Ruby: stone meaning, zodiac signs, magical properties. Ruby stone and zodiac signs. The most beautiful stones in the world

Ruby (from the Latin rubinus, rubens - red) was so named for its rich bloody hue.

Despite the fact that rubies are found everywhere, the most valuable are Asian stones mined in Thailand, Myanmar and Sri Lanka.

Ruby is a precious stone of the first order. It is used in some of the most expensive jewelry in the world.

Jewelers appreciate these stones for their rich color. There is a belief that rubies are frozen drops of the blood of a celestial being that was wounded by an enemy in battle. Since the time of the Olympian gods, this gem has been considered a symbol of the god of freedom, battle and courage, Ares.

In the city of Hierapolis (the territory of modern Syria) in the central hall of the main temple, there was a gilded statue of Hera. She was studded with many different gems, the main of which was a ruby. It was a rather large stone. Reflecting the moonlight, at night, it shone on Hera's head, like a star leading the traveler in the right direction. During the day, it resembled a torch in its color and became like a fire.

magical properties

Ruby is a symbol of indefatigable energy, strength and power. He is able to make a person so independent and self-confident that any difficulties will become nothing to him. allows you to solve any problems. Like a strong squall of wind, its energy sweeps away obstacles from the path.

Healing properties of ruby

Ruby has long been considered a good healer. It can help stop sudden bleeding. It helps to get rid of insomnia and depression, restores memory, relieves chronic fatigue, which is usually a sign of a loss of meaning in life.

The nature of the stone

The ruby ​​is the symbol of the warrior. It is for this reason that it suits people with a strong spirit more than all other stones. He helps the owners not to break down under the onslaught of difficulties, not to follow the lead of other people when there is little strength left. This stone awakens a thirst for self-knowledge, makes you reach up and learn the necessary skills without much difficulty. Especially if the skill serves a noble cause.

Like the battle for life, the ruby ​​is the epitome of the battle for one's identity. He clears the unnecessary husk imposed by society, prompting one to achieve one's own, true values, turning the winding, tangled path of life into a straight, cleared road, when the goal of the path is clearly visible on the horizon.


A ruby ​​should be worn in such a way that neither clothes nor setting interfere with the contact of the stone with the body. However, it is not recommended to constantly wear a gem even for very strong-willed people. Be sure to remove the jewelry at least at night. Ideally for a few days.

It is not advisable to acquire a ruby ​​for people who are cruel, nervous, hysterical, with frequent mood swings. A stone can push people of such a warehouse to rash acts with devastating consequences for life.


Avoid giving a ruby ​​to mentally unbalanced people, opportunists, a person who sacrifices himself for the interests of others. Ruby is good to give to military people, or to those who are true to themselves, go their own way, regardless of the opinions of others.

It is in the hands of a person of such a warehouse that the gem will shine in all its beauty, ennoble intentions, give harmony, and help achieve absolutely any undertakings.

The stone shows its greatest strength in the battle for a just cause.

Ruby Zodiac Signs

Planet of stone: Mars, Sun.

Element: Fire.

How to distinguish a fake

Rubies are stones of the first order, so scammers have achieved such good results in their fake that it is quite difficult to distinguish a real stone from a false one.

First, a natural ruby ​​is never a perfect shape. Natural stone almost always has internal defects. Ruby is one of the most durable gemstones. Therefore, if you take a stone of less strength, for example, a garnet, and run a ruby ​​over it, then scratches will appear on the garnet.

A colorful ruby ​​stone is an accessory for the best representatives of the aristocracy. The stone has significant magical properties, looks spectacular, and was previously used for practical purposes to detect poisons.

History and origins

The first documented references to red rubies are found in historical reports of the 4th century BC. n. e. It is known that the Romans determined the value of products with ruby ​​inclusions even higher than the value of diamond jewelry. The pebble was also highly valued in South Asia, where it was symbolized as drops of the blood of Dragons.

Red color human fantasy inevitably associated with the image of blood, and healthy blood is a healthy life. Because of this prototype, during the Middle Ages, ruby ​​products were revered and considered a cure for the plague. Many famous alchemists were looking for an artificial way to recreate the jewel.

Many historical decorations are known:

  • The museum in Dresden has a sword that was thrust into the ground and prayed in front of him for victory. The sword is decorated with a rich scattering of small and three large rubies.
  • Two rubies from the King of Burma, 47 and 37 carats each, were sold for incredible money for the 19th century, which provided him with full royal rule.

The origin of the name is quite prosaic: ruby ​​means "rubella" - "red". Previously, the names "carbuncle" and "yahont" were used, which are still used to designate jewelry.

