Oily hair care at home. Useful care products for oily hair, as well as advice from an experienced trichologist

Oily hair creates a lot of problems for their owners. They get dirty quickly. Oily hair begins to look stale a few hours after washing, and the next day it is frankly unattractive - heavy, shiny, stuck together in strands. Frequent washing does not help.

Type testing is very easy. It is enough to run tissue paper through the hair. When you see a greasy mark on it, know that you have an oily hair type. Treatment should be carried out continuously, using simple home procedures. Let's figure out how to care for oily hair.

Usually, the hair and scalp care procedure takes place in several stages:


Water is better to use filtered, boiled or softened with baking soda at room temperature. Wash oily hair twice. Thus, you will first wash off the dirt, and then allow the healing components to be absorbed into the scalp, which will be useful for the roots and hair follicles.

It is good to wash your hair with infusions of plants. Of course, this is extra household chores. Hair may acquire a slightly different shade (temporary), but the effect after several procedures will exceed all your expectations (fat content will decrease, strands will stop falling out, dandruff will disappear).

To prepare a decoction, you need 2 tbsp. herbs or medicinal collection pour 1 liter of boiling water, and then simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Close the pan, and infuse the product for 20 minutes. Then strain and dilute 1:3 with water. Suitable herbs: hop cones, horsetail, calamus roots, nettle, burdock, coltsfoot.


Fair-haired, a weak decoction of chamomile is suitable, dark-haired - nettle, oak bark. You can use special cosmetics aimed at solving problems with excess fat hair. If the hair is very greasy, then for rinsing, you can add ammonia to the water (1 tsp / 1 liter of water).

Oily Hair Nutrition

Homemade masks are so popular and effective that their recipes are often passed down from generation to generation. Treatment is better to start with the use of the simplest masks. This way you can check if you have an allergic reaction to one of the components. Having picked up recipes suitable for you personally, carry out hair wrapping procedures. So, the best homemade masks for oily curls:

  • Mustard mask is especially effective for oily hair (2-3 tablespoons of mustard powder are mixed with the same amount of water, then rubbed into the scalp, held for about 5 minutes and washed off).
  • Kefir mask, applied to the scalp, normalizes the acid reaction.
  • It is good to treat dandruff with oily hair with a burdock mask. It will help to destroy dandruff, strengthen the roots, give curls a glossy shine. You will need: crushed plant roots and olive oil. Mix the ingredients 1: 3, leave for a day, then boil for 15 minutes. over low heat (stirring thoroughly) and strain. The mask is applied in a warm state, after which you should keep it for half an hour, wrapping your head in a towel. After the procedure, you need to thoroughly rinse your hair.

Periodically (between shampooing) rub lemon juice into curls. It is also recommended to use homemade lotions based on herbs (calendula, St. John's wort, eucalyptus, linden, yarrow, pine needles, mint) and glycerin (10:1). There is another way of cooking: 2 tbsp. l. herbs pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, hold for 3 minutes. on low fire. In the strained cooled broth, add 50 ml of camphor alcohol or apple cider vinegar.


The healing properties of essential oils have been known for a long time. Treating the problems inherent in oily hair with their help can be very effective. However, the choice of oils should be approached wisely, otherwise you can get the opposite effect. Home treatments using essential oils normalize the production of sebum. At the same time, they do not overdry the scalp, moisturizing it in the right way. So, for oily hair fit:

  1. Tea tree oil (effectively dissolves excess fat near the roots, which significantly improves their condition). Add a couple of drops to your shampoo right before washing. You can prepare a spray - 5-8 drops / 100 ml of water. Spray the product with a spray bottle on the hair roots 2-3 times a day.
  2. Lavender oil (has an astringent effect, which reduces oiliness of the hair, but does not lead to dryness and brittleness). Hair masks often contain this component.
  3. Lemon oil (known for its active astringent and cleansing properties). It is recommended to use for the purpose of rinsing the scalp. Just dissolve a few drops in warm water. You can add lavender oil to masks.

  • Wash your hair not very often. It is contraindicated by dermatologists and trichologists.
  • Use special shampoos designed for oily hair. Periodically alternate them with others (for example, for volume) so as not to be addictive to active substances. It is desirable that the shampoo does not contain silicone and lanolin. These substances make the hair heavier, as if sticking it together.
  • For shampooing, the optimum temperature is +45 C.
  • Don't brush often. This stimulates the sebaceous glands. For this reason, head massage is unacceptable.
  • Choose a comb with rounded tips made from natural materials. After the procedure, rinse it so as not to transfer fat to clean curls.
  • Hot drying with a hair dryer is contraindicated.
  • Choose the right hairstyle. It is better to make a short haircut or with coarse curls so that the hair does not fit snugly against the scalp.
  • Light chemistry can slow down the salting of curls. Do it no more than 2 times a year.
  • Modern paints have a degreasing effect. But keep in mind that each hair becomes rough during lightening, which is why it absorbs fat more.
  • Use styling products labeled "extra strength". For example, varnish contains special resins that absorb fat. Spray it at the roots, wait a bit and give the hairstyle the desired shape.

