Themed days in the older group in winter. Conversation with children "My good deeds." Outdoor game "Ldinka"

Maltseva Oksana Yakovlevna
Themed health day in the senior group

Target: Encourage children and their parents to healthy lifestyle.

Tasks: Increase resistance to colds.

To consolidate the physical skills and abilities acquired earlier. To captivate children with sports games, physical education. Form the motor activity of children, strengthen their physical health... To consolidate the physical skills and abilities acquired earlier. To captivate children with sports games, physical education. To develop the desire in children to actively participate in the life of the kindergarten. Create conditions for physical relaxation of children.

To cultivate a habit and a need for healthy lifestyle... Arouse interest in sports and tourism, physical exercise. Raise in children the need to be healthy, do not be afraid to be treated. Foster respect for doctors. To foster good and friendly relationships in children.

* Morning exercises: "Dwarf"

Target: create a good mood in children; to raise muscle tone in children; cultivate a habit healthy lifestyle, self-organization.

1. "The gnome is sleeping"- and. p.: lying on its side. Curl up. (6 p.)

2. "The gnome wakes up"- and. p .: the same. Extend arms and legs, return to and. NS. (7 p.)

3. "The gnome yawns"- and. p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. Spread your arms to the sides, open your mouth wide. (7 p.)

4. "The gnome rolls over in bed"- and. p .: the same. Turns from side to side. (7 p.)

5. "Gnome Stretches"- and. p.: sitting on your knees, hands on the belt. Hand movements up and down, kneeling (7 p.)

6. "The gnome washes his face"- and. p.: kneeling. Turns to the right and left, movements of the hands, as it were "Raking in water" to the face. (7 p.)

7. "The gnome is drying himself"- and. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Semi-squats, movements of the hands in front of the face up and down, as if wiping off with a towel. (7-8 p.)

8. "The gnome is going to breakfast"- and. p.: half-sitting, hands are lowered down. Walking in place with hand movements. (6-7 p.)

9. "The gnome sits down"- and. p.: standing, arms shoulder-width apart, arms bent above the knees. Squats. (2 visits 4 times).

10. "The gnome jumps" - and. p.: standing, hands on the belt. Jumping on two legs. (2 visits of 8 rubles each).

11. Walking with exercise to restore breathing.

* Conversation about health.

Target: Lead children to a conclusion about the importance of cleanliness and tidiness for health... Develop the speech of children. Anchor the concept « health» ; to expand the knowledge of children about preventive measures to prevent diseases, injuries; teach to build judgments based on your personal experience and the experience of other children, adults; we develop dialogical speech.

Guys, today we will talk about health... Who wants to be healthy? What is health? You know, because each of us can strengthen himself health... What do you need to do for this? Wash, brush your teeth, exercise, eat healthy food, dress for the weather, temper. Tell us which of the following do you do and how?

* Proverbs:

-Health is more valuable than gold

-A healthy one does not need an enemy

Target: teach children to explain the meaning of these proverbs; we develop reasoning and dialogical speech.

we cultivate respect for our health.

* Conversation about healthy eating.

Target: to clarify children's knowledge of digestion and its importance for growth and health.

* Examining illustrations:

Target: to clarify the ideas of children about different sports, the very concept "sport"; about why people go in for sports and physical education; we develop speech.

* Supervision of hand and face washing.

Target: to improve the mastery of cultural and hygienic skills. Why do we wash ourselves? How to do it right? Why are dirty hands dangerous? When should you wash your hands?

* Desktop-printed the game: "What is good and what is bad?"

Target: continue to teach children to analyze actions, evaluate them. Develop attention, observation. Foster the need to be clean, tidy, healthy.

* Individual work with children to develop coherent speech. Theme: "Compilation of stories from personal experience on the topic "How my family went on vacation".

* Breakfast (formation of the CTG at the table)

Target: continue to teach children to behave correctly at the table while eating (sit upright, do not swing in a chair, do not rush and do not talk with a full mouth); cultivate cultural table behavior, orderliness.

* Reading the works of K.I. Chukovsky to children "Moidodyr".

Target: Teach children to emotionally respond to the content of a literary work.


* Ball game: "What kinds of sports do you know?"

Target: to consolidate knowledge of sports with children; develop dexterity when catching a ball, develop an eye and accuracy.

* Desktop-printed the game: "Contrasts".

Target: Exercise children in the selection of pictures with the opposite meaning and the ability to explain what is good and what is bad, and why.

Preparing for a walk, Walk.

* Observation of the weather and clothing.

Target: to teach children the ability to determine the state of the weather and see the relationship between it and people's clothing. What is the weather today? How are you dressed? Why wear a hat that covers your ears in windy weather? Than the wind is dangerous for health of our ears? Why do they wear rubber boots, a hood and use an umbrella in rainy weather? What can happen if you get very wet? Why do they hide their hands in gloves or mittens in winter?

* Observation of air and breathing.

What do we breathe? Draw in more air into your chest through your nose and exhale through your mouth. To draw the attention of children to how the chest increases when inhaling (holding his palm to his chest) and vice versa. Can a person not breathe? Invite children to hold their breath for a short time. To tell that a person cannot do without air for more than a few minutes. Which air is easy and pleasant to breathe, and which is not? What pollutes the air?

* Observation of the sports equipment of the playgrounds. Invite the children to name the sports equipment in their own and nearby playgrounds. How to use this equipment?

What safety rules do I need to keep in mind when playing sports equipment?

* watching the sun

Target: to clarify the knowledge of children about the influence of the sun on human life; we develop observation, curiosity; tell children about the sun's effect on human health; develop an active vocabulary of children.

* bird watching.

Target: fix the names of the birds; remember the habits of each bird that arrives at the site; about body parts - what each bird has (beak, eyes, wings, feathers, etc.); we cultivate love for living beings.

* tree watching.

Target: fix the name of the trees on the site; repeat with the children that the tree has (trunk, branches, roots, bark, buds); Why do we need them, and what benefits they bring. We cultivate love for nature.

* Relays with balls.

1. "Throw the ball into the basket" (throwing).

2. "Pass the ball" (coordination of movements).

3. "Jump with the ball" (jumping).

4. "Run after the ball" (run).

5. "Catch, throw, fall on let's" (throwing and catching)

* Outdoor play "Cat and Mice"

Target: to consolidate the rules of the game; exercise children in running; develop the ability to run and act on the signal of the teacher. Raising interest in the game.

* Labor activity:

"Clear area from snow"

Target: continue teaching children how to use the baby shovel; develop physical abilities; to cultivate diligence, a responsible attitude to their duties.

* Individual work:

Target: continue to learn how to catch the ball with both hands; develop dexterity; physical ability; attentiveness; foster interest and love for sports.