Physical Properties

  • Color. Saturated red color is achieved due to special impurities in the original structure of the stone. Ruby's brother - . Despite serious external differences, sapphire differs only in a part of the impurities that give the stone a bright blue tint, and the main structure of both specimens is the same and represents.
  • Hardness. Rubies are extremely hard stones and are second only to diamond. A hardness of 9 makes these jewels versatile in jewelry making.
  • Purity. The purity of the color determines the basis of the value of the stone. In general, corundum is quite difficult to obtain color purity, so the more transparent the ruby, the more expensive it will cost. Very subtle gamma differences can make a big difference in price. The pink ruby ​​has less chromium inclusions than the deep red counterparts. There are also fiery crimson varieties of pebbles. The most valuable among the possible shades is the color of pigeon blood, which has a purple and violet hue.
  • Lack of cleavage. Due to this quality, the stone is almost impossible to break.

Place of Birth

The main deposits of rubies are located on:

  • Sri Lanka. In Sri Lanka, amazing purple and red stones of rare shades are mined. It was on this island that the largest specimens in the world were mined.
  • Madagascar. The island is a large repository of precious stones. Here specimens of extremely pure flowers are mined.
  • Burma. This country supplies the world market a large number of rubies from 3 carats. Many Burmese models have pink or blue marks.
  • Tanzania. There are many specimens that have a dark color.

Usually rubies are mined together with sapphires and the difference is established by experienced gemologists. Most corundum is mined from river placers. After mining, the stones undergo heat treatment and the products are analyzed by local experts.

Medicinal properties

Red and pink ruby ​​are considered stones with multifaceted healing properties:

  • Blood. First of all, ruby ​​jewelry normalizes the rhythm of blood, improves internal pressure in the body, increases vascular tone and blood flow through them. No wonder the pebble has been considered a symbol of life since ancient times. Jewel helps with heart disease, helps to recover from bleeding and heal wounds.
  • Immunity. Also, the stone increases the general immune abilities of the body, increases its tone.
  • Nervous system. It improves brain function, clears the reactions of the nervous system, helps to recover from depression and after severe stress.

It is believed that ruby ​​radiation (when light rays are passed through the stone and it conducts light as a prism) creates an even greater healing effect than the direct wearing of the stone. If possible, it is recommended to combine these two methods.

There is no real scientific evidence of the effects of jewelry on the body, however, many women buy these amazing jewelry as an addition to medical procedures.

magical properties

The magical properties of the ruby ​​​​stone are very diverse. Even the first mentions of these pebbles known to historians are full of mystical ideas and associations. He is credited with:

  1. Disclosure in women of fertility, sensuality, passion. In the Middle Ages, it was used as a remedy for infertility, and even now it is recommended for women who want to have a baby.
  2. It helps to recover from stress, as well as negative influences, protects against evil eye and damage, and also helps to remove their consequences. Returns the joy of life and natural human stability, gives optimism.
  3. Strengthens the natural tendency to express mercy and compassion, increases the desire to help others, recreates a sense of unity.
  4. It reveals courage in a person, inspires vigorous activity, is a symbol of unquenchable passion and fiery love. Previously, knights and representatives of the aristocracy presented the stone as a gift to their beloved: it was believed that the properties of the yahonta would awaken reciprocal feelings in her.
  5. A change in color can warn the owner of a possible danger in time.

Despite a wide range of positive properties, ruby ​​is considered a dangerous stone. This jewel can properly belong only to a pure person, since only a pure person will not be harmed by it. Ruby products increase weaknesses in the weak, vices in the vicious, and virtues in the virtuous. They reveal many hidden qualities of people. As a result, a person who acquires a ruby ​​can reveal in himself the vices that he hid, and the virtues that he could not reproach himself with before.

Talismans and amulets

Due to its powerful healing aspects and strong magical properties, the red ruby ​​is often used to create talismans (bring good luck and reveal certain qualities) and amulets (protect against external influences).

Faceted in gold, stones protect from evil, reveal in a person the instinctive protection of blood and family. Thanks to the disclosure of this protection, various qualities of character can also be revealed: courage, swiftness, determination and other “punching” character traits. Softness, modesty and other features of this type can overlap with the active part.

As a talisman, a pebble can attract numerous love affairs, however, if a person has fidelity, it will greatly strengthen existing relationships.

Rings with rubies were used to detect poisons in drinks: for this, a stone was thrown into a glass, and if its color became darker, the drink could not be consumed. Bringing a ring to the blade, they also checked the weapons of opponents.

ruby colors

The stone is a variety of sapphire and has a pronounced red color due to the high content of chromium in the structure. Colors can range from pink to wine red, including bright and muted, light and dark tones. Sapphires can be of almost any color: green, yellow, blue, blue, transparent and others. Any red sapphires are considered rubies automatically.

artificial ruby

The number of natural rubies that have not been heat treated is extremely low. The cost of such copies is approaching the price of good ones. Most jewelry uses quality substitutes.

