Decoding of symbols (signs) used on tags, labels, clothes labels. What do the symbols for washing on clothes and linen mean?

Icons on a textile product inform the consumer about how to wash, iron, bleach and dry the item. Also on the label indicate the composition of the fabric, size, price, the country in which the product was sewn and the company that ordered the tailoring. Below we will take a closer look at the designations for washing on clothes labels, find out the meanings of letter codes, the main properties of fabrics, and learn how to properly care for clothes.

This group of icons tells you at what temperature the product should be washed, informs you about which wash is preferable to hand or machine, and even contains recommendations on which mode is best to choose.

This icon is usually placed first, and has a bowl of water on it. Depending on whether there are numbers, a palm or dashes under the basin, the method of washing the product is also different. Labels on clothes for washing interpretation:

Temperature regime for different types of fabric

30°C- washing of products made of artificial materials: nylon, viscose, nylon, polyester. As well as downy things, products from angora, mohair and wool.

40°C- suitable for almost any home textile, if the fabric is heavily soiled, then it is recommended to soak the product in a washing solution or before washing. This temperature will be ideal for colored laundry.

50 – 60°C- washing of white and colored clothes, from natural and semi-synthetic fibers.

95°C– boiling, intensive washing and disinfection mode. Recommended for washing diapers and things for newborns, white bed linen made of linen and cotton, textile children's toys, for boiling things after contact with contagious patients.


The second icon on the label is depicted as a triangle, it stands for whitening. He needs to be given due attention, if you do not heed the manufacturer's advice, then you can irrevocably spoil the thing.


Let's continue to study the washing symbols on the clothing label. The next sign is drying, it is depicted as a square. Moreover, if there is a circle in the square, then we are talking about drying in the washing machine. This symbol carries information about whether the product can be spun in a centrifuge, how to dry it horizontally or vertically, and much more.

Square - natural drying.

Crossed out square - the product cannot be dried, which means that it cannot be washed either. Nearby there should be a sign prohibiting washing.



Let's look at other signs on clothing labels and their meaning. If you see a circle with or without letters inside, then do not pay attention to it, this information is not for you. The circle icons are a graphical instruction for dry cleaners, here we will provide a transcript solely to satisfy your curiosity.

Dry cleaning

Aqua cleaning

What can a clothing label say?

Sometimes, at the sight of a tag on clothes, the hostesses are confused, a lot of badges and foreign letters are confusing. In fact, the symbols are designed to help the consumer and give him the most accurate information about the product and how to properly care for the fabric so that it serves for many years.

I sincerely want to help the reader understand the labeling of goods and answer questions of interest. What the designations on clothing labels can tell us:

  • The manufacturer of the goods.
  • The country where the item was made.
  • Operating moment: recommendations regarding washing, ironing, bleaching and drying.
  • The size.
  • What fabric is the thing made of, the percentage of fibers.

I propose to start with the icons. A crossed out circle, a bowl of water, an iron, what does it all mean and how to remember everything? In fact, there are not many symbols, only about 30. This is an international label, so it doesn’t matter if the clothes are imported or domestic - the symbols will be the same everywhere to read and remembering them will not be difficult. There are only six care operations for things:

  1. Laundry - indicated by an icon depicting a bowl of water.
  2. Whitening is a triangle, with an icon inside.
  3. Chemical cleaning - a circle with Latin letters. This badge is for dry cleaners, it tells you which professional products are best for cleaning this item.
  4. Ironing is symbolized by an iron, with several dots representing the temperature at which this type of fabric can be ironed.
  5. A circle in a square means drying in an automatic machine.
  6. A square icon with stripes inside tells you how to dry the product.

There may be one or two dashes under the main icon, or there may not be at all. One line - means that the product requires a gentle attitude, and two lines warn that only a delicate mode of washing, drying, etc. is suitable. If there are no lines, then the fabric is strong enough to wash it on medium or maximum mode. Let's look at each icon individually.

What does the two-digit letter code on a clothing label mean?

We have analyzed the meaning of the labels on clothes for washing, but have you noticed that two-digit letter codes are quite common on the tags? These are the abbreviated names of the fibers from which the thing is made. Sometimes they write the full name and percentage of fibers, and sometimes only the letter code. Our table will tell you what the codes mean, and under the table you can read about the beneficial properties of the most common materials.