Treatment must be systematic!

Eat right

When faced with such a problem as oily hair, treatment should begin with a revision of the diet. It is necessary to exclude or limit the use of:

  • carbohydrates (starch, chocolate, pastries, sugar, etc.);
  • animal fats (meat, eggs, butter, margarine, etc.);
  • coffee;
  • alcohol;
  • canned;
  • smoked meats and spices.

Be sure to eat oatmeal, poultry, cottage cheese and dairy products, fish, fresh fruits / vegetables. A vitamin-mineral complex containing vitamins C and group B, iron, sulfur, cobalt, zinc, copper, and silicon will not be superfluous.

Treatment for oily hair, which is based on patience and competent home procedures, will definitely give a very good result. Carry out oily hair care, following these recommendations, and your curls will be light, fresh and well-groomed.

Unbalanced nutrition, stress and overload, hormonal problems - all these are the causes of increased oily hair. Wearing a hat aggravates the problem even more: normal ventilation is disrupted under the hat, the head easily overheats, sweats, and the skin glands begin to work with a vengeance. Therefore, the hair roots under the cap are very quickly salted. Moreover, hormonal storms in the body of the expectant mother add fuel to the fire.

And why do you need this sebum? In reasonable quantities, it is simply necessary. It is a natural lubricant that protects hair from breakage, adds shine and bounce, and maintains a healthy scalp. But when too much is produced, it becomes a real problem. Let's try to compile a list of ways to properly care for oily hair, which will help to cope with this unpleasant feature of our body.

Oily hair: a special approach

1. The "correct" shampoo. It is very important to choose a shampoo that is right for your hair. Try a shampoo for oily hair. But it may very well be that shampoo for normal hair is also suitable for you. The thing is that under the cap, the hair roots are salted pretty quickly. But the tips that are knocked out from under the cap, on the contrary, become dry from frost. And here it is very important to strike a balance between degreasing and moisturizing. Too aggressive a “degreasing” shampoo can dry out the skin and hair, resulting in even more oily scalp. Opt for soft, quality products designed for daily use. For oily hair, shampoos with extracts of medicinal plants are good: horsetail, nettle, calamus, coltsfoot.

2. Regular care. For oily hair, it is important to wash your hair regularly. You can often hear the opinion that frequent washing is undesirable, that it will only increase the oiliness of the skin and hair. In fact, you need to work out your own schedule and wash your hair as needed. Frequent hair washing for the expectant mother is much less harmful than a bad mood from contemplating her not-too-pretty hairstyle. In addition, the secreted sebum is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria to multiply. And from this point of view, it is also better to wash your hair more often than less often.

Another important point is the temperature of the water. Do not wash your hair with too hot water, no matter how much you want to warm yourself in the shower. Hot water stimulates the sebaceous glands located in the skin, and they begin to work with even greater intensity. Use warm water and rinse your hair with cool water at the end. Also, rinse your hair thoroughly to remove shampoo residue.

3. Balms? Very careful! If the scalp is prone to increased oiliness, use balms and conditioners with caution, and only those that are recommended for oily hair. Oily hair has enough of its own lubrication, so there is no need to additionally lubricate them. If you do use a balm, apply it only to the ends, avoiding the roots of the hair. And, of course, thoroughly rinse off the products applied to the hair. After all, their remains are additional pollution and weighting of the hair.

4. We wipe hair correctly. Turns out that's important too! If you tend to be oily, do not rub your hair too hard. Such a “massage” additionally stimulates the sebaceous glands to secrete even more fat. Dry your hair with gentle blotting motions using a soft towel.

5. Gels - no! Try not to use gels to style your hair. They make hair heavier and make it look greasy. And this “joy” is enough for us without gel. It is better to use a light styling mousse: beat a small amount of foam in the palms of your hands and apply to the hair, slightly lifting it.

6. Hairdryer? Better without it. Drying your hair with a hair dryer is best avoided if possible. If you still need to do styling, dry your hair partially in the air, and then dry it with a hair dryer. When drying, try to use a cool, not a hot blow and do not direct a hot stream of air at the hair roots.

7. Secrets of combing. Oily hair should not be combed too often. Since they begin to be salted from the roots, running a comb through the hair, we distribute sebum from the hair root along the entire length. As a result, the hair becomes dirty much faster. For the same reason, the habit of constantly touching your hair with your hands, scratching your head, and running your fingers over the skin is harmful.

