"Interpretation of dreams" Sigmund Freud. Lucid dreaming. Work with a dream

The dream is a normal regressive psychophysiological phenomenon of sleep flowing cycles of 90 minutes. The dream is determined by the "fast eye movement" (REM phase) arising in the first stage of sleep. In children, sleep is longer than in adults; At least 50% of children's night sleep is occupied by the Rem phase and a dream. In this phase, the erection of the penis and the blood pressure of the clitoris is observed; This feature is used when distinguishing organic and psychogenic impotence.

Alarm dreams May be accompanied by awakening in the REM phase, while their content is not remembered. Anxious output from the state of sleep can take place in any of the stages. Dreams that violate the 4th stage of sleep are often accompanied by somnambulism, speaking in a dream, night fears and are rarely remembered. Forgetting dreams are due to both physiological features (the need to immediately restore attention) and psychological factors (displacement, resistance, censorship). Forgotten dreams manage to resurrect in memory under certain conditions, for example, with psychoanalysis and hypnosis.

In work "Interpretation of dreams" Freud considers the phenomenon of hidden, or latent, the content underlying dreams. Attempts to penetrate this phenomenon led Freud to the most important theoretical generalizations of his concept. Other researchers believe that the dream is one of the ways to solve the conflict - the study of psychotrambulating experiences and savings with them, as real, current and children's age. The dreams are also considered as a special form of assimilation of information that promotes cooping with emotional problems.

Processes of thinking and affect presented in dreams in a visual or, which is much less likely, in the auditory form; Other modalities of sensory perception can appear - tactile, olfactory, taste and motor. From the point of view of Freud, the dreams are the result of the operation of a dream-psychological process characterized by the archaic methods of thinking, in particular the displacement, thickening and substitution that contribute to the transfer of hidden content into an explicit dream. Two other elements of dreaming are visual and symbolic representation - represent the process of transformation of thoughts into sensual (sensory) characters and images. And finally, recycling is a combination of scattered images and dream elements and the creation of a single coherent content (fabul, actions). Sometimes recycling does not occur, and then the dream is manifested in the form of dismanded, torn or bizarre-twisted series of images and phrases.

Explicit dream content - This is what is able to recall the anguished individual: interrelated images, speech, the content of sensual and affective components, as well as their formal aspects, including separation into separate segments, dream comments, etc. Dreams for one night or one and the same period of sleep are associated with a single and consistent work of thinking; For example, the resolution of one conflict leads to the emergence of the problem of the next dream, or the same conflict passes throughout the night.

The process of forming a dream is usually considered as follows: under the influence of regression, the relaxation of the motor sphere and the weakening of conscious and unconscious censorship, the archaic functions of thinking, manifested in the form of a dream, using the primary thinking processes. The work of the dream, interacting with the derivatives (derivatives) of children's agents, psychological protection and conflict-related conflicts, as well as with presentations arising on this basis, forms visual images (dreams) that replaced the thoughts generated during sleep.

The remains of the day or provoking incentives are direct sources of material to form a dream (that is, sources in the form of harmless elements of daytime content). If events, impressions, images of perception, thoughts, ideas and feelings of several previous days arise in a dream as insignificant, their importance should be sought in deeply dispensed attractions, desires and conflicts of early children's age. The remains of the day are associated with the unconscious children's attachments and desires of erotic and aggressive nature, thereby masking infantyl impulses that stimulate the formation of a dream. A distortion process is added to such a disguise (including secondary processing), caused by the work of the dream.

The concept of "sleep screen" Psychoanalytic Bertram Levin was introduced to describe dreams that are not clear and recognized visual content. Such dreams are a "clean" or "empty" background, optionally perceived or revived in memory. They are customary to be considered as infantile dreams, symbolizing the figure of a mother or her breasts. Some authors believe that the sleep screen is a background or a dream matrix; Against this background, visual content is manifested, as well as elements of wakefulness.

Freud called the dreams of "royal dear to the unconscious." The increasing importance of psychology I and the problems of the psychoanalytic process contributed to the fact that the interpretation of dreams was one of the most important elements of analytical work. The use of dreams in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis helps, thus, to clear the unconscious manifestations of mental content, integrate children's fantasies and underlying attraction and, finally, to associate conflicts and protection with hidden content, manifested in relevant behavior and transfer.

Rules of interpretation of dreams

Before interpreting dreams, we obviously should be sure that this is a worthy lesson. It is no secret that many consider the dream of nonsense with something meaningless and useless: the dream is a garbage of our mind, daytime, rational thinking. If we think so, the interpretation of dreams depreciates, turning into a stupid lesson, for fools and perverts - for that this is for dubious pleasure to dig in the garbage!

Others, optimists, do not part with dreambooks, they recognize some meaning for dreams, and the interpretation of dreams consider the exercise of common, attributing the opportunity to predict the future. Did dreams make sense? Already good, we halfway to success! However, in this case, the method of interpretation causes questions. The origin and reputation of Mr. Dreamnoy - doubtful.

A psychoanalytic look at the dream is special. The dream is recognized as a full-fledged product of mental functioning, and the interpretation of dreams becomes a "royal road" to the unconscious. At the same time, the "oddity" of dreams is understood as the result of the action of mental censorship, distorting dreams of dreams. So the division appears on the "explicit" dream content - what we remember after awakening and can tell and "hidden thoughts" of dreams - the reconstruction and articulation of which is, in fact, the work of the interpretation of dreams.

Interpretation of dreams is carried out in several stages and obeys certain rules.

The first and most importantly rule says: interpretation of dreams in psychoanalysis is a therapeutic procedure and is carried out if necessary to achieve therapeutic (in a broad sense) effect. Interpretation of dreams - for the sake of love for art - in the real psychotherapeutic process is deprived of meaning and, even, can harm.

The following rule is the interpretation of dreams without a dream is not carried out! The fact is that it is necessary to understand one or another image of a dream, only - only by placing it in the personal context of the dream. If I dreamed of the table and you, too, dreamed of the table, it does not mean that we are thinking about the same thing. If I ask you what comes to your mind when you think about the table, you may remember your yesterday's birthday, the company at the table, etc. My desk is, perhaps a written table for which I, now I am writing this article, etc. These thoughts are called associations to dream elements. The competent psychoanalytic interpretation of dreams is carried out on the basis of free associations to all fragments of the dream. If, for some reason, it is impossible to assemble the dream associations, the interpretation should not be carried out. From here, the psychoanalytic requirement of full-time presence of a dream at the time of interpretation. All others, including dream interpreters, and on-line ways of interpretation of dreams are not correct, and are located on a scale from the pole of delusions and non-professionalism, to the pole of intentional travelers, profanation and deception.

The results of interpretation of dreams in psychoanalysis are not limited to one function, for example, the prediction of the future (t. N. "Prophetic dreams"). Psychoanalysts, more often think about the performance of desire, and about the intra-psychic conflict dramatically in a dream.

The dream can be interpreted on the "object" or on the "subject" level. If I dreamed of my neighbor uncle Vasya, how to understand it? If I decide that it is time for me to figure out the relationship with Uncle Vasya - I understand my dream on the "object" level, as having a relationship here to this real uncle Vasya.

If I ask myself a question, and not "lives" whether in me, in my soul a character like uncle Vasya - I, thereby, approaching the interpretation on the "subject" level.

And the other levels of interpretation have their own testimony (for use), and their limitations, and are used as complementary.

When all the dream associations are assembled, psychoanalyst starts the interpretation of sleep. From now on, art begins. If you collect the Associations could be an apprentice, then interpretation requires a master. Whether a successful interpretation will be held, largely depends on the experience and intuition of psychoanalyst. The key in this process is, over the years generated, sensitivity to unconscious contents and the ability to climb them into words.