The code English title Translation into Russian
AB Abaca (Manila hemp) manila hemp
AC Acetate Acetate
AF Other fibers Other fibers
AG Alginate Alginate
AS Asbestos asbestos fiber
CA true hemp Hemp or hemp fiber
CC coir (coconut) coconut fiber
CL Chlorofiber Chloride fiber
CO Cotton Cotton
CU Cupro copper-ammonia fiber
EA Elastan Elastane
GL glass fiber Fiberglass
HA Hair Hair, stubble
HE Henequen mexican sisal
HL Cotton Linen Union Cotton and linen blend
JU Jute Jute
KE Kenaf (Hibiscus hemp) Kenaf
KP Kapok Kapok (vegetable down)
LU Lycra Lycra (elastane, spondex)
LI Flax Linen
ME metal, metalized Metallic, metallized fiber
MG Maguey Mexican sisal “Maggie”
MA Modacryl modified acrylic
MD Modal Modal (modified viscose fiber)
PA Nylon Nylon, polyamide
PB Polycarbamide Polyurea
PC Acrylic Acrylic
PE Polyethylene Polyethylene
PI Paper Cellulose fiber
PL Polyester Polyester
PP Polypropylene Polypropylene
PR protein Protein
PU Polyurethane Polyurethane
PVCF Polyvinylchloride fiber PVC fiber
RVC Polyvinyl chloride polyvinyl chloride, polyvinyl chloride
RA Ramie Chinese nettle fibers (ramie)
SE Silk Silk
SI Sisal Sisal (a fiber derived from agave)
SN Sunn Indian hemp
TA Triacetate Triacetate
TR unspecified composition Indefinite fibers, small fractions
TV Trivinyl Trivinyl
VI Viscose Viscose
VY vinyl Vinyl
WA angora Angora goat wool
W.B. Beaver Beaver
WG Vicuna Lama Vicuna
WK camel Camel's wool
WL Lama Lama
WM Mohair Mohair
WO Wool Wool
WP Alpaca Alpaca
WS Kashmir Cashmere
wt Otter Otter
WU Guanaco Lama Guanaco
WV Fleece Wool Fleece
WY Yak Yak

Fiber properties:

AC - artificial acetate and triacetate fibers often used as an additive to natural fibers such as linen, cotton, wool or mohair, they give the yarn additional elasticity, so that the product retains its shape better. This fiber is pleasant to the touch and has bactericidal properties.

CA - hemp is made from hemp, is often used in a mixture with flax, because these threads are surprisingly similar in their qualities, they give approximately the same shrinkage, both are durable, resistant to salt water. Such a mixture is widely used for the manufacture of home textiles: towels, bed linen, tablecloths, etc.

CO - cotton, fiber of the plant of the same name, which is most often used in the textile industry. It has many advantages: it warms well, does not electrify, absorbs moisture, "breathes" - that is why cotton things are so pleasant to wear. Unfortunately, this type of fabric shrinks significantly and wears out fairly quickly.

CU - copper-ammonia fiber, made from cotton fluff and cellulose mixed with a copper-ammonia solution. Fabric from this fiber turns out gentle and smooth, with refined gloss. To the touch, this matter is even more pleasant than viscose, as well as stronger and more elastic. It is actively used for the manufacture of knitwear. Included in the composition of carpets mixed with wool.

EL - elastane, synthetic fiber made of polyurethane. It is added to the main fabric, so that things are more elastic, easily stretched and, after wearing, again acquire their original shape. This material is durable and lasts a very long time, clothing with elastane is practical and sits on the figure without unnecessary folds.

HL- this code denotes linen fabric with small inclusions of other fibers, not more than 5%.

LI - 100% linen, has many advantages. Linen fabric is soft, durable, does not lose its properties even after repeated washings. In the hot season, linen clothes are cool, and in winter it is quite warm. This fabric "breathes", perfectly absorbs moisture and dries quickly. With improper use, the canvas shrinks a lot. Often the composition of clothing and home textiles includes linen and cotton in different proportions.

LU - lycra, in America and Canada it is called " spondex", and in Europe" elastane". Superelastic synthetic fiber - the development of DuPont. They are used as an addition to other fabrics (no more than 2%) to give elasticity, they are widely used for sewing sportswear, since elastane does not interfere with movement, does not gather, dries quickly and looks great. Lycra can be stretched 6-8 times, after the cessation of exposure, it easily returns to its original size.

MA - modacryl(modified acrylic) - a chemical fiber consisting of polyacryl with the addition of vinyl components (no more than 15%).

MD - modal made from wood pulp. Valued for its strength, it is used in a mixture with other materials. Pluses, does not shed, does not shrink after washing, does not lose its qualities for many years. Fabrics with the addition of modal are pleasant to the body, have a soft sheen. Good for summer wear, pleasantly cools the skin, easily absorbs moisture and dries quickly. Interesting: 100,000 meters of modal thread weighs only 1 gram.