8. We eat right. The work of the sebaceous glands is influenced not only by external influences, but also by how we eat. It is especially important for expectant mothers to monitor their diet. This will positively affect the condition of the hair. Fatty, fried, sweet and overly spicy foods negatively affect the functioning of the skin glands. Flour products in the diet should also be limited. But fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, eat more. Dried fruits are also useful: dried apricots, prunes, raisins, dates. After consulting a doctor, you can supplement the diet with a balanced vitamin and mineral complex.

9. Importance of water. It is important to follow not only a healthy diet, but also a drinking regimen. If there are no contraindications, drink more water. Not juices or compotes, but pure drinking water. Water not only cleanses the body and removes toxins from it, but also makes the scalp and hair healthy.

10. Oil masks. To care for oily hair, paradoxical as it may sound, oil masks are good. Base oils are suitable for such masks: grape seed, coconut, almond, sesame. You can also use essential oils, but be careful with them: some are contraindicated during pregnancy. Of the permitted - oil of lemon, lemon balm, cedar, pine, cypress. Eucalyptus, mint and sage oils are best excluded. For masks, mix a couple of drops of essential oil with any carrier oil. Pure base oils can also be used. Lightly heat the mixture in a water bath and rub the warm oil into the scalp. Put a plastic bag over your hair and leave the mask on for 40-60 minutes. After that, rinse your hair thoroughly with shampoo. It is recommended to carry out such procedures once a week.

11. Henna. It's not just a dye. It is also one of the best natural remedies for strengthening hair. Henna dries out hair and scalp. Therefore, it suits us perfectly. Mix colorless henna (it does not color hair, but only heals) with a glass of natural yogurt. Apply to hair before washing and leave on for 15-30 minutes. It is useful to do this mask twice a week.

12. Magic aloe. The medicinal plant aloe vera, which is often grown on windowsills, is an excellent remedy for oily hair. If you do not have such a plant at home, you can buy aloe juice at a pharmacy. Take 150 ml of shampoo suitable for you, add a tablespoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of aloe juice (freshly squeezed or from a pharmacy) to it. You can wash your hair with such a useful shampoo daily. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for a week.

13. Herbal rinses. After washing your hair, it is useful to rinse your hair with decoctions of herbs. For oily hair, rosemary, linden blossom, oak bark, nettle are suitable. You can brew herbs individually or make a mixture of several. To prepare a decoction, pour two tablespoons of dry grass with a glass of boiling water and insist in a sealed container for 20 minutes. Rinse your head with a cooled and filtered solution after washing. This is the best natural hair conditioner!

14. Beer rinses. Not only beer, but also other alcohol-containing drinks dry the scalp and add shine to the hair. But beer also contains a lot of useful substances, especially B vitamins. You can rinse your head with beer every time after washing. This method of dealing with oily hair was used by our grandmothers. Mix half a glass of beer with two glasses of warm water and rinse your hair after washing. There is no need to rinse your hair with water afterwards.

15. Medicinal vinegar. Another remedy for combating oily scalp also came to us from grandmothers. (There are products that are many, many years old, but they “work” no worse than the modern supernova developments in the cosmetic industry.) We are talking about the most common vinegar. It is able to dry and heal the scalp. Mix two tablespoons of vinegar with a glass of water. Rinse the mixture on wet hair after washing, and then rinse with warm water. No less useful for hair and natural apple cider vinegar. Mix it with water in a ratio of 1:4 and massage the scalp with this mixture. Leave the vinegar on your hair for 5-10 minutes and then rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water. You can do such procedures in courses of 7-10 days.

16. Wonderful lemon. In its drying effect, lemon juice is similar to vinegar. Only smells much nicer and refreshes much better. Therefore, let's try the miraculous power of lemon on our hair. You can use it in different ways. For example, yes. Squeeze the juice of two lemons, mix it with two glasses of distilled water and store the mixture in the refrigerator. After you have washed your hair and patted it dry with a towel, rub the liquid into your scalp. Wash off after 5 minutes. You can do it differently. Cut a lemon in half and rub it over your scalp before washing. After 10-15 minutes, wash your hair in the usual way. It is useful to do such procedures once a week.

17. Helper tea. Tea leaves contain tannins, which have astringent properties and dry out oily skin. For the procedure, you will need black large leaf tea. Brew a tablespoon of tea with a glass of boiling water, let the tea brew properly, cool and apply to the scalp before washing. Wash your hair with shampoo after 10-15 minutes. For greater benefit, oak bark can be added to tea leaves.

