Childbirth in a cat at home, what needs to be done: how to take birth and how long does it last, how to understand that the time has come? How to understand that a cat is giving birth: the first harbingers of an imminent birth

In principle, an ordinary cardboard box is suitable for this, on the bottom of which you can put a clean towel folded in several layers. If the box has a sufficiently large depth, then a hole can be cut in one of its walls, through which a pregnant animal can easily both climb inside the box and get out of it. Let your pet get acquainted with this nest - if she does not like it, then there is a high probability that she will come to give birth in your bed. If everything is in order, then put this box in a quiet place where no one will disturb you.

Approximately a day before the onset of childbirth, the cat begins to worry and intensively prepare its nest, and a couple of hours before a significant event, she calls the owner in every possible way to the place where the birth will actually take place. Be sure to sit next to the animal, stroke it, and talk to it. This will surely have a calming effect on the cat, and then she will settle down and wait for the contractions to begin.

When childbirth, the temperature rises, and her and her ears become very hot. Watch how they are born: normally, they should be born with their front legs forward. The mother cat must lick each of them, gnaw through the umbilical cord and eat the afterbirth that followed the kitten. It is impossible to predict the duration of labor in advance. Between the birth of the first and last kittens, it can take 40-50 minutes, or long hours. The owner should only talk and from time to time look to ensure that the process is going well and there are no complications.

If something is wrong, be sure to contact your veterinarian. Nowadays, the veterinarian can be called to the house, often even at night. It is possible that in fact everything is going fine, but only a veterinarian can determine this, even without being present at the same time as a cat. You can simply describe what is happening on the phone. In any case, ask permission from your veterinarian observing your cat to contact him if necessary.



The first thing to do long before giving birth is to make a nest for a pregnant cat and accustom her to it. A spacious box with an exit that can be closed at the chest level of the animal is perfect for the nest. The floor of the nest is best laid out with disposable diapers, which are sold at any pharmacy. An ordinary cat's house can become a nest, but its day must be taken care of.

The place chosen for should be quiet and warm, no drafts or crowds. In the free access of the animal should always be clean water and food. You can take delivery on your own, but you should always have at hand: a 24-hour veterinary ambulance phone, a pipette, clean scissors, a small box with a heating pad, sterile gloves, petroleum jelly, thread and any antiseptic.

Behavior on the day of delivery will change dramatically, it will become restless, the rectal temperature at this time is slightly lower than normal, about 2 degrees (normal 36.7).

The onset of labor is due to several signs - a swollen vagina and bloody discharge. The first stage lasts from 12 hours to a day. During this time, try to be nearby, emotionally supporting the animal, especially if she has her first birth. The first stage is accompanied by contractions, the second is the actual birth. The normal position of kittens is forward, as in humans. If the fetus moves forward with its hind legs, this is not considered a pathology and usually does not result in any consequences. The mother herself gnaws the umbilical cord of the newborn and applies it to the breast. The afterbirth, which comes out after the kitten, eats.

The third stage is a calm state of the uterus, in which, after a short break, childbirth continues.

If you have not noticed any deviations from the above, then the birth is normal.

You can take birth in a cat on your own even if: the first part appeared, but he cannot be born for a long time, the cat did not free her cub from the amniotic sac within a minute. In the latter case, you need to cut the bubble yourself and wrap the baby in a warm cloth. Next, bend the body into an arc so that the chest reaches the knees, repeat this a couple of times so that he can breathe on his own. Empty his airway with a pipette. If, after the above steps, the kitten is still not breathing, give him artificial respiration. The umbilical cord should be tied with a thread, cut off from the side of the abdomen and wipe the incision with an antiseptic.

The help of a doctor is necessary if childbirth does not occur after 70 days, the cat has a fever, she is in a fever. Abundant discharge, a sharp and unpleasant odor, the presence of strong contractions and the absence of childbirth. Remember, most kittens can die only from fear of helping, do not waste time, contact your veterinarian.

The first 2 days after birth, kittens should not be picked up in order to avoid emotional arousal of the newly-made mother.

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Procreation is one of the natural wonders of nature and the main task for every living organism. But any important process, even a completely natural one, is not always easy. Cat owners are faced with giving birth to their pet more than once. Some carelessly rely on nature and do not even interfere in the process. But if a cat is surrounded by caring and caring household members, she has more chances for a successful, safe birth and healthy offspring..