Initially, immediately after the extraction of pebbles, they undergo a thorough heat treatment, which changes the natural structure. The number of rubies that fail this procedure is in the thousands, which is a very small number on a global scale. Heat-treated stones occupy up to 4% of the market.

In addition, an artificial ruby ​​can be created using beryllium coloring, which gives the corundum a rich red color. High-quality beryllium specimens occupy about 1% of the market. The remaining 95% are occupied by glass-filled specimens.

The production of artificial rubies is so widespread that it is rather difficult to find a natural stone among them. The cost of glass-filled specimens usually does not exceed $30 per carat, the cost of heat-treated specimens without glass impurities - from $100 per carat, natural rubies - from $500 per carat.

How to distinguish a real red ruby?

  • Bring the stone to the light. In bright light, real stone darkens its color. An artificial ruby ​​will not change in color or, on the contrary, will receive lightening.
  • If in bright light the jewel has a non-uniform luster, then you should think about the appropriateness of the purchase: a real stone will have an even, uniform color and luster.
  • Ultraviolet light check: if the specimen has turned orange, then it is a synthetic ruby.
  • If the stone breaks or has cracks, then most likely it is fake. Real rubies can also be cracked, but any crack will have jagged, zigzag edges. If the cracks came out even, then you have an artificial ruby.
  • A natural specimen may leave scratches on or, an artificial ruby ​​does not.
  • A real red and pink ruby ​​does not have bubbles. If there are still bubbles, they should be the same color as the stone itself.

How to care for rubies?

For high-quality storage of pebbles, you need to carefully stack them in a dark, cool place. The properties of the ruby ​​stone are such that it does not like prolonged exposure to sunlight. Ideally, jewelry should be wrapped in a soft cloth and stored separately.

To properly and harmlessly clean your jewelry:

  • heat water and stir some soap in it;
  • throw the accessory there for 15-20 minutes;
  • take a toothbrush with soft bristles and, dipping it into the solution, gently wipe the product until it is completely clean;
  • Rinse the solution off the jewelry and wipe the stone with a soft cloth.

Put on your jewelry last. First get dressed and apply makeup. It is important that the stone does not get particles of cosmetics that can ruin it.

Pink ruby ​​and zodiac signs

Ruby is actively associated with the fire element. It raises all the most passionate sides of the character and therefore is an excellent nourishment for fire signs: the ruby ​​will reveal courage and mercy in Aries, stir up the natural passion in Sagittarius and strengthen the strong-willed qualities of Leo.

In representatives of air signs, it will increase decisiveness and activity. Libra will fluctuate less in decisions, Gemini will learn to appreciate others more, and Aquarius will feed analytical abilities with strong-willed qualities.

Water signs can get harmonization of some qualities from the ruby, it will help to show one-pointedness and concentration. However, it is with these signs that the stone can most of all come into conflict if the owner has not pacified the natural negative traits.

Earth signs will receive support and fortitude: Virgos will smooth out endless self-reflection, Capricorns will receive a balance of natural rationalism, and Taurus will reinforce perseverance with courage.

Ruby - a stone of passion and fire

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Ruby is an unusually beautiful and attractive stone, its scarlet luster pleases the eye and gives the owner greatness. The ruby ​​owes its magnificent color of pigeon's blood (such a color is valued above all) to chromium oxide. Physically, it is a variety of dark red transparent corundum, second only to diamond in terms of hardness and brilliance among precious stones.

The most common are scarlet-colored minerals, although pink ones are sometimes found. The rarest type of ruby ​​is a gem that shimmers with shades of "pigeon blood" - red with shades of blue. These magical blood-red stones have always adorned royalty, testifying to their highest status and all-round superiority over other people.

The magical properties of Ruby

This is a stone of love, it is filled with love. Helps in love affairs, making people more passionate. Those who do not currently have love can rely on him as an intermediary to help find a soul mate and establish a relationship. As a love stone, it is considered a powerful aphrodisiac that allows you to experience all forms of love, from sensual attraction to the mystical union of lovers. It deepens the relationship of the spouses, making them devoted and faithful to each other. It is also a stone of courtly love and admiration from afar.

It also gives the owner courage, reveals the potential of all the best that is in a person. Ruby helps to overcome the forces of darkness, to fight fear. It is a stone of power, superiority and vanity. It attracts happiness and love to the owner. Ruby warns of danger by changing its color. It also protects against evil spirits and evil spells, returns lost strength, drives away melancholy, awakens passion and erotic desires. Placed under the pillow, it can ward off bad dreams. As a gift, it is a symbol of friendship and love.