Exercise children to catch the ball with both hands (Dmitry. D, Chumak. Oh, Nabiullin M)

* Independent games for children on the site.

Target: continue teaching children how to play on their own; interact in a team; give in to each other; share toys; to develop an interest in the games of children.

* Dinner (formation of the CTG at the table)

Target: continue to teach children to behave correctly at the table while eating (sit upright, do not swing in a chair, do not rush and do not talk with a full mouth); use the appliance correctly (spoon fork); we use a napkin after eating; cultivate cultural table behavior, orderliness.

* Preparation for sleep. Dream

* Rise. Exhilarating gymnastics.

Target: activate children after a nap; set them up for active work; we develop physical abilities; learn to coordinate movements with the words of the text.

* Afternoon snack. (Formation of the CTG at the table)

Target food

(Entertaining games on wellness theme) .

* Didactic game: "Monkeys".

Target: to develop attention, quickness of reaction and coordination of movements. (Children at a fast pace repeat movements, facial expressions, onomatopoeia after the teacher).

* Role-playing game: "A family".

Target: Offer children a plot to play up "Bathing children"... Encourage children to use dialogical speech during the game.

* Desktop-printed the game: "Stadium".

Target: Continue teaching children to play dice and dice games. Consolidate numeracy skills, knowledge of sports. To cultivate the ability to accept a loss with dignity, not to rejoice at the loss of a comrade.

* Fun together with parents in the music hall in 16 :15

(according to the plan of the physical education instructor).

* Preparing for dinner.

Target: Improve children's cultural skills food: take a little food, chew well, eat quietly, use cutlery correctly. Strengthen the ability to use a napkin. Teach children to eat calmly, leave the table only at the end of the meal, quietly put the chair back in place and be sure to thank the adult.

* didactic game: "Where is the nose, where is the ear"

Target: to develop attention, the ability to focus on oneself.

* Desktop-printed the game: "Collect exercise equipment" (ball, skipping rope, cube, etc.)

Target: continue to acquaint children with sports equipment, develop logical thinking, memory, eyes, perseverance; we bring up the love of children for sports

* Individual work with children on drawing.

Invite children to color pages from a coloring book "Sport". Target: improve the skills of uniform painting, using pressure on the pencil to enhance color, develop fine motor skills of the hands.

“How was today's day in kindergarten»

Target: teaching children to take care of their own health; improve the skills of using personal hygiene items; to consolidate with children what benefits the sun, air and water bring; the need for vitamins for the human body; encourage children to answer questions. Develop thinking, memory.

* Cooperative activity.

games in the sports corner with sports equipment.

* An evening walk. (Going outside)

Day 1 "We are creators, craftsmen and visionaries"

Main goals:

- to develop children's artistic and creative abilities: to improve previously acquired skills in the main types of artistic activity;

- arouse the desire to be active in all matters;

- to develop an aesthetic taste.

Playable character: Samodelkin from the magazine "Funny Pictures".


Labor assignment

Goals: to form a desire to constantly keep order in the group; to consolidate labor skills; spark interest in upcoming events.

A telegram is brought to the group, which says that guests from the magazine "Veselye Kartinki" are coming to the children. The teacher offers to put things in order for the arrival of guests, look into every corner, decorate the group.

Surprise moment

There is a knock on the door, Samodelkin enters (a doll, a homemade toy or a disguised teacher). Meets children. Indicates the order in a group. He says that he came to meet hardworking children, teach or learn something from them, wants to know what children can do.

Conversation with children "How do you help adults"

Goals: to clarify the knowledge of the types of labor activities of adults, labor actions; develop phrasal speech, activate the dictionary.

Morning exercises "We are builders"

Goals: to develop physical activity of children; increase emotional tone; to consolidate the actions of the builders.

Samodelkin "turns" children into builders, offers to build a beautiful house.


Quiz "Friends of Samodelkin"

Goals: develop memory, imagination, consolidate knowledge about the heroes of fairy tales, magazines; develop speech.

Equipment: a disk with sectors containing envelopes with tasks, pictures with answers (Thumbelina, Cheerful pencil, Chipollino, Dunno, Murzilka, Petrushka, Vintik, Shpuntik). Samodelkin asks the children to guess who his friends are.

Designing "House for Thumbelina"

Goals: consolidate skills in working with paper and cardboard; develop the accuracy of movements, attention, perseverance, interest in activities, speech.

Equipment: matchboxes without sulfur, colored paper, glue, brushes, scissors, napkins, large furniture box.

Samodelkin says that Thumbelina has nowhere to live. Samodelkin asks the children to build a house for Thumbelina.

The appearance of Thumbelina, playing with handicrafts, arranging a dwelling for her.

Outdoor game "Ldinka"

Goals: develop dexterity; bring joy to the game together. Samodelkin wants to see what kind of dexterous children are. He offers to play not with a ball, not with snowballs, but with a piece of ice.

Children stand in a circle at a distance of two steps from each other. In the center is the driver who is trying to knock the piece of ice out of the circle with a kick, and the players beat it back into the circle. Anyone who misses a piece of ice becomes a driver.

Best Funny Figure Competition

Goals: develop the imagination of children, teach how to build buildings out of snow in accordance with your plan, using the necessary material; develop large and fine motor skills, speech.

Equipment: shovels, scoops, brushes, paints, seals, natural material, colored ice.

Samodelkin "turns" children into sculptors. Invites them to create their own interesting creations from the snow, and then put them up for a competition.

Outdoor game "Polar bears"

Target: develop the ability to run in different directions, agility, speed, courage.

Samodelkin brings in the masks of two polar bears. Asks the children where the polar bears live in the wild, which other animals live at the North Pole. Invites you to play a new game. Explains the rules.

A circle-ice floe is outlined, there are two "bears" on it, the rest are "walruses". "Walruses" are running around the site. "Bears" go hunting, trying to catch "walruses", clasping their hands around the "walrus". The caught children get on the ice.

Skiing and sledding

Goals: to activate the physical activity of children; bring joy; develop coordination of movements.


Learning poems using the method "Tell poems with your hands" (optional)

“We are the guys-masters”;

"Mom's helpers";

“Have Prepared Lunch”;

"My Skillful Hands";

"I can do everything."

Handmade pile "Gifts for babies"

Goals: increase the self-esteem of children; practice hand skills; Deliver joy from DIY crafts.

Samodelkin invites children to make gifts for the kids, everyone should receive gifts on New Year's week. So that the children are not sorry to give, Samodelkin proposes to make two identical ones.

Decorating buns for guests

Target: to give children the pleasure of making cakes, communicating with adults and peers.

Equipment: ready-made buns, cream or icing, pastry decorations, chocolate pieces, marmalade.

The teacher invites the children to make delicious cakes for guests and for themselves, and drink tea together.