Should owners help a cat with childbirth?

Fluffy angels are often born at home, where the cat feels most secure. If the pregnancy proceeded favorably, and the cat feels well, she will cope on her own - the owner can only quietly control the process. Healthy cats do a great job even with the first birth, producing beautiful, strong offspring. But if there are the slightest risks for the cat or her cubs, it is recommended that the "mommy" be taken to the veterinarian - experienced doctors know how to minimize problems.

It's great when the owners control the entire pregnancy and know the due date for childbirth. Usually the cat's "position" lasts 60-70 days - this is enough time to read all the important information and prepare for the birth process.

Attentive owners notice all the important changes in the condition a week before the birth. pets and are already at the ready. These are the most important days on which the cat should not be left unattended. If these are not the first kittens in the pet, then the owner, who has already gained experience, easily notices the signs of an imminent birth. But how to determine that a cat is about to give birth if she has never brought kittens? How to behave as an owner and what to do for the benefit of his pet, which will face a difficult test?

First of all, you need to calm the panic so that the animal does not become infected with nervousness and does not think that some kind of trouble has come into the house. The first signal of the upcoming birth is the cat throwing around the apartment in search of a place for kittens. Usually the pet is looking for 1-2 days, after which the contractions begin.

How many kittens can a cat give birth to once?

It is impossible to telepathically predict how many babies a fluffy pet will bring. Usually in one litter there are 1-6 kittens, and it doesn’t matter if it’s the first birth or the fifth. It is impossible to say for sure what exactly will affect the number of cubs. It could be anything:

  • individual characteristics of the cat's body;
  • health of the "maternity";
  • hormonal balance;
  • weight of the animal;
  • age.

Already at 7-8 months, the cat is considered sexually mature and can become pregnant. However, this is too early to safely carry all the fertilized eggs and give birth to healthy kittens. Therefore, at such a young age, a cat's pregnancy can fail, and among the born cubs, alas, not everyone can be alive.

The best age for cat birth is 1.5-6 years. During this period, the body is as strong and hardy as possible, and the hormonal background is stable."Elderly" cats sometimes also give birth, but, basically, no more than 2-3 babies once. Moreover, childbirth in older individuals takes place with complications, and the ability to conceive is gradually fading away. Already by the age of 9, many cats cross the threshold of "fertility" and no longer bear offspring.

No matter how old the woman in labor is, the owners do not just worry about the number of new households. Not everyone can leave the kids in the apartment, and finding new owners is not so easy. Therefore, the owners fuss, not knowing how many good hands they will have to look for, and what to do next.

Signs and symptoms of impending labor

When the cat's gestation period starts to get to 2 months, tension builds in the house. The owners are worried: well, when already? You should carefully look at the pet. Only careful monitoring of the expectant mother will help determine that labor is about to begin. The signs of this are as follows:

  • Kitty starts to lose his appetite, her movements become sluggish, limited. This is the clearest sign that labor is about to begin.
  • fluffy mommy looking for a secluded place, inspects the whole apartment, sniffing corners, even opening cupboards with his paw. Some owners prepare a box with a piece of warm blanket inside for the mother in advance, but the animal may not approve of it and continue to search.
  • A couple of hours before the onset of the birth process, the cat comes out with a mucous plug, and vaginal discharge appears.
  • If you closely examine the belly of the future mother, you can see how the nipples are swollen, as well as the colostrum that comes out of them.

It is easier for women to put themselves in the place of a giving birth cat and imagine how she feels and how she worries. But the male owners usually have no idea what will happen and how. It is advisable for them to read special literature in advance, to get acquainted with the physiology of the cat, and then errors during obstetrics will be reduced to a minimum.

The birth has begun!

When a cat has the first contractions, she may scream loudly. This means the process has begun. But before the first newborn fluffy is born, the kitty has a lot to deal with. A lot also depends on the behavior of the owner. The animal is already helpless and frightened, and if the household will run around and loudly discuss what is happening, this will cause the cat great discomfort and suffering.

Childbirth in a cat goes through several stages:

  • The waters are leaving.
  • The cervix and birth canal open.
  • The first cub appears (each next kitten will go outside in 15-30 minutes).
  • The placenta comes out of the uterus.

