes. These women are at risk. In them, the flu can provoke serious complications that will not go unnoticed by the unborn child.


The flu vaccine is not given to pregnant women if they have contraindications for this manipulation. Don't worry if you don't know about them. Before vaccination, the expectant mother, like any other person, is examined by a doctor. You have to visit a gynecologist, a therapist and, possibly, an infectious disease specialist. Each doctor carefully evaluates the possible risks and expected benefits. Only then is a decision made whether or not to vaccinate.

  • It is forbidden to get a flu shot during pregnancy if the woman is allergic to egg white. There are quite a few such people, but still they are found. The ban on the vaccine is given for the reason that it is made from chicken protein. The consequences of vaccination in this case can become life-threatening for the child and the patient herself.
  • It is contraindicated to vaccinate women who are in an interesting position if they have a cold, an acute infection, or a period of exacerbation of a chronic disease. In all these situations, the patient's immunity is reduced. The introduction of the virus, although inactive, can make you feel worse.
  • If a woman was previously vaccinated against the flu, and suffered a difficult manipulation, then one should abandon it now.
  • The live vaccine variety is not used in pregnant women. Such a vaccine contains active viruses that can harm the health of people with reduced immunity.

The doctor should check if the pregnant woman has any contraindications to vaccination

In severe adrenal disease or disorders of the nervous system, a more thorough medical examination should be obtained, which can accurately show whether vaccination can be carried out.

Consequences and adverse reactions

Vaccination of pregnant women against influenza is completely free of charge, in accordance with the established schedule in state medical institutions. Most of the expectant mothers who underwent the procedure tolerated the vaccine well. Immunity developed over the following weeks. There were no negative reactions to the injection in the child. But there are also recorded unpleasant situations.

For some women, the vaccine may cause side effects. Of the most frequent, there are: swelling at the injection site, slight reddening of the skin, a small rash. These signs disappear on their own in a few days. But you should definitely report them to your doctor. Do not take any medications on your own. Almost all antihistamines are prohibited during pregnancy.

Often, after vaccination, the patient is worried about increased fatigue and a slight increase in body temperature. Try to get more rest. During this period, your body develops immunity against the injected virus. If the thermometer shows more than 37.5 degrees, then be sure to notify the doctor. Do not take medication yourself. The only antipyretic drug allowed during pregnancy (at any time) is Paracetamol. It should be drunk if the temperature approaches 38 degrees or has reached that mark. There is another opinion. Some experts do not advise the use of antipyretics up to 38.5 degrees. Indeed, for an ordinary patient, this rule works. But the expectant mother should not allow such high temperature values.

Protect the unborn baby

Doctors encourage flu shots. Whether pregnant or not to do it depends only on the future mother herself. If you are still in doubt, then find out how the vaccine affects the child.

Vaccination of a pregnant woman strengthens the immunity of an unborn baby

Many mistakenly believe that vaccination harms the unborn baby. But this is deeply misleading. Once in the mother's body, the inactive virus spreads through the blood. Through the placenta, it also penetrates to the fetus, forming antibodies even in it. It turns out that with your actions you can "kill two birds with one stone." This protection lasts up to six months after the birth of the child. It is this period that limits the ability to vaccinate a baby. So, for the first 6 months of the newborn, the mother's immunity acquired with the help of the vaccine during pregnancy will protect, and then you can vaccinate the baby individually.

Fears and concerns

Most women have doubts about flu shots during pregnancy. "Pros and cons" are weighed thoroughly by them, a lot of literature is studied. This approach is evaluated by doctors. Having studied all the nuances, the expectant mother can make sure that the vaccine is safe and really necessary.

There is also an opinion that this vaccine is completely useless. After all, every year there are new mutations of viruses, as a result of which you are not vaccinated against what you need. This is also an erroneous impression. This is often said by those people who are trying to find an excuse to refuse vaccination. Practice has shown that there is a concept of cross immunity. Despite the fact that viruses change and mutate, they come from microorganisms already known to medicine. Even if you get sick with a new kind of flu, you can easily endure it, and you can also avoid complications.

Some important information about vaccinations

To date, doctors use several types of vaccines:

  1. intranasal live(not used in pregnant women at any time due to high risk);
  2. whole virion inactive(used by nasal administration);
  3. split And subunit(contain antigens, administered intramuscularly);
  4. virosomal(latest vaccines).