Day 2 "On a visit to Veterku"

Main goals:

- create a joyful mood in children;

- develop creative imagination, empathy.

Playable character: a homemade toy a breeze, made of two cardboard circles, between which are glued ribbons of cellophane, foil, New Year's rain, etc.


The teacher lets children into the group only after they guess the fairy tale from the picture or guess the character of the fairy tale from the riddle.

Goals: develop memory, ingenuity, ingenuity; to raise the emotional mood; interest in an unusual start to the day.

Equipment: descriptive riddles, pictures from any books, loto, fairy tales, etc.

Surprise moment

The teacher draws the attention of children to the noise in the dressing room. Invites children to listen and guess who is there.

(You can record wind noise or create a strong rustle.)

The teacher introduces Veterka. Veterok meets the children, says that he is Veterok the traveler, flies through all the fairy tales, knows everything about what is happening in them, invites children to the land of fairy tales.

Target: arouse the interest of children.

Morning gymnastics "We are not Emeli, we can do everything"

Exercises are based on imitation of labor actions.

Goals: to raise the emotional, muscle tone; to consolidate knowledge about the events taking place in different fairy tales.

Veterok tells the children that he flew over the fairy tale "By the Pike's Command" and saw Emelya, who was lying on the stove, did not want to do anything, but only hoped for the pike. Expresses hope that children are not so lazy and know how to work.


The teacher's assistant brings the porridge in an earthen pot (tureen, etc.). The breeze increases children's interest in eating, telling them that porridge is from the fairy tale "The Magic Pot". Before distributing porridge, he asks the children to say three times: "Pot, boil." The teacher decorates porridge in plates with berries from jam.


Retelling of the fairy tale "Frost, Sun and Breeze"

Goals: foster interest in fairy tales; teach to analyze the actions of the heroes, evaluate their statements, judgments; develop phrasal speech.

Equipment: illustrations for the fairy tale.

Veterok invites you to listen to the tale from which he came.

Didactic game "Learn a fairy tale by subject"

Goals: to consolidate knowledge of the content of fairy tales with which children were introduced in the first half of the year and which they knew earlier; develop memory, imagination, thinking, speech.

Equipment: chest, mitten, ring, fish, spikelet, little red riding hood.

The breeze shows the children a magic chest. Asks if they want to know what's in it.

Watching the wind while walking

Goals: develop observation, interest in the phenomena of inanimate nature, their features in the winter period of the year; activate the dictionary.

The breeze makes a riddle: "It winds around the nose, but does not give in the hands." Asks the children to determine if there is a wind, what strength it is, in which direction it blows, how the winter wind differs from the summer one. Explains the role of wind in the appearance of snow patterns on glass

Didactic game "Good - bad"(TRIZ)

Goals: teach to see the contradictions in nature, the ambiguity of phenomena, the relationship between living and nonliving; develop speech, thinking.

Breeze invites children to name events, changes that occur under the influence of the wind - positive and negative.

Outdoor game "Two Frosts"

Goals: develop dexterity, teach how to distribute roles in the game; develop empathy.

Veterok says that he has friends - two Frosts. Asks the children if they know such a fairy tale. Offers to play an outdoor game, warm up.

Snow Maiden modeling from snow

Goals: create a joyful mood from joint activities; develop imagination, creativity in decorating the Snow Maiden's dress, the ability to sculpt, fine and gross motor skills, descriptive speech.

Equipment: sticks for fastening, paints, large brushes, tinsel, rain, rowan berries, maple lionfish, etc.

Veterok says that he flew over a fairy tale and saw how grandfather and grandmother sculpted a snow girl. Asks the children what a fairy tale it is, what is the name of this girl.

Offers to blind the same on the site, beautifully decorate her dress.

(You can draw a Snow Maiden in the snow and decorate it.)

Round dance "Burn, burn clearly"

Target: to consolidate the movements of the round dance, imagination, rhythm.

Equipment: "Bonfire" - a red cardboard circle or a circle described in red paint on the snow.

The teacher invites the children to remember how the Snow Maiden with her girlfriends jumped over the fire.


Watching the film strip "Silver Hoof"

Goals: develop attention, speech, arouse interest in fairy tales.

Veterok says that he liked the guys very much and he brought them a filmstrip about an unusual goat as a gift. Asks to guess which fairy tale they will be watching now.

Composing a fairy tale by children

Target: develop creative and logical thinking, imagination, speech.

Equipment: figurines of a cardboard or table theater.

The teacher invites the children to thank Veterok and compose a fairy tale for him.

(You can use the methods of transformation of fairy tales that children know, use the scheme for composing fairy tales by N.Ya. Mikhailenko, TRIZ.)

Lotto "Guess what a fairy tale", "A journey through fairy tales"

Goals: to consolidate knowledge of the content of fairy tales; to form an interest in both folk and author's tales; develop the creative initiative of children.

The teacher introduces elements of costumes for children to play with fairy tales in free activity, elements of scenery for fairy tales.

Day 3 "Day of humor and laughter"

Main goals:

- develop a sense of humor;

- to teach to distinguish a cruel joke from a good one, to be critical of oneself;

- to cultivate a benevolent attitude towards others;

- create a positive emotional attitude.

Equipment: the group is decorated with absurdities, caricatures, illustrations depicting laughing people, animals, fairy-tale characters; a corner of laughter with masks, playful hats, elements of dressing up is decorated.

Preliminary work: the day before, the teacher asks parents to dress their children funnier for the Day of Humor. (Sweatshirts backwards, boys with bows, funny hairstyles, etc.)


Surprise moment

The teacher draws the attention of incoming children to their ridiculous costumes and clothes. Asks what is wrong with the clothes?

The teacher, also comically dressed (for example, in a clown costume), announces the Festival of humor and laughter open. She says that such a holiday is usually celebrated all over the world on April 1, but one should laugh during the winter holidays, when it is so cold outside, there is no sun, and laughter can cheer you up, warm you up.

Morning exercises "Funny Clowns"

Goals: create a cheerful mood; increase physical activity.

The teacher invites children to "turn" into funny clowns, have fun, move around, dance.


Reading stories by N. Nosov "Fantasy", "Living Hat"

Goals: teach to highlight and understand humor in the works of writers, to compare the events of the story with life; to amuse children; develop speech, memory, imagination.

The teacher tells the children that he knows humorous stories, invites them to listen and say what the humor is, why it was funny, come up with their own name.

Staging of the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Confusion"

Goals: to amuse children; develop artistry, speech, memory, imagination.

Equipment: masks, costume elements, mini-decorations.

The teacher shows illustrations from a fairy tale, invites children to arrange a theater and laugh at the heroes of the fairy tale together.

Balloon fun games

Goals: amuse, please children, increase physical activity, develop creative imagination.

The teacher brings in a bunch of balloons, tells the children that these are magic balloons, they can be brought to life. Suggests to paint balloons and then play with them.

