Tattoo crown which means a girl. What does a crown tattoo mean? Prison value of a tattoo in the form of a crown

The crown tattoo is a rather rare image, and this type of tattoo is usually chosen by people who are eager to tell the world about their desire for power. The gender of the owner of the tattoo in this case is not important: crown tattoo sketches are chosen by both powerful men and ambitious women seeking to wield power.

A stylized, cartoonish crown tattoo of a small size does not mean “a symbol of power”, but rather says that its owner feels like a princess and is waiting for a real prince on a white horse.

In the Middle Ages, only royal persons had the right to make a tattoo with the image of a crown. In England, a tattoo with the image of a crown at one time began to be done by supporters of the power of the king.

If the crown is depicted above the heart, then this is a symbol of good luck. In sketches of tattoos made in the Celtic style, there is an ornament: a heart and a crown enclosed in arms. This composition has such a meaning: the hands are true, faithful friendship, the heart is pure love, and the crown marks constancy.

A crown tattoo with three pointed teeth is a symbol of the fact that Hope, Faith and Love are significant for a person.

A sketch of a crown tattoo with precious stones symbolizes the search for the meaning of life (a cross tattoo with precious stones has exactly the same meaning). At the same time, there is no special meaning and precious stones decorating the crown tattoo.

Often, a crown tattoo is applied to the forearm - in this case, it marks the power that a person holds in his hands.

A crown tattoo is typical for tattoos of representatives of the criminal world. And in this case, it testifies to the high position of a person on the hierarchical ladder of the criminal world.

Very often, a crown tattoo is combined with an inscription in Latin script, which has a special meaning for the owner. In most cases, the inscription is made under the image of the crown, but, of course, there is no strict rule in this regard.

In some religions and cultures, the meaning of a crown tattoo is as follows - it is a symbol of divinity. The illuminating crown symbolizes the divine principle.

Latin American culture gives such a combination: the image of the crown, and under it - the name of a loved one.

In the East, a turtle with a crown on its head is a symbol of longevity and power. For Eastern culture, the image of a tattoo in the form of a crown is extremely rare.

Below are photos of crown tattoos from different masters.

To understand the meaning of the crown tattoo, you need to consider the history of the origin of the symbol itself.

Even in the distant past, high hats played a big role, they appointed a representative of the highest authority among others. Such a headdress had to be unique, for example, be made of precious metals or inlaid with a large number of precious stones. It was in the Middle Ages that the crown became an attribute indicating a person of royal blood.

Thus, the general meaning for the image of the crown is the presence of power, but within the framework of the modern world more often - yearning for more. Such a symbol in the form of a tattoo on the human body speaks of the real achievement of high goals by this person, of his superiority or his ambitions and desire to take a leading position.

The image of a golden crown speaks of any talents of the owner of such a tattoo. Also, the symbol of a religious symbol, for example, a cross, together with a crown, indicates the perception of God as the creator of all things, the master of the world, and unconditional service to him.

The image of a large number of precious stones on the crown indicates the desire of its owner for success and can be selected based on personal motives, or based on the date of birth, name or horoscope.

The most popular sketches are

The image of a crown tattoo in girls, the palms of two hands and a heart, which indicates the presence pure and devoted love or strong and the same devoted friendship. A similar symbol often becomes a sketch for paired tattoos.

A crown tattoo with three highlighted teeth (for example, pointed or, on the contrary, decorated with something) says about triplicity. The meaning can vary from "the trinity of God" to "Faith, hope, love", or take on such a meaning as "do not believe, do not be afraid, do not ask." Most often stuffed on the neck and back.

Depending on the gender of the owner, the meaning of a crown tattoo may be different. Such a tattoo is a symbol of superiority for girls and is performed in a more elegant manner as an attribute of royalty. The meaning of the symbol of the crown in this case should be understood not as “the desire for power”, but as “the love of freedom and self-will / rebellion” of the girl. Also, such an image speaks of the girl’s high demands and expectations for her “king” or “prince”. If the symbol of the crown is accompanied by an inscription constituting a male name, then this means devotion and constancy of the girl in a love relationship.

Unlike girls, for men, a crown tattoo is more an indicator of his authority and leadership / power in a certain area.

The meaning of the crown tattoo on body parts

The location of the tattoo on the body also plays a big role in determining its meaning.

The presence of a "crown" on the neck can be considered a privilege of people of "blue blood". Wearing the symbol as high as possible and close to the head speaks of status superiority. A person with such a tattoo has high self-esteem and has a habit of looking down on the people around him.

