Wedding dresses for plump girls. How to choose a wedding dress for a full girl: tips for brides

Now most couples try to pay great attention to the choice of a photographer in order to get bright and colorful photos. At the same time, curvaceous brides want to look a little slimmer in the photo, which is not always possible. Therefore, photos of wedding dresses for full ones require special skill from the photographer.

Of course, you can correct all the flaws with the help of Photoshop. However, it is better that the photographer chooses in advance exactly those angles in which the bride will look most attractive. A few simple tips will help you get good shots without processing photos in technical editors.

Photography Secrets

Everyone who has ever encountered photography knows that the camera in most cases visually adds extra weight to a person. It is clear that thin brides are not particularly worried about this, which cannot be said about girls with magnificent forms. Therefore, experienced photographers advise such brides to turn 40-50% in relation to the camera.

This is especially true for full-length photos. In this case, it is best to keep your head so that it is directed directly to the camera lens. In addition, the effect of harmony can be achieved by bringing one leg forward. In this case, it is better to transfer the weight to the leg located behind.

Photos in wedding dresses for full ones should be done so that the bride is not in the center of the frame, but a little to the side. This is what you need to ask the wedding operator. This is due to the fact that the person in the center of the frame always seems fatter.

What outfits should be avoided?

In order to get the best wedding photos of a curvaceous bride, you need to choose the right wedding attire. So, experts advise not to wear lush outfits made from heavy fabrics. It is best for the plump bride to wear a light and airy dress for the wedding. Such a model should not be too tight so as not to focus on problem areas of the body.

At the same time, you can opt for a model that is complemented by a chic scarf, shawl or cape. With the help of these elements, you can beat the image of the bride in the best possible light. At the same time, it is important not only to hide the possible flaws of the figure, but also to emphasize the advantages. For example, large breasts are the dream of many girls, so why not choose a dress that will make the right accent on it? A model with a corset is perfect, which will tighten the waist a little and lift the chest, making it even more beautiful.

Empire style dress is an option, in principle, a win-win. Firstly, if the model is sewn from high-quality fabrics, then it will simply flow over the body, creating a slender, delicate silhouette. Secondly, it is possible to focus on the chest, beautiful neck, collarbones and arms.

When choosing a wedding bouquet, it is best to give preference to a massive version with large flowers. In this case, peonies, roses or tulips will be an excellent choice. But the main thing, no doubt, is that the style and color of the bouquet should be combined with the bride's outfit.

On one of the most memorable and solemn days in a woman's life wedding dresses for fat will help her look irresistible, luxurious and delightful, as a real bride should be. They are created specifically for girls with a non-standard figure and therefore they take into account everything necessary to hide all her flaws.

Wedding dresses for fat people: style

To feel attractive, feel comfortable and free throughout the entire wedding celebration, you must choose a dress that you liked at first sight. After all, a very important guarantee of success is that the girl, first of all, loves herself in this outfit, this will give her confidence in her irresistibility, and then everyone else will also look at her with admiration. When choosing a dress, do not be shy about your size, just consider the features of your physique, which the selected model should match. Take care of buying a wedding dress in advance so that this process takes place without haste and you have enough time to visit several wedding salons where you can view and try on many dresses and choose the most suitable style.

When choosing a suitable wedding dress model for fat people, consider some tips that are suggested by stylists and tested in practice:

  • With evenly distributed fullness, the figure looks proportional, and you can opt for a semi-fitting model that defines the waist. Thanks to this style, the figure will seem more elegant.
  • A very popular style of wedding dress among women with a large figure is the A-line cut, which implies a flared skirt and a corset. The lacing will allow you to fit it exactly to size, without tightening it too much, so that ugly folds do not appear, which will only emphasize excessive fullness.
  • Wedding dresses for fat women with full skirts. When choosing such a model, it should be borne in mind that the too lush lower part of the dress not only hides full hips well, but also emphasizes the fullness of the arms and upper body. Therefore, if you decide on such a style, as an accessory to it, you can use a light cape or a wide scarf that will cover thick arms and shoulders.

One of the most relevant for overweight women are dresses with a high waist. Lightweight fabrics used for sewing wedding dresses drape beautifully and the folds that form under the bust line hide the fullness of the abdomen and hips. In general, dresses with a waist line that is exactly in line with the natural line should be avoided, as this draws attention to the middle part of the body.