Didactic game "Draw a tail"

Goals: to consolidate the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper; to amuse the children.

The teacher offers different games for subgroups of children to choose from.

On the chalkboard, on a piece of paper, there is an animal without a tail. A child with a blindfold should complete the tail.

Mobile game "Fast train"

Target: to develop dexterity, quick wits, quickness, attention.

The chairs are in a circle, one less than the children. Children, to music or a signal, change seats in a circle, and the leader must have time to take someone's place.

Sedentary game "Fire brigade"

Target: develop speed, dexterity, ingenuity, attention.

Chairs stand in a circle, children walk around them to music or a tambourine. When the melody ends, the children put an item of clothing on their chair. After 3 times the command "Fire" is distributed. Children must find a chair, things and put them on quickly. The fastest will win.

Walk "Merry relay races"

Goals: develop the ability to perform different types of movements, physical qualities; foster will, a sense of camaraderie; maintain a positive emotional attitude.

1) relay races with sledges;

2) who will reach the fastest on one ski;

3) who is the most accurate - playing snowballs;

4) who will find the secret faster in the footsteps;

5) sliding on an ice track;

6) outdoor games for weather and season;

7) who will quickly put on an apron and a scarf on clothes;

8) who, without letting it through, will carry the snowball on a spoon;

9) who is most likely to stick a carrot nose to the Snowman.


Reading fables and absurdities in the verses of G. Kruzhkov

Target: to develop an interest in humorous creativity.

The teacher introduces the book “All the other way around” by G. Kruzhkov (Moscow, 1993). Suggests looking at pictures and reading nonsense.

Funny "lying" stories

Target: develop observation, attention.

The teacher invites children into the game to see how attentive they are and how to notice nonsense. Tells a fairy tale familiar to children in a new way. Whenever children notice any inconsistency, they should clap their hands or stomp.

Show tricks

Goals: amuse children; develop observation, intelligence, attention.

The teacher disguises himself as a magician and invites children to watch tricks.

Suggested names of the magician: Shurum-Burum, Piggy-Hryako-Porosvin, Obstul-Obstol-Nosom-Bay, Valentino-Mohnatini-First, Maglocus, etc.


Hocus Pocus Chirvirocus!

Here Maglocus himself conjures!

Abracadabra, three black cats,

mur-mur-mur-meow-uh, beauty!

Hocus pocus vidibus

reel on your mustache.

Abracadabra, ku-ka-re-ku -

I will help everyone to see a miracle.

Hocus-pocus, clap-clap-clap (children clap), turned (children turn on one leg around themselves).

Miracle stop.

Didactic game "Who can think of a name funnier"

Target: develop creative imagination, speech.

The teacher says that he knows an interesting game in which you can not only laugh, but also compose. The teacher shows the method of forming a new word from two nouns, one of which becomes an adjective. For example, the sun, rain - sunny rain, rainy sun.

At the end of the day, prizes are awarded to the funniest.

Day 4 “Heroes of the works of K.I. Chukovsky visiting the guys "

Main goals:

- to form an interest in fiction;

- to teach to express judgments in relation to the actions of the heroes of the works;

- to develop the artistic abilities of children.

Playable characters: rabbits, Bear, Barmaley, Fyodor's grandmother, Telephone set.


Reading the poem by E. Permyak "How Masha Got Big"(from a reader for older preschool children)

Purpose: to arouse interest in the forthcoming work activity.

The teacher asks the children if they would like to become big, to be called as adults - Alexander, Mikhail, etc.

Labor assignment in a corner of nature

Goals: to form responsibility for living objects in a corner of nature; consolidate labor skills.

Children should try to get big like Masha.

Surprise moment

Children receive a sound letter from a storyteller from the land of fairy tales, who warns children that the heroes of fairy tales will come to visit them today.

The teacher asks the children how they think, from which fairy tales the heroes will come. Draws the attention of children to the fact that something has changed in the group. Together with the children, he walks around the group, finds books with fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky, illustrations for his works, play characters, puppet theater sets based on Chukovsky's tales.

Conversation with children "What fairy tales are presented in the design of the group"

Goals: arouse interest in upcoming activities; to consolidate knowledge about the content of the works of K.I. Chukovsky; develop speech.

The storyteller designed our group as if we were in the land of K.I. Chukovsky. “He's probably listening to us. Let's tell the storyteller everything we know about these tales. Maybe he will once again call us to the land of fairy tales. "

Morning exercises "The kettle ran away from Fedora"

Goals: to raise the muscle and emotional tone of children; to clarify the content of the fairy tale "Fedorino grief"; develop artistry.

Sample exercises

The kettle was put on fire, the water boiled.

They pour tea, put the kettle on a small stool, cool the tea, etc.

Children are preparing to welcome guests.

Didactic game "Draw the hero"

Target: develop imagination, memory, visual skills.

A parcel arrives from the storyteller, in which pencils, sheets of paper with incomplete depictions of the heroes of K.I. Chukovsky. They need to be disenchanted: to paint and decorate.


Target: arouse interest in the washing process.

The teacher turns into Moidodyr with the help of a towel, a toothbrush and a basin. Asks the children which fairy tale he came from. What words do they know from the fairy tale about cleanliness, washing. Ask riddles about the objects of washing.


Didactic game "Telephone"

(according to the method of telephone conversation)

Objectives: to develop a speech dialogue, using knowledge of the content of the tale; develop intonational expressiveness.

A telephone set comes to visit the children. Asks what kind of fairy tale he is from K.I. Chukovsky. Offers to play with him.

The teacher takes on the role of the author, gives the children roles and their corresponding masks. Encourages children to communicate on the phone, using the verse dialogue of a fairy tale. ("Come on, you will be like an elephant. Answer me.") Prompts, if necessary, in a whisper, and the child repeats.

Fun game "Chorus of animals"

Goals: to develop pitch, timbre hearing, creative activity; to consolidate knowledge of the content of Chukovsky's tales.

The Bear comes to visit, asks the children which fairy tale he is from, whether animals from fairy tales are singing. He offers to play the animal choir. Takes on the role of conductor. Gives children time to think about which animal they will sing with. The children are singing. The bear guesses.

Physical culture entertainment on a walk "Visiting Barmaley"

Goals: develop the acquired physical skills, agility, general endurance; to bring joy from movement, communication.

Barmaley appears. Asks the children what Chukovsky's tale he came from. Suggests remembering the end of the tale (when he became kind).

Suggests to assemble teams "Sharks" and "Crocodiles" and compete in relay races:

1) throwing snowballs at the target;

2) do not lose the snowball (snowball on your head);

3) track in track;

4) who will roll the lump more.

Awarding of winners (all children).