When psychoanalyst, formulated interpretation for himself, he asks himself the next, important question - how to "convey" the thought to the patient's ears? Experienced psychoanalysts, usually avoid multi, long phrases. The interpretation must be, if possible, brief and emotionally charged and transfer the essence of the hidden (mental and emotional) experience of the patient.

Finishing, I note that the interpretation of dreams is not a game of mind and not entertainment for lovers. For one dream, there is a real one, sometimes a suffering person who tells his dreams, counting on psychological assistance and support. To respond, to provide this assistance, this is the task of professionals from psychotherapy, including the method of interpreting dreams into its therapeutic arsenal.

Depression and dreams

Sometimes a dream can be used as valuable diagnostic material. Here we will talk about depression in dreams.

Depression is often associated with anger that does not receive its sufficient expression in consciousness and in speech.

As a rule, anger arises in relation to some person in an external environment; In secondary manifestation, he is redirected to the subject itself, finding his expression in depression.

The fact that in the wakeful state a person is experiencing as depression, most likely manifests itself in a dream as aggression against a dream from another figure. Hostile, the attackers of the dream characteristics can be interpreted as its own non-discovered dream aggressive, indicating the need for approval of its genuine feelings.

Dreams. Interpretation of dreams. Consultation on dreams .. disturbing dreams. Dreams with persecution

Classic disturbing dreams can be observed in many people. There are three main types of disturbing dreams: the dreams about the unwillingness for the exam, dreams with pursuit of threatening beings, dreams that carry the physical danger for a dream, such as falling or threat from natural events - landing, floods, fires, etc. - Where is the immediate threatening motive against the dream.

Dreams with exams are anxiety about how the dreams looks in the eyes of other people, or fear will not put in the norm of the social role: "Is he a musician good?", Can he fulfill his work well? " etc.

In dreams with persecution it is important to explore that he is haunting a dream. Is this a man (man or woman)? Animal, monster or "cosmic algered"? Lee is the dreams of one "object" or crowd.

Sometimes there are very clear changes in a person or subject matter who pursue. Initially, he may look frightening, but as I approach any signs of hostility, justifying fear, experienced by a dream, does not arise.

Transformation (if it happens) frightening dream images is very close to what it usually happens in fairy tales: a frog becomes a princess, a beast - a beautiful young man, etc.

Similar transformations seem to depict the "desire" of unconscious content become conscious and engage in the life of a dream.

The terrifying unknown object is a pursuer, maybe a dream threatening for today's, but not for a more holistic person trying to realize his hidden potential. Explore the dream - it means to understand whether there is any obvious sign that the persecutor really tries to harm the dream. He, after all, can represent the unconscious, while, part of the dream psyche, trying to establish contact with me, although this part can become more aggressive and frightening if I dream resisters to such a contact.

Dreams and psychosis

When considering a possible diagnosis of schizophyne or other psychotic process, the dreams may be very useful both in terms of diagnosis, and in the subsequent tracking of the disease itself. Sometimes dreams are helpful in establishing the desirability of the use of therapeutic agents or preparations or hospitalization.

As the very indicator of psychosis, it is often presence in the dream of eccentric images. For example, animal walking without skin, or madness. Threatening to blow the world may indicate the potential deterioration of the mental state. Psychosis occurs when the pressure of unconscious processes suppresses and captures "I"; This may occur under the influence of both internal and external factors.

Dreams. Interpretation of dreams. Consultation on dreams.

More than once attempts were made to let the Freudian theory of dreams under a general denominator. There is a fundamental Freud formula: "Dreaming is (disguised) execution (depressed, displaced desire". However, it should not be overlooked from the type and the fact that Freud is the author of several theories of dreams, the consistent appearance of which marked its promotion from neurology to the theory of the subject.

In the "Essay of Psychology", created in 1895, Freud tried to interpret the phenomenon of a dreaming consciousness based on the model of the reflex arc of neural arousal processes. The most important result of this enterprise can be considered its failure, after which Freud elected a new phenomenological approach to understanding a dream.

This method is associated with a revolutionary approach to its implementation with the help of self-analysis lay down the first main work of Freud- "Interpretation of dreams." In the famous seventh chapter of this work, it is still possible to detect echoes of the initial neurophysiological theory, concentrated in the form of a neurological system. Metaphors: this time the reflexomechanical model of the description is inferior to verbal logic.

In "Lectures", Freud calls the student of the dream desires "Infantile" I "," and a dream desire unexpectedly becomes a subject of a dream. Subsequently, Freud, trying to minimize the risk that his naturally scientific worldview was subjected to a mechanistic neurological model of the psyche by evolutionary biological theory.

After that, "turning towards the biology" Dreaming, which was previously reconstructed as a mechanical process, was perceived as a function rational from a biological point of view of the body. Although Freud believed that even the history of culture affects the genetic constitution, the hint of the theory of the subject can be found in this opinion. After Freud's death, the interest of psychoanalysis to the philosophy of UGAS, because it was time for medical pragmatism, which accompanied the creation of ego-psychology.

The most authoritative scientific work of this period includes the concepts of Erikson, which drew attention to obvious dreams and their connection with the personality structure, protective abilities, the stage of the life cycle and the cultural identity of the dream. Franch devoted a whole book to the description and understanding of the dream cycle of one patient, allocation of various cognitive levels of the dream.

According to Franch, the dream represents mental activities in a state of sleep aimed at solving problems. The dream activity is a system of natural ideas about actions that are formed due to the understanding of a certain situation and through progressive transformations are transformed into a dream image. Recently, the interpersonal theory of dreams, which Frenc referred to, as well as Kanzer and Bergman, indicating the "communicative dream function", appeals the morrgeal. Guided by the Kleinian principles, Melzer sets out the theory of aesthetics of dreams.

Meanwhile, there was a new scientific industry, whose representatives are engaged in comparison of psychophysiological data obtained during experimental studies of sleep and dreams, with psychoanalytic theories of dreams. The center of gravity of these studies falls on the theory of memory. One of the essential aspects of this research industry is the audit of the concept of the primary process.

If Freud believed that the dream was at the heart of the dream, the archaic structure of the deposits is underway, then now it is a parallel development of the processes of cognitive and visual processing of information that affect the life of the individual and integrate during a dream.

Systems of the nometic natural science and ideographic humanitarian scientific worldview, who tried to disagree the thread Freud, formed the basis of various sectors of research. A new attempt to guide bridges between them, about the prospects of which, however, can only be guessing, is a technique of non-empirical deduction within the framework of a logical model for the development of the dream process (see "psychoanalysis and cognitive science").

Leucinger-Bolowber dares to characterize the fragments of dreams using the honed computer vocabulary used during the studies of artificial intelligence, and proposed a new approach to understanding the provisions of the psychoanalytic theory of dreams. These studies contribute to the development of the dialogue between the traditional psychoanalytic theory of dreams and neurophysiology.

Styles of interpretation of dreams

The foundation of the Freudovsky method of interpretation of dreams was found to the principles of a medical survey and personal experience of Freud in the field of microscopic studies. Freud believed that a qualified observer should diligently study the material in the nic of his vision, until he could identify his structure.

He considered a "qualified" observer who received certain knowledge by the method of trial and error. This tradition of interpretation is based on hermeneutic principle, according to which the interpreter, guided by preliminary hypothesis, should constantly attempt to identify previously inaccessible structures.