Healing properties of ruby

Ruby is a healing stone. Like all red stones, ruby ​​boosts immunity. It helps to cure chronic tonsillitis, diseases of the spine, joints, kidneys, liver, digestive organs, helps to stop bleeding. Ruby prevents epileptic seizures, fever, has a positive effect on the nervous system, relieves depression, helps with schizophrenia, insomnia, drives away nightmares. Ruby is able to heal skin diseases, stomach ulcers, helps with high fever, heart and blood diseases. Ruby light radiation has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain and heart, increases vitality and enhances potency.

Talismans and amulets

Since ancient times, the ruby ​​has been considered a stone that patronizes love and symbolizes passion. It brings good luck to the conquerors of hearts, protects from unrequited love. That is why a ring with a ruby ​​as a gift testifies to the stormy feelings that lovers have for each other. As a talisman, the ruby ​​brings good luck to those who are used to making their own way in life, it gives such people additional strength. Worn in the form of a pendant at the level of the heart, this mineral helps a person get away from sharp conflicts and tense situations and make the necessary acquaintances. It is believed that when the owner is in danger, and also if it is lowered into a poisoned liquid, the ruby ​​changes color. Used as an amulet, the ruby ​​has long been considered a very strong talisman against evil spirits in the home. In order for the stone to protect your entire home from the penetration of evil spirits, you should put a ruby ​​on the plan of the house on paper and draw eight arrows from it with a red marker or pencil, radiating from the stone in all directions.

Ruby in astrology

Ruby is a stone of Fire and is under the auspices of the Sun. As in the old days, today the Ruby gemstone is associated precisely with the signs of the zodiac of the fire element -, and. The talisman stone weakens the negative traits of any fire trine zodiac sign, so it is useful to wear it for stubborn and unbending people who want to learn how to get along with others. A zodiac sign can wear a ruby ​​as an amulet. The gem makes people of this sign active and purposeful.

Ruby Compatibility with Zodiac Signs

ruby for

Traditionally, the ruby ​​is considered auspicious for Aries. Indeed, the properties of the stone are largely correlated with such features of the sign as activity, optimism, leadership claims, but also kindness, decency and the ability to come to the rescue and protect the weaker or less fortunate. Thus, the ruby ​​will enhance the qualities of Aries, bring the need for greater sublimity of feelings, activate noble impulses and direct its owner to social work. Through the influence of the ruby, Aries is able to prove himself in significant projects, to have a resounding success in social activities, when personal interests begin to play a secondary role, and the interests of entire groups of people inspired by some ideas come to the fore.

ruby for

Ruby revitalizes Taurus, fills it with the energy of action and enhances the potential of people of this sign in extracting material benefits with maximum results. Ruby neutralizes harmful thoughts, tunes in to positive, and helps to free the surrounding space from any negativity and obvious obstacles to success. Through the ruby, Taurus will be able to open his eyes wider in order to more actively study the laws of life, nature and society. The stone unambiguously influences changes in the worldview of Taurus, the growth of awareness, thereby saturating everyday life, introducing diversity and a sense of fullness of life.

ruby for

Ruby is favorable for Gemini. Ruby mobilizes and increases the energy of creation, making it possible to distribute this energy in stages, so that in the end a visible result is obtained. With a ruby, the Gemini “will not run out” halfway to the goal! The stone is able to bring into the life of Gemini not so much orderliness and organization, but rather the strongest energy mood for action that needs to be controlled independently. Along with this impulse, Geminis also receive considerable ambition, as well as a desire to implement large and complex projects, which is generally not characteristic of people of this sign. They can aim at something grandiose, great, and, probably, this is not bad!

ruby for

For Cancer, the ruby ​​is a stone of dual influence. Its direct action improves the general mood and vitality, relieves fear and neutralizes depression, strengthens willpower and, in general, tempers the character, expanding the perception of the world around. And this is very good for Cancer, because, obviously, it is in demand. Another thing is whether Cancer wants to go beyond his shell and see this beautiful world in all its diversity. The power of a ruby ​​can be too "straining" for a Cancer person. He will not have peace, because the stone will constantly “call” him to activity, and if there is no activity, and energy is present, then it begins its destructive influence, causing, first of all, too violent emotional fluctuations.

ruby for

Ruby for Leo is the most sought after gem! And his main "merit" is the ability to overcome the laziness of the people of this sign, and after all, laziness, as you know, is a fierce enemy of Leo! So it turns out that with a ruby ​​on your finger there will be no time to relax. The stone will add the missing energy, help to define and form goals and immediately begin to act - what could be better. Ruby contributes to personal development, career growth, expansion of its spheres of influence, which is also interesting for Leo, and also helps to attract the attention of its owner to the powers that be. All the qualities of a ruby ​​are especially favorable for Leo and are perfectly combined with his energies.

