Smart and beautiful all in mommy. Children's poems about mom, touching, from his daughter and son, short and long. Talk about mom. N.Sakonskaya

A selection of mothers day poems for kindergarten and school.

Poems about mom, short, for children 2-4 years

Love very mommy

I'm small boy,
But with a huge soul,
I love very mom
She will give flowers!

Moms are relatives

Who kisses our wounds,
Gently wakes up a backup?
These are mother miles,
Good thing you are!

My mum

Many mothers on white light
All their soul love children.
Only mom is alone
Everything is more expensive to me.

Who is she? I will answer:
This is my mom!


Mom is difficult, I know that.
I often help her -
All toys in a row
How to erase her to tell her.

To grow to the table,
I would have been able to do a lot.

Gift mom

Mom I love my mother,
I will give a gift.
I made a gift myself
From paper with paints.

Mom I will give it,
Hugging gentle.

Better mom in the world is not!

His mother's native
In the morning the kiss early
Very gently hug ...

Guess why?
I will open my secret:
"Better mom in the world is not!"

Mine smile!

Nothing Mile
Mamina smile -
As if the sun flames light,
The darkness dispels inhibit!

As if the tail flashes,
gold fish
Joy to heart bring
Mine smile!


Mom sticks,
Mom subjected.
If I praises
That will always forgive.

I'm not afraid of me
No villain.
No good and more
Mommy of mine!

Mom has all the answer

Mom has for all the answer,
For all time grabs:
Loose - not sleeping
Get up: "Hello! Here is milk with cookies. "

And on the table still soars
Large bowl of porridge.
Praised if - encouraging -
Everyone is best my mother!

Mom I love my mother

How I love Saturday,
Mom does not go to work.
You can play with her
And then walk on the street.

Feed the delicious dinner
Then dessert honored
With her in an embrace I sleep firmly,
Mom I love my mother.

So as not to be sad

See what day
Sun in the window.
I want to give Mamule
Joy slightly.

To be in bright, warm day
Mom did not be sad.
To be happy before
It was not enough her.

Poems about mom, short, for children 5-7 years


Mom, Mommy, Mother -
I repeat again and again,
Because I gave
I love Mamulichka

And warm and burned
And comfort and kindness ...
I wonder, respect,
And you, Mamul, love!

When moms were small

When moms were small
They dreamed of adults to become
To beautiful, trendy dresses
Every day to buy yourself.

When moms adults became,
They forgot about what they dreamed.
They buy toys
Dolls, robots, rattles.

Mother best friend

My mom is the best friend,
And pointing girlfriend.
Mom is not afraid at all
No heat or blizzard.

With mom dance and sing
Together MEEM DOOL.
With a cute mommy of my
I wonder everything.

By hand with mom

I go for my hand with my mother,
I smile everything around.
And I keep my back straight
As a pompous turkey.

I am proud of my mother!
It is cozy and warm with it.
And I consider the best!
How lucky me with my mother!

I love mom

Mom brings me
Toys, candy,
But mom love mom
Not at all for it.

Merry songs
She sings
We are bored together
Never happen.

I open it
His all secrets.
But mom love mom
Not only for that.

I love my mother,
I tell you right,
Well, just for
What she is my mom!

Mom can all in the world!

Mom can all in the world!
Mom everyone is proud of children!
Dad is also good,
But without mom you will disappear.

Who does the porridge be tasty?
Who will make a pigtail?
Who will tell me a fairy tale?
Who will sing a song?

On the knee who will fool
If suddenly I fall?
I'll go to my mother to hunt
Without her, I can't!

My mum!

Walk around the whole world around
Just know in advance:
Will not find warmer hands
And tender moms.

Do not find an eye
Gentle and stricter.
Mom to each of us
All people are more expensive.

One hundred ways, roads around
Walk through the light:
Mom is the best friend
Better mom - no!


Mom, very, very
I love you!
So I love that at night
In the dark, I do not sleep.

I look in the dark
I'm everything you think
Mommy, love!

So the zoap shines.
Here is already pass.
Hiking in the world
Better mom is not.

Native Mom

When I wake up in the morning,
I hurry to you, my mother,
With a glance, I meet yours,
So that morning became the best.

You gently hug me,
Prepare breakfast every day
It happens, you scold a little,
When to help you too lazy.

But I know - you love me,
And I love you in response,
Always with me you will be,
Give me happiness, joy, light!

My mommy!

Warm cares and warm
Love, tenderness, good,
Will help me believe in a fairy tale
I will give joy to me and affection.

From his forehead my hair will smell,
And look happiness will bring
Return me very gently
With a smile forever serene.