18. Egg mask. Egg yolk contains cholesterol, which appears to help reduce sebum production. Therefore, egg masks are very useful for oily hair. Thoroughly mix one egg yolk with a teaspoon of vodka and a teaspoon of water. Rub the mixture into the scalp, wrap your head in a towel and hold for 10-15 minutes. Then wash your hair with shampoo. You can do this procedure 2-3 times a week.

19. Oatmeal mask. Ordinary oatmeal contains a lot of useful substances: trace elements, vitamins, antioxidants. In addition, oatmeal perfectly absorbs oil and soothes irritated scalp. How to prepare a useful healing mask from it? Very simple. Pour a little warm milk into small oatmeal, letting them swell.

In the "porridge" you can add a few drops of vegetable oil and vitamins A and E in the form of oil solutions (sold in a pharmacy). Apply the mask on your head, cover with a film and a towel and leave for 20 minutes. Then wash your hair with shampoo.

20. Baking soda. Recently, there has been a lot of talk about the benefits of baking soda for “alkalinization” of the body. It turns out that it can help in the fight against oily hair. But you need to use soda carefully - it is a rather aggressive substance. Dissolve two or three teaspoons of soda in a liter of warm water and rinse your hair and scalp. Wash your hair after 20 minutes. You can use these rinses 2-3 times a week.

21. Mask with starch. Potato starch has long been known as a drying agent. Let's take advantage of these properties. To prepare the mask, dilute 2 tablespoons of starch with warm water, add 1 teaspoon of honey (if you are not allergic to honey). Apply the mixture on the scalp, and then spread it over the entire length of the hair. Hold for 40 minutes, rinse with warm water. After such a mask, the hair will look not only drier and healthier. Starch gives hair extra volume and makes it more manageable.

22. Baby powder. It happens that our hair does not look too neat due to the increased fat content and we urgently need to put it in order, but there is no time to fully wash our hair. We use a simple, safe and effective way. Apply a little baby powder to the roots of your hair, leave for a couple of minutes, and then thoroughly comb your hair with a brush, removing any remaining powder. The powder quickly absorbs excess fat, giving the hair additional splendor and volume. Instead of powder, you can use flour or potato starch in the same way. Now there are special dry shampoos that operate on the same principle.

The production of sebum is a natural process of the body. The sebaceous glands, which are microscopic exocrine glands in the scalp, secrete an oily substance that protects the hair from harmful impurities. But if the glands produce too much sebum, the result is increased oiliness of the hair. Hypersecretion is caused by various factors. And only when the cause of the problem is eliminated, it is possible to achieve a positive effect in the treatment. In this case, proper care for oily hair plays a special role.

At the initial stage of the fight against excessive fat curls, it is necessary to clearly understand which methods and means exacerbate and which solve the problem.

What can be done:

  • Wash your hair with mild shampoos combined with alkaline detergents. It is good if the shampoo contains: coal tar, selenium, salicylic acid, citrus and starch actives that slow down the process of cell regeneration.
  • Rinse your head with apple cider vinegar diluted in water (1 tablespoon diluted in 0.5 liters of water). Alternatively, lemon juice.
  • Take care of the scalp and curls using astringent lotions (with juniper or rosemary), disinfectants, scrubs based on plant extracts.
  • To quickly get rid of fat, apply baby talcum powder to the hair at the roots. Rub it in first, then comb it out. For use on dark hair, talc is mixed with cocoa.
  • Exercise and take time for daily walks (stress and anxiety greatly affect the appearance of hair).

What not to do:

  • Wash your hair with hot water.
  • Use conditioner (you can use it in small quantities and only at the ends of the hair).
  • When drying, touch the hair dryer to the scalp, close to the hair.
  • Touch your hair with unwashed hands.
  • Use a brush with unclean bristles.
  • Combing hair excessively (this stimulates the overproduction of sebum).

Care rules

In order not to aggravate the problem, washing and styling hair that is prone to oiliness should be done with extreme caution.

How to wash

There is an opinion that the less often you wash your hair, the less the overproduction of fat. Trichologists reject such a statement and recommend doing it whenever the need arises, but with precautions.

Washing method plays a big role. To make your hair less oily, avoid too hot water. Heat causes the risk of skin sweating by acting on the sebaceous glands and stimulating increased sebum production.

The temperature of the water should be moderate, and during the rinse, the last jet is colder. This tones the hair and helps close the scales. For better access to the roots, it is recommended to tilt your head forward.

Before applying the shampoo, do a light scalp massage. Active movements stimulate the secretion of fat. For washing, a small amount of shampoo is enough - about one tablespoon. It is necessary to wash with shampoo only the skin and the basal part of the hair, strands along the length - only with the resulting foam.

The optimal direction is front to back. Do not leave the shampoo for a long time - 1-2 minutes is enough. Since the sebaceous glands are especially active at night, it is better to wash your hair in the morning.