ruby for

Ruby - very good for Virgo. Thanks to its healing influence, people of this sign can succeed in the most daring projects. Inspiration for creation, a powerful stream of a positive beginning will merge with the practicality and administrative abilities of the Virgo, activates his analytical abilities and talent to take into account all the details of the case. Instead of the usual attitude to get what you want through savings and exertion, through budget cuts and finding levers of influence on the right people, Virgo will be able to “throw off the shackles” and take a deep breath, learn to think in larger categories and see the situation as a whole, and not its individual fragments. Such an expanded vision can change the whole habitual life of people of this sign, communicating a healthy perception of everything that happens around.

ruby for

Ruby gives dynamics, strengthens vitality, promotes the development of determination, neutralizes laziness. But, first you need to decide whether Libra needs this very determination and whether some timidity and some kind of inhibition are connected with them, and even the same indecision with the desire to first simply understand everything, realize, accept, balance in oneself and only then act? In general, if Libra is “ready” to receive the energy of a ruby: if they are not shy and generally balanced, they know how to take responsibility and clearly know what they want, then it is worth buying a stone to enhance the dynamics in your life. If Libra doubts everything, and in themselves, then the ruby ​​can bring even more disharmony and difficulties into their life, more impulsive rash acts that a person will regret committing.

ruby for

Ruby will have a beneficial effect on Scorpio if the latter is ready to move forward, to expand connections and relationships. Particularly in demand for people of this sign will be the general mood of optimism that the ruby ​​spreads. Along with optimism comes the energy of creation, healthy external activity and further development, progress towards the intended goals with enthusiasm. Ruby can be a good talisman for Scorpio if he is ready to change, and most Scorpios are ready for the most desperate experiments with themselves. In this case, the experiment must be successful, because it promises a lot of energy for realization and joyful perception of the world.

ruby for

Ruby for Sagittarius is a kind of lucky ticket to a happy and prosperous future. The stone goes well with the qualities of Sagittarius and will enhance them. Rubin will help to cope with the most serious cases that require direct personal involvement and personal responsibility. Sagittarius, not burdened with some super tasks, should take a closer look at the ruby. Ruby will help people who are weakened, who have lost faith in themselves and a sense of justice, to recover, but this is about something else. When there is too much energy, and the possibilities and desire to apply this energy somewhere are not enough, a state of overheating may occur and it will be difficult for a person to cope with an overexcited state. If there is a feeling of “overkill” and the proximity of euphoria, then it is better to remove the ruby ​​and not put it on at all for some time in order to observe yourself. And then adjust the wearing as necessary.

ruby for

For Capricorn, a ruby ​​promises well-adjusted and timely actions. With the help of a stone, he will be able to use exactly as much of his strength as necessary for the cause - no more, no less. In other words, the consumption of active energy of action in Capricorns will become even more orderly and purposeful. So, Capricorns will be able to get what they want with minimal costs. Ruby will simplify, correct, and help Capricorns better organize themselves in order to put their plans into practice and implement their projects faster and with the best results. Capricorns, like air, need this most joyful and comprehensive state of unity with the world and people, acceptance of life in all its manifestations with a positive attitude, and other beneficial effects of the stone.

ruby for

People of this zodiac sign can be very ambiguous about the ruby. Most Aquarians may not like a ruby ​​at all, and it’s not that Aquarius doesn’t need positive and material wealth, but simply internally, people of this sign may not feel the desire to wear a ruby, may not experience cravings and interest in a stone, and therefore their “friendship” may simply not happen, because they may simply "not meet". Aquarians, who are eager to acquire a ruby ​​and wear it, can pay attention to such features as increased vitality, a surge of vitality, strengthening physical health and leveling the psychological state during periods of depression and crises. Ruby is really able to influence Aquarius in the most beneficial way, tormented by the search for the meaning of life, dissatisfaction with the living conditions in which he is, and so on and so forth. The stone is strong in its ability to transform life energy, make it warmer and friendlier, more human, more open and pleasant, always in a positive way and without distortions, which is especially valuable for Aquarius.

ruby for

The fullness of strength and cheerfulness is the very thing that it is desirable to acquire Pisces and the ruby ​​will contribute to this in every possible way. The stone eliminates lethargy, timidity and pessimism, and these "life partners" of Pisces bring a lot of disappointment due to many collapsed hopes. The sensitivity and emotionality of Pisces distracts them from the implementation of the most daring and simply desirable, interesting projects. All the forces are spent on preparatory work, and many Pisces never reach the real deal, and this is sad not only for the Pisces themselves, but also for those around them who are trying to cheer up and support the people of this sign. They really do not have enough strength, and in this context, the "fiery breath" of a ruby ​​\u200b\u200bmay come in handy. Ruby will restore optimism, strengthen physical form, conduct and deliver vital energy, it remains only to use all these benefits, so to speak, for the benefit of yourself, others and the world as a whole.