Cat birth is not uncommon, but the pet must be taken seriously. A loving owner will definitely go to the pharmacy in advance and buy the following products:

  • sterile gauze;
  • small towel;
  • scissors;
  • pipette;
  • warmer;
  • baby cream or vaseline.

Start of labor

Even the most experienced owner must understand: sometimes unforeseen situations happen, and it would seem that a doctor has to be called to the house for an absolutely healthy cat. This must be taken into account and have a telephone at hand, and it is better to arrange a meeting with the veterinarian at home in advance. Cat birth lasts up to 12 hours. And if this is the first birth, the pet, like a woman, will be more worried and feel pain more acutely. Plus, the process itself can be delayed.

The beginning of contractions scares the cat: she begins to fuss, breathe often, may scream in fright. The most important: in no case should you scold a cat, even if it starts to behave inappropriately. In a calm tone, you should call the pet by name several times, stroke it (if the cat allows it), try to calm it down or distract it with a toy. The animal must feel the protection of the person.

Video "Harbingers, the onset of labor in a cat, how to know that a cat has begun to give birth?"

What to do if the birth process is very weak?

If half an hour has passed after the discharge of the waters, and labor has not begun, this is a cause for alarm. The cat needs urgent help, but you can’t rush too much - careless and thoughtless actions can only cause more harm.

The owner can do the following:

  • lubricate fingers with petroleum jelly (baby cream);
  • very carefully insert your fingers into the pet’s vagina and try to pull the kitten by the shoulders with weak, helical movements (you can’t pull the head, you can inadvertently break the baby’s neck and kill him);
  • support the abdomen of the pet with the second hand;
  • if the contractions have stopped, rumple the back and tummy of the pet to stimulate a new attempt.

These measures should be resorted to only in extreme cases! If 30 minutes after contractions has not yet passed, you can not provoke labor on your own.

And here is the baby

As soon as the amniotic sac bursts, it's time to wait for the first baby to appear. First, amniotic fluid comes out, they soften the birth canal. In a few minutes, the first kitten should appear. Some pets give birth to their entire brood with an interval of 5 minutes. Others take half an hour for each fluffy angel. It is impossible to predict how much a cat will manage. But if 30 minutes have passed since the appearance of the first kitten, and the brothers still do not leave the womb, urgent action must be taken.

Childbirth should end within 2-4 hours, after the appearance of each baby, the cat, armed with natural instincts, begins to play the role of a mother. She gets acquainted with the kitten, sniffs it, immediately licks its muzzle. Then it gnaws through the umbilical cord and eats all unnecessary amniotic membranes. The placenta comes out of the uterus on its own. The owners should not be afraid that the cat eats the afterbirth. But it is important to know that if a pet has an upset gastrointestinal tract, then the placenta in the stomach may be to blame.

If not all babies were born, what to do?

If the cat’s birth is suddenly too long, you don’t need to immediately think about the bad. But it’s also not worth waiting until everything resolves itself. The first births are very long. If there are a lot of kittens in the womb, the process can also be delayed. But how do you know if all the little ones have come out? Suddenly 1 or 2 remained inside, and the animal is not going to continue labor? So, when the owner should be wary:

  • The cat has strange behavior.
  • If you feel the abdomen, it is determined by a seal about the size of a kitten.
  • The cat's tummy does not "deflate".
  • The temperature has risen to 39 degrees.
  • There was a greenish discharge from the vagina.

It also happens that mommy just decides to "rest" a little, having already produced 4-5 babies. And during the break, the cat calmly goes about her maternal affairs: she licks the kittens, feeds them, eliminates the remnants of the placenta. If the cat looks calm and content, everything is in order, after some time the remaining kittens will be born.

But if one or more of the above symptoms are present, then the presence of kittens in the womb can lead to big problems. The owner, who noticed something was wrong, urgently needs to call a specialist. Every minute is precious. Not only unborn kittens are under threat, but the cat itself.

Maternal instinct

If the birth went well, the cat is happy, and the kittens are healthy, there is no reason to worry. Nature has laid in the pet a program for the care of offspring, which the cat will carry out in the allotted time for this. No one is better at taking care of babies than a mother herself.