Important! Skip conditioners or apply them only to dry ends by opting for a spray type conditioner. The composition of the product contains silicone - a heavy and oily component that is poorly washed off the hair and accumulates dirt particles from the air.

When drying curls, the hair dryer is adjusted to the lowest temperature and kept at a distance of 15–30 centimeters, not lingering in one area for a long time and moving from the top to the ends of the hair.

How to style

When styling hair, use a plastic or bone comb with large teeth or a brush with natural, loosely grouped hairs. Avoid professional products that stimulate sebum production, such as gel or wax. Preference for products that give volume to the hair:

  • foam;
  • bulk spray;
  • oily hairspray.

Some hairstyles help to veil the problem:

  • wet hair effect
  • braids and weaving;
  • pin-up styling;
  • bunch and bagel;
  • nachos.

Choice of funds

With the problem of oily hair, preference is given to shampoos specifically for this type of hair. They contain powerful cleansers (lauryl sulfates or sulfosuccinates) that regulate sebum secretion, and a small dose of restorative ingredients (like lanolin).

All shampoos contain the same basic ingredients(their categories are largely standardized):

  • primary and secondary surfactants (surfactants) as detergents;
  • viscosity constructor;
  • solvent;
  • conditioning agents;
  • acidity regulator (pH);
  • aesthetic components (perfumes, color) serve more for commercial appeal.

Shampoos are considered safe products, but can irritate and cause contact dermatitis due to allergens in their composition:

  • cocamidopropyl betaine;
  • methylchloroisothiazolinone;
  • formaldehyde releasing preservatives;
  • propylene glycol;
  • tocopherol;
  • parabens;
  • benzophenones.

Shampoos for oily hair contain the following surfactants:

  • lauryl sulfates (sodium lauryl sulfate, triethanolamine lauryl sulfate, ammonium lauryl sulfate);
  • sulfosuccinates (disodium oleamide sulfosuccinate and sodium dioctylsulfosuccinate)

These detergents perfectly remove sebum and dirt, dry the scalp well. Such Shampoos are used once, maximum twice a week. More frequent use will cause hair to become coarse, dull, and prone to tangling. The reason is the electrostatic properties of PVA. Therefore, such shampoos alternate with products for daily use - in which the pH is not higher than 5.5 (pH of the scalp is 5.5, the pH of the hair is 3.67).

Advice. Transparent or translucent products should be chosen, avoiding creamy, formula-rich formulations typical of two-in-one combinations.

Modern shampoos are enriched with such tempting ingredients as vitamins, provitamins, herbal extracts, yeast. However, the time of contact of shampoos with the scalp and hair is too short to expect significant clinical benefits, despite claims to the contrary. Additives serve mainly to differentiate shampoos in terms of marketing requirements.

The only oil that moisturizes hair from the inside is coconut oil. But for it to bring real benefits, you need to leave it on your hair for at least 14 hours.

The definition "sulfate-free" refers to a product without an anionic surfactant and in theory it creates a minimal electrical network. But still, these products contain mild surfactants (sodium cocoamphoacetate, lauryl glucoside, disodium laureth sulfosuccinate , coco glycoside, etc.).

professional tools

Professional shampoos should not be used for daily hair care. They contain ingredients in extremely concentrated forms or special detergents that remove residues of chemicals used in certain hairstyles or hair coloring.

Available in various forms, dry shampoo can be described as a miracle product for oily curls. Dry shampoos contain corn starch, oats or rice, sometimes combined with extracts of nettle, thyme, rosemary. Dry shampoo that evaporates directly on the hairline does not really clean the hair, and neutralize impurities and secretions, regulates excess production of sebum, and has a restorative effect. Therefore, using it on a daily basis would be a mistake, leading to scalp irritation and weakening of the roots.

Pharmacological care:

  • Medicated shampoos that are used for scalp disorders (seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, bacterial or fungal infections), in addition to regular cleansers, contain active agents such as clay, resin derivatives, corticosteroids, salicylic acid, sulfur, selenium sulfide or ketoconazole, iodine complex with polyvinylpyrrolidone, chlorinated phenols or zinc pyrithione.
  • To neutralize excess sebum, finasteride is used (the drug is indicated exclusively for men). It has a therapeutic effect by inhibiting the activity of the enzyme 5 alpha reductase.
  • Drugs for the treatment of oily hair in women include androgen receptor inhibitors (cyproterone acetate, flutamide).

Folk recipes

In addition to shampoos and cleansing treatments at home you can use proven folk remedies. A mask made from products with astringent properties is an excellent tool for detoxifying, disinfecting and clearing excess sebum on the head.