The meaning of a tattoo with a crown on the arm symbolizes "power in my hands" and is usually a kind of reminder that "you yourself are in power to make decisions."

The choice of forearm or wrist for this symbol means that the person who has filled this tattoo has everything “under control”.

But the crown on the back, located in any part of it, symbolizes the real power of its owner.

The symbol depicted on the finger indicates a person who makes decisions easily and is able to freely lead and keep everything at his disposal.

The presence of a crown tattoo on the leg can only mean the ambition of a person and his beginning of the path to power.

The location of the crown on the chest (above the heart) is a symbol of good luck.

What is the meaning and meaning of a crown tattoo

The crown tattoo is not so common, but crown tattoo meaning, deserves special attention. For many peoples, the crown is a symbol of power, power and prestige, indicating belonging to a high family. Therefore, the main meaning of the crown tattoo is a high social position in society or the desire for power. Most often, such a tattoo is chosen by self-confident and purposeful people. In addition, it must be remembered that a crown tattoo is often used in prison tattoos and indicates that its owner has great authority in the criminal world.

Tattoo crown and diamond on the back of a girl

The history of the crown tattoo

In many cultures and religions, there is a symbol of the crown. In ancient cultures, the crown testified to the divine principle and was a symbol of various gods. In ancient Greek mythology, the crown was the laurel crown of the god Apollo. In Christianity, halos of angels and saints were compared with the crown, and the crown is also associated with the crown of thorns of Jesus Christ. In Catholicism, the Virgin Mary is called the queen of heaven and is depicted with a halo resembling a crown. We know that in many countries the crown is a symbol of the monarchy, power and is present in the heraldry and attributes of countries where the monarchy existed or still exists. For example, the coat of arms of Spain depicts a lion with a crown on its head. Many monarchs wore and still wear a crown as a symbol of their power. In the Middle Ages, the image of the crown was often found on the coats of arms and armor of noble knights.

Capital letter and crown tattoo

What does a crown tattoo mean?

A tattoo in the form of a crown symbolizes the thirst for power, the desire for it, superiority over others, the desire to lead them. In addition, the crown is often depicted in combination with other items. Therefore, its meaning also depends on the composition, where the crown has superiority over other symbols depicted nearby.

  • The crown, depicted along with the heart, is often applied by lovers and means fidelity, passionate love, constancy, devotion.
  • The crown depicted above the heart symbolizes good luck, luck.
  • The crown on the turtle's head is a Korean symbol of a quiet life and longevity.
  • The Celtic bracelet, which consists of two hands holding a crown with a heart, has its own meaning. Hands - friendship, crown - fidelity, constancy, heart - passionate love.
  • The image of a small crown in a unique original style of a girl indicates her desire to stand out, to give herself an elite status.
  • Girls who want to look like princesses choose a small crown tattoo.

Crown tattoos are quite widespread in the criminal world and have a special meaning. Most often, the presence of a crown in a prisoner's tattoo indicates his high authority in prison, as well as a particularly serious crime or unwillingness to obey the laws. The crown depicted above the snake is a symbol of a thief in law or a beholder. It is usually depicted on the chest or on the shoulder. The tiger holding a crown in its paws symbolizes the desire for violence. If the crown is depicted on the back, then this means humiliation. The crown, depicted with red suit cards, indicates that its owner is a passive homosexual (mostly applied by force, for humiliation).

Whatever appearance the crown has, in any case, it is associated with power, freedom, the desire to control one's own destiny. For some people, the crown is a symbol of perseverance, determination, self-control, victory.

skull tattoo

crown tattoo on wrist

A tattoo is a fairly popular way among young people who want to stand out from the gray crowd, show their individuality by applying images to various parts of the body. To look brighter, the body is decorated with flowers, skulls, images of animals and people. A rather interesting option is a crown tattoo on the wrist, which looks very beautiful on girls. Before deciding on the choice of a tattoo, it is necessary to understand its meaning so that in the future you will not regret the chosen drawing.

What does a crown tattoo on the wrist mean?

Such an image is particularly symbolic. All over the world, the crown speaks of belonging to a high family, of the power and might of its owner. In some cultures, the king is a divine being. Thus, a tattoo in the form of a crown on the wrist, although it does not mean a high status in society, but indicates a desire for leadership.

Often, adding another pattern next to it completely changes the overall meaning of the tattoo. Eg:

  1. If you draw a heart next to it, then this will indicate the constancy of the owner of the tattoo.
  2. The crown, located on the head of a turtle, speaks of longevity and a quiet life.
  3. The image of a lion with a crown on his head is a sign of power.
  4. Decoration with skulls and diamonds speaks of the desire for wealth.