But it wouldn't hurt to take care of the cat. The pet was very tired, she spent a lot of energy and nerves on the difficult process of childbirth. Now she has an equally difficult task - to leave all the offspring. A cat needs a rich, complete diet that maximizes proteins and all the beneficial vitamins. The pet will share all this wealth with kittens, feeding them with milk. By 3 weeks of age, babies can already eat on their own, and they can be attached to new hands.

Important Facts

An owner planning to breed offspring from his pet should know that:

There are a few tips, following which will help not only to endure and give birth to healthy babies for your pussy for the first time, but also keep you calm and nerves:

  • A cat's pregnancy must be planned. And in the preparatory period, you need to get a doctor's consultation, check for contraindications, perhaps do an ultrasound of the small pelvis and pass some tests.
  • A primiparous cat should observe good physical activity but not overburdened. The items she needs should be within reach so that the pet does not try to jump too high. Pregnant animals should not be allowed outside unaccompanied.
  • The nutrition of the expectant mother should be complete and balanced.. It is impossible to allow a deficiency of important elements: calcium, proteins, vitamins. Mandatory in the diet of meat products, dairy products. Perhaps the doctor will advise a complex of vitamins. Do not neglect the recommendations if you want to get full-fledged offspring and keep your cat healthy.
  • In the last days of pregnancy, purchase drugs that may be needed during labor: Oxytocin to stimulate contractions, Gamavit to maintain the mother's body, Ringer's solution to prevent dehydration.
  • If you are as inexperienced in cat birth as your pet, then think about professional help. When contractions appear, you can call the veterinarian home, this will help prevent the occurrence of unforeseen complications.
  • With self-assistance in the process of childbirth, carefully study the entire theoretical base to be ready to help and not panic at all. In the event of a life-threatening situation, seek immediate medical attention.

Although labor activity is a natural process laid down by nature, the first time is always the most difficult, even for a cat, even for a person. After a couple of litters, your pet will be experienced enough to manage on her own. But for the first time giving birth, it is better not to be left without the support of a loving owner. And your task is to remain completely calm so that an inexperienced animal does not become even more nervous.

In order to find out how cats give birth, good owners first select a groom for their pet. At first glance, choosing a partner for a cat is not so difficult. A lot of owners advertise on special sites for cat lovers. Sometimes acquaintances or friends themselves offer the services of their pet. But if we are talking about a certain breed, then it is not easy to find a partner for a cat. Many animal lovers castrate their cats to make life easier for themselves and the animal, they believe. If possible, you can contact a special animal club for convenience.

For example, a lop-eared cat can only be bred with a straight so that healthy kittens are born. And the specialists of the club for cats will not only register the animal, but will also help in the selection of a pair. They will advise on how to properly care for a cat during pregnancy, and will become intermediaries in finding owners for future kittens. Experienced professionals will tell you how cats give birth to kittens, what needs to be done in emergency situations. After all, during childbirth, various complications can occur, especially in primiparous cats. The club will also explain how to take birth correctly.

Difficulties during knitting

If the process of selecting a cat for a pet is over, the choice is made, this does not mean that all the difficulties are over. Difficulties during mating in a cat:

  • low testosterone levels in a cat during mating;
  • season and temporary decrease in attraction;
  • the presence of hair around the head of the groom's penis (you may need the help of a veterinarian to remove it);
  • foreign territory (mating is best done at home with a cat);
  • the animals did not like each other;
  • the cat and the cat did not match in suit (the cat could be offended by a cat of a certain suit when he was a very small kitten)

Difficulty mating in cats:

  • stress when moving to someone else's house;
  • poor health, hormonal surges;
  • the use of drugs to prevent estrus;
  • do not like the partner;
  • very bad previous experience during mating (aggressive cat, violence);
  • the first estrus in the current year (ovulation does not occur even with successful mating);
  • don't like foreign territory

In addition to the difficulties during mating, there are a number of recommendations to help animals with mating. Often the cat is kept to make the cat more comfortable, or the animals are left alone for a couple of hours, or they change partners.

Pregnancy in cats


The first manifestation of pregnancy occurs after a few weeks.