The ideal length of dresses for a wedding celebration, which should be preferred by fat girls, maxi. In such a dress, the bride will look more slender, it will cover too full knees and calves.

As decorative elements that allow you to divert attention from problem areas, you can use a flower or a brooch in the neckline, located on the side, or a bow on the side at the waist. This shifts attention away from problem areas.
Overweight girls are not recommended to choose wedding dresses made of shiny fabrics. It is better to give preference to matte textures, such as lace, chiffon, which create a lighter look, hiding excess volume. Stylists do not advise fat women to choose dresses with thin straps for a wedding celebration. A more harmonious look will turn out in a dress with wide straps and sleeves.

Choosing the right dress that will outshine your friends in is not an easy task, regardless of the type of figure, but it can be especially difficult for overweight girls to find the right style. Do not despair! The ideal of female beauty over the past centuries has had time to radically change many times., and the thin, tall fashion models that are popular today would not have aroused any enthusiasm in the time of Rubens or in Ancient Rus'. So you can look your best with any volume, the main thing is to choose the right style, emphasizing the advantages and hiding the flaws.

Excess weight is distributed throughout the female body in different ways, so it is necessary to take into account the type of figure, and also remember about common problems for plus-size girls:

  • voluminous belly;
  • rollers on the sides and back;
  • full hands;
  • cellulite.

The magnificent figure also has its own advantages - an impressive bust and hips, to which attention should be drawn. In addition, you personally may have beautiful legs or shoulders - they should not be hidden either. The main thing is to align the proportions, and then any figure will look good:

  • Apple body type has a very wide waist, equally lush hips and bust. Such beauties are most suitable and - subject to slender legs - you can try on shortened models;
  • "Rectangle"(owners of a not too pronounced waist) a corset or a sheath dress will help - they will add femininity and the necessary seductive curves to the image;
  • "Pear"(young ladies, whose chic hips are superior in volume to the bust), the A-silhouette is well suited. He will switch attention from a too massive bottom to a beautiful neckline;
  • "Hourglass"- a figure with approximately the same size of the hips and bust with a pronounced waist. Such brides are very lucky: with slimming underwear they can afford a wide variety of styles, but sheath dresses and look especially good;
  • "Inverted Triangle" For young ladies whose shoulders are wider than the hips, a silhouette with a high waist, expanding downwards, comes to the rescue. So that the shoulders do not seem too massive, it is better to choose a sharp V-neckline and wide straps.

If you are short, you should look at dresses just below the knee. Tall brides can afford a train and vary the length of the skirt - it all depends solely on the desire and attractiveness of the legs. If you have something to brag about, why not?

For owners of wide and full shoulders, it is better to choose a sharp V-neck. With a long neck, a high collar is also acceptable. On the contrary, with narrow shoulders and a short neck, we advise you to take a closer look at the boat neckline.

Important! Full brides should be careful with horizontal folds, they visually expand the figure, but diagonal and vertical lines, including contrasting color inserts, are your friends and helpers.

From a bustier dress that simultaneously reveals arms and shoulders, it is also better for plump women to refuse., except for the case when you have a slender top and imperfections have accumulated exclusively in the waist and hips.

The idea of ​​buying a couple of sizes down and going on a starvation diet is dangerous. The already nervous time of organizing a celebration will require a lot of physical and moral strength from you, in addition, you may not have time to lose the right amount of kilograms. It is much easier and cheaper to sew a dress in than to enlarge it, so we recommend it.

No part of the outfit should cut hard into the body. Firstly, you will be uncomfortable, and you will be in a wedding dress all day. Secondly, the fat fold over the tight-fitting tissue looks extremely sloppy. She does not hide, but, on the contrary, emphasizes excess weight. Straps, if any, must also be wide.

If the catalogs of salons are full of extremely thin models, on which any style fits differently than on you, we advise you to pay attention to the portfolio of good wedding photographers. Among the pictures, there are bound to be brides with similar proportions, and in their example it is much easier to see what suits and does not suit your type of figure, which then makes a choice.


Brides with curvaceous shapes are best suited matte materials, both dense and flowing - chiffon, crepe, medium-sized lace.

What should be avoided are shiny fabrics such as satin, organza, taffeta. They greatly expand the silhouette, make it massive. You should not use thin knitwear, too tightly fitting and also translucent in the most unexpected places.