And I will understand that there is no light
Of the one who is closer to all of us, children,
Will go to everything for me
My mother's mother!


This happens -
The dog climbs
Rose hips
Nettle is horrid.

And at night you will dream
Huge pit.
Falling, dig:
- Mum!

And mom will appear
Next to me
And all that scarecrow,
Will passed by the party.

She will smile -
Disappeared by the offenses,
Scratches, abrasions,
Bitter tears…

"What lucky! -
I'll think about
That the best mom is -

Poems for Mother's Day at school

Mom means life!

Mom - it means tenderness,
It is caressing, kindness,
Mom is serenity,
This is joy, beauty!

Mom is a fairy tale at night,
This morning dawn,
Mom - in a difficult hour Tip,
This is wisdom and advice!

Mom is a summer greens,
It is snow, autumn leaf,
Mom is a ray of light,
Mom - this means life!

Moms love us not for something, but just

Only moms love us not for something, but simply,
Just because we are, we live
Only we go to the Mama on important issues,
Only they are their troubles, I carry problems.

We dedicate to Mama successes, victory,
And on the day of the mother, in the holiday of love,
We wish that all troubles were passed,
So that their children are just happiness.

I so want mom smiles

I so want mom smiles,
So that in life is never sad,
To always you all managed,
So as you not recognize you that there is a trouble.

On Mother's Day, Favorite, I wish,
So that you stay forever!
You dedicate these lines -
Beautiful mother, gentle and native!

Favorite Mama

Favorite mom, congratulations on you,
In the day of the mother of happiness, I wish my health.
You in my heart, even if in the separation,
I always remember your gentle hands.

Let every day be filled with light,
Love relatives be as the sun, Sogret.
Sorry, at times you grieved,
Believe that I am unwitting ... I am stirring myself.

Song about mom

You know, mom, day ordinary
Without you, we can not live!
The word mom is so familiar
From the first days to us!

It is only worth looking, -
The whole world will be warmed around
Heat Mamina Heart
Gentle, good hands ...

Our troubles and adversity
Retreat before you
Everything is clear to us every year
How do you behave for us!

Mom, - there is no more expensive -
You believe in our every takeoff!
Who else, how will you help?!
Who else, how do you understand?!

Best in the light of Mom

Who opened me this world
Do not regret your strength?
And always faithful?
The best mom is the best.

Who is in the light of all nail
And warmly warm it,
Loves more than yourself?
This is my mom.

Books in the evening reads
And always understands everything
Even if I'm stubborn,
I know my mother loves me.

Never dips
What I need, knows exactly.
If, suddenly, the drama will happen,
Who will support? My mother.

I walk along the track,
But my legs are tired.
Jump over a pit
Who will help? I know my mother.

The will of fate is one young mother,
The son gave birth on the pelight straight.
I barely managed to get to the bridge.

But none here is the soul on the mile!
There was no one to help call.
Intuitively unfortunate mother
Births herself took.
In the lush skirts of the Pelenal Child,
And, warming, pressed to the chest!
The sweat of the latter with myself,
Son covered, hugged loving ...
It could not arouse this
In the morning, the spouses, that was found dead,
Mom, warming my son.
And amazing: he was alive!
Mom, they have a bridge at the bridge,
And the boy was adopted.
This couple did not open anyone,
That, then the child was not native.
Spoke surprised quarter:
- That's the childless God of the Son sent!
The boy happy has grown up!
Will loved, often in the field walked.
Just where he didn't walk to walk,
The bridge is his old all the time manil.
He sat for a long time, fish caught.
The river overlooked was small
But he was so good here.
From the church going, all to the bridge he sought
As if God was blessed here.
Quietly laughed and crying prayed,
Flowers to an unfamiliar grave Loaded:
"After all, there lived a man and loved someone !!!"
When, it became serious, he became serious
Father in the field Pure Son called:
- "I have to open one mystery!
So you calmly live old age.
Mother died, he could not say;
Yes, I am not a father, but she is not a mother! "
Led to that familiar grave, to the bridge,
And told the whole story of the:
"Goals twenty back, in January
There was such a blizzard in the yard.
We were walking on a wagon with my wife,
Near the bridge here, suddenly saw
Son's woman pressed to heart,
Newborn, and did not breathe
We shovenly - here is a holmik in silence,
Here your mother lies your mother.
Mystery from all we then shoveli
Due to the fact that there were childless!
Life is obliged not to us, son,
- God that in the maternal arms saved!
We also sent you to save,
Taking from the cold, frozen land.
I remember we cried, as they saw,
That mother's mother wrapped you
The warmth of his tender love was warmed.
She removed everything, and even underwear -
Huck up the calf, son, yours.
And, half-lit, very loving,
The breath warmed you.
So you came to her on a date,
In place of your womb.
Resting mom, son, here is yours,
Wait, worship. I'll go home! "
Miscellaneous dizzy over the field.
But he shouted louder: "I saved me,
- Favorite, kind, my mother!
Oh, what kind of native, I will repay you?
You were Zyabko, you frozen,
But, I removed everything from myself, you saved me.
Your love is my sacrificent, poor mother,
You can't revive you, lift!
Even do nothing to do nothing
But your holmik I will warm! Ice! "
And next passersogue was raised, frozen,
How crying, removing all the clothes, under
That hormick hugged and sobbed,
Mamu, how could he warmed!