Signs of pregnancy are very noticeable:

  • decreased motor activity (spends more time lying down);
  • vomiting in the morning (associated with hormonal changes in the body);
  • swelling and discoloration of the nipples (turn pink);
  • increased appetite (the cat asks to eat twice as often as usual);
  • change in eating habits (asks for more dairy products or meat, fish);
  • weight gain (gaining one or two kilograms);
  • mood swings (nervous, worried);
  • appearance of milk

Nutrition during pregnancy

Cat nutrition during gestation of kittens should be complete and balanced. The number of meals is increased, but the portions themselves are reduced so that the cat does not gain very much weight, and it is easier for her to give birth. How to enrich the diet of the animal? In the first weeks of pregnancy, calcium intake is increased. It can be any dairy product. The cat itself begins to show certain preferences.

The body of the animal understands what it needs. In the second half of pregnancy, you need to increase the intake of protein. You can offer your pet meat, not fatty fish.

If the expectant mother is experiencing difficulties with the digestive tract, she should be given mashed vegetables, you can add oil to the porridge. It is better to mix oatmeal porridge with boiled, chicken, turkey meat. After eating, it is better to offer your pet different fermented milk products. Oat or wheat sprouts will be very useful for a cat. Food fatty, smoked, salty and fried from the diet of the animal must be excluded. Before giving birth, it is good to give the animal tea from raspberry leaves (for easy childbirth, because it is difficult for cats to give birth for the first time). For lactation, it is useful to give nettle leaves (scalded).

If the cat eats ready-made food from bags, you need to choose rabbit stew with vegetables, chicken in jelly. It is worth paying attention to the composition of the feed, it is better to purchase special food bags for pregnant women. They are usually enriched with the necessary vitamins, minerals, special additives for good intestinal motility. Even if the animal eats ready-made food, in any case, it should be given cereal sprouts. Vitamins for pregnant cats in tablets will not be superfluous. Preparations for helminths during pregnancy should not be given so as not to harm future offspring.

Preparing for childbirth

Where does a cat give birth?

The place for childbirth in natural environmental conditions, the cat easily chooses herself. She understands that she needs a dark, safe, inaccessible place for dogs and people. Usually, a street animal begins to look for such a shelter about a day before the onset of childbirth. She runs, fusses, maybe even aggressive. The street cat hides in the basement, in the attic, in a box, under a log, in some thick bushes, even on the roof. Although an animal in nature is more adapted to independent living than a pet, a cat living in an apartment behaves in a similar way.

She tries to get into the closet, under the bed, into the cabinet, etc. In order to help her pet, it is best to prepare a spacious box or a special box for the cat and future kittens. Inside the animal shelter, it is better to lay a blanket folded several times, and on top of a disposable diaper, in total you will need about a dozen diapers. During childbirth, they are changed. It should be easy and comfortable for the cat to get in and out of the box, but the side should be high enough so that the kittens cannot crawl out. Nearby it is necessary to place a toilet tray with filler, a container for drinking, a bowl for food.

What needs to be prepared besides the birthing place

Various surprises can happen during childbirth, so prepare:

  • paper towels;
  • wet wipes;
  • sterile scissors;
  • calcium gluconate for injection;
  • syringes;
  • alcohol, hydrogen peroxide;
  • rubber pear;
  • cotton pads, thread;
  • petrolatum;
  • phone number of the veterinarian if the cat gives birth without his presence

If the cat is giving birth for the first time, try to be sure to be at home when the kittens are born. While the animal is still inexperienced, it cannot be left alone. Situations are different, so it's better not to risk it.

Duration of pregnancy

It is not always possible to say exactly how long cats give birth. Before she goes into labor and has kittens, enough days will pass to prepare for this process. The animal's pregnancy lasts about two months. Sometimes a cat walks, if she cannot give birth after sixty-eight or seventy days, then this is already considered a pathology. In this case, you need to contact the clinic for the help of a veterinarian. If everything is going well, the cat is properly cared for, then there is no need to worry. The main thing is that the animal has a normal temperature, there is no excessive discharge from the vagina.

The cat is giving birth

When does the birth process begin?

You can understand that a cat is giving birth by a lack of appetite, a decrease in body temperature. The behavior of the animal changes. She often sits on the potty. Then the mucous plug leaves, looking like a light lump, the water leaves and contractions begin. The cat is afraid, the stomach is trembling. So the first kitten right in the fruit shell can jump out onto the floor. A cat that gives birth for the first time may not immediately figure out what to do next. Here you will need the help of the owner. It is necessary to carefully cut the bladder, bandage and cut off the umbilical cord, free the baby's airways using a rubber bulb.