The fabric that hides the most problematic areas must be sufficiently dense, because the fat fold peeking out from under the delicate embroidery is not at all what you want to notice in the photographs after the celebration.


Is white always fat? Not necessarily. It depends on the type of fabric, cut and accessories, so plump brides, depending on their preferences, can choose both snow-white and more delicate pastel shades. Overweight ladies should pay attention to cold shades, they, like dark ones, visually reduce the volume.

We must not forget about the color type:

  • For fair skin and dark hair suitable snow-white, silver-gray, cold pink;
  • Red-haired ladies with dark eyes they will look wonderful in shades of ivory or champagne, cream color and, if you want to add color, lilac;
  • "Cold" gray-eyed blondes look great in shades of gray. A blue wedding dress is also perfect for them;
  • Swarthy brunettes can afford creamy shades, as well as red and golden;
  • Brown-haired women with gray eyes an outfit in greenish, plum and milky tones is wonderfully suitable.

Red - the color of passion and courage, is gaining more and more popularity, it is better to choose a darker and colder undertone. Burgundy dresses look interesting - dark and visually reducing the volume.

A black wedding dress will suit a very brave girl not afraid to challenge public opinion. This outfit is very slim and looks elegant. It is extremely unusual, and you will definitely be remembered as a girl with an outstanding taste.

Advice! If you prefer something brighter, then it is better for full girls to choose cold pure shades. Blue, turquoise, purple, green will distinguish you from the mass of snow-white brides and emphasize taste and extravagance.

If you want an unexpected color, but you are not ready to radically deviate from the traditional bridesmaid costume, then dresses with color inserts will come to the rescue. Vertical or diagonal bright bursts will only make you slimmer, besides, they will revive the image.


There are no restrictions for tall ladies, the main rule is to open what you want to open. Full legs but beautiful ankles? Let elegant shoes playfully peek out from under the dress. Are your legs proportional and are you proud of them? A midi skirt is your option.


- a classic, perfect for plus-size girls. The main thing is to avoid overly puffy skirts., as they will reload the image. At the same time, if you can boast of beautiful legs, then it is quite acceptable to choose slightly shortened models.


Full ladies should still avoid ultramini, but the length just below the knee is a great option. It is also worth taking a closer look at the cascading skirts. They will allow you to open beautiful legs, but at the same time they will not make the bottom heavier, in addition, they will create additional vertical lines that narrow the figure.

It is better for short brides to choose just shortened models and high heels. so they look taller. If, with modest growth, you still want a floor-length dress, then a flowing silhouette and a V-shaped neckline will come to the rescue.

What models are suitable for magnificent brides - photos, tips

Corset, A-line & A-Line

Corset size is a good option for curvaceous. It will allow you to slightly reduce the waist and emphasize the chic bust with a gentle line of the shoulders.

The main thing to remember when choosing such a dress is that you are not in the eighteenth century, and fainting at a wedding is not at all a trend. This means that you should not pull too hard - you will have to move and talk a lot, and for this it is better to feel comfortable and breathe deeply, and the visually tightened top does not look too beautiful. It is better to purchase a corset with some margin for tightening: it will look much better.

A-line, one-piece dresses that expand downwards are the best friend for girls with a pear-shaped figure. The open top draws attention to the beautiful neckline, the loose skirt emphasizes the waist and hides the stomach and hips.

It is better to choose models with a sleeve or wide straps., however, if you have rather graceful shoulders, you can swing at a bustier or a sweetheart neckline.

Empire and Greek style

The main salvation for pregnant brides, as well as owners of an apple-shaped figure. The gentle, romantic cut of the empire dress, reminiscent of Natasha Rostova, will shift the focus to the chest and face, hiding all the extra roundness below.

The skirt can be either long, to the floor, or shortened, or asymmetrical, short in front and falling with soft folds in the back.

Allows you to expertly drape whatever you want to hide, so you can easily transform into a true antique goddess. In addition, pleats will help - vertical folds stretch the figure and make it narrower and taller.

Mermaid's tail

It is believed that this style is suitable only for girls of model appearance, but this is not so. If you have an hourglass figure type and are tall, then this option is quite affordable for you. The mermaid silhouette gives any bride a veil of mystery and aristocracy. In such a figure dress you will look luxurious.

Advice! Skirt flares should start from mid-thigh. But the “fishtail” from the knee should be avoided: in this model, the hips seem much wider.