Lemon mask:

  1. Mix natural yogurt, two eggs and two tablespoons of lemon juice.
  2. Apply with gentle massage movements on the scalp.
  3. Leave for fifteen minutes.
  4. Rinse with distilled water, adding a few drops of essential oil (lavender, orange, sage, thyme).

Rosemary rinse:

  1. 4 tablespoons of dried rosemary pour 2 cups of boiled water.
  2. Leave for 20-25 minutes.
  3. Rinse hair with cooled composition.

Lifestyle and nutrition

Under the scalp is a network of blood vessels that nourish the hair follicles and bulbs with minerals. The role of a balanced diet is extremely important, since the health of the hair is directly dependent on the diet. Often, only through proper nutrition it is possible to resolve the problem.

The idea is to eat less animal fat and avoid lipids. This is how excess oil in fried foods enters the body through the skin and hair root, triggering the overproduction of sebum. Industrially processed foods increase insulin levels, stimulate the secretion of androgens, which also increase the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Vitamins and trace elements useful for oily thin curls:

  • B vitamins, especially biotin (vitamin B7). It activates certain enzymes that aid in the metabolism of carbon dioxide, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Lack of biotin intake causes brittleness and hair loss. Sources of vitamin: grain products, liver, egg yolk, soy flour and yeast.
  • B5 (pantothenic acid) gives flexibility, strength and shine to hair and helps prevent hair loss. B6 limits the overproduction of sebum, prevents dandruff.
  • Vitamin B12 helps prevent hair loss.
  • Vitamins A and C regulate sebum and provide a natural conditioner for hair. They are found in dark green vegetables.
  • Vitamins C and E (antioxidants) are also important for hair health. The greatest amount of vitamins in vegetables and fruits.
  • Protein, iron, zinc and biotin contribute to the growth of curls and are found in very large quantities in legumes.
  • Selenium found in nuts.

Avoid alcohol, smoked meats, foods rich in animal fats, white sugar. Prefer high fiber foods, light dairy products, raw fruits and vegetables. Do not forget about sufficient water intake - at least 1.5 liters per day with a neutral or alkaline acidity level. This is a good way to get rid of toxins.

Attention! The aggressive nature of sebum, saturated with acidic toxins, provokes inflammatory conditions.

A diet rich in acids and poor in minerals greatly contributes to the atrophy of the roots and the gradual loss of hair follicles. Especially if stress is added to an unbalanced diet. In addition to cosmetic care and proper nutrition, moderate physical activity or fitness is recommended.

Dangerous symptoms

When the above measures are insufficient to restore the acid-hydrolipid balance of the scalp, it is recommended to seek advice from a trichologist. The specialist prescribes complex trichological procedures that can affect the deeper layers of the skin and affect follicular activity. Laser procedures help, improving vascular vascularization, hampered by the pressure of excess sebum at the follicular level.

With seborrheic dermatitis, self-treatment is unsuccessful and specialist help is required. Symptoms of the disease are oily, inflamed, scaly and itchy scalp, with frequent involvement of the face and neck. The cause of the disease is unclear. But it is believed that it is associated with genetic and environmental factors.

A number of drugs prescribed by a doctor control seborrheic dermatitis. These include antifungals, topical corticosteroids and keratolytics, antiandrogens, and antihistamines.

Useful videos

Proven ways to get rid of oily hair.

Oily hair care.

Oily hair is a big nuisance for many people. Daily washing is a very tedious process and, unfortunately, does not reduce the problem. With this type of hair, you can put up with or try several proven methods.

There can be many reasons for oily scalp, and the most common ones are hormonal disorders, thyroid problems, vitamin deficiencies in the body, malnutrition, and the processes that occur in the body during puberty. To start self-treatment, it is best to consult a doctor and do some research that will determine the origin of the metabolic imbalance.

Change shampoo

When the skin on the face or head is oily all the time, most people try to cleanse it more often, that is, wash it every day, and sometimes twice a day, using various preparations that strongly cleanse shampoos.

Aggressive detergents contained in shampoos, primarily SLS, remove oil from the skin, dry and irritate it. Attacking the skin with a daily dose of strong detergents, owners of oily hair fall into a vicious circle.

Therefore, it is better to start a hair rescue plan with a change in shampoo, which will contain mild detergent ingredients, without silicones and other synthetic additives. It is also a good idea to use two shampoos. Thanks to this trick, the skin does not get used to one remedy, so that its beneficial effect will not be weakened.

For oily scalps, it is also recommended to use black or herbal soap, which brings excellent results. The method of washing oily hair with conditioner has proven itself well. They become smooth, radiant and moisturized, and at the same time very light and voluminous.

A common cause of oily hair is the wrong shampoo and frequent shampooing, which leads to dryness of the epidermis. In this regard, the sebaceous glands begin to work more actively, and therefore there is a rapid pollution of the hair and scalp.