An experienced cat, which is not giving birth for the first time, gnaws the shell of the bubble with a kitten inside, helps it to get rid of mucus in the respiratory tract, carefully licking it. The animal itself gnaws the umbilical cord. In total, childbirth can last a day. Babies appear at different intervals, from five minutes to several hours. When there are many kittens, childbirth can start prematurely. The first kitten is born about five hours after contractions. If the cat does not cope by this time, you need to seek help from a veterinarian and do a caesarean section.

It happens that childbirth is not very successful. And if the cat gave birth to a dead kitten, the reasons may be different. If, when opening the bladder, no obvious pathologies in development were found, then there are several reasons: either the airways are clogged with mucus; Or the contractions were that strong.

The reason that the cat could not give birth was the injection she received a year ago. The effect of this injection was that after it the cat did not ask for a cat. Everything would be fine, but only in the clinic where this injection was given, the owners of the pussy were not warned that after it she should not get pregnant in any case.

An injection (and I must say that it costs a little less than a sterilization operation) was done, a year passed, at the dacha the cat had an affair with a neighbor's cat and, as a result, she became pregnant. But she couldn't give birth. She suffered for a day, and only in the evening the owners, realizing that something was wrong, called the veterinarian. He came and said that an urgent operation was needed. The cat was caesarean, of course, everything was removed from her (she will not be able to have kittens anymore). They thought that she would not survive, but everything worked out, she came to her senses. And the kitten is all right, such a smart guy!

Therefore, before doing any injection or operation (castration / sterilization) to your animal, it is worth asking the veterinarian in detail about the consequences of such interference in natural processes.

Another friend of mine, when the time came for the cat to give birth, also had a problem. The pussy had been spotting all day, which she constantly licked, and there were still no signs of an impending birth. They called the veterinarian, he gave some kind of injection, and after a while the cat gave birth, everything ended well.

I described these two cases to the fact that if your cat is "on demolition", then during this period you should carefully monitor her, her behavior, you never know what could be. Now I’ll tell you about how the birth goes and what needs to be done. As an example, I will describe the birth of my cat.

First, you need to allocate a place for the pussy where she will give birth. This must be done in advance so that she can "choose" this place. Such a place can serve as an ordinary small cardboard box, where it is desirable to lay a clean cloth folded in several layers. If the box is deep, then a hole needs to be cut in one of its walls, because it is difficult for a pregnant cat to jump into the box. Put the box itself in some quiet corner where nothing will disturb your cat. After that, you need to show this "nest" to your pet so that she sniffs it.

If you do not prepare a place for the kitty, then she will find it herself. Usually the master's bed becomes such a place, but do you need it?

Pregnancy in cats lasts an average of 60-65 days. If you know the exact date of the mating of a cat with a cat, it will not be difficult to calculate the approximate date of birth. But as for the number of kittens, it happens in different ways. During the first pregnancy, 1-3 kittens are usually born, but not always. My cat gave birth to 5 for the first time.

It remains only to think about where you put them. The question of whether to drown them, I do not even consider. Maybe someone will disagree with me now, believing that this is a completely normal method of solving a problem, but I consider this barbarism in relation to defenseless creatures! It's not their fault they were born into this world. There are more humane methods of "getting rid" of kittens (for example, distribute (sell) them to relatives and friends).

The first sign that a cat is about to give birth is her restless behavior. Somewhere a day before the birth, she begins to intensively prepare the “nest”. A few hours before the birth, the pussy will meow invitingly, looking at you, and then lead to her box. At this moment, she will need your attention and care more than ever. Sit next to her, talk, pat her belly. All this will have a calming effect on the cat, she will stop worrying, lie down in the box and wait for contractions. During contractions, the cat will breathe heavily, and the ears and nose will become hot.

The duration of childbirth depends on the number of times the animal gives birth. Usually childbirth lasts from 5 to 10 hours. A few minutes before the appearance of the first kitten, the cat will begin to lick itself intensely and purr loudly. Kittens are born, as a rule, with their front paws forward, in a diver's position. When a kitten appears, the cat will begin to lick it, gnaw through the umbilical cord and eat the afterbirth.