Freud resembles an archaeologist who collects cuttings, not forgetting to mark, where and in what position they were discovered. As it studies, it comes to the conclusions, allowing to reconstruct the process of destruction of the amphora and thus recreate its initial appearance. Freud resembles a detective who is not rumored by rumors, perfectly realizing that they can mislead, and compares contradictory fasteners with facts.

The method of free associations K. G. Yung arose as part of another tradition. Jung rejected the technique of experimental psychology and set the experience, during which by analyzing a closed chain of free associations arising under controlled conditions, he hoped without the help of the respondent to determine the "complex", that is, the center of this structure.

Even the nuances of this method of study allow us to judge that the paths of the two greatest theorists of dreams were separated: Freud was put by the researcher who had been loyal to discourse, meanwhile as Jung became an expert in invariants.

Appeal to the interpersonal theory of dreams could not not affect the interpretation technique. Morungaltter relates any story about a dream with a context in which this story arises: "When analyzing tells me about his dream, I first try to answer the question: why does he tell me about this dream now?"

Donald Melzer has developed his theory of dreams based on the theory of Bayon's thinking, which likes the dream activity of the process of psychological digestion, in other words, the process of forming structured shaped presentations ("alpha elements").

In the course of the development of the child, this is happening only if the mother performs the functions of a kind of "container" for excessive tension, which cannot be implemented during the dream process. In practice, this is expressed in the form of empathy and sincere attitude towards the projective identification of the child, as well as the ability to adequately respond, during which the child's identification is deprived of pathological content. According to Meltser, the process of interpretation of dreams proceeds in the same way: "The analyst allows the patient to cause a dream."

Starting from early works of the plow, the initial dream is of particular importance for the psychoanalytic treatment technique. It is believed that the first dream of which the patient reports during the analysis contains the grain of a key conflict.

Sleep and dream research

The discovery of the phenomenon of fast movements of the eyes during sleep and the establishment of the correlation between these spontaneous movements and the dream of a certain activity instilled in researchers in the fact that they determined the psychophysiological indicator of the dream. However, it turned out quite soon that the range of application of this indicator is very limited, since the dreams arise at other stages of sleep. Nevertheless, large-scale studies of sleep and dreams were based on this assumption, because it was too seductive, the possibility of finding an accurate statement would seem to compete to the old as the world, the secret of dreams.

Wide distribution among psychoanalysts received an opinion that the dream is a subjective memory of dreams or experiences. Often, more categorical judgments were spoken about the fact that the dream is a message about these memories. The comprehension of the "dreaming in itself" in accordance with the distorted principles of objectivity is not the purpose of psychoanalysis.

Thus, surveys in the field of sleep and dreams, performing the function of fundamental studies, cannot replace an interpretative approach. Despite the considerable costs and claims, these studies brought some benefit psychoanalysis and rather can serve as a bright example of the fact that even such an accurate determination of psycho-physiological indicators of functional processes almost does not allow to judge the thinking processes that are compared with them.

A description of the physiological changes in a state of sleep cannot serve as a basis for studying the experiences associated with a dream that occurs in this state. In order to identify the content of dreams under cognitive psychology, a method for analyzing a dream content is applied.

When analyzing fragments of a story about a certain dream, certain emotional elements are detected, after which the results displayed on the scales are summed up. In addition, "decorative" criteria are taken into account, in particular, the number of identity characters, their sex and age differences. However, both methods do not allow to take into account the dynamic features of most dreams, their "flowing" character.

Get more or less accurate information about such a complex complex and dynamic phenomenon, as a dream, allow psychoanalytic studies, in particular modern methods for studying individual cases, some of which require high costs. In this case, an example is the theory of imitation of dreams, within which attempts have been made to create an accurate computer model of cognitive processes in case of individual dreams.

Clinical features

In psychoanalytic literature, the features of the dreams of certain groups of people, in particular the special functions and importance of children's dreams, were noted. According to the coogut, the psychoanalytic theory of dreams does not allow to explain the dreams associated with the condition of the self. Grinder in a different context indicates that certain dreams, in particular, "dreams in reality", serve to compensate for damage caused by narcissistic offended. In this case, the obvious dream is designed to demonstrate a disremitable self. Due to the "flattening interpretation of latent desires dictated by entreprenences, a threat of a decrease in narcissistic self-assessment can again arise. The special aspects of dreams characteristic of individuals with narcissistic trends and patients suffering from the border disorder of individuals also indicate a child-dakser.

Communicative dream feature

The dream, at least at first glance, refers to a narcissistic and entirely intrapsihoid phenomena. The actors and viewers in it are similar to the Sleeping Him; The ultimate goal of the performance is to preserve sleep - the most narcissical in its nature of the mental state. However, in the neighboring areas, as well as, as it is further shown in this article - in it itself, there are communicative elements that are of great importance not only for the therapeutic approach, but also for theoretical substantiation of the psychology of the dream.

Patient's desire to tell about his dreams described Ferens (Ferenczi 1950), which indicated that the listener chosen for this purpose is, as a rule, is a relevant identity of the dream. Thus, this arising in a dream, the desire for communication can be considered a continuation of the desire of sleeping to establish contact with the reality that exists in the remains of daylight impressions. This aspect, naturally, is of great interest in psychoanalytic treatment.

Freud already in his early studies described other people's dreams, caused by the desire to prove to him that he was not right (Freud 1900), - by motivation, which much fastened his goal when he was told about this dream. For a more complete understanding of the dreams of Freud himself, we should remember his desire to publish them. This motive was associated with impulses, which at that time pushed him to self-analysis. The importance of this aspect is obvious: its evidence is served by Freud's own comments and re-analyzing his dreams, made recently Erikson (Erikson 1954) and Winterstein (WINTERSTEIN 1954).

The obvious fact is also the hidden hostility of Freud to Flissa, which is found in his friendly letters only by one observation of the dream "Pop VIXIT": "I realized that I am happy because I experienced you" (Freud 1910). The need for the expression of forbidden hostility in a similar way, without any doubt, penetrated the dream, and the reaction against this led to the emergence of "hypocritical dreams" related to the Fliss.

From this point of view, the function of letters in toto is the transmission of visible content, which is reported as protection against the stripping of hidden content to become known.

According to the most primitive and common explanation of the dream, the Divine messages (or, in the modern version, "telepathic experiences") are divine messages. This can be seen not just a special form of authorized insight, but also the projection of the need for communication. The Apostle Paul after his vision went to preach the Word of God, insisting on the fact that others take it. Many writers and artists who are literally inspired by their dreams have not been able to complete the dream of a dream, until they shared them with the audience. In the neurosis of fate, the disclosure of a dream plays an important role, provoking those events that were predicted in the dream (Wed. The role of Oracle in the tragedy about the EDIP). A characteristic feature of this type of communication is the desire for confession and to punish, reinforcing protection against unconscious desires and at the same time contributing to their satisfaction.

One of the options for this procedure is the holiday of dreams at the Iroquois - a kind of Saturnia - which begins after the general confession of sins. Its participants put on masks (perhaps the masks of evil spirits) and indulge in wild and destructive behavior. He can end the end of only those of their victims who will be able to solve their dreams (Frazer 1947). In this charade, the tormentor seemed to become an embodied character from the nightmare, and his role was very similar to the role of Sphinx in the legend of the Edipe. Edies of the dreams, who solve a mystery, presumably takes similar dreams and, therefore, aware of his guilt. Behind the confession should be released.