Snow molding "Pirate ship"

Goals: develop the ability to sculpt, constructive thinking; to consolidate knowledge of the properties of snow, the content of the fairy tale "Aibolit".

Equipment: frame, colored ice, paint, brushes.

Barmalei complains that the old ship is destroyed, but there is no new one. He promises that he will not misbehave on it, but will travel.

Children play with the building.

Role-playing game "Travel on a pirate ship"

Goals: teach to assign roles; develop a plot based on the knowledge of the works.

Making colored pieces of ice

Goals: to fix the property of water, ice; develop creative imagination.

Equipment: tinted water, molds, glitters, tinsel, etc.

Children "make" a treasure that the pirates will find.


Literary quiz based on the works of K.I. Chukovsky

Objectives: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the works of K.I. Chukovsky; develop activity, speech; bring joy.

Children determine among themselves the experts of the poet's fairy tales.

1) name the work on the riddle: "who has a mustache longer than legs" ("Cockroach"); “It winds around the nose, it is not given to hands” (“Mukha-tsokotukha”);

2) find out the title of the work from the passage ("Confusion"; "Stolen Sun");

3) competition of captains "Draw rays to the sun" (7-8 rays);

4) finish the passage;

5) competition "Broken dishes" (to paint the dishes or fold cut pictures);

6) unravel the confusion ("Confusion");

7) a tea party with sweets.

Day 5 "Day of games and fun"

Main goals:

- to provide children with maximum opportunities for organizing independent games;

- to develop gaming skills, the ability to conduct a game dialogue, social skills.


Morning exercises in the form of exercises from funny songs

If you like

If you like it

Then do this. Children make a variety of movements.

If you like it

Then do this.

If you like it

Show that to others.

If you like it

Then do this. Repeat the movement shown.

Movement: clicks of fingers, claps of hands, claps of knees, taps of feet.

Clap stomp(music by B. Savelyev)

Better than the clap-stomp dance

There is nothing in the world!

Just clap! Just stomp!

If only the parquet could withstand.

Even adults willingly

They began to dance with us!

For such behavior

You can put them five!


Eh time! Again!

The kids all started dancing!

Clap, stomp!

Clap, stomp!

There are no guys happier than us!

We dance clap stomp

In the morning, afternoon and evening!

Best dance - "Clap-stomp"

When there is nothing to do.


Organized games "Fun Game Library"

1 game "Most Attentive"

Goals: develop attention; teach to restrain impulsivity. The educator chooses two children and puts them in front of the rest. There is a prize on the table in front of the children, which will go to the one who will be the most attentive. The teacher reads a poem.

I'll tell you a story

In a dozen phrases.

As soon as I say the word "three"

Take the prize immediately.

(Prize to take only on the word "three".)

Once we caught a pike,

Gutted ... but inside

We saw small fish ...

And not one, but whole ... two.

When you want to memorize poems,

They are not crammed until late at night,

And repeat them to yourself,

Once, twice, but better ... five.

Dreams of a hardened boy

Become an Olympic champion.

Look, don't be cunning at the start,

And wait for the command: "One, two ... march!"

Recently train at the train station

I had to wait three hours.

Well, friends, you didn't take the prize,

When there was an opportunity to take!

2 game "Where is the nose, where is the ear"

Target: to develop attention, the ability to focus on oneself.

The players stand in a circle. The driver walks in a circle and stops in front of one of the children. He should touch some part of the body and name another at the same time, for example, touch his ear and say: "This is my nose." The player should immediately point to his nose and say, "This is my ear." If he answers incorrectly, he replaces the driver.

3 game "Funny Artists"

Goals: to develop attention, visual skills, accuracy of hand movements; consolidate knowledge of colors; develop the ability to see a holistic image; compose it from parts.

Equipment: two simple pictures, divided by lines into 6-8 parts, two squares with the same number of empty cells numbered with numbers; felt-tip pens or markers.

Children are divided into two teams, they are given the task of speeding up to draw an object one by one in cells. Better to take one item for two teams.

4 game "Two Frosts"

Target: to develop dexterity, speed of movement, ability to run, attention.

On opposite sides of the site, two cities are marked. The players, divided into two groups, are located in the "cities". The Frost brothers stand in the middle of the site: Frost - Red nose and Frost - Blue nose. They address the players with the words:

We are two young brothers

Two Frosts are daring:

I am Frost - Red nose

I am Frost - Blue nose.

Which one of you will decide

To set off on a path-path?

Children answer:

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost!

Children run from one city to another. "Frosts" catch them. Anyone they manage to tarnish is considered frozen. He remains in the place where he was caught, and must, with outstretched arms, block the path of the players during the next dashes. When there are a lot of frozen ones, the game ends.

Walk "Merry relay races and competitions"

1. Whose team will roll the biggest snowball.

2. Perform the skiing exercise in pairs, holding hands or one stick (rope).

3. "Turtles" - a sled game. Children sit on the sled in pairs, backs to each other. At the command of the teacher, pushing off the ground, they must reach the finish line (8-10 m).

4. Make a shape out of a block of snow. Competition for the most creative work. You can use the technique of cutting off excess snow or adding details.

5. Snow fight. A fortress is built from empty cardboard boxes, which teams must quickly destroy with snowballs.

6. Who will win who. A circle with a diameter of 1 m is drawn, outside the circle there are children on a sled, to which a 3-4 m long rope is tied, passing through the center of the circle. Children hold on to the sled with their hands, with all their might push off the ground with their feet, trying to pull the opponent into the circle. It is not allowed to grasp the rope with your hands.


An evening of tricks and jokes

1. Focus "Crawl through the postcard."

2. Focus "Paper rings".

3. Game-fun "Put on the ring".

4. Who will spin the whirligig longer.

All-Russian Festival of Pedagogical Creativity

(2015/2016 academic year)
Nominated: Organization of holidays and events in preschool educational institutions
Job title: Scenario of the thematic day in the senior group "World Day of Photography"

Target: To give an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe holiday "World Day of Photography" to children and basic ideas about photography.


  • To acquaint children with the holiday "World Day of Photography";

  • Develop memory, speech, observation, logical thinking, interest in knowing the world around;

  • Learn to apply the knowledge gained in different types of activities;

  • Encourage verbal communication with each other, contact adults with questions, judgments and statements.


When the children meet in a group, the teacher reminds the children that today we have an unusual day all over the world celebrate a holiday - World Day of Photography.

1.Conversation about the profession of a photographer

Purpose: Arouse interest in the profession of a photographer, in labor operations, tools, to give an idea of ​​the meaning of the profession

2 making riddles

Glass eye

Clicked once -

And he remembers us. (Camera)

A bird will fly out, a bird will fly out! ..

And instead of a bird you will see ... (face).

Pieces of paper are like films

They store moments of history (photographs).