This pattern is most often preferred by the fair sex. After all, a small crown looks very cute and neat. The meaning of a tattoo with a crown pattern on a girl's wrist is special. All ladies are in the soul of a princess, and therefore, with the help of a tattoo, they want to show their uniqueness, majesty and significance of their own person. In addition, the crown can also speak of control over emotions and a high level of self-organization.

Quite often, young people combine various inscriptions with such a picture:

  • philosophical maxims;
  • names of dear people;
  • lyrics from songs.

With a little creativity, you can create a unique pattern, giving it the necessary meaning.

Examples of a crown tattoo on the wrist for girls

The main role of a tattoo is to decorate its owner, emphasize femininity, and focus on a thin brush. Therefore, such images are often applied along with hearts, flowers, birds and stars.

Tattoos placed on the wrist are also very popular, in the form of a crown, which is usually combined with letters or numbers. They can be initials, as well as numbers associated with important dates.

Tattoo "crown": the meaning of the symbol

We all know that the crown is a symbolic object of monarchy. This headdress, already at a subconscious level, evokes associations with sole and unlimited power. Therefore, today many seek to make themselves a crown tattoo, the meaning of which in most cases remains traditional and symbolizes superiority.

"Crown" on the body

The "royal" tattoo has no gender and can be stuffed both on the female and on the male body. However, the meaning changes slightly. The girl who has made herself a “crown” tattoo has the following meaning: she seeks to rise above her friends around her, informing the outside world about her “privileged” princess status, which she appropriated to herself. This is probably the way every little girl expresses her desire to become a princess, and then a queen, at a conscious age. The "crown" tattoo, the meaning of which we are considering, made by a woman, in most cases is a way of self-expression, which is designed to communicate her superiority, originality and selectivity. Girls also make crown tattoos in order to demonstrate to men their superior position and rivalry with them in all areas of life.

Tattoo "crown": meaning

All tattoos have some specific meaning, meaning. Many of them came from the prison subculture, in which tattoos serve as a kind of "marks" and can often tell much more about their owner than he does. Located on the shoulder or on the chest, the "crown", which crowns the head of a snake, betrays the thief in law, who keeps aloof among ordinary criminals and leads them. Another tattoo "crown" has the following meaning in the criminal world: a prisoner with this symbol has committed a serious crime or demonstrates his disobedience to the correctional system. For other cultures, the crown, made in the form of an illuminated symbol, has a divine meaning and personifies higher powers. Also, the crown as a tattoo is accepted in criminal circles, in particular among street thieves and hooligans. She is depicted with a tiger holding her in its paw. Such a composition produces an aggressive impression and is designed to inform others about the presence of a propensity and readiness for violence in its owner. The "crown" in the form of red card suits is inherent in homosexuals, but what they want to express with such a symbol is not exactly known to a wide circle. There is evidence that such a tattoo on people with such an orientation can be performed in a violent way.

Image of a crown

Today, a tattoo with this royal crown is done on various parts of the body: behind the ear, on the ankle, wrist, neck, shoulder, back, and so on - as fantasy and a sense of proportion allow. Girls prefer small, neat and sophisticated images, guys, of course, are more ambitious and rough. By the way, the price of a tattoo also depends on this. Someone makes a tattoo in secluded places, not wanting to advertise their love for body painting (so, for themselves), and someone, on the contrary, in prominent areas to demonstrate their originality. Often the crown is depicted in combination with other objects. This is done to emphasize their importance. For example, in Korea, the crown is depicted with a turtle, thereby emphasizing its characteristic qualities - wisdom and longevity. The crown, depicted on the left side of the chest, is considered a talisman for good luck, and on the back - a symbol of humiliation experienced. Basically, the crown is stuffed exclusively as a fashionable and iconic attribute of modern tattoo art.

What does the crown on the left hand on the wrist mean

A crown tattoo is quite rare. And different people accept the meaning of a crown tattoo in different ways.
If the crown is depicted above the heart, it symbolizes good luck.
When the crown is depicted along with other symbols, it indicates the high authority and importance of this symbol, its superiority over other symbols.
The crown is a widely used symbol in criminal tattoos. In the criminal world, the meaning of the crown tattoo is special.
If a crown is found in a prisoner's tattoo, this undoubtedly indicates that this person has a high authority in the zone.
It may indicate a particularly serious crime of the convict, or an unwillingness to succumb to correction, this is a sign of hatred for the administration and order.
The crown on the back is a sign of humiliation.
But no matter how this symbol is used in the underworld, for an ordinary person, a crown in a tattoo symbolizes power, leadership and self-control.