Ruby - the magical properties of the stone

What is Ruby? It is a mineral belonging to corundum. Corundums of red shades are Rubies, and blue ones are Sapphires. High density, and hence strength, is second only to diamond, as is the cost.

How much a ruby ​​costs on the world market is an ambiguous question, since each has its own transparency, shade. The price of five or six carats of high quality, on average, is about one million dollars. For a carat, on average, fifty thousand dollars will be asked - the amount is quite large, given that 1 carat is equal to 0.2 grams.

Corundum is most often found from 15 carats, and is sold whole. The main buyers are millionaires from Arab countries. “Ruby is the cost of your desires, as it fulfills them,” they say in the East.

Red has been considered a symbol of love, wealth and power for centuries. The color of the ruby ​​is from light to deep purple. He is the real king of stones. In Rome, Greece and India, he has always been a stone of kings, an amulet for power and personal happiness. Crowns and diadems, robes of patriarchs are decorated with crystals.

He truly possesses magic, and is suitable only for those who possess sufficient knowledge and power.

The fiery colors of the stone symbolize life, blood and sincerity, the crooked cracks of real crystals do not play in the sun - they look like frozen bruises.

It has the characteristics that should be inherent in its owner:

  • Sincerity and transparency;
  • Strength and rigidity;
  • Strength and inner purity;
  • Confidence and serenity.

At all times, similar qualities were valued in stone, as in man. The value of a person, like the price of a stone, depended on their transparency, individuality, strength and character. The stone is often compared to the soul of a person with pure thoughts.

Who is Ruby best for? People with an open heart, without unnecessary commercialism, rich spiritually. A person with an inner moral core will be able to possess the Ruby and use all its power. The size in carats and grams is not important, the shade does not matter - it will become the strongest amulet for a whole nature.

If you are unsure of yourself, but really want sincere, and most importantly - mutual love, blood-colored stones like a ruby ​​will give you strength for this. Young people who are unsure of their strengths and feelings cannot wear it, because the mineral will be stronger than them - this makes the person even weaker.

It will not work also because the love energy in them always struggles with a sense of benefit. Internal discord caused by magical properties will be provided.

Taurus, thanks to the ruby ​​will become sincere and softer

According to the sign of the zodiac, this sign is a real stone statue: cold calculation, sobriety of thought. He avoids quantity in favor of quality. If he wants to change, to dilute his coldness, it will not be important for him how much a carat of a ruby ​​costs.

Taurus suits red stones, and he does not think about their price. If a woman gives her husband - Taurus a burgundy ruby, she will not regret a single gram. This is a gift for yourself, as the husband will become much more tender and attentive. They are most suitable for signs whose activity in creativity and science interferes with their personal lives. The ruby ​​itself and the properties of this gem will emphasize openness and natural talents in the owner.

Video: History and mining of the gem

There are a lot of gems. All of them are unique, have their own special properties and qualities. And in this article we will consider such a stone as ruby. It is considered one of the best stones of the aristocracy.

Today it is a very expensive stone and quite rare. All its value lies in transparency, color and the complete absence of any defects. One of the most common colors is bright red.

About ruby

The very first evidence of this stone appeared in the 4th century BC. The Romans valued rubies more than emeralds. Rubies were valuable in southern Asia, where they were associated with drops of Dragon's blood.

Whatever one may say, but red is associated with blood and healthy blood, respectively, and a healthy life. Therefore, during the Middle Ages, products with these stones were a cure for the worst disease of that time - the plague. Then scientists tried to create an artificial version of the stone.

There are many decorations that have historical significance, for example:

  1. Sword in the Dresden Museum. It was dug into the ground and prayers were read for victories in battles. He was crowned with fine diamonds and three rubies.
  2. There are 2 more rubies of the king of Burma, their weight was 47 and 37 carats, but they were sold for a lot of money in the 18th century. Once he had other names "carbuncle", "yahont", they are now used to refer to jewelry.

Place of Birth

Ruby can be found almost all over the world, but most often it is opaque. Therefore, it is not suitable for cutting, and, accordingly, its cost is low. All minerals that are mined in different places differ in color. Moreover, even in the same deposit, stones of different colors can be mined.

Rubies of the highest quality are mined in Burma or Myanmar. This is the oldest deposit, many even believe that stones were mined there already in the Bronze Age. Also, one of the largest deposits is in Thailand and Sri Lanka, in East Africa - Tanzania and Kenya.