PA-polyamide, this is the common name for a whole group of "synthetics", the first generation of synthetic fabrics (nylon, silon, capron, perlon). Obtained as a result of the processing of organic raw materials: oil, coal, natural gas. Products made of polyamide are durable, do not wrinkle, keep their shape well, dry quickly, and have a long service life. Of the minuses, it can be noted that the fabric does not breathe well, it is cold in such clothes in winter, hot in summer, and does not absorb moisture well. Requires careful handling and delicate washing.

ME - metallized thread, is added to achieve a decorative effect, less often to give additional strength to the fabric. They are made from foil cut into narrow strips and covered with a layer of plastic. Sometimes, instead of foil, a metallic-coated polyester thread is used. Dyed with dyes in any color.

PC - acrylic“artificial wool”, other names: PAN fiber, orlon, krilor, redon, nitron, prelan, etc. Orlon is very similar in its qualities to wool, soft and warm, but if you compare them, there are many pluses and minuses. Unlike wool, acrylic holds its shape remarkably well, is not afraid of dry cleaning and the influence of weather conditions, and is not interested in moths. Also, acrylic is well painted, does not shed, acrylic products are bright and practical. Cons: difficult, the material does not "breathe" and woolen products are still more pleasant to wear than acrylic counterparts.

PL - polyester, a synthetic polyester thread, is used as an additive to cotton, wool and viscose. It is valued around the world for its ability to fix its shape when heated, which allows designers to create folds and textured “crumpling”. The fiber is not electrified. Wash polyester in water not exceeding 40 ° C, so as not to fix extra folds, which are then very difficult to get rid of.

PP - polypropylene thread used for the production of knitwear, carpets, outerwear, blankets. Differs in a practicality, resistance to adverse conditions and chemical influence, keeps heat well.

RA - ramie, a strong fiber from Chinese nettle, is similar to linen and silk at the same time. Like all natural fabrics, it is pleasant to the body. The ramie thread is durable, has a noble matte sheen. Often ramie is used as an additive in expensive fabrics, as well as for the production of jeans. Due to its strength, it is included in the composition of ropes and fabric for sails.

SE - natural silk made from silkworm cocoons. This is one of the most expensive natural fabrics. Silk is beautiful and pleasant to the touch, easily absorbs water, lets air through, has special properties: it warms in winter, cools in summer. It requires careful treatment, silk fabrics are washed with special means in water not exceeding 30 ° C, if the temperature regime is not observed, the pattern will shed. Rinse silk items twice, first in warm water and then in cold water. Do not rub, wring and dry, affecting the fabric with high temperature. After washing, the product is carefully wrapped in a towel, allowed to absorb excess moisture and laid out on a horizontal plane. Iron silk on the minimum setting.

TA- obtained by influencing the primary acetate chemicals. Poorly absorbs water, does not wrinkle, dyes well, retains folds even after numerous washes. Most often used for ties, pleated fabrics, tulle and lace.

VI - viscose, a delicate cellulose fiber in appearance resembles silk, and cotton in its properties. Has fine hygienic properties, "breathes", well absorbs water. Viscose has a pleasant sheen, fits well on the figure, things made from this fiber are very pleasant to wear. Cons: when wet, it stretches a lot and loses strength, so it is forbidden to rub and squeeze viscose strongly. After drying, the fabric shrinks a lot. It is widely used in the textile industry, both in pure form and in mixtures with other fibers. The next generation of viscose fibers was siblon, it does not wrinkle, does not shrink and is much stronger than viscose.

RVC - PVC(polyvinylchloride), a skin-like material of artificial origin, smooth and shiny, withstands temperatures up to 65 ° C, but cracks in the cold. Used for making clothes and accessories.

WA - angora, soft fluffy fiber from the wool of the angora goat. Use for children's clothing, sweaters and soft scarves. In its pure form, angora is not used - it is too expensive and the delicate fluff sheds heavily. But when mixed with wool or acrylic, a soft, warm and at the same time durable yarn is obtained. Producers of the highest quality angora: Italy, Japan and France. It is not advisable to wash things with angora, it is better to use dry cleaning.

WO - sheep wool, very warm, to increase the strength, synthetic threads are often added to it. Above all, the special delicate wool "Lana merinos" is valued. Wool products worldwide are controlled by the International Wool Secretariat ( International Wool Secretary) is headquartered in the UK. Verified products are marked with a special stamp " Woolmark" or " pure wool”, and both the primary fiber and the finished yarn, woolen fabrics and already sewn clothes pass the test. Such a label indicates that the product is made of the highest quality wool using the right technology.

WK - camel hair twice as light as sheep, and its properties are unique: in the heat it protects from overheating, and in cold weather it warms. Good breathability and moisture wicking. Clothing made of camel wool is not electrified, easy to use and care for.