Such rituals and dramas resume conflict within the very dreams between the desire to sleep and the remnants of daylight impressions that become the means of bringing the unconscious. Narcissical and communicative functions can be reconciled with each other if we recall the nature of secondary narcissism. Leaving the outside world, sleeping may leave objects, only intriguing them in a symbolic form. Thus, external communications, including communication, internally, reviving, as it was possible to expect, even simpler actions of the same kind from the past. These include identification and simple actions in which the sleep acts as a subject and observation object, which is very important for the dream formation mechanism. A simple image of a dream may be an embodiment of a complex harmony of past and present relationships and communications, for example, Dream Freud "R. - My Uncle", which is an exchange of views between several people. The culmination of this dream is the message of sleeping, sent to itself.

Ultimately, communication is characteristic of the main forces that set the boundaries between the ego and the object in sensory impressions, in motor reactions and in symbols, phylogenetic and synthetic, fixing the evolution of the mental structure. Experience and communication is a single whole: the first contact of the child with the world begins and ends with a cry; Consequently, the main units of psyche on the structural, dynamic and economic levels are object relationships. Primary narcissism, which is mainly hypothetical, can be defined as a state in which ideas about the object are located on a purely phylogenetic level. Secondary narcissism can be defined as a state associated with individual experience. Due to the difficulties associated with the achievement of equilibrium between the mental forces, sleep as the reintegration of the ego splitting with the persistent requirements of reality becomes a return to the state of secondary narcissism.

Hypnosis studies show that sleep is caused by the splitting of the remains of the day, in which the "good part" is intruded, and the "bad" is deleted (Kanzer 1953). The flooding process is not just a narcissistic regression, but by resolving the conflict, in which the parent (Oedips or predes) is reunited with the ego, and the bad thing is destroyed. In disturbing dreams, attempts to such a kind do not achieve success. Sleeping person really is not lonely: he "sleeps" with his good intrinsic object. This clearly manifests itself in the habits of sleeping: in the physical need for a child in a child, in a sexual partner in an adult, in the need for light, toys and rituals as preliminary conditions for sleep in neurotics (Winnicott 1953).

For the latest category, intractive measures are favorable - eating, beverages, pills, shower - and, of course, archaic forms of such actions, such as lulling, braid and singing. On the "Dream Screen" you can see traces and features of a dream partner (Lewin 1950); Parent's stories and prayers for sleepy dream are at the same time rejection and destruction of the parent with the help of splitting mechanisms. Awakening, on the contrary, is represented in myths as reluctant parting with a favorite object, often as the consequence of a forbidden look (when a person opens his eyes), as, for example, in the legend about psychhery and Erote and in Legend of Orphey and Euridic. Sleep can also be represented as a captivating power of dark, from which a person is trying to escape (Persephone and Pluto); Therefore, both in "good" and in "bad dreams" (Levin), the ego is not lonely.

The transition from sleep to awakening is not absolute, and "simple dreams" of children who originate in real relationships can carry a desire from a dream back to reality. For example, a message of a disappointed little girl that "someone" in a dream gave her cherries, contained an unmistakable hint on her father. Despite its more disguised form, the sleep of "Little Hans" about two giraffes was a tactful reminder to his parents that he was already familiar with certain life facts. When baby is calling

His mother is a sign of the immediate influence of the nightmare, or the reflection of the paralyzing fear of its inability to inform about this nightmare. The object relations established "from above" in a similar way form the surface for the hierarchy of the "bottom" relations.

The removal or approximation of objects in dreams is related, apparently with children's memories of approximation or removal of parents, that is, with accessibility to communicate, reflecting the existing spatial configuration of the ego boundaries. Dreams associated with drops, lifts or flights are the same principle and largely determined in men with their erection's experience. The termination of communication, often with a shade of death or castration, can be expressed in a dream direct separation from its body or such typical symbols of a dream, like a loss of teeth, delayed by train, etc.

Exhibitionist dreams and dreams associated with the observation of others, usually indicate a desire (or fear) of communication; An empty orgasm can testify, in accordance with the usual antithesis nature of primary symbols, at the same time about the execution of the desire to establish visual contact with the object and the desire to break it. Obony, tactile, thermal and auditory impressions, as well as motor pulses serve these goals to the same extent as visual performances. Communicative importance in the dream and its description may have bars, obscure parts, dips in memory, or elements opposite to them.

Freud indicated that at the time of a dream, thought may occur: "I have to tell about this analytics." He discovered that in a dream, as well as in the impulse, which contains a desire to describe his sleep, there is a resistance to tell about him. Others also emphasized the positive suggestion of sleeping under the same conditions to tell about themselves (Abraham 1948; Blitzten et al. 1950; Sharpe 1937). Both aspects are presented in a small masterpiece of the ambiguity of communication, when the patient dreamed of "something" about his girlfriend - he could not remember anything else about his dream, "and he immediately thought:" I have to tell about this analytics. " In its more positive form, this meant: "I have to tell the analyst that I refused dreams about my girlfriend." In the same way, Freud believed that the forgotten name in a dream means: "I should not dream."

All analysts are familiar with signs of overcoming resistance. His precursor often serves a series of dreams after a long sleepless period, in which the desire to communicate is increasingly manifested (as the source of the generation of instinctive deposits), which declares itself earlier than the patient can realize it. One woman, who suffered from agoraphobia, trying to cope with the awareness of the strengthening of his sexual feelings, was forced to tell her husband to whom she usually did not tell anything about the progress of the psychoanalyst, in which she danced with a kind of man (analyst). The teasing of her husband was also a prevention of increased anxiety on his part (since it was about agoraphobia) and a means of strengthening its own protection; The message of the analyst about this dream, sharply contrasting with its habit of forgetting the dreams, was aimed at seducing the analyst and the implementation of intrapsihical communication in the form of lovedues with a dancing partner.

The desire to establish links or break them is clearly expressed in the neurosis of the transfer, which is an intermediate link between the dream and awakening and gives an analyst to therapeutically enter the dream (Kanzer 1953). This assumption also confirmed the experiments of F-1 Shera (Fisher 1953). Apparently, it is based on the approval of Freud that "for the majority of dreams that can be used in the analysis and who originate in the suggestion, is the desire of the patient to please analytics" (Freud 1912).

As the resistance increases the language of communication in free association and in a dream becomes more narcissive and less understandable. Rechaining and somatization become symbols of international relations, in which, along with the splitting of objects excluded from the world of dreams, analyst cleavage. The approach, with which you can best understand such regressive behavior and again make it an object of therapy (even in the case of deep schizophrenia), is a communicative aspect that is an integral element of each symptom and action.

A patient susceptible to asthmatic attacks, trying to keep the verbal expression of his desires towards the analyst, used sleep to explain the meaning of his symptom: "I dream that I am lying on the couch, and you sit on the other end of the room. I get up to approach you But I find out that between us lies the barrier in the form of a non-frozen concrete. When I immerse my leg, he quickly freezes. I am in the vice, I'm scared, and I begin to scream. " She woke up from an attack of asthma. Astmatic attack is the last fragment of sleep, which finds the patient completely in the vice of its protection. Deeper layers of sleep lead to genetic and sexual aspects; The immediate difficulty is expressed in her desire to climb from the couch, look at the analyst, get closer to it, etc.

Therapeutic work holds it "in the vice", and the attack is not only a means of braking and self-causing (satisfying her desire to clamp the penis analytics in the viciousness of his vagina), but also by receiving immediate assistance (like a crift with nightmare), which makes the analyst abandon their neutral Position. All this requires an immediate response that would help restore communication at the verbal level. From her dreaming it was also helpful to learn that as a result of free association, she felt that "immersed the leg in concrete." In this regard, the analyst should be thought of whether his own interpretation of a kind of "unrequited concrete" was not the one of the "concrete" character, and did they have created a threat to remain in the "vice" for a patient. The rapid of the reasons for the attack was found during several recent discussions in which the analyst was not possible to "rise" before understanding the situation.