Oh, children, hurry, hurry soon
And my mother hug your stronger!
While Mom lives and always waiting for you,
Sogly her, how she warmed up!
In all you will help, I will not betray forever,
All the best you, your children, will give.
And if the hour is difficult one day comes,
That mother will protect and save.

Short 12.

Mine kindness

Mom - Good with us,
Never get angry with us
Soon in the very first class
We will go to learn
Only on "4", "5",
Mom does not happen strict
Mom will help
After all then lessons!


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Create postcard

Mom best with us!

Mom is our best
Very, very necessary:
Wrong?! - nonsense,
She will cure her!

If someone is offended,
Mom will figure out!
Mom will always see everything
Everything will understand and everyone will forgive!


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Create postcard

My mom is best!

My mom is best:
Beautiful and kinder!
As I love my mother's laughter,
Than all of all he is more fun!

As I love Mine Cake,
He all sweets are tastier!
We go to sports with my mother,
There is no stronger in the world!


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Create postcard

No better in the world of this
With whom the kid covered,
Your mother, dear,
The most tender, golden.
She will always be near
Warming up a favorite look
She loves only you
Mom, mommy, your.


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Create postcard

Mine hand

In the sky blue clouds
So look like horses,
Also Mine Hand
Sweest even chocolates!

Strokes gently every day
And regrets very often!
How shameting me now
To offend her in vain!


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Create postcard

Mom - Master!

Our mother is a master:
Loves to feed us delicious
Knit sweaters on the spokes
Us to teach us
For pumping will not punish
Only lightly love!
Fairy tale in front of sleep will tell
And the whole house sleeps calmly!


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Create postcard

Her name is "Mom"!

House walking
With pots in hand
To the table invites
Bars on his hands!

We read books,
Plays always
She does not offend
You never!

Who is this?
Do you know everything?
Her name is "Mom"!
I need her!

Poems about mom for children 5-6 years

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Create postcard

Just "Mom"!

In the north somewhere
Santa Claus lives
Gifts he gives
All children!
And he is not that
Presented, so well,
But on the letter
I answered:

"My dear friend!
You are the best, believe
But I do not give a mind
You want what you want
But you wait and believe
One day you will understand
And jump,
After all, the holiday is not there
Where gifts mountain,
Your best gift
With you!
It's fun with him, you know
Everywhere and always
He strokes Tikonko
See not in the window
I'm not there, look straight!
Me, my son,
The name is simple: "Mom"! "


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Poems mom

For babies

This is mom

E. Rannev

Mom I draw,
Nice native
Modnitsa, Beauty,
And I do not like my sister.
He says that is not like.
But I am a stronghold: "Well, and what?"
Under my drawing right
I will write "this mom"!


D. Popov

Mom sticks,
Mom subjected.
If I praises
That will always forgive.
I'm not afraid of me
No villain.
No good and more
Mommy of mine!

Vasuchka with flowers

T. Shuragin

I paint in the album
Wildflower bouquet,
Will be festive in the house,
As if the sun flashes light.
Neatly I paint
Vidnik, stem, petal,
To become brighter and beautiful
Each small flower.
This vase with flowers
I will give my beloved mother!



I'm falling next to my mother,
To her cilias.
You, cilia, do not blink,
Mommy will not wake up!

Gift mom

T. Volgin

I threw in the field
Blue flowers,
Bring as a gift
Mom dear.
I'm on the dress
Mom joking.
Most of all in the world
Mom I love!

Mine smile

T. Shuragin

Nothing Mile
Mamina smile -
As if the sun flames light,
The darkness dispels inhibit!
As if the tail flashes,
Gold fish -
The joy of heart will bring
Mine smile!

What to do with mom?

E. Rannev

What to do with mom, I do not know
All day erases, knits, sews,
And I will not read the fairy tale
Do not make me a plane.
Although mom is my best friend,
Today with her a little bored ...
I am a loan myself,
And mom is tightly hugging.