If earlier tattoos were considered something unusual, today they can be found on the bodies of many people. Images can be very diverse, and each of them has a certain meaning. What does a crown tattoo mean?

general information

From ancient times and at all times, the crown was considered a symbol of power, because it was worn by emperors, kings, and, in general, almost all rulers. But such headdresses were found in mythology and even religion, and they symbolized belonging to the divine world.

Angels are depicted with a halo, and it also looks like a crown. Moreover, one can draw an analogy between such an accessory and Jesus Christ with a crown of thorns on his head. And in the Middle Ages, such an image could be found on the coats of arms of knights. One way or another, the crown is something special.

Who will suit?

Who is this option for? Since the crown is often an elegant and beautiful image, such a tattoo is very suitable for a girl. But if she is depicted more brutally, then for a man the tattoo will also be relevant.

As for the character, it is advisable to choose the image of the crown for people who are self-confident, have pronounced leadership qualities, strive for power, or who want to make their lives better and improve.

Suitable body parts

Often the crown is applied on the wrist, where it looks very harmonious. This image will be appropriate on the chest or on the back, for example, between the shoulder blades or on one of them. Girls often put this pattern on the lower back. But the guys choose the forearm.

What means?

The meaning of a crown tattoo will depend, firstly, on the features of the image, and secondly, on where the drawing is located.

Here are some interpretations:

  • From a religious point of view, the crown can be considered a symbol of divinity, closeness to God, true faith.
  • If a girl makes a tattoo, and even in a conspicuous place, then by doing so she, as it were, shows the rest that she stands out among the crowd, is different from everyone else and is unique. And some of the fair sex associate such a symbol with respect, because crowns were worn by princesses and queens, whom everyone revered.
  • If the crown is depicted together with the heart and above it, then this is a symbol of good luck, happiness.
  • If the tattoo looks like a heart with a crown in two hands, then in this case the crown symbolizes fidelity, the heart is personified with love, and the hands are with true friendship.
  • The crown can be a symbol of power, might and leadership. That is, if a person makes such a tattoo, then he shows everyone that he is a real leader, and everyone should obey him.
  • If the crown is depicted on the shoulder, then in this way the image carrier shows that power will always be in his hands.
  • This drawing can be a sign of power over yourself, over your emotions and feelings. In this situation, it can symbolize sobriety of mind, composure, self-control, the ability to make informed decisions and weigh everything.
  • If the crown is next to another tattoo, then it kind of shows its importance.
  • In the criminal world, the crown means authority. For example, such tattoos are made by prisoners who have committed a particularly serious crime. And the crown over the snake is usually the hallmark of the beholder or the thief in law.
  • A turtle with a crown in Korea and some other countries is considered a symbol of calmness, longevity, and wisdom.
  • A tiger with a crown holding a skull in its paws is a symbol of marginals who seek violence and do not comply with moral standards and the rules of public order.
  • If the crown is depicted with red cards, then it may mean that the carrier of such an image is a passive homosexual. Such tattoos are usually done by force as a sign of humiliation, but have recently become less common.
  • A crown with pointed rays represents sunlight and indicates that a person has only good intentions or is marked by the sun.
  • The triple crown (as worn by the Pope) is associated with supreme power or the desire for it.
  • A headdress with divergent rays and a golden sheen means the chosenness of the owner of such a tattoo, his enlightenment. In addition, the image can symbolize the special qualities of the wearer, for example, some talents, a special mindset, and so on.
  • A skull with a crown is power, success, superiority. But such an image originated in Mexico, and there it meant that a person would certainly be lucky, but only in the next life, after the rebirth of his soul.
  • A beautiful crown with a cross usually means faith in God, observance of all religious commandments. But also this image can personify faith in one's own strengths, in the chosen path of life. And in Europe, such a drawing was considered a symbol of victory.
  • If the crown resembles a crown, then it will protect from evil spirits and the evil eye.
  • Crown with money - financial well-being.
  • In the photo, there are often crowns with inscriptions. This is proof of the importance and significance of what is written.
  • Since any ruler must be not only powerful, but also fair, the crown can also personify justice, the correctness of thoughts.
  • A crown with three pointed teeth can mean that faith, hope and love are of particular importance for a person.
  • A jeweled crown can symbolize the search for the meaning of life.
  • If a name is depicted above the crown, then this person is very important.