Refund of relationships establishes the form of mutual communication, ordinary for dreams, transfer, etc. Analytical dreams often offer the following option, which can be properly interpreted only if the real ego is alternating with a real object: "I stand behind my brother, who is trying to hang the door flew from the loops. He cannot do this, but I decide anything to him not speak". Sleeping woman suffering from obsessive neurosis and distinguished exclusive chatty, says nothing. The analyst failed to overcome this obstacle, and the patient suspected that his silence means disapproval. The inability to establish contact is also reflected in the inability to put the door in place, and the opposite tendency is manifested in the situation in which the "door is left open." The basis of the images are the habits associated with the toilet, as well as pederastic fantasies.

The last dream actually belongs to the number of so-called "mirror dreams", which were discussed by Miller (Miller 1948) and other psychoanalysts. They believe that these dreams are connected with the achievement of insight, confessing with the desire, and under the mask narcissism, the desire to establish contact with other people hides in them. The reflection of such cases is often found in the fiction literature and, as Rank 1914 showed (Rank 1914) in the analysis of "Dr. Jackail and Mr. Heyda", "Portrait of Dorian Gray" and other works, it is often associated with fantasies about their twin - a sign of mental disorder at the hero And his author. This phenomenon is based on identification violation.

Dreams and tongue have common roots. Picturesque images correspond to certain words. On the alternating game of words, which binds dreams, speech, thinking and symptoms, repeatedly pointed out Freud and other analysts. An illustration of a Sharpe observation associated with the origin of the metaphor when controlling bodily functions (Sharpe 1937), serves as the dream of a single exhibitionist, which in a state of psychological stress suffered from incontinence of urine: I dreamed that some person told me a funny story. He said: "This guy ran everywhere and searched the place where" calm "." Then he said something about urination on the edge of the road, but it was not entirely clear. Then he began to portray a man who really wanted to write: he was wriggled with all the body, Krasnel, etc. Finally, he said: "Well, pulls out, it means that the guy is his member, and all this nastiness adhered to his head." This means that instead of urination he had seeds. "

On the one hand, sleep is associated with memories of urination and children's conflicts, when the patient on the edge of the road competed with other boys whose stream of urine will be higher. On the other hand, he talks about the difficulties associated with the ability to joke and tell the anecdote, which is the mental equivalent of exhibitionist urination. Explicit content clearly demonstrates an intriguing relationship between the words and actions of the narrator: where imitative actions can end the demonstration of penis and urination, instead their linguistic equivalence is present - the flow of words. Words themselves are expressed in a dream in a jargon form, in contrast to the more cultural speech of the patient in life, resembling in this way about the functions that they replace.

Signs are applied to the judovo exhibitionism, which occurs on the basis of a protective shell of good upbringing. Memories associated with urination displays the components of masturbation and primary scene; They also have echoes of unpleasant experience in college when in the toilet instead of urination in the patient there was ejaculation. In general, all this is associated with free associations that are blocked by urges to urine and motor concern on the couch. The same thing happens during the usual conversation. Recent cases of communication showed loss of control and introduced into the analysis "seed" (vital substance) instead of urine, which was present before. Simultaneously with the reaction of fright on its first ejaculation, the patient has pleasure and confusion about one recent communication, which ended in a similar way.

The problem is allowed in a dream with the help of the projection: the narrator-exhibitionist turns out to be another person - instead of a college student, he turns into a "cool guy", which boldly "distinguishes" internal content on the "edge of the road". At this point, the work of the mind ends: it faces resistances that make an ambiguity in a dream. In conclusion - a joke to the analyst: only a trace remains, and it is impossible to determine the nature of the distinguished substance. In the interpretation of the primary scene, the frustration of the patient is reproduced.

Recently, there was an interest in the words that said in a dream. This happened thanks to the works of Fliss 1953 and Isakover (1954), which, along with other problems, examine the role of the ego and the super-ego in this process. The ambiguity and prophetic force said in the dream of words had a strong influence on the folklore and ideas about the divine character of sleep, bordering the phenomenon of auditory hallucinations. The verbal images makes Fliss's conclusion, are nuclear both for the ego and for the super ego, and the relationship between the ego and the super ego have not only intrapersonal, but also interpersonal characteristics. " This interpersonal aspect arises again in critical situations, reviving the initial state of the formation of the super-ego, in which the child is required to protect parents.

The following dream is an interesting illustration of this principle and also says that the words said from the scream of a child who calls parents. One middle-aged woman, the older sister of which was at death in the hospital, was left to spend the night in the house with her husband's husband. For this reason, her anxiety and Oedipus conflicts strengthened, and at night she dreamed that some unfamiliar man with long mustes would break at the door of her bedroom, which I woke up in horror with the cry of "Henry, Henry" (her husband's sister's name). Later it came to mind that a stranger from her sleep was like her father, whom she saw only in photographs, as he died when she was still small. In this case, the fact of splitting the reaction to the sister's husband is obvious to its erotic aspects and elements of the super-ego (using his name as a kind of super-ego spell to destroy an evil spirit in his own image). She still managed to make him enter her room.

The Word said in a dream serves as a sign of the work of a high-level dream, close to the transition of thought to the usual after awakening. Starting from this point, the Isacker detects more regressive forms of the language due to the increasing prevalence of the primary process. "Speech satisfies the human need for orientation in the broadest sense," he says. In this sense, we can consider visual images of a dream with a means of communication and primitive orientation.

Communicative elements in dreams are of particular importance, dependent, undoubtedly, from their manifestation in the apparent and hidden contents - in a desire, expressed in a dream, or in the work of a dream. The latter as "Translation" of dreams of dreams (Freud), of course, itself is a form of communication and bears the meaning of the dream features. As such, it is a magical attempt to change reality (more precisely, day residues). Freud for the illustration of a dream component uses a fairy tale "naked king" as an allegory, and in this allegory also means the activity of interpersonal and intraperial relationships in the formation of dreams.

The fraudster convinces the king to wear an imaginary dress and then appear naked in public. The form of a fraudster corresponds to the work of a dream, imaginary clothes - an explicit sleep content, the image of the king - the mysteriously silent spacecraft and the sleep itself, whose exhibitionism is manifested in the desires contained in the dream. The people taught them to take some ordinary human aspirations in disguised form; A child in a fairy tale who calls things with their names and destroys neurotic behavior, is, of course, analyst. The verbal communications of the secondary process replace the playback of the primary process and complete the dream.

Such conflicts between communication at verbal and somatic languages \u200b\u200bare expressed in a dream of another patient who also detected in this dream also hidden paranoid trends. During the period of the development of conscious homosexual transfer, he dreamed of such a dream: "I was sitting in a male toilet and I was practiced. Judge X. Entered, Washed his hands with an indifferent look and left, noticing:" Go to me when you finish. "And then I died."

Judge X., famous for the scrupulousness of his investigations and incorruptible honesty, could well become a symbol of God on a terrible court for a patient. The ease of the scene and behavior of the patient was completely far from reality, and he did not die at all. The associations pointed out when they both expected the appearance of a witness, but only in order to seek to find out that he committed suicide on the way to a meeting with them. The shock was particularly strong for the patient, as it meant that a huge preliminary work, which he gave so much strength turned out to be useless. In fact, this incident turned out to be a turning point in his career and illness: the rapid rise in his past should now stop.

The words "go to me when done" reminded the recent request of his boss, concerned about the insufficient diligence of the patient when performing tasks.

During the analysis, the depressive mood, expressed in words "nothing comes out, nothing will happen," he replaced his persistent requests to the analyst about the provision of more attention to him and allocate him extra time. The dream was fulfilled his desire to change the current therapeutic "feces" friendly and informal meetings.