Under this model it is worth wearing slimming underwear so that no folds disturb the harmony of the silhouette. If the hips are still larger than the chest, a push-up bra will come to the rescue.

Simple sheath dresses

One of the most classic and elegant styles, emphasizing the impeccable taste of the bride who chose it. This model is good for full girls with a “rectangle” type of figure, however, other plump women may also like it and fit their figure.

If there are no problems with the ankles and feet, then it is better to choose a length just below the knee. So your image will seem the most proportional and harmonious.

A variety of decor is allowed in the “case”, but remember the danger of sequins, horizontal lines and an abundance of large accessories - all this will inevitably make you fat.

With train

The train is the very element of the outfit that will turn you into a real queen. It looks best on tall brides, however, short ones, if they have not too massive hips, can afford this regal accessory. The train can be made from the same fabric as the main dress, or from a more airy one.(chiffon, lace, etc.).

The main disadvantage of this style is the dependence on weather conditions. After all, the fabric in any case will slide on the ground, which means that dirt, snow and dust can ruin it. In addition, those around, and the bride herself, should be very careful where they step, so as not to accidentally tear the delicate fabric.

Dancing with a train is also difficult, but detachable accessories in the form of a bustle will come to the rescue. In this case, you can remove the train during walks and return it to its place at the most solemn moments of the ceremony and during the photo shoot.


Lush beauties should not choose entirely. They visually increase the volume. However, individual openwork elements will not only not spoil, but also decorate your dress, especially if you use diagonal and vertical lines that narrow the silhouette.

Lace is better to choose a medium size, too small or large pattern increase the volume. Openwork inserts look especially beautiful if they cover the neckline, shoulders or neckline with them.

It is worth paying attention to the lace of a contrasting color - gold, red or even black. A bright accent, if there is one, will enliven any image and help divert attention from imperfections.


Idea! If you fundamentally do not want a dress with sleeves, then a bolero, a shawl or an elegant jacket will come to the rescue. These things will come in handy if you want to attend a wedding ceremony that does not allow the bride to have bare shoulders and arms.

Many young ladies prefer a sleeveless wedding dress, however this cunning detail of the costume helps to correct many imperfections of the figure and looks chic.

Puff sleeves or short wings are not the best option. They make the shoulders much wider. Where better for full beauties fit straight translucent sleeves made of chiffon or lace or "bells" made of flying fabric, expanding from the shoulder.

Models look very gentle and at the same time - open shoulders and a deep neckline. This style, at the same time romantic and flirtatious, will divert attention from any excesses around the waist.

  • Do not get carried away with lush and large details.- frills, ribbons, bows. In large quantities, they will cause irreparable damage to the image. At the same time, a single large bow can be a fresh solution that will add zest to the outfit;
  • Avoid puffy skirts and crinolines;
  • We choose vertical and diagonal lines in the decor and seams and refuse horizontal ones;
  • Stiletto heels will not only make you taller, but also stretch your legs and silhouette as a whole;
  • The dress should not only fit you, but also like it, because this is your day!

Useful video

A wedding dress is the attribute of clothing that is necessary for any girl. If you have magnificent forms, this does not mean that you should give up the pleasure of flaunting in a beautiful and luxurious dress, and the video will help you choose:


Lush forms are not a reason to limit yourself in choosing two or three styles. A variety of models can look great on curvy girls, from A-silhouette or empire to the “mermaid tail”. The main thing is that the dress should be in shape and in size. Skillfully hiding flaws and emphasizing advantages, following intuition and remembering a sense of proportion, any bride will turn into a girl confident in her own splendor who will become a queen at her own wedding.

Dear plump ladies, finally stop worrying about your luxurious shapes and size with a few X's! Take a look at the paintings of Rubens - then ladies above average fatness were considered the ideal of beauty! True, since then this ideal has shrunk somewhat in size, but remember: men hugging you want to feel your softness and tenderness, not only in the spiritual, but also in the physical sense.

This, of course, does not mean that you can not leave the refrigerator and do nothing to get rid of extra pounds. But diets, physical activity and other more or less strict measures for weight loss are the subject of a separate discussion, but we will deal with the most important (after choosing a life partner) issue in the life of every woman - the choice of a wedding dress.

In fact, most girls solve this issue starting from kindergarten, but by the time they get married, they grow up - both the girls and their volumes, and the choice has to be limited taking into account the characteristics of the figure.