Avoid daily washing

It can be difficult, but it's worth trying to reduce the frequency of washing your hair. Those who belong to the number of people who wash their hair twice a day, it is better to skip the evening shampooing. And in case of daily washing, try washing your hair every other day. After a few days, add another day. It might work!

Also, one of the most common mistakes that most people make when washing their hair is rubbing the shampoo into the skin intensively. For very oily scalp and not only, it is better to do a light massage with your fingertips. It is also important that the shampoo is evenly distributed over the entire surface. Therefore, instead of pouring the shampoo from the bottle directly onto the crown, it is better to first dilute a small amount with water and only then apply it to the head. Use warm, but not hot, water to wash your hair.

Extra care

All kinds of masks, nutrient-rich balms and oils should be applied to the hair before washing. Thanks to this, the hair will not be overloaded after washing.

Natural clays have good absorbent properties, absorbing excess sebum from the skin, cleanse and reduce inflammatory changes. Clays can also be used during washing, diluted with water or added to shampoo. After washing, a light conditioner is allowed, as such products with a high content of oils may be too heavy for oily hair. Wash it off within 1-2 minutes after application.

Make peeling

A gentle scalp scrub regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, cleanses the remnants of cosmetics, removes excess keratinized epidermis, improves blood circulation and lifts the hair at the roots. Such a scrub should be gentle and performed systematically, ideally once a week.

For oily scalp, you can use, for example, a scrub made from shampoo, clay and brown sugar. Adding a few drops of essential oil with a healing effect to the scrub will bring a good effect. For oily skin, sage oil is the best. Rosemary, thyme, geranium and tea tree essential oils are also recommended.

if you are faced with the problem of oily hair - do not abuse the blow-dryer on a strong setting, it is recommended to alternately change the mode from warm to cold

Do not overheat

In addition to proper care, it is also important what products are used for daily styling. Oily scalps do not benefit from hot baths, saunas, and hot air from a hair dryer. If you cannot do without a hair dryer, it is recommended to dry your hair alternately, first with weak warm air, then cool.

Oily hair should not be touched often with your hands, continuously straightening your hair. It is also helpful to wear hats made of natural rather than synthetic fabrics.

It takes time to improve the condition of the hair. Therefore, it is necessary to be patient, change habits, perhaps change cosmetics and the desired result will be achieved.

Hi all! I think every woman in her life faced such a problem as oily hair. It is not very pleasant when you tried, did some kind of hairstyle for a long time, and the next day the hair is not at all voluminous, and has a greasy sheen. It doesn't look very pretty.

Most of the girls face this problem. We will try to find out the reason for this phenomenon and find ways to solve it. Such a problem should be solved comprehensively, and soon you will get rid of the excessive fat content of your hair. If you suffer from this problem, now you will find out what is the care for oily hair.

The process of sebum production is laid down by nature, and this is a normal phenomenon. But if it happens very quickly, then it becomes a problem. Outwardly, it looks absolutely not beautiful and not well-groomed, besides, other troubles follow.

Salo clogs the pores on the scalp, oxygen does not enter the hair follicles, which is why the cells do not breathe. Accordingly, the hair follicles do not receive the necessary amount of oxygen, circulation is disturbed. Therefore, the hairs become thin, weak, and eventually fall out.

Under normal conditions, the average person loses about 100 hairs. But this is considered the norm, since one hair lives for at least 5 years, which means losing so much hair in a day is not scary.

In general, when we say that the hair is oily, we are a little wrong. Only the scalp becomes oily, and pollution from the skin goes to the roots. The most common causes of rapid hair pollution:

  • Improper nutrition can affect the sebaceous glands;
  • Improper hair care;
  • Failure of hormones in the body;

Specific actions should be taken based on the expression of the problem. That is, if the roots become oily within half a day after washing, it is better to immediately consult a doctor.

Hair specialists are called trichologists. Except it is the doctor address to the gastroenterologist and the endocrinologist. So you will definitely find the reason.

How to wash oily hair

This is the most basic in the care of any hair. So, for proper washing, use not very hot and not cold water. It must be warm, otherwise you will only cause excess sebum production, and we just don’t need this.

Shampoo should be specifically for oily hair. Using any other means, for example, for all types of hair, you will not solve your problem. So if you don't already have this shampoo, be sure to buy it. This will be another step towards changing the state of your curls.

Most of the people surveyed use shampoo, for them this is the most important hair care product. But various conditioners, masks and balms are less popular. Only half of the people buy them.

It would seem that if you wash your hair often, you can avoid this problem. But that only makes things worse. The point here is that sebum performs an important function, in a small amount it forms a thin film. Thus, it protects the skin and nourishes it.