WL - llama wool does not contain lanolin and oils, hypoallergenic, soft, gentle, perfectly warms. It has a rather rare property for wool to repel water. It has a wide palette of natural shades: from dark gray to silver, from white to ash-pink, light and dark brown, shades of beige, black. White wool can be dyed with natural dyes in different colors. Washable at 30°C.

WM - mohair are made from goat wool, dressed according to a special technology. The main suppliers of mohair are Turkey, the USA and South Africa. Mohair is a surprisingly light and thin material. Mohair things are warm, pleasant to the body, do not fade and serve for a long time, but require careful storage and proper care.

WS - cashmere, the down of a highland goat bred in the province of Cashmere, in Tibet, Scotland, Australia and New Zealand. Delicate fluff is combed out, the finest threads are spun from it, the diameter of which does not exceed 19 microns. Weightless, warm and delicate fabrics are woven from the threads. Natural cashmere is highly valued, not without reason it is called "wool diamond".

WP - alpaca, the wool of a llama living at an altitude of 5000 m. It is thanks to the harsh high-mountain climate, the bright sun, the icy wind and sudden changes in temperature that alpaca wool has acquired its properties. It perfectly holds heat, does not wrinkle, does not fade. Alpaca is soft, light, has a beautiful sheen and a rich palette of natural shades, in total there are 22 shades.

WY - yak wool durable and unpretentious in care, fits the body well, warm and light, stretches. Like camel wool, it has only natural shades, it is not dyed.

What is the small piece of fabric that is attached to the clothes for?

Now that the decoding of the icons on the clothing labels is over, I propose to figure out why a small piece of the same fabric is sewn to each item from the wrong side. Our grandmothers would say that this is a patch for a patch, but this is not entirely true. In fact, this little patch gives no less information to the consumer than a tag.

Test 1

To check how well the fabric is dyed, the flap is immersed for 10 minutes. in a strong soapy solution, after which they are actively rubbed and left for another half an hour in cold water. If the water is not stained, then you can wash the product in the machine along with other things without fear that it will shed.

We described the composition and step-by-step instructions for fixing the color of shedding fabrics in the article: “How?”.

Test 2

If you want to know if the fabric shrinks, then measure the shred with a ruler and put it in warm water for half an hour. When the fabric dries, measure again and find out if the product will sit down after washing or not.

Test 3

You brought home a new item, do not rush to wash it, first test your powder and stain remover on this small piece of fabric.

Anastasia , 9 July 2016 .

Caring for clothes and washing are important procedures that allow things to retain their original appearance. However, all fabrics are different and require different care. That is why manufacturers place special designations on clothing labels that you need to be able to “read”, because it depends on how you will properly care for things.

Symbols on clothes labels for washing - decoding

Washing is an integral part of product care. It is important to wash the item correctly so that it retains its shape and color longer and does not stretch. Washing recommendations on the clothing label can be found by the image of a rectangular container with water or the same container with an indication of the temperature.

So, there are 13 main designations for washing modes that can be found on clothing labels:

Product washable
It is strictly forbidden to wash the product
The product is not recommended to be machine washed.
It is recommended to wash the product only in a gentle mode.
The product is washable at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C
It is recommended to wash in the "delicate wash" mode.
Only hand washing is applicable to the product, the temperature indicator is not higher than 40 ° C
Allowed to wash the product with boiling
Washing products made of colored fabrics, temperature - no more than 50 ° C
Washing products from colored fabrics, temperature - no more than 60 ° C
Washing at a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C
We recommend washing in warm water (not higher than 30°C)
Without pressing and twisting!

What do the symbols on bleach labels mean?

It often happens that a thing urgently needs to be bleached. But not all tissues tolerate this procedure equally. Therefore, be sure to pay attention to the triangle symbol placed on the label of the item.

There are 4 main symbols related to bleaching things:

Symbols on clothes labels for drying

Drying the product also needs to be done correctly. Manufacturers have taken care of this, pointing out recommendations for drying things on clothing labels. Drying is usually indicated on things with a square symbol.

So, there are 11 main characters:

It is allowed to dry the product at high temperatures
Can be dried at medium (normal) temperature
Drying at low (gentle) temperature
It is not recommended to dry and squeeze the product in the machine
Allowed to dry and squeeze the product in the machine
Dry only in an upright position, do not wring
Dry exclusively in a horizontal position
Allowed to dry on a clothesline
Drying allowed
Drying prohibited
Dry only in a shady place

What do the symbols on ironing labels mean?

Before you start ironing clothes, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of the manufacturers, because if the ironing mode is chosen incorrectly, the item can be spoiled. On clothing labels, ironing information can be found by the recognizable iron symbol.