Mom - my favorite friend

T. Shuragin

As if turquoise -
Mamina Eyes,
Clear and clean,
Good, radiant.
As if the asterisks are burning,
Illuminating everything around
And with me they say:
Mom - my favorite friend!


V. Romu

Many moms on white light.
All their soul love children.
Only mom is one -
Everything is more expensive to me.
Who is she? I will answer:
This is my mom!

Gift mommy

A. Usachev

Gift Momchka ready -
Big big bouquet of flowers.
I drew him half a day ...
Well, a kiss more me!

Who is loved by everyone in the world?

K. Kubilinskas

Who is loved by everyone in the world?
This will immediately say, children:
Walk the whole white light
Better mom in the world is not!


V. Stepanov

I will take pencils
Drawn lan-dyi.
Then put them in the vase
And Nalu in her water ...
I will give my mom immediately
And drawing, and flowers.

Gift mom

O. Chusovitin

Mom I love my mother,
I will give a gift.
I made a gift myself
From paper with paints.
Mom I will give it,
Hugging gentle.


Mom brings me
Toys, candy,
But mom love mom
Not at all for it.

Cheerful songs
She sings
We are bored together
Never happen.

I open it
His all secrets.
But mom love mom
Not only for that.

I love my mother,
I tell you right,
Well, just for
What she is my mom!

Mother's portrait


I traveled glass and frame
Because in the frame - Mom.
I am a stubble I frame:
I really love my mother!

Take care of mom!

If mom's mom is not,
Very, very sad.
If your mom is not long,
That lunch tasteless.
If your mom is not near,
Hull in the apartment,
If mom is not close,
Bad in the whole world.
If mom is far away,
It's not easy for children.
I will tell you right:
- Take care of mom!

With mom in the city

S. Wenty

When I'm around the city
I go with my mother,
By hand mom
I hold hard:
Why is it
Go and be afraid
What can she



Here is a snowdrop in the meadow,
I found it.
Hold a snowdrop Mom,
Although not flourished.
And me with a flower so gently
Mom hugged
That my snowdrop revealed
From its heat.

In this selection of poems, the most touching, beautiful and short poars about mom and the quatrain about mom are collected. Mom - the most expensive and beloved person for the baby! The poems presented below can be learned with the child to the day of the mother or use for the thematic filling of the feast of the mother's day in kindergarten. All these rhymes about mom are focused on children of the younger kindergarten group and are suitable for learning with a child from two to four years.

Mommy gift

O. Chusovitin

From colored paper
I will cut a piece.
I'll do from it
Little flower.

Mommy gift
I'll cook.
The most beautiful
Mom I have!


Who is me
Song will sing?
Who is a shirt
I will link?
Who is me
Feed delicious?
Who laugh
Louder than everyone
My heard
Call laughter?
Who is sad
When I'm sad?..


I'm falling next to my mother,
To her eyelashes.
You, eyelashes, do not blink,
Mommy will not wake.

What is happiness?

Here I am already
Doros before summer
I lived days
- Do not count.
Now I know:
Happiness -
Peg up
And read!


E. Safronova

Who is in the light of all mile?
And who in the world is more painful?
The best friend of children -
This is our mother!

Not from daisies, not from lilies

N. Klyuva

Not from daisies, not from lilies
I want to collect a big bouquet,
I want to hand my mom is cute
With flowers Sunny dawn.

My mum

Many mothers on white light
All their souls love children
Only mom is alone
Everything is more expensive to me.
Who is she? I will answer:
This is my mom.

Mother's portrait

I protrace glass and frame,
Because in the frame - Mom.
I am a stubble I frame:
I really love my mother!

Mother's work I'm shore

N. Grozovsky

Mother's work I'm shore,
Helping than I can.
Today Mom for lunch
Prepared Cotlet
And said:
"Listen, reversing, attempt!"
I hid a little
Isn't a submow?


E. Stekryshov

Bulgarian apple
There is one I will not become
Half apple
I will give your favorite mom.

How many stars on the clear sky!

How many stars on the clear sky!
How many spikelets in the fields!
How many songs in the bird!
How many leaves on the branches!
Only the sun is one in the world.
Only mom is one in the world.

When I walk around the city with my mother

S. Wenty

When I walk around the city with my mother,
For my hand, I hold my mother tightly:
Why should she go and be afraid
What can she get lost?


I told my mother:
- Do not go far!
Tears are poured
If you are far ...
Suddenly you dense in the forest
And from me far!
Better, just in case
Do not go far.