In Russia, the deposits began to be used after the war. Mining is carried out in the Polar Urals, as well as in the pegmatites of the Pamirs. Usually rubies are mined together with sapphires, and only experienced gemologists can distinguish the difference. Many corundums can be found in river placers.

Physical properties of ruby

Ruby is one of the varieties.

Physical properties of ruby:

  • The red color is associated with impurities. Ruby's brother is .
  • Ruby is endowed with good hardness and is the second stone after diamond. The value of this parameter is 9 on the Moss scale.
  • Ruby of pure color is very expensive because it is rare. Also, the price of a ruby ​​is determined by shades, of which there are a lot: purple-red.
  • The cleavage is the smallest, so it is almost impossible to break it.
  • For a ruby, transparency is very important, and the higher it is, the more expensive the stone.
  • Its density is 3.97-4.05
  • Resistant to any mechanical action.

Ruby varieties and colors

The ruby ​​has its own groups, into which it is divided depending on the shade:

  1. Ruby from Burma. This stone has a very bright and rich color - red, it is the most expensive and highly valued. It is mined, of course, in Burma. Oh, covered in detail here.
  2. Ruby "Pigeon Blood". This stone is also a very expensive sample. It has a red color with a purple tint. It is extremely rare.
  3. Star ruby. The stone has an asterism effect, which is why it has such a name. It can be of any color and shade, the main thing is that this effect is present. But even in this group there is a rare specimen, this is when a twelve-pointed star is visible. This effect can be taught using mercury, but, as a rule, such stones are opaque, but if a clean one comes across, then the amount for it increases significantly.

Synthetic ruby

Due to the fact that a real ruby ​​is relatively expensive and not everyone can afford it, therefore, scientists have developed certain methods by which a synthetic version can be obtained.

Currently, you can find a lot of jewelry with artificial stones. Among all synthetically obtained stones, ruby ​​occupies the main place. It is the ruby ​​that is the very first stone obtained synthetically at an industrial level. Now in stores you can find products with an artificial ruby, and such samples have reasonable prices, but there are also copies with a real stone that have a high price.

Today there are technologies that can grow crystals very similar to real ones. But this can only be done in a specially equipped laboratory.

Ruby cost

Rubies that come from Burma are the most expensive and of very high quality. The largest ruby ​​was discovered in Burma, weighing 400 carats.

The largest ruby ​​was bought by the Sheikh Sultan of Brunei in 1995, the stone weighed 38 carats, but was not cut, its price was 5.85 million, and after processing it began to weigh 25 carats and it was sold to the sheikh for $ 12,000,000.

As a rule, well-crafted elite stones have a price from 100,000 dollars for . But they won't last long on the shelves.

The main market where you can buy rubies is Asia. In the cities of Myanmar and Rangoon, auctions are held twice a year, where stones are exhibited for further heat treatment. Also a lot of stones come to Bangkok. And the prices here are much cheaper than in Myanmar.

In Myanmar, a ruby ​​is kept, which is known to the world as the "Sun of Mogok", its weight is 1743 carats. It has been preserved in its original form. Another ruby ​​is "Navara Ruby" weighing 504.5 carats, it is square in shape.

A ruby ​​with the name "Nixon Ruby" is also known, the mass is 196 carats, it is stored in the Museum of History in Los Angeles, and in the New York Museum there is a ruby, the weight of which is 100 carats, and at the top there is a star.

These are all well-known specimens that cost fabulous money, but how is the cost of rubies determined?

But their price is determined by the following criteria:

  • Stone color.
  • The number of cracks, blackouts and bubbles.
  • Mineral weight.
  • Cut is a very important component in determining the price. Because the ratio of the upper and lower parts is important here, if the ratio of the lower to the upper is higher, then the price is higher.
  • Treatment.
  • The presence of internal inclusions.

The most famous samples are considered here, but how much does a ruby ​​cost in rubles? The price in the domestic market begins to vary from 5000-6000 rubles , everything, of course, depends on the size, weight, processing, cutting and deposit.

The magical properties of the ruby

The magical properties of this stone have been known for a very long time. According to many beliefs, it was used in the old days by magicians and sorcerers.

Rubies have the following properties:

  • Disclosure of feelings and passion in women.
  • Used as a remedy for infertility.
  • With its help, people were brought back to life, relieved of stress and negative thoughts.
  • The stone was used to return mercy to a person, increases the desire to help other people.
  • With its help, you can reveal courage, is a symbol of passion, fiery love.
  • Previously, a stone was given to a beloved by knights or aristocrats, so that its properties would awaken love in a girl.