There are 7 basic symbols applicable for ironing:

The product can be ironed
Iron the product at maximum temperature (applicable for cotton and linen)
Ironing temperature not more than 140°С
Recommended ironing temperature 130°C (applicable for silk, wool, viscose and polyester)
The minimum ironing temperature is recommended, not higher than 120 ° C (applicable for nylon, polyacryl, viscose)
Do not iron the product!
Do not steam the product!

Signs on the labels of clothes for dry cleaning

Symbols relating to the dry cleaning of the product are intended for dry cleaners. They note whether the product can be cleaned with certain substances and whether the product can be dry-cleaned at all. Information on the specifics of cleaning the product can be found by the circle symbol.

There are 8 main symbols:

Dry cleaning is strictly prohibited!
Can be cleaned with common solvents
Dry cleaning with perchlorethylene products
Dry cleaning exclusively with freons (white spirit is allowed)
Gentle dry cleaning
Dry cleaning
Special care when cleaning!

Video: Symbols on clothing labels

The following video also invites you to familiarize yourself with the various signs on clothing labels:

So, the generally accepted designations on clothing labels are very convenient. A small piece attached to clothes contains a maximum of useful and necessary information that will help you take care of the product. All you need to do is interpret the symbols correctly and follow their directions.

To keep things in order, wear them for a long time and with pleasure, you need to provide them with proper care. Manufacturers sew a label with icons into the seam from the inside of clothes - designations of optimal conditions for washing, ironing, drying products. Their decoding will help to properly care for things.

How to care for things: the notation system for washing and other operations

Now there is one common international labeling system for instructions on how to care for things, based on the international standard “ISO 3758:2012. Textile products. Care labeling with symbols. We have an analogue of this standard in the Russian Federation - “GOST ISO 3758-2010. Textile products. Marking with care symbols.

Why labeling is needed

Markings are rules that must be followed. The manufacturer is obliged to tell you how to care for the item, and there is simply no way to put detailed instructions on the clothes. Therefore, information is provided in the form of generally accepted signs.

Where is the marking

A special label is sewn to the garment, which shows symbols recommending the conditions for washing, drying, dry cleaning and ironing. On clothes, it is located on the inner back of the collar or on the left seam on the side.

All signs for the care of the item are shown on the label sewn on the wrong side of the product.

Instructions for deciphering conditional icons on clothing labels

There are basic characters and additional characters. Basic symbols include icons for washing, drying and ironing, bleaching, and professional cleaning. For additional - icons of delicate and especially delicate modes, the prohibition of the operation.

The label should not be cut off, as the information on it will help to properly care for the clothes.

Meaning of basic symbols on tags - table

Symbol name As displayed on the label Symbol meaning
Washing Basin with water The information on the icon makes us understand:
  • can we wash the product in an automatic machine or is only hand washing allowed;
  • what temperature will be safe for our thing;
  • how hard you can push it.
Drying Square There are additional signs in the square that suggest the features of this operation applicable to this particular product.
ironing Iron The ironing iron clearly indicates the maximum temperature for ironing the item and indicates whether the item can be steamed.
Whitening Triangle Is it possible to subject the product to this procedure and what type of bleach is allowed to use.
Dry cleaning Circle Is the product subject to dry cleaning and what products are allowed to use.

There is one common icon for all characters - a ban. It is a cross that crosses out the main character.

Machine and hand wash symbols

Both hand and machine wash is indicated by a basin of water. The symbol shows a number indicating the maximum allowable temperature at which you can wash the product without fear of damaging it. If you act correctly, the thing will not tear, stretch or “sit down”.

The icon indicates the numbers 30, 60, 95. At 95 ° C, the item may boil. The washing icon is sometimes accompanied by additional symbols located under the bottom of the pelvis:

  • a single horizontal line means gentle washing conditions for a garment: if we wash in a typewriter, the drum should spin at low speeds, the spin should be short and not very intense, when washing by hand, you also need to wring out carefully;
  • double horizontal line means delicate washing of products in a large volume of water and with a minimum of mechanical actions.

The hand wash icon is a hand immersed halfway in a basin of water already familiar to us.

Symbols can prohibit or allow washing, indicate special temperature conditions and modes

Drying designation - a square, which may contain clarifying characters. For example, if there is a circle in a square that allows dry cleaning, it means that the product can survive drying in special drum-type dryers without the risk of damage. If this sign is crossed out, then it is better to refrain from the dryer. Inside the circle inscribed in a square, there may be points - an indicator of the allowed temperature regime. The more dots there are in the circle, the higher temperature we can dry such a thing.

Inside the drying square there are stripes - horizontal or vertical, one or three. The stripes indicate the position of the item when drying:

  • horizontally in a straightened state (on a dryer or a flat surface);
  • vertically (for drying on clotheslines there is a special sign - an arc in the upper part of the square).