A photographer is a creative profession. The main tool of the photographer is the camera, with which he is inseparable.

3. Didactic game: "Collect the photo."

Purpose: To teach how to correctly assemble an image of an object from separate parts; to correlate the image of a representation with a holistic image of a real object, to act by applying.

4 morning exercises:

Once! Two!

We do exercises

We start in the morning.

Let the disease fear us

Let them not come to us.

One - two

Wider step!

Do this with us!

Spread the branches wide

There is an old maple tree near the house.

The neighbor's cat bent his back -

He loves physical education.

One - two

Wider step!

Do this with us!

1.Conversation:"History of an old camera"

Purpose: To acquaint children with the history of the appearance and modification of the camera and photography. Expand the vocabulary of children. Develop creative imagination. Raise the child's need to receive new information about familiar objects.

2.Moving play:“Freeze! What is your photo about? "

Purpose: To learn to understand a schematic representation of a person's posture, develop imagination, speech, and foster friendly relations.

3.Drawing "The photograph of today"

Encourage children to independently depict interesting moments of the day using a variety of materials (pencils, crayons, markers) and drawing techniques.

1. Readingfiction: N.Nosov's story "The Adventure of Dunno" (reading one of the chapters)

2.Creative workshop: Making a photo frame for photography.

Purpose: Development of creative imagination, fine motor skills, creativity.

Material: blanks of frames for photos, stickers, paper decoration, glue.

1.Plot-role game "Journalists"

Purpose: To acquaint with the profession of a journalist, instill interest in this profession, activate the dictionary (camera, interview, microphone)

2.Moving yoke "Photohunt"

Purpose: to develop quickness, thinking, dexterity.

3Separate motor activity of children.

Purpose: prevention of nervous overstrain, development of a benevolent attitude towards peers.
Working with parents

Suggest that parents, having come home from the garden, look at albums with photographs with their children.

Target: to form an interest in oral folk art, to promote the popularization of fairy tales.

Tasks: create a positive emotional attitude;

to consolidate knowledge of the content of familiar fairy tales;

form a desire to be like goodies;

foster interest in fairy tales;

foster interest and respect for items of theatrical and play equipment;

to form a desire to transform into the depicted images, using various means of expression.

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers):

The center of the book is to place books with Russian folk tales

Center of Iso - coloring on fairy tales, pictures with images of heroes of fairy tales.

The center of theatrical activity - masks, caps of fairy tale heroes, table theater.

Preliminary work: reading fairy tales, riddles, considering illustrations for fairy tales, working with parents - making masks, hats for dramatization.


Types of children's activities and (integration of educational areas): Communicative ("Social and communicative development", "Cognitive development", "Speech development"); Motor ("Social and communicative development", "Physical development"); Game ("Social and communicative development", "Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Physical development"); Self-service and elementary household labor ("Social and communicative development", "Speech development", "Physical development")

Surprise moment

Target: arouse interest in upcoming activities, attract attention, motivate children.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that an unusual guest has come to them (Brownie Kuzya). He knows that the children of this group are cheerful, kind, love to play, travel, and invites the children to go on a long journey for the whole day.

First stop

"Sports" "Journey into a fairy tale"


Target: to develop motor activity, motor skills of different parts of the body, coordination of movements.

Round dance game "Grandma Hedgehog".

Second stop"Guess"

Target: Develop speech, imagination, imagination, thinking.

D / and "Pick a pair"

Remember Russian folk tales and find a pair for each word:

chicken ... geese ...

baba ... carpet ...

Ivanushka ... tablecloth ...

Princess ... boots ...

goat ... Sivka ...

D / and "Guess the riddle"

Around us and here and there
Different fairy tales live.
There are riddles in the clearing
Guess without a clue
Call dare
These fabulous friends!

In heaven and on earth, a woman rides on a broom,

Scary, evil, who is she?

Baba Yaga

At Alyonushka's sister

The little brother was carried away by the birds.
They fly high

Far away they look
Swan geese

Her grandfather planted her in a field
The whole summer grew.
The whole family pulled her

It was very large.

Was mixed on sour cream

It is baked in a Russian stove.
I met animals in the forest
And he left them soon.
Gingerbread man

Once upon a time there were seven guys
Little white kids.
The gray entered the house by deception.
The goat then found him,
She could outwit him.
And she saved all her children.
The wolf and the seven Young goats

Educational game "Collect the picture"

Target: contribute to the development of thinking, attention, the ability to bring the work started to the end.

All the riddles were guessed and the heroes were named.

Koschey was visiting yesterday
What has done, just - Ah!

All the pictures are mixed up
He confused all my tales
Puzzles you must collect
Name the Russian fairy tale!

(Children from puzzles collect a picture of a fairy tale and call it)

It's hard to add a fairy tale

But we do not need to grieve.
Amicably, boldly and skillfully
We got down to business with you!

Third stop"Gas station"

Fourth stop

"Travel to the country" Mathematical "

"Celebration of Geometric Shapes".


Kind of children's activity and (integration of educational areas): Communicative ("Social and communicative development", "Cognitive development", "Speech development"); visual ("Social and communicative development", "Speech development", "Cognitive development.", "Physical development")

Fifth stop

Physical culture entertainment "Visiting a fairy tale".

Sixth stop

"Walk along the alley fairy tales "

Types of children's activities and (integration of educational areas): Cognitive and research ("Social and communicative development", "Cognitive development", "Speech development"); Game ("Social and communicative development", "Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Physical development"); Self-service and elementary household labor ("Social and communicative development", "Speech development", "Physical development"); Motor ("Social and communicative development", "Physical development").

Observation of hatched kidneys

Target: learn to establish a connection between the state of plants and weather conditions; identify the reasons for the ongoing changes

What is this tree?

What happened to the kidneys?

What condition are trees in spring?

Collective labor in a flower garden: sow flower seeds

Goals: teach the correct sowing of seeds (spread the seeds into grooves, sprinkle with earth, water); foster interest in work; to form the ability to work collectively, to carry out the instructions of the educator; to consolidate knowledge about the growth and development of plants.

Word play"Broken phone"

Target: develop auditory attention.

Role-playing game to the theater with the invitation of children of another group.

Software content: to introduce children to the world of theater, to consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of behavior in the theater, to give an idea of ​​the theatrical professions, about the life of the theater, to involve creativity and play in the situation, encourage them to choose a role, teach them to enter and play a role.

Material: tickets to the theater, hats of fairytale heroes.

Preliminary work: the teacher's story "How I went to the theater". Reading Agnia Barto's poem "In the Theater" to children. The choice of the role of the children, to draw, tickets. Invite children from another group.