Shortly before, he had an alarming symptom - constipation. The need to hold most of the responsiveness for him fill in his work and habits, reviving the genetic past. In the dream, the judge discovers his anal crime (causing it with navalized shorts) and shows an example of reactive education (my hands washes; and, like this boss, launders hands from the patient). As an ego ideal, it is also the cause of constipation, as well as a split and well-projected representative of the fecal column representing the penis of anal aggressor. For this reason, communication is violated from outside the care of the judge, but is strengthened inside due to the control over the sphincters.

A verbal translation is also a masterpiece of ambivalence: the "Go to Me" Invitation performs at the same time as a sexual overture and as a threat to leave; Moreover, it is hidden inverse meaning: in fact, the patient invites the judge to "go" and see him. This dream refers to a paranoid exhibitionist type, which reconstructs viewers from childhood.

Freud said that "there is no dream, in which there would be no dual value or the game of words," and described the natural trend of dreams to turn and concrete sense. The opinion of Sharpe that the latter meaning is specifically associated with the metaphor with the control over the sphincters, is confirmed in our own material. The dream itself, as an archaic and metaphorical language, apparently begins at a point where the sphincters (censors) are first called on mental control to regulate absorption and exit on the borders of the ego, and these processes form the communication core. The Levin Dream Screen is a digestive and, maybe even an excretory prototype, which, for example, is expressed in its frequently found association with bodily discharge phenomena (Kanzer 1954). The explicit insufficiency of this regulatory function is expressed in disorders that, with nightmares, affect the sphincters and the dream formation (Stern 1951).


1. The dream fulfills the communicative function - directly related to intrinsic objects and indirectly in relation to the outside world. This assumption is confirmed by both clinical data and the theory. Sleep refers to phenomena rather not primary, but secondary narcissism (at least after the early childhood period), and the sleepy objects enter into their dreams.

2. Dreaming language, as an expression of this fact, can regressively manifest itself over wide range - from the words said before identification and sensor exchanges at the borders of the ego. From an archaic point of view, dream images are designed to regulate the latter by control by the sphincters playing the role of censors.

3. Signs of pulses to establish communication (or to its rupture) serves, respectively, approximation to objects or removal from them in dreams; Exhibitionist situations, situations of observation of others, etc. In combination with incontinence of urine, orgasms, rejection pulses and messages about their dreams. In the process of analytical therapy, the analyst is observed both in the intraxihic and in the external communicative system of sleeping.

A visual shaped row generated by the human consciousness during the sleep phase with a rapid movement of the eyes. Studies show that people awakened during fast sleep phase, usually report that they saw sleep. Dreams occur during the phase of slow sleep, although not so regularly. The exact feature and nature of dreams is the subject of one of the oldest discussions in psychology. Freud argued that dreams are a type of imagined fulfillment of desires: what is not available to conscious mind can be carried out in the subconscious world of dreams. Cognitive explanations of the nature of dreams look far from so exciting; According to these explanations, dreams are something like a mental "system of binder and storing documents". During sleep, our brain continues to handle the results of daily activities, and the dreams simply reflect unconscious attempts to find some order in the chaotic cognitive world of images of yesterday.


Dreams) S. become the subject of scientific research., Starting from the middle of the XIX century. Prior to that there were many assumptions about their origin and meaning. Popular was the theory that S. is divine messages who have a prophetic goal. Since the messages were encrypted, their understanding required decryption. This task was taken by persons with the gift of interpretation of dreams. Dream interputes were compiled, containing elements of C. and their estimated meaning. S. played a very important role in primitive and ancient peoples and still retain her in MN. parts of light. The history of scientific study of the issue can be divided into 3 periods: a) 1861-1900; b) 1900-1953; c) after 1953 1861-1900 in 1861 A. Mori, a French scientist, published his research. The influence of the external stimuli on their S. The most famous example was his dream about the guillotine: a long dream about the French revolution, the climax of which was a sentence of Mori to the death penalty. He woke up at the time of the fall of the guillotine knife, finding that the board from the head of the bed fell into his neck. The external stimulus launched the sequence of memories, which were formed by S. dr. The scientists of this time demonstrated the effect of organic states on the formation of S. were the TZh Research., Dedicated to the reasons for the forgetting of dreams, contents of S., Communication S. with thinking and functions S. 1900-1953 Z. Freud - the main acting person of this period. The first edition of his "interpretation of dreams" stimulated the prevalence period of clinical research. S. Although Freud and his colleagues found that the interpretation of S. is an invaluable tool for disclosing the origins of symptoms in patients, S. interested him also for the reason that they talked about unconscious mental. processes. Freud argued that S. Yav-Xia royal dear to the unconscious. S. is divided into separate elements, and the dream is asked to express free Assoc. On each element. According to this free Assoc. The hidden content was determined or, in a different way, "dream thoughts" were detected. The explicit content of C. - Conscious, hidden - unconscious. The motive for the formation of S. Yav-Xia desire, displaced from consciousness due to its intolerable pain. The most important of these desires appear in early childhood and have sexual or aggressive coloring. During sleep, the outstanding instance (Freud named. Its censorship) is less vigilant, so that the unconscious desire can find its expression in C. However, if the desire is expressed too open, the rising level of anxiety leads to awakening. Consequently, when building C. Desire must be disguised to pass censorship. The concealment of desire is the fact that Freud named. Work S. Work S. includes four operations. The first of them is condensed. Freud noticed that the S. recallment is always much shorter than its hidden content determined by free Assoc. This means that several. Sync thoughts were compressed, forming a single image of C. The second operation - offset. Psychic. The values \u200b\u200bof the dream thoughts are subjected to displacement when creating an explicit content of C. Bright, the memorable features of the explicit silence can be a relatively unfriendly achievable thoughts, while trifling, minor elements of explicit content can be a dreamless thoughts of tremendous importance. The third operation is symbolization. Displaced desires are represented by innocent characters to get around censorship. Male genitals can be visualized as a fountain pen. Fourth surgery, secondary processing, makes a dream more connected and understandable when remembered thanks to filling the spaces and additions. Jung appreciated S., perhaps even higher than Freud. He distinguished small S., reflecting ordinary day care during sleep, from large S. with messages from the deepest layer of the unconscious. This layer is he called. Collective unconscious, since he is the same for every person. In any culture. The content of the collective unconscious Java Mental. Structures, or archetypes inherited from past generations. To identify archetype in a big dream, Jung invented the development method. The dreams are asked to say what each element of dreams resembles him. It must record his attention on this element, not allowing to follow the involuntary movement of thought, as with free Assoc. The element can be developed. Not only a dream, but also by the analyst, and the TZH by references to mythology, lawsuit, religion and literature. Images in large S. Yav-Xia symbols of archetypes. These symbols reflect the trend of archetypes are not hidden, but to express ourselves. For Jung, symbols are more revealed rather than hiding. M. Boss, an existential psychotherapist, denies that the dreams are symbolic (i.e., the product of the work of S. over the unconscious days of thoughts and disabled desires) or compensatory. C. must be taken at its none value. It covers how the dreams sees its existence. After 1953, watching the sleeping, Azerinsky found that their eyeballs during the night periodically commit fast, conjugate movements. He and Clayhetman believed that these quick eye movements (REM from Rapid Eye Movements) may mean that people. Sees sleep. To test this hypothesis, they walked the tests under the periods of their relative rest during periods. The tests reported a much larger number of C. When waking in the RAM phases than when we wake up in the phases without quick eye movements (NREM). It seemed that the physiologist was first discovered. Indicator C. Subsequent studies. Rem-phases found and other distinctive characteristics. Electric brain waves in the REM phases have a higher frequency and low amplitude compared with the wave activity in the NREM phases. During the REM phases, disorders of the rhythm of breathing and heartbeat, blood pressure fluctuations, genital excitation are detected. By virtue of these reasons, the REM phase is called. states of psychophysiological activation. Since during the night, with a normal dream, 4-5 REM-phases are noted, it is not difficult to conclude that everyone sees 4-5 C. With the awakening of the sleeping during the REM phase in the laboratory conditions, most of these S. m. B. Restored. Instead of depend on relatively rare and, possibly, selective removal of dreams in the morning, in the laboratory, you can identify a large number of S., which is presumably sued more representative for this individual. In the US and Europe there were many laboratories, hundreds of research were carried out in the first. Unfortunately, the initial finds were not confirmed. The greatest blow was the discovery - repeatedly confirmed - that C. I remember when waking in any phase of sleep, and not just in the REM phases. It seems that the whole dream is a dream with S. Dnah, about the reasons reported when awakening in the NREM phases, several. Closer to rational thoughts, but, despite this, the general difference, the overwhelming majority of dreams from the NREM-phases are unreal (fantastic, fabulous, mythical, etc.). Obvious and discouraging resort is the lack of reliable physiologist. Indicators or C. C. At least were not detected. These negative cuts, nevertheless, did not discourage all sleep researchers. At that time, when Azerinsky, Clayhetman and Dement put the first laboratory experiments, K. Hall began to analyze messages about S., using the content analysis method. Hall and his colleagues categorized various elements of reports of C. Examples of such categories of Java: a) people. Characters classified by sex and age, family members, friends, familiar and unfamiliar persons; b) animals; c) interaction between characters, for example. aggressive, friendly or sexy; d) misfortune or happy events; e) success and failure; e) interior and exterior; g) objects; h) emotions. Were formulated and theoret. Categories, for example Castrial anxiety, oralness and regression. Dr. The researchers were proposed another number of content-analysis systems S. The most sophisticated among them is the sustainable content analysis system, the development. D. Faulx. In an extensive laboratory research. S. Children, he showed that the cognitive development, estimated by the residence of the analysis of S. in children aged 3-15 years, parallel to their cognitive development in waking life. The advantage of the content analysis of Java is that a large number of dreams collected in persons of different sexes, age, national and ethnicity living at different times, etc., m. B. Analyzed in terms of finding out similarities and differences between them. It was, for example, it was found that the dreams in men differ in many ways from dreams in women. Men's S. contain more male characters, unfamiliar persons, manifestations of physical. Aggression, sexuality, physical. Activity, tools and weapons, open premises than women's dreams. In women's dreams, more women, familiar persons, conversations, garments and closed premises than in S. Men. Hall and his staff studied Diaries of dreams, which were tested, often for years. An interesting find of Java is that in general, the content of S. in an adult changes little from year to year. Work on the content-analysis of S. shows greater consistency between the content of S. and our everyday worries. It was called. principle of connectivity. See also fantasy, performances, Son K. S. Hall