One stripe means that things are allowed to spin (when washing in a machine, you can use the normal mode), three - spinning is prohibited (the operating mode of the washing machine is chosen softer - delicate, with a low temperature). A drying square with a triangle highlighted in the upper left corner means that you need to dry the thing in the shade, avoiding direct sunlight or heat from the radiator on the product.

Modes and special conditions for drying products are indicated in squares

How to decipher ironing symbols

Ironing on the label is an iron with a temperature. The icon can be crossed out, or it can have dots inside the iron - from one to three. They indicate the acceptable ironing temperature:

  • three points - you need to iron at a temperature of 200 ° C;
  • two points is 150 °C;
  • one - the temperature should be no more than 110 ° C.

Low ironing temperature is usually chosen for thin or delicate fabrics, so it is best to refrain from steaming them.

Ironing modes are indicated in the form of an iron with additional symbols

How do whitening treatments appear on the label?

The whitening procedure sign is a triangle. May be without additional designations, with three diagonal stripes or crossed out. The triangle with stripes makes it clear that we can bleach the item with oxygen-containing bleaches, which do not include chlorine.

Is it possible to bleach clothes and what product is allowed to be used for this, you can find out by the triangle symbols on the label

What do the dry cleaning symbols on the label mean?

It is important to know that professional cleaning of textiles can be dry (dry cleaning) and wet - cleaning, which uses water and special detergents (water cleaning). The dry cleaning symbol is a circle with letters inside. There can be only four letters - P, F, A, W.

  1. P stands for the English word Perchloroethylene (perchlorethylene).
  2. F - Flammable, that is, flammable.
  3. A - Any, it means - any.
  4. W - Wet, wet.

Additional washing symbols are often added to the main washing symbols - one or two stripes under the circle. If there is only one feature, the laundry needs to be cleaned more carefully - with temperature limitation, as well as mechanical impact. Two lines mean that the thing will be washed in especially delicate conditions.

Dry cleaning modes are letters (or lack thereof) in a circle

Each item has a label. These symbols allow the wearer to understand how to take care of the clothes. On the labels of things you will find not only signs of washing modes, but also recommendations for caring for clothes - ironing temperature and so on. Looking at the tag, you can find out the composition of the fabric, the manufacturer. But in order to follow the recommendations correctly, you need to understand what these symbols mean.

Clothing care labels may vary depending on the manufacturer. But their decoding is always the same: they inform the user about proper care so that the thing does not wear out longer. Labels are sewn on the seams from the wrong side.

How to make out what the symbols on your clothes mean? The table below provides a detailed breakdown.


Usually, the sign indicating the washing mode is indicated first. Having deciphered it, you will understand how to wash a thing correctly: in a typewriter or by hand, in order to avoid premature wear. You can see such washing mode icons on children's and adult clothes.

Icon (symbol) Meaning
If you saw such a sign on the label, then you can safely send the item to the washing drum or wash it by hand. Usually characteristic of synthetic things.

Handwash. Items made from fabrics that require careful care are washed on low-temperature cycles, not higher than 40 degrees. Washing by hand should be done carefully, without strong impact and spin.

A rectangle with a dash at the top also means that machine washing is prohibited (see photo above, Fig. 3)

Dry cleaning. Traditional and hand washing are prohibited - contact the experts so as not to spoil the fabric. Most often, such a symbol can be found on the tag of coats, suits, dresses.

The symbol means that clothes are washed at minimum temperatures - no higher than 30 degrees. Spinning requirement: minimum speed.
Spinning and intensive washing are contraindicated. The temperature barrier of water is a maximum of 30 degrees.
Machine wash is not prohibited, but the maximum temperature mark is 40 degrees.
Also wash at 40 degrees, with a reduced spin speed.
Wash only at 40°. In this case, washing powders with a neutral composition can be used.
A temperature of 95 degrees means that clothes can be boiled. Feel free to choose the maximum temperature setting if you need to remove heavy dirt or disinfect.
Machine wash is prohibited.

Whitening icons

The second symbol on the tag after washing explains how to bleach. In order not to spoil things, do not ignore these designations.

Icon (symbol) Meaning
The triangle symbol indicates that bleaching is acceptable if necessary.
"Do not bleach" sign. Crossed out triangle - it is forbidden to bleach, especially with chlorine-containing substances.
Clothes are allowed to be bleached. In this case, the process should not take place at high temperatures, the complete dissolution of the powder is mandatory.
Black triangle with parallel stripes - bleaching is allowed without chlorine.

Icons how to dry things

The next in order is the icon indicating how to dry the product correctly: in a vertical position, spreading it on the surface or in the drum of the machine (if such a function is available).