When you wash your hair often, this film is washed off, the glands begin to work even more actively and produce fat in even greater quantities. Therefore, try to wash your hair less often, at first, of course, such a picture will not look beautiful.

But after a few weeks, you will notice that it will gradually take a little more time for the production of sebum, which means that the hair will not become oily so quickly.

If your hair is quite long, the roots quickly get oily, and the ends are dry and split, then be sure to use balms or masks. Do not apply them to the scalp, whatever the label says. These funds in this case distribute funds only to the hair itself and the tips.

What products to use for the care of problematic roots?

In the modern world, there are a large number of completely different cosmetic products for the care of different types of hair. It also solves the fat problem. They can reduce sebum production.


Conditioners, masks and balms are very good hair care products. We have already said above that it is the skin that gets oily, not the hair. But why not apply these funds to the scalp? The fact is that they are needed for easy combing, giving curls shine and smoothness.

These products contain silicones. And they just form a film on the skin. This impairs the breathing of the skin, which means the problem will become even more complicated. To prevent this from happening, read the composition, because anything can be written on the labels.


This is the main tool, when choosing which you need to be careful. For oily types, shampoos with extracts of medicinal plants such as green tea, lemon, mint and grapefruit are suitable. Essential oils are also included in some products. Helps to get rid of excess fat clay. Zinc dries the skin well and has an antibacterial effect, which in turn prevents bacteria from multiplying.


Do not forget about cosmetic and essential oils. Essential oils are used with shampoo. Before washing your hair, squeeze out the required amount of shampoo for your hair, drop 2 drops of essential oil there and mix.

To solve the problem of fat content, oils of lemon, cedar, grapefruit, sage and cypress are most suitable. They have a very pleasant aroma and will save you from many problems.

Cosmetics are applied before washing your hair. For fattened roots, grape or peach seed oil, sesame, argan and almond oil are used. They are applied to the skin with massaging movements of the hands, they should be kept for 10 minutes.

After which you need to rinse. By the way, they wash very well. They act by reducing the work of the sebaceous glands. Also, using these oils, you will make your hair shiny and smooth.

Folk remedies

For any problem in traditional medicine, there are a bunch of treatment options. For example, to get rid of excessive oily roots, there is such a way: after the head is washed, rinse the hair with water and vinegar.

More precisely, for one liter of water you need 1 tbsp. l. wine or apple cider vinegar. Rinse all hair thoroughly from the roots with the mixture. There are also many different masks for fat content.

homemade masks. Recipes.

Protein and kefir mask

We will need 1 egg white, which we beat until foamy, and 3 tbsp. l. kefir. Mix these ingredients, the mass will turn out liquid. Therefore, to make it easier to apply, you can pour it into some bottle with a narrow neck or a tube.

So you can apply along the partings and distribute with a sponge along the roots. Hold for a third of an hour and rinse the roots well. Due to the acid, kefir will dry out the skin, that is, it will get rid of excess fat. And protein is good for tightening pores. This mask works well for getting rid of fat.

Cosmetic clay mask

Mix 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar and 2 tbsp. l. green or blue clay. The product is applied to the scalp and lasts 30 minutes. Then it is washed off. This mask should be done 2 times a week for a month. Even shampoo can not be compared in action with clay. It acts on the skin and hair without harm and quickly cleanses them of excess sebum.

Yolk and apple remedy

We rub 1 apple on the smallest grater and squeeze the juice from the pulp through cheesecloth. Add 1 egg yolk and mix until smooth. Use this mask on clean washed hair.

Apply from the roots to about the middle of the curls. Wrap your hair with cling film and a towel. Wash off with warm water after an hour. Due to the fruit substances contained in the apple, it has a regulating effect on the skin.

And the yolk nourishes, moisturizes and saturates the hair follicles with useful substances. By mixing these components, you will get clean, shiny and voluminous hair.

Bread mask

Pour boiling water over the crumb of rye bread for 20 minutes. Then remove excess water, and spread the remaining gruel from roots to ends. Then warm your head, wait an hour and rinse. It also adds shine. It has been used for a very long time.

Aloe and honey remedy

Peel a large aloe leaf, squeeze out the juice. Add 1 tbsp to juice. l. honey and mix until smooth. Gently apply to the scalp, and rinse after 30 minutes. Honey is a natural antiseptic, which contains a lot of vitamins.

Aloe soothes and moisturizes the skin, together aloe and honey work very well on the hair, making it crumbly, light and without unnecessary oil on the skin.

Oily hair is not such a terrible problem, because it is much worse when the curls are too dry. Use all my advice, apply masks and other means together to achieve your goal faster.

You will definitely become the owner of beautiful, silky curls, without any fat at the roots, the main thing is not to forget all the rules of care! Good luck! Bye!

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