Most often, expectant mothers are given split or subunit flu shots. They have long been known and thoroughly studied and tested. Practice shows that the injection does not cause fetal malformations if it is carried out in accordance with the permissible gestational age, compliance with the prescribed dosage. Another distinctive feature of this vaccine is that it contains an additional substance that helps to increase immune protection and establish resistance.


Whether or not to get a flu shot during pregnancy is a personal matter for every woman.. Vaccination is not compulsory, but highly recommended for some groups. Doctors advise taking care of your health in advance. If you are planning a pregnancy in the near future, then get vaccinated in advance. Then you will not face a controversial issue: to administer a vaccine or not.

It would be nice to get vaccinated shortly before pregnancy

After the manipulation, the child should be planned no earlier than the next cycle. More precise recommendations can be given to you by a gynecologist or an infectious disease specialist. Remember: taking care of your health now, you are doing everything for the well-being of your unborn child.

During the period of bearing a child, any woman worries about her health. After all, the state of her unborn baby largely depends on her physical well-being. During pregnancy, a woman's body becomes especially vulnerable and it is difficult for her to resist viruses and bacteria. Flu outbreaks are known to occur in autumn and winter. In this regard, many women have a question: "Is it worth it to get a vaccine against this disease during pregnancy?". Let's find the answer together.

Why is it necessary to vaccinate?

During the period of bearing a child, a woman's body is subjected to significant stress. The immune system is weakened, and even minor infections can cause significant damage to the health of both mother and baby. The question of whether the flu shot is safe during pregnancy is debatable, primarily because the drugs can have a negative effect on the unborn child. According to studies, this vaccine is not dangerous. However, it is better to put it before conception.

And before doing this, you need to find out what contraindications and possible complications exist. Of course, vaccination can protect a woman from an infection that has a negative effect on the unborn child's body. The flu is a formidable disease. It is not only extremely contagious, but also fraught with possible consequences. Some patients die.

So, to the question of whether to get a flu shot during pregnancy, most doctors today give a positive answer, since modern drugs are effective and non-toxic.

In the absence of contraindications, doctors advise making a vaccine even during the period of bearing a child. It is especially important to protect yourself and your unborn baby for women suffering from chronic diseases (asthma, diabetes, pathologies of the cardiovascular system and the urogenital area). However, in the first trimester, the vaccine can have a negative effect on the child's body, because during this period there is a rapid development of the main organs.

Starting from twelve weeks, it is allowed to vaccinate, however, before doing this, a woman should consult a doctor who has been observing her from the very beginning of pregnancy. Vaccination is carried out after the period of the outbreak, since it does not take effect until twenty-one days later. This procedure is strictly prohibited for women who have intolerance to chicken protein, as well as those who have been diagnosed with an acute viral illness.

Flu shot during pregnancy: reviews in favor of vaccination

Since doctors cannot say for sure whether this procedure poses a threat to the health of the mother and fetus, a woman should approach this issue very responsibly.

You need to talk to your doctor and find out all the possible risks and only then make an informed decision.

If the expectant mother is vaccinated, she can be calm for herself and her unborn child, because the vaccine has several undeniable advantages, for example:

  1. A woman who does not get the flu can avoid complications such as miscarriage, the appearance of malformations in the fetus, physical and mental retardation in the child.
  2. A future mother who has been diagnosed with chronic pathologies is much more difficult to tolerate viral infections, and the consequences of such diseases for her body can be extremely serious, so it is better to protect yourself with a vaccine.
  3. Vaccinations that are given to pregnant women are pre-tested. Many doctors believe that they are harmless to both the woman and the fetus.
  4. They increase the resistance of the child's body. If a woman is vaccinated against influenza during pregnancy, antibodies to this infection enter the blood of the unborn baby.

Opinions of opponents of vaccination

Some doctors are extremely negative about this procedure. They are guided by the following arguments:

  1. Vaccination is a medicine, that is, a chemical substance that, having penetrated into the blood of a future baby, can harm his health.
  2. The vaccine does not protect a woman from infection one hundred percent.
  3. Sometimes there is a negative reaction to the flu shot in pregnant women.