Dreams; Traume) - independent, spontaneous manifestations of the unconscious; Fragments of involuntary mental activity, fairly conscious to be played in awake. Jung determined sleep as "spontaneous drawing of his portrait in symbolic form, an image of a valid situation performed in the unconscious" (CW & PAR. 505).

"Dreams are not deliberate or random fictions - they are natural phenomena that do not claim more than they themselves. They do not deceive and do not lie, do not disguise under something else and do not distort existing, but naively declare that they are and something naive mean. They are annoyed and confused only because we do not understand them. They do not resort to any framing and tricks to hide something, but inform us about their contents with all possible within their originality. We also We can understand what makes them so strange and difficult: since we will comprehend from experience that they invariably seek the opportunity to express something that the ego does not know and does not understand. Their inability to a clearer self-expression corresponds to the inability or indestructivity of the conscious mind to understand the essence of the question "(CW 17, PAR. 189; cdd, p. 115-116).

In the symbolic form of a dream depict the current situation in the mental point of view of the unconscious.

"Since the meaning of most dreams is not in agreement with the trends of the conscious mind, demonstrates specific deviations, then we must admit that the unconscious, the matrix of dreams, performs an independent function. This is what I call the autonomy of the unconscious. Dream not only does not obey our desire But very often falls into the outrageous opposition to our conscious intentions. This opposition is not always noticeable - sometimes a dream is only slightly deviated from the conscious installation and includes minor changes - accidentally it may even coincide with conscious trends and intentions. When I tried to express such behavior in The concept of compensation is uniquely adequate to me, since it is one able to combine all numerous ways of sleep behavior. Compensation must be distinguished from complement (optional). The concept of complementaryness is too narrowly and limited - it is not enough to explain the dream function Because it denotes the relation in which two things complement one other more or less mechanically. Compensation, for its part, which implies the term itself, means a balanced and comparison of various data or points of view so as to refine or fix "(CW 8, PAR. 545).

Jung admission that in some cases the dreams perform the function of making desires and protect the sleep from interrupting (Freud) or detect infantile aspiration to power (Adler), but he himself focused on their symbolic content and their compensatory role in the mental self-regulation - dreams detect Those aspects of a person who are usually not realized, they reveal unconscious motivations acting in relationships and represent new points of view in conflict situations.

"In this regard, there are three possibilities. If a conscious installation to a vital situation is more unilateral, the dream takes the opposite side. If the consciousness occupies a position close to the" mid ", a dream is satisfied with variations. If the conscious installation" Right "(adequate) , the dream coincides with it and emphasizes this tendency, although not degrading with its specific autonomy. Since no one can know with confidence, as the patient consciously evaluates that or another situation, the interpretation of dreams is naturally impossible without a dream survey. But even, even, If we know the conscious situation, we do not know anything about the installation of the unconscious. Since the unconscious is a form or matrix of not only dreams, but also psychogenic symptoms, the question of installing the unconscious is a huge practical importance (ibid., Par. 546).

Unlike the Freud School, which considered the manifest 2081 the content of sleep "mask", "Facade", something "unreal" or "symbolic", Jung considered it only as a special case and step to the fact that "a dream often talks about sexuality, But it does not always have it in mind - often speaks of his father, but in fact implies the dreams himself. " And further:

"<...> If our dreams reproduce certain ideas, these ideas are, above all, our ideas, in the structure of which our holistic being unfolds. They act as subjective factors, grouped in the same way as in a dream, and expressing this or the value is not for external reasons, but in deep intimate prompts of their mental. All the dream work, in essence, subjective, and the dream is the theater, in which the dreams are scene, actor, souflela, director, author, public and criticism. This simple truth forms the foundation for understanding the meaning of the dream, which I called the interpretation on the subjective level. Such an interpretation is considering all dream characters as personalized features of the dream "(" General aspects of dream psychology ", CW 8, PAR. 509).

Interpretation on the objective level relates dreams of a dream towards people and situations in the outside world.

Many dreams have a classic drama structure. They are present exposure (place, time and characters), which demonstrates the original dream situation. Next, there is a development of the Faboy, the plot (there is a place of action). At the third phase, culmination arises (a decisive event occurs). The final stage - lysis - occurs as a result or permission of what happened.

Jung believed that the dreams concern the future person, calling them the "unconscious foresight of the conscious achievement." Nevertheless, he recommended to consider one or another dream only as a preliminary schematic map or draft plan, and not as a prophecy or a focusing directive.

Dream cycles often help in disclosing an individual process and detect a personal symbolism of a person or another, its "individual theater".