Symbol What does
The square on the tag allows you to dry clothes in any of the known ways.
If you find such a designation on the label of your clothes, refuse to dry at all.
The vertical bar in a square illustrates schematically that vertical drying is best.
In this case, it is also advised to dry things vertically, but at the same time it is worth avoiding push-ups - the water should drain arbitrarily.
A horizontal stripe in a square means that things are recommended to be leveled on a surface: a table or an ironing board (so they retain their size and shape).
Similar to the vertical drying sign. With this symbol, it is forbidden to wring out things and it is shown to dry them in a form straightened on a horizontal surface.
A square with a vertical stripe and a line in the corner does not prohibit vertical drying. It is only necessary to protect things from exposure to direct sunlight (the ideal place is in the fresh air or on a balcony, in the shade).
Drying takes place without spinning in a vertical position. Requires protection from sunlight.
A square with a horizontal line and a stripe in the corner indicates the horizontal drying of the item. In addition, it is worth protecting clothes from sun exposure.
One of the most demanding symbols, prohibiting wringing, hanging (to dry only in a horizontal plane) and exposure to direct sunlight.
This symbol is hardly used today. Indicates vertical drying of laundry.
The product cannot be dried in the washer.
Overdrying of laundry is not allowed, therefore the maximum drying temperature is 60 degrees.
Dry safely at temperatures up to 80 degrees.
This icon does not recommend squeezing or twisting water out of things to preserve their aesthetics and shape.
Another symbol for hanging drying.

Ironing icons

In order to know what is the allowable ironing temperature for different fabrics, the ironing temperature icon is indicated on the label.

Conventions Meaning
The maximum temperature mark is 140 degrees.
The sign quite logically informs that the product cannot be ironed.
You will find it on products made of nylon, nylon, polyester, synthetics. Recommended ironing at 110 degrees through the lining (gauze, thin fabric).
For delicate natural fabrics - silk, viscose, cotton, etc. – we approach the 150-degree ironing mode.
Ironing at temperatures up to 200°C. Suitable for linen and cotton.

Chemical cleaning

When a product needs dry cleaning, be sure to look at the label - whether it can be brought and under what circumstances.

Conventions Meaning
The circle icon on the tag means dry cleaning is recommended.
Dry cleaning is prohibited.
Today the symbol is rarely used. Means that cleaning can be carried out by any means.
Circled "P" symbol - dry clean only recommended. You can use products with tetrachlorethylene and other substances for the "P" symbol.
Dry cleaning with hydrocarbons with a boiling point of 150-210 degrees. The ignition temperature is 38-60 degrees.
The sign "P" and "F" in a circle - cleaning agents with ethylene chloride, hydrocarbon, perchlorethylene are used. Cleaning should be done gently with little water.
The letter "W" - professional wet cleaning (wet).
Gentle wet cleaning only. If there are two stripes under the sign, it means that a very delicate cleaning is provided.
The crossed out sign will tell you that wet cleaning is not allowed.

Each fabric needs individual care. To keep things beautiful and looking like new for longer, you need to know how to properly wash and care for them. Therefore, follow the rules and recommendations.

Cotton fabric. Can be washed in water up to 95 degrees by machine or by hand. Use of any detergents is allowed.

Silk and Wool. Delicate wash (hand or CM). The temperature must not exceed 30°C. Only special products for these types of fabric are used. Spin 200-400 rpm or absent. Things made of natural wool are dried on a horizontal surface in a straightened form.

Synthetic and semi-synthetic fabrics. For modal, viscose, hand washing is recommended at low temperatures not exceeding 40 degrees. Soft detergents are used. Shrinkage of 4-6% is possible. For polyester, elastane, polyamide, lycra machine wash temperature - 40 degrees. When ironing, the iron should not be too hot.

You may have noticed that some products come with a piece of fabric. What is it for?

  1. Color. You can check how well the thing is painted and whether it can be washed with other things. To do this, dip the patch in a soapy solution for 10 minutes. Then rub well and leave in cold water. If the water has not changed color, then the thing is not shedding.
  2. Shrinkage. Measure the patch. Dip for 30 minutes in warm water. Once dry, measure again and calculate the difference.
  3. Test. If the manufacturer has provided a small flap, then at the same time check the compatibility of the fabric with your laundry detergent.

Understanding the designations on the tag, you will be able to properly care for things, while maintaining their original appearance.

In order to extend the life of your favorite silk blouse or cashmere sweater, it is not enough to apply expensive washing powder or softening conditioner.

In order for clothes not to lose their appearance after washing, it is necessary to know exactly what care conditions are best suited for each specific material.

Manufacturers put this information in abbreviated form on the labels. To find out how to wash and iron correctly, whether it is possible to use bleach and high spin speeds, you need to be not too lazy and carefully consider the signs drawn there.