Independent activities of children to form the ability to find something to do with their interests, teach children to unite in interest groups, play together with other children, develop communicative and regulatory functions of speech, avoid conflict situations

Physical culture leisure "Miracle tree"

Seventh stop


Quiet hour


Kind of children's activity and (integration of educational areas): Motor ("Social and communicative development", "Physical development"); Fine art ("Social and communicative development", "Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development"); Communicative ("Social and communicative development", "Cognitive development", "Speech development"); Game ("Social and communicative development", "Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Physical development")

Eighth stop"Artist's House"

Visual activity "Color the hero of a fairy tale"

Target: contribute to the improvement of the ability to paint, without going beyond the contour, in one direction; develop fine motor skills of the fingers; to consolidate knowledge of the primary colors of the spectrum; develop creativity.

The evil wizard bewitched the heroes of the fairy tale and they all became colorless, you need to disenchant them (with subsequent playing

Ninth stop"Puppet show"

Game-dramatization based on a fairy tale

Target: continue the game started during the walk, bring joy to the children from watching and participating in the play; develop a sense of empathy; to consolidate knowledge about the culture of behavior in the theater.

Games with various constructors "Hut on chicken legs"

Target: to consolidate the ability to distinguish and name building parts, to use them taking into account their structural properties (stability, size, shape).

Conversation "What I remember and liked the most about the trip"

Interaction with parents in the evening:

1. Offer the children at home to draw how the day went in fairy tales.




If the content of educational activities is not related to the life of children in kindergarten, then they quickly forget about it. The solution to this problem is simple. Invite the educators to spend a thematic day: devote all the regime moments to one topic. We will tell you in detail how to choose a topic, what to include in the scenario of the thematic day and how to organize the activities of the pupils.

Pedagogical teams of different preschool educational organizations design the model of the educational process in their own way and compose their educational program. Moreover, each educator can and should independently model the educational process in the group. A creative approach to this issue assumes that the teacher:

  • changes the theme partially or completely;
  • corrects the content of work with children;
  • takes into account regional and cultural components, especially the age group and pre-school education.

You can develop a model of the educational process by including thematic days.

What is a theme day? This is when the teacher chooses a specific topic to solve educational problems, and combines it with a holiday or calendar event. Thus, this topic is at the center of the pedagogical process.

The work of the educator with children during the thematic day is based on the regime. The content is strung for all regime moments (morning reception, gymnastics, walk, etc.) and is associated with continuous educational activities.

This is an unusual day for children. It is filled with surprises, games, riddles, and exciting journeys. Preschoolers learn a lot of new, useful and interesting things, make, draw, fantasize. New toys appear in the group room, favorite cartoon characters and fairy tales come to visit, sometimes a puppet theater comes.

For an educator, a thematic day is pedagogical creativity, ingenuity, reincarnation, the immersion of children in the topic in order to convey something to them.

Such a system of organizing the educational process with the inclusion of thematic days is based on the principles of the Federal State Educational Standard for DO and provides for:

  • complex thematic planning;
  • integration of educational areas;
  • various types of children's activities and forms of their organization.

Health day in the younger group

What tasks will the educator solve with the help of the thematic day

With the help of thematic days, the educator will be able to plan interesting and meaningful work with preschoolers, solve various educational, educational, developmental tasks. When a child participates in a theme day, he develops cognitive motivation and passion, and begins to follow cultural norms - including the rules for interacting with other people.

Encourage educators to design theme days for the entire kindergarten and for specific age groups. Only this must be done creatively, without driving the educator into yet another trap - obligation.

Discuss each scenario with teachers before and after the thematic day and save the most successful ones in the methodological office of the kindergarten. The result of the creative efforts of the entire teaching staff will be a piggy bank of interesting scenarios.

Such work experience will be useful to other educators, diversify the model of the educational process, find its place in the educational program, or become a tradition of preschool educational institutions.

How to choose a theme

To choose a theme for the day, refer to the calendar of significant events and anniversaries. At preschool age, children learn to distinguish between holidays and weekdays, learn that there are international and public holidays, that each of them has its own history. The child should feel the emotional component of the holiday - the state when he participates in the preparation for the event: decorates the group, makes gifts and souvenirs. Children experience special emotions when they congratulate on the holiday and receive congratulations.

Decide at the pedagogical council how many and what kind of thematic days the educators will spend during the school year. Record this in the ECE curriculum.

For example, in summer, theme days can be dedicated to International Children's Day, World Milk Day, World Parents Day, World Children's Football Day, World Chocolate Day, International Friendship Day, World Chess Day.

What to include in the theme day scenario

If the educational process in kindergarten is a complex thematic model and educational tasks are implemented not only in the classroom, but also in other regime moments, use the stage technology. This is a new direction in teaching practice.

Educators should move away from the traditional writing of a lesson outline and draw up a script for the whole day or its components (morning reception, thematic walk, etc.).

To draw up a scenario for a thematic day, the educator needs:

  • objectively assess the level of their work, the environment and conditions in which educational activities are carried out at the time of planning (what the children have already mastered, what results have been obtained);
  • highlight the goal and objectives, correlate them with the educational program, age composition of the group, priority areas of the educational process in preschool educational institutions;
  • outline the results of work to be achieved (what children learn new, what they will learn, what personality traits they will develop);
  • choose the best forms, means, methods to get the planned result.

The plan-scenario of the thematic day should ensure the unity of educational, developmental and educational goals and objectives and the integration of educational areas.

For example, on the eve of World Sun Day, organize a themed Sun Day in kindergarten. Its main goals are to evoke positive emotions in children, to develop a cognitive interest in research activities. Let the educators tell the preschoolers about what the sun is, the reasons for the change of day and seasons. They will conduct experiments and experiments, invite pupils to draw greeting cards, jointly come up with an emblem for the holiday, give souvenirs to each other and pupils of younger groups. Events within the framework of this thematic day can be not only in groups, but also on the territory of the preschool educational institution: games with sun bunnies and soap bubbles, relay races and competitions, observing the sun through sunglasses and colored glasses, the game “Why is there another day (season) ".

As an example in applications 1 , 2 Scenarios of the Day of Health for children of primary and middle preschool age and the Day of Friends for children of senior preschool age are presented.

How to have a theme day

During the thematic days, educators should be creative, take into account the level of knowledge and skills of the children of their group, come up with surprising moments, elements of including preschoolers in games and activities.

The topic of the day should be disclosed in an emotional and figurative manner. It is important not only to communicate new knowledge, but also to organize the "living" of the topic in different types of children's activities:

  • games;
  • cognitive research activities;
  • experimentation;
  • visual activity;
  • through the perception of fiction, music.

Educators should include older preschool children in the preparation of thematic days. To do this, you need to discuss with them how to transform the subject-development environment, play corners. Use phrases such as: "Let's discuss ...", "What do you think will be better ...", etc. This forms confidence, responsibility, and a sense of adulthood in preschoolers.