Sleep and dreams are inextricably linked, and there are also dangerous revaluation of both the unconscious and conscious ego. Understanding the dynamics of the dream of a multilateral and affects the entire personality, and not only human intelligence.

Fragments of dreams are subwhates

Schrödinger was like a psychotherapist in something. Therapists, like me, believe that a person looks like a person only in the generally accepted reality, but beyond its borders, in unconditioned reality, is a group of subcases. That is why therapists always say that the knowledge of himself means the cognition of their various parts and processes. Take a look at your dreams. We know that even if last night you dreamed with a ten different fragments - let's say, you have dreamed trees, dogs, your father, your sister, and school teacher - all these figures or sublocities are the necessary components of your full "I". In his everyday reality, you do not see these dream substances; They, so to speak, are undergoing superposition, creating what we could call your cumulative "glow", or aura, your power of silence, almost elusive pattern that moves you!

In the country, you have a lot of sublipses in the country, just like a lot of quantum states at the atom. Each condition, every person, corresponds to the trend or the possible real form of your behavior in certain circumstances.

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Dream - subjective perception of images (visual, auditory, tactile and other), arising in the consciousness of the sleeping person (presumably, and some other mammals). A dreamy man during sleep usually does not understand what sleeps, and perceives a dream as an objective reality.

The science studying the dreams is called onnerology. Dreams are considered to be associated with the phase of the rapid movement of the eyes (BDG). This stage occurs approximately every 1.5-2 hours of sleep, and its duration gradually extends. It is characterized by the rapid movement of the eyes, the stimulation of Barolic Bridge, rapid breathing and pulse and temporary relaxation of skeletal muscles of the body. Recently, they proved that dreams will shoot and during slow sleep. But only these dreams are shorter and not so emotional.

All people are able to see dreams, but not everyone can remember them after awakening. Some people remember dreams dull and discolored, others, on the contrary - bright and saturated. The statement that people see black and white dreams are connected, rather, in the dream, they do not perceive colors in general, including black and white, but only images of objects. Colorful dreams are usually characteristic of children or people with developed imagination. A special variety of dreams are conscious dreams, in which a person realizes that he sleeps, and sometimes - trying to manage a dream.

Interpretation of dreams

Main article: Onomantia

Cover Dream Interpretation of 1883.

It was believed that the dream brings some encrypted message. As a rule, in ancient and traditional cultures, there was a faith in the fact that this message is related, primarily to the future of man or his environment. Dreams were sent to a person by the highest beings (gods and so on.) It is for this purpose. The interpretation of dreams based on special dreams was engaged in either priests, or special professionals (as, for example, in the countries of the Arab world). So, the Greek dream book II-III century is preserved. e. - "Oneirritic".

Interest in the scientific study of dreams arose with a new force at the end of the 19th of the XX centuries in connection with the rapid development of psychology, physiology and philosophy. A more researchers adhered to the opinion that the dream is a meaningless set of fantastic images that arise in connection with the weakening of the role of consciousness, which takes away the impression of being for the formation of a one-piece picture of the reality and production of certain actions to solve various tasks. In the process of sleep, consciousness does not control these impressions, and they are chaotic mixed and generate fancy images and thoughts. Trying to interpret the dreams, according to these scientists, it does not make sense.

Freudian interpretation of dreams

Main article: Dream Theory Sigmund Freud

Other researchers celebrated a certain pattern of appearance of images in a dream and tried to understand it. Some scientists have expressed the idea that most dream images are associated with unconscious. At the turn of the XIX and XX centuries, these theories were summarized and significantly developed by Sigmund Freud. To analyze the psychological processes that generate dream images, Freud proposed the method of free associations. The picture of sleep is recognized by them insignificant. In his opinion, it is necessary to postpone the dream details and recall everything that, meaningless or meaninglessly, each of them will attract. Any criticism at the time of the detection of associations should be blocked. A lot of thoughts caused to the life of a dream, crossing, form a steady core, followed by Freud by the unspoken desire of consciousness. In other words, he came to the conclusion that the main function of the dream is the exercise of the desires depressed censorship, mainly sexual. At the same time, he clarified that we ourselves could not conscious of these desires or to hide them from themselves, considering obscene or socially dangerous. At the same time, Freud noted: "The more you are engaged in interpretation of dreams, the more you are convinced that most of the dreams of adults are based on sexual character and give an expression of erotic desires." On the other hand, Freuda, a dream, as a rule, does not disclose its sexual sex, and events experienced in a dream may look quite innocent: a trip by rail, a game with a small child, a strange hat.

Yongian interpretation of dreams

see also


In Russian

  • Nechaenko D.A. "Sleep, cherished signs performed": the sacraments of dreams in mythology, world religions and artistic literature. M.: Legal literature, 1991. - 304 p.
  • Malcolm N. Sleep Status. / Lane from English M.: IG "Progress-Culture", 1993. - 176 p.
  • Jung K. G. Memories, dreams, reflections. / Lane with it. Kiev: Airland, 1994. - 405 p.
  • Fromm E. Forgotten language: Introduction to the understanding of dreams, magical fairy tales and myths. / Lane from English Angarsk: Format JSC, 1994. - 161 p.
  • Eliad M. Myths, dreams, Mystery. / Lane from English M.: Refl-Book, 1996. - 288 C.
  • Exegetics dreams: European chronicles of dreams. M.: Eksmo, 2002. - 464 p.
  • Akimov O. E. Pravda about Freud and psychoanalysis. M., 2005. - 279 p.
  • Journey to the depths of consciousness: conversations with Dalai Lama about dream, visions and death. / Lane from English Nizhny Novgorod: Deck, 2005. - 272 p.
  • Beskov I. A. Nature of dreams (epistemological analysis). Wound, in-t philosophy. M., 2005. - 239 p.
  • Zhivitsa E. Yu. Russian tradition of interpretation of dreams // Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. - 2005. - № 1. - P. 158-166.
  • Dreams. Their origin and role in Christian interpretation. M.: Image, 2006. - 128 p.
  • Solovyov V. Explanatory Dreaming Dictionary: Illustrated History of the Dream Civilization. M.: Eksmo, 2006. - 1488 p., Il.
  • Bolshakov I.V. Predestination and interpretation of dreams in ancient Egypt (historical and philosophical aspect). St. Petersburg: Aletia, 2007. - 268 p., Il.
  • Moss R. Secret history of dreams: the value of dreams in various cultures and the lives of famous personalities. / Lane from English St. Petersburg: IG "All", 2010. - 464 p., Il.
  • Nechaenko D.A. The history of literary dreams of the XIX-XX centuries. Dream as a form of culture. M.: University Book, 2011. - 784 p.
  • Nechaenko D.A. "Twelve" as a dream mystery (new on the poetics of the legendary poem Alexander Blok). Our contemporary magazine, M., 2011, No. 8-9.
  • Smirnov T.l "Master of Defencing" Esoteric Dream Interpretation.
  • Kuzina S.V. "Dreams are lying! We understand dreams - we understand ourselves" 2011 AST: Astrel.

In English

  • Malcolm N. Dreaming. London-New York, 1959.
  • Bosnak R. A Little Course in Dreams. NEW YORK: Shambhala Publications, 1998.
  • MOSS R. Dreaming True. NEW YORK: Pocket Books, 2000.
  • Moss R. The Dreamer's Book of The Dead. Rochester: Destiny Books, 2005.
  • Moss R. The Secret History of Dreaming. Printed in Canada, 2009.
  • The Epistemology of Descartes (Fulltext) Classic Philosophy on The Difference Between The Real And The Dream World
  • The International Association For the Study of Dreams Research About Dreams and Dreaming.

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