And in order for these pictures to cease to look like an incomprehensible encryption, it is enough just to remember the table of symbols used by all clothing manufacturers.


Designation and interpretation of icons for washing:

  • Basin with a wave- washable and soakable.
  • Numbers 40, 60, 95 indicate the maximum temperatures in °C that can be used to wash the product. At 95 °C, the fabric can be boiled.
  • One parallel line under the coxa- gentle wash shown. You can not press at high speeds.
  • Two parallel lines under the coxa- Delicate wash required. When using a machine wash, fill the drum no more than a third. Set the delicate mode and do not wring out.
  • Hand immersed in the pelvis– only hand wash at a temperature not exceeding +40 ° C with hand spin. It is used for silk, guipure or satin items.
  • Schematic representation of a washing machine enclosed in a circle- Machine wash is prohibited. Typically, such signs denote clothes decorated with a large number of beads, sequins and rhinestones.
  • Crossed basin- Do not wash at home. This applies to outerwear - jackets or coats that require professional dry cleaning.


If you need to subject the product to chemical bleaching, be sure to read the rules, as the incorrect use of aggressive media can permanently ruin the item.

  • The triangle is empty - bleaching is allowed, crossed out - prohibited.
  • The Cl icon is drawn in the triangle - products containing chlorine can be used for bleaching.
  • Three parallel lines on the right side of the triangle - you can bleach the material, but without chlorine.


An erroneously selected spin mode is dangerous for fabric deformation. Clothing may lose its presentation - shrink or become a size larger.

  • Circle enclosed in a square - you can use automatic spin, including the most intense.
  • Crossed circle - do not wring out in the machine. Only by hand, not by force.
  • Two parallel lines under the square - delicate wash with spin at low speeds.
  • If the label shows twisted clothes crossed out with two lines, the item must not be wrung out and twisted. It should dry naturally.


There are two ways to dry washed clothes - in the drum of an automatic dryer or in the old fashioned way, in the fresh air. The information on the label will show you how to do it right.

  • Square, empty inside- You can dry the product in the car and hanging.
  • Crossed out empty square- tumble drying is prohibited.
  • Square with a horizontal line inside- dry only in a horizontal position, spreading out on a flat surface. Such drying is recommended for woolen and knitwear so that they do not stretch.
  • Three vertical lines will tell us that this item cannot be twisted.. It must be hung vertically so that the water glass gradually.
  • If two diagonal lines are drawn in the upper corner of the square- Do not expose the material to direct sunlight. This applies to those fabrics that can burn out quickly - white sheets or shirts.


  • iron– ironing or pressing is allowed.
  • The number of dots inside the iron indicate the temperature regime of the process- from the minimum (one circle) to the maximum (three circles). This is very important information. If you do not know the correct ironing temperature, you can easily burn your favorite item without the possibility of recovery.
  • Crossed out iron- the material is not ironed. These are nylon, terry and highly fleecy products.
  • The bottom surface of the iron is crossed out– Do not use steam when ironing. Such conditions are imposed when processing satin and silk fabrics.

Note! The number of dots used to indicate degrees on the label is the same as the corresponding symbols on the iron. This allows you not to make a mistake in choosing the optimal ironing temperature.

Text designation

Some brands, especially classic British brands, do not use identification marks. They traditionally write their care instructions on clothing labels.

  • machine wash- machine washable.
  • Hand wash only- Hand wash only.
  • Wash separately– Wash the product separately, as it may stain other fabrics.
  • hot wash– the most effective result when washing in hot water.
  • warm wash– wash at a temperature not exceeding +40 °C.
  • cold wash– wash in cold water below +30 °C.
  • No wash/Do not wash- cannot be washed. Dry cleaning only.

Where to look for labels?

Labels and labels with information are small fabric strips made of synthetic materials.

You can always find out from them:

  • Product size.
  • The composition of the material.
  • Country - manufacturer and brand name.
  • Permissible values ​​for washing, ironing and drying.

Tags are sewn directly into the inner seam of the product from the wrong side.

  • On outerwear- on the left side at the level of the human waist.
  • For shirts, t-shirts, sweaters and blouses- on the side seam or at the back, under the collar.
  • On dresses- in the side seams of the skirt at the level of the thigh on either side.
  • For pants, including jeans- Sew on the seam at the back, side or pocket.

Many complain that the inserts interfere with the comfortable wearing of clothes - they scratch the skin, rub and cause discomfort.

Important! If you decide to get rid of the inconvenience and cut off the tag, never throw it away. The information on the label will help keep the appearance of the product even after numerous washes.

Using our tips, you will be able to properly care for your wardrobe, and your clothes will always look well-groomed and tidy.

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