Although the stone has many positive properties, it is at the same time a dangerous stone. Only a kind and sincere person can wear a stone, because only he cannot harm him. With the help of a stone, you can reveal all the hidden possibilities in a person.

Healing properties of ruby

Rubies red and pink have many healing properties for humans:

  • Firstly, products with this stone stabilize the rhythm of the blood, internal pressure, increase vascular tone.
  • Contribute to the cure of heart disease and stabilize the heart rate, also contribute to the rapid healing of wounds.
  • Strengthen the immune system and the tone of the body as a whole.
  • The stone helps to improve the functioning of the brain, helps to overcome depression and severe stress.
  • Ruby has the strongest radiation of energy when light is passed through it, and at this moment it plays the role of a prism.

Who is a ruby ​​for?

Let's figure out who suits the ruby, and who should not wear it. Unfortunately, the ruby ​​will not give its strength to every person and help.

This stone can be worn by people who have specific goals in life and strive to achieve them.

It helps to show the best qualities, does not tolerate if the owner has a dual character.

He is very "strict" stone If a person behaves dishonestly when achieving a goal, then he can lose everything accumulated overnight. It is unacceptable for people suffering from hemophilia, high blood pressure to wear a ruby.

It should definitely be worn by those who are engaged in physical activity, because it gives strength and energy to earn money for themselves.

Many people are interested in where you can buy a real ruby. Everything is quite simple, it is better to purchase gems in jewelry stores, because they can provide all the documents for them. Also in the jewelry store you can buy a ruby ​​ring or any other piece of jewelry.

Ruby and zodiac signs

Ruby is a chic stone, its wonderful brilliance will delight the eye and the owner will have greatness. Once upon a time, it was highly valued, even more expensive than a diamond. Its magical properties are much stronger and if it was in the hands of a worthy owner, it brings only achievements and success.

If a person does not have the desire to rule the whole world, then the stone will give him harmony, happiness and reciprocity in love. It can change its shade depending on the appearance of danger, thereby saving its owner. It has a lot of magical and healing properties that can protect against many diseases and ailments. But if the stone is in the hands of a cruel person, it makes his bad sides stronger, which can turn him into a real monster.

So, ruby ​​properties for zodiac signs:

  • If a person by zodiac sign, then the ruby ​​will give him confidence, new bright shades in life and bring harmony in everything to it. Products with it are able to awaken creativity. If a woman wears a stone, then she will receive a very strong attraction. With its help, perhaps, it will control bouts of anger, and find balance. He will protect all Scorpios.
  • Ruby is a talisman for Leo. If people under this sign wear jewelry with rubies, then it will help to achieve goals and success, it makes character traits, strength, and energy given by nature stronger. Girls of this zodiac sign, when using a stone, become more interesting and gain success in love.
  • Capricorn, using a stone, will have protection from diseases, natural disasters, poisoning. If this stone was presented to a woman, then it will bring good luck, vitality, happiness. All Capricorns who wear this stone will be pursued by good luck, bypassing dangerous and difficult situations. He will help men to gain determination and reach unprecedented heights.
  • Ruby suits Pisces. People are practical and reasonable. With its help, a person will comprehend philosophical principles and find answers to all questions. This stone can help overcome all difficulties and achieve success.
  • Aries. The ruby ​​affects them very strongly and is the strongest amulet. With its help, a person will be able to replenish the spent energy. It will bring good luck, new business success, and will also allow you to become simply invulnerable to enemies. If a woman is jealous, but wears jewelry with a ruby, then he will learn to trust and drive away all bad and obsessive thoughts.
  • Ruby will be a great helper for Aquarius. It will help bring creative plans and ideas to life, as well as provide support in building relationships with people. He will give them glory and recognition.
  • Also, the stone has an impact on Sagittarius. It helps them to strengthen the nervous system and overcome depression and stress. He bestows fidelity and mutual understanding in love, good luck in financial matters. protect from slander and slander.
  • Geminis are also allowed to wear a ruby. He will protect them from ailments, and add restraint, degree and prudence, the ruby ​​suits Gemini very well.

Who shouldn't wear a ruby?

Many people think that the stone cannot be worn by Virgos.

So, it should not be worn by evil people, because it will enhance their negative traits. If a person suffers from high blood pressure and hemophilia, then the stone also does not need to be used.

The stone is very strong, so you should not wear it all day, as it will take energy when worn for a long time.

Before you start wearing a stone, you should first stroke it - a kind of greeting. And so the stone suits many signs of the zodiac and has very strong properties.

In addition to its usefulness, the ruby ​​is a very beautiful and unusual stone. Due to its properties, it is in constant demand and is under the scrutiny of astrologers, and even ordinary customers.

When choosing jewelry with this stone, you need to weigh all the pros and cons, to understand its properties and qualities.