A woman may refuse to be vaccinated if she has concerns about her health and the physical condition of her unborn child. However, in the event of a threat of an outbreak of the virus, it is still advisable to get vaccinated.

In what situations is vaccination strictly prohibited?

  1. Intolerance to chicken protein, as well as other components that make up the drug.
  2. Increased body temperature.
  3. Acute course of any pathology.
  4. Pregnancy up to twelve weeks.

A woman is obliged to inform the doctor about the presence of contraindications, in which she is observed during the period of bearing a child. This will avoid dangerous complications.

Flu shot during pregnancy: consequences

It is impossible to say for sure whether a woman will experience complications as a result of vaccination and what they will be. The most common dangerous conditions are:

  • allergic edema;
  • anaphylaxis, which may be accompanied by fetal hypoxia and spontaneous abortion;
  • the occurrence of allergic reactions in children.

Fortunately, the above phenomena are extremely rare. However, in order to avoid such complications, a woman must carefully choose the type of vaccination, since the types of flu vaccines differ in composition.

Types of drugs

So, during pregnancy, a flu shot is allowed only if the vaccine contains dead viruses.

Living can cause significant damage to the health of mother and child. A woman needs to be vaccinated both against the usual form of the disease, and against its new variety - “swine flu”. In this case, the doctor makes injections in different hands. Before getting vaccinated, a woman should find out which drug poses the least danger. It is necessary to study and consider the views of experts on the flu shot for pregnant women, the pros and cons, as well as learn about the chemical composition of vaccines. The least toxic drugs that are most often used during pregnancy are:

  1. "Monogrippol".
  2. "Monogrippol plus".
  3. "Vaxigrip".
  4. "Influvac".
  5. "Fluarix".

These vaccines do not adversely affect the fetus.

It should be borne in mind that after vaccination, a woman may feel a slight malaise. The injection site is red and itchy. The temperature may also rise, headaches and muscle pains, lethargy are possible.

These signs persist, as a rule, for one or two days.


It is impossible to get an unambiguous answer to the question of whether it is necessary, since no one can guarantee the safety of the vaccine for the mother and child. If there is a threat of infection to the expectant mother, she has no contraindications to vaccination, this procedure is usually carried out. In any case, a woman needs to discuss the issue of vaccination with a specialist and put it only with his consent. Also, do not forget about precautionary measures, especially during epidemics.

It is necessary to dress very warmly, eat vegetables and fruits, take vitamin supplements prescribed by the doctor, avoid contact with patients with acute viral infection as much as possible. The issue of vaccination during pregnancy is quite complex, and it is extremely difficult to make a choice in favor of one or another option. The risk is possible in the case of the procedure, and if it is abandoned. What is more to be feared: the complications of the infection or the consequences of the vaccine? With this question, the expectant mother should clearly decide. When making a final decision, a woman must always remember that the responsibility for the life and health of her child lies with her.

Pregnancy is a special condition of a woman, in which the load on all organs and systems increases several times. Weakness, fatigue indicates that the expectant mother needs proper rest and support for the immune system. The load on the immune system increases, susceptibility to infection increases.

Influenza is especially dangerous during short-term pregnancy. During this period, the laying of all organs of the fetus. Any virus can cause irreparable damage to the health of a developing organism. Often congenital disability is a consequence of infection.

Why Pregnancy Increases the Risk of Getting the Flu

A woman should prepare in advance for a special period. It's good when information about imminent motherhood does not come as a surprise. 2 months before conception, you should completely reconsider your lifestyle:

  1. eliminate bad habits;
  2. start taking vitamins;
  3. eat fresh healthy food;
  4. get the necessary vaccinations.

Pregnancy lasts a long 9 months. During this time, part of the term will necessarily fall on the cold season, when colds affect all segments of the population with incredible speed.

Women planning pregnancy are advised to get vaccinated against influenza before an epidemic occurs. The causative agent of the disease, when it enters the body, has a negative effect on the fetus, penetrating through the placental barrier. The placenta is formed only by the end of the 16th week, so the influenza infection, when the mother is infected, freely enters the blood of the embryo.

Why Immunize During Pregnancy?

Influenza during pregnancy is very dangerous. During the period of expectation of the baby, the disease passes in a severe form. It is impossible to predict how the virus will affect the child, which organs will suffer the most.