It may take more than one hour before the next kitten appears. My Dymka had her first kitten at seven o'clock in the evening, and the next one only at one in the morning. The other three appeared literally one after another, so that at about three in the morning the birth ended. Remember that the cat really needs your support. Check from time to time to make sure everything is going well and there are no complications. The pussy will do the rest by itself, it is in her nature.

Two weeks after birth, the kittens' eyes open, and a week later they can already be potty trained and try to drink warm milk from a bowl. When the kittens are one month old, they can be weaned from the cat.

Childbirth is an important and responsible time. Many cat lovers are subconsciously afraid of them, because they believe that the birth process will necessarily be accompanied by some kind of pathology. Fortunately, the practice of veterinarians indicates the opposite: almost 100% of births in cats end safely, no help is required for the animals. you just need to notice the contractions in the cat in time and prepare to receive the kittens.

The labor pains themselves can tell a lot to an attentive and experienced breeder or veterinarian. By the way, how long do cats last? The first contractions can be seen even a day before the kittens are born. In animals, the process can take even longer.

This is the name of involuntary contractions of the uterus (i.e., the cat cannot consciously control them), which contribute to the withdrawal of kittens from the uterine cavity and the passage of the cubs through the birth canal.

Always remember one important nuance - the presence of contractions does not always indicate the onset of labor.

Interestingly, the question of what exactly stimulates the immediate onset of labor is still being actively discussed. The researchers note that physiological (normal) childbirth is stimulated by the body of not only the mother, but also her cubs, still in the uterine cavity. When a cat's body is already "morally ready" for childbirth, her placenta, as well as the pituitary glands of kittens, begin to secrete a complex mixture of hormones, due to which contractions begin.

The complete readiness of the cervix is ​​of great importance(more precisely, the degree of its discovery). The entire period of pregnancy, the lumen of this organ is tightly closed due to the contraction of muscle tissue. The first labor pains are accompanied by a gradual opening of the cervix and the withdrawal of remnants from its lumen. The latter is responsible for the complete tightness and sterility of the uterine cavity during pregnancy.

At the same time, gently, but constantly, pressure continues to build up inside the uterus itself. This stimulates the movement of the fetus, which will also later help the cat give birth normally. As a result of this process, the rigidity of the uterine muscles increases. This is also extremely important, because otherwise the animal may develop dystonia or complete atony of the uterine muscles, which will certainly lead to the impossibility of a natural birth of cubs.

All of the above processes lead to the fact that the fetal bladders, each of which contains one kitten, begin to gradually squeeze out of the uterus, moving along the birth canal. If everything goes well, and at the second stage of labor, the first of the amniotic sacs is clearly visible in the birth canal, it is believed that the cervix has opened to the proper degree, and the birth process is proceeding normally.

Contractions in primiparous cats can begin about a day before the start of the second stage of labor (“true”).

The beginning of the second stage is indicated by contractions not only of the uterus itself, but also of the walls of the abdominal cavity, which help to push the born kittens through the lumen of the birth canal.

Another important circumstance must be taken into account. If contractions of the uterine wall (i.e., contractions directly) are an involuntary phenomenon, then the cat can control the contractions of the muscles of the abdominal wall quite consciously. It is with this that the birth rate is connected: in primiparous pets who do not yet have the experience of childbirth, it is much lower. Older animals, on the other hand, give birth much faster, because they already know when the birth began and how much they need to strain their muscles. For the same reason, in primiparous pets, pathologies of the birth process can occur noticeably more often.

When do they start?

Note that the harbingers of contractions may appear about a week before the “true” birth, but they are not directly attempts. Rather, it is a "rehearsal" of the body, as well as the time when the organs of the reproductive system begin to prepare for the birth process. During the same period, the mitochondria of the body accumulate energy that will be required during intense contractions of the muscular layer of the uterus. This phenomenon is also called "false contractions". A distinctive feature of the latter is their early appearance - just before the due date at this time there are still a few days left (up to one and a half weeks). They start quickly and end just as quickly. Note that at this time the cat does not experience any pain or other unpleasant sensations. This explains the relatively calm behavior of the animal.

Contractions begin during the first, preparatory stage of the birth process.

These are training attempts by which the animal's body “tests” itself, checking the readiness of systems and organs for the birth of offspring. As in the case of false attempts, their training variety is characterized by a quick, sudden appearance, but such contractions still last longer. The cat becomes restless, can run around the house and meow heart-rendingly, looking for a place that is most suitable for the birth of kittens. All this happens periodically, the rest of the time the behavior of the pet is no different from normal.