By the way, do not count on losing 5 kg in a couple of weeks. Choose a dress that fits your figure so that it does not sting anywhere and does not form folds on the sides and on the stomach.

Choose by shape

Stand in front of a mirror and take a critical (but not too!) look at your figure. Surely she has advantages: beautiful shoulders, magnificent breasts, a noticeable difference in volume between the waist and hips (hourglass type).

Many full girls generally have beautiful figures, only larger than we would like, in size. But the critical moments are accumulations of fat on the abdomen and thighs, as well as fat rollers on the sides and back.

Based on this, our tactics will be simple. We emphasize the advantages, we mask the shortcomings, and as a result we create the image of a blooming, full of life bride.


Although it is believed that the “mermaid” style is only suitable for an ideal figure, quite full girls who have a pronounced difference in volume between the waist and hips and no stomach can also afford it.

The only thing worth paying attention to is that the “mermaid tail” must necessarily start no higher than from the middle of the thigh in order to create the desired proportions. A large chest for this style is only a virtue, but if it is not there, then a competent cut of the bodice will help compensate for this shortcoming.

Empire (Greek style)

Remember the first ball of Natasha Rostova? This is the Empire style, or Greek. A dress with a high waist visually lengthens the figure, makes it slimmer. In this case, the emphasis is on the upper part - shoulders, chest, and problem areas (stomach, waist, hips) remain hidden. The lace, embroidered, richly embellished bodice and hemline, flowing in beautifully draped folds or flowing waves, create an unusually attractive and feminine look.

In general, the Empire style provides ample opportunities for choosing fabrics of any type:

  • heavy falling satin;
  • flowing silk;
  • airy chiffon;
  • lace fabric. A dress in the Greek style, made of openwork, looks very elegant.

Pleated looks especially impressive. Vertical folds slim, and the play of light in them gives the image a special romance. By the way, Greek-style dresses are considered ideal for pregnant brides - they are comfortable to wear, do not hinder movement and are much more comfortable than fitted models.

A-line (trapeze)

This style is characterized by a one-piece cut, an accentuated (but not detachable) waist line and a hem that gradually widens downwards, which successfully hides too wide hips (pear-shaped body type) and full legs. As a rule, vertical seams are made in relief, which gives the figure harmony.

The top can be anything:

  • closed;
  • with bare shoulders;
  • with a large neckline.

It depends on your taste and features of the figure. Even with full arms, you can make a large neckline that will emphasize the chest. If you prefer a more chaste style, then this neckline can be covered with an insert of lace or translucent fabric embroidered with pearls, beads, etc.

Unlike the “princess” style beloved by all girls, the skirt here is not gathered at the waist, but flows from the top down, gradually expanding downwards. Here, both heavy fabrics, softly falling with folds, and light ones, with the help of which a spectacular drapery is created, are appropriate.

Short dress

Most full brides prefer long dresses that emphasize the originality and solemnity of the event. Recently, however, short dresses have become more and more popular, especially among the owners of beautiful slender legs that they want to demonstrate.

Naturally, a short dress does not imply a mini, which, even with long slender legs, will emphasize the fullness of the torso. We are talking about dresses that are knee-length or slightly lower. Short dresses with a cascading bottom look very impressive - knee-deep in front, gradually lengthening and forming beautiful folds. This is a great option for summer.

Dresses with a train

Models with a long, light train give the image of the bride a regal majesty, but they also create a lot of problems, because the train actually drags along the ground and inevitably gets dirty (however, this is a problem with any long dress).

In a dress with a train, the bride needs to move very carefully, and those around her should keep their distance so as not to inadvertently step on the train, and it is unlikely that they will be able to dance in such a dress.

However, ingenious fashion designers came up with the design of a train for a wedding dress, in which it is made in the form of a removable bustle and is attached to the dress at the back from above or below with the help of special loops, so that it can be assembled, thereby shortening it to the length of the dress.

Full brides should take into account that such a train significantly “weights” the rear view and emphasizes wide hips. However, the train can be dissolved at the most significant moments (a ceremony at the registry office, a photo session), and then simply unfastened and removed.

Dress with gathered hem

This is a rather rare option, it looks very original, but it is recommended for girls with slender legs and a full, but good figure. Here the main focus is on the skirt and legs. In addition, a lush hem with a bottom, decorated with folds, distracts attention from overly full hips.