Flu shots can be given during pregnancy. This contributes to the development of immunity in the fetus. After birth, babies are protected from infection for about six months, additional antiviral substances are supplied with mother's milk.

Killed virus vaccine is used for immunization. The likelihood of side effects after its use is minimal. The vaccine is not capable of causing disease, but sometimes reactions occur to the components in the vaccine.

With the defeat of the embryo in the womb, there are unpredictable consequences. A baby can be born with a pathology of the heart, kidneys, problems with hearing and vision. It is not always possible to identify violations even with the help of ultrasound. It is difficult to avoid serious consequences without immunization if the pregnant woman leads an active life, visits public places.

Influenza pathogens mutate regularly, and it can be difficult to deal with them. The disease is especially dangerous for people with weakened immune systems. Pregnancy is one such condition.

Protecting yourself from the flu, even observing all the rules of hygiene, is not easy. The only way for pregnant women to reduce the risk of infection is through vaccinations. They help to effectively resist the flu, because the antigenic composition during the preparation for the epidemic is constantly changing, adjusting to the mutating strain of the infection.

During the gestation period, the activity of immune cells is naturally suppressed. This happens to reduce the likelihood of rejection of the embryo. If this did not happen, the body would try to get rid of the embryo and the pregnancy would be terminated.

The following facts support the flu shot:

  • immunity appears in the mother and in the unborn child;
  • babies are protected from influenza for another six months;
  • The vaccine is easily tolerated and its action lasts for a year.

It is necessary to refrain from vaccination in the following cases:

  • allergic reactions in the mother;
  • the first months of pregnancy;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

In many ways, the successful course of pregnancy depends on the woman herself. Every expectant mother should take care of her health, because she is responsible for the life and health of another future member of society.

Contraindications in pregnant women for vaccination

Before any should hand over analyses. Based on the results, the doctor evaluates the risks to make sure that vaccination is not contraindicated.

There are indications in which it is better not to get vaccinated against influenza during pregnancy:

  • the presence of chronic diseases in the acute phase;
  • allergy to chicken protein;
  • elevated temperature;
  • early term;
  • intolerance to vaccine components.

If there is at least one contraindication, it is better to cancel the vaccination. If the pregnancy has become known recently, you need to wait. When symptoms appear, you need to wait for recovery, only after that you can prick the injection.

What are the complications from vaccination?

Sometimes, in perfectly healthy people, flu shots cause unexpected complications. Doctors carefully examine patients with pregnancy, but even after passing all the tests after vaccination, complications occur:

  • disruption of the heart;
  • critical decrease in blood pressure;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • loss of consciousness and coma.

Any violation in the well-being of a pregnant woman requires careful observation. If the mother is bad, then the unborn child also suffers. Aggressive exposure to such factors can cause a lack of oxygen, organ failure and fetal death.

Complications from the flu are much more common than from the vaccine. When vaccinating, it is important to take into account the state of health of the woman and choose only inactivated influenza drugs.

Preparation for vaccination

Any vaccination is an interference with the coordinated work of the body. When foreign substances enter the bloodstream, the brain reacts by producing cells whose task is to destroy the enemy. During this process, vaccinated people may experience a deterioration in well-being, this is especially pronounced in women during the period of bearing a baby. Proper preparation for immunization will help reduce the risk of negative reactions, it is recommended:

  • measure body temperature;
  • pass the necessary tests;
  • not have diseases in the acute stage;
  • refrain from unusual food and drinks.

Choosing a Safe Vaccine

Flu shots can contain live and dead influenza viruses. If a woman becomes pregnant without having time to get immunized, the doctor will select the safest drug for her. Preference is given to inactivated injections. They gently protect against flu during pregnancy.

There are anti-flu drugs that are used during gestation. used for injections in infants, adolescents, women during pregnancy. The preservative-free vaccine contains influenza A and B strains, which are modified to reflect the expected mutation.

You can prevent morbidity during pregnancy using the drugs Vaxigripp, Begrivak,. Each of them has a difference, so the choice must be agreed with the doctor. Vaccination does not provide complete protection against influenza, but the disease proceeds in a mild form without complications.

Video: Is vaccination safe?