It is important to properly equip the subject-developing environment in groups in accordance with the theme of the day. According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the developing subject-spatial environment should ensure the maximum realization of the educational potential of the group space and be content-rich, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe.

For example, in preparation for the Day of Music, the educator should pay special attention to the center for musical development of children (music corner). Together with the music director, choose according to the age of the children:

Musical and didactic games;

Pictures for viewing with the image of musical instruments;

Subject pictures in which children sing, dance, play instruments;

Portraits of already familiar composers and those with whom it is supposed to acquaint preschoolers;

Illustrations for their works;

Children's literature on the topic, etc.

When organizing various types of children's activities, united by one theme, the role of the educator becomes free, partner: we play together, experiment, look for answers to questions, and engage in creativity. The involvement of the educator in the activity on an equal basis with the children makes the process emotionally rich and productive.

The game occupies a special place in the thematic day. The teacher must create conditions to interest children in various types of games, to form their playing skills. Playing during the thematic day is a free independent activity of preschoolers. At the same time, you need to think about how to implement most of its content.

The position of the educator “Let's think of something else…” will allow filling the educational process with the interests of children. They will become not performers, but active participants in the simulation of the game.


Plan-scenario of the Day of Health for children of primary and middle preschool age.


  • to form in children initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle, cultural and hygienic habits and skills;
  • explain what the daily routine is;
  • demonstrate the importance of adherence to the daily regimen for human health.

Surprise moment

Educator: Guys, a letter was delivered to our group in a balloon. Let's read it: “Hello boys and girls! Bunny Styopa is writing to you. I have been going to visit you for a long time, but it just doesn't work out. Now the runny nose will overcome, then the throat hurts, and I really want to play with you. "

The teacher invites the children to visit Stepa and tell them what they need to do to be healthy.

1st half of the day

2nd half of the day

Children teach the bunny Stepa every morning to do exercises, wash and brush their teeth.
Conversation with children on the topic: "Vitamins for our health."
The teacher talks about the variety and benefits of foods, what vitamins they contain, how important it is to eat right.
Game "Collect vegetables and fruits".
Reading the story of V. Suteev "About the hippopotamus, which was afraid of vaccinations."
Issues for discussion:

· Who brought the Behemoth the summons and what did it say?

· With whom did the Begemot come to the clinic? Why did he run away?

· Who was looking for him?

· Why did the Behemoth turn yellow?

· Where did the ambulance take the Behemoth?

· After which the Behemoth blushed?

· Think and tell us what actions can make the child ashamed.

Walk with the bunny Stepa.
Hand massage "Ladoshki".
Site cleaning "Cleanliness is the guarantee of health".
Games: "Catch", "Bunnies in the House", etc.

Reading of A. Barto's poem "Grimy Girl".
Exercise "Most Neat".
Watching the cartoon "Moidodyr"
(directed by I. Ivanov-Vano, 1954).
Didactic game "Useful - not useful".
Role-playing game "Hospital".
Introducing children of the younger group to the profession of a doctor: children tell how doctors help people to become healthy.
Quiz "What is tasty and what is useful".
Open day for parents and consultation "Healthy children in a healthy family"

· Have conversations about your daily routine.

· Explain that adherence to a regimen will help you grow strong and healthy, and non-adherence will weaken the body, making it harder for it to fight infections.

· Consider with the children pictures depicting regime moments, ask them to tell what they are doing during the day.

· Discuss how plants and animals adapt to the changing times of day and year.

· Tell us about the prevention of diseases, provide basic information about medications and diseases, the causes that lead to the disease, and how to avoid them.

Gradually form good habits: wash your hands before eating, do not put icicles in your mouth, do not eat snow, do not sit for a long time at computer games or in front of the TV, etc.

· Prepare stands for parents on the topics: "Cold or SARS in babies", "About hardening from an early age", "Teaching a child to brush their teeth", "Principles of rational nutrition", "A child's sleep should be complete", "On the prevention of allergic reactions " and etc.


Friends Day Script Plan for Senior Preschool Children.


  • develop friendly relations in the team, the ability to play, work, work together;
  • reinforce the habit of using polite words in communication;
  • teach to explain your point of view.

Surprise moment

The teacher asks the parents in advance to bring photographs of the children with their friends. Then he makes a collage on the theme of "Friendship" and at the beginning of the theme day hangs it in the dressing room.

When the pupils come to kindergarten, the teacher includes children's songs about friendship:

  • “When my friends are with me” from the film “In secret to the whole world” (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Tanich);
  • “The World Is Like a Colored Meadow” from the film “One Morning” (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky);
  • "Friends Forever" from the m / f "Tom and Jerry: Motor!" (music H. Mancini, lyrics L. Bricusse);
  • “Let's Be Friends” from the movie “Let's Be Friends” (music by E. Kalandarov, lyrics by A. Feinberg);
  • "A True Friend" from the film "Timka and Dimka" (music by B. Savelyev, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky).

Invites each child to find their photo, consider it, tell what is depicted, and make assumptions about why these songs are sung and photos of friends are hung on that day.

1st half of the day

2nd half of the day

Story about the holiday "International Day of Friendship". Conversation on the topic "Why does a person need friends?"
Issues for discussion:

· Why do we only call some people friends?

· Who can be called a friend?

· How do you choose your friends?

· What attracts you the most about a friend?

Game problem situations "Rules of communication with each other."
Thematic walk "It's fun to walk together". Joint collective games, mutual assistance and mutual assistance in the campaign.
Reading the stories of V. Dragunsky "Childhood friend", G. Oster "How good it is to give gifts", L. Tolstoy "The Lion and the Dog" (optional).
Role-playing games: "Home", "Family", "Visit a Friend", "A Friend is Sick", "Bureau of Good Services"

Design of the photo exhibition "Our friendly group".
Discussion of proverbs and sayings about friendship.
Making greeting cards "To my friend" (children give each other cards).
Viewing at your choice of one of the series of the cartoon "Leopold the Cat" (directed by A. Reznikov, 1975-1987).
Didactic and board games:

· "Learn by description";

· "In the world of polite words";

· "Checkers", "Corners", etc.

· Give the children the opportunity to express their opinion, reflect on the questions: "What would you do if your friend was in trouble?", "Can you say how your friend would behave if you were in trouble?"

· Suggest specific situational tasks: “Imagine you had a fight with a friend before your birthday. Will you invite him? Why?" and others. This will increase the activity of the pupils.

· Play sketches on the topic and discuss them. This will help children understand how to do the right thing in a real situation.

· Ask each child to answer the questions: What does your friend call you? What do you call him? Do you and your friend have nicknames? Are they offensive or not? How affectionately do you call your friend? Who can be your friend besides a peer? Can mom, dad, an animal be a friend?

· Invite the parents to tell the children about their friends, to look at the photos in the family album.