Features of choosing a dress with a corset

You have to be warned right now! Do not try to tighten into tight corsets to appear thinner. Remember that you will have to spend the whole day in a wedding dress, walk, sit, dance, and just breathe, and because of a corset that is too tight and pinched blood vessels, you can faint, as ladies fell in the 19th century. It is better to use slimming underwear, which will somewhat mask the fat rollers, but will not hold you down like a shell.

But if you have beautiful shoulders, and you want to demonstrate them, then you can’t do without a corset - only with its help you will be able to reliably support your chest. The corset should be chosen strictly in size, not smaller, otherwise its lacing will constantly diverge, only emphasizing what you hoped to hide.

We emphasize magnificent forms

Who said curvaceous is a disadvantage? Most men are unlikely to agree with this, and in some Eastern countries no one will even look at a woman weighing less than 90 kg. But we are not in the East, and because it is necessary, we will emphasize, and what is not necessary, we will mask.

Lush breasts, lush hips are, of course, advantages, and it is not a sin to emphasize them with a large neckline or a smooth cut line that emphasizes the curve of the hip. But you can’t say “lush” about the stomach, only “big”, but with a thoughtful choice of style and cut, it can be quite successfully hidden. The main principle of such a disguise is to divert attention to the beautifully decorated top or bottom of the wedding dress.

Color palette

White color, traditional for a wedding dress, has a lot of shades. For full brides, dresses of not snow-white color, but pearl, milky, smoky, cream, ivory are more suitable. However, many couturiers in their collections generally refuse the white color of a wedding dress, preferring delicate pastel tones of other colors.

It is generally accepted that white makes you fat, but with the right choice of fabric and additions in the form of a colored bow or flower at the waist and the use of other design techniques, a white wedding dress will also decorate a plump bride. The main rule for full brides is to avoid shiny fabrics that will only emphasize your roundness.

Choosing a wedding dress by color type

If we take into account our color type when choosing casual clothes, then why not do this with such a responsible choice as a wedding dress? There are quite a few options here:

  1. For the "winter" color type, in which white skin is combined with dark hair, pure white, pale pink and silver gray shades are suitable.
  2. Dark-skinned brunettes will look chic in a red wedding dress - such an original solution has gained considerable popularity in recent years.
  3. For a gray-eyed brown-haired woman, milky shades of white, delicate greenish and plum shades are suitable, but for a red-haired woman - white and cream.
  4. Blondes with light eyes (the so-called "cold blond") are better to give preference to white, blue and pearl gray shades.

Not all girls correspond to the advertising image of a model with ideal parameters. Most have features of the figure - lush hips, broad shoulders, fullness. But they all want to look amazing on their wedding day. Wedding dresses for obese girls are specially designed so that a curvaceous young lady can feel elegant and beautiful at the celebration.

The choice of style according to the type of figure of the bride

Having studied the features of your physique, you can easily find the perfect style:

  • Full ladies with a proportional hourglass figure can even afford such a luxury as the mermaid model. Almost any style will suit them, the only thing to avoid is thin straps. Not profitable and a straight cut.
  • For those with an apple-shaped body, look out for A-line cuts, empire dresses, ball gowns with corsets and voluminous skirts and cowl collars to help balance wide shoulders and narrow hips.
  • For a “rectangle” figure, outfits that make the waist thinner are suitable - Greek style, asymmetrical cut.
  • The pear body type will look great if you choose an A-line style for it. A one-shoulder strap will visually make the shoulders wider.

See the video for holiday outfit ideas:

long or short

If with magnificent forms you have slender legs, beautiful breasts, then you can safely wear a short outfit that emphasizes all your advantages. Otherwise, it is better to choose a long model, which will add sophistication and charm to the image. It is important not to overdo it with the length, because it is often the first impression of the dress.

Fluffy dress with a corset

Wedding dresses for stylish full girls with a corset will allow you to achieve the harmony of the wedding dress - the top will become narrower thanks to the tight corset, and the trapezoid skirt will hide the full bottom, making a real princess out of the bride. This option is suitable for tall ladies, but it will “land” the short ones, removing a few more centimeters of growth.

Greek style

A wedding dress for romantic full girls in the Greek style will ideally hide extra volumes. The highlighted bodice will help emphasize and decorate the large breasts, and the loose skirt will not burden, make the step easy. This option is also good because it adds soft femininity thanks to flowing fabric and gold or silver trim.