How to understand that a cat is having contractions, indicating an imminent birth? A combination of other signs indicates the immediate onset of childbirth: first, the remnants of the mucous plug leave, soon after that, the discharge of fetal water may begin. Considering that the mucous plug may well depart three or five days before the immediate onset of the birth process, a really reliable sign is strong and prolonged contractions, accompanied by the release of large volumes of fetal water.

Possible pathologies

The most typical pathology of the birth process, which is directly related to contractions, is dystonia or atony of the uterus. These violations do not allow the organ to contract normally, as a result of which the normal birth process is seriously impaired.

  • Such disorders are most common in older cats, as well as in animals suffering from obesity.
  • Primiparous cats may well encounter atony.
  • Almost certainly, this pathology will develop in cases of large pregnancy or congenital malformations of kittens: in such situations, the animal's body will use up all its energy and nutrients long before the kittens being born can be pushed through the birth canal.
  • This violation is most often encountered by owners of purebred Persian cats, as well as crossbred animals “based on” Persians. We also note that dystonia / atony of the uterus most often develops during the birth of the first or last kitten.

Below we list the main signs, when they appear, it is necessary to contact a veterinarian immediately. Your delay may well lead to the death of both the cat itself and all its kittens. So here are the symptoms:

  • The cat has been in intense, strong contractions for an hour or more, but not a single kitten has been born.
  • The interval between contractions is more than half an hour, and they themselves are very sluggish.
  • During the attempts, the amniotic bladder burst, but the kitten itself has been in the lumen of the birth canal for more than 10 minutes. Simply put, in cases where the baby being born is simply stuck.
  • Each contraction is accompanied by a flow of blood from the lumen of the external genital organs.
  • The cat is lethargic and almost does not react to irritating environmental factors, already born kittens are very weak.
  • Nothing good is indicated by a cat's body temperature rising to 40° Celsius or falling below 36° Celsius. Note, however, that a few hours before giving birth, the body temperature of a pregnant cat always drops to about 37.3 ° Celsius, and this is not considered a pathology.

  • When the birth seems to have stopped, but at the same time the cat’s stomach tenses from time to time, and the animal itself is either completely apathetic (it may not react at all to what is happening), or it is worried, meows in alarm and almost does not pay attention to already born cubs. All of these signs may indicate the presence of "extra" kittens in the uterus. If the cat is not helped within an hour, the cubs will almost certainly die.
  • The normal interval between the birth of kittens is from 15 minutes to an hour. From the rupture of the amniotic sac to the appearance of the first kitten, no more than 20 minutes should pass. If this time increases significantly, it does not hurt to call the veterinarian. This is especially true for cases when the cat is excited, meows strongly and protractedly, and shows other signs that can indicate a strong pain reaction.

Delivery options for weak or absent labor pains

In many cases of unnecessarily weak or completely absent uterine contractions, what is happening is caused by a lack of calcium and / or oxytocin in the body of the giving birth animal. To stop the lack of such important substances, experts use synthetic oxytocin, as well as intravenous injections of calcium borogluconate. However, there is always a certain probability of severe consequences of such stimulation of labor, up to rupture of the walls of the uterus.

If the problems are so severe that they cannot be solved with medication, the specialist may decide on the need for a caesarean section. Note that the prerequisites for performing an abdominal operation must be really objective.

The veterinarian must take into account the combination of the following circumstances:

  • duration of childbirth.
  • The current state of the cat's body.
  • The results of ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity.
  • Presence/absence of large fetuses.
  • Dryness of the birth canal.
  • The absence of a pronounced reaction to the introduction.

In most cases, caesarean section is not a problem, especially if the cat is young and reasonably healthy. The veterinarian performs the operation under general anesthesia. However, certain difficulties are possible in these cases, especially when some serious pathologies in the development of the placental membranes or intrauterine death of the fetus, accompanied by their decomposition in the organ cavity, served as the reason for the impossibility of natural childbirth.

In such situations, the specialist must quickly decide on the advisability of leaving the organ or on the need for its surgical resection (that is, removal). Of course, in the latter case, the animal will no longer be able to give birth, but its life can be saved.