Consider examples and sketches, decide which meaning is closer to you, and fill the drawing with personal emotions so that it is really important to you.

If earlier tattoos were considered something unusual, today they can be found on the bodies of many people. Images can be very diverse, and each of them has a certain meaning. What does a crown tattoo mean?

From ancient times and at all times, the crown was considered a symbol of power, because it was worn by emperors, kings, and, in general, almost all rulers. But such headdresses were found in mythology and even religion, and they symbolized belonging to the divine world.

Angels are depicted with a halo, and it also looks like a crown. Moreover, one can draw an analogy between such an accessory and Jesus Christ with a crown of thorns on his head. And in the Middle Ages, such an image could be found on the coats of arms of knights. One way or another, the crown is something special.

Who will suit?

Who is this option for? Since the crown is often an elegant and beautiful image, such a tattoo is very suitable for a girl. But if she is depicted more brutally, then for a man the tattoo will also be relevant.

As for the character, it is advisable to choose the image of the crown for people who are self-confident, have pronounced leadership qualities, strive for power, or who want to make their lives better and improve.

Suitable body parts

Often the crown is applied on the wrist, where it looks very harmonious. This image will be appropriate on the chest or on the back, for example, between the shoulder blades or on one of them. Girls often put this pattern on the lower back. But the guys choose the forearm.

What means?

The meaning of a crown tattoo will depend, firstly, on the features of the image, and secondly, on where the drawing is located.

Here are some interpretations:

  • From a religious point of view, the crown can be considered a symbol of divinity, closeness to God, true faith.
  • If a girl makes a tattoo, and even in a conspicuous place, then by doing so she, as it were, shows the rest that she stands out among the crowd, is different from everyone else and is unique. And some of the fair sex associate such a symbol with respect, because crowns were worn by princesses and queens, whom everyone revered.
  • If the crown is depicted together with the heart and above it, then this is a symbol of good luck, happiness.
  • If the tattoo looks like a heart with a crown in two hands, then in this case the crown symbolizes loyalty, the heart is personified with love, and the hands are with true friendship.
  • The crown can be a symbol of power, might and leadership. That is, if a person makes such a tattoo, then he shows everyone that he is a real leader, and everyone should obey him.
  • If the crown is depicted on the shoulder, then in this way the image carrier shows that power will always be in his hands.
  • This drawing can be a sign of power over yourself, over your emotions and feelings. In this situation, it can symbolize sobriety of mind, composure, self-control, the ability to make informed decisions and weigh everything.
  • If the crown is next to another tattoo, then it kind of shows its importance.
  • In the criminal world, the crown means authority. For example, such tattoos are made by prisoners who have committed a particularly serious crime. And the crown over the snake is usually the hallmark of the beholder or the thief in law.
  • A turtle with a crown in Korea and some other countries is considered a symbol of calmness, longevity, and wisdom.
  • A tiger with a crown holding a skull in its paws is a symbol of marginal people who seek violence and do not comply with moral standards and the rules of public order.
  • If the crown is depicted with red cards, then it may mean that the carrier of such an image is a passive homosexual. Such tattoos are usually done by force as a sign of humiliation, but have recently become less common.
  • A crown with pointed rays represents sunlight and indicates that a person has only good intentions or is marked by the sun.
  • The triple crown (as worn by the Pope) is associated with supreme power or the desire for it.
  • A headdress with divergent rays and a golden sheen means the chosenness of the owner of such a tattoo, his enlightenment. In addition, the image can symbolize the special qualities of the wearer, for example, some talents, a special mindset, and so on.
  • A skull with a crown is power, success, superiority. But such an image originated in Mexico, and there it meant that a person would certainly be lucky, but only in the next life, after the rebirth of his soul.
  • A beautiful crown with a cross usually means faith in God, observance of all religious commandments. But also this image can personify faith in one's own strengths, in the chosen path of life. And in Europe, such a drawing was considered a symbol of victory.
  • If the crown resembles a crown, then it will protect from evil spirits and the evil eye.
  • Crown with money - financial well-being.
  • In the photo, there are often crowns with inscriptions. This is proof of the importance and significance of what is written.
  • Since any ruler must be not only powerful, but also fair, the crown can also personify justice, the correctness of thoughts.
  • A crown with three pointed teeth can mean that faith, hope and love are of particular importance for a person.
  • A jeweled crown can symbolize the search for the meaning of life.
  • If a name is depicted above the crown, then this person is very important.

Consider examples and sketches, decide which meaning is closer to you, and fill the drawing with personal emotions so that it is really important to you.