Light flowing fabrics of an empire wedding dress for obese girls will hide the extra size of the bride. Its comfortable cut allows you to sit comfortably along with it and gives the bride femininity and airiness. Such a dress is often sewn with an elegantly decorated belt under the bust.


Wedding A-line dress for obese girls is an elegant outfit solution. Thanks to the skirt flaring down, it will hide the problematic deposits of the lower zone, and the corsage will create the missing waistline. Advice about this style: pick up massive fabrics - they will additionally “lighten” your figure.

fish dress

The romantic style of a fish wedding dress for overweight girls should be chosen carefully. Do not forget that the upper part of the model will completely fit the body from the chest to the hips or knees. Correctly selected corrective underwear will help to hide figure flaws under the dress.

high waisted

For brides with a slightly defined waist, a wedding dress with a high waistline is suitable. Emphasizing the chest - the real dignity of full girls - it will also help to hide the roundness of the figure. This version of the outfit is ideal for future newlyweds in anticipation of a child.

With train

An outfit with a train will help the bride look not only majestic, but also visually deprive her of several kilograms. The train can be part of a wedding dress for an elegant plump girl or be fastened with a special button.


Wedding lace dresses for overweight girls look perfect with a voluminous physique. It is better to choose models decorated with medium-sized lace. Large or small - it can add extra weight. Models in the photo:


Sleeves are a beautiful decoration of the outfit, hiding the fullness of the arms. Puffy brides are best suited for graceful, airy bell sleeves, other flared options, lace, satin models.

Triple hem

Such a wedding dress for an original plump girl consists of several skirts of different lengths, where each next one is shorter than the previous one. The highlight is that the shape of the dress is slimming.

Fabric choice

Lace wedding dresses for full girls look elegant and stylish. Openwork lace will make the figure of a young lady with a magnificent figure visually slimmer. A shiny satin or silk model will help hide problems to a lesser extent, but the right cut will save the day if you like these materials. It is important not to forget about the details of the decoration of the wedding decoration, which can give the bride extra pounds - sequins, bows, rhinestones, pearls, decorative flowers.

Unusual color schemes

Designers did not stint on the unusual colors of the wedding dress - cream, lilac, green. However, the absolute leader of fashion shows is a bold red outfit that will suit girls who are confident in their own irresistibility. If you do not want a fully colored model, look at interesting options with black, red, pink embroidery. White color also does not lose its relevance.

Where and how to choose a dress?

Even if you are a sincere fan of virtual shopping, do not rely only on your intuition, because when buying an outfit in an online store, you risk miscalculating the size or style. The ideal option is to buy a suitable model in the salon, where you can try it on, evaluate your appearance. Styles of wedding dresses for girls with magnificent forms are provided in the following Moscow salons:

  • "Sharmel", Podsosensky per. e.3.
  • Madame Shiko, st. Novoslobodskaya, d.62.
  • "Wedding" st. Lisa Chaikina, d.6.
  • "Pretty woman", Olympiyskiy pr-t, 16.

When choosing a wedding dress, a "uniform" bride should pay attention to such points:

  1. Do not trust the erroneous opinion that the white color can distort the figure, giving extra centimeters. It's not about the color, the right style according to the type, features of your figure - that's where the guarantee of a beautiful wedding look is.
  2. No need to buy a dress a few sizes smaller, hoping to throw off the excess before the wedding - this is a very risky lottery. After all, if you fail to lose weight, you risk being left without an outfit on the eve of the wedding.
  3. We choose the right style. Long A-line dresses are ideal for puffy brides; they will visually stretch the silhouette, and the floor length will balance the lower and upper parts of the body.
  4. We follow the rule of proportions. Whatever size you wear, a harmonious underline of the chest, waist and hips is the key to an elegant and feminine look. Choose those models of outfits that successfully display a clear transition from the chest to the waist and hips.
  5. If you chose a dress with a corset, do not tighten it too much, leave it a little loose.
  6. A win-win option is the Greek style. Thanks to the high waist of the Greek models, you will hide the excess on the sides and stomach, focusing on the neckline and neckline.
  7. Do you have beautiful legs? Then feel free to choose short models with a two-level skirt - short in front, long in the back.

Tell us in the comments which curvy bridesmaid dresses you liked.